#idk they're just fun to do while waiting for stuff like for dinner to be done
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Just ate mold n i was like “OH YEAH YUUKEI YIKES I LOVE THAT GUY”
also i was thinking about harutaka. Plauged with visions as i am. And i had this moment like “WAIT !!!” Bc who the HELL is cooking in that house ???
takane. Cannot cook. And i know like haruka SEEMS like he could cook but like. Hes an artist + hospital. Idk dude i wanna know your thoughts on it
you ate WHAT. ARE YOU ALRIGHT. is the mold eating related to you thinking of me. its just...the first bit of this ask disconcerted me so much.
also my very studied smart correct answer to ur harutaka inquiry that will definitely go insane about domestic harutaka in general: takane can't cook, haruka learns.
youd be right haruka cant cook but he LEARNS. haruka and kido bonding sitcom episode is real to me.
yeah haruka could learn from ayano who he's closer to but I'm delusional abt haruka asking kido, seeing it as a way to approach them and become closer. i think haruka has his little adventure arc where he gets close to everyone in the dan with little bonding moments... kido likes haruka bc he's very chill and it makes them a bit emo about konoha, but spending that time with him allows them to separate the two more properly in their head... konoha was in the kitchen a lot with them, following them around and asking when food was gonna be ready or getting to snack on anything kido was cutting. haruka is more active, asks questions and seems so interested. but he's also asking for little samples like konoha used too hehe.. neither is better than the other it's just different yet similar people. kido is happy to hang out with haruka :3
sorry. that aside. back to harutaka. yeah i think haruka can cook. but he DEFINITELY learns!!! he definitely had no clue how to. he mentions having a live in helper to make meals and chores lmaoooo this guy is the worst i wonder if he's ever done a dish in his life. takane thinking haruka is flawless then moves in with him and Realises and she's like 😐oh my god. (this is an exaggeration takane does Not think haruka is perfect anyways moving on)
ofc takane is very messy too but like from the little bit we got from her grandma (1. GET UP ALREADY UR GONNA BE LATE. 2. STOP WASTING TIME ON VIDEOGAMES. 3. what do u want for lunch :3) i think takane is... spoiled or just ig standard? idk what to call it. i mean in the sense she probably got a lot of her stuff done by the adult in her life. but unlike haruka who has a dismissive father who pays someone to keep the house together LOL, takane has her actual caretaker and i think miss grandma sounds like the kind who's a little strict and would keep takane very aware of chores and was strict enough to make her do at least some. so takane's actually got a lot more tools/skills/conscience for living alone than haruka. like she will do the dishes while haruka unconsciously waits for them to magically do themselves
haruka in general isnt super familiar with Domestic Life because he grew up basically alone, with a stranger doing all the chores and also spent a lot of time at the hospital (sorry for linking a 2014 pre novel 6 fanfiction dot net fanfic but THISSS fanfic❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ about haruka's feelings on what Home is... is still very dear to me)
Haruka and takane moving in together they are WINGING IT but they have fun. they're like No rules🔥🔥🔥we eat pizza everyday. they eat a lot of takeout and instant food even if haruka can cook bc takane is a picky eater and haruka doesn't always have the energy to cook. haruka and takane work from home according to me myself and i, and their Time Of The Day management is awful. their life is quarantine life. they never... properly organize meals. haruka will always remember lunch and dinner but maybe he wont be in the mood to be like omg maybe i can whip up something quick :3 *starts cutting onions* nah. he's making an everything sandwich and going back to drawing!!!! i also think kido tends to make food for everyone. haruka is one of the only dan members who actually gives kido their tupperwares back without a miss because haruka is very thankful/excited for kido to bring food (notorious tupperware thiefs are kano and shintaro)
anyways. domestic harutaka. theyre the worst. like i know haruka going boywife mode for takane is funny but i dont think he does that immediately. he's got pics to draw dammit. i feel like they live in this small ass apartment and they have never made their bed in their whole life. and if they have futon mattresses they are just never picked up and constantly in the way👍 haruka definitely catches up and discovers vacuuming and putting away the dishes when they're dry but it takes him a second. listen its tough being in ur 20s when last week you were dead and you didnt think youd live to see adulthood!!!! but the bliss of a domestic life with ur s/o gives haruka the power to step up. i believe in him.
OH im also delusional they move with takane's grandma after a few years because um um um *runs away* im delusional!! takane mentions living in a house so that lady is in a house all by herselffff????? i feel so bad for her takane please go back to ur grandma. i think post str when takane reunites with grandma she totally moves back home but kind of immediately moves out again to move in with haruka and grandma's like oh💔
i i think i think i think um um ithink in their mid twenties they move with her cuz grandma is old and takane wants to take care of her.... teeheee. by then haruka's fine with cooking and both are ok with house chores but they probably still get spoiled a bit by grandma once they move in 🙏🙏🙏 that lady loves haruka i know so. sorry btw i got so off topic. i saw the chance to talk domestic harutaka and ran with it. also if youve followed me for a while u know i have a delusional fankid i totally think grandma is living at home too if/when they have a kid. sorry im making myself emo *punches wall* baby konoha.whoa im going so off topic sorry im so normal
sorry for my very delusional reply that was abt everything and nothing at once. also dont eat mold
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lemonadesoda · 9 months
It's been a while since I've aimlessly rambled about my ocs because it's been a rather difficult season and I had been struggling with creative block for most of it which has only recently broken for me (only to be interrupted by a great deal of real life things).
Tbh it's also been an internal fight of me wanting to make more regular creative posts bc it just is fun to share that stuff instead of keeping it private or to a single discord chat vs the feeling that it doesn't really make a difference if i post it or not so why bother. Now that life has eased up a little again, I will once again try to actually blog on my blog.
Things I've been dabbling in lately:
I made a dreamwidth a while back but never advertised it. Haven't updated it in a while either, but I hope to put more things on it, hopefully more original concepts and such, but links to my fanfics are the main thing there for now. Find it [here]
Currently working on: a somewhat long short story reflecting on Lemel's aroace identity and the relationships that illustrated their journey with that. (Icarusverse canon)
Random AUs as usual. Predominant ones lately have been the Fae AU where Tevane is a fae prince who Lemel, a botanist, and their young apprentice Jose (@doodleimprovement) meet and befriend in the nearby forest. DnDads AU, haven't written anything for that because I have been paywalled spoilerwalled from much of the content on account of not being caught up yet. Tevane joins with Jammy (@jam-blue), Cassius (@banyanas) and Azar (@rindomness) on a journey in the Forgotten Realms to seek the people they lost there.
Lots of thinky thoughts on character interactions because that is my one true obsession. There's a lot of text in a google doc that's literally just the play by play of various conversations between my guys that's very indulgent but not really the meat of any particular narrative so. Lol idk if anyone wants to see any of that. I can basically infinitely write character interactions as a hobby. Like, stories have to pull the plot and narrative relevant stuff only, but I'm always fixated on the little conversations that happen behind the scenes, the small talk off camera where you know a lot of relationship building is actually happening. What do they talk about when they're walking to the next plot point? When they're eating dinner together, or getting ready for bed, or waiting for the train? Fascinating stuff to me. Boring for a story tho. What can ya do
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antiphon · 2 years
ok and now 6x04 (I had to do chores and make dinner but you can't get rid of me for long, alas)
this cw is very this show
oh right explosion
"antifa or the militia" again I really hate this show's approach to this specific thing
diane is like let's fuck
eli recognizes a car bomb
the judges are all like "whatever they'll tell us when to leave" like they're gonna have plenty of notice
calling it now: eli does not have the patience to respond to all these questions with the 5th without being like "oh please" at some point
oh hello frank landau, person who only shows up to be annoying
"I didn't do this because there's no proof I did this" is extremely eli of him
Liz's "okay, we will definitely consider that" to prioritizing relationships with Black churches lmao
"the money's not there" while they had their best quarter in a million years? explain
the marissa eli relationship just looks so fun for both of those actors
ah yes we have white hair doctor in diane's bed only mildly hallucinated and only mildly getting her off
hi treadmill liz
here's the thing: liz saying "what the fuck are you doing" is great and audra mcdonald's line reading is excellent but it is severly overshadowed by that one time adrian said "liz liz liz what the fuck are you doiiiiiing" and it was the most memorable line reading that has ever happened on this show
this suit is very tweed though adrian would never
"well that's just good branding liz"
liz being so over him is so valid and I love when they let Audra Mcdonald A C T lmao
"what are you, 8?"
when the judge is telling marissa not to swear and eli's got his mouth open to speak but the judge says he can't swear either so he closes it lmao
the house full of kids lmao I assume they are not all his but it does make me think of that time my friend (who's Black, relevant context not for the Ri'Chard association but for the statement) told me she and her wife were going to have, and I quote, "a pantheon of rainbow babies"
oh no work wife. and then he feeds her sauce on a spoon.
he couldn't get divorced because he has trouble ending things? what a thing to say in the presence of the person who may well be his wife lmao
poor carmen is stuck at this fundraiser? carmen deserves better
hahahaha julius is also at the fundraiser lmao
carmen's cutting look at marissa in credible
diane's white hair doctor is here. do doctors socialize with their patients?
marissa. orders. a. screwdriver. incredible again.
oh. well. that sure happened.
we just missed any conversation that might have happened between ri'chard and liz. if any conversation happened with all those people there. oh but liz is stuck here. that's...........well what she says about it is "oh, God" lmao
eli thinking he has to confess (anything) is not believable even after the most traumatic experience sorry
why doesn't marissa go with eli when the cops want to talk to him? she's his LAWYER
omg liz got through that whole dinner and doesn't know which one ri'chard is married to so I don't feel bad about it at all now. wait they're in a chill polyam house? wait if this is just some platonic shared childrearing that would be legitimately delightful. if these were real people I would not feel entitled to know further details of their life situation but they are made up and I am curious lol
he tells her something about him so she says "while we're bearing our souls to each other" and asks him something else about him lmao
this story about his dream job with the partner dressing him down is going to be about carl reddick
the judge was really like "you make a compelling argument (that eli gold benefited from frank landau's murder so he should lose rights)"
richard's windowpane suit. is so windowpane.
called it re carl reddick
liz and marissa: teamup of the daddy issues
can't she take the 5th on everything. if they're gonna ask her about stuff she did? idk laws lmao
eli has finally raised the possibility that this was not the worst time in all of history. they're all like "the world now" "how things are now" he's like I mean
oh no they said the show title
diane is a petulant child
well now we know what some of the protesters are here for so there's that. again, and this is the same drum I've been beating all season but now I have more information to beat it with, if the protesters are antisemitic then (a) they're also gonna be real racist and the firm should be taking way bigger steps for the security of staff, like, uh, not making them come in when remote work exists, and (b) being ambiguously like "the protests" rather than "oh yeah the people who are threatening at least some of our staff" is a weird motherfucking choice!
speaking of weird choices, having marissa's prayer end and the protesters get louder is one. not saying it's wrong but it's notable, I guess.
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gallus-rising · 6 months
for p1: current favorite ship/first favorite ship and p2 current favorite character/first favorite character. also top 5 pokemon for 3
i'm afraid i can't give you first fav ship/character since my memory is terrible and also i'm probably over thinking it and trying to go too far back 😔 first fav character was assuredly someone from Digimon tho lol
ok under the cut because it got longish lol
current favorite ship: currently suffering from ekumob brainrot 😔
when I started shipping it if I did:
ok their friendship was already very important to me but when the broccoil arc was animated?? idk for some reason that Activated something in me..... there was also this one popular fanartist on twt who's since moved on from mp100 that def contributed. no idea where they are now but i hope they're doing well 🙏
my thoughts:
oh god we'll be here all day. they r. Good
What makes me happy about them:
hhhng human/monster ships always make me happy just because (´ ∀ ` *) but something specific to them is the slowbuild trust between them?? most of my ships are built on canon friendship stuff and mp100's platonic relationships are particularly good. i wouldn't be able to properly describe it w/o going into full series meta lol but this is a good place to start probably
What makes me sad about them:
we all know that mortal/immortal pairings never end well :']
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
there isn't enough fic for them for this to rly be applicable :''']
things I look for in fanfic:
thing i'm desperate for in both fic and art is ghost Dimple. get that claw guy outta here he is a mere means to an end
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
ekurei is always fun but Mob is aro to me u-u i'm shipping him in an aro way. i promise it makes since in my head
My happily ever after for them:
just very chill living together. Mob seemingly lives alone and his normal friends feel a lil bad for him and try to set him up w someone every once and a while but Mob always politely declines. when Mob is busy Dimple spends time with the extended S&S crew because those are his fwiends 🥺 sometimes Dimple is gone for a few days but he always comes back home <3
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
depends on whether Dimple is in Big Ghost mode or Little Ghost mode lol but i feel like they both equally enjoy either role
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Mob astral projecting so Dimple can possess his body and do the sorts of normal human things he misses. just. small ghost Mob hanging out while Dimple goes on a walk or has dinner or takes a bath or w/e. also. small ghost cuddles 🥺 tiny ghost Mob and tiny ghost Dimple snuggling 🥺🥺 Mob's unconscious body is about 5 feet away ig
current favorite character: bouncing around between various Dungeon Meshi characters atm but let's go with Laois
How I feel about this character:
autism to autism communication
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
no one. he is aroace to me u-u
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i don't say this lightly but the Touden party is the found family of all time oh my GOD
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
as an autistic/autistic-coded characters he is ofc subject to Pure Sunshine Syndrome UwU so most of my unpopular opinions are just canon facts lmao. he's very smart and a capable leader, charisma is just his dump stat
also i know someone wrote a meta post explaining this way better but Laios is just so angry. the post was mostly about how in most media the character who is autistic misreads the social situation is always in the wrong. the character must always realize they've committed a horrible social taboo and eventually apologize to everyone for their bad behavior. but Dugeon Meshi lets Laios be angry. like yeah!! why didn't ppl just explain things to him?? he gets mad when other ppl pretend to get along w him but actually dislike him and are waiting for him to get a clue. so yeah, Laios is a chill guy but underneath that he is just so angry at the world all the time. he's pissed off ppl treat him like a freak for acting sincerely, he's pissed off ppl treat his sister like a freak for her natural talents, and Kabru is super valid and right for assuming that Laios hates humanity bc he kinda does a lil (tho not to the extent that Kabru thought ofc)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
let him have fangs and glowly cat eyes and all that. he needs to live out his furry/otherkin dreams.
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
you know what???? Venom.
a headcanon fact:
top 5 favorite pokemon: hhhhng picking just 5 is v difficult so consider this incomplete. listed in no particular order because i'm bad at that 😔
turtwig line. i yelled when the Big Torts appeared in Detective Pikachu
porygon line. split line evo where you can evolve proygon2 into porygon3 which is stated for Sp. Def vs porygon-z's Sp. Atk WHEN!!!!
pidove line. fav regional bird. unfezant is Peak bird design
smugleaf snivy line. it's a skink that evolves into a legless lizard what's not to love??
klefki. L + Ratio + Prankster + Thunder Wave + Spikes + Dual Screens + Light Clay. Taunt users DNI
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yardsards · 2 years
people really seemed to enjoy my other posts about amity with alador's nose, and these edits are kinda fun to create and don't take very long, so here are some more (season 1 edition)
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also i tried out editing the twins too in that last one but it didn't end up looking as good as i wanted
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s2 edition here
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mochi-marie · 4 years
hello! I would like to request a haikyuu matchup please :D (I apologize in advance if I write too much aksjk hopefully it'll make it easier to match me up?)
1) I'm a straight female and use she/her pronouns
2) I'm about 5'6", have straight brown hair (my friend says it looks orange-ish in the sunlight??), brown eyes, and I've been told that I'm kinda pale (but unfortunately flush easily lol).
As for things that make me stand out, I have patches of eczema littered all over my skin. I have a few on my hands and wrists and even though ik they're not a good thing and of course would much prefer not having eczema, I kinda like that it makes me unique. I also have round glasses (my eyesight is extremely bad ㅠㅠ), wear a lot of black, and recently have been wearing this tan overcoat everytime I go out bc it's big and comfy. oh, and I've always loved black low-top converse!
I'm overweight so I'm kinda insecure about my physical appearance, but I've been dealing with it for so long that ig I've come to terms with it and have just accepted that this is how I am (but I have been trying to exercise... >_>)
3) I'm a gemini, istp-t, and enneagram type 5. I think I treat people how they treat me; if someone doesn't talk to me, I probably won't talk to them unless necessary, and if someone is very friendly and nice to me, I'll be a bit more open and talk more. I'm usually pretty reserved and go with the flow, but around people I'm more comfortable with I can be very sarcastic and playful. I'm kinda a mom/therapist friend. I'm very lazy and an expert procrastinater (I do what's necessary in the most efficient way possible, unless it's something that I enjoy).
Some things I enjoy: cooking & baking, arts & crafts, reading, sketching, 80s music, watching anime/tv/movies (especially crime, mystery, and thriller), and photography (as far as taking scenic photos with my phone goes lmao). idk if this counts as interests, but I'm planning on majoring in business administration and accounting. and as for my clothing style, I currently dress for comfort bc I'm always inside, but if I get a chance to redo my wardrobe I'd like to dress in a style more like dark academia/comfy casual? I have no idea if those are the right words to describe it 😅
4) I'm pretty sure my love language is physical touch, but I also really enjoy receiving spontaneous gifts or stuff I've been wanting (and money lmao I'm a big saver)! I've never been in a relationship, but I know I would definitely have to be friends with someone before even considering a serious romantic relationship, so I would ideally be comfortable around them already. I have a tendency to bottle up my emotions and I'm honestly a bit of a tsundere, so I think I might be shy in voicing my wants/initiating things. as for my type, I would prefer someone tall, mature but able to be playful and can take a joke (I sometimes use "idiot" as a term of endearment sksj I can be kinda mean sometimes tbh), patient since I'll take a while to open up, and ideally ambitious and willing to take initiative (bonus points if they're able to keep up with my sarcastic banter!)
5) I definitely like to sleep in, but if I need to wake up early and I can do so relatively easily. ig you could say I'm more of a night owl. I'm in a constant state of tiredness (possibly fatigued but idk) lol. I could technically live without music but would 100% prefer not to. my favorite song is "eyes without a face" by billy idol. I've never really thought about what my ideal first date would be, but I would like if it was well thought out and personal instead of the typical movie and dinner I suppose.
thank you so much for taking the time to do this!! I apologize again for writing so much 😅 hopefully you'll be able to have some fun writing, and I hope you're doing well! and no worries if you're unable to get to my matchup; please prioritize your wellbeing <3
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𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i had such a blast reading through this entire thing!!! thank you for writing this much, seriously — i love it, it makes it so much more interesting and easier on my part to find a match!! <3
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♡ . . . REASONINGS : filtering through the information, i have decided that, in my personal opinion, you are best paired with kuroo tetsurou!
starting off, the trench coat? comfy and casual dark academia fashion style? from looks alone, you seem like a pretty good match-up with kuroo. on the outside look in, i feel like you both would look like a really smart, cute, and sensible / mature couple! in all honesty, i think that kuroo would find your big glasses adorable ( and if you're prone to loosing them, he would find it sickeningly cute if you cling to him while you both searched for the glasses ). i imagine his breath hitches whenever his eyes lay on your figure in the setting sun, turning your hair into a pretty orange-brown shade that makes his heart beat a little bit faster. kuroo is used to being around more reserved people ( as he was once reserved, and now his best friend is rather reserved as well ), so becoming a friends-to-lovers dynamic would be easy. your playfulness and possible sarcasm seems to perfectly interact with his own, and considering some research about your enneagram and personality type, i think that your ( possible ) creativity and curiosity really intrigues him and keeps him curious and attentive with you. i feel that he might always be wondering what's going on in that pretty head of yours, curious to know what your next wonderful idea is or what your mind is thinking about. as an obvious friends-to-lovers trope, i think your relationship with kuroo would be very cute! i have a feeling that he'd love that your love language is physical connection, and would pick up on any ques if you're feeling cuddly and can't get the words out to ask for soft intimacy and cuddles! sarcastic banter? mature yet playful? i think your ideal type seems to perfectly match up with kuroo -- he would most definitely be able to take whatever playful insults you have to throw at him, and be able to throw some back. he knows when to be playful and understands if he ever goes too far, and will own up to any mistakes he may make. considering your hobbies and interests, i think your interest in crime shows / mystery and thriller movies / anime may really pique his interest, and he'd eventually be hooked right along side you. and he may not be the best in the world, but imagining the both of you together, baking or cooking something ( possibly late at night because of midnight cravings ) could be really cute!
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♡ . . . staying up late at night and ending up heading into the kitchen together to make a midnight meal doesn't happen too often, but sometimes all you both need is a look at each other as your stomachs growl after a food-related ad on tv. ♡ . . . would absolutely make you feel like a queen all day and everyday if he can help it! will exercise with you if you would let him, and would celebrate all achievements with you; big or small! ♡ . . . kuroo is surprisingly one of the most thoughtful boyfriends, in my personal opinion! i feel like the dates would be well planned, memories eagerly waiting to be made! ♡ . . . the banter between you both is so cute!! it can be sarcastic, but it's never hostile, always playful and light, a smirk plastered onto his lips in a charmingly charismatic way! ♡ . . . stay-at-home-and-watching-a-show-dates!! whether it be wide-eyed and open-mouthed concentration on crime shows, or close-cuddling while watching some thriller or mystery shows / movies / animes!
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♡ . . . akaashi keiji, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, daichi sawamura
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