#idk what else to tag this as lol i'm procrastinating haha
like a ghost that won't wash off your skin
Now, though, there was no one left to heal.
Other than the few people left guarding Tengen, Shoko was alone on the grounds.
But Shoko wasn’t alone, not really. She had Kugisaki’s comatose body, the severed limbs that once were Inumaki’s left arm and Todo’s left hand.
Besides, she was never actually alone, not when she was constantly haunted by the ghosts of every body that’s laid on her table.
[or, shoko was one of the only ones who came back from shibuya, and she hates it]
✧3,091 words | shoko-centric✧
dedicated to @urostakako & @wlwjujutsu <3
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crazybutgood · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @stavromulabetaaa 💖 I'm procrastinating so I figured I'd do this rq skjfjs
Three ships: Aziraphale/Crowley, Delia Ketchum/Jessie, and I recently rewatched Ocean's 8 so was thinking about Debbie/Lou
First ship: Dramione
Last song: Tu Chale Toh
Last movie: Ocean's 8
Currently reading: I'm researching and reading some papers for an absolutely useless uni assignment 🥲 I also blearily opened some tabs of fics two nights ago, so the unread ones from there
Last thing I wrote: this reclist
Currently writing: my stupid assignment
Are you named after anyone: no
Favorite subject in school: why
Do you have kids: no
When was the last time you cried: last night lol :')
Do you use sarcasm a lot: how else will I deal with socialising
What sport do you play/have played: I used to play a lot of sports! Last one I remember and enjoyed the most was badminton. Now it's just like the occasional tabletop game which I'm sure doesn't count 😂
What's the first thing you notice about people: right now it's for the tiniest sign that anyone near me for long might be sick, cos the weather is horrible and people are inconsiderate and I am tired
Any special talents: Steadily transferring liquids into narrow-necked bottles, and perfectly cracking open soft boiled eggs
Where were you born: India
What are your hobbies: haha 🙃 Having them and having time to do them are entirely different things... Anyway, I like origami (ofc), reading, singing and listening to music. I like playing music too but I haven't had time for ages and ages
How tall are you?: either 168 or 169cm idk
Dream job: to not have to work 🥲 Realistic answer: counsellor
Tagging @sugareey-makes-stuff @curlyy-hair-dont-care @orange-peony @getawayfox @schmem14 @vukovich if you wanna do this
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creativenicocorner · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by nobody! I saw this and felt like doing it to get back in the writing groove of things and maybe procrastinate just a teeny bit ♡
Tagging @babblish @dreamcrow @niemalsetwas @mangatxt @plantpretender and anyone else who would like to!! Also no hard feelings if you don't feel like doing this
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32 and counting!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
605,281 and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to do a LOT of Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) but a few things happened in the show / movie that made me feel... idk, I'm on a bit of a break for the time being. I also write a couple of Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) fics to explore my silly DnD OCs While my current writing obsessions being Discworld - Terry Pratchett and モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unbecoming 2 Electric Boogaloo (ToA)
Terpsichore - The Comedy of the Danse Macabre - ACT I (ToA)
Cold Green Tea and Colder Feet (mp100)
We'll Meet Again (ToA)
A Study of Avium and Apium (ToA)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!! I try to respond to all comments!! I can't always promise my response will be prompt, and sometimes I get in my own head and feel...worried? As if my response will somehow sway someone to not want to keep reading? But that's a me thing I'm working through Long answer short: Yes! I do respond to comments!! I adore them and they make me so very very happy!! Honestly a comment can be such a game changer, and a relief to my heart and I just HAVE to express my gratitude for taking the time to tell me such nice words!! I'll always try to respond to them!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm I have yet to finish the fic with the angstiest ending planned. I don't tend to write angst unless there is an ending that has some level of hope and happiness in it - for now.
But yeah, I suppose Unbecoming 2 Electric Boogaloo and The Last Changeling will eventually have some pretty angsty endings.
As well as several fics within the The Collected Tellings of Shigir and Other Changeling Folktales series which can be quite grim.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Another tricky question!! The majority my fics tend to have a happy ending planned despite the highs and lows I hope I manage to put my readers through.
Bit of a cop out answer I know, but it is what it is lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've only had that happen to me once lol. Once so far and for the silliest reason that left me just shaking my head for the most part
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Not as often as my other stuff though. Hmm quite a bit of orgasm control I suppose.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
A Funny Old World MY BELOVED!!! It is essentially the Discworld and Mp100 crossover fic no one asked for hahaha
Quite literally "Reigen Arataka 🤝 Moist von Lipwig" the fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that...I'm aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again not that I'm aware of...and no one has yet to approach me to do so. Though sometimes I think of translating it myself into Italian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! It was a great time with @megan0013 on the 23rd chapter of their fic Fallout where we combined the Fallout story with my made up Changeling Folktales.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm too bisexual for this question, I have, like, a fat stack of ships I adore. But of the ones I've written (in no specific order of importance) I really love Adora Belle and Moist, Serizawa and Reigen, Barbara and Strickler, Mort and Ysabell, Polly and Mal, and the list just goes on haha
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I appreciate the defeatist tone of this question haha. I'm sure I'll finish all of them...eventually. Some go in hibernation a little longer than others, that I won't lie. Hmm though, I'm going to be honest with myself the Terpsichore series seems to be the loftiest of goals at the moment. Who even knows when I'll finally finish it...but, like I said, I'd like to hold out hope that, someday it'll get done lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm quite good at keeping characters in character, and my writing 'voice' is quite charming sometimes. I've also been told I'm quite good at writing cozy comfort fics. I hope, one day, I'll be able to add horror and suspense to the list of writing strengths.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Making things concise, I think. Sweet short and to the point. I'd love to get better at suspense and horror, just making readers sweat - you know?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh man I have a lot of Thoughts about this actually XPP here's hoping they make sense!!
Depends on the characters, and what language they are speaking and what language the characters know beyond what they are speaking.
I viscerally do not appreciate it when, okay... here's an example: Character A and Character B are both speaking Italian, because the characters are Italian - so even though the fic and author is writing in English we ALL know that Character A and Character B are speaking Italian - so why add in an English dialogue bits of actual Italian?? We all know they are speaking Italian to begin with!! UNLESS, for instance, Character B for a moment spoke in a regional dialect which is different than the standard language.
I tend to call this the "Silenzio Bruno!" situation. Why are you having a character who is supposedly already speaking in a language suddenly say something of that language. It shouldn't be "Silenzio Bruno!" but "Quiet Bruno!" though in some cases I get it...and who knows maybe it'll perk up the interest of people and kids to learn other languages but oof does it rub me the wrong way sometimes
Wait hmmm perhaps thats too confusing
EXAMPLE: In Glow Worms I have Serizawa as half Brazilian (there's in fact a huge Brazilian population within Japan! As well as a huge Japanese population within Brazil! Here are two fascinating video essays on the subject if interested [X] [X]).
When Serizawa is speaking with Reigen it is clear and obvious they would speak Japanese amongst themselves and around them, I wouldn't include actual Japanese unless it's a word that I can't really translate well, or is very clearly specific within the Japanese language (the difference between writing 'screen door' and 'shoji door' - both doors, but evoke different specific things). However, when Serizawa speaks with his mother there are often times Portuguese would crop up - an indicator that Serizawa is no longer speaking Japanese in that moment, or phrase or sentence.
The same can be said with Moist von Lipwig, and when he's speaking Morporkian vs Überwaldian. It is agreed that everyone tends to speak Morporkian to some degree as a defect-o Lingua Franca Quirma, and when they're not they're very clearly not!
NOW! In those moments when characters are speaking another language I prefer either it's something that can be figured out via context clues, or a translation is provided either in a footnote or by the character(s) themselves. This is something I feel more confident with if a character is speaking Italian, because then I don't have to worry about translator engines not translating something properly lol But I try to be as respectful and accurate as possible, and if I can't then I wouldn't attempt it and describe in the text that Character A and Character B are speaking another language amongst themselves.
OR (and this is something else I'm doing in Glow Worms) I'll describe a character speaking another language, and another character acts as translator - this is something I always adored in Discworld when characters interact with The Librarian as well as Death of Rats.
Which, again, I try to approach as respectfully as possible. Language is important!! It's a culture and a thought process! And should always be treated with respect
WHEW! I hope this all made sense!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I don't know about Favorite, but there are several that I'm very proud of myself with...
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Stupid Kid [working title] series, Hand Rolled, The Runaway's Gamble, AU REVOIR, to name a few. Several Trollhunter fics (especially Terpsichore, sometimes I look back on that and go "Wow I really wrote All of THAT?!")
And most recently: Glow Worms or rather: In the Depths of the Safflower Hills a fic that honestly? I find myself going back and rereading what I've written and posted more than once! And has helped me grow as a writer I think  
Welp! ___〆(・∀・) That's it for me folks! Thank you so VERY much for your interest, and I look forward to seeing your answers as well!
Best wishes! Nico ♡
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jamieanovels · 2 years
Writer Tag Game !!
tagged by the lovely @mjjune <3
soft tagging: @kaiusvnoir @muddshadow @thetruearchmagos and anyone else who would like to do this :)
answers under the cut!
Do you write in order?
Yes. I have to, lmao, or else my brain goes NOPE and gives up on the entire book lol. I can do some heavy scene work on the last few scenes I wrote (2-3, give or take), but apart from that, I save any heavy-duty editing for after I've finished my first draft.
Do you start with something in particular?
Ideas wise? No, it can be anything. Usually, though, it's a theme or message of some kind and then I built around that.
In terms of the actual draft, though, yes. I always want to start with a strong line that tells the reader as much as I can about the character/plot/theme. Back in college, I had a professor for a Jane Austen class who had us memorize the first lines of every book we read for the course. She said that the first line of any book should always tell you as much as possible about the book itself, and that's always stuck with me.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try?
This has changed over the years, haha. I used to say probably 90%, simply because I wouldn't do much with my finished draft and just move on to the next thing lol.
Now, as I'm trying to seriously move toward actually publishing, I think I probably land around 60-70%? I'm an overwriter, so for tea cow, I expect that once I finish my draft, most of my editing process will be cutting unnecessary words and making things a lot more concise. But the story beats are there already.
How many drafts do you go through?
2-3 before beta readers. I've never gotten past that stage, though, so no idea after that lol.
Tell me about your process?
My writing process is split into four phases: brainstorming/worldbuilding, outlining, writing, and editing.
During the brainstorming/worldbuilding phase, I create a document and just start putting ideas in there. For fantasy, I make sure to spend extra time on the magic system, setting, and any other salient details specific to that world. This process can range from a few days to months, depending on how complex the story is.
In the outlining phase, I take what I liked from the brainstorming phase and put it together into an actual cohesive story. Usually, I summarize what I want to happen in each section of the story, and then I bullet point "milestones," or things that need to happen/be foreshadowed, for each section. Depending on how good of a job I did during the brainstorming phase, this usually takes a day to a few days.
Once I have an outline, I start writing. Each chapter should feature at least one milestone. I also leave myself a Little wiggle room to change things if I feel like they fit the plot better. I've added a few scenes into tea cow that weren't in its outline, but overall, I've stuck to all of its original story beats. The writing phase can take me months to years because I am Lazy. Tea cow is going fairly fast, landing at around 6 months since I started writing, and that's mostly because of procrastination lol
When I'm finished drafting, I go back to the beginning and start line editing. Based on what I've done in the past, I usually do a full line edit all the way through (proofreading and just editing for general readability). Once I'm done with the line-edit, I make any consistency edits and/or heavier scene changes based on anything I've noted while line-editing. Line editing doesn't take me too long, usually a week at most, but scene changes take longer.
After this full process, I'll start looking for beta readers, and then make any adjustments that I feel would make the story better based on their feedback. I haven't gotten to this phase in so damn long that idk if I would still approach it the same, but we shall see ;)
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