#idk what to tag in here aksdj
embossross · 2 years
ahhh hi hi i'm here with thoughts about the new chap hehe
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ok first, i LOVE this line so much. i can kind of see it now - the similarities between reader and hanma, but at the same time they are so so different. i'm not sure why but this stood out to me! there were also many lines like this thru out the chap - i do pay attention to details bc i know some writers have a bunch of foreshadowing in their fics👀
another thing is that i literally GASPED when a certain violet haired man made an approach in this fic, im guessing it was ran but i was so happy to have him in this fic!! (i don't think it was actually mentioned if it was ran or rin, but i'm p sure it was ran ahah) i rly liked the entire encounter and he was being pretty respectful which i didn't see coming lol.
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yknow i loved this entire convo so much there was a lot thrown at us but at the same time you described/phrased it in such a way that made it easier to understand. i think i re read this part like 3 times; i kinda felt like this is the most honest convo they’ve had and it was the most series imo. it was really nice seeing hanma kinda open up. we also got to know more about the docs past too.
the last line about minimizing pain for the reader 👀 idk if im being dumb or if this has some sort of deeper meaning, but is it talking about the docs emotional pain? (towards hanma maybe?) im not sure lol rip and maybe it’ll be cleared up within the next few chapters but for now i’ll be left wondering hehe
okoki this is getting so so long i’m so sorry BUT i reallyyyy wanna talk about the smut i was literally vibrating in my seat the entire time aksdj when i first read the chap tags i kinda saw where it was going. club - hanma get head - reader watches. BUT OMG I DIDNT expect the reader to join in??!AND THE EYE CONTACT? deceased. i had to put my phone down a few times bc it was just THAT good ahaha. you really write such good smut it leaves my brain all mushy (that kakucho fie lives in my head rent free btw.)
OK IM FINISHED. i’m really sorry if this was annoying but i genuinely love this fic so much and your writing as well!!!! your fics are perfect for analysis and every chap keeps me thinking ahah but thanks again for sharing your wonderful work with us!!! have an amazing week!! (i’ve also read the devotion of the girl in the mirror again but was too nervous to send an ask rip)
this is the kind of comment/ask that really means the world to me 💖 it feels like so much more than i could ever ask for. so thank you so sincerely! i was stuck on the next chapter for both stories, and after reading this, i sat down and edited 2k words and broke the writers' block. THANK YOU 🥰
the fact that you screenshotted lines that really resonated!!!!! nothing could be less annoying!!! i'm giving you a long response right back because this is so much good stuff to react to!!!
one of my favorite lines from the chapter too! And yeah, reader + hanma are so different from each other, but i think they have a pretty similar problem with how they move through the world. they never could have had this conversation before. they're only able to be this open now because a) they both think they're talking more big picture and not being fully aware of what they're revealing about themselves; but most importantly b) they have a CREEPING INTIMACY! they are so much closer than they were a few chapters back :) I am so glad you noticed that because it was Very intentional.
you pretty much nailed the pain comment. Reader recognizes that she is taking on a very out of character risk with the Hanma stuff, and that opens her up to emotional pain but also risk that he's going to make her (or her life) change, which she is resistant to.
not much to say about the smut stuff other than...i am glad to see it's working. that is what i was going for 😏😆 (also thank you on the kakucho fic :))
it means the WORLD that you find things to analyze and think about because i am pouring so much of that in there intentionally, and knowing that people see it and get something out of it too is Super motivating. You are more than welcome to send me nice asks on any story any time (in fact, i'm begging lol jk)
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kar-krashew · 3 years
you that i lie with [AO3]
Magnus is a private investigator, and Alec is a master thief. Obviously, they fall in love.
Rated T
Shoutout to @peachygos, @rainyhuman, and @arsenic-creator <3
Magnus sighs as he flicks through the file in his hand for what’s possibly the tenth time today, skimming over each page once again in a desperate attempt to find new information, new leads, new anything— as long as it’s something that will help the case. If Ragnor was here, he’d probably say something about the definition of insanity and doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results, and then Magnus would say something about shutting up, Ragnor, and the other would then laugh and hand the file over to him anyway. Besides, Magnus didn’t become a private investigator just to ignore his gut feeling, and he definitely didn’t become one to listen to other people. So he’s here now, hunched over his desk, sorting through pages that he can practically recite by heart.
By the eleventh pass, he’s starting to think Ragnor would’ve been right. Dammit, Magnus is never going to hear the end of this.
“Goddamned Morgensterns,” he swears under his breath. If only he’d turned Jocelyn down all those years ago, when she’d shown up at his doorstep with her little girl and begged for help. If only he’d told her no, then he wouldn’t be caught up between their murderous family feud, watching as the people around him die because he wasn’t able to connect the dots or find a clue fast enough.
God, who is he kidding? He never would’ve said no.
Magnus Bane saves people; it’s one of the worst things about him.
Fuck, he thinks, fuck. Curse his fucking hero complex, curse his fucking job, curse the day he tried helping Clarissa Fairchild. He’s always known it would come back to bite him in the ass.
Magnus exhales, and closes his eyes. Just one more time; he’s sure he’ll find something. He’ll look through the file one more time, and then call it a day. Whatever he finds, he’ll roll with it. Just one more time, he repeats to himself, which is exactly when his fingers stumble upon a slip of paper stuck in between the creases of an old newspaper clipping.
Hotel Dumont, the note reads, L.
“Oh,” Magnus says. His heart flutters as his eyes pass over the three words, once, twice, thrice, committing the messy scrawl to memory until it’s been imprinted behind his eyelids.
Hotel Dumont.
He knew there was something of use in that file. He’s never going to let Ragnor hear the end of this.
The newspaper clipping that Magnus had found the note in was one detailing the illustrious career of Alexander Gideon Lightwood: former heir to the Lightwood fortune, now known amongst the upper class as the city’s most notorious thief. While there are quite a few fantastical urban legends about him, the most popular is that most of his “earnings” go to those in need, while another common one claims that he’s got a particular soft spot for detectives in gold eyeliner. Whatever you believe, it’s obvious he’s a terrible choice for a friend, partner, or anything really; he’s dangerous, reckless, untrustworthy, and Magnus is pretty sure he’s halfway in love with the guy.
“The man is a criminal, Magnus,” Raphael says at the front desk, frowning even as he hands over a room key. He leans over the desk and grabs Magnus’s hand. “Look, just don’t do anything stupid.”
Magnus accepts the key with a flourish and flashes a smile. “When have I ever, darling?” he winks, then abruptly turns around and walks down the line of doors before Raphael can respond.
They both know the answer to that question; especially when it comes to Alec.
He takes a deep breath as he approaches the room. It’s fine. He’ll be fine. He just has to hear out whatever Alexander has to say, speak his own piece, and then they’ll split ways, never to cross paths again. It’s a simple plan, and all he has to do to get it over with is open the door.
All he has to do is open��
“Planning to just stare at that key all day, Detective Bane, or are you going to come in anytime soon?” a voice says, and Magnus jolts backwards in surprise before looking up, because he’d know that voice anywhere, and oh, it’s Alexander, standing in front of him with his pale skin and warm eyes and smiling, and Magnus missed him so much, he wants to kiss his face senseless, he’s gorgeous and he’s lovely and he’s—
Alec is. . . well, he’s, uh—
“Are you naked?”
Alexander rolls his eyes and opens the door to reveal that he isn’t, in fact, naked; but that isn’t to say that he’s not very close to it, with nothing covering his body other than a towel draped loosely around his hips, riding far too low for it to be doing anything in terms of modesty. In fact, it’s doing the opposite, really, and Magnus is finding it increasingly difficult to look at something that isn’t Alec’s chest.
Oh, god.
“Ah,” Magnus says after a long moment. Alec smiles knowingly and leans against the doorframe, which is not helping, Jesus Christ. “Well! You seem otherwise preoccupied. I’ll just, ahem, I can always come back at a more opportune time.”
He’s just about to pivot on his heel and vow to never return here again when a hand shoots out and grabs his arm, pulling him closer to the man in front of him. This close, he can see the small scar on Alec’s chin, the flecks of green in his eyes, the stray hairs sticking out behind his ear, and his breath hitches as Alexander brings his mouth even closer.
“Don’t worry about it, I was expecting you,” Alec murmurs, voice low and honey-sweet. “You just caught me right after a shower. Come in, I’ll get dressed.” He smiles when Magnus nods dumbly, then turns to head back in the room, treating the other to a full view of his bare shoulders as he moves.
Magnus swallows. He has a horrible feeling that he’s not going to survive this.
“So, Mr. Bane,” Alec starts once they’re inside. He hands Magnus a bottle of wine with a grin, and gestures to two glasses set up on a side table before he turns away. “What brings you here?” He fiddles with the hem of his towel teasingly as he walks towards a dressing screen set up in the corner of the room, and Magnus’s mouth goes dry with the implication of the movement.
No. He’s not thinking about it. He is not thinking about it. He is not thinking about it—
—and Alexander drops his towel to the floor before stepping behind the screen. Oh my god, Magnus is way too fucking sober for this. He’s going to die here, and it’s going to be Alec’s and Alec’s ass’s fault.
Fuck. He’s getting sidetracked.
“I got your message,” Magnus finally replies, coughing awkwardly and shifting his attention to the bottle in his hand. He pops open the cork as Alec hums from behind the partition.
“I didn’t think you’d come, even if you did find the note,” he calls across the room. “I don’t suppose you’re here to tell me you’ve solved the case I gave you earlier.”
Oh, right: Hodge Starkweather, missing persons case. Magnus had received a mysteriously blank envelope in the mail just a few days prior, containing nothing but a picture of the man, the name “Starkweather,” and an “L.” scrawled across the back; Ragnor had found the message pretty much immediately, and made Magnus swear he wouldn’t take the case.
Not that it helped.
“I did find your man, actually,” Magnus says, taking a deep breath. “He’s dead.” The shuffling from behind him stops abruptly.
“Oh.” Another moment passes. Magnus quietly pours wine into the glasses in front of him until he hears Alec clear his throat. “Alright, well, if this isn’t a business visit, what is it?”
“It’s an Alexander-please-leave-this-city-before-I-find-you-dead-in-a-ditch-somewhere visit,” Magnus replies, which makes Alec laugh as he steps out from behind the partition in tight black pants and a button-down shirt.
(Most assume he’d have more lavish tastes with the amount of money he’s acquired, but Magnus has always liked this toned-down version of him. Alec looks young like this, unaffected by the troubles that have touched him, like there’s a bit of foolishness and hope in him that the horrible world outside can never take away.)
“Well, that makes this a social visit, then,” he grins lopsidedly, in that way that makes Magnus want to reach out and touch his mouth with his fingertips, holding out a glass of wine in offering. “Do you really think I can’t take care of myself? This is hardly the first death threat I’ve faced, you know that.”
God, he’s so unbothered and careless about this— doesn’t he fucking get it? “This is different,” Magnus insists. “Please, Alexander, listen to me. Leave. Leave before they can find you,” he begs, but Alec stays unbothered.
“Magnus, it’s fine. Calm down, I’ll be okay.” He rolls his eyes when Magnus frowns, and holds his hand out further. “Have a drink, you’ll feel better,” he says, in a move that’s meant to be reassuring and Magnus just— he snaps.
“Fuck your drink!” he shouts, shoving Alec’s hand to the side. Liquid sloshes over the rim of the glass, staining the carpet, and Raphael’s going to throw a tantrum over it tomorrow and glare at him the whole time, but Magnus doesn’t care, he can’t care, not with so many more important things at stake right now, things that Alexander doesn’t seem to care about at all. “Your life is on the line! Your Robin Hood routine has worked great these past few years, but it won’t mean anything if you’re dead tomorrow, Alexander! I know you’re not afraid, but what if I am? I can’t—” He cuts off with a strangled sound and looks away.
“I can’t— I won’t be able to handle finding you like the others,” he murmurs.
Shit, shit, shit, he wasn’t supposed to say that, it’s too honest, it’s too vulnerable, too open, and now Alec is staring at him, probably getting ready to laugh at him or tell him he cares too much or that he’s insane, and God, that’s always it, isn’t it? He’s always cared too much, and now he’s going to lose the one person who didn’t know that yet, who he hadn’t scared off with all of his stupid fucking baggage, because he messed it up, like he always does with everyone.
“Magnus,” Alec says.
Magnus’s mouth tightens as he continues to avoid eye contact. “Magnus, hey, look at me.” Gentle fingers cradle his chin, tilting his face upwards until his gaze meets Alec’s. There’s a warmth there that Magnus hadn’t expected to see, and it’s startling in how tender it is. Magnus has half a mind to look away again.
“You’ve always saved people,” Alec says softly, still holding Magnus’s jaw. “I’ve always loved that about you. But who saves you?”
Magnus blinks. “What?” he says, but Alexander shakes his head before he’s leaning in slowly, shifting his hand to cup Magnus’s cheek, and oh.
Something dislodges in Magnus’s stomach as he takes it all in: the softness of Alexander’s lips, the emotion he pours into each breath, the gentle exhale he lets out before pressing his mouth against Magnus’s again. It all feels like coming home, like his world’s been tilted on an axis his whole life and it’s finally clicked back into place with the gentle press of Alec’s lips on his.
“Alexander,” Magnus whispers. They’re still close enough that he can feel Alec’s errant little smile against the bridge of his upper lip, both of them unwilling to part further than necessary to breathe, and he reaches out to clutch at his shoulders when the other man leans in for a another small kiss, this one indulgent and sweet.
“If I leave,” Alec says, brushing his nose against Magnus’s, “I can’t save you.” He brings his other hand up to trace Magnus’s lower lip with his thumb. “You need someone to save you, Magnus. The same way you do with others.”
Magnus inhales shakily. “I’m sure I’ll be fine if I know you’re somewhere safe,” he replies, but Alexander shakes his head again.
“You won’t. And I can’t leave you here,” he murmurs. He presses their foreheads together and runs his hand against Magnus’s cheek. “Let me help you, for once.”
Magnus sighs. He thinks about the people he’s lost in these few weeks, the guilt that’s been eating him alive from the inside-out everytime he thinks about them, but he knows Alec won’t leave, the same way Magnus wouldn’t have left if the roles were reversed. They’ve always been like that: looking out for each other. Saving each other. Magnus was foolish to think Alexander would leave now.
“Okay,” he says, and Alec’s face lights up. “Okay.”
He intertwines their fingers, and they stand there for a moment, breathing each other in, until Alec’s smile turns playful. “Now, I had this super sexy plan that involved a lot more of that towel to seduce you into that bed there, just because it seemed like the sort of thing to do,” he says, “but what do you say we just take a nap?”
Magnus laughs. They both don’t have time for things like naps, they both have things to do, entire worlds to attend to, but then he looks back up at Alec and thinks: their worlds can wait for one day. They can have this.
“Yes,” he replies, “That sounds lovely.” He takes Alec’s hand, letting him lead him to the bed, and settles into the sheets, curling his body towards the other as he does so.
“This was a horrible idea. I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep when I know you’re here,” Alec whispers after a moment. “I never want to look away.” Magnus smiles, trying to keep the mood light despite the way his breath catches.
“You’re a sap.” He leans in to steal another kiss, and grins. “Also, for the record, I wouldn’t be opposed to the seduction plan later,” he adds, which prompts Alexander to snort loudly even as his eyes crinkle at the corners in amusement.
“Good to know,” he says. “Good to know.”
They’ll probably discuss that more thoroughly tomorrow. For now, they sleep.
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ssecretssanta · 5 years
@h-isforhome​​ Hi, Lovely !! This is your secret santa and I’m trying something out so bear with me lmao. I’m pretty sure Tumblr keeps eating parts of my asks so I’m gonna try to start replying to stuff using this blog instead of asks so things don’t get all split up (I’m still going to send asks don’t worry, just not obscenely long ones that get munched on by Tumblr, lol). So I’ll just put the message below the cut and we can hopefully communicate more coherently without Tumblr hating us. Feel free to either reblog and continue the conversation that way (you can add your own cut so they don’t get too annoyingly long for everyone, lmao) or make your own posts and @ me, whatever works best ! (or if it doesn’t work at all I’ll just keep sending anon asks instead, lol)
heya !! I’m really hoping this will work, lol (and if not we’ll just pretend like it didn’t happen). sorry for taking so long to sort my shit out and respond !! it’s been a hectic week for me and i’ve been trying to balance work and school because they keep overscheduling me so i’ve been neglecting my homework which is stressing me out more (rip to my grades rn lol).
anyways, time to respond to everything let’s go:
my favorite from fine line is probably falling because it makes me Feel Things but also golden and canyon moon and sunflower and wow this entire album is just so good holy shit.
houses 100% should not be decorated before thanksgiving. I can get behind some christmas lights because I strongly believe those should be a year-round decoration but other than that, No. I should not have to stare at a bunch of creepy santa decorations or have that whole red and green color scheme anywhere near me while I’m trying to devour some turkey and mashed potatoes. now you’re really making me think of how much potential thanksgiving music could have and i’m kinda Upset that it’s not already a thing. petition to start a pop punk thanksgiving band to take the Boomers down?
alksdjlfaj minutt for minutt I’m EMO. and yeah, the stress is already back full force but also less so towards work now so that’s nice?? like at least I know that people there won’t really care what I do and I’m figuring out where I stand with everyone so that’s nice (also my favorite manager told me that I’ll definitely get hired on after seasonal if I want so that’s nice !!) I’m putting “life is just a bunch of mistakes in a trenchcoat pretending to be perfect” on my wall bc I need the reminder every day lmao. my constant state of mind rn is just:
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i would like to criticize you on using those contacts but honestly it would be hypocritical because I too cannot be assed to pay more for things and use things way past the time they should be used lmao
sasha sloan does have a lot of slower songs but sometimes that’s my Brand and i’m so glad you like her music !! oh boy i’m the EXACT same way with playlists lmao my friends have learned not to give me the aux cord bc my music taste varies so much from day to day and no one else seems to vibe with it lol (I’m always fine with listening to whatever they put on but when I’m alone it’s a shitstorm).
seasonal work is so Exhausting. like, I knew retail would be bad, but it’s Bad. at least the people I work with are super chill and nice bc if they weren’t I would have already quit lmao. tutoring honestly sounds pretty fun !! I’m sure there are lots of challenges that come along with it though so kudos to you for helping the youth, I’m sure you’re amazing at it !!
aksdj The Couple is the same reason I started watching Schitt’s Creek and it’s seriously just So Good. I didn’t know how I felt about the Good Place at first but I was bored enough to get through the first few episodes and then it just kind of picked up from there and now it’s one of my favorites, so I’d definitely recommend giving it another go !!
high school just sucks ass overall lmao, the breaks are always awful and most people spend them catching up on homework anyways so like??? there’s almost no point?? oh well. I’m just glad I’m almost done and then I can Move On. I’m always happy to send you asks that let you talk about yourself bc I love hearing about you so it’s a win-win !
I love your tags so much here we go:
I have two siblings that are both 4 years apart from me, an older sister and a younger brother. I’m literally right in the middle, lol. It’s a blessing and a curse.
I would love to visit New York for the first time or D.C. again (I went there over the summer for a school trip and it was so pretty and I would love to go again and actually take time to see every museum). I’m going to Nashville for another school trip this summer and like I’m always excited to see new things but like?? Tennesee is not really in my To Visit places so we’ll see how it is. you’re absolutely right about the South and you should say it. way too hot.
too sad to cry and smiling when I die were literally my repeat songs for like a week when I just needed some Emotions lmao !! sad bby hours for days
oof I think i’m more of a tv person but I also have really bad commitment issues so I tend to leave things unfinished oops. but I’ll honestly watch any movie and most likely will enjoy it which is why it’s hard for me to pick a favorite movie bc like?? all of them?? so idk really, haha. rom coms are the superior movie genre but I also enjoy some action and horror as well. (why would you bring that moment up oof).
okay I think that’s all for now. hopefully this was easier to deal with than having 20 asks but if not just let me know and I’ll go back to that, lol.
wishing you the best as always,
- s.s.  🎅
(i love your new sign-off. it’s perfect for you and makes my heart do Things)
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