#idk why I always imagine Elliot looking like distortion Michael from the magnus archives
stardewsnail · 1 year
✩ Misc Stardew Valley appearance hc ✩
- Sebastian and Maru both have freckles
- Alex’s hair is like that because after puberty it suddenly got curly and he still has no idea how to style it so he just gels the shit out of it
- Elliot has a roman nose with a bumped nose bridge
- Elliot is lanky, every part of him is just a little too long he’s built like slenderman
- Nobody ever guesses Harvey’s height correctly because he always holds himself to appear smaller and more friend shaped (something he does just by nature but also because it’s a manner to set his patients at ease)
- Shane is so broad that people often are surprised to hear that he’s under six foot. He’s got a big presence
- Elliot has a few silver hairs in the mix, he thinks they make him look distinguished
- Shane’s nose has been broken before and now sits just a little off
- Penny is perpetually a little sunburned
- Pam draws on her eyebrows because hers are so blonde they’re nearly invisible
- Robin’s hands are covered in little scars from years of using sharp tools.
- A couple of Sam’s fingers are a lil crooked from breaking them skating
- Harvey can’t grow a beard—it’s a goatee or a mustache. He chose the mustache
- Alex has big hands—like almost weirdly big. It was great for gridball
- Haley and Emily only look alike when you see them with their parents and you can map out the features all four share
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