#idk why I hated inking them but geez
ej-artyarts · 2 years
Roll for Animal Handling
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Character(s): Margueritte de Savoi (& Marcus) || Owner: Thechampioneternal || Points: 115.75 for Wither
Close ups under the cut
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salted-barbed-wire · 6 years
Gangster (pt. 2)
A/N: PART TWO! Hey I’m on a roll man! Since the first part was so well received, I decided to go ahead an continue it. Still not sure how many parts will go into still... over a year and a half of writing fanfiction and I’m STILL winging it. :) Shout out to everyone who liked and reblogged the first part! Glad everyone enjoyed the idea of Mob Boss/Gangster!Joe as much as I did. I’m glad to be writing him for the first time. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next installment!
Summary: Answers come at a price. It’s a lesson that (Y/n) is going to learn, as an enemy emerges from the shadow where he waits.  Featuring: Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Alexander Wolfe, Karl Anderson, Braun Strowman, Finn Balor Warnings: Fluff-ish, angst, probably cursing, choking, Joe knocks a guy out (IDK what to call that except cool), a rushed ending. Word Count: Oh geez.. 4K+
PART ONE (If you need a refresher since this picks right up where we left off)
Enjoy or don’t!
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The car ride was long and dark.
Dark because just after Joe climbed into the Buick behind me, Eric held out a burlap sack towards me.
“What’s this?” I asked Joe, ignoring the ginger in front of me.
Joe pulled a phone out of his jacket pocket, not looking at me as he responded. “Security precautions.”
My brows furrowed, “Security? From what?”
“Boss, doesn’t want the hideout’s location to be known,” Eric pushed it onto my lap.
Anger rose up to my throat as I began to pick up the back to throw in Eric’s face. Joe must have sensed it because he immediately looked up from his phone, full attention on me.
“Darling, I don’t think you’d want to do that. Eric has a bit of a temper and even though I’ve punished him once for putting his hands on you, I wouldn’t do it again if you provoked him.” Our eyes met, he was so calm, emotionless, in all his mannerisms. I couldn’t tell if he was bluffing. The man must play an amazing poker game. “Please, (Y/n), my team insists on discretion. Put the bag on and as soon as we arrive to my home,” he gave a pointed look to Eric at the last word, “you may burn it if you wish.”
“You’re insane.”
His teeth gleamed as he smiled, “Thank you. Now Miss. (Y/L/N), the bag.”
I rolled my eyes, shoving the bag over my head, “You weren’t kidding about kidnapping me,” I muttered into the fabric, receiving a chuckle from Joe.
Though I tried my best, the car was obviously sound proof and I couldn’t hear hardly anything eluding to where I was going. I could feel Joe sit down next to me. He and Eric began speaking in hushed monotone voices about someone named Balor and his position. I could only make out so much over the music that was playing through the speakers.
It wasn’t until the ride got a bit rough that Joe allowed me to take the sack off my head. My jaw hit the floor when my eyes focused on the sight outside my window. There was a large whit building- no a house with a blue roof at the end of a ridiculously long driveway. It was at least three stories with giant windows that started from the ground and had to end at the ceiling. There were palm trees and bushes wrapping around grounds. It was absolutely breath taking.
“Welcome to my home, (Y/N),” Joe leaned over to me.
“You live here? It’s giant!”
“It is,” he mused. “My family spared no expense when they built it. Father was always insistent on having the best for us. I never understood it when I was younger, especially when I wasn’t allowed to have friends over.” Joe never looked up from his phone.
We pulled around the circle drive, a man in all black waiting by the bottom steps for us. I was glad not to be wearing one of my skirt and stilettos outfits this morning. There was no way I’d make it up the flight of stone steps without falling flat on my face. I’d at least stand a chance in my Nike’s.
“Welcome back, boss.” The man in black dress shirt and slacks addressed as he opened the car door for us. “Miss. (Y/L/N),” he nodded towards me.
“Do I know you?” I asked him. Something about this guy sparked my memory, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
His eyes darted nervously, “Probably not.”
“Come on now, Wolfe,” Eric’s voice made me jump, “We both know who this is.” He wrapped his arm around the man and gave me a wink.
Joe stopped, “Gentlemen, please.” They both straightened, practically standing at attention. “I’m sure (Y/N) has many questions for me to answer, we’ll be in my office if you need me but see to it that we were not followed by any… unmentionable characters.”
“Yes, sir,” Wolfe affirmed.
Eric nodded as well, “Sure thing boss. Have a pleasant evening Miss. (Y/L/N).”
I looked them both over, “Nice to meet you both face-to-face.” My voice dripped with sarcasm as I said it, turning my attention back to the mansion before me.
Joe chuckled, “Still so feisty.” He took my arm and wrapped it around his as he led me through the doors.
The interior was even more spectacular than the outside. The foyer was huge, with two large stair cases lining the sides. There were three large doorways on the first floor. Joe drug me through the one on our left, while my head spun around trying to take in every detail around us. The wood floors, the wrought iron railing, the pictures that lined the walls, the chandelier that hung in the center; the whole place oozed luxury and wealth.
We walked passed a small smoking room with a soft rug and fire place towards a pair of tall, dark, wooden double-doors. Joe turned the knob on the doors and pushed them open. The scent of cigars, paper, ink, and his cologne filled my head.
“You’re office?” I questioned. There was a large oak desk a couple of sitting chairs nestled in front of it.
Joe gestured to one of the chairs, “Please, sit.”
“I prefer to stand.”
His smirk widened a little, touching his eyes. Joe walked over to a cart were a crystal bottle with an amber colored liquid sat waiting. Pouring two glasses, he turned and held one up to me, “I’m sure you wouldn’t like a drink either, then?”
“It’s noon, Joel!”
He shook his head, “Joel”, his own name spat from his lips. Setting my glass in front of me on his desk, Joe knocked the drink back and finished it before I could blink. “Everyone called me that in high school because I hated my first name. No one could really pronounce it either.” He half chuckled to himself as he poured another drink, then turned to sit behind his desk.
“Why the change?”
He sat in his office chair. It looked like a throne, the throne of a boss or a king- someone you didn’t want to cross. His eyes met mine from across the desk, “I didn’t want my past life catching up to me. I didn’t want anyone to be able to trace the crimes back to my person. Plus, ‘Joel’?” He huffed, “They’d probably ask if I was the Piano Man or make other ridiculous jokes in my name. Joe is more anonymous. Samoa Joe is what the police and other mob bosses know me as.”
My lips pursed together, “Samoa? Like the islands?”
“Are you only going to ask me about my name?” He asked impatiently, sipping on his drink. “I’d assume a sharp girl like you would be trying to pull as much information out of me as possible.”
“Am I allowed?”
Joe set his drink down and folded his hands over the desk, “My dear, (Y/N), you are free to ask me as many questions as you’d like, and I will answer all of them. You have quite a few, don’t you, Miss. Hot-Shot-Reporter?”
“I’m no hot-shot.” I glared at him. He met my glare with an unreadable expression. I looked down at my drink and watched the ice melt for a minute. “I can ask anything?”
“Is that your first question?” His tone mocking.
“How do I know you’ll answer me truthfully?”
“You have my word.”
“The word of a criminal?”
Joe fell silent, but the poker face remained. He took another drink, “The word of an old friend.”
But how can I even trust that? I wanted to say. Instead, I picked up the glassed and took a short swig. I felt the scotch slide hot down my throat. “Fine,” I started, “Let’s start with the week before graduation.”
“What about it?”
“Why did you leave me?” The words fell from my lips before I was ready.
“Because of this.” He held up his hands a gestured around the room.
I rolled my eyes, “You dumped me for riches?”
He chuckled, “No, (Y/n), I ended our relationship to keep you safe. I always knew this was the route I was going down, it’s my inheritance. But with my position and power, anyone close to me or previously close to me was at risk. I left you and took over the family business.”
“So, what, I’m supposed to believe you didn’t mean what you said that night?” I asked, my insides were warming. I wasn’t sure if it was from the booze or the anger bubbling in my core. “You said you didn’t feel anything anymore for me. You said those three years didn’t matter.”
“They DID. I am telling you the truth, (Y/N). I have no reason to lie to you, I need you to trust me.” There was still no emotion to his face, but his knuckles were white.
“You lied to me once.”
“To protect you.”
“From?” I persisted.
“I have many enemies. These people would tear me down in anyway they could. They’d come after you to get to me. I didn’t want to see you get hurt. Plus, I was ready to take over the family business. My father had everything lined up, he had begun teaching me weeks before graduation. He insisted you were a distraction.”
“So you listened to him?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
Joe looked away, his dark eyes sad, soft. “I had to. He was right in the end. I would’ve been too focused on protection you, that I’d leave our kingdom defenseless.” 
I licked my lips and turned my gaze to the ground. “I see.” It hurt to know he chose a life of crime over being with me. Back when we were together, I really didn’t know where our relationship was going, but a part of me always hoped it was going somewhere more permanent. The only way I could cope with the heart break was to tell myself that I was just being a silly, young girl at the time. There was no such thing as happily ever afters- not really.
“I never stopped thinking about you,” His voice interrupted my thoughts. “I couldn’t wait to find you today. Although, I was hoping it would be under different circumstances.”
“You need me to trust you..”
“You said you needed me to trust you.”
His fist relaxed, “Because I need you to stay here for a while.”
“EXCUSE ME?” I stood up from my chair.
“(Y/n),” his voice calm, “sit down.”
“No!” I shouted. “I will not sit, I will not stay here! Joel, I haven’t seen you in over four years! No phone calls, no texts, no Facebook, not even a postcard from you! Then your goons come and shoot up a bank I’m in yesterday? Now suddenly, you’re here and you expect me to be your prisoner? You expect me to do as I’m told and follow your orders? I don’t think so!”
“To be fair, I thought you’d be at work yesterday when I had them plan the heist.” He had brought his up to fold in front of his mouth- which from the looks of his eyes, was turned up in a grin.
“I swear to God, I will knock that stupid smirk off your face,” I growled at him.
He stood and stalked towards me, but I refused to shrink away. “I’d really like to see you try.” Joe’s eyes engulfed me, he turned his cheek towards me and pointed at my face. “I’m sure you’re still upset about high school, maybe it’d do you some good.”
I rolled my eyes, “Oh get a grip, like I’m still upset.”
Joe struck like a snake, his hand darting out before I could stop it. His palm hit my throat as his fingers took hold of my neck. My lungs pulled air into my body before he could cut off. We stood there like that for a minute, eyes pouring into each other. He never applied pressure, just held me still.
“I could kiss you.” he whispered, “I’ve missed you’re smart mouth and quick tongue when you’re angry.”
“I don’t think choking me is what I met by getting a grip.” I whispered.
Laughter rumbled through his chest as he released me, “I suppose you’re right.” His shoulders relaxed, “Although, I’m sure, if you were more welcoming to it, I could make it feel... good,” Joe winked.
I swallowed, not sure if I should feel scared or excited. Either way, Joe put images in my head that made me squirm. A pool of desire radiated from my core. It was extremely distracting. Questions! Ask more questions!
“I’m allowed to ask anything I want?” I mulled over the question. “Who is the Demon head?”
Joe walked over to the window, “Now we’re getting somewhere.” He stared outside among the lush, green grounds, folding his hands behind his back. “You’ve been researching.”
“There was turf war three years ago. He chased you off.”
Joe spun on his heels, “No body chases me off. I am no coward.”
“Then why are you hiding?”
“I am not hiding. That was no war, simply the first gunshot. It was a battle, (Y/N), a battle. Now we are in the time of war and I am strategizing.” He stood close again. His shoulders held tensions, like a large cat ready to pounce. “When my father died, Balor thought he could take over his territories. My father made me swear on his deathbed that I would not let a man like Balor run this city. He’d tear everything apart with theft and crime and murders.”
“So, you’re trying to stop him, so you can do the same things?” I rolled my eyes yet again, pushing passed him as I went to help myself to more of the scotch. “What a hero.”
He gripped hold of my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. “You really think I’m like that?” He spun me around to face him again, this time he stood closer. Our bodies were barely touching. The feeling of lightening crackling between us had my hair standing on end. “You think I’m a monster?” There was hurt in his brown eyes, “How long have we known each other? You should know me better.”
I ripped my arm away but refused to step back. “I’m starting to wonder if I actually ever did. How did this meeting come into place, Joe? People under your direction and hire robbed a bank, they could’ve murdered someone then. Not to mention, the three detectives on your case sure think you’re a criminal. How does that make you any different from him?”
I waited for him to defend himself or even admit defeat. Instead, he just shook his head, and laughed. “I thought you did more research?” His large hand reached up to my face. I flinched for a moment, just before he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “It’s all an act.”
“An ‘act’?” I raised an eyebrow.
Joe’s smile was soft as his hand traced my jaw line. I felt like I was talking to the Joel I was dating back in high school. “What do you mean it’s an act? Are you trying to tell me that you’re not really robbing those banks?”
“I’m afraid not, my dear.” He stepped away and I suddenly felt like I could breathe again. “See, back in the old days, when my father was a child, gangs would force small town business to pay them for protection from other bosses. If they didn’t pay, there would be no protection from any one. It was bullying at it’s finest. My father, he was an asshole, but he wouldn’t bully innocent people. After his father died, he invested in security systems. My father’s company, now mine, sells top of the line video and audio surveillance, alarm systems to banks, business, and homes. We even train top of the line guards and transporters.
“When my- what did you call them- goons rob a bank, we’re either testing a new system, or trying to stop Balor from getting the hit first. He sees that I still run the territory, the news reports me as a criminal, no one loses any money from getting robbed, and I remain at the top.”
If my jaw was on the floor I wouldn’t have been able to tell, because my brain was too busy processing. “But what about the detectives at the precinct?”
“I have people on my payroll there that make sure that Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose keep looking for me. I had them assigned to my case because those buffoons couldn’t find me if I were standing on their desks doing the macarena.”
“I don’t get it,” I pursed my lips together. “What’s in it for you?”
Joe sighed, “Everything my family has worked for, our territory, remains intact. Plus, I get to do a little good for those who need it.”
I looked down at the floor. “A good-guy gangster.”
“I never said I was a ‘good guy’.” His voice teasing.
“Wait so what does this have to do with me? Who exactly is Balor? Is he the demon’s head?”
“Demon’s head,” Joe grumbled. “Yes, I suppose he is. Yesterday a few of his employees over heard Sanity talking to you. They began wondering who you were to me after they realized you’re on my ‘no-harm’ list.”
My eyebrow raised, “What does that mean, ‘no harm’ list?”
“Exactly how it sounds. Every now and then a few people get banged up when we’re on a job. I made it perfectly clear with my associates and employees that should I find out you’ve been hurt in anyway, there will be consequences.” His gaze went to the cut on my face from the day before, “Like I said, Eric was sloppy yesterday.”
“How noble of you,” I muttered sarcastically.
“Boss!” A southern country-accented, bald man hollered from the door, “Your 2pm conference call is about to start.”
“Shit,” Joe breathed. “Thank you, Anderson, I’ll be there right away. Please show Miss. (Y/L/N) to her room.” He turned to me, “You’re welcome to explore anywhere you’d like in the mansion. It’s free reign except for the kitchen. Chef Jacobs is a crotchy old man who doesn’t like unexpected visitors; leave him alone.”
Great, back to formal, business-man ‘Joe’. “What about all my things?”
“Your things?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Yeah, like my toothbrush, my make up, my clothes. If you’re going to force me to stay here, can’t I have some comforts from home?”
“You act like I haven’t prepared for you to stay in my home, (Y/N).” Joe brushed me off. “Everything you need is already in your room.”
“It’s not the same, Joe!” He turned to look at me again as I shouted. “Please? You’re the one who put me in danger, shouldn’t I be allowed a request?”
Joe rubbed his hand along his bearded jaw line. “I suppose you could go pick up a few things, but please, let Anderson accompany you?” He gestured to the bald man standing in the doorway.
I peered around at Anderson, I didn’t really need a babysitter to go pick up my toothbrush. “I’d hate to trouble you. I can always just go by myself if you’re too busy, Mr. Anderson.”
Anderson shook his head, “No trouble at all, ma’am. Please, call me Karl.”
“It’s settled then,” Joe placed his hand behind my back and guided me towards the door. “Try to be back before dinner.”
Karl wasn’t anything like Sanity. He was pleasant and talkative. He apparently got this job so his wife didn’t have to work and could say home with their kids. He talked about his home and his trips with his family to Japan. We even talked about going bowling together, he was incredibly competitive. Karl was starting to grow on me by the time we pulled up to my apartment complex.
“You need me to come up with you?” He asked.
“No need,” I assured. “I’m only grabbing an overnight bag.”
“You really think a turf war will be settled over night?” Karl leaned on the arm rest between us.
I chewed on my lower lip, “No, but, I need the comfort of home while I’m gone. I’ll be surrounded by strangers and people who could kill me at the command of a man who I used to be in love with. You seem to be the only one I can trust.”
Something flashed in Karl’s eyes, it looked apologetic. But it was gone before I could decipher what it was.
“Happy to be here, sweet heart. Holler if you need help.”
I smiled at him as I pushed the car door open and headed up my stairs. My heart thudded in my chest as the door to the building shut behind me. I was alone, finally. Hopefully, these few minutes I had to pack my stuff would allow me to absorb before I had a mental break down.
My stomach churned as I ascended the stairs. Joel, the boy I knew in high school had changed. I know everyone has to grow, mature, become as successful as they can but I never expected any of my classmates to be a wanted criminal, especially Joel. He was always so sweet, at least he was to me. I thought of the times he was competing; how fierce he was. But he never hurt anyone… well that wasn’t always true. There was an incident of a guy trying to corner me in the school parking lot after one of Joel’s matches. The cops could never prove that Joel broke that guys fingers…
I sighed nearing my door. “Everything is so messed up,” I half whispered to myself.
The door swung open before I could reach to unlock it. Strange, I mused. I know I had locked it earlier this morning. A small voice in the back of my head was trying to pull me to go get Karl before entering, but I pushed it aside and walked inside.
My apartment was a disaster, everything torn up and scattered about. I looked around, trying to process. Someone broke in, someone was looking for something. I felt my mouth go dry at the thought of a stranger rummaging through my personal belongings.
The sound of something heavy hitting the kitchen counter made me jump and spin. There stood a man in all black. A gun lay next to my bread box. He was beautiful; blue eyes, dark hair, beard, but the fact that he was still here amid this, smiling, made me want to scream.
NO! Run!
I darted for the door only to be stopped by Karl, pointing a gun in my face. “I’m sorry about this, sweet heart,” he whispered to me.
“What is this?” I asked him, raising my hands. “Who are you?” I looked at the man in my apartment.
“I’m glad to finally make your acquaintance, Miss. (Y/N) (Y/L). I’ve heard a lot about you.” He had an Irish accent, and the way he said my name made my skin crawl.
“Funny,” I told him, keeping my hands up, “I haven’t heard anything about you.”
“Ouch,” He held his chest, “Oh, (Y/n) that, that right there, wounds me. To think the Samoan wouldn’t talk about me when he took you to his hideout.”
The gears turned as he stalked towards me, “You’re Balor? The Demon’s Head?”
He held out his hands, “In the flesh.”
“I thought you’d have been taller.”
“Feisty. I like you. And I see why Joe does too.” His feet stopped in front of mine, “Beautiful eyes, sharp tongue, and you’re a reporter so you’ve probably got quite a head on your shoulders.” His hand came up to brush my cheek. I immediately withdrew. I could swear his eye twitched a little. “Or maybe not since you walked into your apartment that was obviously broken into unarmed.”
“Look, Balor, can you just tell me what you want?”
He turned away from me, “It’s not what I want, it’s what I need. I need you to be my prisoner, so Joe will surrender to me.”
“You overestimate my value to him.”
“I think you’d be surprised,” he half turned towards me. “If it doesn’t work, I guess I can just kill you.”
“Or maybe I should just kill you,” a calm, low voice came from the door.
We turned to see Joe standing in the door way to my apartment. He was flanked by Eric, Wolfe, and a very, very large man who I had never seen before. Joe looked around my apartment, “(Y/n), you really need to work on your house keeping.”
I glared at him, “Really?”
“Yes, really. It’s a disaster in here.” His eyes glimmered with amusement.
“You’re lucky there are thugs between us, or I’d…”
“Oh my God, would you both shut up!” Balor yelled, “It’s disgusting. Joe, I’m taking the girl with me until you decide to give me back my territories.”
Joe shook his head, “I don’t think so.”
“First of all, they’ve always been my family’s territories, this is our city. Second, I think my friend might be opposed to harming ladies.”
On cue, the hulking man who had been behind Joe stepped forward. He was tall, built, bearded, and mean looking. His boots were probably bigger than my head.
“Finn,” Joe held his hand out, “You remember Braun.”
Balor swallowed, looking over the giant. “Yes, he’s knocked out quite a few of my men without breaking a sweat.”
“And it wouldn’t be any effort to do the same to you, small fry,” Braun growled.
“Since you came in here with the plan to negotiate with me, Balor, I have an offer for you.” Joe walked over to Karl who’s gun was shaking. “We’ll be leaving with the girl, and you can keep the traitor.” His eyes burned holes through Anderson’s skull. “You and I can meet in a private sitting, this is too… open for us to pull out guns on each other.”
“Everyone knows you don’t carry guns, Joe,” Balor spat.
Before anyone could blink, Joe took a hefty swing at Anderson’s jaw. There was a loud crack and Karl’s body fell limp against my couch. Anderson’s gun skid across the floor and landed at Wolfe’s feet.
“Nice shot, boss,” Wolfe said.
“I don’t need guns. Never liked them. And I don’t like snitches,” he spit at Anderson’s form. “Come on (Y/n), we’ll be leaving now.” Joe held his hand out for me and I tip-toed over to him carefully around Karl.
“You’ll be hearing from me soon, Joe,” Balor told him. “This isn’t over.”
Joe wrapped my arm around his, “It isn’t, not until one of us falls. But until then, have a good night. Give my regards to the club.”
With that we walked out of my apartment. My heart didn’t resume beating until we reached the car, and I think that’s why I passed out the moment I touched the handle of the Buick’s passenger door. The last thing I saw as my vision faded to black was Joe’s face. His mouth pronounced my name as his arms wrapped around my body.
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any future chapters! Tagging: @rainbowbox @wrecklessint @theprogresskid @bettergetusetoit @empress-with-the-crown @thirstiswet @styleslee @lip-sync @poisonarrow24 @sophvas1@hoes4joe @newjapan @crookedmoonsaultpunk @were–goingnowhere @satansstrawberry @marvgrrl @pikapuff316 @living-the-life-1996 @scuzmukie @barbie-hybrid @swagsabby
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