#idk why getting married would make you eligible to be elected
frevandrest · 2 years
I dreamt that we found out SJ was married (in like 1790 and 1791) out of convenience, because there was a rule you could become a deputy even under 25 if you were married. So of course he did, but he didn't live with his wife and we couldn't find any sources on her or who she was. The dream was basically us trying to figure out if he divorced in 1792 and there were different posts and discussions about it.
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yakocchi · 4 years
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hello it is me i’m here to convince u to vote for one of these BMP events to be officially posted ON THE YOUTUBES in this Reprint Event Election they’re holding for the 10th Anniversary. oh my
The site for the event is here (click the little banner with Sieg and Kuon for the survey itself)
bc u see, there are a lot of events up where i’m like... why is this even eligible to vote for ( ´_ゝ`) a lot of them have already been reprinted on LT/Party already and even a few were reprinted again on BMP2. the fuc i wanna see the events that haven’t reappeared ever
I’m probably gonna translate the routes of the event that will win... if i care about said event (´;◞౪◟;) this is my only form of bribery, forgive me
u should vote for one of the events behind the cut ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So there’s 15 BMP1 events to choose from, but take it from me... only like maybe half of them are worth even looking at bc the rest have either been reprinted once or twice. either that, or they’re relatively older compared to some of the others in the roster and we should pick the shiny newer ones. imo 
the way they phrased it makes it sound like they just have all the code rotting in the back (which they do) and all the other events will once again be sent to the shadow realm when this is over. man i hope not, some of these haven’t seen the light of day in... like 4-5 years 
So these are the few events I personally will promote:
嘘つき片想い~プリンセスの桜涙~ The Lying, Unrequited Love // The Princess’s Sakura Tears
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Routes: Original 6 Princes + Yakov + Zain (Theo Bonus Story) Recap: This event was a love triangle event where the routes consisted of the main character getting MC in the better ending and the alternate character the normal ending. This is your typical “muh pathos” event where you feel bad for the character that ends up having to watch his unrequited love (MC) go off with the other man. i mean granted, bmp1 never really had much emo events for the princes themselves. usually the angst was reserved for the butlers LOOOL
Why you should vote for it: For one, it has all the route characters as event routes. It even has a story with Theo (!!!) for the All Clear prize but idk if they’re gonna post that too The other reason is DRAMA bc the love triangles were like this:
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bruh they did theo dirty like that, squaring him up with a grown ass man
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素肌で感じるPrinceの愛❤~朝までシーツに包まれて~ The Prince’s Love, Feeling His Naked Skin // Wrapped Up in the Sheets Until Morning
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Routes: Original 6 Princes + Yakov Recap: This event was the corresponding White Day event to the previous Valentine’s Day event (but that one isn’t eligible to vote for bc idk) anyway this one had an additional bath theme, aka most (all? the chibis were all bath related so) of them involve bathtime with ur boo and stuff. it’s less cute and more hot trust me look at these CGS THO:
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here are the thumbnails for the ones i don’t have. lol voltage makes it pretty easy to find the image urls for some stuff so:
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as i got these i realized these are in the artbook. bah but i’m too lazy to take it out and snap pics  Why you should vote for it: cuz it hot and has nekkid princes haha i am a simple girl 
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“It’s because I heard your bold confession.”
執事とイケないジェラシーNight~愛のスパイスは独占欲❤~ A Naughty Jealousy Night with the Butler // The Spice of Love is Possessiveness
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Routes: The 6 Butlers + Zain (Yuri Bonus Story) Recap: honestly back when i played bmp1 i just kinda napped through the butler events so i could get a cute skirt so you’re on your own here i do think i have CGs from this event... i just dunno which ones they are PERHAPS it is this one? i dont know it’s been so long well if not you can enjoy these i guess
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Why you should vote for it: voltage: u can have one butler event, as a treat this is the only event with the butlers as route choices up for election. Honestly I would’ve much preferred the triad event set of “im getting married to my butler guy” but those have to all come together and it seems that the current BMP fandom is already pretty uninterested in the BMP1 butlers except Yuri so... rip. 
王子様のプロポーズ❤~キミにかける永遠の魔法~ The Prince’s Proposal // The Eternal Magic Cast on You
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Routes: The 6 Princes + Yakov Recap: I’m pretty sure this was the 5th (and final) Anniversary Event for the princes. It was a glimpse into the future where the princes are now kings and stuff. ...It’s not as exciting as you’d think bc most of the routes just involve doing duties as a queen and how stressful that is. ah reality. in my fantasy country game. But still, it’s a unique theme for an event. I actually have all the routes for this lol, I’m just too lazy to crack that old zip open and go through the less interesting dialogue ( ´_ゝ`) like the yakov route is her getting stressed out about having to lead the opening of Sanct Sybil’s new design school and even former-workaholic yakov is like “waifu why u gotta bring work into bed” and then the wil event was them having to plan an event together for some stuffy nobles or w/e and claude judges them (bc yea he cares but still) the whole way through. have we not suffered enough claude-terror for a decade
Why you should vote for it: This is the last Anniversary event BMP1 had, and it’s about them as kings. They have the 4th and 3rd Anniversary events also up to vote, but... that seems kind of backwards to vote for imo. I remember the 4th anniv one and it was... all right. that one was before yakov had a route tho so mc and him were only acquaintances zzz
so yea those are the events i would like to see posted. Thank u for readin my garbage!!
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