#idk why ive always had some funky ideas for designs
n0phis · 8 months
i saw your bad ask earlier! :D im rusty as hell tho god damn
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 years
spreading glove around... tell your moots how much you love them and why
Glove world-
Anyway lets go.
@kimnamshiks Tay you're like,,,one of my first ask regulars and you literally never fail to make me smile. You are one of my wifeys for lifey and I really dont know where I'd be without the laughs, joy, genuine happiness you bring. Not to mention 🥺🥺 i look forward to your reviews and analyses on my work and you never fail to make me feel even more excited to write
@queen-of-himbos , @jacksons-goddess-gaia my babus! My wifeys! Loml! You both have gotten me through some of THE toughest shit, especially irl shit. Yall, Tay, Chye, Dior have all helped me more in the past year plus than some of my irls in the years ive known them. I trust yall with my life and it's always nice to see your lovely faces and hear your voices.
@gettin-a-lil-hanse my baby bear. My sweetie pie. You're another one who I've known since essentially the birth of my blog. You are one of my artistic inspirations (you, dior, atlas, amelia, tay, and kira) and I've enjoyed learning and growing together. Plus, I've learned a lot more about you know what (idk if you're comfortable with me saying) and im glad you helped me realize im p darn good at it.
@atiny-dazzlinglight fellow queen of smut content and suffering, my fucking BABY, one of the most beautiful and radiant people I've had the pleasure of meeting on here. You've been through so much but you still stop by to spread your positivity even when you're not feeling up to it yourself. Again, like the others, you're one of my artistic inspirations too and im so proud of you for your growth, both as a writer and an artist (tell Dean i love him ok?)
@not-majestic-bluenicorn Ri! My detectivetiny that will kick my ass over AtT one day. I know things have been rough for you as well but I want to take this time to compliment your hard work. The way you plan out your series' are really damn cool and professional and you're always ready to lend a hand or an ear to other writers in need. I genuinely enjoy talking to you about works (be it yours or mine, or just bouncing ideas back and forth) and I hope you continue to have a good time writing.
@angel0taiyo - my aussie firecracker, hi. I miss you babe, timezones are a bitch but I value every time I get to talk to you. You're legit one of the first fellow Domme I've found since getting into kpop (*cough* a lot of kpoppies round here are submissive bottoms lbr *cough*) and it's always so nice to talk to you about *checks notes* absolutely ruining cute boys. No but fr, ily babe and I miss ya.
@vvnte ATLAS HI WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER SINCE LGBTS SERVER DAYS AND YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME ILY SM AND IF ANYONE EVEN BREATHES WRONG IN YOUR DIRECTION IM FIGHTING. no but really. You're a wonderful gentleman and a gorgeous human being and i really do love you sm
@deepnesta Kira 🥺 ily and im super glad we started talking more often again. Ik school is a lot for you but you really are such a wonderful writer and I can't wait for you to show the world what you can do with your original works. Keep it up you funky little baby
@aaron-jamess aj. My sunshine. I really do look forward to seeing your asks, your reviews, anything. I genuinely feel like I've gained a little sibling and I'm sorry things have been rough lately but if Karma is real, the world has good for you, sweetie. You put so much good, supportive vibes in the world and you deserve it back a thousand fold.
@amelia-the-professional-smartass Amelia~♡ hi sweetie. My artistic honey bunch. I really do admire your creativity and how often you come up with your dnd ocs and drawings. You have such a firm grasp on character design and I always love reading through your oc headcanons or thought dumps. Keep up the amazing work.
@softjeon @jinterlude jey, mik, you two really are impressive and you helped teach me what it meant to be a good network admin. Being the admin of a net is hard enough. Being the admin of multiple can get to be so stressful but I'll be a damn fool if I didnt take this time to thank you both for teaching me what you knew so I could be a good admin myself and do right by my nets
Also for my little sis ❄ anon, i love u bunches bby and i think??? School might be hectic for you but I miss you and I hope you're having a good day
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mxdotombra · 4 years
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Why have i subjected myself to redesigning winx club? why?
Its such a terrible yet great show, the potential. the damn potential. And now imma rework the entire series. yay. I may just make a seperate account so like, idk.
anyway, tecna i guess, subject to heavy change maybe, idk. Info, thoughts, and design notes under cut.
Alright Tecna’s interesting to me, honestly. In season one (that im binging rn and almost done with cause we start from the beginning), she’s shown as robotic, calculating, yet ultimately caring and has difficulty with emotions and as well has ‘robotic tendencies’ or views the world as if if she were idk a robot? 
I think its how she speaks though, it’d make since on her planet though, especially one of primarily technology, if the people (aliens) integrated themselves to technology, almost like cyborgs but with magic? idk its a thought but man i wish that it had been done better because she just sounds like a flat failed joke in the show.
Also she wears pants. I like that. She will continue wearing pants.
Alright so i tried two outfits as shown, middle is my favorite for a few reasons, mainly to me its plain yet effective and efficient which seems to align with what Tecna would try to be instead of? short skirts and shirts i mean that would be a pain in general? Also her planet is cold (i think its snowing and the opposite of Stella’s) give her a coat please!
I like to think she’d have a few extra accessories and such, just for a bit of personality or maybe they have reasons for existing beyond she looked kinda bland in my head. I like to think she tries to display some kind of personality with her clothing and got better at it with her friends helping. 
I have no idea whats happening with the second normal clothing design, i looked up tecno punk and they have neat pants that i failed at drawing. IDK how to feel about it, not the biggest fan.
Also i always liked her having a more androgynous look? Thats me projecting though lol. I already decided that she’d be aro/ace in my own rendition of winx club.
Anyway, fairy form. I saw someone else’s redesign (I can’t remember who and its making me mad) and they did so well with em all so I kinda uh... stole parts of it. Just imagine the fabric is funky and magical okay? I believe she’d go for a more armored esque thing, as while the other fairies are more agile and moving in the air from what i’ve seen she’s more stationary in casting magic like shields and such. 
More stationary means taking more hits so i think that it would be best for her to be more armored. And her wings! I LOVE how in the first season(s?) they’re more technological i guess? and change shape? Such a neat detail! I like to think regular fairy wings can get damaged but hers cannot as they aren’t technically fairy wings but more simulated projections she can use? like her planet’s species of fairy developed to not need wings? IDK its an aspect I liked to think on. Also her face markings are meant to mimic the jewels on her fairy form. I like the idea of the fairies or aliens or whatever being close to humans but essentially once a mimic that developed into its own thing. Her eyes also change with fairy form, and I’d like to note as I can’t draw it that her pupils would be incredibly strange to look at, as it seems the inside of her eye is glowing from that point instead of it simply being on the eye. I guess? 
Also her wires and details are meant to glow a bit. Her magic, and the magic on her planet, tend to make things glow naturally as I like to think her planet is nigh constantly dark so its an adaptation to help see and such. (Ergo face markings as well, spotting people)
I’ll add more later. Also tecna’s design is one of my favorites, because her fairy form is incredibly unique. I came up with a sort of reason why fairy clothes are just so small? but i... hate the fairy designs. I do, its so impractical and later from what ive seen they just become kind of ugly and ungodly... flowery? traditionally feminine or girlish? and thats not bad its just that specific characters it seems strange on? Bloom I understand! I love her design lol. It suits her ngl.
But Tecna is all about practicality and those are NOT practical, and Musa is literally described as a tomboy, and while tomboys can like traditionally feminine things, it doesn’t seem her speed, especially the frilly princess look later, she seems more punk rock i guess? (or disco lol).
Idk im rambling, if you’ve made it this far, whaddya think?
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
i yearn for one(1) thing only, and that is to have a nice, simplistic, cartoonish artstyle. an artstyle that doesnt rely on anatomy, but the "movement" of the drawing, if you get what i mean.
i dont want realistic proportions and traditional colors and basic poses and gradient shading, i want funky lil dudes in funky poses with funky styles littering my sketchbook :( but alas i havent figured out how to develop that kind of style yet, my brain wants anatomy to look nice but also i dont want to draw eyes. i dont want to take time out of my day to learn how to draw lips i want to draw a line that extends past the characters face. i dont want all my characters to have pointy chins with curved cheeks i want their heads to be round and friend-like or full of sharp edges depending on their personalities and styles. i want to give them all not-quite human ears, blob feet, simple faces, but at the same time i want enough detail to convey the story or emotion im trying to tell.
ive spent so much time recently agonizing over how to use 3d model websites, using real-life references and tracing over them for practice, color-picking from real images to try and do realism and failing miserably, but you know whats easier than that? funky little dudes. little dudes who do not care if their legs are too long or their hair is too bouncy. i dont want my characters to look human.
ive spent enough time on the artfight website to realize that most people who classify their characters as "human" have the most basic ass designs (no offense to people who like basic human designs its just not my thing) or its like dnd-medieval style outfits which i cant draw for the life of me (ive tried). again no offense to people who actively enjoy and draw characters like that. i just need my dudes to have that certain,,, off-ness to them. tails are cool. wings are swag (especially if they arent even like,, fully attached,, ), elf ears are so wonderful to me no matter how much theyre overused, horns are so much fun to draw, and colors!! i have no knowledge in the color theory department so this works great for me!! the only thing i really know is dont shade with black, other than that i just colorpick from references usually but i dont want to do that!! i want the colors to hurt people's eyes but in a satisfying way. like the character's design is so nice to look at that you dont mind your eyes hurting a bit. like how im enjoying writing this post even though its 2 am and the brightness on my computer wont go any lower.
and then another thing ive noticed from being on the artfight website is that a lot of people classify their characters that are anthro/have anthro features under humanoids/monsters. like i made a google form to find some people to attack and someone sent me in a character with some sort of animal (wolf? idk) arms and legs. like dude!! peak character design i love her. but me personally? i cant draw that shit, its so hard for me. i tried a while back and its just Not my thing. nothing against furries i just. cant. and i dont want to either.
and i got another submission that i accidentally deleted that was like full anthro/wolf-like like my comrade,,, i cannot draw animals what makes you think i can draw an animal who acts like a human lmao. i can do like. very basic tails, and also animal ears but i cant do the arms and legs and such i just dont know the anatomy, and i know i was talking about how i dont want to care about anatomy but i feel like for anthros you really do need to know at least basic animal anatomy so you know how the limbs look and shit and i dont have that knowledge and dont feel like gaining it.
and then there were some submissions that i absolutely adored. there was one that like, was vaguely human shaped but definitely was not a human. they had a dark-ish lavender colored skin and horns and tusks and like goat ears and a sorta fluffy tail with spikes on it and they had wings and such and they were such a pleasure to draw i love them. and they had a fairly simple outfit too, nothing too complicated. and then i also enjoy object head characters, theyre so neato to me. i got one of those and i really wish i had the motivation to work on it cause it looks so fun.
i want to make funky characters but id have nothing to do with them because the only book i ever tried writing (key word tried - never got past planning it out) had strictly human characters in it, and most of the books i read are humans/humans with powers in situations specific to them so id have no idea what lore to make with the dudes. assuming i have the motivation to make lore and backstory because honestly i just really enjoy character designing its super duper fun.
(side note a song about trucks doing the deed came on just now and its interrupted my flow, apologies).
i only have three actual characters right now. one is an original roleplay oc whos design is literally athletic shorts, an oversized long sleeved grey sweatshirt, long purple hair, and demon horns. the second one is my persona whos design some sorta medival knight outfit kinda thing? but not ugly it looks really cool (idk one of my friends designed it bc i won some contest from him but the drawing was on a super small scale so idrk the details,,,) with a plague doctor mask and crown, and shoulder length wavy brown hair, dyed bright pink at the end. and then my last one im not too comfortable using other places because theyre a character my friend is using in the story hes writing, and thats really the only place theyve been used. but theyre easily my favorite and im already writing a ton so ill talk about them too.
they're a sorta elf species thing from another planet, with pale green skin and pointed ears. they also have a tail, its like,, super thin, but with a feathery bit at the end. probably not the texture of a feather but i dont know how else to describe it. they have short, curly, almost-draco-malfoy-blonde hair that when it gets too long they can put in a man bun. their eyesight is kinda shitty so when they got to earth, they were exploring some supply closets around the airship. drop off area. thing. like airport but for rocketships and also fancier. yeah. they were exploring that area and found a nice big pair of round glasses with grey frames. and they also found a cowboy-style hat and a sharpie so they wrote their name on the underside of the brim of the hat and stole the hat and glasses (but left the sharpie in the supply closet).
yeah theyre my favorite, my absolute beloved, my child, so cool. i want more characters like them but with maybe a bit more snazzier designs. theyre super cool and all but they could have more pizzazz if they werent in a story where its too late to give them more pizzazz. i just want to be able to give my characters thigh-high boots with a bunch of buckles and fluffy hair with tons of accessories crammed in and abnormally large and long ears that can harbor many piercings and horns that can hold rings on them and special little details on their outfits like who knows what but i dont have any characters to do that too, so i have to make them from scratch, which is always hard especially when you have artblock.
and i also have like 17 characters i need to fully draw, line, and maybe color for artfight before august 1st. so i dont know. i have many things to do and plenty of time to do it but instead i spend my time halfway watching repetitive youtube videos that get boring or sleeping all damn day because i stay up too late doing things like this or i just do nothing at all and its tiring and frustrating but i also feel nothing about it like theres no consequence if i dont do it besides you know. not doing it, not gaining that experience, not making something i enjoy.
so i should do it but i dont for whatever reason, i think its called executive dysfunction but im not sure. this post started out very differently than it ended and i said somewhere up there that i was writing this at 2 am but now its almost 3. this is so many words why couldnt i have put this energy into something productive
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allow me to rant about the only thing that has been in my brain for the past two months and that is doll customizing babeyyyyy
i know there’s a 90% chance that you wont give a Shit about any of this but here we go anyways
SO first you gotta choose a doll. preferably one with a high range of motion to avoid creating new joints or having annoying limitations like not having elbow joints for some fucking reason. what the fuck mattel. give monster high dolls back their ball jointed shoulders and elbow joints. smh
the most common dolls ive seen used as bases are monster high and ever after high. most customs ive seen are highly stylized so the stylized face molds work well for those types of dolls but dolls like barbies are good for when you want a more realistic face-ups.
once you’ve got your base picked out you gotta wipe that bitch’s face off with like. acetone or nail polish remover or something strong like that. you can also use acetone to shrink doll heads which is cool as hell imo. n e way once the face is wiped you gotta chop off the hair and remove the hair plugs from the inside. ive seen this done several ways but the easiest and most common way ive seen is to dunk the head into boiling water for ~30 seconds until it gets squishy and malleable. once you’ve got the head back, you can use pliers (i think tweezers would work in a pinch) to pull out the hair plugs which are kinda icky because theyre covered in glue and other gross shit. ew
now you must decapitate the doll. dunk em back in the boiling water to soften them back up then just tug the head off. the neck pegs look funky and are usually a different color than the body so thats cool ig
once the head’s off, you can start the face-up which is basically just giving the doll a new face using stuff like watercolor pencils, acrylic paint, gouache, and a whole lot of other stuff. hell ive seen people use person makeup on these dolls.
next,,,,, hair. there’s about twenty million ways to do hair from gluing yarn wefts to sewing to rerooting with purchased nylon doll hair or yarn wefts but i’m gonna talk about the most common one ive seen which is rerooting and gluing.
before you can reroot, you need doll hair. which, as i mentioned, can be bought at stores like the doll planet or made at home with yarn in literally any color. have fun with it! make rainbow hair or something idk
to make homemade wefts, you take some acrylic yarn, cut it twice as long as you want the hair to be (keep in mind you can cut and style the hair once it’s been rerooted), fold them in half, and tie it to something sturdy like a wire coat hanger for the next step.
once you’ve got your yarn tied to your hanger, use a pet brush and brush the yarn until it’s wispy and looks like hair. then take a straightening iron and iron the weft flat. then remove from the hanger and boom. hair wefts. ta-da
to reroot the wefts onto the head, use a rerooting tool (which can be as simple as a needle with the eye cut at angle) (just google it please i’m shit at descriptions)) to poke small sections of the hair into the head. you can use the pre-existing rooting holes for your own reroot as they’re usually pretty reliable. to reroot, take a small length of you doll hair (about 10-15 strands), loop it in half, and put the middle of the loop into the reroot tool. poke the end of the tool with the hair on it into the pre-existing hole and remove the tool. the hair *should* stay in and fill up that plug!! also remember to plug thickly at the hairline and part of the hair where it's most noticeable. it doesnt matter as much in the center of the head as that’s not usually visible on the doll. once you’ve rerooted, squeeze in strong glue through the neck hole and squish around the head to make sure it covers all the plugs and secures them in place. then pour hot water onto the head to make the hair lay flat for styling later.
also, you can reroot yarn directly into the head to make thicker, more textured hairstyles. and since the yarn is thicker, you dont need to glue the inside of the head for the hair to stay in place!!
if youre not doing body modifications (which are also cool as hell) then it’s time for clothes but clothes are boring and i like body mods more so i’m gonna rant about them instead
the material ive seen most doll artists use is apoxie sculpt, which is like play doh on steroids. it comes in two parts which you gotta mix together for some reason. why dont they sell it pre-mixed. what was the reason. also once it’s dry it’s super super strong and you can sand it, drill into it, paint it, and all kinds of stuff. very nice and i want some for myself.
you can use hand saws and drills and shit to whack off doll limbs to make stuff like digitigrade legs or new joints. also dont be afraid to use other mismatching doll parts when customizing like heads and bodies and forearms and hands and shit. it literally does not matter if youre gonna recolor the doll anyways so have fun with it. make frankenstein’s doll if youre feeling spicy
accessories my beloved. stuff like tiny beads and clay baubles and shit will literally transform the entire doll plus they’re adorable and multi-purpose
i suppose i must talk about clothes now. ah well. you can find great clothing patterns if youre new to customizing on other customizer’s etsy shops and probably google although those will probably be lower quality than paid pattern pieces. and keep in mind that if it exists as clothing irl, you can likely make it doll-sized. there are literally no limits to your clothing options as long as you can execute your idea.
the once all your components have been made, you can assemble the doll again!! and finally see what all the parts look like together!! very cool 10/10 stars.
ight that wraps up my doll rant. i could really go into more detail on certain parts but thats a whole other rant for a whole other day smh. sorry for fucking flooding your inbox ender ahaha……………. you asked for this
little did you know that dolls have been one of my favorite things since like ever. if i can read a 25 chapter long fanfic i can read this B)
mattel definitely fucked up by completely ruining MH doll designs and just stopping EAH, alot of their profits most likely came from people who collect and customize dolls and by changing MH doll designs/Stopping EAH dolls they 1. most likely lost a small (or big if we're not jus talking people who customize dolls) part of their profit and 2. made it harder for doll customizers to make dolls/get commissions out rather quickly because they probably have to waste more time making joints or learning how to make joints.
EAH/MH dolls (specifically MH dolls) had AMAZING MODELS because there was so much variety with height, face shapes, etc (my favorite molds had to be the short/tall dolls and the cat molds because of the tails) and doll customizers really went all out with enhancing a molds unique features. The only "downside" abt MH dolls is that they (or atleast most)(from what i remember)) had slimmer faces but wider eyes while EAH dolls have wider faces with slimmer smaller which left a canvas for the face and not the eyes (and vice versa for MH dolls)
I've never seen any videos where a barbie is customized (maybe because i absolutely despised barbies at the time) so I'll definitely have to check those out but they seem to be good for realistic makeovers. I've seen like like semi realistic makeovers for EAH/MH dolls that were pretty good too tho (pretty sure mostly EAH dolls since yk MH dolls were used for creature makeovers while most EAH dolls weren't)
yeah i was always amazed by the head shrinking with acetone. honestly i still am?? idunno i have no idea how that chemical bullshit works. Ive seen a few of uh makeovers that just pain over the face (in multiple layers ofcourse) but that's usually when they're painting the entire body a different colour (again usually when they're turning a doll into a funky little baby man). I've also seen a few that just chop the hair off and take out the hair plugs yk without uuh like softening the head or just go straight for the hair plugs after taking off the head (i used to do that it was funny to me??). i always really liked when they used watercolour pencils or just colour pencils in general to draw/sketch on the face cause like wow ur drawing on ur doll without ruining it?? kinda epic maybe even poggers and pogchamp?? oh god my brain is failing wjshsmsj.
Watching them putting the hair back on the doll was, other than the face stuff, was the BEST part for me. Favorite type of hair was iuuuuuh was either thick yarn or brushed out yarn. Literally worship the people that would reroot the hair, theyre the most patience people on this earth!! it's literally insane but i guess that's what happens when you've been doing that for years? you guess kinda get used to it. when they put glue into the head does it just become stiff?? like it's just a clump of dried glue or does it like..hollow out again??
dude you literally cannot convince me most of the supplies used for doll makeovers. APOXIE CLAY LOOKS SO FECKING GOOD. its edible and i will die on that hill. The body mods are literally so amazing!!!!! it's so impressive how theyre able to imagine certain features THEN LIKE ACTUALLY MAKE IT LOOK ACCURATE TO WHAT THEY WANTED TO LOOK LIKE AFTER LIKE ON TRY (or many yk trial and error is very necessary for..everything). Absolutely loved when doll customizers would saw off a dolls legs and use different ones or just completely get rid of the torso to use a different one. it's like uuh that one big guy that's mismatched and sewn together. very cool. The accessories are so fun!! just small little details you seen really need but can add because it's your feckin doll!! I used to be absolutely obsessed over the doll clothes i would find on etsy, so much so that i started sewing shitty shirts and dresses for my uh "customized" dolls (they were absolute HORRORS idk WHY my mom let me feck up my dolls like that).
Thank you for this!! i haven't been able to talk about any of my interests for a while and this just really made me happy!!
Question fer u my fellow MH/EAH enthusiast: what was your favorite MH/EAH movie/episode and doll series. Mine was The fusion dolls (MH obvi) and that MH movie "Haunted" cause we got to know more about Spectra :D
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estoysugoi · 6 years
y,all gon LEARn
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
name: Lucas
nickname: bitch (by friends)
gender: he/they
zodiac: aries (aries/taurus cusp but w/e) 
height: 5′5″
time: 9:23 p.m.
favourite musicians:  @everydaylouie​ (great musician/artist), Florence Welch (Florence & The Machine), Janelle Monae (The Q.U.E.E.N. to my Dirty Computer), Shura, Lianne La Havas, DAISY (Daisy Hamel-Buffa), P!nk, Earl, Shakira, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Amine, Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle/A Man Who Could Slap My Ass And I’d Thank Him), Princess Nokia (Destiny Nicole Frasqueri/AKA the only individual i’d let throw soup at me), Ariana Grande, Utada Hikaru (im a KH kid at heart always), Missy Elliot (The Master Who Taught Me To Work It If It’s Worth It), Paramore (but like a few songs), Gwen Stefani, Estelle (AKA Square Mom), Raja Kumari, Snakehips, Mystery Skuls, Emily King
song stuck in my head: POP/STARS by K/DA (never touched LoL during my holy 22 years but that MV is fire)
last movie i saw: Venom 
last thing i googled: pontea tumblr (some artist that was displayed on the tumblr sign-in page, so far i like the style, i have no clue who these K-Pop stars are tho)
other blogs: i’ve got two: this one and an art blog
do i get asks?: answer me this: have YOU sent me asks? 
why i chose this username:  it’s two languages paired together that basically say “i am amazing” (Estoy-Spanish-”I am” + Sugoi-Japanese-”Amazing”) 
following:  2,081
amount of sleep: six to eight hours (recently been going to bed around 3 bc im watching Charmed and i have no impulse control)
lucky number: 3, 21 (basically my tarot birth-card numbers)
what i’m wearing: dark navy t-shirt and shorts 
dream job: concept designer (either character design or help with “ideas” idk), maybe have a fun podcast/livestream where some friends and i talk and play D&D
dream trip: anywhere with clean air, healthy plants, clear waters and minimum to low temp (anywhere BUT Cuba and any deserts)
favourite foods: poke, dark chocolate
instruments: i USED to play the flute, didnt last long and never really put effort into practicing much
favourite songs: Sky Full of Song/Delilah/Ship To Wreck/Hunger by Florence --- Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru --- What’s It Gonna Be? by Shura --- Smooth by Satana --- Somone by DAISY --- Sunflower (Movie Version) by Shannon Purser (VERY Emotional Highschoolerl song) --- Lazy Man by Earl --- Please Don’t Leave Me by P!nk --- Reach Out by Mad Satta --- Distance by Emily King
hair color: “raven” black (looks like dark copper in sunlight)
favorite fruit: pomegranates, cherries, watermelon, strawberries
favorite season: Fall/Winter (whichever is colder that year)
favorite animal: snakes, cats, dogs, crows, ravens, wolves, panthers/tiger/lions/generally big cats, capybara (how could u not tho???) butterflies, squirrels 
favorite fictional character: i cant fit/remember that many so lets just say ive got a lot of favs
favorite tv shows: Hilda, Charmed (the OG late ‘90s/early 2000), Voltron: Legendary Defender (Latest one), Castlevania (latest one), and probably a bunch of others that slip my mind
cat or dog: yeah
favorite colour: blue, black, purple, gold (minimal amount AND if it works with the current color), teal/sea green but n e v e r green
do you have a crush on tumblr: some 18+ artists i follow that do the lord’s work 
play(ed) any sports?: soccer (WORST two years of my life) and tennis unfortunately 
languages you speak: english 
random fact(s): i can sometimes hear if a tv is on or not even when the volume is muted (applies to a few other type of electronics), i’ve had the same deck of tarot cards since middle school, ive always wanted (still do) to get into witch related crafts when i was younger but Gender Norms ruined it, ive been able to get a guy to bust a nut over the phone in less than seven minutes 
describe yourself in aesthetic: Tired Art Major By Day, Urban Bihexual Witch By Night
tagged by: @empyreanine (lmao “urban city kid w/ naruto headband” absolutely fantastic my funky hokage)
tagging: literally anyone i dont care go off with this template
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lustertherainwing · 7 years
If you had to design a crown/some kind of jewelry at Burn's request (getting a art commission from your favorite character amiright?), what would it look like? I could totally picture Queen Burn building herself a palace of bones over her lifetime. Some pieces she'd commission, but most she'd make herself. She'd love something like Sedlec Ossuary, which is covered floor to ceiling in arrangements of bones. Oh no, I just thought of Burn making a monument to her mom out of her own bones.
what an interesting idea!!! she could have some pretty funky crowns made for her!! (ft skywing horns, walrus tusks, longhorn steer horns, prongs from caribou/deer, teeth, some funky bones from a snake, etc....)!!! 
idk ive always kind of enjoyed the idea that she doesnt wear or need a crown..or an extravagant one, at least. i feel like shes such a figure (and knows it too) that some kind of assertion of status is unnecessary to her. 
but i doodled up some concepts anyways because i can never pass up an opportunity to draw my fav
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(fancy little crown, probably dug up from the treasury for kicks; a bone one + a matching necklace. nice; and a plain drab one, bc why not :3c)
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hummingbird-goddess · 7 years
Are you pale or tan or kind of an in-betweener?:
i am very white but thos summer ive gotten some color  
What do you think of the word ‘wiener’?: its funny but meh.
Do you have long or short nails? (why): i keep cutting my nails short because my old job theyd get caught and break all the time soni just ever since kept them short  but i may start growing them out  
Do you ever wear anything with sequins?: not me at all
Have you ever considered growing a mustache/dating someone with a mustache?: I’m dating someone with some scruff, i love it. im not too far from my own seems like
Do you like wine? (what kind particularly):
i love wine  ill drink it all but the moscato is the best because it tastes like juice  
Do you prefer skinny people or people with a bit of meat on the bones?: either way, im not picky  
Does the idea of death scare you?: No, mine’s more of a fear of the unknown…
Do you believe you’re going to heaven?: no idea if thats even real or not tbh. i kinda believe in reincarnation .
What type of bottled water do you prefer?:
i dont think i prefer one.
Do you like to wear anything in your hair? (feathers, hairbands, barrettes):
Do you like to cook? (if so, what’s your fav. thing to cook): i dont cook a lot but ill cook anything with pasta.
What is your favorite magazine to read?: architectural digest .  
What religion do you follow if any? If you don’t follow any, why not?: i dont follow any becäuse there are too many and i dont know what to believe
Do you have a digital camera? (what kind): not a workingbone unfortunately .
What do you mostly like to take pictures of?: my cat 
Who are your best friends? List from youngest to oldest: mehhhhhh
Do you like to wear fancy hats?: uh no
Do you think Jessica Alba is pretty/hot?: She’s pretty.
Are you familiar with the brand ‘Valentino’?: No.
How tall are you exactly?: I am 5′5″
Have you ever seen Desperate Housewives?: here and there
What color is your hair?: Naturally it’s dark brown.
Have you ever dyed your hair with store bought dye?: Yes and i regret it 
Do you ever wear gloves/mittens during cold weather?: yeah its a neccessity in CO
How do you feel in detail RIGHT AT THIS SECOND?: meh
What’s better, Thai or Chinese Cuisine?: very similar, either really.  
Do you think high heels make girls look more attractive?: when they know how to wear them its cute
Is it gross to not shave your legs if you’re a girl?: It doesn’t bother me honestly…
Do you own more t-shirts or jeans?: T-shirts by far!
Between Macy’s and Nordstroms, what do you prefer?: neither tbh
Does your hair ever get in the way of your eyes?: yeah usually
What does the texture of your skin feel like?: It’s smooth
Do you spend more time smiling or frowning?: I have resting bitch face so neither.. lol.
Do you like to go garage sale scavenging?: yeah sometimes theres good treasures 
What’s better, something new and modern or something old and vintage?: i like both
Are you photogenic according to others?: i dont think so 
Describe your favorite pair of shoesies: mm, i like my brown combat boots  comfy and fit the foot sobthey dont look dumb and chunky.
Do you own a credit card? (if so, do you use it often): Nope…
Do you follow trends? (be honest): i dont think so, i dont actually py attention 
Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, J-Lo, Gwyneth Paltrow?: Jennifer Aniston  
How often do you regret your actions?: sometimes, but cant let that control my current svtions
Do you ever watch or read the weekly news?: i watch it when my mom does
Do you think ‘Bridgette Jones’ Diary is a good movie?: Never seen it…
What do people usually say to you regarding your appearance?: usually my eyes or hair when ive had a funky colour but usually eyes
Do you ALWAYS make your bed in the morning before you start the day?: Not really ever 
How many hours of sleep do you get per night usually? is it enough?: a lot now that i eork normal hours lol 
How old you act/feel/look?: i act 30, feel old af, look 12 probs
How old are you in reality?: I’m 22
What is your favorite book genre?:
Do you like spicy food? What’s your favorite spicy food?: its not my favoritebwhen incorporated appropriately  
Do you have sensitive teeth?: no
Do you like receiving beauty tips from other people?: uh i dont think ive ever gotten any 
Would you consider yourself amazing?: Ha..umm no..
Do you think every individual human being matters?: I mean, rapists, murderers, molesters, and bullies can GTFO… everyone else mattes..  
Is life pointless?: No I don’t think so
What was the best thing you bought this month?: i homestly dont think kve bought much fun stuff
How much money do you spend on average weekly?: Honestly it varies…  
How often do you clean up?: every week on my daysnoff
What are you most excited about in life to come?: mm the eclipse right nowmlol.
Would you ever spy on a boyfriend/girlfriend if you were suspicious?: meh kinda do alresdy but i dont care tbh haha  
Do you completely trust your current boyfriend/girlfriend or best friend?: I certainly do.
The most interesting job you’ve had in your lifetime was?:
walmart employee.
Do you own anything designer label? What?: not thatbi know of t
Do you think the renaissance age was interesting?: mehhhhh not ,y cup of tea
Do you like the subject of history or not at all?: I honestly hated history more than any other subjevtnin svjool  sorry it was god awful. maybe just the teacgers and the books  idk 
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