#idm it in a depressed or bitter way
radio-charlie · 3 years
Got A Perfect Day to play, its a Chinese visual novel and sadly only available in Mandarin Chinese, the art is very beautiful and the writing natural. im not far into the story atm, just at the part where chen liang has gotten dragged home by his dad after he waited for his crush to give a card to her. Hoping the crush is not the focus of some coming-of-age-thru-unrequited-young-love story altho it defo looks like its gonna be more than that. when i was that age i did have crushes but they meant absolutely nothing to me in my later years. just white noise
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Radiohead - Amnesiac Review
Immediately after finishing writing about Kid A, I decided to give its chronological and thematic sequel, Amnesiac, a try. It’s very safe to say this album is not quite as easy of an experience to listen through, so after listening to it once while almost falling asleep at 4 a.m., I  decided it would be best to try and make sense of this record with a clearer, less irritated mind.
After experiencing it again the day after, the first good thing I can say about Amnesiac is that Radiohead outdid the last album in the experimental factor, changing the structural emphasis once again from synths to guitar-based compositions, and creating a whole different “world” for this new album; if there’s anything bad anyone can say about Amnesiac, “living in Kid A’s shadow” is not it, despite being remembered less fondly than the classic it came after. The weird, grim sounds the band implements throughout the project are something to admire, such as the almost psychedelic, extremely metaphorical imagery in Pyramid Song, or the freakish, gory Knives Out.
Where Kid A is sterile, cold and pleasingly depressing, Amnesiac is lukewarm, organic, but at the same time unnatural, tense and always on edge. Almost all songs, including Dollars & Cents, Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors, and Life In a Glasshouse to name a few, emanate this unnerving energy, with the most positive point in the whole record being the slightly grimy I Might Be Wrong.
I let it marinate in my mind for a few days before listening to it again. My feelings on the album are nowhere as strong as for Kid A, but I do enjoy the feel of it. Whether it’s the weirder, skeletal instrumentals in Packt Like Sardines In a Crushd Tin Box or Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors, the piano ballads like the epic Pyramid Song, or the alternate, very fitting and chilling version of Morning Bell, or the more rock-oriented songs like the amazing You And Whose Army? and I Might Be Wrong: the album employs all these styles pretty well, making them all an interesting and worthwhile listen while also diversifying the sound of the album.
The track Like Spinning Plates shows the genius behind Radiohead’s ability to construct their songs in unique and challenging ways, while still keeping their sound pleasing. The reversed vocals by Thom hit perfectly and have an ethereal sound to them, and the whole song sounds like you’re ascending into space. On the other end of the spectrum, you have You And Whose Army?, a track that gets the listener immediately involved with its depressed start, and eventual ascension into something you’d hear in a post-apocalyptic blockbuster.
The contents of the songs, in comparison to the previous album, are much more cryptic and require more speculation and background to understand. Tracks like Pyramid Song and Life In a Glasshouse are metaphorical, their interpretations by fans are vital to their structure and appreciation, and their compositions, as said before, are way more experimental than before. I’ve seen plenty of “Radiohead albums represented by The Office”-type videos that just seem to discard Amnesiac as jazz, just because of the last track, when it is obviously much more than that.
There are certain things I dislike about it though, such as tracks like Knives Out having such a standard and lifeless instrumental, which is a shame since the lyrics and Thom’s vocals are certainly standouts in the album. And while I’ve been praising the album on its grim themes throughout the entire review, I do have to say it sometimes becomes too much. Casual listening is not something I think Radiohead had as a main focus in this album, and it shows, as it is built to be disturbing, however, when comparing Kid A to Amnesiac, I can’t help but miss Kid A’s memorable choruses, entrancing IDM instrumentals and overall easiness it had to it. With Amnesiac, you have something far more bitter and tough to swallow, and because of that, it can’t be as iconic. It trades accessibility and catchiness for experimentation and a darker, much more doomist atmosphere. I can obviously appreciate that, but it doesn’t beat Kid A’s magic, in my opinion.
 FAVORITE TRACKS: Pyramid Song, You And Whose Army?, Morning Bell/Amnesiac, Dollars & Cents, Like Spinning Plates, Life In a Glasshouse
“I’m a reasonable man, get off my case, get off my case, get off my case.”
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artlessictoan · 7 years
Idk if you still do this Genfer,sexuality, and so in headcanon thing but if could you do chouchou,Metal lee, shikadai,temari and/vor baki. Thanks!
oh jeez i was absolutely not prepared for this sdkahjd sorry it took me a while to reply, but sure idm doing more of these!
sexual orientation headcanon: gay af!
gender headcanon: hmmm don’t have any strong thoughts on this one, cisgirl i guess?? or maybe trans girl??? she/her anyways
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: ..i think there’s just something about the Akimichi gene pool that guarantees relative mental stability tbh
3 random headcanons: 
1. had a crush on Yodo since basically the moment they met, but dated a few other girls before Yodo finally had her Gay Epiphany and asked her out
2. though she inherited her father’s techniques, she much prefers kenjutsu training with her mum and wants to find a way to somehow combine the two styles one day
3. she’s really into flower arranging thanks to her aunt Ino, but has absolutely no patience for actually growing things
Metal Lee:
sexual orientation headcanon: panrom ace, has really strong crushes, but he gets suuuper shy about confessing
gender headcanon: trans boy, gets quite bad dysphoria, but his dad is very supportive and helps him out a lot, since he’s a trans man himself!
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: dyspraxia and social anxiety, it’s quite severe in his childhood, but with time and help he learns how to manage his symptoms better
3 random headcanons: 
1. is the oldest of the next-gen kids, and thus Everyones Big Brother, he gives the best hugs, looks out for all his baby sibs and regularly attends Hima’s tea parties
2. he’s actually partially deaf and needs hearing aids, he also uses sign language a fair bit!
3. loves his grandpa Gai, can often be found running him around the village in his wheelchair and making up grand stories to tell him (Gai cries every time bc his grandson is just so amazingly creative)
sexual orientation headcanon: aroace! not repulsed at all, just utterly baffled by the whole romance thing
gender headcanon: agender, though doesn’t really care what pronouns are used for them
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: hmm, maybe something like Bipolar II? they disassociate quite often too
3 random headcanons: 
1. honestly thinks that their mum is The Best and idolizes her so much, try as the might to pretend otherwise
2. is lazy, but in a weird way that comes across as actually being really motivated and energetic, bc they do things asap and as efficiently as possible, just so they can go back to doing fuck all in peace
3. has a very involved secret handshake with Kank, one that has been developing since they were like 4 and as a teen takes about ten minutes to perform (they tried to make one for Gaara too, but he just ends up sitting there looking very confused every time)
sexual orientation headcanon: tbh i hc her as like five different orientations depending on my mood ajkfsjd mostly bi (with a strong pref for girls), gay, or aro lesbian
gender headcanon: ciswoman or intersex, uses she/her pronouns (occasionally trans woman too….. idk i just like a lot of variety in my temas)
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: ptsd and aspergers, her symptoms aren’t all that obvious if you don’t know her well though. or sometimes i like to imagine her with OCPD or schizophrenia
3 random headcanons: 
1. Temari is to cooking, as the K-T extinction event was to the dinosaurs.
2. don’t be fooled, she is actually a gigantic fucking nerd, her obsessions just happen to be less obviously dorky things like sports and history
3. Is Never Wrong About Anything Ever and will fight you if you say otherwise, no matter how obviously wrong she is (her bros have learned this the hard way)
sexual orientation headcanon: birom ace! highly sex-repulsed, but loves kisses and cuddles don’t tell anyone
gender headcanon: cisguy
mental illness / neurodivergent headcanon: ptsd man the ninja world is a horrifying place and a recovered alcoholic
3 random headcanons: 
1. he was briefly married in his twenties, but his partner died on a mission, which put him in a deep depression and left him completely disillusioned with the entire ninja system, he still served it, but he was very bitter and self-destructive about his missions afterwards
2. was very reluctant about becoming the sibs Dad, but them darn kids worked their way into his heart anyways and eventually he just had to accept it. he has no regrets
3. takes an early retirement once he’s convinced that his kids have things sorted and don’t need his help against the more hostile council members anymore. he looks after Gaara’s cacti when he’s away from Suna and eventually finds a nice civilian guy to settle down with
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