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Full version of “Whoever You May Be”, with vocals! 🤗🎶 This is the second song that I wrote that has words, written back in high school, senior year. - This seat is empty, This seat is free So you can come over, And sit next to me. Maybe we’ll be friends, Maybe we’ll be more Parts of me you’ll hate, Or maybe you’ll adore. We could become the best of friends, Or never talk at all But we’ll never know if you Just stand there in the hall. I may want to meet you, You may want to meet me So come from there, And sit right here, Whoever you may be. - I had written the #poem first, then came back to it a week or so later and decided to put it to #music! I haven’t had much vocal training, so I would love to have some input/constructive criticism from those of you who are #singers! 😄🎶❤️ #WhoeverYouMayBe #Piano #Vocals #Voice #VoiceTips #VoiceTraining #VocalTraining #HelpMe #HelpMeSingBetter #VocalExercises #Singer #SingerSongwriter #IDontThinkThatsReallyAGenre #ButISupposeSomeOfMusicCouldBeClassifiedAsSuch #Lololol #SingingTips #SingingAdvice #Singing #ConstructiveCriticism #Feedback #ConstructiveFeedback #ConstructiveCriticismWelcome
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