tiniwilson · 2 years
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I had some #lemonpepperwings from #happychina today that had me wanting to #eat the entire #chicken but I can’t!!! You can only #consume the #drum or #flats believe me #itried 😂😂😂💀 #fridayfeeling #friedchicken #truestory #greedy #getinmymouth #goals #challenge #foodiesofinstagram #yummy #nom #ieats https://www.instagram.com/p/CijwXDHuKOX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bleuu-moon · 7 months
hunger games au where, like in ‘catching fire’, any two victors from each district gets put back into the games, to find the ultimate victor. and when your name gets selected, your fears come true once again, only to become even more fear stricken when the other name that gets pulled, is simon riley.
one of the most famous victors, known for his brutality out in the arena, his ability to be versatile given any environment, and the skull that resides on his face. but most importantly, known for rejecting his need for allies—
the one thing that helped you survive the first time.
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urban-mutt · 3 months
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as-sadness · 1 year
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error84 · 1 year
my most toxic trait aside from liking steel vengeance un-apologetically nowadays or whatever is i unironically like minions
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awesomeface · 2 years
ugys do i eat this sleevee of crackers or do i throw it around like a ragdoll
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ittybittybumblebee · 5 months
Gluten free muffin for breakfast lunch and dinnar
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digna2018 · 1 year
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Guess i'm having #brunch 🤷🏾‍♀️ #wholewheat #avocado #grilledchicken #cheddar #pumpkinspice #brunch #ieat #goodfood #healthyeating https://www.instagram.com/p/CpViauDLna6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aly555 · 2 years
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nightzskii · 1 year
babya areuy a rock because ieat tou
theycallme the roci ester andnim abt to eat ur eorod
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allcrush · 16 days
why. ieat food take one bite n i mfull and die?
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smlpoppy-blog · 4 months
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I want to come home and find my little girl sleeping with just her panties on, I go over to the bed and watch her laying there so innocent looking, I begin to play with her foot running my finger across it, I take it into my hand and begin slowly licking her toes , then sucking them my dick is rock hard at this point , she is sleeping on her belly with her little ass cocked up so perfect, I lay down with her ass at my face and I begin running my tounge up and down the Crack of her ass round and round in and out of her tight little asshole , God I love tasting her Ieat her ass as I would her pussy
#Young old
Daddys baby
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messinwitheddie · 4 months
So….what’s Miyuki and Spork doing in their afterlife?How did they ended up falling for each other when they were alive? I know the green control brain made Miyuki break it off with him (jealous old hag😅) but where there awkward moments between them after that? How did Spork feel when he heard sh died?
Speaking of which. Who fathered Miyuki’s sworm? Is he still around even after her death?
Mic there is punishment in the afterlife, those three control brains need everything thrown at them for making their own people live in total hell because of their ruling. Has anyone in their past get to meet with them? Any sympathizers? Coddle drones? A past love interest that didn’t end well?
In the beginning of the 18-years-later au, Miyuki and Spork's PAKs and spirits are trapped in the belly of Zim's Infinite Energy Absorbing Thingy creation. Miyuki and Spork are kind of forced to face each other and make peace with the mistakes they made with each other in life while trapped. Obviously, Miyuki has more to apologize for. It's difficult for both of them, but eventually their bond and love for each other is strengthened because of it.
There is this whole subplot around Dipper accidentally pulling the IEAT (and Chammy Wamboo) through Ford's interdimensional portal.
Zim manages to get the IEAT to regurgitate their PAKs, freeing their spirits. He also uses their PAKs for his own research… which proves essential in future battles against the control brain ultimate upgrade.
(this is a continuation of another subplot where Zim summons Bill Cypher and makes a deal which results in an alternate reality where Bill controls the earth/ kills off the human race in exchange for Zim becoming a towering tallests who controls the entire irken race/ empire and makes the control brains subservient to his will.
This reality is eventually destroyed by an unlikely team up between Reg, Mini Moose Pepito Diablo and tallest Zim (who quickly realizes his fantasy existence does not bring him the joy or purpose he thought it would). Reg struggles to keep Bill trapped in a D&D style pocket dimension he has to continually build upon using the infinity sided dice, graph paper and his imagination.
This experience gives Reg some pretty bad PTSD. Reg, Zim and the others involved in rescuing their main reality keep this a secret until the IEAT return subplot pops up… but I got off topic; excuse me.)
As for during Miyuki's reign as tallest, almost every moment between her and Spork was awkward, mostly because of the Green brain constantly trying to drive a wedge between them.
Despite the backlash from Miyuki, Spork continued to think if Miyuki as his dearest friend. He continued to pine for her, silently. Spork was devastated when Miyuki died, but was under strict orders from the control brains to never display his grief in public. They wanted her reign and death swept under the rug. Spork is secretly glad his reign was so short. Existence felt hollow without her.
They were friends since smeethood; born on the same day in the same hall of the smeetery. Spork and Miyuki were always close in height, always standing just above their peers. Miyuki was always the more adventurous of the two and often dragged Spork on misadventures throughout the smeetery.
As cadets they were often paired with each other during holo combat training and real-time battle simulations.
They didn’t become a romantic couple until their years as foot generals, specifically in the early days of the Irken/ Planet Jacker war. Spork saved Miyuki during a particularly chaotic and violent ground battle. There was no denying for her Spork's loyalty and bravery made up for any visual appeal he lacked after that
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For his personal protection, physically and professionally the drone who sired Miyuki's swarm was never spoken of by her. The deed was done in secret, in Miyuki's private chamber, designed to block the telepathic shackle connecting tallest and control brain.
The only other drone who knew his name is Mem, but that was centuries ago. The sire drone has enjoyed a long prosperous life and career, so as long as it's kept hush hush so to ensure his PAK will join the core collective, it should be okay to reveal it.
Believe it or not, it was PieLord Emis-Gee. He had broken the Irken power lifting record at the time. Miyuki was highly impressed by his raw strength (his cooking skills were a huge plus too. PieLord Gee makes the best muffins and cupcakes among many other items on the menu).
Miyuki was not very educated on safety practices or successful methods on natural Irken reproduction. Emis Gee, though he was fertile (rare for a drone his height) and he did the job, he was a little too…sharp and rough on contact, to be as vague as possible. The too deep puncture lead to complications on top of several other pre existing complications wich ultimately lead to Miyuki losing her swarm. Emis-Gee was heartbroken for her, but he was grateful she never blamed him or threw him in front of the death cannon, so to speak.
(This botched attempt was neither of their fault. When sent to the mandatory fertility seminar, modern Irken women are given as little information on the subject as possible and what little information is given, 45% is medically inaccurate or just propaganda . Irken males are never formally educated on the subject, so young Emis-Gee was operating completely blind. He was terrified to try at all, but orders are orders. You don’t say no to tallest Miyuki.)
When the control brains finally die, their punishment involves every person, Irken or otherwise, lining up to carve their grievances or the story of how the control brains hurt them/ destroyed their lives. (3 lines that seemingly stretch on for eternity)
Once the cuts into their flesh scab over the next person in line walks up to carve their story with a dull/ rusted blade, a shard of jagged glass ect. or their own claws, depending on the species of the individual carving their story.
Some people choose to stop carving and just speak to the brains. Most find it more satisfying to carve, but the brains were Irken once too. Some remember who they were and feel some kind of sympathy for them, even if it's difficult to muster that kind of sympathy from the pain they endured at the hands of the brains.
The control brains do in fact face eventually face everyone they ever hurt. They are forced to listen to their victim's stories and reflect on the villainous role they played. It takes an inconceivable amount of time, but the brains eventually learn to feel empathy and sympathy for those they hurt. They eventually feel genuine regret and make their apologies with sincerity. Until then, their wounds remain open, bleeding and festering.
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crybaby98anna · 5 months
worst foods (Ieat them all the time :( )
Here's the list with their main points and some of my added tips.
1. Potato Chips Why: Potato chips are stripped of their nutrition, highly processed and full of extra sodium. Instead: Regular baked potatoes for more nutrients and less calories and fat.
2. Frozen Meals Why: Refined carbs, processed meats, saturated fat, sodium, additives, and preservatives. Many lack vegetables, too. Instead: Make your own meals in a batch a head of time and freeze them yourself.
3. Sugary Coffee Drinks Why: The added sugar, cream, milk, chocolate, and more has tons of extra fat and sugar. Instead: regular black coffee, maybe with milk or alternative milk. Green tea with or without honey works, too.
4. Processed Meats Why: Hot dogs, salamis, and salted meats are notorious for additives and preservatives. Cancer researchers linked eating processed meats with higher cancer risk. Instead: nitrite-free versions. Chicken or turkey versions have lower fat than traditional ones.
5. Stick Margarine Why: High trans fat content. The process of hardening vegetable oils changes the healthy unsaturated fat's chemical structure into trans fats that raise bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol. It's linked to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Instead: Soft margarine, low fat butter, and olive oil.
6. French Fries Why: Lots of sodium and fried in oil, giving a higher fat content. They are also often eaten with unhealthy foods like fatty burgers and sugary soft drinks. Instead: Skin-on baked potato or even sweet potatoes. Season potatoes with cumin, paprika, or cayenne for extra flavor.
7. Commercial Cake Frosting Why: Lots of sugar and trans fat. Some even have preservatives. Instead: make your own frosting, use a glaze, or just skip it altogether. If in a time crunch, avoid ones with hydrogenated vegetable oil.
8. Breakfast Pastries Why: They are empty calories, lacking nutrition you could get from other food. Instead: whole, fiber-rich food, like fruit, yogurt, or oatmeal with milk.
9. Sugary Drinks Why: Soft drinks, energy drinks, and fruit drinks are high in sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, or fruit-juice concentrates. High sugar intake is linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Instead: water, natural fruit juice, tea, black coffee, or low-fat milk.
10. Gummy Candies Why: Lots of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup without any nutrients. Instead: fresh fruit, unsweetened dried fruit, or fruit-topped yogurt.
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gh0stgr1nder · 7 months
do ieat dinnar or stay soso comfy in bed hardest question ever
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citrusitonit · 7 months
what if i eated you what if ieated you all haw woudl u feel huh
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