#ieyasu is a health nut
thatlongspringnight · 7 years
I’ve Made a Mistake (Ch.2)
still here everyone! The second chapter. We did not forget about y’all or this life-giving college AU. Hope you like it! @tokugawalady and I are, as always, so happy that anyone indulges us and reads this. <3 
Chapter One
I’ll go on ahead and tag some people I know read the first one. @frywen-babbles
@jemchew @held-hostage-and-happy @singokumaiden @cottonballwithmustache
“I expect you to water the plants and to feed Ichigo daily.” Ieyasu’s deceptively sweet voice had more than faded away, leaving a sharp tone that kept MC on edge. “Don’t go poking your noise around in places you don’t belong.” MC nodded, biting her lip thoughtfully. Right, she could do that.
“If you do that, you should stay alive just fine, at least in theory.” He was sneering at her and suddenly she remembered the look of terror that had been on Toramatsu’s face when he had been talking to her.
Yeah she was screwed.
But hell, it was a nice apartment. Spacious, two bedrooms, two bathrooms. A decent kitchen and living room space. Her room even had a walk in closet! It was a dream for her rent price. The only drawback was her new roommate.
She shivered thinking about the cramped studio apartment she had been kicked out of not twenty-four hours ago.
If living here meant participating in some illegal activities and keeping plants and pets alive, she figured she could do it.
“Of course I expect you to be clean and to be quiet. I’m sure that even someone of your mental capacity could realize that we can’t have people poking their noses around here.” MC nodded, idly jotting his rules down onto a notepad. She’d heard tales of his capacity for cruelty and was doing her best to avoid confrontation.
Not to mention she felt like if she drew too much attention to herself the cops would be here at the drop of a hat.
MC would not do well in jail.
“Anything else?” She asked, trailing her eyes up his form, resting them on his angelic face. How could someone so physically perfect have such a shit attitude?
“You may not invite people over. The nature of my work demands some degree of secrecy. Which to dumb down for you, means you can’t just have all of your friends over.” You had to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Yes sir.”
“That is all I have for now, don’t expect it to be the end. Someone like you is bound to break some rule.”  He turned on his heels, leaving you to admire his form.
You took a deep breath.
Time to unpack.
“MC, I really think you should at least let me check out the place I mean, you are a young single woman and he-“
“Inuchiyo, I appreciate your concern but you are not coming over. I have already moved all of my stuff in. I have already met Ieyasu. Its fine. I am fine.” MC kept her voice calm. She had been preparing for this.
“This witless manju is going to get herself killed. “a voice from across the room piped up. MC inwardly groaned. Mitsunari was never lacking in opinions. “I’ve never met a more aggravating base-born whore’s son than Tokugawa.” He was glaring daggers at both you and Inuchiyo. “Also, this is a damn library, show some respect and shut up.” His quiet hiss had you turning away. She couldn’t catch a break today.
“Look MC, all I’m saying is that you have options”
“Tokugawa isn’t a demon” MC huffed, crossing her arms. “I’m an adult, I can handle this. If I can’t handle it, I will leave. As adults are wont to do.” She grabbed her books, shoving them in her bag. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I actually have to study. “ She turned, stomping off.
Between Ieyasu and Inuchiyo she was going to end up living on the streets.
No, not today. She was more than willing to sacrifice her pride for that plush bed and lack of creepy manager.
The apartment complex was pretty empty when she got back. It was easier to study in the quiet of her new room than to try to justify herself to her friends. When she went to put her key in the door a voice stopped her.
“Hey are you sure you have the right place?” MC froze, stealing a glance over your shoulder. A tall, friendly looking man stood behind her with teal eyes as bright as a sunshine-filled day.
“Oh…U-Uh yeah. I am.” She turned to face him, offering out her hand. “I’m MC, a new tenant here.”
“Sanada Yukimura, I’m your upstairs neighbor.” He blushed as soon as her hand touched his. Endearing.
“Nice to meet you Yukimura!” She smiled, a bit forced. MC did not need any extra or outside attention at this point…she just needed to get inside.
“You’re staying here, at this place? I thought they already had two tenants?” He was still looking at you with that concerned face. Why?
MC had a feeling she knew why. She had a feeling that the reason behind his concerned face was a certain blonde haired man that she was now living with.
“Yeah, one of them moved out, so um, now I am here.” She gestured at the door.
“Oh, so you and Toramatsu?” The boy was blushing again, clearing getting the wrong idea.
“Er…no. Toramatsu’s moved out. I’m staying with Ieyasu.” The blush faded quickly on Yukimura’s face, replaced with a determined look.
“Are you sure about that?
“Positive.”  MC’s tone was growing more irritable by the moment.  She did not have the time…
“Just be careful, if you need me I’m upstairs.” Yukimura grabbed her arm, holding MC’s eyes with his own. “Seriously. Any time, I’ll come help.”
“T-Thanks?” She gently tugged her arm away and turned back to the door. “Really I appreciate it. I’ll see you around, okay?” MC fiddled with the keys as she heard him walk away. Once she was sure he had left, she opened the door, sliding inside.
“This is all too much.” She mumbled to herself before looking around. “Better do my chores so I don’t get kicked out.”
The plants came with strict instructions on water amounts, MC couldn’t help but laugh at the details.
Ieyasu was definitely a pharmacy major. His attention to detail and numerics was evident.  
Once that was done she turned her attentions to the rabbit.
Ichigo was a pretty bunny. Soft and brown. She chirruped when MC went to feed her the fresh veggies Ieyasu had designated.
“He really does spoil you huh?” MC trailed a finger across her soft fur, rewarded with a very pleased bunny.
Ichigo wasn’t scary at all.
“I wonder why everyone is so afraid of you, hmm? You’re a sweet little thing.”
Elsewhere in the town, Toramatsu woke up from a nap in a cold sweat, a nightmare of that damned rabbit playing in his head over and over again.
He turned over, covering his face with a pillow. Maybe one day he could rest.
That day just wasn’t today.
After doing her chores, MC set about to making dinner. Tempura and noodles. Something easy. She made sure to make extra for Ieyasu. Maybe he’d want food?
By the time he got back to the apartment she had cleaned and done most everything he had asked her to do.
And she was tired.
But she’d done it.
He stepped into the kitchen, barely sending a glance her way, grabbing a container of lettuce from the fridge.
“U-um.” MC stuttered only briefly. “I made dinner, if you want some.” He paused, a frown on his face.
“This filth is what you call dinner?” He pointed at the plate she had made for him. “I wouldn’t eat that slop if they were paying me to. What do I look like, some unhealthy stereotype like your friends?” Whatever she had done had really set him off because he wasn’t close to done. “I’m trying to actually live past 30,  in order to do that I decided not to indulge in that unhealthy nonsense are trying to pass off as food.”
Oh jeez.
MC shook her head, trying to hide the dejected look on her face as he continued to fuss. He went so far as to throw her leftovers away. No no. MC chanted in her mind, she was strong. She was not affected by this childish behavior.
He must just be hungry. That was why he was angry all the time, he didn’t have the right vitamins.
She looked away from him, standing and stepping out of the room, failing to notice the surprise on his face as she walked out.
She just needed to sleep.
“Toramatsu,” MC’s singsong voice was unnerving on the other end of the phone. Toramatsu sighed. He had been waiting for this call. In the background the sound of Yasamusa’s yelling drowned out most of the fear that he had of MC. It wasn’t like he had upgraded by moving out of his apartment.
“I just want you to know, that I understand why you did what you did.” Still sickly sweet. He wondered if she had taken lessons from Ieyasu in the last three days.
“But I’ll remember.”
And then she hung up.
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ikemensengokufandom · 6 years
hello :) I'm an Ikemen Sengoku EN player. I want to ask you, how if our warlords living in our era? what's their job? and how's our live as husband, wife and have a child? thanks a lot :)
> He will be a President/Chairman of a big corporate company. > He will still be narcissistic AF, and will do anything to take down his competitor.   Making sure that his company will be the biggest/No. 1 in Japan. > As his wife you’ll be a frickin’ rich housewife.  > You and Nobunaga will probably have a Son.  > Although Nobunaga is busy he will make sure that he will make out some time for you and your son.  > Nobunaga will have Mama Hideyoshi as a very good PA to assist him.  When he really make out some time for his family, poor mama Hideyoshi will probably need to work OT… > Nobunaga will probably teach his son how to fight for survival even though he’s probably a toddler.> You’ll have to constantly get into a small argument of your husband everytime when he overfed your son too much sugar candies.  You know that he won’t listen and he’s too stubborn to understand the consequence of sugar rush.  > But you get used to it anyway and all you can do is sigh as you got a big kid and a small kid to handle.
> He will probably be a hottest chef/restaurant owner if he lives in our era. >His cooking is so good that he won Michelin award. > He is so popular that every female customer wants to bang him.> You as a wife will be assisting him in the restaurant and will get jealous when some female customer got too close to him. > But he still loves you and your daughter anyway. > Did I mentioned that he will have a daughter?  Oh yes.> He will make dad jokes and embarrassed his daughter in front of customers sometimes. > If his daughter has a BF, he will go nuts.  Probably not chasing him around with kitchen knife but showing off his chopping skills scares the poor dude off.> Sometimes when the restaurant are quiet/closing, he’ll do kinky things and you guys probably fuck in the kitchen. > You will have the best sex life with a hot chef ever.  
(Wow, to be honest I am not sure what will his occupation would be considering he’s so mysterious.  Let me give it a try.) > Investor.  He’ll probably be a good investor in a huge investment company considering his sharp tongue. > You and him will have 2 sons, a pair of twin. > As he needs to drink with his clients often, he might not have time for you and your sons. > Your sons are not happy that their papa is not spending enough time with you. > Like their father, they’re pretty smart/scheming.  So they always have something up on their sleeves to make their papa spend more time with you instead of drinking with his clients.  So there’s this one time they used his computer and booked air tickets after they managed to steal Mitsuhide’s credit card when he was bathing. > But their father is smart, like come on kids you’re of the same gene.  He would have figured it out. > Instead of punishing his sons, he just grinned and pretend he knows nothing as he really want to spend time with you and at the same time it make their kids happy.  > He just patted his sons’ head, then kissed you on the forehead saying that he’s giving you a surprise; a holiday trip of four.  
> He will be a doctor. > A doctor that every nurse would want to bang on him but he thinks that they’re annoying and tend to avoid them unless it’s work purposes.> He is also a strict doctor and will tend to get angry with his patients if they don’t take care of themselves, resulting themselves to get worse if they neglected their health. > He’s a strict husband to you as you’re pregnant with a baby girl.  He will control whatever you eat and will make sure that you’re taken care of / have the best as he’s a worrywart.  > Constantly provide baby education by playing classical music and read storybooks as he believe that that’s beneficial for your baby.> Sometimes you’ll get into a small argument with him as he won’t give in your cravings, because he believed that they are not healthy.  > He’ll rubbed on your swollen belly and grumble about it, like as if he is complaining to his baby.> You giggle when you see him talking to the baby, as his smile shows that he cares and has proved that he will be a great father once your baby girl is born.
> Works for Nobunaga as his PA. > People will call him as “Mama of the company” as sometimes he nags to the staff like as if he is their mother. > A great assistant to Nobunaga, but also strict on Nobunaga’s sugar intake.> A sweet husband who will shower you with morning kisses everyday.  > You and him will have a cute daughter, who likes to be around her papa everyday. > Hideyoshi loves his family, and you and his daughter priority are always number one other than Nobunaga. > He will be the type who will help out with housework and cooking, as he doesn’t want to tire you out.  > He will also be a great teacher to his daughter when it comes to homework, and a very patient dad indeed. > But one day, he went instantly nuts when he saw his daughter holding on a male classmate’s hands while he’s there to pick her up from school.  > Ever since that day, he will constantly make a detour to his daughter’s school and pick her up, as he is worried that the boy might snatched her away from him. > You understand that your husband is jealous, and you couldn’t help but giggled everytime when he’s back with his daughter.  When you asked him when he’ll stop doing that, he replied by saying that until the boy stopped approaching her.  > You imagined that life will be harder if your daughter is getting married in the future…. as you can’t wait what will be his reaction by then.
> He will be a great teacher.> He is patient and will constantly help the students if they are having problem with their subjects.  > You and him will have a son and daughter.  > Both children will be as smart as him, and will constantly ask their papa questions. > Sometimes he will offer to help you in terms of housework and cooking…. but you rather not want his help as he is clumsy and will make things even worse.> But you’ll be nice and told him to read stories to his children instead.> He will also be the one who tell bedtime stories everynight, and his children enjoy that as he’s a good storyteller.> Once your children are asleep, he’ll hugged you from behind and whispered “I love you, thank you for your hard work.” and nibbled on your ears.  > Then he’ll lead you to the bed and shower you with love. > Although he’s a teacher and a good gentle father by day, but at night he’s probably a closet pervert and wanted to explore your body…. using “I need it for biology reference" as an excuse.  
SANADA YUKIMURA : > A hot tsundere policeman. > He will be protective of you and make sure that you’re safe by following you to work and bringing you home everyday.> You and him will have a son, who is as tsundere as him> Your son and him hardly speak to each other due to their similar personality.  > One time it changed when he saw his son got bullied.  > He confronted the bullies and protected his son. > His son will be “It’s not like I want your protection… but thanks.” reaction.  Yukimura still smiled anyway and gave a head pat, telling him that he’ll be teaching him self-defense.  > You’re surprised when you see Yukimura and his son are having training together.  You felt happy as finally you no longer need to be in the middle as you might not need to hear their sarcasm towards each other.  > You thanked Yukimura and gave him a kiss on his cheek.  > When your son saw that he got jealous and hell breaks, things are going back to the starting point again… and oh boy you regretted it.  
> He will be an online business owner who sells DIY furniture. (According to his route yep) > When he meet with his customers to deliver the items, he often got approached by the female customers.> As he’s married, he kindly rejected them and spends more time with you instead.> Knowing that you’re pregnant with a boy, he will massage you every single night when you’re having cramps / trying to make you relax.> He will constantly rub on your belly and whisper to his son, telling him to go easy on you as you’re having a hard time right now. > He will be damm patient, especially when you’re having cravings / fits.  He will try to satisfy you and sooth you down by coaxing you.  > He will tell you that everything is going to be alright and will cherish you and your son forever, showering you kisses and hugged you until you’re able to fall asleep.  > He will watched you sleep and won’t sleep until he saw your smile while sleeping.  
> A strict husband and a father.  > A President/Chairman of a big corporate company, Nobunaga’s competitor. > You’re his secretary and he will make sure that you’re by his side 24/7> He will make any guy to work OT for a week if they approached you and spoke to you for longer than a minute. > Sometimes you tried to persuade him not to do that but he shuts you down with a kiss. > Both of you have a beautiful daughter.  > He is protective AND possessive towards you and your daughter.  > He even made threats towards his daughters’ male classmates and teachers when they talk to her. > You said that he is ruining her social life but he doesn’t care anyway, saying that she should be hanging out with girls more than boys. > He even wanted to send her to a girls’ school / a nun school but you stopped him. > Although he is over protective af, you know that he deeply loves you and his daughter.
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Ieyasu is referred to as a 'health nut' (lit. "Health Otaku").
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bmp-slbp-matchup · 7 years
*throws orange and black confetti on the air* It's halloween parteyy~ Lords and their Treat! Say, when they do the candy shopping what candies or snackies that they would have for treat to the kids, based on their personality :3
Nobunaga - KonpeitoAs we know children have that special privilege to be able to taste Nobunaga’s Konpeito. Halloween would be no exception, so that would be what they would get at his door.
Mitsuhide - Granola barsIt’s a snack and healthy and the perfect combination for kids.
Ieyasu - Chili gummi bearsHe is our Sengoku bitch and doesn’t know much about children and how to treat them.
Toshiie - Fruit chew/bonbonHe would enjoy eating them himself and would do that together with the children.
Hideyoshi - LollipopsTheir bright colors remind me of his cheerful personality.
Mitsunari - Bitter chocolateHe is bitter like 102% of the time and would also care about the children’s health, even if it’s only one day.
Masamune - Cookies/BiscuitsDecent and plain.
Kojuro - Candy CaneBecause he is an old man.
Kenshin - MarshmallowsThey’re squishy, I can imagine him being totally amazed by them.
Shingen - NutsNot too sweet, but a snack the children would enjoy nonetheless.
Yukimura - CupcakesHe is so cute and precious, he is a little cupcake himself.
Saizo - Grape sugarIt probably isn’t what most children are extremely fond of, but they wouldn’t dare say anything and Saizo couldn’t care less anyway.
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thatlongspringnight · 7 years
Do you still do the room headcanons? Since I saw you already did somr for Ieyasu, can you do the rest? Thank you!
What is the character’s favorite food?
Strawberry daifuku, strawberry shortcake. He acts like a health nut, but honestly, he loves strawberries + cream in any way he can get it.
Are they good at cooking? How good/bad?
He’s a good cook! But he doesn’t have a broad range of skills. Eating is for nourishing the body and not much else with him. 
Do they leave the dishes out?
Not a chance. He grew up in a strict environment, he washes everything, he might be a brat, but he isn’t lazy. 
What kind of food is in their refrigerator?
lots of veggies, bone broth, he is a whole foods shopping kind of guy.
Do they cook, eat out or get takeaway/delivered food more?
He normally eats at home, packs his lunch. Unless it is for business or he needs to impress. 
How does this character sleep? (Position, sleeping habits, bedtime routines)
Ieyasu likes to spoon (doesn’t matter if he is big or little) but he sleeps curled up on his side, like curled up, almost knees to chest if he isn’t big spoon. 
What are their pajamas like?
flannel PJ pants, or sweatpants all year round. He’s cold-natured, always cold. Sometimes in winter he even sleeps with a hoodie too. 
What do they dream about usually?
the sounds of people yelling, a ruler slapping his wrist, disapproving looks. Having to do something over and over again until it is perfect. Being locked in his room. Usually, if he dreams it’s not great.
But sometimes he dreams of a woman carding her fingers through his hair, and settling peacefully into sleep. 
How neat/tidy is this character?
Very neat, very tidy. Almost like a coping mechanism, he is clean.
How affectionate is this character?
He tries to act like he isn’t but it is just an act. In public, he’s reaching for his MC’s hand, trying to play it off like he doesn’t want to lose her in the crowd. In private they read together, and he is touching her. He is a cuddle-bunny in bed. He loves affection, deep down.
What is the character afraid of?
Only being Tokugawa Ieyasu, just a name and nothing more. Not making a life for himself. Being shackled by his past.
How do they deal with bad memories?
Not well. He acts out, has nightmares, all of the above. It takes a lot of coaxing for him to finally break down and talk about his past.
What is this character’s role in a horror movie?
The one who does whatever he can to stay alive (even if it means playing the villain for a little while). He comes out on top in the end. 
How do they hide their secrets?
behind a calculated and too sweet smile. 
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins does the character relate to most?
Superbia (pride, hubris), Tristitia (sorrow/despair/despondency)
Almost too self-explanatory. All that pride is a front for the despair he has underneath.
@shikikira (you requested the first set, so I figured you’d want to read the rest) :3
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