#if I cant be a dog I just wanna be a girl šŸ’”
doggerell Ā· 11 months
I got too androgynous and now I get they/themmed by any queer conscious person in my general generation but the fucking problem is I dont /want/ to be. like I respect what it represents but personally its started to make me feel sick. I swear Im just a girl.
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cocozydiaries Ā· 3 months
more mha dr asks!!!!!!!!!!
do u have any ideas for your hero costume etc.
anyone you're excited to meet??
any sort of idea on what you look like (physical description ig)
YESS MORE ASKS!! love these sm coz i gotta dig through the depths of my mind to answer them.
question when you guys ask me stuff do you like the overly long answers or should i keep it short? coz like the original answers were wayy longer this is literally me tryna keep it shortšŸ˜­ i actually have a problem
Hero costume:
tbh like most things iā€™m leaving this one for when i shift there but unlike most things it isnā€™t coz i want my subconscious to decide. Honestly i do not have the sense of style needed to come up with a good hero fit HOWEVER my drself does!!
i definitely want smth either pink or blue. me and uraraka are gonna be twininšŸ¤­!!
i also know that i want smth kinda flowy. i loooove dresses and i mean i feel like smth flowy would just match my water based quirk yk?
i donā€™t have any inspo but honestly iā€™m probably not gonna look very hero likešŸ˜­
anyways might be kinda odd but i looooove magical girl type of outfits sm! and before yā€™all go ā€œbut thatā€™s so impractical for hero work!ā€ not for me itā€™s isnā€™t šŸ™„
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i genuinely did script i have a magical girl type of concept tho but still sorta practical to work inšŸ˜­
Who iā€™m excited to meet:
i already know ik them in my dr but i cannot wait to meet my dr family! might be kinda cringe but i actually just might like my family??
i scripted in my cr siblingā€™s because idkšŸ§ā€ā™€ļø. tbh i just canā€™t imagine being anywhere without themšŸ˜­
i also canā€™t wait to meet my cat!! My family adopted a ton of pets because rich people but I specifically ended up with a stray cat i found at the pharmacy.
funnily enough thatā€™s actually smth that happened to me here! except my mumsies said i canā€™t have the cat so instead the pharmacy took her in but i still get to visit her whenever i go there (sheā€™s so lovely i love her sm!) anyways in my dr i ended up getting to adopt her instead. happy ending yippee.
AND I CANT WAIT TO SEE HER SHES LITERALLY MY BBYā˜¹ļø i also scripted (for my own mental health) that pets live wayyy longer now by like 10-20 whole more yrs coz i cannot imagine any of my kids dying before me
if you were wondering the total amount of pets we got a cat, dog, snake, and duck. and like random bird feeder thingies my parents added to the garden. the whole food chain ong
ig iā€™m also excited to meet up with some old childhood friends? Genuinely asking tho would it be weird to meet up with someone you used to be really close friends with but havenā€™t seen in a few yearsšŸ˜­? Me and my drself are both baffed.
AND OCHAKO MLšŸ«¶šŸ«¶ iā€™m gonna meet her at UA probably BUT I HOPE I MEET HER BEFORE THAT TBHšŸ˜­ but trust weā€™re gonna be besties
i scripted iā€™m super good at baking coz she mentioned she likes sweet stuff so iā€™m gonna spoil her with all sweet stuff i makešŸ˜ˆ devious plan
Appearance stuff:
since this is a safe spaceā€¦ i feel i should share that i did in fact change my appearance. I donā€™t have a specific face claim (i wanna be surprised tbh) but mostly i just changed some of my facial features to their best version. looksmaxxingcore unironically i fearšŸ’”
i scripted that my face looks pretty and whatnot (in a very like unique way coz ugh sheā€™s so different and quirky and uniquešŸ™„) but i still look and feel familiar to myself.
Also idk if you guys have heard that theory but like apparently after spending enough time with someone you start to look like them? Ik that theory generally means like clothes and aesthetic rather than actual facial features but i did script that even tho me and my siblings are adopted we somehow look similar to each other and our parents.
But the biggest change is probably my hair. in a reality where i can have any hair colour and you think iā€™m not going pink?
anyways i scripted that i have like pink streaks of hair in my otherwise black hair!! gonna match so well with my hero outfit!
smth like this!!
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tbh it doesnā€™t matter coz i do dye my hair often so iā€™m probably gonna end up with a ton of different hair colours anyways
aside from that my hair is still its lovely curly self! i love my curls and never wanna get rid of them but i did script if i like straighten my hair that it STAYS straight even if i sweat and whatnot. i haaaaate when you get those curly little wisps peeking through coz of thatšŸ˜­
anyways thatā€™s all for now! i love answering asks sm so this was real fun but i also love hearing about ur mha drs SO TAG ME IF YOU POST ABOUT THOSE
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kisseobie Ā· 3 months
sister i cant afford to laugh at you or judge you because i was also a mha fan back thenā€¦ but bakugou is a wild choice girl like who would wanna grt freaky with a dog vrošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”
also YES a vpn cause i told you i cant go a MINUTE without my ass checking your profile (i am nof addicted i swear)
also also girl since you stared replying to my asks i am now giggling and kicking my feet every 5 to 10 seconds rereading your replies i love yuo so mucj
bakugou was my favorite character šŸ’”šŸ’” sorry to dissappoint ..
and of course i had to reply! i try to reply to everyone even if itā€™s just them saying they like my writing because i donā€™t wanna seem cocky and rude by not answering šŸ˜­ and how could i not answer you when youā€™re literally using a vpn to read my silly little stories i love you girl!!
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melasaik Ā· 7 years
Got tagged by @malicemoriquen ā¤
1. If you would have the opportunity to speak another language fluently, which one would it be?
Well I would say polish because that would make Uni a lot easier for me but I'm gonna go with Japanese because I've always wanted to be fluent in Japanese and I feel like polish is still easier to learn (at least for me) than Japanese is
2. What is your current desktop wallpaper?
I'm on phone rn so I can't insert a picture but it's a blurry landscape and in the middle is a minimalistic line drawing of the wolf medallion šŸ’•
3. Choose one song which describes you the most and share it with us!
That's a hard one...there are quite a few songs that I can relate to a lot but the first one that came to my mind is Liability by Lorde...it's rather sad and only really describes the depressed part of my personality but that line "but all that a stranger would see is one girl swaying alone stroking her cheek" just gets me every time because that's literally me when I'm down
4. Cats or Dogs?
I CANT DECIDE literally I love both so much I could never really decide on one or the other but if it would be a life or death decision I'd go with dogs because I had a dog before but unfortunately never a cat
5. Have you ever cosplayed a fictional character? If so, which one?
No unfortunately not but it's on my bucket list!
6. If not, which one would you like to display if you would have the opportunity to do it an why?
Ok I've always wanted to cosplay Grell from Kurshitsuji because it's my absolute favorite manga and an amazing character but the most realistic choice for me would be Ingrid from Fillmore because a few days ago I gave in and now I have bangs again and look an awful lot like her (she was my fashion icon as a child so I guess this came full circle)
7. Red, Blue or Yellow
Idk why but I have a strong dislike for yellow and if it's between blue or red I'm going with red!
8. Is the glass half full or half empty
Half empty because I'm a horribly pessimistic
9. If you could go back in time, would you? And if, how far would you go?
Depends on wether I can time travel back to the present, if I can I'd either go to 1660/70s France to see Versailles being built and observing every day life there or to 1770 France because I would love to meet Marie Antoinette and Ludwig XVI (can you tell I'm into the history of the French monarchy)
If I couldnt travel back I'd go back to 2005 because that's when I started grade school and I would really like to start my life over knowing what will happen
10. Do you have a special kind of fad?
I crack my knuckles when I'm nervous (I started doing that after I stopped biting my nails I'm hopeless)
I'm not gonna tag anyone because I don't wanna tag someone that has been tagged already and I'm also super uncreative when it comes to coming up with questions šŸ’”
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santinorps Ā· 8 years
šŸ“± for callakarth thnx
ur welc
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Send me a ā€œšŸ“±ā€ and I will answer the following.
What was my museā€™s 5 last sent texts yours?
to: john cornelius
Iā€™m picking up a pizza on the way home, I donā€™t wanna cook tonight. Actually Iā€™m gonna pick up, like, four pizzas on the way home so get your Man Appetite on, youā€™re gonna be eating for the next two hours.Ā 
( sent, 6:07PM )
Iā€™m out walking Peyton and Baz, and itā€™s just started POURING with rain. Can you bring the car? Weā€™re drenched and miserable, we need a hot bath and a hot chocolate. šŸ’” (Well, Iā€™ll have a hot chocolate, the dogs can have something that wonā€™t kill them, like a treat).Ā 
( sent, 3:16PM)
Have you noticed how domestic weā€™ve gotten? Neither of us are touring and we just spend our wintry days planning our next grocery shop and going for coffee and lazing around the house barefoot watching movies. We put the dishes away together and the other day I literally cleaned the toilet while you were showering. WE CHANGED THE BEDSHEETS TOGETHER. I vacuumed while you dusted the shelves? This has to stop. We need to do something wild. Likeā€¦ uh. I donā€™t know. Take another roadtripā€¦?Ā 
( sent, 8:43PM )
Too lazy for a roadtrip. But Pirates Of The Caribbean is about to start on TV if you wanna come watch with me? Iā€™ll make tea. Ā 
( sent, 8:45PM )
This is silly but I always forget to say thanks to you for alwaysā€¦ being there? Thatā€™s cliche but I think you know what I mean. I hope you know what I mean. Thank-you for taking care of me. I just remembered but youā€™re not home right now so Iā€™m texting it to you instead. Thank-you, John. I know I have my moments when I donā€™t seem very thankful but please remember that I am. And that I donā€™t mean to be bratty with you. Itā€™sā€¦ itā€™s hard. Butā€¦ I love that youā€™re here. In my house. Thank-you, forever. xxx
( sent, 11:56AM )
What was my museā€™s 5 last unsent texts yours?
to: john cornelius
This is stupid. This is stupid, I know youā€™re gone from Baltimore so that you can write and make an album and do your job with your band but I also know all too well that itā€™s most often business mixed with pleasure and Iā€™m fuckingā€¦ I canā€™t unsee what I keep imagining. I need you to tell me, I need to know. Are you fucking anyone else? You have an absolutely ungodly amount of sex appeal even if you donā€™t see it or acknowledge it and I know how flattered you can get. Are there other guys? Girls? Did you think about sleeping with anyone else???
i wish you were home. i wish you were home. i donā€™t wdant to caldl anybozdy else i doniā€™t want their help. im havming a bad night a realy babd night i know i isaid i was fine when we were on the phone earlier but im not and i found all the wine we still havre in the hosue andd i want to drink it all. i want sto drink all of it. i tried to pour it down the sink ut i cant seem to ? i ca.nt im pathicte. ni dont wanna drink it but i do. plaease come home. plsease.
Honestly fuck this. Iā€™m fucking sick of this. I want you to go home to Arizona. Iā€™m sick of you being here, Iā€™m sick of everyone. I donā€™t need anyone. Thereā€™s nothing fucking wrong with me and you need to just go home and let me deal with it. I was dealing with it before, why did you even come back? Go home. This isnā€™t your home. Iā€™m not your home.Ā 
Iā€™m having a really hard time, and I donā€™t think you know that. I meanā€¦ you know that, but I donā€™t think you really know just how hard. Iā€™m better at hiding than I thought, I suppose. Iā€™m waiting for it to hurt again. Iā€™m waiting for it to hurt like before and itā€™s making it so hard to enjoy the fact that youā€™re here now. It goes away for a bit but then Iā€™ll remember and it comes back and it terrifies me. I canā€™t do that again. I canā€™t. Iā€™llā€¦ I know Iā€™ll die. If I do all that to myself again, I will die this time. I know that. And I donā€™t want you to know that Iā€™m so dependent on you staying because I wouldnā€™t want to force you to if you, God forbid, didnā€™t want to any more. Iā€™m not my own person any more and I hate that but I need you. I need you. I need alcohol. I needā€¦ I need coke and ecstasy and Adderall injections. But all I can have is you so all that needā€¦ has to go to you. Does that make sense? I donā€™t wanna die.Ā 
Iā€™m going to be in love with you until the sun burns out, the moon crumbles, and all the stars fall from the sky. So, so in love with you.Ā 
What was my museā€™s last Snapchat to yours?
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What my muse saved your number as?
ā€œJohn Corneliusā€ because that is how he full-names John when they are feelinā€™ frisky.Ā 
What contact photo my muse has set for yours?
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He likes to remind John that the mullet was a thing.Ā 
What ringtone my muse has set for yours?
iPhone lyf so none but if he did, it would be The Maineā€™s cover of I Wanna Love You.Ā 
How many times my muse has called your this week?
Alex calls John incessantly, especially when he doesnā€™t pick up, so probably like a hundred.Ā 
How many calls has my muse missed from yours?
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