#if I was smarter I’d be able to discuss it more lmao
ladysansa · 2 years
I joke about it but I don’t think a lot of people realise just how serious kinslaying is in Westeros and it’s very interesting how ASOIAF discusses it. yes, Rhaenys could have technically ended the war there and then by killing all of the Greens, but they’re her cousins. it would curse her for the rest of her days and she’d be looked at with contempt by most of the lords in Westeros.
there’s a reason that, after Aemond kills Lucerys (accident or not), he’s called Aemond the Kinslayer. it’s the worst thing you can be in Westeros. the entirety of the Dance is essentially one long act of kinslaying and it nearly ends the entire dynasty. over and over it is emphasised throughout ASOIAF, “no man is as accursed as the kinslayer.”
it’s mentioned in reference to Bael the Bard and his son.
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A Clash of Kings
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A Storm of Swords
The act is mentioned several times in Victarion’s chapters of AFFC.
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A Feast for Crows
And after Tyrion kills Tywin there are a lot of mentions of kinslaying.
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A Dance With Dragons
so, it makes sense when Rhaenys says it isn’t her war to start, but I’m also certain she wasn’t going to commit a mass kinslaying on a whim.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
It's something that just came to my mind
Clark Kent is talking to the Batman while Riddler and S/O are spying on him and S/O is like "What is Superman doing here?". And since people in DC didn't know that it's him, Riddler gives her a weird look saying she must be mistaken. But S/O gives him a long, silent stare "You're kidding me, right?". It comes to the point where she holds a picture of Clark and Superman next to each other, pointing glasses out and Riddler is like "..... 'DING!' YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING!" The man is kicking himself for not seeing it.
For all Riddlers.
A/N: ooohhh the denial is strong in this one
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The Riddlers React to Finding Out Superman's Identity
Arkhamverse Riddler:
Oh please.
Do you really think he’s that idiotic? He’s that ignorant?
(this is not the time to mention he dismissed Bruce Wayne being Batman)
He berates you a couple more times, so he left you no choice.
When you pulled out a picture of the Man of Steel and a pair of glasses up against the real-life Clark Kent below
Edward was silent. 
No…NO that’s too obvious! 
Although the pictures are damning. 
He snatches the photos and huffs. 
He admits the two are uncanny, but surely it’s some alien-like cloning technology. 
Besides, it doesn't matter! He’s smarter than Kent or Superman anyway
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
It takes him a minute to even realize there is a “superman”
Do you mean to say that Metropolis has its own hero too? 
But not just a man of the people? A vigilante? Like a full-on hero with powers?!
The last thing he’d suspect afterward is that this Superman…was a journalist? 
He was curious as to why Batman would be discussing something with a random journalist from Daily Planet.
Yet when you exclaim how the civilian looks like Superman, he’s pretty skeptical. 
Until you pull up a picture of Superman on your phone. 
Edward does a double take. 
In hindsight, it’s so obvious…
Ed wonders if Batman knows this…he has to right?
Gotham Riddler:
This was the last place he expected to end up when following Batman. 
On the roof of a building a couple buildings away from Daily Planet. 
Why is Batman talking to a reporter? Surely, he’d go to a more reliable source like…well Gordon is all he could think of. 
He also wasn’t sure why he brought you along exactly but the assistance was appreciated. 
Ed didn’t expect the next thing you’d bring up though. 
Something about how the journalist looks like…Superman? 
The Superman? The Kryptonian? 
Yeah sure, right…
Ed practically snatched your phone when you exhibited the evidence. 
With his usual tight-lipped expression, he hands you back your phone.
He deems it another scheme for another day.
BTAS Riddler:
It may just be me playing favorites…lmao
BUT I do have evidence from the BTAS Writing Bible that says, this Riddler is most likely to figure out Batman’s identity if he actually wanted to that is…
So with that, I’d like to think that Ed would have already figured it out?
Like you may have been helping him do some recon and you’re listening in on the conversation between Batman and Clark. 
After a moment a lightbulb goes off in your head. 
When you mention the resemblance between Kent and Superman…
Edward chuckled. 
Why did you think you two were listening in on their conversation? 
He is proud that you were able to spot it though. 
Some rogues still don’t believe him when he brought up the most likely secret identity to the Man of Steel.
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
Ed only hacked into Daily Planet because he already caused chaos in Gotham City and Star City, so why not Metropolis? 
He was surprised to see Batman there and not brooding somewhere in Gotham. 
You walked in while Ed was surveillancing the newsroom. 
You were about to joke with him about how much of a Batman fanboy he must be to watch his every move. 
Until the journalist the Dark Knight was talking to caught your eye. 
You mentioned the striking resemblance to Superman. 
Edward scoffed at your observation. 
Oh, please a journalist? Really? 
He will never admit it, but he was kicking himself mentally for not seeing it first. It’s blaringly obvious now.
Twojar Riddler:
Edward doesn’t really care for the Kryptonian. 
What good are all those superpowers if he’s not intelligent? 
Not to mention his alias would be simple to solve. 
Which is why he never entertained the conundrum, what advantage would it do him?
He had much more thrilling and productive puzzles to ponder over. 
That doesn’t stop you from shoving two pictures in his face in the morning. 
You made the proud declaration that Superman was the featured journalist, Clark Kent of Daily Planet. 
Edward was thinking about how he can disprove your claim…gently until he glanced down at the images. 
There was Kent, a proud grin to the camera…and Superman smirking to the side…with hastily drawn glasses around his face. 
Ed was silent for a moment. 
No…there was no way it was that obvious…
They both resided in Metropolis, and had a similar build and face structure…
He bites his lip. 
He can’t tell if he should be proud of your deduction skills or hit himself in the head with his cane for not seeing it sooner.
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
Another Edward that I think either knows or has figured out Superman’s identity.
He doesn’t really care for the Man of Steel. 
Ed will just stay in his lane in Gotham City. 
Yet when you two chase down a perp into Metropolis. 
You two got to see Superman in action. 
It was you that brought up how he looked oddly familiar. 
Intrigued, he asked you to elaborate. 
You said he looked an awful lot like that journalist you two bumped into when interrogating an editor at Daily Planet. 
You told him to imagine if Superman had a dress shirt and glasses on.
Ed smiled as you put two and two together.
Ed had long since deducted Superman was likely tied to Daily Planet, a photo of a certain Clark Kent proved as much.
However, to have you reach the same deduction, he couldn't help but beam in pride a little bit.
You have been learning some skills from him after all.
Young Justice Riddler:
Sure he pondered the aliases of all his enemies. 
He couldn’t get distracted by that however, it could take months or years to figure it out. 
He could have defeated them by then…don’t laugh he could have.
The two of you are reconning outside Daily Planet.
Ed was complaining about not being in Gotham where you both had prior experience with the city. 
You rolled your eyes as you kept an eye on Superboy talking to some dude in a white button-up and glasses. 
You were about to doze off until you got a good look at the journalist’s face. 
You tap Ed on the shoulder, interrupting his rant when you asked if that journalist looked familiar. 
Ed mentioned something about how that was probably Clark Kent, a celebrated journalist, and partner to Lois Lane. 
You asked if he noticed anything else. 
When he shook his head you began listing out his physical features…and how if you just remove the glasses and put him in a blue suit with a giant S and a cape…
Ed’s jaw dropped as he snatched the binoculars away from you. 
There’s no…you’ve gotta be kidding him?!
Clark Kent is SUPERMAN?! 
Eddie practically rage quits and you’re steady on his heels as he storms off.
Telltale Riddler:
He is aware of the Kyrptonian invader. 
And his rather obvious alias…
You would think the Superman would come up with a lower profile.
However he has bigger fish to fry in Gotham. 
Apparently a certain Clark Kent was visiting Gotham and was having discussions with the Batman. 
When you saw the interaction the moment clicked-
If you just removed the glasses…
You won’t lie, you were rather excited about your deduction.
He cruelly teases you when you mention the likelihood of Superman’s identity.
Edward, practically condescendingly pats your head. 
You’ll never be as smart as him, but perhaps at least smarter than the average civilian.
Hush (DCAU) Riddler:
(I realize this Riddler may very well also know who Superman is...but I just wanted to try and change it up, rip lmao)
He realizes that Superman and Batman…seem to be close allies. 
He may have a hunch about Batman’s identity but if he could solve Superman’s identity…THE Superman. 
One day, Ed may just have the upper hand. 
You two were steadily following Batman, gathering whatever sliver of information that Batman may slip out. 
Right when Ed was about to give up and just focus his time on another scheme…
You noticed something. 
Batman was discussing something, something serious with a journalist that stood toe to toe with the Caped Crusader. 
You looked at the journalist, he’s stupidly buff for a journalist…that jaw…and that little curled bang...
Wait a minute!
It took some convincing for Ed to see Clark Kent was Superman…but once you slapped some glasses on a Superman photo, a lightbulb went off. 
He’s simultaneously disappointed in himself for not seeing it sooner…he blames it on the burnout. 
But he does show gratitude to you, but of course, it was thanks to him you were able to pick up on it too…
Just let him have this one…he needs it.
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THANK YOU for saying all of that about the sk8 fandom. I think it's mainly because it's a young fandom with a lot of young people, but yeah, they have zero chill. It gets kinda annoying when you actually stop and think about the show and realize that a lot of things are just,,, not the way they think they are/should be
Also, I have compared some Reki and Langa scenes to rinharu scenes, but it's mostly because I see them and think "nice reference Utsumi" because they remind me of them so much, but to say RL are in the same level as them, or any other couple they've compared then to is kind of a stretch. Reki and Langa are, at best, a very very tame version of any of those, and while is see why they would focus a lot more on the puppy love thing they have it really pales in comparison (although they don't really compare it to free! because they're so hellbent in calling it queerbait as though half of the scenes they claim are so romantic did not also happen in there before, because they really don't understand how romantic coding works in anime).
Anyway, your blog is amazing :)) You always come off as a very smart person who is also just so done with people's stupidity and I'm 100% here for that haha
Haha no problem, needed to get it out of my system anyways. It’s true, but also once again being young shouldn’t always mean you’re that stupid, let’s be real here. And if you are that stupid, they need to know about it at least, so next time they’ll maybe think twice before saying stuff they say.
Their main problem these days is their herd feeling, it’s like one says smth stupid, others, having no brain of their own, repeat it and here’s what we have at the end. A whole field of a damn cicadas meaninglessly shrilling. 
It would be much more entertaining if they’d have enough brains to at least not put sticks in their own wheels, but they sadly don’t, so taking them down isn’t even satisfying. Not to mention the fact that you don’t even have to do anything, sooner or later they’ll embarrass themselves, cause the combination like “a sense of self-importance we have, but real life experience and brains we don’t have” leads to a disaster. Tiktok won’t help you with everything and half of them don’t even know what they’re talking about in most cases, they only love throwing loud words trying to scare easily impressionable ppl these days, cause everyone is like “I don’t wanna be cancelled so I won’t say anything” lol.
They just do not get that when you start smth like this, same as with a good lies, you gotta be smart. Like ok, they don’t distinguish real life from fiction, fine, but they can’t even check the age of the characters of their other ships before yelling “pedo” about others, so idk what to say here really. I just truly feel bad sometimes about even saying smth, bc like maybe just let them be, imagine the embarrassment of being this stupid? Who even puts them in charge of other ppl’s money idk. 
Yeah, I understand I compared the scenes, too, it’s inevitable, cause they’re all there haha. I was like “our” and thats also “ours” lmao. What I do not get is why would you compare them as if they have the same relationship depth (like high schoolers who have known each other for a month and a couple who knew each other for 7+ years and who planned their future together) or say that the reasonings behind the character’s behavior are same, when they’re entirely and I mean ENTIRELY different. It’s like not even anywhere near same. Like the comparartion of their break up with 13 year old Rin just hit me too hard, I was like.. let’s just not, not pls haha I’ll write a damn essay, but pls it hurts my soul seeing this. And comparing their fist bumb (ai, excuuuse me, eternity sign) to victuuri exchanging rings, I was just on the floor seriously. I just can’t handle the fandom of this pairing, it’s too weird for me. Logic left the chat on their tag and holy shit they’re blind to everything. I’m even glad I’m not into this pairing, cause I feel kinda sad for normal ppl who are into it, bc its like entering a kindergarden. Llike an absolute zero connection to reality, reading too much into things and all the chastity belts in one place, I was like... oh damn I’m too old for this shit and even if I was invested I’d probably still run away haha.
I’m really happy that you enjoy the blog! Thank you so much <3 Haha I have zero tolerance for stupidity, true. It’s such a bad quality tho, I sometimes suffer a lot just by seeing smth and be like “I can’t, I just have to say smth, I just have to, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to sleep, it’s that stupid” lmao.
And sometimes part of me goes like “you know it’s pointless, it’s like talking to a tree”, but other part of me is like “no, it talks, and it means I can shut them up” lol. But I truly don’t get why ppl listen to this and indulge them seriously. Like I know stupid ppl prevail in this world in general, but like in fandoms they’re pretty easy to dethrone, if you bring up the right arguments. And I know in rare occasions, when you really cut them deep, they tend to attack in large groups like locusts, but it’s not like they can eat me through a computer screen, so idk. If I’ll get invested in that one ship after s12 I just might poke them a bit more out of spite lmao.
But also they are kids really, I mean, you can scroll through the tag and know for sure that like “yeah, that’s kid’s perspective”. Most of them didn’t even reach the age of the characters they’re watching things about, but like to pretend that they know stuff and most these days don’t have enough additional knowlenge to be smarter than their age, cause they are too busy well, tweeting about the stuff they know nothing about, so it’s kinda not really enjoyable to talk to them since I’d rather discuss it with someone who at least was in high school already and you know, not extra lol. 
I’m just kinda upset that it turns out to be a kids fandom, that’s all. Cause like chats and dms and sisters are great, but like I want the tag to look hella different, seriously. Bc I’m interested in characters and relationships complexity, not pink vomit. Well, you know the enjoyment of a great fandom. It’s a bliss. I have those thankfully haha.
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sheepyships-archive · 4 years
Stickers And Sweets
summary: some gojo satoru self-shipping headcanons with small drabbles sprinkled in for the headcanons i favored/had more of an idea of.
warnings: major spoilers!!!! trauma/angst
genre: fluff and cheesy stuff, angst/comfort
a/n: i have been simping for this man since i started juju, and even before that. look i watched episode seven today(lmao the second of january was when i started writing this) of jjk and i am... simping. ALSO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG MY WRITING BRAIN IS DUMBB
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-i don’t have a concrete idea on how we meet
-but i’m thinking that if i am a jujutsu sorcerer, we probably met at jujutsu high?? for him it kinda just... formed from afar
-gojo pegs me at the time to not pay attention in class, and would get into trouble for that, despite having absolutely perfect grades and doing completely fine in the class
-(he’s a jokester too, but won’t be annoyingly distracting, “people like that are annoying, and probably won’t get very far as a sorcerer, or at life in general.” he’d say)
-he sat at one side of the classroom and i would be sat at the other, and he quickly noticed that his gaze would shift over to look at me, lingering for a moment before breaking it away with a light blush
-but eventually, when seating was changed(i don’t know how it works where juju is set so just work with me here), he was set to be seated by me, and that’s how we start talking
-slowly it starts with him asking for a pencil, pen, eraser, etc. and while i was reluctant, i let him borrow one
-he always gave it back with a small sticker on it, and i continued to let him borrow the pencil, more stickers being put onto the pencil
-occasionally, as this continued, he’d grab my attention during class and pass me he sticker sheet, pointing at one of the stickers with a raised eyebrow
-‘this sticker today?’ is basically what he was asking
-before we became comfortable with each other i’d be confused and nod slowly before watching him as he put the sticker on the pencil, it made me smile faintly and i’d nod as a thank you, he’d just grin and nod back
-but eventually as we interacted more and became more comfortable, he’d continue to put more stickers on, but would ask me which sticker i want first instead of just picking one and sticking one on
-which i didn’t mind, he had a good taste in sticker sheets
-when he chose a sticker, i’d either smile and nod in agreement, or shake my head and point to another sticker with a small pout
-this makes him chuckle and place that sticker on instead, he could feel his heart swell and he just felt... happy
-it became our own little thing and would happen when we had class together, and this is how we would silently interact with each other
-that was, until he started to actually talk to me or distract me with topics outside of school and studies, quietly whispering to me whenever we could
-this would get us(mainly him) into trouble
-“do you think alligators can sleep?” “gojo please, you’re smarter than me. i’m not a top student or sorcerer like you are, so please let me study.” i say while cracking a smile, trying not to start giggling at his dumb comment
-“hey! i was just wondering..” “mister gojo and miss [insert my last name fuck you], is there something that you want to share with the class?”
-queue gojo being like “😎 nope.” all confident and cocky, while i’m sinking in my seat, “no, sorry.. 😰” i say apologetically
-when the teacher returns to what they’re doing, i smack gojo’s arm gently and huff, he just chuckles silently and ruffles my hair
-he definitely enjoys teasing me, but he’s also a lot more... softer with me in general
-he becomes a lil protective, since the jujutsu sorcerer world is dangerous, so he always makes sure i’m in perfect health and that i am okay in general
-at first he thought the gazes, the little inside jokes, and teasing and conversing were all just from his little crush that had formed, and that he would get over it
-but then it didn’t go away, it continued to grow more. when he realizes that it doesn’t go away, he himself is shocked at the fact, but keeps it hidden
-you can just picture him with his chin resting on his hand and his black sunglasses lowered somewhat on his nose, looking down at me and zoning out as he was studying my movements
-his piercing blue eyes are half-lidded and he has a blush growing on his usually pale face and fingers, and his face feels warm. but he’s content
-he’s brought back to earth by me either tapping his shoulder to ask him if he’s okay, since he’s been staring at me for so long (which makes him most embarrassed because i caught him staring, but he’ll try to brush it off)
-or by being called out by the teacher for distracted in class again and to answer the question, which annoys gojo but he answers it quickly
-shock to the teacher of course, because satoru gojo was just staring at me and not paying attention to the class discussion at all????
-truly a mystery that he’s so smart... yet never paying attention...
-but the teacher doesn’t dare split us apart because despite the fact that gojo may not listen, and i get distracted by him, we work well together
-this is especially evident in group/partner projects
-we goof off, but get the work done and get (almost)perfect grades
-eventually, we start to meet up outside of class/school, where he’ll take me on small adventures to local shops, to either look around, or he will buy stuff for us(like treats or more stickers), and since it’s usually crowded wherever we go, he will hold my hand to make sure i don’t get lost
-“we don’t need you getting swept up in the crowd, shortie.” “fuck you and your abnormally long body.” this makes him laugh
-he always enjoys going out and getting sweets because this is where he starts gaining his sweet tooth, and enjoys seeing me munching on them happily and having a delighted time, even though they probably aren’t good for us, to him it’s everything he ever dreamed of when going on a date
-wait. date? silly gojo, this isn’t a date!
-gojo always had to remind himself that this wasn’t a date, he was just dragging me around places, like friends do!
-eventually, gojo’s crush becomes much more than a “crush”, he is now head over heels and in love, as much as he wants to deny it and brush it off
-this results in more teasing, more stickers, y’know the usual just happens more, but now satoru wants to hold hands, cuddle, etc., his arm will almost always be wrapped around my shoulders and will rest there whenever we’re with each other
-even though we aren’t in a relationship, it becomes a common thing
-once the pencil we share is covered up with stickers, we move onto putting stickers on other belongings we own, or onto each other’s faces, arms, or hand during class, but we have to be sneaky about it so the teacher doesn’t notice
-part of him wants to confess his feelings, but the fear of being rejected and possibly ruining everything holds him back for awhile. but he’s observant and will watch for any sort of hints or see if i feel the same
-he’s able to notice the differences there are when we interact versus how i interact with others, like close friends, or with strangers, and it helps put him at ease, and he finally gains the confidence one night and heads to my dorm
-when he gets to my door and raises his closed fist up to knock on it, he pauses and stares at the door, beginning to have second thoughts for the first time in... well, awhile.
-’is this the right time? have i been reading her wrong? what if she actually doesn’t feel the same as me?’
-he shakes his head and smacks his forehead, but freezes upon realizing how loud the ‘slap’ noise that was, ‘well, it’s now or never.’ he thought before knocking on the door finally
-when the door opens, i peak my head out and look up to see him, a smile immediately forming on my features as i greet him joyfully, gojo could feel his face heat up and his shoulders tense up, but he grinned nonetheless
-”c’mon, i wanna take you somewhere.” “oh boy, where are we sneaking off to this time?”
-he felt his heart swell when he heard we, like that’s how it was supposed to be, he held one of his hands out and put a single finger up to his lips. “you’ll see..” he whispers, grinning at me raising an eyebrow at him before taking his hand, “suspicious bastard..” i mutter jokingly
-he would lead us outside, not too far, just out to a small field where the stars were bright and clear in the sky. he sits down in the grass and raised his glasses up, a gentle sigh falling out of his lips as he places them on his head
-i sit down close beside him and wrap my arms around my legs, “this seems a little.. odd, i was expecting somewhere more crowded.” i joke with a laugh, he chuckles and his arm falls over my shoulders
-”yeah, i know, but.. i wanted to ask you about something, and i didn’t want tons of people around us.” he says, a frown forming as his eyes narrow and a hint of hesitation is in them, which is out of character with his usually confident and laid back nature
-i immediately become worried, scooting closer to him, letting our shoulders brush, “gojo.. what’s wrong? you seem.. nervous, is everything alright?”
-“satoru.” “huh?” “call me satoru from now on.”
-i blink in disbelief, quietly muttering the name in shock before i raise my hand up to my mouth and giggle, delighted at the fact i can call gojo, well, satoru by his first name now
“why are you laughing?! this is serious.” “i know, i know! i’m just.. happy that i was given permission to call you by your first name, i think satoru is cute..”
-queue satoru going red before a sudden surge of confidence overrides his original anxiousness
-he reaches over with both hands, gently grabbing one of my hands and placing his other hand on my cheek, staring down at me as i look up and make eye contact with him
-“that’s not the only thing, you have the opportunity to be my girlfriend too. if you would like to, of course.”
-i gasp and blink again, staring at satoru’s piercing gaze that was filled with determination, but also fear
-we sit there for a moment in silence and satoru feels his stomach drop down to his feet
-“please, say something.” his voice is just above a whisper, thumb moving along my cheek, letting his cool facade down to show a more vulnerable side of him
-i lean up and kiss the very corner of his lips before pulling back, “i would love to.” i say, and before i can say more, he tackles me down onto the ground into a hug
-i giggle and snort, but snuggle into him, letting my eyes close as we hold each other for a bit longer
-time skip to many years later: we are both teaching at the tokyo metropolitan curse technical college, he’s now the strongest jujutsu sorcerer and i am like his unofficial sidekick, but also branch out and do my own thing(like missions, training, etc.)
-we are definitely just as love with each other as we were when we first got together, if not more. even if years have passed, it still feels like it was only yesterday that we officially got together, and our feelings have only grown ever since high school
-leaving notes, stickers, treats, etc. is still a normal occurrence, and we never really grow out of the habits that we formed during our time in school
-(yes we still keep the pencil, fuck you)
-since i don’t really teach any classes, i will find him before he has to teach his class and goof off like usual
-he will be sitting in a seat that’s backwards with his arms wrapped around/resting on the top, and i will be sitting on a table in front of him either talking about our days, missions, events that are going on, you know the drill
-during these moments i’m usually combing my hand through his spiked up hair, or putting stickers on his face or hands, despite the fact that he has a class to teach in like fifteen minutes
-but he keeps them on, he isn’t a pussy
-“if someone has an issue with them, they can sort themselves out because i’m not doing anything wrong.” —satoru gojo about the cute hearts and stars stickers on his face
-before he has to go teach a class, i will kiss his cheek as a good luck before he heads off
-when he has to go on a mission that will last a few days though, i make sure to help him prepare for it, and sneak in a few sweets for him
-when he returns he always and i mean ALWAYS sneaks into our shared apartment, i’ll be cooking and focused on other things when he comes in as quietly as he can
-he sneaks up behind me before placing both hands on my sides, making me jolt and look up at whoever grabbed me just to see satoru
-“sorry love, but your reactions are just priceless!” he says, kissing my neck and cheek before holding his hand out, which has a few of those left over sweets i had snuck into his bag
-“will you accept my apology with these?” he asks with a grin as he looks at me, i roll my eyes with a smile and take one, “i’ll consider it.”
-he feigns a hurt look and places his now free hand on his chest like a drama queen, “you sure know how to wound a man, my love! but you also know how to make a man weak for you too.”
-“my lord satoru, i think your sweet talking is the one making me weak.” satoru grins once more and leans against me, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me
-“we’re weak for each other.”
-on missions where either of us get hurt or go missing, we will panic
-satoru tends to be a little late coming home because he’s just stupid, but if he’s gone for later then usual, i will try to text him and make sure he’s okay, but he ends up always walking through the door right after i text him
-usually he’s completely fine and maybe has a few scratches, but when he comes back and has more wounds than usual, i will sit him down on the couch and patch him up
-”SATORU YOU HAVE TO BE MORE CAREFUL I KNOW YOU’RE STRONG AND ALL BUT I DON’T CARE-” he just watches with a dumb grin, just letting me rant as i patch him up
-but in the end i hug him and tell him again to be more careful, which he complies and hugs me back
-when i get hurt, if it’s nothing major he’ll just kiss the bruises/scratches, but when it’s more major he completely drops everything and will rush over to me and take me out of the situation we’re in
-specifically if it’s a fight with a cursed spirit, he will pick me up bridal style and escapes with me, more focused on getting us out of that situation that we were previously stuck in
-when he gets to a safe spot, he’ll make sure i’m not in critical condition before pulling out his travel sized med pack(yes i headcanon he brings one on missions we go together)
-this is the only time where he’s actually panicking, he’s cursing under his breath and chewing his bottom lip to prevent himself from cursing to himself under his breath, trying to patch me up as quickly as he can but also being wary of possibly hurting me more
-once he finishes, he sits there for a second to make sure i’m okay, and that no cursed spirits are around before setting me down softly and jumping back into the fight, ready to beat the shit out of the cursed spirit that fucked me up
-he returns back to my side in seconds, able to fight the cursed spirit a lot quicker since he was running on ANGER, but he picks me up and gives me a piggy back ride back to our home, he lifts his blindfold up to his forehead and looks back at me
-a wave of relief washes over him when he sees that i’m asleep with my head resting on his shoulder, he relaxes and smiles before turning forward and continuing home
-when i wake up i’m in bed and he’s laying beside me, passed out with his head buried in the crook of my neck, i smile and run my hands through his hair with a sigh
-anyways lets move away from angst bc the angst took over for a sec
-whenever one of us wakes up, we’ll put stickers on each other’s faces and wait for the other to wake up and the stickers will go unnoticed, or, as time goes on, we’ll feel our faces for stickers
-satoru always makes stupid doodles on post-it notes and will stick them everywhere
-’see you later honey-bun. <3′ with a lazy doodle of him with a peace sign
-”what a dork..” i mumble as i put it in my book collection of all the cute post-it notes
-he comes home seeing me munching on it and walks over, wrapping both arms around me and kissing my cheek
-”enjoying the treasure?” “yeah, thank you..” queue satoru kissing my cheek again and making me flustered before i kiss his cheek in response
-we are in love, and that's it
-(he proposes on valentines day, if you’re wondering ;))
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tintinwrites · 5 years
the light side | Poe Dameron x Reader | Part Two
A/N: The response to this was so lovely!! I’m imagining Leia walking into the med bay as that one gif from Community when Donald Glover’s character walks in to find everything on fire lmao
Rating: T
Warning: Discussions of whether to keep a baby. Naughty language.
Word count: 1,537, apparently!!
Summary: Poe gets it together and let’s you make the decision that’s rightfully yours to make. He’s willing to support you either way and you are touched by how caring this near stranger is.
Part One
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GIF credit: buckyssteves
Tags: @empressoftheundergroundsun @taina-eny @katnisspeetaprim @imaginecrushes @alina-barnes @nerdbookish
General Leia Organa's determined steps faltered when she walked in to see her best pilot unconscious in a bed while one of her best soldiers sat in the one next to it.
You didn't look over when she entered the room, staring ahead at something.
"I was told that you were unconscious and Poe brought you here." Her slightly confused statement had you nodding distractedly. "Then what the hell—" She stopped at your bed and followed your line of vision to see that you were staring at a hologram of a blob, with vague extra features similar to ones she had seen before.
"The droid said it's eight weeks," you said so softly that she almost couldn't hear you.
Leia was no idiot; she knew what that blob was.
Your gaze flickered to Poe and then slowly moved to her.
She knew what that meant too.
There was a reason he was the one passed out instead of you.
"What do I do?" You trembled beneath the weight of carrying a life in the middle of a war that took and would take so many. "I don't know what I should do."
"I think that's a discussion for you and Poe." A motherly hand lifted to squeeze your shoulder.
"I don't think he's gonna know what to do either."
"Talk to him when he stops being dramatic. He's smarter than he may look. If you need me, you know you can come to me. But I'm not the one you should be making decisions with."
She brushed away a tear that had fallen from your eye, looking over as Poe woke up with a start. Smiling at you kindly, she walked out and left you alone.
Poe looked entirely bewildered, his eyes lighting up when they landed on you. "I had the craziest dream about you and—" He was bound to see the hologram that was obvious enough for even him to guess what it was.
Stepping out of bed, he walked to yours and you stared at the picture in silence as it rotated slowly, allowing you to see every angle.
He gripped the sheet at the edge of the mattress tightly. "Are you gonna keep—"
"You can't ask that of me," you interrupted him quickly, through a clenched jaw. "I don't know you. We're on our way to a full-fledged war and I'm pregnant with the baby of someone that I don't know."
"I'm sorry." His eyes softened as you began to sob and he sat on the edge of the bed, pulling you close to his chest; you didn't know each other much, but this pregnancy was between the two of you and being held by someone who understood was comforting no matter how little you'd interacted.
"Should I keep it? I don't know what to do."
"I wasn't going to tell you to keep it. This is your choice. I'm the guy who fucked up and didn't take his birth control shot. I shouldn't get a say in it."
"I didn't remember mine," you realized, having been too busy to come into the med bay in at least four months. It had been long enough for you to not be able to recall exactly when you'd gotten your last shot. "I don't know what to do."
Your gaze returned to the rotating image and the reality of the decision you had to make seemed to crash over you like a wave.
You hurriedly pulled away from Poe, moving off the bed and leaving the room as fast as you were able to.
He watched you go with a strange mix of confusion and understanding, a touch of sadness that you had to figure this out and that he had helped put you here.
The scan of the baby could be seen out of the corner of his eye. He moved to it and narrowed his gaze at the little thing, reaching up as if he could hold it.
His fingers went through it as they were bound to, making the image flicker for a moment.
He'd always imagined this would be an exciting time for him, after the war was over with someone he loved, marveling over the life they had created or even adopted from somewhere.
A baby with an acquaintance when you were in such a busy, dangerous time wasn't what he had desired or anticipated.
He wouldn't blame you if you decided not to go through with it, even if he had to admit that the thing was kinda cute to him already.
It wasn't his right to force you to keep something he thought was cute.
You were the one carrying it and while you were both living too hectic lives to care for a child, you would bear the brunt of it regardless.
He'd meant it when he said it was your decision.
If you got rid of it, he would support you.
If you kept it, he would do whatever the hell you wanted him to whether that involved leaving you alone or doing what he could to care for it.
And damn, he was already willing to fight off the entire galaxy to keep that baby safe if you wanted to have it.
There wasn't any use in imagining what he would or wouldn't do with either choice.
You needed time and all he needed to do was let you have it until you were ready to come to the decision that was yours and yours alone to make.
You'd locked yourself away for four days.
The impatient part of Poe wanted to knock on your door until you told him what you had decided, but the part of him that knew he needed to respect you busied itself with ship repairs and small missions instead of doing that.
He was almost forgetting about it as he started to doze off in the middle of the night when someone knocked on his door.
Blinking tiredly, he got out of bed and opened the door to see you standing there.
"I'm keeping the baby," you said so quickly that he didn't have a chance to even think of saying something. "I know it's stupid, but that's what my heart is telling me to do. I wanted you to know that and to know that I don't expect anything from you. We hardly know each other and we didn't mean to have a baby...you're under no obligation to help me take care of it. This is my decision and I'm not going to ask you for anything when you're busy with the war."
You started to walk away and Poe's sleepy brain realized what you had been rambling about.
He was more than awake now, reaching out and grabbing onto your arms, pulling you into his room.
"I wouldn't do that to you. That's my kid. I wanna be there for my kid. You may have to do a lot for that baby since you're carrying it, but I'm not going to let you do it alone and I'm not letting you bear the brunt of it." His grip on your arms turned to slow, gentle stroking. "You're busy with the war too. You don't have to give all that up when I helped create this baby."
"You barely know me."
"I slept with you. We created this thing together and I'm not abandoning it."
"That's...nice." You weren't sure if it was your hormones or Poe's dedication to a child he didn't intend to have that made your eyes fill with tears.
"I'm gonna be there for you as much as you want me to be."
"Did you know you're a really good guy?" Your rhetorical question earned a small smile and before you knew it, you were pressing yourself to his chest and wrapping your arms around him tightly. "I'm scared."
He squeezed you back, though cautiously. "You don't have to do this."
You closed your eyes against tears. "I know."
The two of you stayed like that for a couple moments, feeling closer to each other than you'd felt to anyone even though you had been practical strangers.
It was when you found yourself dozing off in his arms from your exhaustion, stress, and hormones that you made yourself pull away, giving him an appreciative look that encompassed how thankful you were for the way he was so easily willing to support you and the baby.
"I'm here. Whatever you need, whenever it's needed. It doesn't have to know me if you don't want it to, but I'd really like to be there as much as I can. It's up to you."
"I think I would be doing the baby a disservice by keeping you out of its life." You could see the relief in his eyes from your answer. "We have time to discuss how this is all going to work, don't we?"
You agreed to talk about it more as time went on, then Poe told you that you should get some sleep.
Both of you were sure that with each other things would be okay, even though you were two strangers having a baby and both damn terrified of every single detail of it.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you always carry breath mints? No, I don’t find it essential considering I only get (or got, by now) a certain allowance per week and my budget is usually just right to fit in food, gas, other necessities, and maybe one or two nights of eating out. JM always brought a pack of those every day though and if I felt like I needed one, it was easy to ask him for one. On a side note, it’s so weird having to type these out in the past tense now that that part of my life is virtually over... What is the point of scented pens/pencils/erasers? I don’t think they have one. They’re just fun to have around if they’re new to you and you have a bit of extra money to buy them. Do you buy/wear band-aids with cartoon characters on them? No but we do have packs that come in different colors, which is entertaining enough for me. Are you amused by celebrity fashion flubs? Egh, not as much these days but it’ll sometimes be fun to look at what people are wearing at major events like the Oscars and Met Gala to see who hit the mark and who didn’t. What do you think your reaction would be upon entering the White House? Political feelings aside, I think I’d be as excited going there as I would be going to other tourist destinations. Bonus points if they’ve got a museum inside.
Do you buy and wear crazy looking socks? I wouldn’t call them crazy-looking, but I do like socks with wackier designs like if they’re sushi-themed or burger-themed haha. Would you run down the street wearing a tutu, fishnets, & flippers? That literally just sounds like a task that other college orgs make their applicants do as part of their application process. I’d do it if it was a dare or if something’s in it for me, but I wouldn’t on my own. Have you ever grown your own sea monkeys or dinosaurs? I don’t know what you mean. Would you want to travel into deep space? You kidding? I’ve wanted to go to space since I first read about people going to the Moon. I’d for sure do it if it was offered to me. Have you ever thrown a game controller (or the game) and broke it? Nah but pretty similar; I’ve often smacked my laptops when something goes wrong, like if the internet isn’t fast enough or if it hangs.
Did you ever own an Etch-a-Sketch? No. I think my mom did though. Do/did you ever have glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling? Nope, but my dad’s family in Tondo had these, in my cousins’ room. When we went over to visit we’d typically spend the night, so every time it was lights out the stars were my favorite thing to see cause they felt pretty magical to me. Does your house have an attic that had stuff in it when you moved in? No. We don’t have an attic but our third floor is our rooftop. What movie were you really worked up for that ended up disappointing you? Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. And this is gonna get so much flak, but The Shawshank Redemption. Does/did your school have special dress-up days? No for both schools I’ve been in. I do appreciate the fact that my current school has no dress code though. What cartoons did you watch when you were little? A lot, since kids are supposed to watch cartoons anyway lol. My favorite ones were Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, Mr. Bean, The Wild Thornberrys, Jimmy Neutron, House of Mouse, and The Emperor’s New School. Do you eat peanut shells along with the peanuts? I don’t. Have you ever gone white-water rafting? Nope. What part of a paper is hardest for you to write? Introduction. It sets the tone for your entire paper so if it isn’t good or appealing enough, it’s hard to follow through and come up with an excellent piece overall. Does your grandma wear an apron when she cooks? I never saw her wearing one, no. This is your chance to get it out! Place random rant here: Get me the fuck out of this house. How often do you need "me" time? These days I’ve had so much of it I wouldn’t even want it anymore for a while after this lol. Normally though, it’s important for me to have this at the end of the day. I’m always with a bunch of people and friends everyday in school and recharging by being alone is vital to me. Does it bother you that almost everything is done on computers now? Sometimes it can feel impersonal, like if you get invited to a debut or wedding through Facebook. But most of the time I find it convenient because everything is instant now. Have you ever gotten stuck in a revolving door? I don’t think so. There was a time I had fun going around a revolving door at the City of Dreams entrance for a few turns because I hadn’t seen one in a while hahahaha but I didn’t get stuck. Who is your favorite superhero? Not big on that whole genre. I guess I like Wonder Woman. KFC Chicken: original or extra crispy? Original please. What class in school do/did you secretly love? Idk, if I like a class I’d be vocal about it lol. What animal do you most resemble while eating? A human? Pop-Tarts vs. Toaster Strudels. Discuss: I’ve never had the second one and I really like Pop-Tarts, so the verdict here is prrrrretty obvious. Do you believe there are subliminal messages in songs? Like...Illuminati-wise? Lmao not at all, but people sure were busy trying to prove this about Beyonce and Lady Gaga back in 2009. I do think other intentional forms of subliminal messages exist, like how Hayley was actually singing the word ‘mercy’ when she sang the chorus to Simmer. Think about your first kiss. Did you have any idea what you were doing? No, she had to teach me how to move my lips and to not be scared and just go with the dance, because I was very nervous. Would you play Jumanji, if given the chance? I’ve never seen the movie, both original and remake.
Name a song lyric you heard wrong the first time and what it really said: I can’t recall an instance at the moment. Do you text/call while going to the bathroom? (Go multitasking!) I’ll bring my phone so I can scroll through Reddit or play games. Do you always make sure your cell phone is charged before going somewhere? Most of the time. I’ll still forget sometimes, though. Did you get Happy Meals just for the toys as a kid? No. They weren’t my kind of toys so I didn’t really ask my parents for Happy Meals. I asked for other toys I knew I’d have more use out of instead.   Have you ever seen your parents cry? If so, how did it make you feel? My mom. She was crying because my sister did a very kiddie mistake, and I was mostly indifferent because at that point our relationship was severed, and also why the fuck would you cry over a little booboo your 8 year old daughter did? She was being dramatic that day and I had no fucking time nor pity for it. What are your thoughts on Chuck Norris? I mostly know him as a 9GAG meme but other than that I know nothing of him. Did you answer that last question with a random Chuck Norris fact? No.
What is the most annoying sound in the world? Boomers complaining and getting their uninformed opinion out in the open. Do you honestly care about calories and fat content? No. How do you feel about animal testing? Fuck outta here. Do you often shift blame towards others? No. This is what my mom did and continues to do, and like I’ve said before I’ve made it my life’s mission to not do the things she did. Do you ever feel like you're smarter than your boss? I don’t have a boss. But I definitely didn’t doubt my internship boss, she was obviously very wise and had gone through a lot to get to where she is today. Your very first best friend: Is he/she STILL your best friend? No. Do you add condiments to your ice cream, or just eat it plain? Nah dude what the hell? Have you ever witnessed a crime? I saw a car very nearly run over a group of pedestrians walking on the pedestrian lane, but the driver was able to hit the brakes before they hit them hard. What's the coolest personalized license plate you've ever seen? Not a lot of cool plates here considering we’re only allowed a maximum of three letters and three numbers. If a plate is personalized it’s usually the driver’s initials and birthday, and that is hardly interesting lol. Did you ever have a piggybank that literally ate your money? No.
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eviestrol · 4 years
hiii! hopefully it’s alright if i could get a written ship for nct dream, wayv, the boyz, and ateez please? also, i ship you with nct jungwoo, johnny, and tbz jacob! i feel like someone with a 4d personality seems to suit them the best, as they both have one themselves so it would definitely make them comfortable to have someone who can weird around with them ahaha! i can also see them as really understanding and empathetic people so if you’ve got any troubles and concerns to voice out they’ll be an outlet for you to vent to and will do as much as they can to ease the burden in your life! they’ll do their best to make you feel as comfortable as possible and help you out of your quiet and introverted shell. they’d surely love hearing you talk about your passions and interests, and find your desire to make a difference in the world an admirable quality so they’ll really look up to you for it!! i think they’d be happy to help you along with volunteering at the animal shelter as well ^_^
anyways! i’m an INTP-T and slytherin. my zodiac sign is cancer but personality wise i fit the virgo or aquarius stereotype since i’m very analytical and detached from my emotions at times contrary to the ‘crybaby’ cancer stereotype i guess? ( i’m a cancer sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising ) i’m a chill person overall but i have trouble socially as i’m painfully blunt and i tend to make offhanded remarks w/o meaning to, and i’m slow to open up about myself. i try to tone down my objective and brutally honest personality at first to the point i can be kinda fake so it doesn’t help me at all LMAO, i’d love for someone to love and accept me for the way i am hhhh T_T i also really dislike gossip/small talk and discussing personal matters. i still try my best to be nice & patient with others and i have a hidden but deep fear of rejection and negative judgement. i’m sometimes overly critical when it comes to myself & people i’m close to but i really just want the best for everyone. i love to bond over topics of shared interests, i literally LIGHT UP when i nerd out about a game or something i’m into & it’s extremely embarrassing. i’m often told i seem level headed even tho i have crippling anxiety lol. in a group i’m like the therapist friend and i give out really well thought of advice as i’m a good listener. as happy as it makes me to be able to make someone feel better, talking bout feelings/emotions drains me, i prefer having intellectually stimulating debates. theoretical conversations excite me to my very core, conspiracy and game theories excite me to my very core! i have a passion for anything STEM, i hope to major in computer science! i’m pretty lazy yet again i’m quite overachieving & ambitious and am always looking for ways to improve myself in every area. as far as looks go i’m asian & i have wavy black side swept hair and i wear glasses (my prescription is just horrible since i sit by my computer and code everyday for hours at a time). alternative/punk-ish fashion style. i’d say i’m pretty smart academically, however i don’t have an ounce of common sense or street smarts. i’m also very unaware of my surroundings and i can’t follow any sort of directions for god’s sake. again, thanks so much!!! i apologize if this was a lot ahhh!!! i truly hope you have a lovely day/night!!! 💞💖
@10velys​ Thanks for requesting and for shipping me <3<3<3
From NCT Dream, I ship you with Renjun ♡
Renjun would prefer someone more chill and not overly loud. He’s the one that would enjoy your offhand comments the most and loves how ambitious you are. He would be the best Dream member for someone who doesn’t like dealing with emotions that much.
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From WayV, I ship you with Ten ♡
He would be the one that wouldn’t be affected by your brutally honest comments as much. He would appreciate how good of a listener you are and would turn to you for advice. He would also be good at advising you as well and it would be easy for him to make you laugh when you’re feeling anxious.
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From The Boyz, I ship you with Hyunjae ♡
Hyunjae is a perfectionist and driven so someone like that would be very attractive to him. He would admire how hardworking and ambitious you are, but he would also know how to lighten up the mood whenever you’re stressing too much. He’s pretty independent so he wouldn't mind you coding and working for hours.
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From Ateez, I ship you with Yeosang ♡
He would be one of the members that wouldn’t mind your offhand comments as much. One of the smarter members, he would love someone who can hold intellectual conversations with him and would love to hear about what you’re going to study.
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I hope you like who you were shipped with! Feel free to request again at any time~
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I know this coward blocked us all, but I’m still gonna publish it, BECAUSE I WAS READY TO POST IT JUST BEFORE OUR QUEEN VALENTINA BLOCKED US ALL. I knew you were waste of time, but damn. I guess that’s it for “I don’t care about this discussion and I’m back to my great amazing life”, huh?
tbh I hadn’t planned to respond in the beginning, because of this post:
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(that you btw deleted after few minutes and didn’t even mention me like an unbothered warrior princess you are) if there were fucking diplomas in pseudosciense yours should had been taken away after saying that “ENFJ 6 so/sx is the type that’s more able to survive/navigate in the real world”. girl, have you seen sp blind 6? they’re rare, but they’re exist. and you’re one of them.
>I’m replying to you idiots @hitsujinko @proverbsofpestilence on a different post because that’s what you two should have done in the beginning
oh you mean, we should reply to you in different post without even mentioning you and then delete it right away? like you did? wow great, thanks for your tip.
>Hmm no, @syntheticalcomposure didn’t have to be “sceptic” of my post because it said nothing controversial, she just doesn’t fucking know how to read
no, girl. she just noticed that you’re post is kinda. basic. and then commented to straight things out. and you got all defensive and acted like she was attacking you while she was actually agreeing with you. you’re disintegrating and trying to act like you’re better than smarter than all the other people to cover up your mistake. been there, done that.
>And bitch i’m sorry but i’m not attacked at all because you don’t have any power over me, i’m literally chilling on my bed drinking a smoothie and you’re the only one who cares so much about my type but okay
oh I care! because I hoped you would actually type yourself correctly after this whole time. you know, I mentioned I followed you. it was a long time ago, but guess what! I actually liked you. past tense. don’t judge book by its cover, right?
now it’s just entertaining to make fun of you.
>And again, I have no inch of enneagram 6 on my body. Their outlook in life sickens me and it’s completely different to how I survive, if i was a 6 I wouldn’t even be alive lmao. You have absolutely no basis to type me as a 6 other than what you’re projecting into me
you have no inch of 6 in your body and yet u were mistyped as one? :0000 just like u have no inch of 9 in your body and you’re mistyped as one? gotcha.
and you keep. accusing others of projecting. like you’re doing it yourself.
“ew dont call me sweetie, we’re not there yet” okay. bitch. are we there yet? :))
>Also what community??? What the fuck is a community and especially online??? Shut up your soc”
do you think soc blinds are dumb? no, seriously. another prove you don’t understand theory at all. soc blind have poor understanding of social bonds and constructs or just simply don’t even acknowlegde them in the first place. they know what fucking community is. you know. the way a lot of soc blind people use to describe “””typology fandom”””.
also wow! I’m soc. yeah I have fucking soc in my stacking u fucking moron. what are u even trying to prove.
> Which by the way was: you can’t type someone’s enneagram based on outwardly behaviors alone but instead you have to think of the reasons why they do them
don’t worry, you’re not a special snowflake. if INFP 4 so/sp can be typed by one single post alone, you can be too.
>Also what community??? Again with your SOC bullshit???? Who is defending me??? Of what????? The way you all think is so freaking weird
are you serious. like. I know you think I’m dumb. but have some fucking respect for soc blinds. they’re not that fucking stupid as you try to portray them.
>Just because I don’t sound like those stupid infjs here using difficult words and concepts because they’re so smart uwu , doesn’t mean I’m not one
what. who said that. who fucking said that.
>Check how @mowoths expresses her thoughts vs the way I express mine. She’s an enfj, i’m not and you can clearly see how different we both are
she’s not 6. also she’s not dumb. important factor, ya know.
>You: valentina is a fe-dom Also you: valentina is not capable of having the most basic skills of a real fe-dom
yay! and I actually believed you know your shit since you were into it for so long.
>Like… Make a decision????
like u did with your typing that u kept constantly changing back?
>What???? The reason behind this is not inferior Ti. It’s simply because English is not my first language and I don’t know how to express myself correctly in a way that makes sense, especially not to natives or more advanced speakers. If all of you spoke Spanish, i promise I wouldn’t sound “disconnected from everything”. So stop being a bitch just because you understand this language better than I do
babie. sweetie. honey. bitch.
1) I’m not native English speaker neither,
2) you speak English just fine,
3) that’s not a fucking excuse because your English. is just fucking fine. probably better than mine.
>But have you seen my actual aes instead of the shit I reblog? Let’s be realistic: They suck. If you compare them to the aes of the actual high se users
>there are actual parameters that show wether someone’s a high se user or not and i don’t have any of those, not even one
umm what. I said your aes is tert Se. not high Se good.
wait, who was accused who of not being capable of reading again?
>I do have the presence of a gut core but you can’t fucking know that because you have never seen me in real life. And yes, i know people can see through you online but NOT in the way you’re doing it. This is not it. I do have everything a 9 core has but that could only be seen if you actually knew me
oh you have such poor self awareness but you know what type of presence you give off? also. it’s. a fucking. vibe. I don’t need to see you to feel your presence. every single gut core has it. every single one of them. I can fucking talk to person online and still figure out that they have gut core energy. sad you apparently can’t.
>And so-dom??? What the actual fuck???? I am EVERYTHING except that. I have never exhibited any behavior of that ???? I’m a so-blind, the end.
yeah sure. I totally believe you. soc blinds don’t know what community is. don’t realize when someone’s defending them even when they mention them in their own post to support their stand. that’s not like you also automatically assumed I’m friends with synthie just because I agree with her on this topic. like you know. soc would do.
>Okay, okay… I would maybe believe you if you told me I’m a SX/SO because that would make some sense and i typed as that before. Except that i don’t have ANY trait of a sp-blind. Then nope, i’m still a so-blind
okay, so sx/so would make sense because you typed as one before? then why the fuck ENFJ and 6 are completely out of options? you were mistyped as them too. also I love that you keep saying you cannot be this type because either just no or other factors. but don’t worry. most people are able to type people by, you know, observing their behaviour and talking to them. which I just did.
>Also, i’m the most SX-dom to ever exist???? If we could have only one IV, i would simply be SX
nah, you’re not. you have sx, it’s true, but it’s not dom.
>What a stupid argument adjfkrk. I haven’t ended this conversation because a) I’m right and b) who gives a single fuck about an internet discussion????? Do you know all of this literally doesn’t matter in real life????? Do you know i’ll just post this and go back to my amazing life as if it didn’t happen????
wow, so because it doesn’t matter you keep responding? addition: that’s why you blocked as all? also “amazing life”??? can you turn off your fucking 3 fix soc for one goddamn second.
no one taught you that the harder you try to appear as something you’re not, the worse it gets?
>In real life, i’m conflict avoidant and i don’t have to prove that to you
9 would end this conversation a long time ago. An actual INFJ 9 told you that.
>finally the fact that I don’t understand english well enough (again, stop being so fucking condescending about this)
??????SDFfkhkfhjjkKDFKFGFJjkg?YUHRTO7O78??????????????????SDFKDFKDH??? WHERE BITCH. WHERE. you’re projecting. I didn’t say anything about your english skills in my post. nothing. but you’re insecure about it and you’re projecting your fear onto me, thinking I was mocking you for it. why can’t you see the shit you accuse others of doing?
>Also I love that you genuily think I’m an ENFJ 639 SO/SX… As if that wouldn’t be the type most known for their amazing social skills
once again. you don’t know theory. you don’t know what soc blidness actually looks like. you don’t know what Fe is like. you don’t know what any enneagram type is like.
also, sp-blind 6s are rare, but they exists. mostly nothing but a giant mess.
>Literally no one could ever get close to my level of optimism and hope in other people, the universe and life in general
>For 6s, when something goes wrong they literally think their whole life is over. While instead i ignore whatever is going wrong and get back up without thinking
psst. have u ever heard of 6w7? because I just found out your wing!
>I also trust people a lot. Of course I’m not a naive bitch who lets everyone in because I have SP. But what I mean is i don’t distrust everyone and think that they’re all against me and are going to betray me, as 6s usually do. I don’t test people to prove if i should trust them or not. All 6s do that and I think it’s pathetic
you don’t understand what 6s are.
also. everyone thinks 6s are pathethic. including 6s themselves.
>Finally, If I don’t trust myself it’s because of my mental illnesses and countless childhood trauma. Literally every type can distrust themselves. But fuck you for making me bring that up
no one fucking made you bring it up. fucking. no one. stop being so goddamn defensive. stop acting like a victim. stop projecting. stop trying so hard to act like someone you’re not. you could, you know, FUCKING YEET OUT OF THIS DISCUSSION LIKE A PROPER 9 WOULD DO
>If i ever use projection as a defense mechanism, it’s only due to my mental illnesses and what i have always been taught. This was literally the point of my post, every single type can be an emotional mess: as proven by me and my family
“ever”. ha. funny joke.
you realize just because your behaviour can be justified by external something, it doesn’t mean you can’t be a 6? like. for example, you can be a shut in because of your social phobia AND be a 5. one doesn’t exclude each other.
or like fucking me, be a 6 and have clinical anxiety that is actually not fucking related to your type.
>And i’m not acting defensive and attacked??? I’m literally chilling here… and unlike you, studying for my future and doing something productive with my life :) 
wow I’m so unbothered wow :) and chill :) like a conflict avoidant type I am :) like the person that keeps projecting shit :) that doesn’t know when to give up :) that keeps accusing people of attacking her :) that calls people bitches and then delete post because they’re a coward :) that blocks people because she can’t handle admitting she was wrong :) that feels a need to consantly repeat how unbothered she is because god she’s so unbothered :)
>No shit sherlock, there you go again schooling me about something I already know
wow you know this? weird. because u keep proving you don’t know basic stuff.
oh and louder for people in the back.
8 notes · View notes
ts-hvv4 · 4 years
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As castaways got to know each other, or catch up with old cast mates, the inactivity of others set the wheels in motion for a vote off.
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WOW! Season 93 holy cow. This season has started out to be anything but normal. Within my tribe, I’ve played with 5/9 members previously - which is not what I expected. I’m extremely nervous about Ricky and Emma because based off our calls and chats, they’re worried about past drama from Easter island and other ORGs being a factor in our relationships. I’m trying to let go of everything but they seem to disagree. I’ll make a more in depth review of my tribe at a later time!
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Ok, so so far I've spoken with a few people. Birch, Keegan, Cheatham, Olivia, Ned, Kurt and Trent. I'm feeling Kurt and Trent so far, Kurt I found out through him we've know each other from possibly an old mini or something, and Trent we have the same interests. So far so good. I know Chris, we had a great bond back in the day but it doesn't mean we will here. Me and Emma used to talk but I saw she recently unfriended me so...and Sarah I love her, Andreas I hope is the same Andreas because I miss him. Matt I lowkey want to meet because distance wise he's the closest to me, so we could maybe bond about similar areas and such, and he seems cool. I may have more to same later but this is how I feel right now!
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I cannot believe I was uber nervous last night! I have no clue why either, guess it was because it was a lot at one time and like seeing others say it was a super strong cast was a lot. Given I just got into this community like a month ago I think I was able to see my biggest obstacle will be getting to somehow squeeze in and be comfortable since I am like extremely shy ahhhhhh
* a little while lateR*
A lot of my tribe seemed really cool! Dennis I feel the closest to already and then Andreas was so nice to keep me informed on things. Matt is also like the bombdiggity, Sarah is a sassy omelette, Kage is like the second coming of Shaggy Rogers, Ricky/Niklas I look forward to talking to more and the others I hope to talk to some more but because I woke up 10 minutes ago my memory sucks
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WHY TF IS MATT SUMMERS HERE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Anyways I like everyone on my tribe. Birch is once again making friendship bracelets (they never sent out the ones they made in tashirojima lmao) and everyone is so enamored and I’m just like yep mhm. I’m getting along well with Ned, Keegan, and Kurt. Sharifa and I finally have a good dialogue going this morning and I really like her but she’s won like twice and I know trent has her high on his kill list for that. Malik and I finally talked today more which was nice. Cheatham seems cheeky and we talked a little bit not much and I’m really dropping the ball with Jake I feel bad like I def need to talk to him but agh it’s so hard trying to keep up with nine people lmao. It’s like birch and I are just going through the motions like we don’t even know what to say really other than hi how’re you I’m good thanks bc of all we went through in the game we just played. I wish I could vote them out so I wouldn’t have to deal with all those emotions. Also I’m very distressed about matt summers being here he probably doesn’t even remember me but oh sweet jesus GC was so horrible for me and I don’t hate him or anything but he double idoled me out like why tf did he have to be here 😭😭
Malik is not a lotr fan rip him
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Alright, I've had some time to sleep on this game and I have some early thoughts. I think yesterday I put my guard up to soon. This season I am going to be more cool, calm, and collected then I have in previous seasons. I know I have a past with some people, who I really don't trust. I think it would be stupid for my narrative to be based around drama that occurred 5 years ago when I was 17, so I am going to be the bigger person here and hope other people aren't.
Last night a couple people jumped on call. This included Kage, Matt, Sarah, Emma, Chris, Ricky, and I. The call brought me right back to 2015 - it was wild. We kind of had a little chat about our past games. Anyways, then Ricky out of the blue brings up my FTC in Easter Island - a season which had so much tension. There were two sides - My Alliance and Ricky's alliance. Ricky's alliance pretty much maintained control of the game the entire game, and seventeen year-old Andreas was salty about it. I thought it was interesting he did that..... it concerns me he may still be mad at me for things that happened five years ago.
*Andreas walks away from the camera, does a big sigh and plops himself back down on the rock*
Time for a review of my tribe: 
 Sarah - LOVE OF MY LIFE!!! Sarah and I go back way far in Bangladesh. We spent my entire game together where she blindsided me. Since then, we've become great friends and I even flew to Vancouver to meet her IRL. She's my #1 in this game for sure. 
 Kage - Eastern Canadian King! I met Kage in Great Lakes where we didn't see eye-to-eye in a game sense but got along on a personal level. The GL cast remains one of my fav casts I've ever played with and I'm excited to meet this new Kage.
 Emma - Emma is a dangerous player. Every game I've ever played with her, aside from Jordan Pines, she has done me so dirty. After the last game we played, my guard is really up with her, so I am going to try to not get too wrapped in her web.
 Ricky - Not sure how he feels about me, I would like to work with him because he is smarter then people give him credit for. Hopefully it all works out between us. 
 Chris - I like Chris. I think Chris is buttering me up though, not sure if he really wants to work with me or this is all an act. Either way, he has made it clear he has no connections and is a hero so he for sure someone I'd like to go far with :) 
Matt - Matt fucking Summers (in the words of Laure LMAO). Matt is a really nice guy, but has the reputation of being very dangerous. In a weird way, I think I can kind of be the watered down Matt Summers depending on the day. I would love to work with him, because I think he's a big personality that could place me in the background of the game. 
 Dennis - I find speaking with Dennis so easy! Not only is he nice and personable, but easy to have a good chat with. I would like to work with Dennis if I can. 
 Lukas - I find chatting with Lukas a bit harder then I should, but I expect it just based off our personalities. I am really trying hard to socialize with him, so hopefully it shouldn't be terrible. 
 Nick - Nick is in a similar spot to Lukas for me - but I don't find it as hard to chat with him. I'm drawing from my improv expertise this season and doing a lot of 'yes and' ing to stuff. With him, that's what I've been doing in the hopes I can build a stronger relationship. So far it's working. 
 That's all for now! Let's see what happens with Kage at the island thing haha
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 SOOO Emma is amazing. I really hope she's not good friends with anyone else in the cast cause I love her and I want her to be my #1 Jake is chill. I'm gonna keep him around for a bit, but he ALWAYS backstabs his friends so I don't trust him Chris seems cool. He's gonna be a schemer/utr I feel it. But I enjoy talking to him Matt, I'm still trying to get a feel for. He's from WV so I started talking to him about Noah Salvatore and somehow they went to the same school together so he clearly has bad luck. Dennis and I have been getting along. I talked to him a lot about my game last time tho. That made me realize I need to keep my friendships with Jake and Emma on the LOW. Kage is messy. Even this morning he's still talking to me like this: it’s terrivle nothing bere i haven't really talked to anyone else yet. Ricky and Kage both just seem so hard to talk to one on one. 
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Hi!! so I am the first one on my tribe to go to Ancient Thera. Kage came from the other tribe and HE IS NOVA SCOTIAN!!!!!!!! F2 right there!!! I am so hyped that I met him!!! he lives an hour from me!!!! AHHHHHHH!! I also betrayed him already and went for tribal advantage instead of personal as we agreed. also, the chances of me and him are so high I'm actually so excited!!. I can Picture me and hm becoming good friends, he and I have a lot in common. this tribe is also amazing!!
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Oh god I’ve never played this challenge and I’ve always felt bad for those who did fuck
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First Confessional! It's been about a day since the season began and this tribe is rockin'! I've had some pretty great conversations with most of the tribe. However there have been a couple people lacking in the social department. Most notably is NED, who I've apparently played with before but I can barely remember him. I guess he's just been busy all day, and it's only been a day so I'm not holding it against him much. SHARIFA has not been the most social with me but we have discussed some New Years resolutions and how poorly we do with those. Aside from that, I really like BIRCH, MALIK and KURT. I think they're top notch people so far and I'm hoping I can plod on forward and actually form an alliance of sorts with them. My biggest struggle right now is trying to decide whether I want to initiate any game talk this early, or if I should just hold out for a little longer so I don't come across like I'm playing too hard right out of the gates.
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How does one turn a convo from fun and friendly to strategic without just straight up being like “how do you feel about everybody” bc that’s such a loaded question but the easiest route to what you wanna talk about lmao. TLDR I’m trying to talk to Kurt strategically and I’ve typed and deleted a message about a million times. Ned and I bonded super well we called for a minute and I feel so bad bc he’s like “I get close to one person and we’re together to the end I’m super loyal” and I’m like ME TOO NORMALLY BUT I ALREADY HAVE LUKAS AND TRENT and like I already love Ned I wanna be his friend and I know he trusts me super well already so that’s good I’m just worried for if/when he finds out I already have a tight twosome ahdjsks. But that’s way ahead I needn’t worry rn. I want a four person alliance with Kurt, Ned, Trent and myself. Ned said he liked Kurt and Trent so that’s great and Trent is obviously down so I just gotta grow a pair and talk to Kurt. I also really like Kellogg (can’t remember his real name ever but it’s similar to Kellogg; I’m such an ass) and Sharifa too she’s super cool. She’s won twice so I’m a littler nervy but I like her a lot. I talked with Jake a little bit more but still not much and cheatham I think I ignored all day yikes. Birch is beloved in the eyes of the tribe rn but hehe I’m still not buying into it sorry!! I like them a lot outside of the game but I’ll never ever trust them in a game. I was talking with Ned and he said he hasn’t connected well with them and wouldn’t mind voting them out so woo. It’s gonna be tricky to try and get that to have any traction since she just did something generous for the tribe sigh. Gonna have to be patient like I was patient with someone else in Mykonos. I can be patient, certainly.
I FORGOT MALIK he’s so kind I like him a lot but he’s not as giving in a convo as others so I feel like I don’t know him as well but we’re developing that relationship
I just really like our tribe
*a little while later*
Malik is so sweet, I think he needs an emoji tutorial tho 😂 sometimes he’ll send an emoji and I’m a little perplexed why he chose that one but it’s all very endearing
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So Kage and his Thera shit... SHADYYY. He said if they won the challenge they get themselves an advantage in the game but if they lose, the TRIBE gets a disadvantage in the immunity. He specified the tribe and the immunity thing. But didn't specify that winning the comp would give the TRIBE an advantage. But here we are. Birch's tribe got an advantage and we got a disadvantage. I. Call. Bullshit. I think Kage got an advantage in the game in exchange for a disadvantage and it just trying to keep it secret. I'm honestly gonna keep pushing this theory so other people wanna vote Kage later. I asked Kage questions about the challenge and... Me, A psychology major: "He's giving a LOT of details here. Liars tend to do that" Also me, a psychology major: "Okay but these details sound right. That's a lot to make up" There's been a few people that I feel like I haven't been able to strike good convos with yet I'd put my ranking like this Emma > Chris > Dennis > Andreas >>>>> Kage/Lukas/Matt > Sarah > Ricky. But that big gap feels like a disconnect. AND I haven't fully talked to Emma because she keeps getting distracted when I try to chat with her. I'm just banking on our connection before the game I do feel really good about Chris and Dennis and I think Andreas was trying to talk game with me today. So we'll see. It could be a decent group that gets formed. But I'm sure those 3 are being super social with everyone else so idk where that puts me Post Tribal Reaction: "Advantages were for the taking. Kage gave me way too much power over his tribe and the advantages so I snaked him" - Birch I'm trying to sus out what that's insinuating cause it SOUNDS like you could just take advantages. Smh at Kage
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I already knew trent was like my dude but HE LOVES LES MIS TOO
Yesterday’s word of the day: hedgehog Today’s word of the day: morning morning morning
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So this game started at a very inopportune time. I have an exam in 2 hours and another one tomorrow, so I haven't been super active in the tribe chat-- but after realizing that, I've decided to use it as a strategy. I'm not going to talk much in the tribe chat, but I'll have individual conversations with people. That way, it seems like I'm very invested in each individual relationship but am not super connected with the rest of the tribe, so people will hopefully see me as a trustworthy ally! I've connected really well with Olivia and we seem to be on the same page-- we're loyal to our ride-or-dies and hate drama. We called and I think this is an alliance to watch. I was also aligned with Jake in Crossroads, my most recent TS season, so I think he's going to be a built-in ally. Apart from them, Trent and Kurt seem cool and I won't be sad if anyone else gets voted out. Most of my conversations with other people have been very surface level, but I think that's fine since it's only day 2. On the other tribe, there's Sarah and Andreas-- in every game I've played with Sarah, we have never lied to each other once. She's been my closest ally out of every ORG I've played, so I know 100% that if we're able to link up we'll run the show. After Bangladesh, I got close with both Sarah and Andreas, so I'm feeling pretty confident about a swap. 
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Okay hi, first time playing a TS in a year weeeeeee!! The only person I know on this tribe is Ned S. and we haven't talked in 2 and a half years so GREAT good tribe lineup for me. However he really wants to work with me and I do too so hopefully there's some leverage there. Tbh I haven't connected with anyone on this tribe yet, every convo is like pretty surface level so im like dsjnsfnfjsd i need people that I can turn up with. I wanna turn up w Nicklas and Sara but theyre on the other tribe so this is rigged and of course we lost first... i always lose first.... idek who to vote out cus no one is inactive this is so fun for me goodbye
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We lost the challenge, and I’m sad about that. Then I’m told by Keegan that there’s talk of a group with me, Sharifa, Olivia, Keegan, and Trent. How do I feel about that? Good except for the fact I feel it confirms the suspicions of Trent and Olivia talking either, and the fact that Kurt and Jake aren’t involved. So me and Kurt said we’d tell each other everything that’s going on, so I feel I do need to tell him about this alliance, but I can’t have him asking people about it or people might know I told Kurt through Sharifa if she thinks I actually did that. So now I need to let him know, and I need to keep him safe. I’m glad to be in a group I just need to protect Kurt at all costs.
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Well we lost the first challenge and boy does that suck. I was really hoping we could pull out a few wins at the start of the game and have no issues moving forward. But that didn't happen and now we have to go to tribal council. Yuck! Right off the bat after losing the challenge I went in and did something I've never done before and never been comfortable doing before. And that's building an alliance. I sat for a few moments (and that's really all it was) before I jumped right into some conversations. Those first few minutes consisted of OLIVIA, TRENT, SHARIFA and MALIK. And now we have the MCDONALDS GANG. It's currently only a group of five but that's most likely all we'll need. It should be easy enough for us to wrangle in one or two people to vote out whoever we want to get out. I'm so proud of myself for really jumping right in there and getting things done. OLIVIA was the biggest factor in that. We immediately decided on who we liked (SHARIFA and TRENT) and pulled in MALIK for being a great dude. I'm really trying my hardest to step outside my comfort zone and get shit done this time around. As of right now (only a few hours after the challenge) my first choice for a target would be NED, solely because he's been the least talkative to me out of everyone. But that doesn't mean he's an easy choice. Everyone on Ammonia tribe is so great. We've still got a full day to decide who we want to target and get out. If it's not NED, perhaps JAKE might be the next best option. However, now that I've got this group together, I'm not going to be too pushy. We'll decide things as a group moving forward until later on in the game. I don't want to overplay too hard and I don't really want to be seen as the ring leader of the group.
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I’d like to pat myself on the back because I was about to make a joke about how Sophie had to pretend to be religious in her game and how hard that must’ve been but then I remembered Ned is religious and I managed to hold back!!! Not making bad jokes upgrade woo
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Well, this game is already not what i expected. I wasn't expecting mixed tribes, i wasn't expecting so many old schoolers, and i wasn't expecting everybody to be so nice. So far i'm just trying to be super social with everyone. My biggest fault in Indonesia is that none of the jury felt like they truly knew me. So i'm trying to be more open and more personal. and so far i think it's working. At first i really didn't want to work with Sharifa. Just looking at her stats I can see how dangerous she is. But we've really bonded over the past few days and shes one of my closest friends in this game right now. Her and Olivia are the ones I trust the most. I could be a fool and falling right into her trap, but we will see. I know Sharifa will be a huge target if we all make it to merge together so she's good to keep around as a shield for right now, but eventually I'm not going to be able to work with her any longer, but I dont know when that day will be. I am now in an alliance with Sharifa, Olivia, Keega, and Malik. We all seem to be on the same page for the first vote. Ned and Cheatham have been a lot less active than the first so one of them will be the first boot. I hate that it's probably Cheatham because I really did want to work and play this game with him. But if he's not going to put forth an effort then theres no way I'm going to risk my neck saving him. I just have to find the right way to tell him it's him. because if he hears it from someone other than me he might have a messy exit. Just need to get through this first vote and then the 5 of us will have a majority and should be ok until a swap. I've also been added to a smaller alliance of Olivia and Ned. I haven't really had a chance to talk with Ned but Olivia says he's great and that we will get along great. And i trust Olivia's judgement. But at this point Ned is just an extra vote to use because I'm not going to risk my game to try to save a player I barely know.
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I think this game is off to a great start! Our tribe won immunity which was great, it allows me more time to build stronger relationships within the tribe. Some key things I wanna note: Matt expresses about how he wants to work together and I was like ‘yeah sure’ but he also messaged Sarah a much more genuine message about how he trusts her and I think that’s SUS ... I trust him for now but who knows . Ricky wants to work with me this game ?? Idk if he’s lying but I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and I will believe him because we do a good rapore so it makes sense to work with him. He continues to say I’m the the only one he 100% trusts at this moment and i want to believe he’s not buttering me up and he’s loyal. I’ve been having meaningful discussions with everyone else. Emma is on my radar because she doesn’t want to talk to me unless it game talk and normally that’s what she does when she doesn’t really want to work with me... honestly would prefer her to go first but she seems well connected based off prior connections so that’s that. I’m not telling anyone but Sarah about how I feel about Emma truly because I can’t have her sniffing me out ... and plus loose lips sink ships. I’ve also been lying to a lot of people in this game for the purpose of appearing more personable to them... LOL.... like Lukas asked me about my thoughts on normani’s new music video and switch games and I lied through my teeth and looked stuff up to have shit to talk about. I wanna form strong connections now so people feel allegiance to me later. Hopefully we can go to tribal soon so I can test these loyalties ... anyways that’s all for now xoxo
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Tribal day and I’ve found myself stumbling into yet another alliance, this time with BIRCH and MALIK. We’re just waiting for MALIK to get online but it’s a pretty sure thing that this alliance is happening. That means MALIK and I are both in the two same alliances which covers 6 of the people in the game. Unfortunately that means JAKE, NED and KURT are (at least to my knowledge) not in any major alliances. It’s certainly possible they have something going on with other people so I’m not going to rule it out entirely. I know it’s super early in the game but I’m feeling like I’ve found a good solid footing.
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Hi im on the villains tribe...shocker Andreas is my #1 and when ned and I get on a tribe i will get him to be my number #1 and i know jake will want to work with me and matt summers wants to be close too so im thinking im good I dont trust emma or anyone else 
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okay, we have tribal tonight, YAY. I am feeling okay. right now it is between Cheatham and Ned. I might push for Ned to go because I really like Cheatham. How I am feeling towards the other people is as follows Olivia- just played with you, did you real dirty in that game, sorry. I want to ally with you in this game more. Keegan- I really like you! you're awesome, i feel very comfortable with you and are allied with. stan. Tea Sluts 4 Lyfe. Sharifa- Not going to lie, you scare the hell out of me. we are allied, ily. everyone else: you are really nice, not strong feelings towards anyone.
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I really like Kurt I wish we had included him in the alliance :( I feel like he’d be so fun to call
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It is WILLLLLLD to be back, had no idea what I was getting myself into. Coming into Heroes vs Villains 4 I had the entirely wrong perception that I would be on a tribe with all Villains. Twistos Twist, it’s mixed….but you could have told me I was on the heroes tribe because everyone is so fucking nice….DO I LOOK LIKE A HERO WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR LIFE ALKJSDF. I feel like Colton in Blood vs Water on the kumbya tribe. So here are my thoughts on the flower children of the Ammonia tribe. My one solace is Kurt. We played together before on Generations, and he was actually my number 1 before Jakey was. What happened you ask? Liana and Andrew decided Kurt’s head would look great around their necks, and I could either vote with them, or go to rocks. So to avoid a tie, I ended up voting him out...and honestly it's one of my FEW regrets I have from the game. And it’s weird because I won Generations, but I still wish I had gone to rocks for him. I’VE CERTAINLY GONE TO ROCKS FOR LESS IN CHALLENGERS VS CHAMPIONS FKLAJSDF. Needless to say, he’s my ride or die, and I hope he can put the past behind him because I’m loyal as fuck to my ride or dies, just ask L’Shei and Jakey <3. Trent is probably the second person I’m trying to talk game with. He’s a biggggg strategist, even if he wants to pretend that he’s not...your that girl I knew you were. It’s been a big strategy of mine to play a wolf in sheeps clothing. This time around I can’t, my record is intimidating and there’s no way around it. So the only way I feel I can be successful is by amassing an alliance of heavy hitters. The only problem with that, is gamers never stop gaming, and they are going to want me out at some point. So I’m working hard to invest with Trent, and to play with him, but I’m FULLY aware he wants me out. It’s WHEN he wants me out, that’s the real question. And can he benefit my game, before then??? Malik is so fucking nice, super geunine, I like him, BUT he’s playing with his dick. He has this whole showmance with Kurt and it’s like habibi...what is you doin. It’s good for my game because he’s loyal to my closest ally, but it’s also like...we’re playing a game, play it. I do think Malik is someone Kurt and I can rely on, and I really adore him. It would be nice to play with another queer poc. I just don’t know if he’s a big gamer if we’re going to be real. Birch is….SO HARD TO TALK TO. Literally today I told them I was nervous after the challenge, because my strategy didn’t work, their response? “I BET!” FLAKSDFKJASKJFASD BRUH. Despite the teeth I want to pull, trying to have a conversation with them, they are genuinely nice and I feel it’s worth investing in talking with them. The only thing I’m nervous about is their relationship to Trent. Trent talks about them as a number, so I wonder if Birch is in his back pocket, especially considering the lack of game they talk. Olivia is a RE-HEALLLLLY interesting one. She doesn’t talk much, has her own language, that I do not speak, yet the SECOND we lost the challenge, her and Keegan orchestrated this whole majority alliance. And despite her being voted out by Trent, at the final 4, they seem to be working together. I think she’s 1) a villain not a hero, and 2) playing a lot more than I initially suspected. I think she likes me, we have a ���we’re the only two girls on the tribe” thing going. LISTEN I WILL USE ANYTHING I’M A VILLAIN FOR A REASON. And she was the one who I think brought me into this magical majority alliance, so I guess we have a good relationship??? Definitely keeping two eyes, and two ears on her, she’s a player. Keegan….all I know about him is I think he’s close with Olivia, and that he’s spearheaded the alliance. I barely spoke with him, but we sent music to each other so clearly I’m gaming harder than I thought FKLAJSDF. He’s a tough one to figure out, I don’t trust him, and I think he has more relationships than I initially surmised, but right now he feels good with me so let’s celebrate that.gif Ned is INCH-RESTING. Barely spoke until after the immunity, now we’re talking fairly consistently. The two names being brought up for the vote are Ned and Cheatham, but Ned is putting in work to save himself. Ned is transparent and straight the fuck up, which is so necessary to build trust. Meanwhile Trent’s over here holding his cards to his chest closer than a new born baby. I’m very interested in working with Ned down the road, he just needs to make it past this rough patch, which I’m doing everything I can to make sure he does. At first I was really turned off by Jake….HIS BIO VIDEO WAS SO FUNNY. “My last expierene was horrible, fuck tumblr survivor, BUT IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK KISSES”. But I realized once you speak his language of “white gay” he opens up ALOT. He also has an amazing record, and that is a plus for me not a minus, it has to be considering how scary people think my record is. I’m interested to see how he’s a good player, because right now he’s been so quiet and on the chopping block. I’m keeping my options open with him, not saying I’m going to work with him, but not not saying I’m going to work with him. Finally Cheatham. He’s honestly the only person on the tribe that I don’t have a relationship with, and because of that, he’s my target. This time around I HAVE to play calmer, and as much as I want to flip things on this majority alliance consisting of Trent, Malik, Olivia, Keegan and myself, I need to use it to get past these first couple votes. What has me so paranoid, is it makes the MOST sense to take me out right now. I haven’t solidified connections, I have an intimidating record, the strategy didn’t win the challenge, and everyone finds me likable which should be a GIANT red flag. I would be who I would go after, so why aren’t they??? And then that makes me paranoid, but it would be a lot of effort to make this alliance just to make someone feel comfortable. So if the path of least resistance is sending Cheatham home, I have to fight every desire I have to cause chaos, and make sure that’s what happens, because strategically it’s the smartest thing to do. Anticipating this season having a lot of swaps, if Cheatham leaves then I have a solid relationship with everyone else going into a swap, and swaps are when I’m going to be the MOST vulnerable. That and the merge but let’s survive this vote before we even start THINKING of that. 
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There’s always that major fear that like everyone is lying their ass off to you and it’s actually you but I pray that ain’t true
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Do you think you're smarter than the average person? If so, why? I mean, getting into the country’s top university is definitely a self-esteem booster most days, but I don’t like to feel too confident or proud or complacent about it. Once I was able to settle in UP I realized just how little I knew about a lot of things and how much I still have to learn. I do love reading articles and enjoy picking up all kinds of trivia, so I guess in that aspect I do think I know a little more than others. What was the last topic you did thorough research on? Why? Source and media credibility. That’s what my thesis will mostly be about. What was the last thing to upset you? Nothing much has changed in the last couple of days – I’m still worried sick about my thesis and how its fate, which completely lies in my professor’s hands, will turn out. Where did you go to the last time you left your house? We went to my tita’s house in Kapitolyo in Pasig to celebrate Christmas. Do you wear something on your left hand/wrist/arm without fail? No, not my left wrist. I always have a hairtie on my right, though.
What is a dish you absolutely love, but hate to prepare yourself? I don’t know how to make any of my favorite dishes...or any dish at that. Shame on you, self. What is the latest you've stayed up for? Why? There’ve been a couple of times I stayed up all night and only slept by 10 AM the next morning. There was no reason, I just felt like having an all-nighter. At one point it was the cool thing to do as a teenager so I kinda did it for that too lmao. What gives you immense pleasure? When people doing shitty stuff immediately get their asses handed to them. Case in point, my uncle getting sent to jail last Christmas Day for drunk driving. What forces you out of your comfort zone? Socializing with my girlfriend’s family. I love them and would do anything for them, but as a naturally insecure and shy person in an already not-so-traditional relationship, I always feel like I’m not doing a good enough job in bonding with them.
What is an article of clothing you would never ever wear? Wedge heels. Has anyone ever said that you're delusional? If so, what for? No. I’d be pretty hurt if someone used that on me; I’ve never found that word to be pleasant. Will you go outside today? Nope. I’ll be staying home as I deserve to be doing during the holidays. Are you doing everything you can to make yourself happy? When I’m in better dispositions, yes. Right now I’m a little down in the dumps so I’m kind of not looking out for myself simply because I feel like I don’t deserve that. What is a phrase or a saying you try to live by? That one doesn’t have to be blood to be family. What is something you lie to yourself about? I can think of one thing, but it’s going to make me horribly distraught that I don’t want to bring that on here, which is supposed to be my safe space. What has been the best job you've ever had? Haven’t had a legit job yet but I want to cite my PR internship because that experience was just so so fun. What is a holiday, that is NOT celebrated in your country, that you would like to celebrate? Probably Thanksgiving? Y’all sound like you have a goddamn FEAST and that makes me a lil jealous haha. Which nation's culture (excl. your own) do you find the most interesting? Korean, Mexican, and Indian. What is something you judge about other people? Their political opinions. What is something you do not want to discuss about? Like, in general? Well one topic I can think of is comm theory lol. As a comm student, that bit about my field has always bored me. I always zone out when my group of friends start diving into it, cos it’s never interested me. Do you always follow the rules to a T? Why? Yes. I cringe at the idea of breaking the rules and the consequences that may follow if I get caught. My org will sometimes hold meetings in rooms that we never officially requested to book and it drives. me. insaaaaaneeeeee. Do you consider yourself to be an artisan? No. Do you enjoy solving problems? If I know I’ll be able to solve them then yes. Otherwise, I could get a little intimidated. Are you more books smart, street smart or random trivia smart? Books and trivia. I’m afraid I’m not street smart at all loooooool. Are you a kinesthetic, an auditory or a visual learner? Visual, for the most part. I like reading stuff and memorizing them; I’m terrible and mostly insecure at hands-on stuff, and am a horrible listener haha. Are you an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert? Ambivert. I can be a social person whenever the need be but my tank also empties out and so I’d need some alone time to recover right after. Are you socially anxious or awkward? I can be both, especially towards situations that are unfamiliar. Are you more detail oriented or mostly see the big picture? I like seeing the details. Would you ever take part in a TV quiz show? If so, which one? If not, why? Sure. Jeopardy would be cool. I got into it about a month ago and now I can’t stop playing along with the contestants in trying to get the answers right hahaha. What do you consider to be childish? Twitter, for the fucking most part. If you hate childish arguments then best not to join the website as it teems with toxicity embarrassingly often.
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