#if Jack needed to go AWOL to get to Mac he definitely would
lailuhhh · 8 months
Mmmmm thoughts for you
In your army days series, what would Jack do if he has to pick between his mission and Mac? (How did they get into that situation?) He’s still a soldier and has to do his duty and yet this is Mac.
Just wanted your thoughts on this :))
I may be heavily influenced by JStar8 as of right now, but Jack would choose Mac. Every time
Definitely more so after Mac initially saved him from that IED he stumbled on, because before that, Jack chose him out of a sense of duty because Mac was his responsibility, and was a dumb kid that didn’t know how the world worked and it served as a kinda teaching moment(?) or something like that
But after that, it was a different sense of duty, like after learning how shit of a childhood Mac had, Jack figured he had to show Mac that there are actually good people in the world
Of course there were horribly difficult decisions, like Mac+Stranger-Jack where Jack had to choose the mission to keep Mac safe,
But like if they were out and like in a big firefight or whatever, and Jack had to make the decision of Get The Bad Guy or Save Mac, it’s Mac. 100% it’s always going to be Mac
Honestly though, Jack doesn’t really ever have to make any big decisions, because if there’s anything where Mac’s involved, he’s going to choose whatever option will keep him safe in the long haul
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