#if Scott Dixon can do it while being vegan
indycarnocontext · 6 months
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anandrettisimp · 1 year
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It’s that time of year again, the milk selection for the Indy 500.
I’m gonna preempt you lot by answering some questions:
Do they offer lactose free/alternative milks?
Yes, the American Dairy Association are on record saying they will offer alternatives if requested.
Of the field that I’m aware of Scott Dixon is vegan (though this is since he won his only 500) as is Conor Daly while Will Power is lactose intolerant (but he’s colourblind and says his favourite drink is chocolate milk, survival skills is none with this man). As you can see, none have select it.
Why Milk?
Back in 1936 Louis Myers asked for a glass of buttermilk after his victory as he had always been told by his mum it was a refreshing drink to have on hot days. He’d also had it after his 1933 victory but he hadn’t actively asked for it them. It faded for a while, in fact for a couple of years it was instead a silver jug in the style of a water bucket filled with iced water as "Water From Wilbur" and given by track president and three time winner Wilbur Shaw. In 1956 with the dairy sponsor (including money towards the winner purse) a bottle of the white stuff was back and has been ever since.
Now they use to still have buttermilk as an option until quite recently. The reason it was dropped is that rather than it being the drinking kind they had, it was rather cultured buttermilk which is more of a baking ingredients.
Has anyone drank something other than milk?
Yes, in 1993 Emerson Fittipaldi, wanting to promote his grove back home drank orange juice.
It went down badly.
Even though he did drink the milk after (at team owner Roger Penske’s insistence), it was during an ad break for tv watchers. He would apologise and donate $5,000 from the Dairy Association to charity.
He still got booed at the next race in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, aka America's Dairyland.
If you have any more questions then just reblog with them and I’ll try and answer~
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