#if any canadians want to clarify feel free to jump in!
real-godzekiel · 2 years
🥛Do nothing. Nothing works!🥛
Name: Godzekiel(Zeke)/Coconot Pronouns: Ey/Em and Prn/Prns. (Use any except they/them if you can't handle my crazy booger pronouns.)
Thanks for visiting my page! May Ezekiel be with you.
I am an East Asian Canadian from Shanghai China so I have many Chinese internet friends. I will speak Mandarin and reclaim sinophobic slurs. i speak crazy 😼
I identify as fictional characters. . Sorry! "is it kinning is this a mental illness are you this are you that what are you uh why are you like this uhm why just why " sorry gusy im just ezekiel . im kind of just em. sorry . i know i started from a weird funny kinning ask blog thing. i do, at the core, SERIOUSLY see myself as an ezekiel. this is a thing and i do not know how to explain/label it and i don't want to 😼
I am 14!!!! I AM 14 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!! 😼
I like many media that some may consider "problematic". I do not support romanticization of serious topics or bigotry in fiction. I am critical of everything I enjoy and will encourage others to do the same. 😼
If there’s anything that I've posted or did that you find upsetting feel free to tell me! I genuinely don’t want to irritate anyone and I try to respect all points of view. I like to always change for the better and fix problems around me. I will also answer any kind of question asked to me in my inbox./gen!!!! /gen!!!!!!!!! 😼
i draw/reblog gore and horror. it's a side interest i had since childhood and i tag them. i think it's good, but it's also bad. but mostly good. actually all bad. anyways Happy Tree Friends all the way 😼
Current interests are BRBA/BCS/LOTR/DHMIS/TUDOMP look at these acronyms and tell me you understand 😼
EVERYTHING I POST IS OKAY TO REBLOG!!! EVERYTHING I POST IS OKAY TO COMMENT!!! Do what you want with me, 关我屁事!!! The only things I beg you not to do is discrimination to minorities and real harm to real people. (you can harm me though im not real) 😼 😼
#teedee ken confassion: Tag for the ask shit that started my blog. I love you Mod Staci! 😼
#godzekiel: All about me and me and me and me and me and Godzekiel. Might be kind of a random ramble tag to some. The contents are very vague and may contain triggering content and unreality since I say literally anything in this tag. Feel free to ask if you want a post tagged!!!!!! (Almost nothing in #godzekiel will ever absolutely represent any of my beliefs and stances. Please digest the things I say yourself and try not to jump into conclusions. I’m incredibly open to criticism, you can basically say anything that’s focused about me and I’ll be fine with it.) 😼
#no jokes no satire no irony: Posts where I find it important to clarify I'm completely genuine and saying what I believe and feel. Not always serious or important, but necessary nonetheless.
#askee: Your typical ask tag! 😼
#the pen is greater than the sword: Art-made-by-me tag. It's actually "mightier" but I'm too tired to change it. 😼
#moosic h: Music-made-by-me tag. Beep boop besoop. 😼 😼
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typical-simplelove · 3 years
All the Way Across the World - 40s AU (J. Markstrom)
Summary: Jacob wasn't looking for love while he was in England fighting the war. However, he wasn't expecting for Lily Stratton to come in and change that.
Series Masterlist
A/n: Here is the first part! This one is the same universe as the Matthew Tkachuk part that is linked in the series masterlist. Also, I want to thank @glassdanse for sharing their stories with me and allowing me to incorporate them into this series. Thank you so much for your help with this! Enjoy reading!
Warnings: mentions of war, death, and fighting; everyone on the Calgary Flames for this is Canadian (this is what worked for everything to flow)
Word Count: 9.3k
Taglist: @boqvistsbabe @goalision @rmaye @mellany1997 @beauvibaby @heatherawoowoo @petey-patty @barzal-burakovsky @coffee-ontherocks @heaveniish @glassdanse @nhlboyshavemyhart88 @tkapuckit @heybarzy @stars-canucks @2manytabsopen (Do you want to be tagged in my fics? Fill out this form.)
May 26, 1940
The loud dancing music coming out of the Red Cross building on the base that Jacob was at was a calming welcome. After a ten-day boot camp trekking through the English countryside, being back in London was a nice sight. Jacob didn’t often opt to spend his nights off with his friends in the Red Cross building; however, Elias wanted to introduce Jacob and some of the other boys to the girl he’s been seeing. Rumor has it that Elias is going to propose soon. Jacob walked into the Red Cross building and immediately sighed. Loud music and drunk soldiers was not what Jacob wanted to do during his free time. He understood the idea and thought behind the Red Cross women setting this up each Friday night. That doesn’t mean he has to enjoy it.
“Please, be nice,” Elias pleads to Jacob. “Don’t be this mopey version of yourself, please?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jacob grumbles.
“No, I agree, you’re unusually grumpy,” Matthew interjects. What was it with Jacob’s friends and their need to point out Jacob's mood? Don’t they understand that they are fighting a war? All he wanted to do with his time was find a girl to love and marry and go live in a house on a lake. Isn’t that the dream? This war threw everything out the window.
“Fine, I’ll try to be less grumpy, but I’m not taking care of you when you’re drunk later,” Jacob relents. His friends cheer around him at Jacob’s admission and a drink is thrown into Jacob’s hand. That was quick. Jacob follows his friends as they find a table to sit at, and Elias goes over to find Annica.
Some of the boys are looking around trying to find a girl who will want to dance with them. Jacob isn’t doing that. War isn’t a time to find someone to fall in love with. During wartime, Jacob is going to put his energy into fighting this war and ending it as soon as possible. The sooner that it’s over, the sooner that Jacob can go home and live the life he was working for.
“Everyone, this is Annica,” Elias says as he motions to a girl who is holding onto his hand. “Annica, everyone.”
Some of the boys wave and others say hi. Elias found a pretty girl who definitely is crazy about him. Introductions are made and small conversation happens.
“I actually have to go back to work; I don’t think Lily thought I’d be this long,” Annica says. She kisses Elias on the cheek and heads back to the kitchen.
“She’s great, right?” Elias says as he watches Annica walk away. “I think I’m going to marry her.”
“That’s great for you,” Jacob says. He tried to sound chipper and happy, but it was hard when he was in an atmosphere he didn’t want to be in.
“Don’t do this, Jacob, you promised that you wouldn’t be grumpy.”
“Then maybe I should just leave.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jacob sighs. “I’m going to go outside for a moment.” Jacob places his drink on the table that he hasn’t taken a single sip out of and crosses the room to head outside. He opens the door, and his entire attitude makes a positive turn as he heads breaths in the air.
After a few minutes of standing outside, Jacob hears some commotion about twenty feet away. He turns and looks; he sees a woman in a Red Cross uniform pouring some liquid out of a giant pot. He watches her struggle and decides to go over and help.
“Do you need some help, miss?” Jacob asks and startles the woman. She jumps and the pot lands on the ground resulting in the liquid to spill.
“Well, I guess that completes what I was trying to do,” she says with amusement.
“I’m really sorry about that,” Jacob apologizes. He looks downs at the woman and notices her shoulder length black hair that was pulled back into an intricate updo.
“Oh, don’t worry. The damage was more of you frightening me than anything else.”
“Again, my sincerest apologies, Ms.; I’m not quite sure what to call you.”
“Stratton, Ms. Lily Stratton of the Canadian Red Cross. And you are?”
“Second Lieutenant Jacob Markstrom.”
“Well, Lieutenant, thank you so much for making this part of my job easier.”
“Dumping out whatever that liquid was?”
Lily laughs. “Yeah, that’s always the hardest part. It’s heavy and I don’t have the most strong arms in the world. I doubt you can relate to that.”
“I’m afraid I don’t follow, Ms. Stratton,” Jacob asks confused.
Lily laughs, and Jacob feels a blush creep onto his face. “How tall are you, Lieutenant? Actually, it doesn't matter. You’re tall. What I mean is, I doubt that holding heavy things is a difficulty for you, Lieutenant.”
“Oh, no, definitely not, Ms. Stratton.”
Lily giggles, and Jacob determines that it’s the best noise he’s ever heard. “Well, Lieutenant Markstrom, I have to get back to serving you and your fellow soldiers. It was nice to meet you; I hope to see you around.”
“The same here, Ms. Stratton.”
Lily takes one last glance at Jacob and walks back into the kitchen. There was something about Jacob, she just couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
. . .
“Who was that man you were talking to yesterday, Lily?” Annica asks when Lily walks into the kitchen the next morning.
Lily slightly blushes and pretends to busy herself with cleaning the dishes.
“Oh, so you’re not going to tell me about him, then?” Annica teases. When Lily doesn’t respond, Annica only prods further. “You know, I could tell that he was extremely tall. Maybe I should just walk up to each tall man on the base and ask if they talked to you yesterday.”
Lily gasps. “You wouldn’t!”
“I would. Unless…”
“Unless, what?”
“Unless, Lily, you tell me his name. It’s about time that you find a romantic partner.”
“Firstly, I don’t need to have a romantic partner, so hush! Secondly, his name is Lieutenant Jacob Markstrom.”
“Oh, Lieutenant Markstrom? He’s friends with Elias.”
“Of course he is,” you joke.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Annica asks, confused.
“No, nothing mean, I promise. It just means that the one man I find attractive and talk to also happens to be friends with your boyfriend, or soon to be fiance. This means that you can badger him and me until one of us makes a move. This, however, doesn’t mean he finds me attractive or wants to go out with me.”
“Who are we talking about?” Elias asks as he walks into the kitchen. He wraps his arms around Annica from the back and kisses her cheek.
“Your friend, Jacob,” Annica answers.
“Oh? What about him?”
“Nothing, other than the fact that Lily here talked to him and finds him attractive.”
“Oh?” Elias asks amusingly.
“Can we not?” Lily pleads. “This doesn’t mean anything and it was one conversation.”
“You were the girl that Jacob was talking to because let me tell you, he came back from being outside in a happy mood,” Elias adds.
“What does that even mean?”
“He doesn’t like loud party atmospheres. However, he was in a better mood and didn’t mind the atmosphere after talking to you.”
Lily just stares at Elias and looks to Annica for help.
“It means he likes you or at least enjoys your company, Lily,” Annica clarifies.
“Oh, oh!” Lily says. “Wait, don’t. Again, this doesn’t mean anything.”
“You’re right, it might not mean anything, but you could make it mean something.”
“Oh, be quiet, Annica. Can’t we just change the topic, now? We have to have the donuts made for the pilots who come back from their flights in a few hours.”
“Sure, but this doesn’t mean we’re done with this conversation,” Annica relents. She turns to say goodbye to Elias, and Lily turns away. It was nice to see them so in love; she couldn’t wait until they got married one day.
. . .
The following week, Lily was put to work in the kitchen. She was told to have dinner readily available to be filled. Lily didn’t particularly hate this job; however, she wanted to see Jacob again. She wanted to see him and talk to him. She doubted there would be any natural way for her to see Jacob or for him to see her. Oh well, right?
Lily was beginning to peel the next batch of potatoes when the door to the kitchen opened. Believing it was just one of the Red Cross women, Lily didn’t look up. “You can leave the tray on the table in the middle.”
“Well, I don’t have any trays to give you, so I’ll just sit on this stool,” the person who enters says.
Lily lifts her head and turns to the person talking. “Lieutenant Markstrom, what are you doing here?”
“Do you not want to see me? I’m offended.”
Lily smiles. “This isn’t where the other soldiers hangout on Friday evenings.”
“What if this is where I want to be?” Jacob flirts.
Lily raises her eyebrows. “Oh, is that so, Lieutenant?”
“Partially, Ms. Stratton.”
“What does that even mean, ‘partially’, Lieutenant?”
“Annica and Elias forced me to come talk to you. I was going to wait until you made an appearance, but they forced me into here.”
Lily shakes her head. “Of course they did.”
“Now it’s my turn to ask what that means, Ms. Stratton.”
“Don’t worry, Lieutenant, it’s none of your concern.”
Jacob has an amused look in his eyes. “Mhm, if you say so, Ms. Stratton. May I ask, what are you doing?”
“I am prepping the potatoes for you and your fellow soldiers’ meal.”
“May I help, Ms. Stratton,” Jaocb asks.
“No, you may not, Lieutenant.”
Jacob asks. “And why is that?”
“You are supposed to be enjoying your evening and not working. Let me do my job, Lieutenant.”
Jacob’s deep chuckle sent shivers down Lily’s spine. “Yes, ma’am. Mind if I stay here for a bit?”
“Don’t you want to go back to your friends?” Lily asks.
“Do you really want to get rid of me that quickly?”
“No,” Lily says quickly and gets a raised eyebrow from Jacob. She blushes before she responds. “I just don’t know why you’d want to spend the evening in a kitchen when you could be drinking and dancing and ignoring your problems and the war.”
“That’s fair, but why can’t I want to spend the time with my friend?”
Lily’s smile falters slightly when Jacob calls her his friend. She doesn’t let it show, though, in her response. “Quite presumptuous, no? Calling me your friend, Lieutenant?”
“Is that not what this is?” Jacob asks with a smirk.
“I’m not sure, that’s why I’m asking.”
“Well, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to be friends with you. I think you and me could be a very powerful duo one day.”
“As friends,” Lily confirms.
“As friends, what else would we be?” Jacob asks obliviously.
“No yeah, you’re right,” Lily says. Jacob didn’t want anything more than friends with her, and she was going to be okay with that, right? Lily wasn’t going to let the attraction she felt towards Jacob ruin a perfectly fine relationship. “I’m going to get back to these potatoes, okay?”
“Yes, of course; don’t let me distract you.” Jacob tells Lily. Yeah, maybe he should walk out of the kitchen then if he didn’t want to distract her.
. . .
“Oh, good morning, Ms. Stratton,” Jacob says to Lily outside the meeting room for officers.
“Oh!” Lily says in reply. “Lieutenant, good morning to you!”
“What are you doing here?”
“I am setting up coffee, tea, and donuts for the troops this fine morning,” Lily jokes at the end. It was an awfully dreary morning with dark clouds in the sky, fog setting on the land, and a chilly breeze.
“Nice joke,” Jacob tells her.
Lily pretends to be offended. “What? This weather is quite fine.”
“I’m not sure where you’re from, but this weather is normally dreary and not ‘fine’.”
“Where are you from, Lieutenant?”
“I’m from Calgary; normal people don’t find this weather enjoyable.”
“Oh!” Lily says and raises her eyebrows. “So you’re calling me not normal and weird.”
“Who says that being not normal is weird, Ms. Stratton?” Jacob asks in a flirtatious tone. “Wait, does this mean that you like this wet, dreary weather?”
“I do like this weather, Lieutenant.”
“Where are you from, then?”
“Well, I’m from Vancouver; this weather is quite normal for Vancouverites.”
“Ah, Vancouver. Quite a lovely city, Ms. Stratton.”
“If you’re asking for me to compliment your home, Lieutenant, let me tell you, I have never been to Calgary, so I have no idea what to say.”
“Understandable, Ms. Stratton. Care to tell me about Vancouver, then?”
“Well, Lieutenant, what do you want to know?”
“Mm, I’m not sure,” Jacob says, and he playfully scratches his chin. “What about --”
“Lieutenant Markstrom, we need you here!” Captain Mark Giordano, their company CO, interrupts. “Stop flirting with the Red Cross workers!”
“Yes sir!” Jacob says. He turns to face Lily, his face is tinged with red. “My sincerest apologies, Ms. Stratton. Maybe we could continue this conversation another time?”
“Of course, Lieutenant,” Lily tells Jacob with a smile. He gives her one last glance before turning and walking away.
“So, you two are getting pretty close, eh?” Chris Tanev eggs Jacob on when he’s joined his company.
Jacob gives Chris a weird look. “What are you talking about?”
“You and Lily.”
“What about me and Lily?”
“You should ask her out. I think she likes you.”
Jacob laughs. “No, she doesn’t, and I won’t be asking her out. So don’t bother asking me to.”
Chris sighs. “Sure, whatever you say.”
. . .
After getting back from his training, Jacob has a few hours of free time, and he doesn’t know what to do. Walking around base, Jacob opts to use this time to just escape from the horrors and gruelling atmosphere of war. Subconsciously, Jacob is heading towards the Red Cross building. Incidentally, this is also where Lily happens to be at the current moment. Realizing where he’s at, Jacob decides to walk into the building. Once he’s walked in, Jacob smiles when he sees Lily sitting at a table with a notepad in front of her.
Noticing she was concentrating on her current task, Jacob softly knocks on the table to signal his arrival. Lily looks up and smiles when she sees Jacob.
“Well, hello, Lieutenant.”
“Hi, Ms. Stratton. Mind if I join you?”
“No, not at all,” Lily says and motions for the chair next to hers.
“What are you working on?” Jacob asks inquisitively.
“The Red Cross is putting on a Canada Day celebration for the troops. Because you can’t be home with your families on Canada Day, we thought we’d host our own for you here.”
“That sounds nice; you Red Cross women work hard.”
Lily smiles at Jacob. “Thank you, but I think you soldiers work harder.”
Jacob smiles at Lily. “Do you need any help with this?”
“I think I’m good at the moment; this is the first event that I will be hosting and organizing on my own.”
“Wait, does that mean you’re doing everything on your own?”
“No, no, don’t worry. I’m just the one in charge with making all the decisions and leading everyone.”
“I think you’re going to do great, Ms. Stratton.”
“Why, thank you, Lieutenant,” Lily says. Jacob was truly going to be the death of her one day.
“So, what did you do during your free time?” Elias asks later that day. He had his suspicions when he saw Jacob walking back to the barracks in the direction of the Red Cross building.
“Oh, nothing,” Jacob says. He isn’t sure why he doesn’t want to tell Elias about going to see Lily, but he knows he wants to keep that to himself.
“So, you didn’t go to the Red Cross building, then?”
“Um, no?” Jacob says.
“Why the questioning tone with that response?”
“Why all the questions badgering me about my free time?”
“Fair enough,” Elias relents.
“Just out of curiosity, why do you think I went to the Red Cross building?” Jacob asks.
“I don’t think you went; I know you went,” Elias says with power. “I saw you walking back from the direction of the Red Cross building.”
Jacob laughs and shakes his head. “Why then are you asking if you know the answer?”
“So you did go to see Lily, then?”
“I, yeah.”
“Why did you lie to me just now, then?”
Jacob shrugs. “I don’t think you need to know everything about my personal life, Elias.”
Elias sighs. “Yeah, sure, if that’s the reason, then.”
“What does that even mean?”
Elias stares Jacob directly in the eye. “You mean to tell me that there is nothing going on between you and Lily?”
“Yes, why?” Jacob asks, confused.
“Nevermind,” Elias says. This was the way it’s going to be then; Jacob was going to be oblivious to what was directly in front of him.
. . .
June 5, 1940
“I’m thinking maybe make centerpieces for all the tables,” Lily explains to some of the other Red Cross workers. “I’m going to see if my mum can send anything from back home for us to use. In the meantime, Rebecca, if you can try to find red table cloths and red and white paper. We will use the table cloths for the tables. The paper will be used to make flags. I doubt that anywhere in Great Britain sells Canadian flags. For now, why don’t we work with what we have. Let’s work on making posters to put up around base, okay?”
The group disperses into their individual groups to work on the fliers and posters.
“Any way I can help?” Jacob says out of nowhere.
“Where did you come from?” Lily asks.
“I walked in to come see you, but you were talking. I didn’t want to disturb you; you seemed like you were on a roll.”
“Oh, well, at the moment, I’m okay at the moment. However, in the future, I might be able to use your height for my advantage.”
“Let me know the time and place, and I’ll be there.”
“Perfect. What do you have planned today?”
“The weather is too muddy for us to train, so it’s a day off after our run this morning.”
“Sounds nice, what do you plan on doing?”
“I planned on coming here to see you and help, but it looks like you’re all good here.”
“How are you with coloring?”
“Is that a threat or a serious question?” Jacob jokes.
“Serious question,” Lily responds. “I was going to color in these posters, but, since you’re here, do you mind helping?”
“I don’t mind,” Jacob responds.
“Follow me,” Lily says and leads Jacob over to where her posters were. “Here. Just use these paintbrushes, please.”
“And just color it in?”
“That’s how you do it.”
Jacob begins coloring in the outlined words and pictures on the poster. He looks up and sees Lily scribbling away on her notepad. “What are you doing?” he asks.
“I am finetuning some of the details of the decorations,” she responds.
“What kind of decorations do you want to do?”
“I’m thinking of making a banner to hang made of Canadian flags,” Lily answers.
“That’s a lot of work,” Jacob admits.
“Sure, but you guys do a lot too, so shouldn’t we do something for you guys?”
“But we’re fighting a bad guy.”
“And we’re fighting off bad morale and poor morale and spirit”
“I guess both are quite vital, right?” Jacob says.
“Yes,” Lily responds. “Oh, that reminds me. I want to launch a campaign to help you guys get stuff from home.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, our budget has a little bit extra cash,” Lily says. “I’m trying to get approval, so that I can reach out to your families to send the money to send small things to remind you guys of home.”
“That’s a great idea, Ms. Stratton. Also, I finished this flag, do you want me to keep going?”
“Yes, please. Don’t tell anyone yet, though, because I’m not one hundred percent sure that I’ll get approval.”
“I won’t, promise, but I hope you get it. The boys will like it for sure, if you can get approval.”
Lily smiles at Jacob. There was something about his presence that made Lily feel lighter and so much happier.
. . .
June 16, 1940
“Hey, Ms. Stratton,” Matthew says to the woman. “What are you doing here? Come to see Jacob?”
A red tint crosses Lily’s face at Jacob’s name, and Matthew smirks. “Actually, no. I’m here to pick up our shipment of supplies that came in today.”
“Oh, did you want some help?”
“Don’t worry, I’m good.”
“You sure?” Matthew asks. He looks at the large boxes labeled “Red Cross” and knows that it will be multiple trips to her car.
Glancing at the boxes, Lily changes her mind. “If you don’t mind, actually, could you?”
“Sure, I did offer to help,” Matthew says and follows Lily. The pair both grab two boxes each and head towards the car provided by the Red Cross for Lily. “Oh, hey, Marky,” Matthew says with a smirk on his face.
Lily turns to the man in question and a smile breaks out on her face. “Marky?”
“That’s my nickname,” Jacob responds with a red tint forming on his face. “What are you guys doing?”
“Oh, Lieutenant Tkachuk is helping me load up the Red Cross supplies into the car, so I can bring it back to the Red Cross building.”
“Did you need more help with that?” Jacob asks with a slight undertone of jealousy. Was Jacob jealous that Matthew was helping Lily?
“Um, I think we’re okay, but thanks,” Lily responds.
“Actually, I just realized,” Matthew states. “I have something I have to do, so, Marky, why don’t you help Ms. Stratton?”
“Oh, sure,” Jacob says.
“Bye, you two!” Matthew says as he walks away. “Behave!”
“Chucky, always making inappropriate jokes,” Jacob says.
“Oh, sure,” Lily replies. “So, Marky, huh?”
Jacob laughs. “That’s what they call me.”
“I’m assuming that’s a play on your last name, Markstrom, right?”
“You’re assuming correct.”
Lily laughs, “what would you like me to call you?”
“Anything is fine.”
Lily puts on a mischievous grin that makes Jacob’s heart skip a beat. “Okay, then. Marky, do you mind taking that box for me?”
Jacob shakes his head with a smile. “No, don’t call me that. You’re far too nice to call me Marky.”
“What does that mean, Lieutenant Markstrom?” Lily says with an emphasis on his name.
“The boys use that as a joke and to tease. They’re just being mean; you’re far too nice for that.”
“Interesting evaluation, Lieutenant.”
“You can call me Jacob, you know.”
“Oh, okay, sure, Jacob. You can call me Lily then.”
Jacob smiles. “Do you have a nickname or something?”
“Not really. My grandmother calls me Lilibeth, but that’s just because she wanted me to be an Elizabeth. She’s still quite bitter about that.”
“Well, Lily, I think your name fits you perfectly.”
“Thank you,” Lily says to Jacob with a smile that could win the war if anyone saw it.
After about fifteen minutes of transporting boxes, the pair finally finished.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what are all these boxes for?” Jacob asks. “Didn’t you guys get a shipment last week?”
“We get shipments every week with our supplies,” Lily explains. “However, there’s a bit more today because some of this stuff is also for the Canada Day celebration. I can guarantee that there are three extra crates of potatoes than normal.”
“What are the potatoes for?”
“Poutine of course. We can’t have a Canada Day celebration without it.”
“Are you making it?” Jacob asks.
“Well, me and some of the other women, but yes.”
“What else do you guys plan on serving?”
“Probably just sandwiches. We have to be careful with rationing and stuff like that.”
“Makes sense. Again, if you need any more help, just let me know.”
“Thank you, Jacob,” Lily says. “Just remember, you are fighting a war, so helping me is helping to fight the war.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Jacob says. “See you soon?”
“Yeah,” Lily says, and she gets in the car. Jacob closes the door for her, and she waves as she starts the car. “Thank you again.”
“Of course,” he replies. If he had a giant smile on his face watching her drive away, then so be it.
. . .
June 30, 1940
“No, a little higher, please,” Lily instructs Melody.
“Here?” Melody confirms.
“Perfect,” Lily responds, and Melody places the banner on the tape.
“Wow, it looks nice in here,” Jacob says from the doorway.
“Thank you,” Lily says with a smile on her face. “What are you doing here?”
“Captain Giordano had a box of supplies that his wife sent, so he sent me here to give them to you.”
“Oh, perfect! He was telling me about these; I’m glad they came in time!”
“Are you already for tomorrow?”
“I think so,” Lily says nervously. “The only thing we have left is to make all the food.”
“What are you making?”
“I told you about poutine and the sandwiches. I also want to make nanaimo bars; my mother sent me some ingredients from back home. I’ve never made it without her, so we shall see how it turns out.”
“I can’t wait to try them,” Jacob says. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“No, actually,” Lily says. “I want this to be a surprise for you and the men, so you should leave.”
“I should leave?” Jacob asks with a raised eyebrow.
“You know what I mean, Jacob.”
“Yeah, well, can you at least tell me what I might expect?”
“I’m going to be very vague about it,” Lily says.
“That’s fine; I just like hearing you talk.”
Oh? This was new to Lily. “I, okay, I am going to deck this place out in Canadian flags, maple leafs, and red.”
“How do you plan to do that?”
“Through banners, tablecloths, centerpieces, and decorations.”
“If you want to help, let me know, Lil,” Jacob says.
Lily smiles at the nickname. “No, thank you. If you want to help, then you can leave.”
“But --”
“No,” Lily says and begins to push Jacob out the door.
“Lily, come on,” Jacob pleads.
“I’m not trying to be mean. I just need you gone, so that the Red Cross Ladies and I can get things done,” Lily further pushes Jacob out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll be here,” Jacob says as Lily closes the door. Despite Lily pushing Jacob out the door, there was still a wide smile on his face with a slight blush. Only Lily could bring out a smile like this on Jacob, could there be another reason for this?
July 1, 1940
“Come on, we’re going to be late,” Jacob urges on to his friends.
“Why is this so important to you?” Matthew asks with a smirk.
“No reason,” Jacob says obliviously. “I know how hard Lily has been working on this, and I want to support her.”
Matthew laughs and shakes his head. So, this was still happening then; Jacob was going to remain oblivious. This was going to be fun.
When they walk in, Jacob smiles. He was impressed. Lining the walls and ceilings were banners made of Canada flags. Each table was dressed in a red tablecloth with an elaborate centerpiece in the center. Each centerpiece was made with fake flowers with fake maple leafs hanging around it. Lining the floors were fake maple leafs. The thought that each piece of decoration had was obvious. Lily really had the skill and knack to do anything she set her mind to.
“Hey,” Lily tells the group as they walk into the Red Cross building. “Welcome to our Canada Day in England Celebration.”
“Hey,” Jacob says, and his smile immediately widdens. “It looks great in here, Lil.”
The guys roll their eyes at Jacob’s pet name for Lily. Right, Jacob wasn’t incredibly whipped for the Red Cross worker.
“Thanks,” Lily responds. “We worked hard for this to be great for you guys, so enjoy! I told you it was a good idea for me to kick you out.”
“Sure, sure,” Jacob responds with a smile, and Lily waves as she heads to the next group to soldiers to greet.
The boys thank her and give Jacob an amused look.
“What?” he asks.
“So, when’s the wedding?” Matthew asks with a grin.
“Not sure. Ask Elias, he’s the one getting married,” Jacob answers.
“Elias?” Matthew asks Elias.
“Whenever he decides to pull himself together and figure it out on his own,” Elias answers.
“What?” Jacob asks, confused. They very clearly are not talking about Elias’ engagement to Annica.
“Nothing,” Elias and Matthew say together.
Jacob rolls his eyes. “Come on, let’s find the rest of the unit.” The trio walks towards their captain and other unit members.
“This is really good,” Matthew says as he spoonfuls a mouth of poutine. “You’re a lucky man, Marky.”
Jacob looks up. “What?”
“To have a girl who cooks this amazing is so lucky.”
“I’m not dating anyone, though,” Jacob says.
“Oh, right, you haven’t realized you’re in love with Lily.”
Jacob glares at Matthew. “I haven’t realized because I’m not in love with her.”
“Sure,” Matthew says and shakes his head.
“So, Jacob, do you love my Nanaimo bars?” Lily asks as the celebration is wrapping up.
“I actually haven’t had one yet,” Jacob admits.
Lily gasps in a playful manner. “You haven’t tried one yet?”
Jacob smiles. “No, I haven’t.”
Lily suddenly grows somber. “I don’t think we can be friends, Jacob.”
“Why not?”
“Because, you haven’t eaten one of the Nanaimo bars, yet, obviously.”
Jacob laughs. “What can I do to make up for it?”
“Come with me,” Lily says and takes Jacob’s hand. She leads Jacob into the kitchen and pulls out a paper plate. “I was saving these for the Red Cross women, but since you haven’t had one yet, I feel that it’s important for you to have one.”
Lily grabs a small plate and places a Nanaimo bar on it; she hands the plate to Jacob with a smile.
“I just eat it?” Jacob asks.
“Yes, unless you want to tell me how beautiful it looks.”
You’re really beautiful. “It’s beautiful, Lily; it’s absolutely stunning.” Like you.
“Thank you, and now, try it.”
Jacob nods and eats it in one bite. “That’s amazing,” he says after finishing it. “I absolutely love it. I’m not sure why I didn’t get one earlier.”
“I’m not sure if there’s anymore around here, but you can have mine from the tray.”
“No, no, I won’t do that; you eat it,” Jacob says.
“I’ve had a few already, you eat it,” Lily insists.
“What about we share it?” Jacob suggests.
“Sure, let me get a fork.” Lily goes to the drawer and grabs a fork. She places one of the Nanaimo bars on the plate, Jacob puts out the knife. “Where did you get a knife from?”
“When you were getting the fork, I grabbed a knife.”
“That makes sense. You cut then?”
Jacob nods and cuts the bar in half. He grabs the fork and spears one of the pieces. “Here you go.” Lily grabs the fork out of his hand, and their hands briefly touch.
“Thank you,” Lily barely whispers as her face grows warm. She could suppress these feelings she had, right?
. . .
July 2, 1940
“So, you and Jacob, huh?” Annica says.
“What?” Lily says with a blush.
“You and Jacob are finally dating!”
“Yeah, no we’re not.”
“Oh, come on, really?” Annica asks. “I saw you guys in the kitchen yesterday. You guys were cute together and interacted so well together.”
Lily looks up. “It doesn’t matter what you saw.”
“Why’s that?” Annica asks curiously.
“He doesn’t feel the same,” Lily answers.
Annica squeals.
“What?” Lily questions.
“You like him?”
“Oh, yeah, I guess I do.”
“I know you don’t think he feels the same why, but he does,” Annica insists.
“No, he doesn’t.”
Annica shakes her head and sighs. Will the pair finally realize the way they both feel for each other?
. . .
August 10, 1940
“Lily, wait up!” Jacob calls out to Lily.
She turns around and smiles when she sees Jacob. “Hey, it’s you!”
“It’s me indeed. Where are you headed?”
“Nowhere in particular. I’m just out for a walk. You?”
“Same, mind if I join you?”
“Of course,” Lily replies with a smile. “How has your day been?”
“It’s been fine. I can’t complain. How about you, Lil?”
“Same, too. I’m ready to immerse myself in our next project, though.”
“What’s your next project?” Jacob asks.
“Other than Annica and Elias’ wedding?” Lily jokes.
“I guess that is coming up soon, isn’t it?”
“It is, but it’s exciting for them.”
“The Red Cross is putting on the wedding?”
“No, we aren’t,” Lily shakes her head. “However, her friends who are in the Red Cross are putting it together. Both of their parents aren’t able to be here, so we are going to try to make this as special as possible for them.”
“Well, let me know if I can help in any way,” Jacob says.
“I’ll be sure to do that,” she says with a smile.
. . .
September 16, 1940
“Guess who?” Jacob says as he covers Lily’s eyes.
“Matthew?” Lily jokes. She knows exactly who it is.
“Oh, I’m offended,” he says, and Lily giggles as he sits down next to her. “What are you reading?”
“A book,” Lily teases.
“Really?” Jacob says with a raised eyebrow. “I never could have guessed. What’s the book?”
“Pride and Prejudice.”
“Oh, a classic,” Jacob says. “Are you enjoying it?”
“I’ve read it quite a few times. We only have so many books here, so I’m rereading it.”
“One of your favorites?”
“It is,” Lily responds with a smile.
“Whatcha reading, Marky?” Matthew teases.
“A book, Chucky,” Jacob responds but not looking up.
“What’s the book?”
“Pride and Prejudice.”
This gets a bout of laughs from the men.
“Why are you reading that?” Elias says. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you read a book.”
“It’s one of Lily’s favorites, so I’m borrowing it from her and reading it.”
This comment from Jacob results in the men looking at each other knowingly. So, Jacob isn’t in love with Lily, right?”
. . .
October 11, 1940
“We missed you this past Friday at the Red Cross evening,” Jacob says to Lily as she’s setting up for the day’s activities.
Lily sniffles. “Yeah, I came down with a cold, so I stayed in my room.”
“Are you feeling better, now?” Jacob asks, concerned.
“Yeah, I have a bit of a runny nose still but nothing to worry about.”
“You’re sick, so shouldn’t we be a little bit concerned?”
“I was a lot worse the other day, so, in theory, no.”
Jacob doesn’t seem convinced. “Sure, if you say so, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to be worried about you.”
Lily isn’t sure how to respond. She’s tried everything in her power to conceal her feelings towards Jacob; however, when he acts like this and cares for her like this, it’s hard to hide them. It’s only a matter of time before they go away, right?
. . .
November 5, 1940
“Maybe you should ask a girl to dance tonight,” Mark suggests. “It’ll take your mind off of what’s happening.”
It’s been a tough month with training and fighting. The men are tired and exhausted and stretched thin. When there is a day off, all anyone wants to do is sleep and catch up on writing home. Today is one of the few days that anyone wants to actually do anything on their day off. To seize the opportunity, the boys are going dancing.
“I think I’m good,” Jacob replies.
“Come on, live a little, have some fun, Marky,” Mark eggs on. “How about this, you tell me what you want in a girl, and I will try to find you someone who fits the bill.”
Jacob sighs. “Fine.”
“Then, Marky, close your eyes and tell me about what you want in a girl.”
Jacob closes his eyes and begins picturing the girl he wants to marry. His eyes are closed for a few seconds, but he suddenly snaps them open. He shouldn’t be picturing Lily’s green eyes or dark hair. He shouldn’t be smiling at the memory of Lily’s giggle. Why was he picturing his friend? Why was Lily’s face all he could see when he closed his eyes?
“You figure it out?” Mark asks.
“Oh, um,” Jacob begins with a shaky breath. “Blue or brown eyes? Maybe light hair. It doesn’t have to be blond or anything. Like, light brown hair? Or a mix?” Yeah, opposite of what Lily looked like.
Thankfully, Chris didn’t catch on to what Jacob was doing. Why was he thinking about Lily as his dream girl?
. . .
December 16, 1940
“Are you ready?” Lily asks Annica. “It’s the big day.”
“I think so,” Annica responds nervously. Lily helps Annica put on her veil.
“You look so beautiful; Elias is going to love you,” Lily tells her friend. Today was the big day. Annica and Elias were getting married, finally. From meeting before the war and somehow ending up in the same place, the pair fell in love and are finally getting married.
“I hope so,” she responds. “What if he isn’t there?”
“He’ll be there, I promise. He loves you more than anything in the world; I have no doubt that Elias will be standing there in his dress uniform ready to sweep you off your feet.”
Annica takes a deep breath. “Let’s head to the cathedral?”
Lily smiles. “Let’s head to the cathedral.”
“Ready, Elias?” Jacob asks. “As best man, I think it’s my responsibility to make sure you’re ready.”
Elias takes a deep breath. “I think so.”
“You look great, and she’ll love you.”
“The bride is here,” the bishop says. “Jacob, if you could head to the back and Elias, follow me?”
Elias nods. “I’m getting married!”
Jacob smiles. “That you are.”
Jacob heads to the back of the cathedral to get ready to process in with the few bridesmaids and groomsmen.
“You have the rings?” Lily asks when Jacob finally reaches the vestibule.
“Yes, I have the rings,” Jacob says and looks at Lily. the breath leaves his body. “Wow, you look beautiful, Lily.”
Lily feels the heat rush to her face. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.”
Jacob smiles and blushes. “We should get ready, yeah?”
Lily nods. “We’re walking down the aisle together.”
Jacob stops. He was supposed to lead Lily down the aisle when she was dressed in that beautiful dress that made his heart race? “Oh, okay.”
As the music begins, Lily and Jacob walk down the aisle as instructed. Throughout the entire ceremony, Jacob couldn’t stop staring at Lily. It didn’t matter if they were directly across from each other in the pew and Jacob had to move his head, he wanted to look at Lily. He wasn’t sure if she knew he was staring, but he didn’t care. She was so beautiful, and Jacob just couldn’t look away.
“How are you enjoying the evening, Jacob?” Lily asks as she goes and sits next to him at the ceremony.
“I’m enjoying the evening,” he responds with a smile. “I love that Elias and Annica are finally married. They are perfect for each other, and it shows.”
Lily nods in response. “I agree. I have a question for you.“
“Do you see yourself getting married one day and doing all this?”
Jacob looks at Lily. “I’m not sure. Maybe? I think if I find the right woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with, then yes.”
Lily nods. “What does this perfect person entail to you?”
“I’m not sure,” Jacob responds. “I think someone who is smart, knows what she wants, kind, and passionate.” Kind of like you.
“Beauty isn’t a requirement?” Lily teases.
Jacob blushes. “Beauty is a weird concept, in my opinion. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and everyone’s standards of beauty are different. So, if you find yourself beautiful, I’ll find you beautiful. If you don’t find yourself beautiful, then I’ll still find you beautiful because you are beautiful.”
“That’s really sweet, Jacob.”
“I can be a bit of a romantic when there isn’t a war to be fought.”
Lily laughs. “I can see that.”
“How about you? Do you see yourself getting married one day?”
“I think so, but similarly to you, when the right person comes, I’ll know. I do know, though, that I want to have a family.”
Jacob nods. “What do you see in your future husband?”
Lily takes a moment to respond. How can she try to describe Jacob without describing Jacob? How does she tell him that she sees him, or someone like him, to be her future husband? Fortunately, though, another soldier walks up to Lily and Jacob interrupting Lily’s response.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but a pretty girl like you should be dancing, no?” he says. Smooth, Lily thinks.
“If someone were to ask me, then I’d dance with them,” Lily flirts back. If Jacob wasn’t ever going to reciprocate her feelings, she should be able to try to move on, right?
“Well, ma’am, may I have the next dance?”
Lily looks to Jacob for confirmation. Afterall, they were having a conversation. Jacob motions his hand to express that Lily could dance. What was he to say, anyways? No, Lily, you can’t dance because we’re just friends, but you make my heart burst? No Lily you can’t dance with him because you make me calm and happy, but we’re just friends?
Lily takes this soldier’s hand and follows him to the dance floor.
“If it’s not too much to ask, may I ask your name, soldier?” Lily asks.
“Corporal Liam Springs,” Liam responds. Lower rank than Jacob Lily thinks to herself. Stop comparing the two. “And you are?”
“Red Cross worker Lily Stratton. How do you know the bride and groom?”
“I trained with Elias before getting transferred to a different unit.”
Lily nods. “I work with Annica, and we are close friends. That’s how I know the bride.”
As the song continues, Lily and Liam strike up a conversation. The constant thought that Lily kept having were along the lines of “that’s not how Jacob does it” or “Jacob is funnier” or “Jacob makes me smile more”. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she try to get over Jacob? It was obvious that Jacob would never feel the same, so why was she hung up on him? Because. Because Lily Stratton was in love with Jacob Markstrom, and there was nothing she could do about it.
Meanwhile, as Lily and Liam danced, Jacob was staring at the pair and sulking. There was something upsetting about watching Lily dancing with someone else.
“What are you staring at?” Chris asks Jacob as he approaches.
Jacob doesn’t realize someone was talking to him or came up to his table.
“Marky, what are you looking at?” Chris asks again; Jacob doesn’t realize. Chris smacks Jacob’s arm.
“Hey!” he finally says. “What was that for?”
“What are you staring at?” Chris asks for the third time.
Jacob doesn’t say anything but returns his gaze back to what he was staring at. This time, Chris follows Jacob’s eyeline and realizes what Jacob was looking at. He was looking at Lily, dressed in a beautiful blush dress, dancing with Liam.
“Jacob,” Chris begins.
“Why doesn’t she want to dance with me?” Jacob asks. “I’m right here, and she chooses to dance with him. I’m not disappearing or going anywhere.”
“Why do you want to dance with her?” Chris asks. Jacob always insisted that he and Lily were just friends, so why is he getting so worked up over Lily dancing with someone else?
“Because, I don’t know,” Jacob says and shakes his head. “I want to be the one to have all her attention. I want to be the one on the receiving end of her smiles. I want to be the one to dance with her. I want to be the one who she goes to when she has the biggest news or the smallest news. I just want to be around her.”
“Can I say something without you getting upset or mad at me?” Chris approaches.
“Maybe, I’m not promising anything.”
“That’s fair,” Chris begins. “I think you’re feeling this way because you’re jealous.”
“Why would I be jealous?”
Chris opens his mouth but then closes it again.
“Just say it.”
“Jacob, you’re in love with her, and I think you’re finally starting to realize that yourself.”
Jacob stares at Chris dumbfounded. He wanted to contradict his friend; however, as he sat with the thought, the more he realized that Chris was right. Jacob was in love with Lily, and he probably drew away your love because he acted in ways that represented he only wanted to be your friend. “Oh my goodness, I’m in love with her.”
Chris nods.
“What do I do? Do I just tell her? What if she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“I’m not sure what to tell you, Jacob,” Chris says. “I’m pretty sure she feels the same way, but whatever you do, you have to commit one hundred percent. You can’t go into it and only have one foot in and one foot out. She deserves the truth and everything you have to offer.”
Jacob nods. What does he do now?
. . .
“So, you and Lily, huh?” Jacob says to Liam quite passive-aggressively a few days later.
“Oh, um it’s nothing too serious,” Liam says. “We’re just talking and getting to know each other.”
Jacob scowls at the other soldier. “She’s a special girl, so don’t string her along if you have no serious intentions with her.”
“I wasn’t?”
“Good,” Jacob says and walks away angrily. That man shouldn’t get to have Lily’s love and attention. He wasn’t good enough for Lily.
. . .
“Guess what Elias told me?” Annica says as she and Lily are preparing for the day.
“What did Elias tell you?” Lily asks. “Something gross about your guys’ married life now?”
“Lily!” Annica says shocked. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t share that with you. No, Jacob and Liam got into a fight.”
“What?” Lily asks, shocked.
“Yeah, they were arguing about something and Liam punched him.”
“Do you know why they fought?”
Annica shakes her head. “I do have a theory, though.”
“What’s your theory?”
“Me?” Lily asks.
“I think they fought about you because they both like you.”
“I’d believe you except for the fact that Jacob doesn’t like me like that.”
“I don’t know what to say to you, Lily. I think Jacob likes you, and you should talk to him.”
“Maybe,” is all Lily says. Why would Jacob like her if he’s only ever treated her as a friend?
. . .
“Did you know that vegetables can make you tan?” Liam says to Lily out of blue.
“What?” Lily says with a giggle. “There’s no way that’s true.”
“It is! I promise; I learned it in school.”
“Where did you go to school?” Jacob questions annoyingly. He can’t stand Liam, and Liam did punch Jacob in the jaw. Granted, however, Jacob was egging on Liam, but what else was he to say as Liam talked about how you weren’t good enough for him? Liam should be lucky to have you.
“I went to the University of British Columbia,” Liam answers in a tone that Lily couldn’t quite decipher.
“Of course you did; it makes sense why you learned that in school.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Nothing,” Jacob says and looks away. There was no reason for Jacob’s comment. He had no hate against UBC except for the fact that Liam learned something from there that was bringing out your giggles. He wanted to be the one to do that. Jacob wanted to make you giggle and laugh, not UBC Liam.
“Jacob,” Lily says to him in an aggravated voice. “Can we go talk in private for a moment?”
“Sure,” Jacob says in a monotone voice.
“Jacob, what is the matter with you?” Lily fiercely says to Jacob when they’re in private.
“What, Lily?” Jacob says.
“Why are you treating Liam like that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’re acting like an idiot and are being truly mean and cold towards him. Why can’t you be nice to him?”
“Why are you even entertaining him, Lily?” Jacob asks with conviction.
“I don’t know,” Lily confesses.
“Really? It doesn’t seem like. It seems like you’re in love with him!”
“Well, I’m not in love with him.”
“Then why do you care for him?”
“I guess because he makes me laugh, makes me smile, and gives me attention. He cares for me, and it’s nice to have that feeling.”
“You are entertaining him for the attention he gives you? I can make you laugh, smile, and give you attention, yet you chose his attention?”
“His attention isn’t the one I want, but it’s the one I get,” Lily tells Jacob.
Jacob looks at her with a sad expression. “Yeah, whatever.”
He walks away, and Lily is beyond confused. She kind of just admitted to having feelings for Jaocb, and he just walked away?
. . .
“I’m not sure what funk you’re in, but it needs to stop,” Mark says. This was the captain's cornering that Jacob was expecting to come soon. “It’s not affecting your fighting, but it will soon.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jacob responds.
“No, I tried to let you figure this out on your own, but it’s not working,” Mark contradicts with purpose in his voice. “What’s wrong? You’re not leaving until you figure out what’s wrong.”
“I think I blew it with Lily,” is all Jacob says. “I treated Liam like crap, and I think that’s the end of anything with her. She hasn’t talked to me in days. I miss her. I’m also in love with her, and I know I blew that with her.”
“Wait, you’re in love with her? When did you finally realize this?”
“When she started dancing with Liam,” Jacob says.
“If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think she’s been hanging out with him recently.”
“Wait, really?” Jacob says shocked.
“Whether or not you believe me, but I think she likes you, too.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Jacob insists.
“Yes, she does. I just think you didn’t know how you felt, so you ignored anything she did that might have indicated this. How many times did she spend her evenings with you? Or, did she go to you when she needed help? It didn’t matter, she always went to you or your aid. She always went to you first if Annica wasn’t around which is saying a lot because the pair are super close.”
Jacob just stares at Mark dumbfounded. He’s right. Did Lily really feel the same way? Was it possible? What if Lily didn’t feel the same way anymore? What if Jacob ruined anything ever happening? In order to quell any lingering thoughts, he knew that he had to talk to Lily.
. . .
January 1, 1941
New year, new start, right? That’s the saying? Jacob couldn’t set the world on it’s new start overnight, but he could fix his relationship with Lily. Hopefully.
You can do this, Jacob keeps telling himself. If she didn’t feel the same way anymore, then Jacob would understand. It took him hell of an amount of time to realize himself, so he’d understand if Lily got tired of waiting. He could do this.
Jacob walks into the kitchen where Annica told him Lily would be. “Hey,” he says when he walks in.
Lily looks up and gives him a soft smile. “Hey, Jacob. Happy New Year!”
“Happy New Year to you as well!” Jacob says and takes a deep breath. “Would it be okay if we went for a walk? I asked Annica, and she said that you deserve a break.”
Lily laughs. “Sure, let me just wash my hands and grab my coat. Give me a sec.”
Jacob nods.
“Ready?” Lily asks when she returns. Jacob smiles at her and leads Lily out of the kitchen to go outside. After about five minutes of walking in silence, Lily decides to ask what the reason for requesting a walk was. “Jacob, why do you want to go on a walk with me?”
“Can’t I just want to go on a New Year's walk with my lovely friend?”
“You are, but we aren’t really talking much right now.”
“That’s what I want to fix. I have one question first, what’s happening with you and Liam?”
“Nothing, I told him that I couldn’t be with him romantically if I was in love with someone else. Why do you ask?”
“I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t making a move on someone else’s girlfriend.”
“Who do you want to make a move on?” Lily asks obliviously.
Jacob gives Lily a deep chuckle. “You.”
Lily stops in her tracks and it takes a moment for Jacob to realize. “You want me?” she asks.
“I want everything with you. I know that I was an ass to Liam, and I treated you unfairly recently. In my defense, though, I finally realized I was in love with you, and I thought you didn’t like me or already got over me.”
“It’s hard to get over someone you’re crazy about,” Lily says, and Jacob erupts into a large smile.
“You mean that?”
Lily nods. “I’ve been crazy about you since that day you scared the crap out of me.”
Jacob laughs at the memory. “I think I’ve been crazy about you, too, but I just didn’t realize.”
“Good thing you realized now, yeah?”
“Absolutely,” Jacob says and cups Lily’s cheek. “Can I kiss you?”
Lily nods. “Absolutely.” The gentle kiss that Jacob places on Lily’s lips was immaculate. She never knew that kissing someone so softly could also be filled with so much passion. She knew that she never wanted to kiss anyone else ever again. “What do we do now?” Lily asks after they break away from the kiss.
“Well, we finish fighting this war, I bring you home with me to meet my family, and we live happily ever after,” Jacob says with a smile. “Is that okay?”
“Absolutely perfect,” Lily says and reaches to kiss Jacob again.
. . .
March 18, 1946
“Should I put my hand under yours?” Lily asks Jacob, her now husband. They were about to cut the cake at their wedding reception filled with their friends and family.
“Yes, you do that,” Jacob says and places a kiss on top of his wife’s head. The cut into the cake and cut a piece and put it on the plate. They both grab a fork to take a piece. They look eyes before eating the cake and smile. After finishing their bite, Jacob and Lily kiss amongst the hoots and cheers from the people gathered around them.
“Nice cake choice, Mrs. Markstrom,” Jacob says.
“See? This is why we listen to me.”
Jacob chuckles. “I guess I have forever to listen to you.”
“That you do.”
All the way across the world they had a love story. Now, on the other side, they had their forever. All the way across the world in England bloomed a friendship and love story for the ages. All the way in Calgary, though, Jacob and Lily had the start of their forever that was a story that instilled hope in all young people and couples.
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Episode 7 Review: Flying South Like the Birdies
{ YouTube: 1 | 2 | 3 }
{ Synopses: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
{ Screencaps }
We open with a conversation between Alison and Raxl about the death of Dr. Menkin. Mostly, this is repeating what we already know for the benefit of the original viewers who missed the previous two episodes, but not entirely. I just realized that Alison didn’t learn of Dr. Menkin’s death in either Episode 5 or 6. (I had to re-watch part of Episode 5 and skim over Debby Graham’s synopsis of Episode 6 to confirm this.) So this is also an important scene for her, one that augments the fear she has begun to feel on the island, even if, unlike Raxl, she does not yet believe in the supernatural forces that make Maljardin, as the immortal housekeeper says just before the opening, “the Garden of Evil.”
We also get an unintentionally funny moment where Raxl shouts “THAT DEVIL!” and the camera quickly zooms in to the portrait of Jacques Eloi des Mondes with some thunder and lightning for emphasis. Then Alison freaks out as she realizes that Jacques put the dream from last episode inside her head. It’s not clear if she is more frightened by the possibility that Jacques will kill her or by the fact that she is sexually attracted to a dead man who looks exactly like her brother-in-law.
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Alison: “The dream was so real! This island...it IS evil! I have to get away, back to reason. Away from HIM!"
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*flashing lightning and wailing theremin*
Colin Fox, by the way, isn’t in this episode, so, just like the previous Foxless episode, the focus is primarily on the subplots. In the next scene, we cut away to the French Leave Café, where Boring Artist Tim is hanging out with Vangie Abbott (Angela Roland). Now, even though Vangie first appeared on the show in the second episode, I wanted to wait a while to introduce her, mostly because I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started writing these massive blog entries and got overwhelmed early on by all the things I wanted to cover. But now that things are slowing down and she’s starting to become relevant to the plot, I will write a little about her.
Vangie, who owns the café, is a psychic who uses tarot cards to divine the future. She usually provides a lot of detail as to what individual cards mean, connecting them to specific characters and not always using the more well-known trump cards/Major Arcana to represent them. This indicates that Ian Martin probably did a significant amount of research on tarot cards and their meanings before writing about them. (Contrast with Dark Shadows, which mainly featured the same few cards--especially the Tower of Destruction--over and over and usually interpreted them literally.[1] I admittedly haven’t done much research on the tarot (although I intend to in the near future for this blog), so I’ve learned quite a bit about different cards’ meanings from Vangie’s dialogue. There’s a lot more that I could say about her character, but this is about all I can say for now without spoiling anything.
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Well, I could also mention her quirky fashion sense and distinctive sing-song alto voice. (That’s Boring Artist Tim on the right, by the way.)
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A screenshot of Vangie’s outfit from Episode 2.
Hundreds of miles away, we find the Reverend Matt Dawson at Westley House seeking word of the whereabouts of 20-year-old teenager Holly. He visits her roommate Dinah Heath[2] (Trudy Young), a young hippie who only appears in this episode, but who is the best thing about it. Truth be told, I wanted to write this entire post about just Dinah, but changed my mind when I re-watched the episode and remembered that Vangie was in it, too. Dinah is really fun and probably my favorite of the One-Episode Wonders: characters who only appear in one episode, but who are memorable for the right reasons. Dr. Patton from Episode 4 is another favorite one-episode character of mine, as is Claude from an episode months in the future (although my opinion is largely based on how I imagine him, because so far I have only read that episode’s synopsis and watched the accompanying slideshow).[3] And she totally takes the piss out of Matt when he comes to question her.
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At the start of the scene, Dinah is jamming out in her room to some music while smoking. It looks like a cigarette, but it’s probably meant to be a joint, because she acts stoned during the entire scene.
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Matt knocks on the door and she jumps off her bunk and immediately starts fanning the air to try to get rid of the pot smell. I love the ironic “please keep off grass” sign.
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Matt doesn’t even need to mention Holly for her to know that he plans to ask about her. Dinah just outright says “she isn’t here” while smirking and posing with her hand on her hip.
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Cue an exchange full of awkwardly-delivered 1960s slang as Dinah clarifies that he wants to know “why’d she split” and he accuses her of “trying to put [him] on.” I’m not sure how current the slang would have been when the episodes were written, but, considering that the writer was in his fifties at the time, probably not very.
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She goes over to her desk to brush her hair while Matt continues questioning her. She denies knowing where Holly is, so he says patronizingly, “I admire your sense of loyalty, but there are times when it could hurt Holly rather than help her.” I might believe him if I didn’t already know that he had the hots for Holly.
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More awkward slang. Dinah is still pretending to ignore him.
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Matt’s horrified reaction when she says what we know from Episode 3. “Uh-oh,” he’s probably thinking, “she’s onto me.”
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Definitely onto him!
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Matt so wants the pretty young chicks at Westley House to see him as a groovy, happenin’ padre with all the hip slang he uses.
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When he finally gets her to “level” with him, she tells him, “All I know is that she’s flying south like the birdies. Way down south. Has to be. Air alone costs $163.75 [$1,148.24 in 2019 USD, or $1,124.03 in 2019 Canadian dollars].” He asks how she got that money, and Dinah responds, “Saved some. We all chipped in with the rest.” So they all think that he’s a creep, enough to fund her escape from him.
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She grabs this huge teddy bear and starts drumming on it. She’s not even trying to conceal that she’s stoned.
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She means "vampire” figuratively, but I imagine this line was added to try to hook any DS fans tuning in. It would have admittedly been so awesome if Mrs. Marshall had turned out to be a literal vampire.
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We next see Holly at the French Leave Café, trying to order a drink but getting turned away from the bar because she’s underage. How can they even tell? No one cards her before turning her away and Sylvia Feigel looks 27 at the youngest. Hell, I’m 26 years old, look younger than Holly does, and no one ever cards me when I buy alcohol. I could see them turning someone like Dinah away without carding her because she definitely looks under 21, but Holly? Really?
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Holly does not look 20.
She has a meet-cute with Tim, followed by a free tarot reading courtesy of Vangie. Without her saying anything about her life, the psychic reveals that she knows Holly’s future:
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She also knows that a man has begun stalking her, but not his identity. “What are you running from Holly, and who is the man running after you?” she asks before the scene cuts to Matt telling Elizabeth Marshall that her daughter ran away. Soon after, the conversation shifts to his attraction to Holly. While stalkers are always creepy regardless of their age and the age of the stalkee, the way they talk about Holly makes it sound like the Reverend is interested in a teenager:
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Because Reverend Dawson isn’t already gross enough with his stalking, smarmy demeanor, romantic interest in a just barely former ward, and offbrand Reverend Trask accent.
Elizabeth threatens to “fix” both him and Holly and leaves to track Holly down on her own. Then we get a short, unnecessary filler scene of Raxl and Alison before the credits.
In the next episode, THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES returns and Dan meets up with Vangie to do some more research regarding Jacques’ identity. Stay tuned!
[1] I’m not disparaging Dark Shadows here. I love both shows; I just wanted to point out that the Dark Shadows writers probably did less research on the tarot. Either that, or they just loved the Tower of Destruction. In any case, they used the Tower of Destruction so excessively that sometimes even thinking of that card is enough to send me into giggling fits. (If you haven’t figured it out yet, I have an odd sense of humor.)
[2] Ian Martin seems to have been fond of the name Dinah for girls and young women. Eight years later in 1977, he used the name again for the 12-year-old protagonist of the CBS Radio Mystery Theater episode “The Child’s Cat Paw,” played by a young Sarah Jessica Parker. It isn’t his best CBSRMT episode, but I still recommend it.
[3] Coincidentally, the episode with Claude also features the introduction of Susan, another Trudy Young character who plays a major role in the show’s final arc. I haven’t seen any full episodes after 130 yet because they’re not on YouTube, but I’ve read all the synopses. Someday I will watch the second Desmond Hall arc, and I can only hope that the Claude scene on the show is as romantic as it is in my head cinema. (It probably isn’t, given that David Wells' other character Cort is hilariously badly acted (if very, very cute), but perhaps Wells’ acting was better when he played Claude.)
ETA 6/22/2020: I just watched Episode 133 this evening (got the DVDs now) and I loved the scene with Claude. I’m not kidding. Surprisingly, David Wells’ acting as both Claude and Cort is decent in the episode--and, after re-watching the first Desmond Hall arc, I can say that his acting improves over time and is even occasionally good. I’ll write much more about Cort later on (this isn’t the right entry for it), but I will say that not all Cort episodes are created equal.
  { <-- Previous: Episode 6, Part II   ||   Next: Episode 8 --> }
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gingerninja127-blog · 6 years
What Are The Symptoms Of Prescription Drug Abuse?
Grinding your personal is a tad like grinding your own espresso beans: some people imagine their herbs smell and also taste fresher that way. Some people believe that online prescription drugs are one of the leading sources of illegal drugs entering this country because they are so popular. Part of answering the question, can I fire an employee for suspected drug use is implementing your no tolerance policy when it comes to drugs or alcohol. When you do not want to risk buying drugs on the internet without a prescribed from an online store of medicine or rouge clandestine, offshore web page that guarantees you good costs on drugs without a physician’s prescribed. Want some quick lifestyle methods which are absolutely sure to assist ease the symptoms of acid reflux? The group practice definition is not an exception to Stark in and of itself, but any “group” of physicians that want to take advantage of the in-office ancillary services exception must be structured to meet the group practice definition. This article is intended as only a brief summary of the Stark II Phase II Final Regulations in connection with the in-office provision of DHS within the group practice context. In order for a group of physicians to provide DHS within the practice, including without limitation, clinical laboratory, physical therapy, x-rays, and ultrasounds, the group must first meet all of the requirements of the group practice definition. In this article we would discuss the legal requirements for starting an e-commerce websites in India. Using an organic tooth brush is a great way for you to have healthy teeth. These blood sucking parasites can jump almost 7-8 inches vertically and at the same time 14-16 inches in horizontal way. There may also be dosage differences that you can only find with the name brand. When and how was the medicines distributed in one of the most anti-counterfeiting countries in the world, everybody is still trying to find out. And you will find that medicine prices in Kuwait are MUCH lower than in Western countries. I've google-searched to see if I could find a follow-up report by her, but found none. You can find pockets of it everywhere. But when it comes to health care, opting short-cuts can prove hazardous and lethal. All of their services are offered on an outpatient basis through hospitals and health clinics. What are the four types of lung cancers? Glucerna Shake Vs. Atkins Shake What Are the Benefits of Ensure Plus? But the advertising and marketing and electronics are even now there. There are many different venomous and poisonous snakes around, especially during the summer. In all areas of the UK, hospitals are able to give out prescription medications free of charge. You can take a giant step toward pulling yourself out of financial ruin by getting rid of the one thing costing you so much money. For example, when compared to the rest of Europe, the NHS comes out as the leader for prescribing the generic (cheaper) form of drugs, rather than the more expensive branded version. If life is running you, if you see glimpses of living a life of something more than you need to read this.. The small berries are at least 30 times more potent than oranges in Vitamin C per serving. Appreciate your stopping by here and see you are a fan of au naturale too! Dubai is considered the ultimate playground of the worlds elite and the rich, but is also the new play ground for poisonous and deadly snakes and spiders. Updated on December 14, 2015 billericky moreContact Author Poisonous snakes, canadian pharcharmy online spiders and bugs seen whilst on vacation to Dubai / UAE. It's beautiful. What a wonderful list of links for crochet patterns. I need some new crochet patterns! The best choice for you depends on a number of different factors that need to be carefully considered. But best of all, they offer a FDA WebLearn Course: Bringing an Unapproved Drug into Compliance. After a heart attack has occurred to the person, this drug aids in his survival. Here, they will have a physical response to the lack of the drug in their system. I use 30% food grade to dab on keratoses on my body and face and they usually disappear after a few applications. Your first consideration when setting up a photo lab should be the location. The production of photo invitations, particularly during occasions like birthdays or holidays, is in demand. For “legal drugs” like alcohol, total non participation rather than moderating, which can lead to decline is encouraged. His response, "Most men don't really feel a thing." That was a lie! The situation is ripe to make the Right explode, with a little stirring of the pot by Fox News. Congress has failed to clarify the situation. I'd approach them through Moe Lane, a political/gamer geek, who definitely understands the Internet. For anyone who is experiencing pain, finding relief is the top priority. • Spending money on the Drug, even though you can't afford it. • Group practices should document the method used to calculate profit shares or productivity bonuses and the resulting amounts of compensation.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
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If passport points come up or any other scenario that will have an effect on you as a international visitor to the country, your embassy might be the best place to resolve them. India, little doubt, is a tough place to do business. For this reason it might nicely presumably be pretty tough to get the foot inside your doorway. It will make the stains tougher to eliminate, and it could unfold. It's now night and your cellphone begins ringing, however these are from the real Property Brokers who could not get you through the day. As Toronto real estate prices soared, the arts neighborhood discovered solid Victorian and Edwardian houses on leafy facet streets. The numbers come amid growing concern that the Toronto and Vancouver housing markets seem frothy, and current statistics exhibiting mounting household debt, notably on the mortgage side. Barry Sherman, a billionaire businessman and philanthropist, was found dead alongside his spouse Honey of their Toronto mansion Friday morning, police sources told the Solar. This helps clarify why a number of the tightest market conditions within the GTA will be discovered inside the 鈥?16鈥?area code,鈥?said Jason Mercer, TREB鈥檚 Senior Manager of Market Evaluation. We need that special individual to state, - I love you.- It may be very onerous to be pleased after we really feel that we're all alone.
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cheaterzworld · 6 years
Dungeon Hunter Champions hack, tips, guide
https://wp.me/p9SPWY-U Dungeon Hunter Champions game  still puts on an outfit constructed out of a dungeon spider, however it's bordered a lot more detailed to the midcore RPGs that pepper the mobile landscape. So as opposed to handling simply one hero, you have actually obtained a bunch of them. Of course it is a pay to win game, so you can simply use Dungeon Hunter Champions hack to get gems. More info you can find in this article.
Dungeon Hunter Champions Guide
And there are numbers. Oh boy are there a lot of numbers. There's at least three various upgrade trees for every character, multiple money, as well as numerous methods of identifying if the characters you've got are really any good. Gameloft's Dungeon Hunter collection has an intriguing background. Back thens when Gameloft's service model was "duplicate preferred video games from console/PC as well as put them on mobile" the first few access in the Dungeon Hunter series were as close as we can get to having a loot-tastic dungeon crawler like Diablo on our mobile phones. As trends began to alter so did the more recent access in the series, getting more of the free to play and social elements that inhabited the most successful video games on mobile. Currently Gameloft is entering on the MOBA craze with their newest entrance Dungeon Hunter Champions. Constructed around the acquainted hack 'n slash gameplay and also loot collection, Dungeon Hunter Champions also consists of a whopping 250 different champions to accumulate as well as 5v5 online multiplayer along with a solo campaign. Dungeon Hunter Champions was soft-launched in the Philippines way back in August of last year, when a string was started in our forums. It really did not illegal much of a response from our neighborhood, that all seemed to have a little Dungeon Hunter fatigue after the previous two trips. Nonetheless, as of today Gameloft is currently "officially" revealing the video game and also expanding the soft-launch right into the Canadian and also Vietnamese App Stores. Unlike several of Gameloft's other soft launches, Dungeon Hunter Champions does not appear to be region secured (anymore), so if you wish to jump in and also play it very early then load up among your iTunes accounts in any one of the soft launch regions. Otherwise head over to the official website to pre-register and also earn some rewards for when the video game releases worldwide, which as of today there is no date established just yet.
Dungeon Hunter Champions hack gems
This Dungeon Hunter Champions hack apk android and iOS is an excellent cheat tool. If you don't want to download and install anything to your gadget you can just generate your products. This generator operates in COMPUTER, ANDROID and iOS where the video game is installed. Essential thing is to have JAVA allowed. If you don't see this generator on your android or iOS you can link your tablet computer or smartphone using usb to your COMPUTER and afterwards go to our internet site and also use generator, since on Chrome or FF it will show up for certain. You can obviously use Dungeon Hunter Champions hack apk here. Just tap the picture below to connect with Dungeon Hunter Champions generator online: The Dungeon Hunter Champions online generator 2018 is very fundamental you request just to abide by information jobs which might get to together with include your account in a wind whatsoever unlimited Gems. Amongst of among the most beneficial realities of our Dungeon Hunter Champions Hack 2018 is distinct proxy manuscript support will definitely make sure that you do not get. limited from the computer game internet web servers, no matter the selection of times you make a various together with method making use of the Dungeon Hunter Champions generator. Today we are presenting you our brand-new Dungeon Hunter Champions hack 2018 Online. With Dungeon Hunter Champions mod apk you can add Unlimited amounts of Gems in your Dungeon Hunter Champions game. Dungeon Hunter Champions hack 2018 software program could be run just on ANDROID, iOS and also COMPUTER gadgets. Dungeon Hunter Champions hack 2018 Tool supports iOS (consists of apple iphone, iPad, iPod Touch), Android (smartphones as well as tablets) and Windows (mobile phones and also tablet computers). Dungeon Hunter Champions Cheats is protected by paid Ghost Script and has a Proxy protections with Anti-Ban Limitation so your account can not be outlawed.
Dungeon Hunter Champions tips
Ways to Promote Your Champions
In our beginner's overview of Dungeon Hunter Champions, we briefly stated the act of advertising your Champions from one celebrity level to an additional, yet we did not claim much concerning it besides that it does just that-- it relocates your two-star common into three-star uncommon region, your three-star to four celebrities, and so on. But simply what should you do in order to advertise your Champions? First off, you're going to should make certain your Champions' maximum level for their celebrity level has been gotten to; if they have 2 stars, that's degree 20, if they have three celebrities, level 30, and so on. You will certainly after that have to sacrifice heroes of the exact same star score as the target, as well as of the exact same matter as the target's star ranking-- that's two 2-star Champions, three 3-star Champions, etc. If you're an intermediate player, opportunities are you're intending to have a few of those 3-star Champions of yours advertised, to make sure that you can stay up to date with the ramping up difficulty degree. Something to remember when it comes to promo-- given that you're mosting likely to be starting at degree 1 for the new star rating, your statistics will, in mostly all cases we've seen, go down! A 3-star Champion at degree 30 may be stronger compared to a 4-star Champion at degree 1, so intend your relocations accordingly, and be planned for a great deal of training and grinding to get your promoted heroes back up to speed!
 About Quests And Achievements
As we clarified in our beginner's guide, Dungeon Hunter Champions assists you keeping up to speed while gifting you with a lots of incentives with the Missions, which could ask you to do certain things, such as total specific phases at specific problem degrees, deal with a particular variety of times in the Arena, perform a certain variety of gear upgrades, and so on. Yet aside from that, you've also obtained your Quests as well as your Achievements. Just how do they differ, and also exactly what's in it for you? Pursuits could be accessed by tapping on the Daily tab under left of the primary Quests food selection. As the tab's name recommends, these jobs have to be finished within the present day, and also may run the gamut from mobilizing a specific variety of champions, updating gear so many times, or slaying the one in charge in the Boss Raids. Each of the 9 individual quests could compensate you with coins, Arena energy, gems, and/or XP, and also if you complete all your dailies within that day they're legitimate, you'll get a handful of gems and also XP-- as you can presume, it will not be a lot, however as we frequently state, it could add up! If you're truly aiming to fill up on the gems, you'll wish to try your good luck with the Achievements, and also sight them/claim your incentives by touching on the tab to the right of Daily. These are jobs you can complete normally over an amount of time, such as reaching player level 10 (or any other milestone level), finishing 20 Boss Raids, gathering 50 Unique Champions, etc. Your benefits here would can be found in the kind of coins, gems, or XP, but the gem benefits are the most common, and also, as you'll discover in this overview, one of the most rewarding, as you'll require that exceptional money for those uncommon summons!
 Faucet On A Mission, Quest, Or Achievement To Get There ASAP
This's an easy pointer we possibly ought to have included in the beginner's guide, however since we've simply ended up discussing Quests and also Achievements, we could too touch on it, as well as advise you of a minor bug in the game that you may or could not have observed. If you're seeking to get to where you have to be so you can finish a Mission, Quest, or Achievement, merely touch on the Start button (for Quests as well as Achievements), or the Go button (for Missions), as well as you'll be sent out there immediately.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90M83D-psq8[/embedyt]
As promised, there is a little a glitch we saw in the game, where one of the Missions will certainly ask you to upgrade a piece of equipment a particular number of times. Touching on Go will lead you to the Boss Raids, as well as ask you to complete five of them. You'll want to finish in charge Raids, as well as not keep upgrading pieces of equipment so as to get the benefit-- there's a possibility Gameloft must be repairing this quickly, nevertheless!
The stores in Dungeon Hunter Champions really feel aggressive and predative, however they're the good news is not as appealing as they can be. If Gameloft had actually invested more time refining any kind of (or, preferably, all) of its modes right into something that really felt a lot more substantial than an apparent simulacrum, Dungeon Hunter Champions would certainly be far more capable at squeezing money from players. However though, if there was extra pleasure to be had in Dungeon Hunters Champions, perhaps it would in fact deserve putting some money into. So now, run the Dungeon Hunter Champions hack, get some gems and play well!
0 notes
misserma-blog1 · 6 years
Dungeon Hunter Champions hack, tips, guide
New Post has been published on http://gamingclan.club/dungeon-hunter-champions-hack-tips-guide/
Dungeon Hunter Champions hack, tips, guide
Dungeon Hunter Champions game  still puts on an outfit constructed out of a dungeon spider, however it’s bordered a lot more detailed to the midcore RPGs that pepper the mobile landscape. So as opposed to handling simply one hero, you have actually obtained a bunch of them. Of course it is a pay to win game, so you can simply use Dungeon Hunter Champions hack to get gems. More info you can find in this article.
Dungeon Hunter Champions Guide
And there are numbers. Oh boy are there a lot of numbers. There’s at least three various upgrade trees for every character, multiple money, as well as numerous methods of identifying if the characters you’ve got are really any good. Gameloft’s Dungeon Hunter collection has an intriguing background. Back thens when Gameloft’s service model was “duplicate preferred video games from console/PC as well as put them on mobile” the first few access in the Dungeon Hunter series were as close as we can get to having a loot-tastic dungeon crawler like Diablo on our mobile phones. As trends began to alter so did the more recent access in the series, getting more of the free to play and social elements that inhabited the most successful video games on mobile. Currently Gameloft is entering on the MOBA craze with their newest entrance Dungeon Hunter Champions. Constructed around the acquainted hack ‘n slash gameplay and also loot collection, Dungeon Hunter Champions also consists of a whopping 250 different champions to accumulate as well as 5v5 online multiplayer along with a solo campaign.
Dungeon Hunter Champions was soft-launched in the Philippines way back in August of last year, when a string was started in our forums. It really did not illegal much of a response from our neighborhood, that all seemed to have a little Dungeon Hunter fatigue after the previous two trips. Nonetheless, as of today Gameloft is currently “officially” revealing the video game and also expanding the soft-launch right into the Canadian and also Vietnamese App Stores. Unlike several of Gameloft’s other soft launches, Dungeon Hunter Champions does not appear to be region secured (anymore), so if you wish to jump in and also play it very early then load up among your iTunes accounts in any one of the soft launch regions. Otherwise head over to the official website to pre-register and also earn some rewards for when the video game releases worldwide, which as of today there is no date established just yet.
Dungeon Hunter Champions hack gems
This Dungeon Hunter Champions hack apk android and iOS is an excellent cheat tool. If you don’t want to download and install anything to your gadget you can just generate your products. This generator operates in COMPUTER, ANDROID and iOS where the video game is installed. Essential thing is to have JAVA allowed. If you don’t see this generator on your android or iOS you can link your tablet computer or smartphone using usb to your COMPUTER and afterwards go to our internet site and also use generator, since on Chrome or FF it will show up for certain. You can obviously use Dungeon Hunter Champions hack apk here. Just tap the picture below to connect with Dungeon Hunter Champions generator online:
The Dungeon Hunter Champions online generator 2018 is very fundamental you request just to abide by information jobs which might get to together with include your account in a wind whatsoever unlimited Gems. Amongst of among the most beneficial realities of our Dungeon Hunter Champions Hack 2018 is distinct proxy manuscript support will definitely make sure that you do not get. limited from the computer game internet web servers, no matter the selection of times you make a various together with method making use of the Dungeon Hunter Champions generator.
Today we are presenting you our brand-new Dungeon Hunter Champions hack 2018 Online. With Dungeon Hunter Champions mod apk you can add Unlimited amounts of Gems in your Dungeon Hunter Champions game. Dungeon Hunter Champions hack 2018 software program could be run just on ANDROID, iOS and also COMPUTER gadgets. Dungeon Hunter Champions hack 2018 Tool supports iOS (consists of apple iphone, iPad, iPod Touch), Android (smartphones as well as tablets) and Windows (mobile phones and also tablet computers). Dungeon Hunter Champions Cheats is protected by paid Ghost Script and has a Proxy protections with Anti-Ban Limitation so your account can not be outlawed.
Dungeon Hunter Champions tips
Ways to Promote Your Champions
In our beginner’s overview of Dungeon Hunter Champions, we briefly stated the act of advertising your Champions from one celebrity level to an additional, yet we did not claim much concerning it besides that it does just that– it relocates your two-star common into three-star uncommon region, your three-star to four celebrities, and so on. But simply what should you do in order to advertise your Champions?
First off, you’re going to should make certain your Champions’ maximum level for their celebrity level has been gotten to; if they have 2 stars, that’s degree 20, if they have three celebrities, level 30, and so on. You will certainly after that have to sacrifice heroes of the exact same star score as the target, as well as of the exact same matter as the target’s star ranking– that’s two 2-star Champions, three 3-star Champions, etc. If you’re an intermediate player, opportunities are you’re intending to have a few of those 3-star Champions of yours advertised, to make sure that you can stay up to date with the ramping up difficulty degree.
Something to remember when it comes to promo– given that you’re mosting likely to be starting at degree 1 for the new star rating, your statistics will, in mostly all cases we’ve seen, go down! A 3-star Champion at degree 30 may be stronger compared to a 4-star Champion at degree 1, so intend your relocations accordingly, and be planned for a great deal of training and grinding to get your promoted heroes back up to speed!
 About Quests And Achievements
As we clarified in our beginner’s guide, Dungeon Hunter Champions assists you keeping up to speed while gifting you with a lots of incentives with the Missions, which could ask you to do certain things, such as total specific phases at specific problem degrees, deal with a particular variety of times in the Arena, perform a certain variety of gear upgrades, and so on. Yet aside from that, you’ve also obtained your Quests as well as your Achievements. Just how do they differ, and also exactly what’s in it for you?
Pursuits could be accessed by tapping on the Daily tab under left of the primary Quests food selection. As the tab’s name recommends, these jobs have to be finished within the present day, and also may run the gamut from mobilizing a specific variety of champions, updating gear so many times, or slaying the one in charge in the Boss Raids. Each of the 9 individual quests could compensate you with coins, Arena energy, gems, and/or XP, and also if you complete all your dailies within that day they’re legitimate, you’ll get a handful of gems and also XP– as you can presume, it will not be a lot, however as we frequently state, it could add up!
If you’re truly aiming to fill up on the gems, you’ll wish to try your good luck with the Achievements, and also sight them/claim your incentives by touching on the tab to the right of Daily. These are jobs you can complete normally over an amount of time, such as reaching player level 10 (or any other milestone level), finishing 20 Boss Raids, gathering 50 Unique Champions, etc. Your benefits here would can be found in the kind of coins, gems, or XP, but the gem benefits are the most common, and also, as you’ll discover in this overview, one of the most rewarding, as you’ll require that exceptional money for those uncommon summons!
 Faucet On A Mission, Quest, Or Achievement To Get There ASAP
This’s an easy pointer we possibly ought to have included in the beginner’s guide, however since we’ve simply ended up discussing Quests and also Achievements, we could too touch on it, as well as advise you of a minor bug in the game that you may or could not have observed. If you’re seeking to get to where you have to be so you can finish a Mission, Quest, or Achievement, merely touch on the Start button (for Quests as well as Achievements), or the Go button (for Missions), as well as you’ll be sent out there immediately.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90M83D-psq8[/embedyt]
As promised, there is a little a glitch we saw in the game, where one of the Missions will certainly ask you to upgrade a piece of equipment a particular number of times. Touching on Go will lead you to the Boss Raids, as well as ask you to complete five of them. You’ll want to finish in charge Raids, as well as not keep upgrading pieces of equipment so as to get the benefit– there’s a possibility Gameloft must be repairing this quickly, nevertheless!
The stores in Dungeon Hunter Champions really feel aggressive and predative, however they’re the good news is not as appealing as they can be. If Gameloft had actually invested more time refining any kind of (or, preferably, all) of its modes right into something that really felt a lot more substantial than an apparent simulacrum, Dungeon Hunter Champions would certainly be far more capable at squeezing money from players. However though, if there was extra pleasure to be had in Dungeon Hunters Champions, perhaps it would in fact deserve putting some money into. So now, run the Dungeon Hunter Champions hack, get some gems and play well!
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thatonekimgirl · 6 years
Has SOI 2018 aired on Canada already?
Yep! Though from what I’ve heard they condensed it into a one hour show? I haven’t seen much of it pop up online.
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