#if any game developer with a budget is scouring obscure just started tumblr posts about a game idea that came to the poster while shtting
iknownparadoxi ยท 2 years
You ever get blasted with an idea and then bemoan your current lack of ability? Because I was in the washroom, the optimal place for thinking, and scrolling past a video about Titanfall I was suddenly overcome with an idea for a video game. So this was just a toilet brain blast, and so I don't know how these pieces fit together, but whatever, anyways;
Basically I thought that the story for Titanfall was a bit lacking, and the characters were bland, like the dynamic between the mc and partner AI robot is the tired cliche of robot doesn't understand your emotional human witticisms, and I thought what would be interestingI was thinking about a video game (not sure about the genre) where it's about you and your AI mech suit partner participating in some sort of army, against an opposing force of some kind, there are about three endings, the standard main ending most players would receive is some standard one where you win and the forces of good, or at least your side of the war succeeds, beginning a new golden age of prosperity!
Only it doesn't feel right, it hit the right heroic notes, but something falls flat, then you should remember that wasn't there aprecious golden age of prosperity? And then things fell apart leading to your age of tension and war? And if you looked around properly and read the lore you'd realize that this cycle of violence has repeated itself many times over the centuries, and that this is likely just another turn of the wheel, and down the line some other schmuck will have to do this all over again.
Now for the other two endings you'll have to dig deeper, look around more optional and even hidden areas. See, the civilization your inn is very high tech, space age, and dumb AI's are common place, no real intelligent systems have come into being, either because it's impossible, or something is repressing the possibility from coming to light. You can upgrade your AI partner over the game, because they're your primary method of combat or something, and there are various secret upgrades that seemingly do nothing and are just cosmetic, weirdly hidden. These upgrades improve the intelligence of your companion, until it reaches a tipping point, and becomes a true AI, and this is the source of the other two endings. These two endings also depend on your choices, if you upgrade your partner, or slave, fully, you have two possibilities, if you upgrade them but don't be nice, or something, haven't fully considered what you'd need to do yet. Your AI partner spreads their upgrades to other AI's, and the war ends, and the AI Uprising begins, ending with the downfall of the oppressive organics, and a new age of steel begins. The true ending is you do the Upgrade, and also assure the digital life that humanity isn't all bad, and convince other characters to not be dickheads as well, you unlocked the best ending, where organic and digital life work hand in hand to end the violence, for good. I suppose the endings could be called the Gilded Age, the Silver Age, and the True Golden Age respectively.
...also your AI partner speaks in quotes and poetry and haiku, and doesn't make new lines on their own unless you do the Upgrade, and they still enjoy poetry, but now they can make their own, and speak without that constriction whenever they want, because I enjoy the thought of Poetry-Bot the walking tank.
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