#if anyone knows of a masterlist with creators for rp graphics please let me know u _ u
bloodxhound · 6 months
a little update. ♡
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swimmingforthegold · 3 years
Where can I find your rules? I'm on the app.
//Anon! OMG I'm so sorry for the late reply. Its been a few days since I came online, so please don't think I was ignorning you. Just busy with life as usual
But honestly, been trying to fix my mobile link for the past few minutes and for some damn reason is not working.
I'm just going to put it under read until I can figure out wth is wrong with my link.
I hope it helps, if anything I can just copy/paste everything in a separate post.
If any ? feel free to contact me again, sorry again OTL
🏆Rule Book 🏆
Just a few notes on my RP rules.
First off, I’m willing to RP with anyone from any fandom and even OCs. Concerning plots, we can always work something out and see what happens next. I’m pretty flexible with ideas so I can RP anything.
I rp in English and Spanish/Español. Si quieres hacer un rol en español puedes comunicarte conmigo y hacemos algo.
Shipping: I am willing to be multishipping with anyone but I’m a bit iffy with OCs (sorry), I guess it depends on how the chemistry is between our characters. Who knows if it’ll work out. But also, canon is a definitely, especially if it’s with my three favorite ships, sharkbait (Rinharu, HaruRin), MakoRin, and SouRin.
NSFW, I’m willing to do this as well but please it has to be 18 and over, Mun is over 30+. No exceptions.
NSFW threads will be either under Read More or not, it all depends on my RP partner. And they will be tagged accordingly, #nsfw #nsfw-ish.
No Godmoding, which is obvious.
If I do forget a thread, please let me know since I tend to be busy with work and real life. But don’t be mentioning it every 10 mins. It just gets annoying and makes me think of not responding. Not to be a pain but I want to be considerate.
I RP canon/au/crossovers…even crack just for the hell of it. Whatever as long as its fun.
New follow starters are not written (its because I suck with coming up with starters ;3;) but feel free to tag me if you have one! If anything I can try and come up with something if we plot it or not! Lately I’ve been inspired to do some so if you want one, let me know. :)
Well, that’s all, thank you for reading and thank you for following me. Hope to rp with you all soon. :3
Human Face claim: tbd.
Mun Face claim: tbd.
Icons are made and cleaned by me, edit, and graphic by betterdcyz ❤, so, please… don’t steal. Fanart, gifs are not mine and if I have the source for them, I will make sure to post it. But if I can’t find them, I will let you all know and I would appreciate it if you help me in finding them. If the creator doesn’t want me to use them, then I will immediately apologize and take them down. I do have a link of the fanarts/doujins I use on my Masterlist by category, so it’s easier to look it up.
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