#i’m gonna do a follower clean out next
bloodxhound · 6 months
a little update. ♡
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trollbreak · 10 months
One of these days I’m gonna actually make beastly art in like his actual colors but um. I’m having fun returning to my comfy play scape lately <3
#doing shading studies on skulls for the funsies was such a tangible thing in how I do lineless art now#so like I somewhere got going drawing on index cards bc they’re less space to fill than a full page and thus less intimidating. that became#drawing silhouetted buildings and horizons against a gradient sky- I used roughly cut masking tape to have clean sun/moon and if I wanted#other clean lines. while I was staying w my grandma for a while I went oh shit I could do this digitally and that’s when I started getting#into digital art outside of just tracing photos exclusively. started playing with silly doodles digitally and somewhere along the line#wanted to draw teeth bc why not. struggled and didn’t like the result- tried again a few days in a row. liked how I’d improved but wasn’t#satisfied. so I saved an image of a skull lowered the opacity and originally was gonna trace the teeth but that got boring so like. I used#white to mark out the brightest points on the skull. a light grey for the next brightest. rinse and repeat until the whole thing is covered#and I’d do that for ages. like a year or two I think. I’d done other art too but the skulls and doing the same process with selfies was a#fun way to burn a lot of time and to just. have an ongoing project I could return to. a ways FURTHER down the line I was like ah damn. I’m#real happy with these but since I just grabbed images off whatever search engine idk if it’s ok for me to post these especially since I#wouldn’t even know who to credit anymore. so eventually I just sorta. stopped#but ummmm if u hit me up I can send u some of my skull study whatever’s and u can peek at how I mean they massively affected my process and#how I shade and stuff. that was like my whole learning process with shading outside of like. do line under the chin and the simplest things#that follow that train of thought. those skulls 🤝 buddy. rewired my brain and I’m vibin w it
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
The Monster You Know
Dark!Gojo Satoru x reader
Synopsis: For your own safety, the strongest sorcerer of today kidnaps you.
Word Count: 6.9k
(Warnings: implied masturbation, implied nsfw, implied noncon recording, death of a minor character.....im pretty sure i missed a warning so lemme know any pls)
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Instead of waking up in a bed, you find yourself on the floor.
It's not a comfortable spot to sleep in. The carpet is clean, but it's odd because you don't have this type of carpet in your room. Actually, this isn't your room at all. 
But the panic doesn't really set in until you realize your arms are bound. 
You don't notice him until he speaks. You're too busy yanking on the metal, pulling your hand as hard as you could. The cuffs don't even budge. 
"If you keep yanking your arms like that, you might break 'em." 
He's tall, rivaling the door he just walked through. He looks a couple of years older than you, but his white hair can't be natural, not at his age. His blue eyes are lax. The worst part is how relaxed he looks. He has an eased posture and a pretty smile. He's amused, watching you like you’re a pesky mouse trapped in a bucket. 
You don’t know him. You’re stuck in an unfamiliar room, chained to the floor, and you don’t know this man. 
Escape isn’t possible. So you resort to the next best thing: you plead. 
“Who are you?” Your voice is light and wavers on every syllable. “Where-Where am I? Did you bring me here? Please don’t-“
”You always this talkative in the morning?” He dodges your question with a lax grin. “Anyway, uh, sorry about this-“ he gestures to your tied-up form “-I would've used a talisman, but those won’t work on you for obvious reasons. The handcuffs aren’t too tight, are they?” 
He steps closer, and you scream. It’s shrill, filled with a type of fear that makes your blood freeze because you don’t know this man, you don’t know where you are, and he’s getting closer. 
“Okay okay, I get it!” He manages to say over your pleas for help, but he steps back, and it’s enough to quiet your fear. “Obviously, you need some more time alone, so I’m gonna give you a couple more hours. Feel free to take a mint!” He cheerily points to the nightstand. 
He leaves as quickly as he enters. The door shuts but doesn’t lock. You’d be relieved if you weren’t still incapacitated. 
You look around the room. Nothing of value, nothing that you could reach and grab. Apart from a chair, the only other pieces of furniture were a heavy-looking bed and a bolted-down nightstand. Your kidnapper was certainly meticulous. 
The restraints have just enough slack for you to lean over. You peer at the nightstand. A plastic bowl, too flimsy to be made into a weapon. It contains wrapped-white candies. You gingerly pick one up. 
They’re sugar-free. 
He returns to the mints scattered all over the floor. 
“Okay.” He notes, gracefully stepping over the mess. “Clearly, you aren’t a fan of peppermint. 'you a wintergreen kinda’ person?” 
You don’t look at him. You’ve been in the same position you had been in for hours, sitting curled on the floor. By then, your desperation was starting to show through. 
“Please just let me go.” You mutter, your voice so low, it’s a miracle he can hear you. “I don’t have any money. I have nothing to offer.”
”Well, that’s good because I don’t want your money.” He says. “I know this looks pretty bad, but this is for your sake more than mine.”
You look at him just as he squats down to your height. You shift away. he smiles.
”Do you know what sorcerer's are?” 
You blink. 
“It’s fine if you don’t; we all start somewhere, right? A sorcerer is someone who can manipulate cursed energy. I’m a sorcerer! I don’t wanna brag too much, but I’m pretty good at it.” 
He laughs like he’s telling a joke, and you suddenly realize that you were kidnapped by someone who believes he’s a wizard. 
“Guess you’re still lost, huh? How about I just show you instead?” He points to an ironed-out shirt hanging on a rack. You follow his finger. 
He didn't move. There was no machinery. The shirt just crinkled by itself before it dropped to the floor. 
You gape. The man grins. 
"Pretty amazing, right? That's cursed energy, or, my power if you wanna be less technical." 
"Cursed energy." You whisper, a repetition of his words rather than any actual understanding. He beams regardless. 
"Yeah! Well, it's a little more complicated than that, but let's just start with the basics for now. Baby steps." 
Your dread doesn't fade. Earlier, you feared what a man could do to you, tied and defenseless. Now, you wondered what this man wouldn't do to you. 
"Okay, then....why?" You warily ask him. "Why tell me any of this? What's the point?" 
"An excellent question!" He commends you, as though he were your teacher and not your jailor. "See, cursed energy is a bit complicated, but it's extremely effective. In almost every case, it's the solution. Except for you." 
You shrink back. 
"What-what does that mean?"
His grin turns feline. He's enjoying this; seeing you shake, waver beneath his eyes. 
"Exactly what I said: you aren't affected by cursed energy. A sorcerer could use their technique on you, and there won't even be a scratch on your body. You're basically the Eraserhead of the Jujutsu World." 
You stare at him. He hums, drumming his fingers on his thigh. 
"I'm not great at explanations. How about we just have a hands-on experience?" 
He extends his hands. A purple orb crackles to life, slowly gaining mass. 
"Not too big," he says, though it's clear he isn't speaking to you, "don't wanna wreck the room." 
He adjusts his angle so it's facing you. Your eyes widen, and the desperation to wrangle yourself out of the handcuffs grows stronger. 
"Wait, stop!" You pleads fall on deaf ears. "Okay okay. I believe you. I believe you-" He flicks his fingers. You close your eyes just before impact. 
You expected something. Electricity, a shock. Pain. Your body being eviscerated in milliseconds. 
Nothing. Not even a gust of wind. 
When your eyes open, he's grinning at you. 
"See?" He says, "Not even a scratch." 
He's right. Your clothes aren't even rustled, but the evidence is there. The carpet below you is shaved and cleaned off. And the wall closest to you has cracks on it.
You look back up at him. 
"I said I believed you." 
He shrugs. "Doesn't hurt to make sure we're on the same page." His smile is starting to look less scary and more annoying. 
Your mind still struggles to keep up with all the information you've been given. The typhoon of anxiety is coursing through you. 
"So, then....why this?" You mention to the handcuffs. 
"Just a little confirmation you won't go crazy and destroy the place." He supplies happily. "If jujutsu doesn't work on you, then bindings and talismans definitely won't do a thing. Looking back, abduction probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world. I would've figured something else out, but time wasn't on our side in this case. Especially if we wanted you alive." 
You pale at that. He notices. 
"What, you thought I'd be the only person who noticed you? You're an anomaly. In our world, that's dangerous. Also, the bounty on your head is a pretty nice incentive for people to get the job done." 
"A bounty?"
He grins, and the number he gives makes your mouth hang open. 
"Yup, pretty crazy, right? Anyway, until everything settles down, you and I are roomies!" He claps. "Isn't that exciting!?" 
You glance at him. Then, in the room. Then, at your cuffs. Everything was going so fast. The only constant was him. 
"So, I'm not really a prisoner?" You ask. "I could just...leave, right?" 
"Sure you could. If you hear all that and still wanna go, I won't stop you. Promise." He nods. "But you'd be dead as soon as you step out of the apartment." 
It's not a threat. It's a promise. And not from him. That makes it worse. 
This is insane. All of this is insane; who'd believe any of it? But his powers....that can't be faked. As well as everything that he told you. Why would he lie? What reason could he have to deceive you? 
"Okay," you say hesitantly, "just one more thing." 
The man leans in. 
"What's your name?" 
He smiles. 
Becoming Gojo's roommate was an easy transition. 
You’ve always been someone who goes with the flow. Becoming someone's consenting captive isn't a struggle once you get used to it. A few days in and you and your 'captor' have fallen into an easy rhythm. It's easy to grow trusting of him, especially when there are others who can vouch for him. 
"You should be arrested." Ieiri mumbles, checking your wrists. 
"What? I can't believe you're upset with me." Gojo responds though he doesn't sound very panicked. "I was desperate!" 
Ieiri shakes her head, continuing wrapping your wrists. Amid your panic during the first few hours in Gojo's apartment, you managed to sprain your wrists, trying to yank yourself out of the handcuffs. You wince when she presses on your bruised skin. 
"Sorry," she says, voice flat. You smile anyway. 
Ieiri was also a sorcerer, but she had a different technique. Instead of Gojo's destruction, hers revolved around healing. You've never really seen it in action ("My technique won't work on you; even then, it's a sprained wrist. You'll live."), but it sounded pretty powerful. 
"I'm not upset." Ieiri continues. "But I'm surprised you're going along with all this." That sentence is directed at you. 
You shrug while trying to keep still for her. "He was pretty convincing." 
Ieiri raises a brow, before ultimately deciding she doesn't care. 
"Again, I'm very sorry about all this." Ijichi pipes up. Ever since he entered Gojo's flat, he's been doing nothing but begging for your forgiveness for Gojo's abrupt actions. Apologetic, but not very shocked. You're assuming this isn't the first time Gojo has done something like this. 
Gojo's allies were very different from each other, you ultimately decided. 
“We thought we’d have more time to approach you,” he continues with a nervous smile, “we never expected the clans to move so quickly.” 
“Clans?” You ask, “What clans?” 
Ijichi gives Gojo a look. Gojo looks away, whistling. Eventually, Ijichi’s shoulders drop. 
“Some minor clans with dwindling jujitsu sorcerers.” He gives. “And then the bounty happened and well…” he trails off. 
You nod. “So, when will everything go back to normal?”
Gojo grins. Ieiri sighs. It’s Ijichi who gives the most concrete response. 
You look at the three of them. “Or will things ever go back to normal?”
”It’s hard to say,” Ijichi says, “news travels fast in the jujutsu world, but it’s not improbable. Miyashiro will let us know eventually.” 
To answer your question, Ijichi pulls out his phone. You stare at a picture of yourself. But you know you’ve never been in that restaurant before. 
“It’s his technique.” Ijichi tells you. “Flesh manipulation. For the time being, Miyashiro will pose as you and can hopefully air out any potential bounty hunters. He’s the perfect man for the job.” 
You nod, a bit skeptical. “Isn’t this a bit dangerous? Aren’t people trying to kill me?” 
Ijichi tucks away his phone. “Miyashiro is one our best. He'll be fine.” He assures. 
Satisfied with your answers, you nod. Ieiri pulls away after she finishes wrapping your hand. Gojo claps his hands together. 
“See, roomie? You’re in great hands!” He chirps. You nod, if only to seem compliant. 
Apart from Gojo himself, Ieiri and Ijichi are the only ones who know about your predicament, his most trusted people. The rest of the world is unaware that there's someone posing as you, nor that you've gone into hiding. Not your friends. Not even your family. ("It's for the best," Ijichi explained when you voiced your worries, "but we promise, once the bounty is down, we'll return you back to your life. It'll be like nothing ever happened.").
Settling in barely takes a week. Gojo's nice enough to lend you his room, more than happy to set up in the living room. Despite how you two 'met', he's quickly proven to be a nice guy. 
Nice. Just nice. 
To be honest, you don't know all that much about Gojo. He's letting you stay in his home, but you don't see him all that much. Gojo is gone pretty much all day. Sometimes, he's gone for days on end. The apartment feels more like yours than his. 
"I'm the strongest." He told you when you asked. You don't know what he means by that, so you didn't pry. 
Despite the awkwardness, you don't mind the distant relationship. The man probably has his day packed with hunting down demons and this school he talked about. 
The change doesn't happen until two weeks after you move in. 
You weren't allowed to have a phone, nor any internet access, so you mostly spent your time doing hobbies. You've always wanted to learn to crochet, and now you finally had time to actually learn. Drawing also took some hours out of your day. And eventually, you moved onto cooking. 
Ijichi was more than happy to grab you the grocery items when you asked. When you insisted on paying him back, he declined profusely. He was actually the one who organized getting your things and really moving you in. You have another thing you owe these people. 
Cooking was a steep learning curve. Before, you'd only made simple sandwiches and curries, so the food starting out wasn't the best. But you enjoyed the journey more, rather than the end result. Pretty soon, you became pretty good at it. 
Gojo wasn't home often these days, so you jump when the front door clicks open. He takes off that blindfold he's always wearing, blinking a couple times before his blue gaze settles on you in the kitchen. 
"What's all this?" He cocks his head. He isn't smiling. 
Oh no. You remembered getting permission to use his kitchen, but maybe he hadn't expected you to go this far? The kitchen is a mess. There's flour everywhere. You still hadn't washed the cutting board, nor the knives. 
"I'm sorry," you say, "I-I can clean up and-" 
He waves his hand. "It's fine. I'm not mad, I just..." He drifts off. 
You suddenly have a feeling that you might've misread this entire situation. 
"Would you like some?" You ask. "I think I made too much." 
"I could eat," he says.
You smile. 
A few moments later, the two of you are settled on the table. Gojo's never been so quiet before. In the short time you've known him, he's always been boisterous and playful. Now, he's silent. Staring at the food. 
You hold your breath when he takes his first bite. 
"It's good." He says, his mouth full. It's cute. "Really, really good. Damn." 
You laugh out of nerves. 
"You think so? I'm glad! It was my first time trying out this recipe and I wasn't sure if it'd turn out well and..." you're rambling, you know that. You can't help yourself. 
"No, it's good. Real good," he says. It's silent again, but not as uncomfortable this time. The only thing you hear is the clanking of silverware and the hum of the lights. Outside the window, the city lights twinkle. 
You're on your last bite when he speaks again. 
"'been a while since I've had a homecooked meal." He starts with a slight laugh. "Kinda' forgot what it's like." 
You think of the fridge. How it was only ever stacked with protein shakes and instant meals. Gojo was a sorcerer. The strongest. You think you get what that means now. 
"I wouldn't mind doing this more often," you say. 
He looks at you with the prettiest blue you've ever seen. The color of a bright cloudless sky. 
"I think I'd like that." 
Who ever said the phrase 'the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach' was onto something. Your friendship with Gojo bloomed after that night. On the seldom nights he came home, dinner was made and sitting on the table. It took a few days for the two of you to warm up enough to talk to each other. Once Gojo got going, it was a lot harder to shut him up. He talked about his school, his work as a teacher for other jujutsu sorcerers. You liked the way he talked about his students. Nothing but pride and affection .
On the nights he didn't come home, you'd save the leftovers in the fridge. They were usually gone by the morning. 
He was around a lot more after that night. Not that you minded, it was his house. You just didn't get a few things about him. For example, that blindfold of his. Why wear it when it was clear he couldn't see with it on? 
You decide to bring it up the third time he nearly runs you over.
"It's part of my technique." He explains. "The six eyes. They're basically cursed energy x-rays. The blindfold just limits their strength." 
You were lounged on the sofa watching TV while he was plopped right next to you. He's switched his blindfold for his glasses. 
"Oh," you say when it clicks, "and since I block people's abilities you..." 
"Yup! Can't see you at all!" Gojo happily fills in. "It doesn't help that you're so quiet. Maybe I should put a bell on you." 
You laugh, but it doesn't sound like he was joking. 
"What's it like?" You ask, turning to him, "Seeing the way, you see? What-what do you see?"
"Everything." Gojo shrugs. 
You frown. "That's not very descriptive." 
He laughs. "Here, wanna try?" He takes off his glasses, handing them over. "These things are real popular with the ladies." 
He's avoiding the question, but you don't bother chasing him for it. Instead, you grab the lenses, pulling them over your eyes. You expect to see the secrets of the universe. Instead, you see nothing but darkness. Though, that might be the point.  
"Everything, hm?" You ask, when you take them off. "That sounds exhausting." 
He takes them back with a grin. "It is! My eyes hurt so so much! You should pity me and make matcha tiramisu." 
You laugh, drawing back. "That's what this is about? To guilt trip me into making dessert for you?" 
"Did it work?" 
You think for a moment.
"Get me the ingredients, and I'll see." 
He cheers but doesn't fully answer your question until the episode ends when you've bid him goodnight and are about to return to the bedroom. 
"You're blurry from far away." 
When you look at him, his glasses are gone, tucked under his collar. It's night, but the sky still stares down at you. His usual smile is gone, stretched into a line you can't place. 
"I can see down to molecules, atoms. Not you." 
You look at him, his eyes. The beautiful curse they are. 
You force yourself to take the first step. Then another. Then another. When you're right in front of him, when he's towering over you, you open to your mouth. 
"What do you see, Gojo?" 
"Everything." He honestly replies. 
Everything. Not just cursed energy. Down to cells, molecules, atoms. You can't fathom how much that is, the essence of everything. What's that like? Being able to see the universe so much that it hurts? So much so that it makes him want to wear a blindfold and never see anything again. 
But you're blurry. Gojo can't see you the way he sees others. 
You reach your hands up slowly like you're approaching a wild animal. In some ways, maybe that's what Gojo is: unpredictable, able to wield the power of space—power that's useless against you. 
You cover his eyes. He doesn't stop you. 
"What do you see, Satoru?" 
He doesn't speak, and you're afraid he's forgotten how. 
"Nothing." Quiet, barely more than a whisper.
He slouches ever so slightly, leaning into your hands like some weight's been lifted. It makes you smile. 
When you try to pull your hands away, his wrap around your wrist, keeping you there. So you stay—for as long as he wants. 
It starts something of a tradition between the two of you. Not every night, not even most nights, but every so often, Satoru would grow quiet, shift in a particular way. You hoped it was therapeutic for him, a break rather than a glimpse of what could have been. You hoped you were helping. 
And, if you were torturing him, hopefully, you won't be for long. 
"How much longer do you think I have to do this?" You ask. 
He hums, clearly not paying attention. You two were in the kitchen, making some sweet he saw trending on the internet. Well, you were doing all the work. Satoru kept trying to steal the batter. 
"You know. Sleeping under your roof, eating all your food, stealing you bed." You urge, while whisking. 
"You're acting like I've been keeping you in the attic, roomie." Satoru pouts. "C'mon, I haven't been that bad, have I?" 
"I'm asking for your sake rather than mine," you tell him. "I'm sure you'll be thrilled to have your house back, and your bed. When will everything settle down?" 
His blindfold is on, as it usually is. To help him out, you've taken to wearing squeaky slippers around the house. He'd offered to buy you one of those cat collars with bells. You declined. 
He's looking in your direction. You know he can't see you, but you can still feel his eyes on you. It's a strange feeling. 
"There's talks of taking down the bounty," Satoru finally says, losing his playful tone, "just rumors, nothing concrete. Worst comes to worst, we'll have to relocate you somewhere overseas." 
Yeah, you were worried about that. Leaving everything behind, your home, your friends, your family, because your life was in danger. You hoped it wouldn't have to come to that. 
"We have a couple of options, though," Satoru says, "negotiations, for one." 
You perk up at that. "Negotiations?" You ask. 
He nods. "Right now, you're under my protection. Unofficially. I could pull some strings, get those old geezers at the academy to take you in as some special assistant." 
You tilt your head. "Like at the school that you teach, right?" 
He nods. "We have a case like yours attending the school, too. I think you and him would get along." 
"Your ability could be pretty useful to us. You might even get out in the field every so often." Satoru continues. "A special technique like that would be wasted down here." 
Special. He's said that before. You can't remember when, but you know he's right. You're an anomaly, but you can use your abilities for good. But could you really do that? Risk your life every day? Lose pieces of yourself like that?
"I don't really feel special," you say, "I don't want to be special either." You glance at him. "Is that a bad thing?" 
Even blindfolded, somehow, his eyes find yours. 
"No," he says, no judgment in his voice, "it just makes you human." 
Relief. You can feel it sinking through your veins. Part of you feels guilty. Satoru is right; you could do a lot. But you...you don't want to end up like him. 
That makes you feel even worse, but then you catch something in his tone. 
"You sound like you're not very human," you say back. You're teasing, but it falls flat. 
He hums. It's not quite the response you were looking for. It takes a second for him to start up again. 
"When I was younger, people used to call me creepy." 
You stare at him. 
He grins, but it's not his usual one. 
"It's true." He shrugs. "Mostly, it was 'cause of my eyes. They called them unnerving. Monstrous. My folks were always a creative bunch." He says it so casually, but you can hear the bite on his voice. It's phrased as a joke, but it isn't.
You put down your whisk, giving him your full attention. 
"That's not true," you respond, "you know that, right? You aren't a monster. Monsters aren't as kind as you are." 
"Oh?" He tilts his head. "Maybe I'm using my kindness as a lure to trap you. Guess you just fell for it, roomie. 'thought you were smarter than that." You roll your eyes. 
"Okay, fine, I yield. You're a monster. But out of all the monsters in the world, I'd pick you." 
For a moment, there's silence in the kitchen. Then- 
"So cheesy!" Satoru laughs. He reaches over, roughly pinching your cheek. "Who knew you could say such cute things, roomie." 
You slap his hands away, now extremely annoyed. 
"Nevermind. I take it back," you retort. "I'd run away as far as I could from you." 
"Good, you should," he replies. "I won't stop you." 
You scoff. 
"Maybe that's why everyone thought you were creepy." You go back to your whisking. "It's not your eyes, you just say a lot of ominous shit." 
Despite how peaceful it is, making desert, cooking, and acting domestic, it can't last forever. The world was still hunting for you, and it had no problems reminding you of that. 
One night, you wake up to the sounds of hushed talking. 
It's coming from the living room. Multiple voices. Quiet but urgent. You're used to the noise. Satoru has this habit of blasting terrible soap operas at 2 am. You don't think that man sleeps. Over time, you've gotten used to at least one disturbance. 
But this feels different. It's enough to rub the sleep out of your eyes, making you pad over to the hall. 
They hear you before they see you. Satoru's apartment has creaky floorboards. Ijichi tugs on the collar of his shirt nervously. Ieiri just looks away. Satoru is leaning back against the couch, legs crossed. He's frowning. That's how you know something isn't right. 
"Is everything okay?" You ask anyway. 
Ijichi gives a tight grin. 
"Everything's fine." He's quick to console. "We-we were just-" 
"Stop." Satoru immediately cuts in. He's wearing his blindfold. You can't tell what he's thinking. 
"We're not hiding it. Everyone involved should know." 
Ijichi deflates. You think Ieiri sneers. 
Satoru beckons you closer with long fingers. You step forward. They're sitting around a computer. You peek at the screen.
Instantly, you wish you hadn't. 
There were pictures of you. Dead. Your body parts were strewn across the floor. Your hands were broken in every other way. Your legs were in pieces. Your head snapped clean off, blood oozing from your appendages like you were just a packet of liquid. One of your eyes was missing from its socket. The other was crushed. But it wasn't you, it was- 
"Miyashiro. At least, what's left of him." Satoru gives.  
The doppelganger, the guy who was covering for you. He was supposed to be one of their best; what happened to him? 
What was going to happen to you? 
They're talking again. At least, you think they are. Their words are muffled, filtered through water. You can't make out what anyone is saying. Your heart's beating too fast. It's pounding through your ears. You can only stare at the picture, what was left of him. Someone's touching you. A hand on your back. 
"Roomie, hey," Satoru's voice comes.
The pounding stops. You look up at him. 
Angelic. It's the only word you could think of. His snow-white hair was pretty, falling elegantly down his face. He'd taken his blindfold off. Blue eyes, sparkling, cleansing. Purifying, like the Ganges river. 
How could anyone think a beautiful sight like this was monstrous? 
He calls your name, your real name, and you break. 
You cling to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. And you're sobbing, tears of everything flowing down your face. 
Hands, hesitant, unsure, rest on your back. And then Satoru's holding you as tightly as he can.
He's warm. It's all you can think as you shake in his hold. 
He's warm. 
"I won't have to worry about that if I just gave in, hm?" You ask. 
It was a couple of days later from your episode. Satoru had convinced you to give one of his soap operas a shot. On-screen, a woman slapped her cheating husband. 
Satoru was lounging beside you, feet propped up on the coffee table. You want to tell him off, but it's his house. 
"If you went to the school, you mean?" He asks. "Probably. You'd be a lot freer. Won't have to sit in a cramped apartment all day. 'sides, jujutsu tech is always on the lookout for fresh talent. The higher-ups would be ecstatic to have someone like you under their thumb." 
"But I'd have to become a sorcerer." You say the unspoken. 
Gojo nods. "Yeah, you would." 
And you don't want that. To face curses, to face death every day. You know you can't handle that. You aren't strong, like Satoru. 
"I'm sorry," you say. 
He laughs. "For what?" 
You shrug as the on-screen couple makes up again. "For being...a coward, I guess."
He thinks for a moment. 
"It's not about bravery," he says in the end, "being a sorcerer is just...that. A sorcerer. It's a job. A title. Only a special few can do it. The crazy ones." 
His tone gets a bit playful. 
"No offense, roomie, but I don't think you got enough crazy in you." 
"That's a compliment, actually." You correct. He ignores you. 
"'sides, I like you staying here." Satoru declares, stretching his arms out on the couch. "Who'd feed me? It'd be horrible to go back to ramen again." 
You roll your eyes. "Right. Who else will wake at 2 am because of your whining to make wagashi?" 
"See! You get it!" Satoru grins. You can't force the smile off your face. 
The husband's mistress has entered the set. The wife is confident that her husband will choose her. She's left heartbroken all over again. You don't get how she couldn't see it. The red flags were all there, and still, she was left blindsided. Never saw it coming. She trusts too easily, you decided. 
"Also, I like having you here," Satoru says. 
You glance at him. He's watching the screen. 
"It's...nice." He admits after a bit. "To have company like this. It reminds me of back when I was younger. When the two of us lived in the dorms." 
When he was a student? Who was he talking about? You don't pry. It's clear he isn't talking to you. 
"I'm glad you're here," Satoru says. 
Lightly, you bump shoulders with him. Infinity doesn't stop you. 
"You're a sweet monster." You tell him. 
He gives a secret grin. 
Every once in a while, Gojo peeks into the bedroom while you're sleeping. 
He's subtle about it, doesn't make too much noise. You're a light sleeper, so it takes little to nothing to wake you up. 
He doesn't do anything. He stands there, shuffles here and there, hovering by the foot of the bed. You just pretend to be asleep in those cases, evening out your breaths, closing your eyes. It's always the same. He loiters around for a minute, and then he's shutting the door behind him. 
It's strange, but you try not to think too much of it. He was probably looking for something. It's his room after all. 
It's just...strange. 
You find it when you're looking through his book shelf. 
He doesn't have anything interesting to read. It's mainly just historical novels. You're perusing through one before a photograph falls out of the pages. 
It's tiny, barely larger than your palm. It only takes a second to realize what you're looking at. 
"Found your baby pictures." You gleefully tell Satoru when he comes back. 
"What?" He tilts his head; you wave the photo in front of him. When he tries to take it, you pull back. 
"Tiny Satoru!" You squeal. "Who knew you were once so small? I always thought you were born six feet over." 
It's a simple photograph, a little aged, but still clear. Satoru looks about eight, standing between a man and a woman. His face is eerily blank. He stares with no emotion, not even a smile. He isn't wearing sunglasses or a blindfold. Doll-like blue eyes. You don't feel like you're looking at a child. He's too-
"Are those your parents?" You ask, letting him take the photograph from you. 
"No," he says, "my caretakers." 
Caretakers. Not nannies, or anything else. It felt so clinical. You lean against his shoulder, still staring at the photograph. 
"You look cute." You finally say. When you peak over, a hint of a smile is twitching on his face. "But I totally agree with everyone. You look creepy. Like one of those children from the exorcist. Climbing over the walls." 
"I never grew out of that phase." Satoru ponders. You laugh. 
"What was it like?" You ask. "You said you're from a clan, right?" 
"Exhausting." Satoru groans. "Never a break from training. I should go back and sue my folks for child abuse. I could get millions." 
"I could help you with that." You pipe in. "I've never gone to law school, but I feel like I'd make a great lawyer." 
"I'll keep that in mind." He promises teasingly before his smile fades. 
"But that's the norm for most kids in jujutsu." He sighs. "Gotta' be perfect. Gotta' be the best, right from the beginning. There's a student I know who had a rough start, but she's the best in her class. Her clan didn't care about her potential. Those kids are all scary talented, they just need a bit of nurturing, that's all." 
You stare at him. He catches you. 
"What?" He asks, before his eyes widen. "Do I have a pimple?" 
You shake your head. "For some reason, I feel like that's impossible for you." You tease.
"I'm just admiring you, I think. For being such a kind person." 
"I thought we agreed I was a monster." Satoru points out. 
This again. You roll your eyes. 
"Fine, a good monster." You correct. "A monster, I know." 
"The monster you know." He repeats
You want to ask him why he's so insistent on that. For some reason, you hold your voice. 
Satoru's apartment had two bathrooms. Lately, the one in the bedroom has had some issues. 
It's been awkward lately trying to share the only working bathroom. Satoru and you shower at around the same time, so you've opted to hold back your morning routine a little later. You still manage to catch each other. The amount of times you've accidentally caught him walking around with nothing but a towel around his waist would be too mortifying to admit. 
But, so far, it's working. And you can't complain since you at least have one working bathroom. It's the little things. 
Tonight, you wake up to your bladder urging you to move. And yet, your body still wants to sleep. You check the time. It's nearly 2 in the morning.
It takes a while to pull yourself up, unraveling yourself from the covers before you're trudging out the bedroom. Satoru's apartment is so dark. It's a completely different look compared to daytime. You feel your way with the walls, letting your eyes adjust to the dark. When you peek over at the living room, Satoru isn't there. He must not be coming home tonight. 
The bathroom is shut, but there's a sliver of light bleeding under the door. Fuck, you did not shut the lights off last time. You need to be less careless. 
At first, you think Satoru's hurt. 
He looks hurt. He's hunched over, shaking shoulders, harsh breathing. You can only see his back, but he looks like he's in agony. You're about to step forward, ask what happened, and then you catch a glimpse of what he's clutching. 
Pretty, blue, laced panties. 
Your panties. 
And you're close enough to hear his voice whispering your name. Over and over again. 
"Fuck, fuck, baby, need you, just lemme-just lemme, all mine, all mine-"
He doubles over, tightening his grip on the edge of the sink. Your panties are damp. 
You flinch, and in your moment of panic, you step back. Creaky floorboards. 
Satoru looks up in the mirror. You don't move. 
He takes his time. Placing his phone down. Adjusting his pants, washing his hands. You can only stand there, frozen. Staring. Staring until he's in front of you, looking right back. 
You might have forgiven him if he had fumbled, laughed it off, became bashful. A human reaction. His face is eerily blank. He stares with no emotion, not even a smile. His eyes mirror that photograph. Doll-like, absolutely empty. 
Your eyes water. He turns blurry for a second. 
Satoru steps aside. You wordlessly enter the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. You don't bother locking. 
You don't know how long you stay there, quiet, shaking, your mind trying to piece together what you just saw. You stay there for hours. You stay there for seconds. Time stretches on like infinity itself, yet even then, it's too short. 
You're alone with him. It's a thought you never even had until now. You're alone with him. 
Satoru is outside. You don't look at him, staring at the floor, looking at the carpet, counting each strand. You keep your head down when you return to the bedroom. 
He follows. You say nothing. You don't look. You don't look, even when the covers shift and he gets into bed behind you. You don't look, even when there's a hand on your shoulder. You don't look, even when there's a chest pressed against your back. 
You shiver, you shake. You don't look. He says nothing, even when you break down completely. 
You wake up alone the next morning. 
You don't waste a second. You're stumbling through the room, picking up your clothes, packing everything that you need. You're so panicked that you manage to knock over an alarm clock. 
It's habit to reach down and pick it up. Learned politeness to scrutinize it to make sure it isn't broken. 
A black dot stares back at you. 
A camera. 
Horrible memories of last night come back. He was watching something on his phone. 
You feel nauseous, about to give all over the floor. You need to go. You needed to get out of there. 
The apartment is silent, like it always is when Satoru isn't here. You just hadn't noticed how cold it was, lifeless. It makes the pit on your stomach gap. You expect the windows to be bolted shut. They aren't. Sunlight streams through the glass. The front door is unbarred too. 
It's easy to leave. 
You stop anyway. One question. 
Where would you go? 
You can't go back home. Miyashiro's body still haunts you. His soul in your body, torn apart with such hatred and vitriol. Those people were still looking for you. The only reason you were still alive was because Miyashiro took your death bed. 
You'd die if you went back home. 
You can't go to jujutsu tech. You'd be expected to lay down your life, serve a maskless force that pretended to do good. You'd certainly die. Ripped apart by curses. 
You'd be slaughtered if you went to the school.
Every route is treacherous, nearly impossible, full of dangers and unknowns. 
At least, you know what Satoru wants. 
He's made it clear since the beginning. You were just willfully ignorant. Oblivious on purpose. More than happy to ignore the red flags because you knew he was a kind person to his students, ignoring the dichotomy of his actions. 
Two things can be right at once. 
Satoru won't stop you if you run. He told you that himself. You could leave if you wanted, and he won't follow. But every other path is filled with an intangible value, and Satoru is the monster you know. 
Your hand falls away from the doorknob. 
You get started on dinner.
You're still there when Satoru comes back. You say nothing. Neither does he. Dinner is a quiet affair. He doesn't talk about his day, he doesn't talk about his students. When you wash the plates, he's quietly standing behind you. When you get out of the shower, he's waiting outside the bathroom. 
You can't bring yourself to look at him until you get into bed. Your eyes trail up, past his legs, his shoulders, his neck. Looking into Satoru's crystal blue eyes. 
Blank. Numb. Empty. 
You think of the cameras. You think of your stolen underwear. 
You think of how much his eyes must hurt right then. 
You raise one hand out, grasping the sleeve of his shirt. It's barely a tug, but the monster follows like he's weightless, crawling into bed. He's too big to hold properly, but he sinks into your body anyway. His forehead rests against your chest. His eyes close. You don't feel that ice anymore. 
“What do you see, Satoru?” 
“Nothing.” A pause. A stilted breath. 
“Nothing but you.” 
He was right in the end. Satoru is a monster. There's no other word that can describe him. Inhuman, far above humanity itself. But he's the monster you'd pick, every single time.
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nilla03 · 2 months
𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 ☾
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➾𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑜 𝑜𝑛 𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐿𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑎 𝑙𝑗𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑜 ℎ𝑜𝑡
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝐿𝑎𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑔𝑒,𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑛𝑔, 𝑒𝑡𝑐
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Logan was forced to take you on a mission all because of your capability to read minds he was overly capable of going on this mission by himself but you had no choice in the matter. You weren’t exactly having the best time considering how intimidating he is and how overly sarcastic he is over everything. It got frustrating fast, what was more frustrating was how quiet it was in his truck and you weren’t in the mood to try to make conversation.
You could feel his eyes burn into your peripheral vision but you just ignored it and kept looking out the passenger window “Are you scared of me, kid?” You rolled your eyes and looked at him “Am I what?” He leaned back in his seat and kept one hand on the wheel “You look bothered by me, Bub” You messed with the necklace around your neck “Not bothered by you Logan just not in the mood to make conversation.” The smug look on his face gave your lie away. The truth is that you think he’s too attractive for his good and it made you even more annoyed.
The truck finally made its stop to the motel that you guys desperately needed to stay at and you desperately needed to shower and get little to no sleep. You made it out of the truck first and made your way to the entryway “Are you coming old man?” You smiled at him. You could see the look of disgust on his face “I’m not old.” He scoffed at you walking close behind you, You could smell his cologne he was so close to you.
He opened the door for you and waved for you to walk ahead of him you could hear his boots click behind you. You made your way up to the front desk and asked for a room key the worker gave you the key “The last room we have until tomorrow.” The worker said to us. You nodded at him and grabbed Logan’s arm “Come on, big man” you smirked at him
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You guys navigated to your room and had Logan unlock it for you guys while you held each other’s belongings, you heard Logan sigh “That’s fuckin’ great” You followed him into the room and noticed how there was only one bed in the middle of the room. Yeah that is great.. you said to yourself
“I can take the floor tonight, you’ve been driving all day I know you need the sleep.” You placed the bags on the floor next to the bed “I’m gonna get cleaned up.” He nodded
You brushed your teeth and washed your face quickly so Logan could use the bathroom after you.
“Hey, Logan-“ you went to say but he wasn’t in the room until you looked by the sliding glass door the Jack Daniel’s bottle in his hand all while he was leaning against the side, Looking outside.
His t-shirt clung to his body and you could see every muscle through it.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked with curiosity. He looked down at you “Nothing” You gave him a look “You can’t lie to me, you know.”
He walked back into the room and closed the door behind him “What do you think about when you look at me, Hm? You look at me like I terrify you.”
You needed to play dumb “Logan you don’t terrify me.” He steps towards you leaving a small gap between you two “Then tell the truth.”
You placed your hands on his stomach trying to put some distance between the two of you “Logan I can’t.” He held your wrists “Then let me.”
You knew exactly what he was going to say before he could even make the sentence out “Logan don’t say it, you can’t” you pointed at the both of you “We can’t do this.” He placed his hands on your face.
his face close to yours “Please just let me show you what I’m thinking” You put your hands on his arms “But we can’t” his face got closer to yours his lips barely on yours just craving to touch you.
You beat him to it and put your lips on his, he consumed everything his lips were so soft against yours, and his teeth nipped at your bottom lip. He groaned and pushed himself away from you “Fuck, we can’t no matter how much we want to. We can’t”
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ashleysturn · 2 months
dirty laundry - matt sturniolo
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context: after a long day of filming with matt and his brothers you’re spending the night at their house. you decide to take a shower before bed.
“i set a towel in the bathroom” matt says
“thanks” i grab my bag and walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
i undress myself and get into the shower.
-a few mins later
knock knock “hey y/n?”
“uh yeah?”
“i’m about to throw a load of laundry in, can i grab your clothes?”
i hold the shower curtain closed fully “uh sure thanks”
the bathroom door opens and i hear matt step in “alright cool, sorry carry on”
he leaves the bathroom with my clothes and shuts the door behind him.
i get out of the shower and dry off with the towel matt left out for me. i rummage through my bag looking for my pajamas.
i pull out a matching bra and panties set and a soft velvet hello kitty pajama set- shorts and a tank top.
i get dressed and wrap my hair up in the towel.
i do my skincare and put lotion on my body
i walk out of the bathroom and down the corridor to the living room where everyone else is hanging out.
“how was your shower?” matt asks
“uhm good, thanks” i sit down on the couch next to him.
later that night after chatting and watching a funny movie, nick and chris head up to bed.
“are you getting tired y/n?”
i nod my head “a bit”
matt gets up and stretches “i might head to bed honestly”
“okay.” i pause “wait is the laundry done? i have to leave early i don’t want to forget it.”
matt pauses, his face almost turns white “uh yeah it should be. i’ll go check”
i follow him to the laundry room.
he gets on his knees and opens the dryer “hmm” he rummages through
“here” he hands me my shorts, tshirt, and bra
i smile and take them “thanks.”
“i- uh.”
matt looks up at me “what is it? did they shrink?”
i shake my head “no i’m just missing something, can i look through the rest?”
matt sighs and scratches the back of his neck “uh yeah go ahead. i’m gonna go to bed”
he walks into his room on the other side of the hallway, and i start looking though the laundry.
where the fuck are my panties?
i look through all the laundry but can’t find them. damn it. my dirty panties are here somewhere.
i retrace my steps. i look in the bathroom, behind the sink, in the hallway, under the washing machine, i dig through my bag.
i guess i’ll i look for them the morning. i mean i wouldn’t care if they were clean but i wore them all day filming.
-in the morning-
my alarm goes off early. i groan- i hate getting up early.
i’m assuming i’m only person awake in the house, the triplets always sleep in.
i get my belongings together and knock on matt’s door
“matt?” i knock again
i hear noises and shifting coming from behind the door.
“hey matt? you said you’d take me home” i open the door
my eyes widen and my jaw drops. i see my panties in matt’s hand wrapped around his dick
“fuck y/n! get out!” he yanks his blanket over his lap
“fuck sorry sorry!” i turn around and slam the door
what the fuck just happened
a few moments later matt walks out of his room “y/n im sorry i-“
“no i shouldn’t of just walked in” i interrupt, shaking my head
matt nods awkwardly “so uh.. you need me to take you home?”
i pause for a moment before changing the subject. “were those my..”
“yeah.” matt says ashamedly, looking at his feet.
i look down as well, i see an obvious tent in matt’s shorts- which were on backwards since he quickly threw them on.
he bites his bottom lip “i- uh”
“i mean i don’t have to go home quite yet” i shrug my shoulders
matt looks up at me with a confused look in his eyes
“i can stay for a bit.” i glance down at matt’s crotch
matt smiles mischievously, he reaches out and grabs my hands, guiding them down to his bulge. butterflies fill my stomach.
i let him guide my hands, i wrap my hand around matt’s clothed dick, he lets out a groan, shooting his head back.
“come to my room” he says huskily, stumbling to reach for the doorknob behind him.
i follow after him into the room. i sit down on the edge of his bed. he shuts and locks the door
Matt walks up to me and pushes me back on the bed which catches me by surprise.
he spreads my legs apart by my knees and crawls on top of me. i look up at him with needy eyes.
he pushes his hair out of his face and lifts his shirt off before pulling me closer to him by my hips
“fuck are you sure?” matt and looks down at me.
i nod my head “mhm.”
i lift off the bed a bit and slide off my shorts
i notice matt glancing down and biting his bottom lip
he places his hand softly on my jaw and lifts up my face to look him in the eyes. he leans in and presses a gentle kiss to my lips.
i let out a soft moan against his lips and wrap my arms around him.
matt reaches down and places his fingers on my clit through my panties, the sudden contact sending a shiver through my body. fuck.
“this okay pretty girl?” he speaks as he starts tracing shapes over my clit
my breath hitches “yeah.. yes” i look back to him with needy eyes.
matt traces the elastic waistband of my panties and slowly slides his hand under them
“mmm- you’re so wet for me” matt groans.
“please matt” i whine
“tell me what you want y/n” he teases my entrance with his fingers
“matt” i lift up the lower half of my body for more contact
“say it” he starts to slowly push a finger into me
“oh fuck. more.. please” i beg
matt pushes a second finger in and starts pumping in and out of me. he curls his fingertips up to hit my g-spot. each bit of contact sending shockwaves through my body.
“feels so fucking good” i spit out
matt grins as he continues to finger me. my stomach ties up in a knot and my walls pulse around his fingers.
i see matt’s eyes darken. he can definitely feel that i’m close. his hair is sticking to his forehead and his teeth are sunken into his bottom lip
i grip onto his back, my nails leaving marks
“finish on my fingers y/n” he quickens the pace, hitting my g-spot with every pump
i practically lift off the bed, my legs shaking sporadically. that pressure in my stomach releases and i clench around matt’s fingers. i let out a shriek and matt’s spare hand goes to cover my mouth
“good girl” he slowly pulls out his fingers and sucks my juices off of them. “you taste so good”
i pant and look up at him. “you can take more, yeah?”
i nod my head. matt slides down his shorts and boxers in one motion.
he strokes himself a few times before lining up his tip to me.
he’s so big.
“ready pretty girl?”
i nod my head again. i have no words.
matt grins and slowly pushes into me
“can you spread your legs more for me?” he gently pushes my legs apart more.
he slowly pumps in and out of me with only half of his length stretching me out.
“you’re so big” i moan. matt just shakes his head
“you okay?” he brushes my hair out of my face
“mhm” i nod my head.
i wince as matt bottoms out, he lets out a whimper.
“so tight” he starts to thrust into me faster. he leans down to place kisses on my neck.
matt reaches under my shirt and up to my chest. he runs his fingertips over my nipples, i let out a moan
“fuck your noises are so pretty” matt thrusts faster into me “i’m gonna cum y/n”
my stomach knots up again and my walls tighten around matt’s dick
he lets out a whimper and i feel warmth filling me up
“fuck sorry” he slowly pulls out and a string of white gushes out of me. he uses his discarded shirt to clean me off. the fabric touching me when i’m so sensitive makes me shiver
i smile. “thanks matt.”
matt crashes down next to me and opens his arms for me to lay on his chest.
“you should leave your dirty laundry here more often he teases”
i giggle, my head laid on his chest.
“i’m keeping those panties by the way” he laughs, wrapping his arms tighter around me.
an: i loveddd writing this. it’s been in my drafts for like a week but i just finished it hehe hope u enjoy 💋
((also not fully proofread sorry. also my next fic will be chris!))
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jjunieworld · 18 days
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the night that your boyfriend came home from his underground boxing gig with bloody knuckles, a split lip, and a black eye was when you knew things had to change for the good.
pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ choi yeonjun x fem!reader 𓄵 iηcℓudᥱs 𓈓 none!
genre﹙📄﹚⸝⸝⸝ established relationship, some angst, smut, underground boxer!yeonjun, ballerina!reader, boxer au, yeonjun has red hair hehe, boxing inaccuracies
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ unprotected sex, oral (m. rec) / deep throating, soft dom!yeonjun, creampie, cumshots / facial, slight hair pulling, riding, soft-ish sex overall honestly, mentions of bloodied wounds and bruises (black eye)
kipo’s note ‎⸝⸝⸝ literally immediatelyyy wrote this as i ate dinner lmao, but guys yeonjun’s mixtape!!! i’m so excited!! (ノ^◡^)ノ i can already tell it’s gonna be so so good, so this is in celebration of it before i post his birthday fic hehe ^^ i hope that you enjoy!! ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ︵͡ 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 (⌒‿⌒)♡
∿ [ 1.4k ] ⋆ [ continue on to . . . masterlist ]
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yeonjun came home mere minutes after you did. you were sitting at your small dining room table in the dark, the only light provided in the room coming from the stove light. you sighed deeply as you went over this month’s bills.
“what’s wrong, baby?” you heard yeonjun say, followed by a low wince. you swirled around in the chair, eyes widening as you took in the scene before you.
yeonjun had a blackening eye, a split bloody lip, and bloodied knuckles. he was still in his boxing apparel with a jacket hanging limply from his shoulders. you stood from your seat, hands flying to your mouth.
“oh my god, what happened?!”
you rushed to him, examining his wounds and bruises. yeonjun lifted one of his hands in yours to cup your cheek. “it’s nothing. just some guys who got mad that they didn’t win the match.” he tried to give you a comforting smile, but his brows knitted together from the pain of it.
a deep sigh emitted from you again as you brought him to the dining table and pushed him down in the chair you were previously sitting in. “where?” you demanded as you dug through a kitchen drawer for the first-aid kit. once you found it, you sat it down on the table in front of yeonjun.
“the alleyway outside of the building…” yeonjun trailed.
“the alleyw—” you cut yourself off as you ran you hands down your face as you shook your head. you walked to the bathroom for the hydrogen peroxide and when you came back to the dining table yeonjun was looking over the bills. there was a large wad of cash next to where you placed the first-aid kit.
you started to get the supplies out to clean his wounds when he spoke up again. “i won, baby! aren’t you proud?” he smiled up at you while leaning back in the chair. you couldn’t help the smile that started to grow on your face, and his grew with yours, but you quickly steadied your features as you tried to be serious.
“you better have made it hurt,” you said firmly, the smile growing again ever so slightly. you took the soaked cotton ball and dabbed it on his lip to clean it.
“if you think i look bad, you should see the other guys.”
“good,” you spoke as you finished. you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as worry spread across your face.
loosening the tight bun your hair was in, you moved on to yeonjun’s bloody knuckles. “you can’t keep doing this, yeonjun. we need to figure something else out.” you pulled the cotton ball away from his knuckles slightly as he winced, body lightly jolting from the pain. the worry deepened on your face as you waited a moment before cleaning again. “you can’t keep getting hurt like this. what if something worse happened than some bloody knuckles, a split lip, and a black eye?” you continued.
yeonjun looked down as you started to wrap his knuckles. you knew he was doing all he could for the two of you, and you appreciated his efforts immensely, but what if this opponent harmed him more than he was? what if instead of sitting in front of you right now, he was still in that alley lying on the ground bloodied as rain fell around him? you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if he were to ever get seriously hurt—you loved him too much.
“i know,” yeonjun said sullenly, ���i promise we can figure something else out in the morning.” you put the first-aid stuff away and he grabbed your face so you looked at him. “i promise,” he repeated firmly.
you nodded and he dragged his thumbs across your cheeks comfortingly before gently placing his lips onto yours. you quickly pulled away, “your lip!”
“doesn’t hurt,” yeonjun replied, kissing you again. “i have a good nurse.”
he turned towards the wad of cash on the table. “i can finally get you those pointe shoes you’ve been needing, and we’ll still have a lot left over.” yeonjun turned back to you and smiled.
you shook your head as you smiled at him, “you are ridiculous!” yeonjun laughed, placing his forehead against yours. “ridiculous, but completely worth it.”
yeonjun pulled away, his eyes sparkling from the stove light. “now, are you gonna show me how proud you are?” he asked lowly. your smile grew.
“if your lip splits open more you’re cleaning it yourself,” you replied.
soon, clothes were discarded all over your shared living room. yeonjun’s arms were spread out across the back of the couch, head thrown back as pretty moans floated from his parted lips. you were between his open legs, warm mouth wrapped around his big, thick cock. your head bobbed up and down and you hollowed your cheeks as you took more of him into your mouth, hands wrapped around his length that you couldn’t reach.
“fuck, fuck, fuck—” yeonjun inhaled sharply as his hips thrusted up. you gagged, unprepared for the more length that suddenly went down your throat. “s-shit, baby, gonna cum!” yeonjun said through a strangled moan.
smiling through your watery eyes, your tongue circled the tip of his flushed cock. yeonjun hung his head towards you, face twisted in pleasure. you dragged your tongue across his slit before pulling your mouth off his cock in a lewd ‘pop!’
you then stroked his length with both of your hands, aiding him towards his oncoming release. yeonjun dug his fingers into the couch cushions as his hips thrusted up again, breathing falling heavily from his mouth. a deep whine was pulled from him before his warm, white cum splattered all over your face and tits.
giggling softly, you pumped him a few more times to help him ride out his high as he slumped back onto the couch. the rest of his load spilled down your hands until you were sure he was milked dry. “feel better?” you asked quietly as you got from your knees and leaned towards him, hands splayed across his thighs to hold yourself up. yeonjun nodded, eyes cracking open to smile at you.
“c’mere,” he said in a hushed voice and grabbed your hips. yeonjun pulled you onto him so you straddled him, his lips attaching to yours in a heated kiss—disregarding his recent release still on your face. he pulled away to grab his still hard cock, stroking it a couple times. the wet sounds filled the air around you and you stood on your knees to sink down onto him.
the two of you moaned loudly as you sunk down fully. you felt completely full of him and the feeling alone could’ve sent you right over the edge. you gripped the tips of his bright red hair glowing from the lights coming through the open blinds in your apartment that the two of you forgot to shut and pulled to pull his head back. you sloppily kissed him, completely forgetting about the fact that his lip was split.
you rolled your hips towards him, moaning against his mouth, as your eyes squeezed shut. yeonjun’s fingers dug into your hips as you moved them more and settled on a pace you liked.
obscene sounds emitted from the two of you as you rocked closer and closer to your orgasm. moans spilled from your lips against yeonjun’s and your brows furrowed. “j-jjunie—” you moaned. his hands traveled to your waist, pulling you against him as he rocked his hips up in time with yours.
that completely sent you over the edge—and seemingly yeonjun as well as the two of you came together at the same time. body shaking, you whimpered as your mixed cum poured out of you and down his cock, creating a mess underneath you. you sighed blissfully, wrapping your arms around yeonjun’s neck and resting your head on his shoulder.
after you both calmed down from your shared high, you said softly, “if you come home with any more cuts and bruises i’m gonna kick your ass, understand?” yeonjun laughed, hand rubbing up and down your back as he nodded.
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934 notes · View notes
droolypupboy · 7 months
tips for solo puppy play!!
pup play doesn’t have to be a partnered activity and solo play can be EXTREMELY fulfilling. you deserve to explore your headspace 🫶🫶 i have another post for more general tips for feeling more puppy, you can check that out here, a lot of things on there are ALSO applicable for solo pups.
warning, this is not for puppy regressors!! this is an nsfw post and probably not safe for u if you regress while online. stay safe, sfw puppies.
i would recommend checking out the above post if you want more details on the following: playing fetch alone, puppy snacks, & oral fixation!! all those things can help a LOT for solo pups but since i already went into so much detail previously, this post will have its own unique set of tips. i’m a puppy & i own a puppy sub so im super smart and you should listen 2 me!!!!
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🐾 eating from a dog bowl can help a lot!! but even if that is inaccessible or not to your taste, you can just sit/lay on your tummy on the ground and eat small snacks from a plate. be careful of choking if you choose to lay!!
🐾 make little pup noises!! if you feel yourself going nonverbal and you’re in a place where you’re safe and comfy and have the time, lean into it. make little “hmph” noises when you’re confused, little squeaks when you’re excited, whine and pant, do all the things!! these can be used both sexually and nonsexually. it should come naturally if it’s gonna happen but there’s nothing wrong with doing it on purpose to get the ball rolling.
🐾 you can either invest in a large dog bed OR you can make a little nest of pillows and blankets.
🐾 being on all fours, sitting on the floor, & laying on your tummy are wonderful. inaccessible?? that’s okay!! these are enhancers, not necessities.
🐾 ALL you need for this is a bedroom and some random items. find some things (bad options are things like keys, lighters, phones, anything you use super frequently) to hide and go find again. the more space you have the better but even in smaller spaces, it can be VERY fun to lean into.
🐾 tilt your head in confusion, nudge and “paw” at things, nip and bite at things (safely, clean things, nothing that could hurt you or that you could choke on).
🐾 if you can afford it, invest in a knot style toy. it can help a lot in feeling like you’re small getting used by a bigger dog if that’s your thing. toys with suction cups are amazing too, the less you have to work, the better!!
🐾 do NOT be afraid to use pup centered asmr. it’s available on many many places but most accessibly, youtube & soundgasm through the site flaru. its not cringe, its not silly, it can be rlly good for the headspace. if you’re not sure if you’ll like it, give it a go!! why not??
🐾 invest in dog toys if you can!! make sure to clean them thoroughly before putting them in your mouth, stored r nasty, don’t use any that an actual dog has used only use fresh ones. if you can’t do that, chewelry, largely available on etsy and marketed for sensory issues (which yes, it does work for as well) is a really nice & discreet option.
🐾 go to town if you have a PRIVATE back yard!! run around!! have the zoomies!! chase toys (do not put them in your mouth if you’re playing outside)!! just have a good time.
🐾 press your nose against the window and watch the birds & squirrels & any other animals outside!!
🐾 overstimulation!! it’s rlly good, lose yourself, don’t stop until you can’t take it anymore. silly pups need to get fucked stupid.
🐾 slobber on toys (of the sfw AND nsfw variety), suck your fingers, get messy eating a popsicle or something similar. spit can be VERY puppy if you can handle the mess
that’s all for now, silly pups!! have fun, play safe, be kind to yourself, and remember that all of us puppies are different and unique. what makes one person feel puppy might not make the next person feel puppy. figure out what works for YOU. being puppy is an independent journey 🐕🦴🐾🎾
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planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Male Reader x Nayeon
Tags: 17k, smut, cheating
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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The clean swish and smack of Nayeon’s golf club broke the air as she tee’d off, her driver swinging high over her head as she sent the smart white ball flying down the fairway of the expensive club. It was a good strike and you watched as she made the yards to the green, setting a decent marker.
She is a good golfer and it was always fun to play with her because she gave a great challenge. Another benefit standing behind watching her tee off, seeing the skirt of her golf outfit fly up as she bounced and twisted, how her perky tits jiggled when she put herself into it. Nayeon watched it land then stepped aside to offer space for you to follow.
“Oppa, your turn,” she said, smiling at you.
“No problem,” you said, stepping up. You’d been working together for years now. and you were part business partner, part friend frankly. You weren’t perhaps the typical kind of person she was friends with and she knew other companions of hers looked down a little on you, but she enjoyed your company and you’re good at golf. You had rather an over-the-top frat boy kind of reputation, someone who somewhat hadn’t grown up in ways and yet you were well off and in business with her.
Your investment was invaluable so she had no reason to change things, and whenever you were together, you’d always a bit flirtatious with one another. It had always been that way despite you knowing full well she was taken and she figured it was a harmless joke, on top of that she figured that charming you would only be a benefit to her company as she kept you sweet.
That was what she told herself, but truth was she rather enjoyed the attention you paid her even if it did mean you was staring at her ass while she swung, but lots of men did that and plenty of women too so she wasn’t too concerned. Today though things felt a bit different, somehow more intense or at risk of going further, she didn’t know why but couldn’t help but play to it.
“Ok, watch this,” you said, lining yourself up and reaffirming your grip on the handle of the club.
“I’m gonna,” she smiled, teasing you a little as she was in the lead. Her skill matched her beauty and she was as keen a competitor for you as you were for her. With a strong smack you sent the ball down the fairway, seeing it drift as it was caught by a gust of wind.
“Aishh,” you said, watching it sailing towards the rough at the side, far from where you had intended.
“Ooh another bad drive there,” she said, knowing it had possibly bought her the game.
“That wind, just completely the wrong timing,” you said, sighing as you walked back to grab your bag and prepare for the next shot.
“Sure, the wind, not that lack of skill,” she teased with a wink as she stepped past you.
“We’re not all as perfect as you Nay,” you shot back, reached out to smack her ass on the way past as she giggled. You both seemed more playful that day like there was something in the air; started out with a drink before playing which you didn’t normally do and maybe that was part of it, Nayeon feeling energetic and loose as you both headed out on the beautiful day to play some golf. The course was quiet, and you had plenty of time to enjoy yourselves, alternating between banter and strikes as you worked your way around.
“Maybe you should focus more on the game” she murmured, glancing back temptingly.
“It’s hard when the view right here is so good,” you replied.
“Learn to multitask,” she countered as you followed her down the fairway. You walked deliberately behind her to watch the short, caramel pleated skirt she had on sway side-to-side around her toned thighs, showing off her shapely legs and giving just a glimpse of her panties when it flicked up. Normally she’d wear shorts underneath for modesty reasons but she’d felt more fun and wanted to play around today so had a pair of bright pink cotton panties on instead which gave you a colorful glimpse any time she moved right.
“You’re gonna need a good shot to get back on it here,” she marveled, seeing your ball well off course now.
“Just take your shot, show me what you got,” you said, indicating her ball.
“So you can stand back and look at my ass?” she asked.
“Sure, if I’m gonna lose I may as well get something out of it,” you smiled.
“Well fine, watch my ass as I beat you,” she said with a playful roll of her eyes, selecting a club and stepping up to her ball. She took a moment to set herself up then swung an excellent shot to get it straight onto the green, bouncing firmly without too much momentum to roll in close to the pin.
“Very nice,” you commented.
“My ass, or my shot?” she joked, glancing back.
“Both, as you well know,” you replied.
“Always good to hear it,” she said, turning and stepping out the way. You went to your ball and eyed it up, knowing your shot wouldn’t be so easy as it had rolled into a bit of a dip down from the edge of the fairway, just making it that bit trickier as it rested in the rough. You took the club and set your feet, eyeing it up, imagining the perfect way to make it work. You took a breath and steadied your grip before striking it cleanly, a good hit but you’d already left yourself work to do from the first shot.
“Not bad, Oppa,” Nayeon called, seeing you get it onto the edge of the green. It would leave a long putt but was a decent recovery.
“Could have been worse.”
“Doesn’t matter anyway, I’m done here,” she smirked, stepping up with her putter. You just watched her take a strong stance, loving her legs as she firmly positioned herself, pushed her ass out and then putted neatly, sending her ball rolling tidily across the cropped grass to dip perfectly into the hole.
“Told you,” she said, grinning as she walked over to pick up her ball. You gave her a congratulatory clap as she bent over to fish it out, making sure not to crouch and instead bending at the waist to let her skirt retreat over her peachy ass and show it off in her cute pink panties for you. Nobody else was around and she wanted to have some fun, and besides it could only put you off your game.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” you said, rolling your eyes, stepping in with your own putter. Nayeon just watched on as you made your long putt, missing the hole though not by much. You let out a disappointed sigh as it came to a halt near the hole before walking over and tapping it in, nudging the pin as it dropped in, leaving you one over par.
“Damn, could be worse,” you mused, picking it up and carrying it to your clubs.
“Could be better, too,” she smiled.
“I know, I know.”
“Still behind me,” she teased, tipping her bag onto its wheels and starting for the final hole on the game.
“There’s worse places to be,” you replied, watching her go as you put the putter away, sure she was swaying her hips a bit more than usual.
“You’re about to get beaten by a girl, yet again,” she teased as you caught up to her.
“No way, I’m gonna turn this around.”
“Not a chance, Oppa,” she smiled, “it’s not your day.”
“We’ll see,” you replied.
“Yeah, we’ll see me winning is what,” she says as she stopped at the tee for the final hole.
“No way, I’ve got some magic here for the last hole, gonna be a cinematic victory,” you said determinedly.
“You haven’t been able to find the hole,” she laughed, knowing the two shot lead she held would be plenty to win it on the final par three.
“I’ve got this,” you boasted, your confidence irritating her.
“Well you know what, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is,” she said, a slight snap to her voice.
“How so?”
“A bet, if you can pull back and win this game,” she said.
“What do you want? What do I have that the lovely Nayeon could possibly want?” you asked.
“Your car,” she said after thinking for a moment.
“My car?”
“Your car, that black Porsche you love so much, I want it,” she said. She knew you loved that car and had spent a lot of time on it, so taking it off you would be a kick in the teeth and really take you down a peg.
“And if I win?” you asked after a measured pause to consider it, “you’re gonna streak around this course naked.”
“Naked?” she said, heart surging as she was caught a bit by surprise.
“In your birthday suit,” you said with a smirk. You’d intended it as a joke and a bit of banter more than anything and was stunned when she answered.
“Deal,” she said, holding out her hand to shake on the deal. She was so sure she’d win the bet even if you did a good job on the final hole that it wouldn’t matter and she’d never have to pay her end. She was gonna walk away from this with your Porsche.
“Then let’s go,” you said, offering her the tee.
“Thanks,” she said, finding her driver and stepping up.
“Tell me, Oppa, how many girls you fucked on the back seat of that Porsche?”
“A few, why? You wanna be one of us?” you replied.
“Maybe, but I’ll do that when it’s my car. I’ll get it all cleaned first,” she said, blowing you a somewhat venomous kiss as she lined up her drive.
“We’ll see,” you said, watching her take position. You were quiet as she took her shot, putting her off never an option as you both wanted a clean fight despite the ribbing. She swung strongly, smacking her ball down the fairway nicely on target though it pulled a little to the left and ended up near the green but with a slightly longer shot than she was hoping for. With her skill however she had little concern of making par.
“Good start,” you said, watching her walking back to you.
“Good enough. Kiss your Porsche goodbye,” she smiled.
“It ain’t over till it’s over,” you replied, swapping with her to take the tee. Nayeon stood back and watched you set up, taking a few more seconds than normal as you scouted out the pin in the bright sunshine, watching the trees swaying with the breeze. You stood up, straightened your back and took position, hands settling on the club before you pulled back for the strike. Your club swung high over your head and then swept back down in a perfect arc to hit the ball cleanly and send it arcing into the air.
The tee snapped cleanly and flew down the grass a few feet as Nayeon watched it soar into the air, knowing immediately it was a good drive and so did you, staring in joy at the quality strike. You both followed it intently, watching it land onto the green with a bounce, then another, rolling perfectly on track for the pin.
“No, no!” Nayeon almost shouted as her heart rate raced, seeing what was about to happen.
“Yeaah, come on, come on!” You shouted with ascending volume, willing the ball to make it. Both of you stared for a final second as it trailed to a near stop—then dropped into the hole.
“Oh come on!” Nayeon shouted in anguish as you leapt into the air, whooping in joy and knowing you’d made a huge step forward.
“How’s that for a cinematic finish?” you said, grinning broadly. You grabbed the bag and pushed the driver back in, hoisting it onto your shoulder so you could get to the green and admire your incredible shot in person.
“You haven’t won anything yet,” she countered miserably, feeling the pressure immediately and knowing she had to stay cool. She had to finish on par to end the game on a tie, meaning neither of you got the prize.
“Heat’s on, Nay” you smiled, heading down the course ahead of her as she wheeled her bag behind you. You took a moment to lift the ball from the cup and hold it up for her.
“Hole in one! You never expected that did you?” you shouted, relishing your incredible drive and fortune.
“No, but it won’t matter,” she replied, heading for her ball off to the side of the green. You walked off and tucked your ball away separately, wanting to keep it to remember your victorious moment.
“Time to shine, Nayeon,” you said, standing back to watch her lining up her next shot. She’d been under pressure before and knew she was fine, breathing calmly and taking her time to get ready. With a neat swish of the club the ball flew up over the crest of the green and rolled towards the pin, stopping around six feet away for what should be an easy putt to draw the round.
“I’ve got it,” she nodded to you, steely and cool.
“All rides on this, you gotta finish this right here,” you said, still smiling as she swapped over to her putted.
“No problem, I can do this in my sleep,” she replied, shutting you from her mind as she stepped up onto the green and focused. You didn’t disturb her, watching her legs and taking another glimpse of her panties again as the skirt fluttered in the wind, seeing how focused she was on her shot. It was the shot to tie it up and she breathed calmly and took a neat, short putt of the ball. It rolled directly towards the pin, on target, moving swiftly...a little too swiftly, as at the last moment it hooked round the rim of the hole and trickled away again.
There was silence except for the wind for a second, Nayeon’s heart pounding as she realized what it meant. She’d missed...and lost the game, and the bet along with it.
“I thought you could do that in your sleep?” you smiled. She said nothing, just staring at the ball.
“And I must be dreaming, because you’re gonna be getting naked in a minute,” you grinned.
“Shut up,” she said, hiding a blush as she stepped to the ball, “let me finish.”
You just watched as she resumed her game and lined up the easy, very short putt. It hardly mattered now, if she made it, she’d be one shot down, if she didn’t and took another, she’d be two. Either way she’d lost and that meant your Porsche would stay yours...and you’d get to see her run about naked. Nayeon easily made the short putt, the ball tricking the foot or so it needed to drop into the cup. She swiftly picked it up and headed back to her bag as you clapped for her.
“Good game, good game,” you said.
“That was close, you lucky bastard,” she replied, smiling at you. It was good fun there was no doubt.
“And you get to keep your car.”
“And I also get to see you naked,” you added immediately.
“Oh come on, we were just messing around, just a joke right,” she said, trying to play it off and diffuse you immediately before it got going.
“Not a chance, you’d have wanted the Porsche wouldn’t you?” you said.
“Yeah I want it, but I wouldn’t have actually expected it,” she said hurriedly. It wasn’t true, she knew she’d have demanded the car.
“Bullshit, a deal’s a deal,” you said.
“Come on, no way. This place is too open, what if someone sees me?” she replied.
“That’s the idea, and you took the bet.”
“How about I flash you? Come on,” she said, trying to buy you with a quick glance at her tits.
“No chance. We had a bet, and you lost,” you said, looking at her sternly.
“I know,” she replied.
“So take your clothes off,” you ordered. She dropped her putted back into her bag, turning around to look at you.
“Seriously?” she asked, hoping for a last chance to back out of the bet she’d just stupidly made.
“Yeah, seriously. Hold up your end of the bargain,” you smiled. Nayeon gave a sigh and had a quick scout round, looking for anyone else.
“Longer you wait the more chance someone else is gonna come up here,” you teased.
“Ok ok!” she snapped, irritated at losing the bet but knowing it was only her hubris to blame. She took another glance around as she grabbed her top and pulled it up over her head quickly, throwing the caramel cotton aside to expose her black sports bra that supported her perky tits nicely...but didn’t stop her nipples poking through.
“You’re the first guy to see me do this in quite a while,” she commented.
“I’m honoured,” you replied, just taking in her stunning figure and tight body, muscles toned as she quickly reached down to undo her shoes. She pulled them off with her socks and then stood back up to grab her skirt, casting another look around and undoing the zip before she let it drop round her feet to reveal the pink panties she’d been teasing you with.
“Very nice,” you smiled as she kicked the skirt aside, standing in just her underwear as you took in her slender figure, loving her round, firm ass and the sweet bulge of her pussy. Nayeon hoped it’d be enough and you’d let her get away with just seeing her in her bra and panties, feeling the fresh breeze blow around her exposed body.
“Keep going,” you said.
“Come on, this is more than you’ve ever seen,” she argued.
“That’s not the bet.”
“Screw the bet, nobody else gets to see me this way,” she said.
“The bet was naked,” you replied.
“Come on this is plenty, aren’t you pleased?” she said, jiggling herself a little as she giggled, arching her back to push her chest out.
“And you get a good look at my ass this way,” she said, turning to shake her hips at you, letting you see her lovely ass.
“Not just those little peeks up my skirt that you take,” she teased, chiding you playfully.
“I’ll get an even better look if you take those panties off,” you smiled, pointing at the hot pink cotton.
“I think it’s better when something’s covered up, more mysterious,” she teased, flicking the elastic of her panties.
“You’d best take them off so I can compare,” you offered.
“I can do something else for you, how about it?” she tried.
“I don’t want anything more than this right now,” you smiled.
“You kept your car, how about I get you something for it?”
“Unless you’re joining me on the back seat that’s not gonna top this,” you grinned.
“Come on,” she tried again, “you don’t need to see me naked.”
“No, but I want to,” you smiled.
“We’re friends though,” she tried.
“And you lost a bet. You shook hands with me on the agreement that you’d streak naked around this golf course if I won the round,” you pointed out.
“And you bet me your car, bet you wouldn’t have given me it,” she protested.
“How long have we been friends? You know I’m a man of my word, I’d have given you the Porsche,” you said.
“This isn’t fair though!” she complained.
“How isn’t it? We had a deal, a straight bet, and you lost. You just got cocky,” you replied.
“And you got lucky!”
“Maybe so, but the result is the same, so pay up,” you ordered her.
“Not gonna let me out of this one, are you?” she said with a resigned smile and a sigh.
“Not a chance, so strip naked,” you said. Nayeon breathed deeply and steeled herself, knowing she was blushing as she felt the heat of her face as she reached for her sports bra.
“Quickly you’ve already wasted enough time,” you teased.
“Don’t you ever tell anyone about this,” she warned, looking at you sternly then peeling her sports bra over her head to let her perky tits bounce free.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, eyes locked onto her gorgeous tits with their firm nipples as she stripped off and threw her bra aside with her other clothes.
“And your fans think you’re so innocent,” you teased as she pushed her hands into her panties.
“Shut up, just...enjoy,” she said quietly, unable to think of anything else as she pushed her panties down and let them drop to her feet. You watched as the thin cotton was moved and she straightened up nervously, glancing around as you took in her stunning body complete with her totally smooth, shaven pussy.
“Oh, very nice,” you said, as she blushed heavily.
“You keep your pussy shaved, that’s hot,” you said, your cock stiffening fully in your shorts as the stunning idol stripped naked in front of you
“Shut up, it’s just how I like it,” she said.
“Shave or laser?” you asked, seeing how smooth she was.
“Shave,” she replied.
“You do a good job then, damn that’s smooth,” you said as your gaze fixed on her pussy.
“Thanks,” she muttered at the sort-of compliment.
“Now get running,” you said, indicating the wide open space that was still thankfully deserted.
“What?” she blurted out, mind not keeping up, still too embarrassed.
“Come on, streak, as you bet you would,” you ordered.
“Come on, go!” you said, smacking her ass hard and spurring her into action, Nayeon running away from the green on her bare feet. Her toes pressed into the neatly cut grass, feeling the cool vegetation between her toes and under her heels as she ran down the fairway and into the rough. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she looked around for anyone else, hearing your whistles of encouragement as she ran naked around the golf course.
You watched her round ass jiggling as she ran, working with every step of her strong legs that powered her rapidly down the fairway towards the tee, hoping nobody else saw her do it. She breathed hard as she got near then turned around, heading back to you, her tits bouncing hard as she ran, her slender body on full display. She knew you were taking everything in and absorbing it all, knowing you’d jerk off at the thought of it later on as she glanced around.
She realized that she was having fun though, performing for you and taking a chance, showing herself off for you and anyone else that might catch a glimpse of her. The exhibitionism was exhilarating, freeing almost as she shed her clothes and showed off for the world and despite the fear she loved it, feeling the characteristic tingle as her pussy wettened and excitement ran through her. Turned on, she slowed a little to make it last longer, for herself as much as for you, smiling at you as she dropped to a walk on the last few feet towards you that gave you ample opportunity to take in every detail of her naked, shaved body.
“You seem to like this,” you commented, watching her walking up to you. She was dripping wet and feeling horny, just ready to go as she approached you, not caring at that moment if anyone was watching or not. It wasn’t like she had anything to be ashamed of apart from doing it in public as her body was tight and toned, in great shape and plenty of people would just be happy she was there.
“Well, it’s a good bit of fun,” she mused, smiling at you as she approached, your eyes roaming over her nude body to drink her in. It didn’t really matter now and she was proud of how she looked, getting over the embarrassment of doing it in public. A quick scan around showed nobody else and she was thankful somehow landed in this quiet time at the golf club. She realized however that you had grabbed her clothes and was holding them hostage, out of her reach neatly stacked behind you with little intention of giving them back.
“Come on, give me my clothes, I’ve gotta get dressed,” she said, pointing to them.
“No, they’re mine now,” you smiled.
“Give them to me, that’s not fair,” she complained.
“Nobody said this was fair,” you smirked.
“Please, Oppa, give me my clothes,” she said, casting another gaze around.
“I don’t want you to get dressed, I like the view how it is,” you teased.
“I bet, but I can’t stay like this, what if someone sees?” she said.
“There’s nobody around, just enjoy it,” you replied.
“Please, don’t make me beg,” she said, looking into your eyes.
“I’d quite like you to beg,” you smiled.
“What, down on my knees?” she replied.
“Absolutely, that’d do nicely,” you grinned.
“Fine,” she said, flicking her hair back and steadying herself, making as if to get down and physically beg. She lowered herself, then abruptly lunged forward, shoving with all the power of her legs to try and lurch past you and grab her clothes...or at least some of them.
“Hey!” you shouted, reaching down to grab her as she tried to slide past you, your hands grabbing round her body, one squeezing her firm breast as the other pulled into her slender waist to restrain her.
“No!” she cried playfully as she was denied her outfit, you hauling her back away from it with strength that easily overwhelmed her own. It didn’t stop her though and she kicked forward, pulling against you as you restrained her, making you lurch on your feet and stumble, dropping her in the process. Nayeon managed another quick grab for her clothes, almost getting them before she was pulled away and up by you once more, her prize slipping out of her reach as she was manhandled.
She tumbled into you and wrenched to get away but was held tightly, your arms around her as she tried to break free, then shoved off her feet again to use her powerful legs. Nayeon giggling loudly as you two fell in a scramble of limbs onto the neatly kept grounds. Nayeon fell on top of you, sitting up but you grabbed her wrists before she could escape, basically riding you as she knelt on top of you.
“Oppa, stop,” she playfully chided, “I have to get dressed.”
“No deal,” you smiled, all of these flirtatious frustrations coming to a head as you wrestled. You pushed her back and Nayeon sat on your cock, feeling your rock hard dick pressing up through your shorts and straight into her slick, engorged pussy. She gasped as its shape easily split her puffy, shaven lips and her clit brushed over it, making her body surge in delight for a millisecond before she lifted up again, not letting you to see it.
“Well I’ll have to break free!” she whispered huskily, yanking her hands off yours and reaching forward but your arms locked round her back, exactly as she’d expected, to keep her in place on top of you. Your hand grabbed her tit and took a shameless grope of them as your arm stayed round her back to hold her down, easily over powering her as she struggled to break free. You squeezed hard enough to make her grunt, then pulled your fingers back off her hard nipple, making her tingle.
It only helped to accentuate the wetness of her pussy, hand trailing down to push into her hips and draw her back down, switching hands to grab a good feel of her ass next and sample the result of her all her workouts. Your hand pulled her ass open, revealing her puffy pussy, just wet and ready though she didn’t want to admit it, renewing her struggles as she got a foot under herself and pushed up again to change it up.
“No you don’t,” you smiled as she almost pushed away, hauled back down by a strong grip on her hips, being greeted by several hard, stinging spanks to her ass that made her cry out in pain as they spread through her. Your fingers shoved between her thighs as she struggled to break away, Nayeon’s hands pushing at your wrists to try and break the grip before her movements shoved your fingertips over the back of her slick lips, coating you in her hot, slick juices and making her quiver.
“Fuck, you love this,” you smiled, cock hardening even more if that were possible.
“Shut up, no,” she hissed, looking up to hide her blush as you hauled her down on top of your cock again and your hand reached up to grab her tits again, squeezing tight at one then the other as you took advantage of your position. She might be on top but had no way to get away, grunting and groaning as you gripped at her, more spanks landing on her ass.
She took advantage of an opening however when you let your guard down, too busy feeling her up when she suddenly jolted away, breaking your grip in that moment and lurching forward towards her clothes. Unfortunately, she broke free but lost her footing, toes slipping on the grass and making her stumble, leaving her vulnerable which let you grab her ankle and hold her back.
Nayeon whined in disappointment as she was pulled back, you surging up and yanking her down as she kicked and fought you playfully, rolling around on the grass as you struggled to control her. You hauled her down on her side, your arm over her shoulders as your leg hooked over hers, leaving your hand free, which soon connected with her as you smacked her tits. She gasped hard as you did, not having had her tits slapped in years, the sharp sensation shocking her into stillness and almost surrender for a second.
Her perky tits bounced and shook as you rolled her onto her back more and slapped her chest, Nayeon giving hard, rasping breaths as her breasts shook, your hands raining blows onto them to make her sting. She was sure there would be red marks and tried to get away again, finding her strength and kicking out, digging her toes into the grass and shoving forward to break your hold on her. She wriggled out of your grasp somewhat but you had hold of her intently, restricting the struggling idol easily with significantly more strength than her.
She succeeded in getting your grasp somewhat off her but you went with her and pulled her back, Nayeon fumbling onto her front now with you behind her. Your hand smacked her ass again and grabbed it for a hard grope, making her grunt then shudder as your fingers played along her slick, waiting entrance again to give away how hot she was. She loved being dominated and taken, she always had, so now it was just tingling her entire body with excitement.
You pinned her down and rolled on top of her, Nayeon totally helpless as you held her wrist down and stopped her legs with your feet. She pushed up and tried to escape, her strong thighs pushing her ass up, but all that did was give you more access to her. You couldn’t wait any longer, not wanting to miss out on your chance with her, so you reached down to yank your shorts out of the way and free your hard cock.
You aimed your cock towards her opening, though unintended, prone bone position you thrust yourself forward and buried your cock inside her easily in a single stroke for your second hole in one of the day. Nayeon’s pussy split easily around your swollen head and her body welcomed you inside her as you effortlessly drove your cock deep and pinned her down to the grass as you’d always wanted. Like so many men you’d wanted to fuck her for years and finally had the chance, groaning in pleasure as her silky smooth vagina swallowed your cock.
Nayeon’s eyes popped open wide and she moaned loudly as you slid inside her, her soaked pussy just waiting for your penetration, body shuddering as her nerves lit up and made her tremble. You forced your hips down to get your cock as deep as possible inside her, Nayeon responded by pushing her ass up for you, assisting in getting it as far inside as she could while you both grunted with heavy breaths.
“Oh fuck, Oppa...” she managed, overwhelmed as you started fucking her, slowly at first, hands moving down to pin hers to the grass. She interlocked her fingers with yours as you built up speed, thrusting busily onto her hot love tunnel, loving how intensely her cunt hugged your cock, how hot she was around you, her slick velvet walls an absolute pleasure. Nayeon groaned heavily in pleasure, so turned on and hot as you penetrated her, the first new man to do so in years and your cock felt heavenly.
All of your sexual tension was released as you fucked, and that was what it was; not making love or some sweet affair, you both were fucking, pinned down on the grass in the open at a semi public place no less but those thoughts didn’t cross your mind as you started to work your hips harder, cock deep inside her, shoving right into her as her body easily took it and let you get full depth inside her as she moaned.
“Fuck, don’t hold back,” she gasped, wanting all of you in a fast, aggressive fuck that she was sure would satisfy you both. Her rasping grunts became louder and more intense, letting out her sensations vocally as you fucked her, pushing her ass up as you slammed your hips into her, squashing perfectly into her firm, round booty to bury everything you had inside the groaning idol. She squeezed and jolted as you penetrated her, only encouraging you to stay deeper as your cock brushed her G-spot.
She cried in pleasure to the open air as you pounded down into her, pace picking up faster, strokes short and intense as you took your chance and just let out your long restrained lust for her. Your cock pulsed rock hard inside her, the hardest cock Nayeon had felt in a long time as you pumped down against her most sensitive area, her slick, sweet pussy letting you slide in deep again and again as your hips reciprocated above her. Her knees dug into the grass to hold her ass up for you, legs wide as her arms stretched out in front of her.
Pinned down under your fucking and with no intention of stopping it, Nayeon cried out her pleasure, getting rather loud much to your surprise. She was a screamer, something you somehow never expected of her but you loved it, loved how much she was enjoying your fuck and it spurred you to go faster and harder. You had to hold yourself back but pumped her hard, wanting to make her come all over your cock. Your hand pulled from hers and you grabbed her long hair, twisting it in your fingers before yanking it hard to make her scream.
“Fuck! Oh fuck me!” she screamed, even making you look around to check that you didn’t have an audience as your hips slammed into her. Her face was screwed up in sheer pleasure as she cried and screamed out her ecstasy to the world, pain of her hair being pulled mixing with the ecstatic sensations spreading from her G-spot, your cock so perfect inside her as it stroked every nerve ending and built her up. You tugged at her a few more times then abruptly shoved her head down, Nayeon gasping as she was cumming.
“Fucking slut,” you murmured, making her tingle as she loved you calling her that, knowing she was being exactly that as she being fucked by you. Your hands hooked under her hips and you pulled her back, up into a doggy style position somewhat though she was still laid on the grass, arms out in submission until you finished with her. You leaned back and smacked her ass, making her cry out loudly again, followed by another and another as you spanked her thoroughly.
You loved watching her take it, Nayeon gasping and crying out as you smacked her ass through grunts of pleasure, continuing to fuck her hard. You had her hip held tightly and pulled her back, giving her no way break away not that she was trying anyway. You gave a squeeze of her booty then your fingers played between her cheeks, making her shiver as a naughty tingle spread through her body. Her breath caught a moment as she felt a fingertip pressed at her asshole, knocking on her back door seemingly as you teased her for a moment.
She gasped loudly as it suddenly entered her, sliding deeply into her to surprise her, another sensation to mix in with the hard fucking you were giving her and the pain that still tingled her body. You probed her deeply and stretched her ass a little, making her moan at the illicit sensation while your cock still buried inside her, feeling her pussy clench tighter around you, gripping your shaft hard and helping your surge and pulse more intently.
You held your finger up her ass for a moment as you fucked her, jamming your cock inside her over and over again to make her scream again. She was just completely lost the pleasure of it all, her orgasm cranking up before she gasped as you pulled your finger out, the speed jolting her before you grabbed her hips tightly and pushed up over her. You knew what she needed and slammed down hard, pushing your cock deep and keeping it there as your hips let loose a flurry of thrusts.
“Oh fuck, fuck, I’m...” she whined, your bulging head slamming into her G-spot repeatedly with a rush of intense strokes that were the final steps to heaven for the idol. She screamed with every one until she rolled her eyes in a silent expression of ecstasy and came hard, eyes clenching shut as she shuddered intensely and inhaled deeply. Her next breath was a long, loud scream of pleasure as she shook hard, legs trying to kick out, fingernails twisting into the grass as you rode her ass all the way through.
“Yeah that’s it, come on,” you groaned, smiling down at her climax, loving making her orgasm as you pounded on her hard. Her grass stained knees dug into the green as she shoved against you, her pussy squeezing intently, so tight around you as you continued to drill into her hottest depths. It was more than enough to trigger you, the sensations of her body and the sheer mental stimulation of it all overwhelming as you held out.
You fucked her hard as her orgasm faded out, ignoring her feeble pulls to get away from the intensity and hands that tried to stop you, riding her hard for several more seconds to pound your aching cock deep inside the idol you’d wanted for so long. A final burst of energy from you saw her chokingly grunt at the intensity as you suddenly pulled out, making her inhale sharply as her pussy was empty and gaping wide, completely at your mercy though as you hopped off her and shoved her over in the process, tumbling over onto her back.
Before she even knew what was happening your hand grabbed her hair and yanked her head down hard, holding her in place as you aggressively stroked your cock, managing a few slippery jerks before you aimed it at her face and exploded with a long, guttural groan of ecstasy. Nayeon managed to shut her eyes just in time for the hot load to strike her face, gasping hard as the hot come landed across her pretty face.
It was abundant and intense, your orgasm strong and sending your cum bursting out in hard, fast jets that you aimed straight across her, the first across her cheek, nose and forehead before a second hit her eyelid and trailed into the front of her hair. She gasped in surprise and shock as you emptied your balls on her with many more shots hitting her cheeks, lips and chin before you leaned forward and shoved your bulbous tip into her mouth for her to suck the last of it from you.
She did as you wanted, sucking firmly and tasting your salty cum as it spread across her tongue, feeling the last twitches before your hand softened in her long hair and you gave a final strain before dropping aside, sitting down on the green beside her as you let her go.
“Fuck...” you groaned, resting back on your hands as you breathed deep, your heart racing from the exertion.
“Yeah...” she agreed breathlessly, feeling her chest thumping, splayed out naked in the warm sunshine on the golf course, completely exposed with a thick load of come drying on her face. you could do nothing but recover for a minute, both of you breathing deeply, hard breathing combining with the breeze and pulse in your ears before she felt very self conscious, pushing up on her elbows and opening her one free eye.
“I’ve got some tissues in my bag there, grab them,” she ordered, pointing back towards it as you looked over. You quickly moved, knowing you needed to get decent, pulling your shorts back over your still semi-hard cock as you fumbled with her bag and patted down the pockets. Luckily they were easy to find and you pulled them out, quickly putting them in Nayeon’s outstretched hand where she got to work. She yanked one out and pressed it to her face, absorbing your load and wiping it carefully from her eye.
“Get my clothes,” she ordered, glancing round in case someone had seen. There was nobody but she could swear she heard voices on the breeze. Maybe it was just paranoia seizing her in the wake of her orgasm but she wasn’t taking any chances, hurriedly grabbing another tissue and wiping her face, trying to methodically cover her skin from her forehead down to her chin as she rolled her lips to swallow any remaining load on her lips. The salty taste was of little concern as she threw the tissue aside, satisfied she was clean enough, grabbing her top.
You stood carefully keeping look out and leaving her to get it done, knowing you better not interfere at that moment as she shook the top out and hauled it over her head, foregoing her bra and simply covering herself up. She pulled it down then grabbed her skirt, flicking it over her bare feet and yanking it over her grass stained knees, cringing a little as she knew how that would look to anyone that saw her. She stood up fast, giving the course a last flash before she pulled it over her smooth, pristine pussy to gather it round her hips and fumble for the zipper.
She yanked it up breathed a sigh of relief that she was decent, flicking her panties out and reaching down to step into them. Nayeon was glad you hadn’t given her a cream pie for a multitude of reasons but right now primarily so it didn’t leak thickly into her pink panties, pulling them up determinedly to conceal herself. She grabbed the bra along with the tissues and stepped quickly to her bag, reaching down to snatch the socks from her trainers, bundling them all together and shoving them into a pocket of her bag.
“Did you hear someone?” you said, voices on the breeze again.
“Maybe,” she mumbled, knowing it wasn’t such a big deal now but the thing to do was focus on getting dressed so you both could make a hasty exit. She wasn’t sure sticking around was the best idea even if you had gotten away with it so she sat down hard on the grass, grabbing her shoes and shoving her feet into them. She managed to deftly tie them, not getting into a tangle as she rapidly secured them then stood up, zipping her back shut and checking nothing was left on the grass, or her face as she swiftly checked for anything she missed.
“Fuck that was close,” you said quietly as you saw someone just about come into view, the voices having been real. They’d just about got away with it as Nayeon tipped her bag onto the wheels, ready to leave.
“Yeah, let’s get outta here,” she said, nodding back towards the clubhouse.
“Got it,” you said, hefting your bag and walking with her, next to her this time as you both headed to the exit as if nothing had happened, the players behind were unconcerned, except for some strange noises and screams you thought you heard on the bright Seoul day.
Nayeon trailed you back into the clubhouse, dropping behind you as sanity returned and she felt very self-conscious about what you’d just done. She knew she shouldn’t have done it, should have made that stupid bet and even so much as entertained it given, she knew how you felt about her. Sure you were friends but she should have realized you’d have gone for anything like that.
“Nayeon, you alright?” you asked, stopping in the car park and putting your bag down.
“Yeah, I’m good,” she said, even as her mind raced.
“Look, that was...” you started but she quieted you immediately.
“Nothing, that was nothing and never happened,” she said firmly.
“Nothing? You didn’t like it?” you asked, a little surprised.
“Be smart, you know full well I did,” she admitted, her huge orgasm giving that away as clear as day.
“But I’m taken, and this never happened, got it?” she said.
“Got it,” you smiled, giving her a wink.
“Good game though, great finish, you really took me, I mean it on that last hole,” she said, cursing her stutter over the words.
“Yeah a great game, really tight at the end there,” you smiled.
“Another one soon?” she offered. She genuinely meant golf, though she was sure you might infer something more.
“Absolutely, we’ll make arrangements,” you said, giving her a brief hug.
“I gotta get going now, business to attend to,” she said.
“Got you, until next time,” you said, picking up your bag and heading for your car, the black Porsche sitting there in the parking lot like a taunt to what she’d been blinded by...and lost.
“See ya,” she murmured, turning to pull her bag to her SUV. She hauled it into the trunk and slammed it down, getting into the drivers seat and sagging back against the leather, hearing the rumble as your drove past.
She was embarrassed, she internally hated herself somewhat for what had transpired but fuck...she’d loved it, and she couldn’t wait till the next game.
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One month later—the next game.
Nayeon walked along to the next tee, scuffing her toes in the grass on the beautiful day, the sun beating down on her. And you were following along behind her, hauling your bag while checking her ass out. You both never spoken explicitly of your little adventure on the golf course a few weeks before where you’d fucked her hard on the final green in full view of anyone that might have been watching, but things had changed.
The flirting and playfulness had become very direct and overt since things had boiled over and her misguided bet had landed her in hot water. Both acted on attraction to one another, well...she’d finally given in and slipped up, letting herself get carried away and it had gotten way out of hand, but she’d absolutely loved it. As a result you both were freed from those chains, that barrier no longer existed between you and your private interactions had become so much more intent and explicit.
Flirting was out of control, when you were alone of course. She was absolutely never behaving that way if anyone else was around to see it and she knew she shouldn’t be doing it but that only made it hotter. Getting fucked by you in such a primal, passionate fashion had unleashed her and she was being so playful and dirty with you. On one hand she would die of shame if it came out, her relationship would be shattered. but on the other she was lustfully falling for you and couldn’t resist the thrill.
You both arrived at the next hole and set your bags up, Nayeon sliding her driver out and giving a stretch as you placed the ball down and paused to look at your phone.
“Come on, some of us are waiting to play,” she scolded playfully.
“Patient, we’ve got nothing but time,” you replied, and it was true since it was a quiet day on the course and nobody was immediately behind.
“What’s so important that you have to interrupt our game huh? Am I not enough for you?” she teased, walking over to you. As she peered over your shoulder to the screen, she saw a notification for a voice message come up from a woman who you had saved with a gratuitous picture of her stretched holes, her own hands clearly spreading her legs for it. It made Nayeon pause, shocked by the depravity of it, thinking it rather misogynistic that you displayed her in such a fashion as a fuck toy...but equally she found it hot, the kinky factor of giving her a thrill.
“Aish, you fucking perv,” she snorted, turning back to the game and stepping away.
“What’s your problem? This is how I save all my fuck buddies and they love it,” you said with a grin. Nayeon just rolled her eyes.
“I should save you like this too, technically you deserve the same treatment, the roll of honor,” you added.
“Fuck you, no way I’d do that,” she retorted. Stepping back but not entirely, she listened as you turned away and went to your voicemail, playing it with the loud speaker on rather than pressing it to your ear. She was sure it was to let her hear it, and she tried to pretend that she didn’t care even as she leaned a little closer to make sure she picked up every word lest the wind blow it away.
“Hey Oppa,” the message started, a girl giving a sexy, girly tone to her voice, hamming it up in a way that made Nayeon roll her eyes again.
“I really loved that dinner we had, that was a great place,” she continued, Nayeon listening in as whoever it was enthused about the date I’d been out on, innocent enough at first but it devolved very quickly.
“And when we went home...oh my God, I’ve never cum like that before,” she said as Nayeon’s ears pricked up.
“That anal orgasm you gave me, fuck, that was so hot!” she rambled on, making Nayeon blush as she heard it. You looked around at her, caught her little gasp and knew she was listening, grinning as you watched her retreat back.
“Oh very interested now I see,” you teased her, hanging up the phone as the other girl rambled about how you should see each other again, clearly trying not to beg for your attention in the process.
“Wanna hear all about how I fucked some other girl in the ass so hard she came, huh?”
“That’s bullshit,” Nayeon shot back, spinning on her heel to face you, “she’s lying. Girls don’t come from anal.”
“Really?” you asked with a smile, loving her reaction.
“No, women can’t come from straight anal without some kind of vaginal stimulation, rubbing the clit or something,” she said.
“How do you know what went on?” you smiled.
“So you did rub her clit?” Nayeon asked quickly, scolding herself for seeming so eager, like she’d just won or something.
“Nope, all anal, that’s all I did to make her scream,” you grinned, loving how the idol was so invested in it.
“Bullshit,” she said again, more forcefully this time.
“Just because you’ve never come from anal doesn’t mean other women can’t, you just need to get fucked by the right guy,” you shot back.
“I don’t even like anal,” she snapped.
“Just haven’t had the right guy to fuck your ass, that’s all,” you said smugly.
“Fuck off, what is it with guys and anal sex? Why do you always wanna fuck a girl in the ass so much?” she replied fiercely.
“When women have great asses like yours, guys want to fuck it,” you said with a shrug.
“This chick, has she got an ass like mine?”
“No, better.”
“Bullshit, bet she doesn’t,” she bit back, immediately defensive that you would dare another woman had something she didn’t when she knew you’d lusted for her for years.
“Truth hurts, doesn’t it?” you smiled, loving egging her on.
“No, because I know it’s lies,” she said, turning and shaking her ass at you to make her point.
“Keep telling yourself that. You’re the one missing out if you don’t give anal a proper try.”
“That’s what all the boys say,” she smiled, rolling her eyes.
“Your loss.”
“No way you’d make me come, or anyone else for that matter, if you fucked my ass. It’s all empty promises,” she retorted.
“You think so little of me?” you laughed.
“Frankly, yes, since you ask,” she replied with a smile.
“Bet your ass it’s possible,” you muttered quietly, but in the quiet kind of way that let her hear everything you said.
“Alright, fine! Let’s bet,” she demanded, making you immediately turn back to her.
“You wanna bet?”
“Yeah, let’s settle this, since you’re so fucking sure of yourself.”
“Ok, what are you proposing?” you asked.
“We fuck, and you only get to fuck my ass, nothing else. You don’t get to touch my pussy and no rubbing my clit,” she said.
“What’s the catch?”
“If you can’t make me come by fucking my ass, or if you come before I do, then I get that sweet Porsche of yours after all,” she finished.
“And if I win?”
“If you win, which you won’t, then you can take all the slutty pictures of me that you want.”
“Anything?” you confirmed.
“If you can make me come through anal alone, then yes, anything you like,” she said.
“Deal,” you said, extending your hand to her. Nayeon hesitated briefly before going for it, shaking hands firmly with you to secure the bet.
“Get your stuff,” you said, quickly turning to pack yourself.
“What? We’re not finishing our round?”
“Nope. I’m gonna collect on this bet,” you smiled back at her.
“Right now?”
“Yeah, right now,” you said. Nayeon glanced at her watch, knowing she had hours free for you and that it was as good a time as any.
“Ok then, show me what you’ve got, tough guy,” she teased with a little flick of her eyebrows, spinning her driver over in her hands to slide it back into her bag. You turned and headed back to the clubhouse, again behind Nayeon as you checked out her ass, the one you would shortly split in two.
“You coming in?” you asked as you shoved the golf bag into the trunk and shut it, closing the perfectly styled fastback of the black coupe.
“No, I’ll follow in mine,” she said, passing you and heading to her own SUV, huge and hulking in comparison to yours.
“Suit yourself, follow me,” you said, opening the door and sliding into your bucket seat as Nayeon opened her own trunk to load her bags. You didn’t even offer to help. you waited as she sorted herself out and got into the vehicle, signaling she was ready to go and waving you out of the parking lot. You started up the Porsche with a rumble, the throaty sound breaking the beautiful afternoon before slotting it in gear and pulling out.
Nayeon waited a moment and followed, keeping a little distance behind as you led the way. She’d put herself in your control and left it up to you to lead her, in more ways than one. She’d challenged you because she wanted to win, not because she particularly wanted your car as she could easily buy one herself, but because she still felt raw from the jammy way you’d beaten her the first time around with your incredibly lucky hole in one. You’d got more than one hole in the process too.
Nayeon followed your Porsche through the streets away from the golf course and out of town a way, away from the bustle of the city to a more quiet, run down area. Nayeon grimaced as you turned into a small, seedy looking motel where she was sure plenty of tricks got turned when the sun set. You parked up and got out, heading into the office as Nayeon pulled in beside you, choosing to stay in the car and wait until you told her what was going on. There was nobody else around save for a cleaning cart outside one of the rooms, suggesting a maid was making some effort with the place.
you strode back out a couple of minutes later, key in hand for a room paid in cash. The owner knew exactly what you wanted it for, though he had no idea with who, assuming it was another guy stepping out on his wife or vice-versa, having no stake and even less interest in the morals of it either way.
“Come on,” you called Nayeon, the gorgeous idol skulking down behind the steering wheel in her big sunglasses, waiting just a moment longer for you to get to the motel room and start unlocking the door before she hopped out and hurried over, hoping nobody saw her. She flicked the locking on her SUV as she got to the door, you opening it wide to usher her in before you stepped in with her and closed it tightly.
Nayeon looked around at the less than stellar abode; it was just about clean but little more, old and outdated with dodgy looking repairs to the walls and a carpet that looked well past its retirement date. you however were busy yanking the curtains around to block the window and anyone looking in as she took it in, dropping her bag aside on the small table it had.
“Charming place Oppa, couldn’t think of anything better?” she commented.
“You don’t deserve anything better,” you said firmly, immediately grabbing her from behind and pulling her close, your hands cupping her firm breasts neatly with a good squeeze. She gasped and shivered as you kissed at the side of her neck, Nayeon wilting in your arms as your teeth teased at her skin, threatening to leave telltale marks.
“You’re my nasty girl, Nayeon, and you’re gonna get your ass fucked, so who gives a fuck about the room,” you breathed, hands grabbing the bottom of her shirt to pull it over her head where she obliged and put her arms up so you could strip her. Her hair tangled and yanked a little as you aggressively wrenched her top over her head and threw it to the floor, hands immediately squeezing her tits through her bra, harder than she’d normally like but she couldn’t help but love it and the rough, unrelenting way you touched her.
“Fuck, take it easy,” she breathed, even though it was a lie. You saw straight through her of course, knowing she didn’t really want you to be gentle with her.
“I’ll do what I fucking want and you’ll love it,” you hissed over her shoulder, making her tremble, so slender and petite in your arms as you dominated her. Your hands slid down and pushed her shorts down, sending the smaller than necessary garment to her feet. She’d worn them for you, to give you a good look at her ass, playing up to your interest in her and it had helped lead to this moment. Well, her attitude and refusal to back down had, actively inciting the conversation really after she’d nosed on your business due to some jealousy.
You exposed her simple but sexy black thong, hardly ideal attire to play golf but you both knew why she’d chosen it. Your fingers slid into the waistband and pulled it up a bit tighter for a moment, toying with it before you shoved it down and sent it sliding down her smooth legs to join the shorts. Nayeon obediently stepped out and kicked them aside, panties flicking up from her toes onto the bed as you ran your hands down the curves of her waist and over her hips to grope her ass. Her firm booty, your prize, that you would imminently split in two with your cock.
She was nervous, the trepidation of anal sex gnawing at her a little but she couldn’t wait for you to do it, to make her take it and try to make her come. Confident that she wouldn’t and that she’d soon be driving your pretty Porsche home only made her give in. She figured if you were going to prove your point then it was only fair you got to run things, to fuck her your way and enjoy yourself in mission to make her do the same. She comforted herself that it was just playtime, it was fun for both of you until she inevitably flaunted your Porsche the next time you played golf.
“Oh no, no,” Nayeon chided softly, shivering as you reached round and ran your fingers over her smooth pussy, taking in the perfectly shaven lips and letting your middle fingertip just run down her slit. She shuddered at how expertly you split her puffy labia just a little so it brushed over her clit, stimulating her ever so lightly through the hood and making her tremble. But it wasn’t part of the deal.
“That’s off limits,” she said, pulling forward in your grip a little and reaching down to reluctantly stop your hand stroking at her soft, enticing pussy. She knew you could feel that she was already wet.
“I thought I got to do this my way.”
“To fuck my ass, yeah,” she said bluntly, blushing a little as she just blurted it out, “and that’s all. You don’t get to rub my clit first.”
“Suit yourself,” you said, then turned her to push her down on the bed, straight onto all fours in front. Nayeon playfully posed for you, sinking her back and letting her knees slide wider to show herself off. It showed off her smooth, bulging pussy perfectly but more importantly let you see her tight, forbidden asshole where even an hour before she’d never have let you consider squeezing your cock in.
“Perfect,” you smiled as you shed your clothes, stripping yourself as quickly as you’d done her, though she still had her Converse shoes on as she knelt on the low quality bed. She was sure she might be adding some more dents to it imminently and there would be no opportunity to sleep, so it hardly mattered what state it was in.
“Show me what you’re made of, tough guy,” Nayeon murmured, glancing back over her shoulder at you. Her gasp was immediate and sudden as you dived down and pressed your tongue against her asshole, grabbing her hips to hold her in place as you licked over her tightest, naughtiest hole. She choked in surprise and illicit sensation, the feeling like nothing else as you attacked her with power and precision from the off and gave her no chance to ease into it.
She’d never had it before and it completely caught her off guard, just thrown straight into it and she could tell you wasn’t going to let her take it easy, not give her a break or gradually get started. No, you were going to throw it all at her hard and fast, run things your way and keep her on her toes to make her sensations tingle and tremble in every possible direction to overwhelm her. All she could comprehend was the shock of it as your tongue got to work lashing and circling her most forbidden hole.
Her gasps became heavier, groans breaking through as she relished the new and unique sensation of your tongue devouring her asshole, tingling as it almost felt too much to handle. Your fingers dug into her soft skin and pulled her back dominantly, restraining her on the bed as you buried your tongue into her. Her shock turned to willing pleasure, letting her legs slide a little wider, arching her back to push back into you and feel more of your sensual touch over nerve endings she’d never explored.
It started to feel good, really good as the excitement of how new and naughty it was overtook her and she moaned helplessly with pleasure. A tingle ran through her whole body, hands tightening in the cheap sheets as she shivered, body trembling, a stuttering groan escaping her mouth that only told you she loved it. Her clit tingled, hoping you’d swoop down and run your tongue over it even though she’d forbidden it. Instead, you spread her ass wider with your thumbs to expose her more and let you press your lips completely against her, shoving your tongue properly into her now, feeling her sphincter instinctively squeeze and then relax to let you inside her, Nayeon moaning gutturally as you shoved it in.
Nayeon moan whorishly, letting out every expression of pleasure as you buried your tongue inside her, her asshole giving way without a fight as she arched her back and shoved into you, only wanting more of it. You barely needed to hold her as you ferociously eat her ass, thrusting and pumping your tongue inside her, feeling her squeeze tightly as you invaded her most private space. The pretty idol just gasped hungrily, desperately wanting more of your illicit touch as you tongued her asshole, a new and utterly unique sensation that she’d just discovered.
It crossed her mind that things were already not going her way as she was immensely aroused, pussy soaked already with trembles running through her as she knelt completely at your mercy. She’d promised herself she would surrender to you since it was your job to make her come—that was her excuse at least. She just wanted to give herself up to you and get fucked again frankly, she needed it, and the premise of the bet had been straight forward enough though she wouldn’t have necessarily have chosen anal sex.
And then she was abruptly interrupted as you pulled away from her, leaving her ready as she gasped in shock and looked back at you. you pulled some lube from your clothes on the floor and turned back to her, Nayeon’s eyes locking onto your thick, throbbing erection as you uncapped it. She wasn’t sure where you got it from, it didn’t really matter as you squeezed it out and rubbed it over your hard cock, slicking the bulging head as you stepped up behind her. She inhaled as you slicked her tight ring with the thick, silky jelly and then wasted no time in getting straight to it.
Nayeon breathed deeply to calm her racing heart rate, the excitement and nerves rushing up on her, sending adrenaline through her as you reached down and grabbed a rough handful of her long hair. She felt thoroughly controlled as you twisted your grip on her enough to make her wince and pushed your straining cock to her tight, waiting asshole, not being overly gentle with her as you teasingly thrust against her and felt how she resisted, just feeling her out. You held her dominantly in place as you worked against her and eased her open, the thick lube helping ease into her already tongue teased asshole.
Your pace was steady but inexorable, not giving her a chance to resist or pull away, holding her back as you squeezed your cock inside her. It was tight but she gave away, feeling herself stretch naughtily over its invader, using just enough pressure to drive your thick cock inside her without going too fast. She still winced and let out a sharp breath as you popped inside her with a distinctly tight snap, her ring of muscle stretching over your bulging tip as her body finally gave up and let you in.
Her grunt only turned you on more and you grinned to yourself as your cock flexed at the pleasure of her tight asshole, her body gripping your cock as you sunk inside her. You didn’t let it bother you however and started pumping into her steadily, holding her hair still as your other hand slid to her curvy hip to hold her in place and resist her attempts to pull away. She didn’t mean to but it was uncomfortable, struggling with the sharp pain where her sphincter had given way at the last moment.
“Like that, Nayeon?” you teased, “just another one of my little sluts.”
Nayeon seethed a little at that, being just another one of your women with your cock up her ass but she didn’t say a word. She’d literally invited it and had to take it, to let you work your supposed magic on her and bring her to climax like you promised you could.
“The famous idol is on her knees, taking it in the ass like a slut,” you continued, seeing her twitch as she held her temper back, refusing to engage as you started thrusting yourself deeper inside her, making her tightest hole take more of your cock.
“Knew you’d love this,” you added, smiling as you shoved yourself into her firmly, but carefully. Your pace was calm and measured, taking your time with her and letting her ass handle your cock whilst pushing her a little, just finding the right balance with her. Your thrusts were controlled and purposeful, working deeper inside her with your thick prick in longer strokes until her pain faded. Pleasure melted into it all as she felt the full, satisfying sensations of anal sex, nerve endings stroked for the first time by your cock as you pumped her deeper, working all its way inside her until your hips pressed to her toned ass.
“Oh fuck...” Nayeon muttered as she shuddered, the unique sensation of you bottoming out making her quake quite intently. you knew you had her, broken in and able to take it and so started picking up your pace a little. Your pumps got harder and more intent, making sure to go full depth every time so she took all of it and had every nerve ending tingled in the process. She gasped in pleasure, her heart racing as she immediately blushed, barely able to believe she was enjoying it.
Anal sex had always been a painful and undignified experience for her, with guys shoving in far too hard and fast for her to handle, but you had taken your time and warmed her up just perfectly ready for you. As a result, your cock had popped neatly inside her and slid deep with little problem, easing her past the discomfort as you took your time and was now starting to make her tingle in all the right ways.
Her breaths became harder, more intense, more involved as you pumped your thick cock into her, Nayeon thinking about how lewdly stretched her asshole was, how hot it was that it was wrapped rightly around your cock as you pumped into her, flexing all the areas of her that’d never been touched. Your hands still pulled at her, fingers pressing into her soft skin as you readjusted your grip on her hair, keeping her tugged back and dominated, under your full control. She wasn’t going to fight, it was your show and besides, the cascade of building sensations within her as you fucked her ass were overwhelming her.
Her legs twitched, feet kicking as she dug her toes into the bed, twisting the cheap sheets as she arched her back and tried to push back more. Her encouragement made you smile, loving how Nayeon was getting into it, knowing you was pushing her buttons just right and building towards something completely new for her. You held her tightly, your prize the famous idol, down on all fours to fuck like every other girl you enjoyed and absolutely loving it as you picked up the pace to thump on her with harder, shorter strokes that buried as deep as possible.
“Fucking love this, don’t you?” you asked, rhetorically really as Nayeon only moaned a response, shivering and rolling her hips on you, changing the pleasurable feeling of your cock. She never imagined she’d be able to enjoy anal sex, figuring your Porsche was hers the moment she made the bet, but right then she wasn’t so sure. It certainly felt great and there was a deep, building sensation that was gaining momentum within her. She wasn’t entirely sure it was an orgasm, or going to lead to one, but it was certainly nice...and different.
“if only your fans and friends could see you now,” you teased, slapping her ass hard to make her gasp.
“Your precious fans and friends. Bet they’d be shocked if they saw you doing this,” you grinned, fucking her harder, letting yourself get a little more carried away with the sensations of her tight asshole gripping around your shaft. You held onto her and fucked her harder, really taking a step up that knocked the breath out of her for a moment, Nayeon hauling in a huge breath as you plunged deep into her hot asshole.
“Fuck...” she winced, gritting her teeth as the pleasure started to build up rapidly on her, far more distinct and obvious as you pumped her with shorter, faster thrusts, holding her body tight and prone for you to fuck, existing solely for you to enjoy it seemed even though it was her that was starting to struggle towards climax. Her clit throbbed with every thrust and she could tell how wet she was, practically dripping on the bed as you fucked her ass.
Her hands twisted up big fistfuls of the passable sheets, holding herself down as much as bracing for it all as you continued to pull her hair back as you aggressively fucked her. You were working with a clearly practiced rhythm as you hammered into her hard and fast, not overdoing it but more than enough pressure to tell her you were in charge. It was clear to her as her orgasm continued to build, the familiar sensations deep within her telling her that a climax was imminent, her body twitching with little jolts of pleasure and bolts of electricity through her.
Nayeon tried to fight it, to push it down and tell herself it wasn’t happening, that she wouldn’t let it but it only seemed to make it more intense. It was like pulling back a rubber band, the harder she tried the more powerful it became and she just knew it was going to overwhelm her if she let go. She wanted to come, to let that orgasm take her as she already knew it was going to be something different, but she hated the fact that you’d win the bet...again. She just wanted to beat you and had been so sure you had no chance this time, but instead she was on all fours gasping hungrily as you pounded her ass to climax.
You both knew what was happening and you kept going hard, knowing you was hitting the right spot as she twisted and writhed on your prick, clearly wishing she wasn’t enjoying herself like she was but shoving back anyway to maximize your penetration. Your hands held her tightly, Nayeon is all yours as you plundered her ass, something she didn’t even let her boyfriend do and you absolutely loved that. Another your little anal slut, the highest profile you had by miles of course and the fact you could bring her such illicit, unexpected pleasure was a treat.
“Come on, Nayeon, just come for me,” you teased, fucking her ass intently, shaking her whole body with your pounding.
“No, I don’t want to...” she gasped, still fighting it and trying to hold out to win the bet, hoping it would pass and fade.
“Just let it happen,” you laughed, knowing she’d never stop it and that it was already overwhelming her. Nayeon just groaned helplessly as she shook, trembling in pre-orgasmic sensation as it began overtaking her. It still felt different, something new and unique that in some ways didn’t feel like an orgasm but the intensity was powerful, telling her something big was coming. You kept pumping, your rhythm and pace impressive as you thumped your big cock into her stretched asshole and jolted her towards climax.
“Fuck...” Nayeon said, her voice strained, struggling to get the words out as her heart raced, breaths catching in her throat as she tried to rapidly inhale, body just rushing as it all seemed to happen so quickly. It was all new and exciting, but totally overwhelming, something that she’d never experienced before and as a result she couldn’t entirely handle it. Her body bubbled and tingled, coming to the boil slowly but then suddenly rushing up on her all at once as her lithe, toned body gave a sudden quake and her breaths gutturally choked from her in a hard, shocked gasp.
“Oh...god!” She struggled as the huge orgasm hit her, seemingly rushing up from nowhere before either of you knew it was happening. She lost the bet in spectacular fashion as she quaked like never before, body losing all control for a moment it seemed as she hit her peak and lost her breath, so overcome by it all she couldn’t even pull any air in. She gasped desperately as she got past it and took some control, the ecstasy hitting her so intently she didn’t know which way to go, shoving her ass back into you even though it felt too much, her body prickling with pleasure.
It was all too much and she tried to pull away but you kept riding her, holding her back tightly and not letting her escape from the sensations. It was almost a punishment for losing as she bucked and strained under your hold, her mind tumbling, lost in the eclectic blend of all the different feelings rushing through her. The humiliation at losing, the incredible pleasure of a new kind of climax, the dominating feel of your cock thrusting into her ass and the helpless way her body was kicking and fighting it, the explosion lighting up her nerves and throwing her control completely.
Her hand fumbled up from the sheets as she tried to reach back to slow you down, straining away as it became too much, more overwhelming than anything else. Her grunts of pleasure became tight and uncomfortable, wincing as you rode her to the very end of her orgasm and pressed her down into the bed. Pinned down, she gasped helplessly as you fucked her firmly for the final few seconds and made her take your cock deeply, as deep as you could get it to finish off the whole sordid event completely.
You slowed to a stop but remained buried in her asshole, balls deep, not giving her the respite she needed as she helplessly crumpled on the bed beneath you. She was absolutely exhausted and needed time to recover, body feeling completely disconnected from her mind in the wake of her first anal orgasm. Just took a minute or so, gasping sweatily as you pinned her down on the cheap mattress. Nayeon heard a mumble of people through the wall and wondered how much they’d been able to hear of her climax. It didn’t matter, they had no idea who she was, but she still felt somehow exposed.
“So Nayeon, what just happened?” you smiled.
“You won the bet Oppa,” she mumbled.
“Yeah, I did, but how? What did I just do, Nayeon?” you questioned.
“You made me come by fucking my ass,” she muttered, blushing as she sheepishly put her head down, spelling it out directly as if she knew what you wanted to hear.
“Yes, I did,” you smiled, rocking your hips into her a bit to press your still hard cock into her ass to accentuate the point.
“Have you got a vibrator?” you asked.
“Uh...yeah, why?” she asked, taking a moment to find clarity of thought.
“With you?”
“Yeah, in my bag,” she replied.
“For those little treats on the go, huh?” you teased, climbing off her to slide your cock out of her strained asshole for the first time since you’d stretched her open, making her grunt, feeling so empty and used. you slid off and grabbed her bag, tipping the contents out onto the bed next to her and searching briskly through the abundance of make-up, chewing gum and other objects to easily locate the small, hot pink sex toy.
“Perfect,” you said as you grabbed it, sweeping the other stuff aside a little more, out of the way as you focused on her once more. you laid back on the bed next to her and flicked the toy on, checking it had charge as you looked to the exhausted idol beside you.
“Get up,” you ordered her, reaching over to smack her ass. She did as she was told, on autopilot and doing as you told her, pushing herself up onto her knees where you grabbed her hips and pulled her over, facing away into a reverse cowgirl position. Nayeon fumbled sluggishly as she climbed on, her legs heavy after her huge orgasm and still not quite working right. That new, different type of climax had hit her co-ordination and she clumsily slumped into you, taking a moment to get herself together.
She gasped loudly as you wasted no further time and pulled her back down, your hand on her hip to dominantly direct her down and back onto your cock, which you slipped straight back into her ass with no fuss at all. She felt the stretch but it didn’t hurt, her ass already loose and ready, easily wrapping around your cock once more as you pulled her down and buried it into her ass once more.
“Ride,” you commanded her, swatting her ass to spur her on. Nayeon immediately complied and pushed on with her legs, strong things shakily getting to work as she carefully rose up then sank down to work your cock into her tightest hole, the first time she’d ever ridden a cock during anal sex in her life. You didn’t try and run it, letting her set the pace and stroke as you knew she had to get into it, simply laying back and enjoying the sight of the gorgeous Nayeon slowly riding your cock.
Her tight asshole wrapped around you so perfect, stimulating your thick shaft and pulling at your head when she dared to get high enough that you might slip out. As she got more confident and bobbed up and down with ease, getting over the initial trepidation of it all, you flicked on the vibrator and reached over her hip to press it to her clit. She jumped suddenly, not expecting it or the sensation it caused to be so violent, her body ultra sensitive in the wake of everything.
She squealed in pleasure and sensation, your other hand holding her down lest she jolt up and off, her ass squeezing nicely as she shuddered. You gave her a minute to take it all in, quite literally, working against her as she got past the shock and recovered herself.
“Now ride,” you ordered once more. Nayeon hesitated, rocking her hips forward into the vibrating bullet you held on her clit for a second longer before she got to it, pulling her feet underneath her and crouching over you. It folded her legs tighter and changed her position, sitting down more directly into your cock so you could penetrate her deeper, the full length of your cock sinking into her ass as she sat down onto you again.
“Oh fuck,” she whimpered, shaking as your cock drove full depth inside her again and made her tingle, shaking as you pressed the vibrator into her clit more intently. But she did as she was told, obediently now, pushing up to start riding, thrusting herself down onto your impaling cock with careful squeezes of her asshole as she got bold enough to try it. You loved it and she was spurred on by your groans of pleasure, riding a bit faster, getting into it and giving in to the pleasure she felt. It wasn’t just from the vibrator either though that was a major part of it, the intense tingle spreading from her clit.
No, the pleasure of your cock plunging deep into her ass as she forced herself down was deeply satisfying, enjoyable in a unique way and she chased that feeling as she rode. She did as she was told, a good girl, your good girl, riding energetically as she lost herself to all the sensations and stimulation. The full, different feeling of your cock pumping into her ass combined with the intense tingle of her vibrator was like nothing she’d felt before and as a result she lost herself completely, unable to formulate clear thoughts as she was overwhelmed.
Nayeon was completely overstimulated, reaching down to try and pull your hand away with the toy, needing a break to pull her thoughts together. Instead, you just pressed it hard against her, ignoring her feeble attempts to get you to back off, crying out hard but not once slowing her stroke as she continued to ride your cock. It pulsed and flexed inside her enticingly, impossible to resist as she kept fucking hard even as she was desperately trying to get a break from the bullet.
“Fucking love this, don’t you?” you teased.
“Uhhhh...” Nayeon moaned incoherently, adrift in the wash of sensations.
“Love being another one of my anal sluts,” you continued. Nayeon just rasped hard, loudly breaking the air as sweat prickled her brow and she winced at the intense feeling running through her, muscles tightening.
“Another pretty Idol who just loves getting fucked hard.”
She was stung by it but frankly it was true, that moment proved it but she didn’t care, only focused on the overwhelming pleasure as she fucked you hard and made sure to drive your cock as deep as possible inside her with every stroke. Her grunts became loud and heavy, gutturally intense as she just gave in and rocked against the vibrator again, her body awash with the sensations as thousands of nerve endings were stimulated in different ways at once.
“Grunting like a slut as well,” you commented, but Nayeon didn’t care, barely hearing you as she grunted hard and fast, on the brink of another huge climax. It was rising in her and just as she was about to give in to it, to simply let it happen, you changed things up and grabbed her hip, holding her tightly and stopping her shoving down so you could pump up into her. Nayeon’s grunt turned to a scream as you turned it up to eleven and pounded up into her ass with short, hard strokes, the gorgeous idol held tight and clenching around you to make it more intense.
She screamed long and loud, overwhelmed as you thumped the sound from her lungs with your rapid, powerful thrusts that slammed up into her ass as you drove the vibrator intently into her clit. Nayeon had nowhere to go and just screamed her pleasure to the bedroom and anyone near enough that could hear her as her body suddenly boiled over in ecstasy again and she shook powerfully on top of you. She drove herself down, breaking your grip to impale herself fully again as she quaked in orgasm, giving a series of piercing screams of pleasure as she came hard, grinding her hips and working on her clit against the vibrator so it worked over her clit repeatedly.
She wasn’t sure she’d ever come so hard in her life and ached to prolong it, driving her hips hard with a primal rhythm to make it endured as long as possible. Her screams went silence, twitching and bucking in sharp, sudden surges as the pleasure became too much for her, the bolts of electricity more intent and effective as her body shook uncontrollably, fading into stillness as her climax faded and dissipated to nothing but a racing heartbeat and hungry breaths, reaching down to desperately shove you away from her clit in the process.
Before she even had a chance to do anything else you grabbed hold of her and wrenched her off, the idol tumbling off your cock onto the bed beside you. She was at your mercy, flapping limply in the aftermath of another orgasm as you swiftly took charge of her and rolled her onto her back, dragging her slender figure easily to where you wanted it. You were on her in a flash, once more ready to impale her on your thick cock as you threw her toned legs over your shoulders and yanked her into position before you.
“Go easy,” she breathed, wanting a break but knowing you were unlikely to give one. She wasn’t wrong as you completely ignored her, lining your cock up and plunging straight back into her tired, loosened asshole with ease and shoving your hips down to get full depth inside her. Nayeon cried out and weakly tried to stop you, her body surging in a rush on sensations as your bulging head drove deeply inside her again.
You ignored her and drove her down into the cheap mattress, her hands digging into the sheets as she gave up to simply cling on and take it, you in total control as you immediately began pounding into her. There was no mercy, thumping your cock hard and deep inside her, the hardest you had so far as you focused on your own enjoyment and took all you wanted from her taut, tired body. Nayeon groaned heavily, struggling as you smashed her hard and thumped the air from her lungs, her fingers digging sorely into the bed once more as she held on.
It was only fair since she’d had hers and now you will get yours, slamming yourself down against her with powerful grunts, breaths hard and intense as you put it to her and chased the illicit sensation of her tight asshole wrapped around your straining cock. You were completely into it and treating her like a cheap whore you’d picked up, slamming her intently without a care in the world, holding her toned legs over your shoulders as you gave her everything you had whilst ignoring her completely.
Nayeon was spiraling as she held on and took it, her asshole aching from the attention as she gasped desperately. She cried out as you suddenly reached down and slapped her across the face, stinging her, jolting her awake almost as she flinched and recoiled.
“Don’t mark me up,” she gasped, not wanting to explain to her boyfriend where a hand print had come from.
“I’ll do whatever I want, you slut,” you snapped in response, reaching down to grab her throat and choke her. Nayeon’s breath caught sharply, eyes wide as she surged and struggled a moment in shock more than anything else. You held her just long enough to make her squeak before letting go, the idol giving a huge gasp as you did, heart racing as you shoved her across the bed with your brutal pounding of her asshole. She never believed she’d be in such a situation, cheating on her boyfriend and getting hard anal sex in the process but here she was.
You reached out across the bed, slowing your pace momentarily as you grabbed her panties that were clinging onto the corner of the sheets, hooking the black thong onto your fingers before leaning back over her. She grunted as you thrust hard again to swiftly regain the pace you’d had previously, wasting no time in enjoying her sweet ass as you balled up the simple, sexy thong in your hand. Without hesitation you leaned down and stuffed the underwear straight into her mouth making her give a loud, shocked sound that was immediately muffled through the material.
“This’ll keep you quiet. I only want to hear you grunt,” you smiled as you shoved them right into her mouth, your fingers pressing them deep to make her gag, body heaving as you tripped her reflex when they touched the back of her throat. You just relished the chance to treat Nayeon so roughly and flexed your cock as you pumped it deeply inside her. Your pounding was hitting the spot again and she couldn’t quite believe she was enjoying it so much, your domination and dismissal of her just so hot, fucking her ass to your ultimate pleasure. Her hand pulled from the bed and reached down to touch her smoothly shaven pussy, not stopping her and just watching as she quickly located her stiff clit and started massaging it.
Her groan and shudder only made her asshole clench tighter for you and that was nothing but a good thing, pumping your hips and driving your thick cock into the snug, twitching hole. You reached across the bed to the tumble of her stuff, left from where you’d emptied her bag to find her bullet and grabbed hold of her lipstick. It was bright red, slutty, not a subtle everyday shade that she might wear. You uncapped it and twisted it open as you continued to pump your hips forward, revealing the bright stick.
You suddenly buried yourself deep and leaned over her, grabbing her hair to hold her still as she let out a muffled protest and stared widely at you. You used the lipstick to scrawl “SLUT” on her forehead in big bold letters before you knelt back up with a grin and threw it aside, grabbing her thighs again to crank into her as you started thrusting once more. Nayeon wasn’t sure what you’d done but assumed you’d written something derogatory on her, expecting little else, but it didn’t matter as she was simply losing it then.
Her fingers got back to work at her clit, rubbing busily as you started really pounding her, leaning over her and rolling her hips back to you could plunge deep and hard into her asshole. Your hips shoved hard against her sculpted ass, pressing into her booty over and over as you jammed yourself into her with short, hard thrusts. She was propelled towards the edge of the bed, sliding on the passable sheets as you fucked her harder than she’d ever imagined she’d be able to handle, your cock splitting her tight asshole in two as you drove into her.
Nayeon was completely lost to it as you pounded her asshole hard, harder than she’d ever experienced, her fingers dancing so easily on her clit, her well practiced technique doing the job to accentuate the sensations of the fucking. Anal might not be her bag, or so she claimed, but mixed with her fingers it was more than enough. After another minute or so of you ploughing her ass hard and her touch getting harder, faster and more aggressive she shuddered hard as another short but powerful orgasm quaked her soul.
Her noises were muffled by her panties, the black thong still stuffed in her mouth where she obediently kept it despite the humiliation of it, grunting hard through it as her eyes squeezed shut, body shaking and clenching around you. It was a bit too tight, rather uncomfortable as her stretched, strained asshole was at breaking point, barely able to keep it together before it lost all sense of strength under the energetic fucking. You’d shoved her to the edge of the bed in the excitement and with her shakes she was suddenly over the side, squealing through her makeshift gag as she tumbled back off the bed onto her shoulders.
Her legs flailed as she landed with her ass up in the air, still twitching and kicking in climax as it faded as she was suddenly presented in the perfect piledriver position. She was barely conscious of it however as she passed out, overwhelmed by it all, the sensations of another orgasm mixing with the relentless anal pounding you were putting on her. It was all too much and her world faded, slumped back on her shoulders by the bed as you just kept going, riding her over the edge and slamming down into her.
You didn’t care that she’d passed out either, smiling to yourself in sheer enjoyment as you kept fucking her exhausted body, stepping off the bed and over her for maximum penetration, driving yourself down hard into the collapsed star. Your cock throbbed and tingled with pleasure, letting yourself really feel it as you worked to the finish, the idol slumped under your efforts and completely fucked out. Making her come from anal sex, like you’d promised, had been another personal triumph and you enjoyed that as you pounded her hard and deep, your cock bucking as you approached climax.
You relished that final few seconds, pounding into the wrecked star, her legs flopping as she laid helples. you felt the inevitable tingle and your cock stiffening fully, taking a chance on a final few strokes into her before you yanked it out and grabbed hold of yourself firmly, stroking fast. Jerking your cock furiously, you held on as long as you could possibly handle and then aimed down at her pretty face, between her folded legs and exploded with a grunt of ecstasy. Your first thick spurt was perfectly on target and spattered across her gorgeous features, Nayeon twitching as it shocked her a little and spurred her back towards attention.
Your aim was locked in and you grunted hard with every subsequent burst from your cock, ejaculating thick, salty come down over her for an impressive facial. By the time you were shivering and squeezing out the last of your load she was covered, coated with a facial she fully deserved, your prize after fucking her so impressively to the orgasm she’d claimed was impossible. Well, one of the prizes, as you still had to claim what she’d actually bet on which was photographs of her.
You stepped off her, straightening up with a shiver and a smile, grinning to yourself as you breathed deep to recover in the wake of a job well done. You wasted no time however and quickly found your phone from your pocket, flicking it onto camera and stepping back to the exhausted idol, still practically unconscious at the side of the bed. You steadied yourself and perfectly framed her asshole, loose and open in the wake of intense fuck, her legs slumping back only helping to spread her for the camera. you snapped several shots, getting exactly what you came for, before you stepped back to grab a couple of pictures of her wrecked form.
Seeing Nayeon slumped back, just about coming round in the aftermath of it all, was hot and you loved the way she was then compared to her hot headed attitude just a little while before at the golf course. Before she had a chance to completely come to you stepped over her and got pictures of her face with your thick load splashed across it, your masterpiece almost but it was also just fantastic to have a photo of Nayeon in perhaps the sluttiest state she’d ever been.
“You alright?” you asked, throwing the phone aside as Nayeon stirred, mumbling and inhaling deeply as she came around, trying to stop her spinning head as she looked around blearily.
“Yeah, just...yeah, give me a minute,” she murmured, pushing away from the bed and rolling down onto her side, getting the rush of blood away from her head as she dropped her legs.
“Sure,” you smiled, turning back to get dressed again. It was a quick and easy process and as she laid on the questionable floor breathing hard, trying to process everything, you got your clothes on and tucked your phone safely back in your pocket. You smiled as Nayeon slowly pulled herself onto her knees, one of her eyes closed from your handiwork, yanking herself up onto the bed as she reached out to grab a tissue from the side. Cheap as the motel was, at least they offered that.
She contemplated what had just happened; she’d cheated on her boyfriend, again, unable to resist the temptation on what she’d thought was a safe bet. An easy way to restore her pride and take your prized Porsche off you, but all it had led to was her passed out on a cheap motel room floor with an aching asshole and embarrassingly huge orgasms in her wake, not to mention a massive boost to your ego. She was mad, or rather wanted to be mad, because the fact was you’d made her come like she never had before and the climax had been massive, totally new and overwhelming. It was hard to look back at it with much regret.
“That was something else,” she said as she wiped her face, giving a wince as she moved a little and strained herself, a twinge running through her gaping, exhausted asshole. Completely destroyed and she knew it would take days to recover from what had just happened.
“You can say that again, that’s two nothing to me,” you grinned.
“I’m sure you won’t let me forget it,” she mumbled.
“Nope. You’ll have to try and even the score.”
“Maybe I’ll quit making these stupid bets, I don’t seem to have much luck,” she replied.
“I dunno, there could be worse ways to lose a bet,” you said.
“I guess.”
“Anyway, I’m outta here, we’ll catch up for some more golf soon,” you said abruptly, turning to the door.
“What?! Wait, what do you mean you’re going? What the fuck am I supposed to do?” she exclaimed.
“Take a shower, get dressed, then take the keys back to the desk,” you smiled, throwing them onto the bed in front of her.
“I can’t do that!” she said.
“Well, you’d better, someone has to check out of this flophouse. I’ve got a Porsche to drive,” you smiled and with that opened the door and walked out, Nayeon cowering behind the bed in case someone was outside. You pulled it shut but not fully, leaving a gap as you laughed and walked across to your gleaming black car in the parking lot.
“Fucking asshole!” she snapped to herself, quickly throwing herself over the bed and towards the door with another wince of pain from her ass, staying the side away from the opening to slam it shut and lock it. It was an irritation, part of your game, on top of the final humiliation she’d have to face in checking out of the place. She only hoped that whoever was at the desk didn’t recognize her when she did it, not wanting even a hint of what she’d been up to getting out.
Nobody was going to know besides you—nobody. But she knew temptation would get her again, knew she’d give into it, especially if you were gonna fuck her like that, like nobody else ever had.
She was always going to be weak to your evident skill. She just prayed you would be as quiet as her.
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Don't Make Me Say It Again. (x.t)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!Addams!Reader
Summary: blurb! xavier is close to snapping when you don't realize what he has been hinting.
Warnings: mutual pining, fluff
a/n: okay, another one before i go torture myself in actually reading my textbook that i haven't picked up in weeks.
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“Shouldn’t you be with your sister?” Xavier questioned as you tied on your apron.
“No, she wanted to work at pilgrim world for some odd reason. I would rather die than dress up as a colonist,” you informed the boy.
“That doesn’t surprise me.”
“Hey, Y/N! Need a hand?” Tyler called out from behind the counter as you and Xavier cleaned the tables.
“Already got one,” you replied back pointing to Thing wiping the table.
“I thought I told you and your sister that he was bad news,” Xavier whispered to you as he reached over to grab a mug on your side of the table.
“Twice actually, but I couldn’t care less about him. Wait. Enlighten me,” you turned to face him.
That was when you noticed how close you two actually were. Though you were standing around a foot away from each other, it was concerning how he seemed to step closer to talk.
“It happened last Outreach Day. I was working on a mural for the town then he and his friends come up and start attacking me. They destroyed the mural and left me with bruised ribs. People like him don’t like people like us,” he explained.
“It’s not like you would care anyways, right?” Xavier scoffed walking off to the next table.
“It seems like he’s changed, quiter softer now, which is disappointing,” you admitted as you followed Xavier. “Why do you care so much if I talk to him though?”
“You’re kidding.”
“Why would I kid?” you blanked.
“Open your eyes, Y/N! I have been here on your side this entire time, and you still don’t get it?” Xavier snapped banging the table with the tub full of plates and mugs taking a step closer to you. “Sometimes it’s unbelievable how little empathy you have for others.”
“Xavier,” you breathed out taking a step back.
“I like you, Y/n. What do I have to do for you to see that?” he followed in taking a step closer.
“You know I don’t actually like Tyler, right? You might be an imbecile and infuriating but-” you hinted.
“Really know how to make a guy blush,” he let out a small laugh.
“It’s the attributes I like about you though,” you muttered under your breath.
“What was that?” he mocked.
“Don’t make me say it again,” you deadpanned looking down on the floor avoiding his gaze.
“No, I don’t think I heard you the first time,” he joked he lifted your chin with his hand. “What did you say?”
“I’m not saying it again.”
“You gonna let me kiss you?”
“Depends,” you answered.
He moved his hand from your chin to the back of your neck pulling you into a kiss. You found yourself kissing him back wrapping your arms around his neck. You could feel him smile into the kiss. You didn’t kow how long you to stayed there for until you heard a cough behind you.
“Seems like you’ve had fun working,” Wednesday said unimpressed as she pulled you away from Xavier. In which he just laughed as you tried to get your arm out of Wednesday’s grip.
"Wednesday, why do you always have to grab the same arm," you whined as she dragged you out.
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leclerced · 6 months
sweet dreams
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Summary: Oscar getting a lot of head.
Warnings: 18+ minors dni. some degrading language, blow jobs, face fucking. balls briefly in mouth.
Author’s note: hi. here’s this. enjoy. sorry for typos or other mistakes i am tired.
She's been itching for him all day, and he’s been in meetings all day. He was gone before she woke, he didn’t even wake her for a goodbye kiss before he left. She woke hours after he left and found a note on the fridge, morning baby! there’s a pastry on the counter for you, we have a lot of meetings today so i’m not sure when i’ll be home. xx
She plucks the note off the fridge and retreats back to their bedroom, flopping on the bed before grabbing her phone from the nightstand.
when are you gonna be home?
Oscar's phone buzzes in his pocket and he jumps in his seat. After glancing around to check that no one noticed his startling, he slides it out under the table. He feels his stomach flutter at his girlfriend’s contact on the screen and he clicks on the new texts.
morning honey
are you you hungry? i got you a pastry
Her nose scrunches at the mention. He drove all the way to get her breakfast when they could have had a quickie. He's so kind and thoughtful it’s infuriating.
no. i’m horny and you aren’t here.
i wanted your cock in my mouth as soon as i woke up
rolled over, reached for you. and you weren’t there ):
i’m so wet for you right now, i’m literally dripping.
Her left hand drifts between her thighs and she whines at the feeling. she was exaggerating for dramatic effect but she’s not wrong. Her thighs are sticky and she barely has to ghost her fingers through her lips before they’re coated.
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The first text comes through right after he hits send. his phone buzzes in his hand and he glances down, nearly choking on the breath he’s taking as the next text comes through, followed by two more in quick succession. his cock twitches in his jeans when he reads the last one and he grits his teeth.
nows not a good time, i’m in a meeting
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She rolls her eyes. she knows that, it doesn’t change anything.
when are you going to be home?
i have two more meetings. expected time is 45 each. could be longer or shorter, depending.
A sigh leaves her and her pussy throbs under her fingers. She lifts the coated digits to her lips and pulls them inside, sucking them clean. she can almost pretend they’re oscar’s instead of hers so she leaves them, swirling her tongue around her fingers to try to sate the craving she has for him.
can’t you fake sick? i could suck your cock three times in that time
jesus christ.
you really are horny huh
sorry, ill try to be quick
It’s a pointless claim, there’s nothing he can do to speed it along unless he agrees to everything, and that could end up with more meetings in the future because he gave the wrong input because he was rushing. She bites her finger tips as her thumb fumbles across the keyboard, checking for typos before sending the next string of texts.
do you wanna know what i dreamed about?
i was sucking your cock for eternity
you know that dreamy feeling? where you know you’re gonna be there forever? like it’s heaven?
it was like that, and i was sucking you off. i lost track of how many times you came, but i swallowed it all
honestly impressed with dream me
i think i grew gills because i didn’t have to stop and breathe once
who needs air? not dream me
anyways.. i really wanna suck you off for eternity but that’s not possible so i’ll take as many times as i can get
and the sooner you get home. the more i can suck you off
After a few minutes of no response, she gets bored. It's no fun sexting when they aren’t sexting back. She rolls onto her stomach and presses her cheek into the pillow. She’ll go back to sleep until he’s home, maybe she’ll keep dreaming about his cock and when she wakes up, he’ll be home.
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Oscar can hear the blood rushing through him as he reads the texts coming through, the chatter of his bosses and team members around him fading into nothing. His cock throbs in his jeans and he backs out of the chain of messages as soon as he reads, sucking your cock for eternity. He presses it face down in his lap and stifles a groan when it vibrates directly on his cock. He slides it down his thigh then tucks it underneath his leg. It’s muffled between the weight of his thigh and the plush cushion but the vibrations don’t stop tickling the back of his thigh for a minute.
When someone prompts him, he lets out a weak sound and squeezes his eyes shut, “I’m sorry, i was thinking about the brakes last race.” It's the worst excuse he can manage and brings on more questions.
Someone immediately curses, “Was something wrong? Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
He shakes his head quickly, cheeks flaming red, “No! They were good! I was thinking we had a good balance and should keep that in mind and I just got stuck. My brain is kind of mush right now.”
Lando lets out a noise of agreement next to him and he’s suddenly reminded of his teammate’s presence. “Yeah, same. I missed the last five minutes.”
Andrea nods, “Well, I think we can finish this next bit up without you guys. get some sleep, come in with a clear head tomorrow." They both nod thankfully and Oscar takes a look around the room and feels a bit guilty that they’re being let go early because they can’t focus. He sees Lando stretching from the corner of his eye and suddenly can feel the tension in his muscles from sitting in the same office chair all day. Even if it’s cushy and expensive and comfortable as hell, sitting in one position all day kills his body. He does one better and stretches as he stands, reaching above his head and groaning softly as his muscles finally feel some relief they didn’t know they needed.
If he had a tail it’d be wagging. He’d be chasing it around the room. He's never been so relieved to hear those words. He turns to grab his phone from the chair and swipes it up before another text can come through. He's opening the text thread again as he walks out of the mtc, casting a quick glance over his shoulder before he unlocks his phone. Each one feels like a punch to the gut, his mind going thick as he rereads them. He starts typing out a text that he’s coming home, but he erases it. she can wait until he gets home.
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She’d barely fallen asleep when she’s harshly woken by someone yanking her to the edge of her bed. A grumble leaves her throat as she tries and fails to pull her legs back up, to curl into herself and fall back asleep. The hold on her ankles is solid though and she gives up after a single pull. There’s not a care in the world about who’s touching her, Oscar almost laughs at the thought. Oscar's voice immediately rouses her, though, when he commands, “Sit up.”
She jolts up, rubbing her eyes and sighing, “Opie, you’re home.” She drops her hands to her lap and looks up at him with glossy eyes. He’s already stripped down to his boxers, she can see the bulge he’s sporting and it makes her mouth water. He looks into her eyes for a moment before glancing down her body, down the little nightgown that was forced up her body when he pulled her down. It slumped back down on her hips when she sat up, but he can still get a peek at her cunt and it’s just as she described. “On your knees. on the ground.” His voice is sharper than usual and it buzzes in her ears, sending a shiver down her spine.
He releases her ankles as she slides off the bed in front of him, clasping her hands behind her back obediently. “Like this?”
He nods, “Just like that. Open your mouth.” She blinks up at him and does so, tilting her head back for him. She’s not sure what he wants, his cock isn’t out yet, so that’s not-
She flinches as a glob of spit lands on her tongue and he says, “Swallow it.'' Without a moment's hesitation, she does so and lets her mouth fall back open to show him it’s gone. He smirks and lets out a huff of air. “You’re fucking filthy. went right back to fucking sleep, did you? Couldn’t have the real thing so you went to your little dream land.”
Her brain is still foggy with sleep but the words float through the clouds like rays of sunshine. She nods up at him, “Thought you weren’t gonna be home for awhile.”
He gives her a soft smile and tuts, “I’m home now, aren’t I? Why don’t you give me a warm welcome?” Oscar pushes his boxers down and kicks them aside, she instinctively reaches and he shakes his head and she freezes, “No touching, unless you need to tap my thigh for me to stop, okay? Keep them behind your back.” She whines at his words but complies, licking her lips before dropping her mouth back open. She's not sure what to expect, but she’s happy to take anything he’ll give her.
Oscar steps closer and curls a hand in her hair, wrapping the other around his cock. He taps it against her tongue, “Show me what you dreamed about.” A contented murmur bubbles up from the back of her throat at the taste of him hitting her taste buds and she flicks her tongue across the head before wrapping her lips around the tip. She swirls her tongue and sucks softly before flattening her tongue and taking more of him into her mouth.
The head of his cock hits the back of her throat and she lets out a noise as she forces her throat to relax so she can take more of him. He pets her head softly as she bobs her head, taking more each time. The soft grunts he’s letting out make her clit throb and if he hadn’t already told her to keep her hands behind her back, she’d be reaching between her legs. Her eyes flutter shut as she moans around him, squeezing her hands into fists to will herself to take more, to take all of him.
“This is what you wanted?” Oscar's voice makes her eyes pop open, low and thick like molasses. She blinks up at him twice. Yes. He licks his lips and lets his head fall back as a moan tumbles out, then drops his head back down. “All day? That’s what you want?” Two more slow blinks. yes again. He cups her face and strokes his thumb over her hollowed cheek as he coos, “I’m gonna fuck your mouth now. Did you dream about that?” She blinks quickly this time, yes, before he even finishes the question. Just before he thrusts, she taps his thigh and pulls off with a gasp.
She presses her forehead to his thigh and he can feel her quick breaths all over it, hot and steamy on his skin. After a moment, she sits back and nods, “Okay, ‘m ready. I just wanted a breather so I could last longer.” Oscar could come just from the fucking words she’s speaking. Pacing herself to suck his cock? Jesus Fucking Christ. He taps his cock against her lips, pressing into the warmth as soon as she parts her lips for him. A shudder runs through him as she sucks on the tip and her eyes flutter shut like she’s enjoying it.
He pushes the hand cupping her cheek back into her hair and curls it into a fist, sighing at the softness between his fingers. his hips jut forward to test the waters and she presses her tongue to his cock as if to urge him. Oscar works his cock into her mouth with slow steady strokes until he’s buried in her throat. He moans as she swallows around him and he pushes further into her mouth. A shiver courses through him when she gasps for air through her nose, cool air hitting the part of cock that hasn’t made it into her mouth yet.
He suddenly pulls out until just the head is inside, she takes the moment to suck on the head before he gives another thrust. “My pretty girl, so eager to suck my cock.” He teases as his cock hits the back of her throat again. She can feel a different fog taking over her brain, much better than the sleepy dreamy fog she’d been in. She’d pinched her own ass when Oscar told her to get on her knees, half convinced this was a hyper realistic dream. No. Her boyfriend really did just come home early minutes after she fell asleep. And now she has what she wants, his cock down her throat, drool down her chin and what will likely become an ache in her jaw.
She blinks her eyes open to look up at oscar as he slowly fucks her throat, not even fully fucking her throat. His head is tossed back and he’s letting out soft moans every few thrusts. She feels like she’s being teased in a way, but she’s not going to, nor can she, complain. She lets her eyes flutter shut again and moans around him, rubbing her tongue against the underside of his cock.
Oscar tells himself not to over do it yet, he doesn’t want her jaw aching or her throat sore this early in the day. Not when he has plans to be in it all day like she wants. He gives another slow thrust and moans, pulling back until just the head remains tucked between her lips. she flutters her eyes open when he doesn’t move. The look in her eyes really does it for him. “Make me cum.” She blinks twice up at the orders and begins bobbing her head again, moaning when she feels his cock throbbing against her tongue. His hand tightens in her hair, his abs contract and his hips jerk forward as his orgasm hits. A string of praises and curses mixed with her name tumble from his lips as she swallows him down until he tugs harshly at her hair. She flops back and leans into the bed, gasping for air.
Out of habit, she raises her hand to wipe the drool from her chin and then feels it down her neck and gives up before she starts, the back of her hand would be no help. Oscar seems to have the same thought process because before she’s even realized what he’s doing, he’s grabbed his shirt from the ground and is crouching in front of her, wiping her clean.
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An hour later, she’s had three orgasms and they’ve had a shower. Oscar has her on the edge of the bed with her head hanging off. “You sure this is okay?” She nods eagerly, opening her mouth to agree, but he stops her. “You told me about the dream. I’m convinced. Just triple checking.”
She reaches out to brush one of the freckles on his hips, “I love you for that.” She lets her mouth fall open after the profession and he repeats it back to her as he pushes his cock back into her mouth. It’s different than usual, her tongue is pressed to the top of his cock when normally, on her knees, it’s the underside. It feels a bit neglected now that she’s rubbing her tongue along it as he presses into her throat. A moan punches its way out of his throat when she gags around his cock, he jerks his hips back as an apology.
The hand on his hip squeezes as if to say it’s okay and he presses forward again. Oscar works up a quick pace, marveling at the sight of his cock in her throat. For God’s sake, why hadn’t they done this before? Everything about it is incredible. The feel of her mouth, her throat, the angle, the sight of her naked and spread out on the bed. He should get a mirror to put opposite him so he can fuck her throat and watch her touch herself.
Oscar comes suddenly, hips stuttering as he watches her press her fingers into her pussy, thrusting them a few times then waving them at him teasingly. It’s like she read his fucking mind. He plants a hand next to her shoulder on the mattress as his orgasm rocks through him and his hips jerk into her mouth. She swallows it all, sucking at his cock and petting his hip until he’s suddenly oversensitive and backs away with a grunt. It’s funny watching him stumble back from her upside down angle, bring his hands up to rub his face as he groans, “Fuck. Movie?”
She lets out a raspy giggle and rolls over, “If you carry me.” He steps back towards the bed and she pushes herself up onto her knees and makes grabby hands. Her hands wrap around Oscar's neck as he hooks his hands under her thighs and lifts her up around him, crossing her legs around him. He can feel her slick coating his abdomen as he walks and his cock is already perking up for another go.
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They don’t even finish the movie before Oscar pushes her down between his legs for another go, telling her to suck him off while he watches the movie. She’s happy to do it at first, and then he actually goes back to watching the movie and hasn’t looked at her or said anything in the ten minutes since she got her mouth on him. The only sign that he’s even interested in what she’s doing is the way his chest rapidly rises and falls, or his cock occasionally twitches and spills precum into her mouth.
She's determined to make him lose focus. Each time she peeks up at him, he still has his arms folded behind his head, head turned with his cheek pressed to his bicep so he can see the tv. She pulls off his cock and spits on the head to get a reaction out of him, but he doesn’t spare her a glance as she strokes her thumb over the tip and spreads her spit along his length. when he doesn’t react to that, she licks from the base to the head, sucking on the tip when she reaches it. His thighs twitch and she can see his lashes flutter, but he doesn’t look at her or say anything.
She bites back a whine and goes lower, sucking softly on his balls as she strokes his cock. He lets a little noise slip and she continues, taking the rest into her mouth. As soon as she does it, he’s jerking his head down to look at her while a shocked moan falls from his lips. She bats her eyelashes up at him before pulling away, “Why wouldn’t you look at me?”
He squeezes his eyes shut, “Trying not to cum. That did not help.”
She whines and squeezes his thigh with her free hand, “Kinda the point?”
He pops his eyes open, “Not if it takes two minutes.”
She swipes her tongue out over her lower lip and sucks it between her teeth momentarily. “You make me cum in two minutes.”
He shakes his head, “It’s different. You can have a few back to back, I've gotta wait a bit. Plus, I could cum in two minutes anytime with my hand and a photo of you, no offense to your mouth, but that’s my record on you.”
She nibbles on her lower lip, “I think you should cum.” At the same time she says it, she begins flicking her wrist faster.
He juts his hips up, “Thought you were gonna swallow everything?” In lieu of responding, she dips her head back down and wraps her lips around the tip. She swirls her tongue around it twice, goes for a third swirl and he lets out a low moan as his body shudders under her and he spills into her mouth for a third time. She keeps her eyes locked with his as she swallows him down, challenging him to look away from her again. He does as a final spurt of cum coats her tongue, pressing his head back and gasping her name. she pulls away from his cock with a pop and wipes her hand on the throw blanket half wrapped around them.
He’s still twitchy under her as she climbs up his body and presses a kiss to his lips, sucking softly on his lower lip. He sighs against her lips and presses back, pulling a hand from behind his head to cup the back of hers and hold her there as he licks into her mouth. Oscar can’t help but moan when he tastes himself on her, but wants to taste her. “Swap places?” He murmurs into the kiss, sliding his hand down her back and around her thigh for leverage to flip them over on the sofa.
The movie was never finished, they fell asleep shortly after trading orgasms. she wakes first, the afternoon sun peeking through the open blinds burning through her eyelids. It was nice to open them in the mornings and let in natural light, not too nice to wake up to. She turns her head away from the windows and presses her cheek into the pillow, willing herself to fall back asleep. Oscar's sleeping on her and the weight is so comfortable and warm she never wants to leave. Her bladder has other plans. she succeeds in slipping away from him without waking him and tip toes to the bathroom.
When she returns, Oscar's sitting up on the couch. “My pillow grew legs and walked away,” he grumbles, the lines from her shirt pressed into his cheek. She rejoins him, straddling his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.
She presses a kiss to the tip of his nose as she curls her fingers through the back of his hair. “Your pillow is back now, had to take a bathroom break,” she teases.
He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer, dropping his head to rest on her shoulder. “Hate waking up without you. ‘specially when i fell asleep holding you.” His words move through her like notes of a song and she coos. “You keep saying things like that i’m gonna fall in love with you.”
A disgruntled noise leaves his throat and he pulls back to look at her, “And here I was, thinking you already were.”
She giggles, soft and sweet and rubs her nose against his as she agrees, “I fall more in love with you every day.” She doesn’t think truer words have ever been spoken, at least from her lips.
“You keep saying things like that i’m gonna fall in love with you.” he hums, leaning in to press a kiss to her lips, then to her cheeks, forehead, and nose. It sends butterflies shooting around her stomach and she forces back the urge to smile like an idiot.
She ignores the lovesick feeling and teases, “I suck your dick so much, you have no choice but to be in love with me.” Her words make him snort.
Oscar nods in agreement, “I would stay for the blowjobs, if nothing else.”
She bats at his chest and gasps, “You’re supposed to say, no I love you for other things.”
A wicked grin takes over his features and he squeezes her hips, “Oh, trust me, I love you for other things. Your pussy for example-” She presses her lips to her mouth to shut him up, he breaks the kiss immediately with a loud laugh, tilting his head back. She should have expected it really, after she made the blowjob joke. Oscar slows his laughter and sighs, “I really do love you, every little thing about you.“
She presses a kiss to his chin, “Ditto, Opie.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months
wisdom teeth
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words: 1.1k
warnings: dentist, blood
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
“ma’am?” the voice rings through the waiting area. your head shoots up, realizing that she must be talking to you.
“hi, how is he?” you question, slinging your purse over your shoulder and pocketing your phone.
“the procedure went completely fine. we are trying to place the gauze in his mouth now but he keeps insisting on seeing you.” the receptionist says, a slight blush to her cheeks.
“oh!” you say, eyebrows raising. 
“follow me, please.” she says, leading you back further into the building.
“he’s being quite rowdy, isn’t he?” you ask, able to hear through the shut door the incessant questions, asking where you are, asking why you aren’t with him.
“some patient react differently to the anesthesia. it’s nothing we haven’t seen before, so don’t be embarrassed, doll.” the receptionist assures you, opening the door and letting you into the post op room.
“baby! there’s my baby!” rafe says, his hair a mess over his forehead, blood dry and crusted on his chin.
“hey, rafey.” you say calmly, hoping your relaxed attitude will influence him to calm down. “i’m right here, honey.”
you cross to his bed, glancing briefly at the dental assistants, one who looks annoyed that their clean up is taking so long, but the other gives you a sweet smile.
“you’re so pretty.” rafe slurs. “i love you.”
“i love you too, honey.” you coo, taking his hand, still slightly limp, in yours. “you have to let the nice women help you though. they’re here to clean you up for me.”
“you gonna kiss me when im all clean?” rafe asks, his lower lip pouting out.
you nod. “gently though, baby.”
“what did they do to me?” rafe questions, now sitting still as the nurses wipe away the blood on his chin.
“they just took your wisdom teeth out. they were hurting you but you’ll feel all better now.” you explain softly, petting his hand and arm to calm him as the nurses continue to rub at the dried mess.
“open your mouth.” the mean looking nurse says, her voice too stern for your liking, but before you can speak up, rafe turns to her, a look of fury in his eyes.
“i will not open my mouth for you. i only do what my baby tells me to do, so fuck off.” “rafe, oh my god!” you shout as the sweet nurse cracks up. “watch your language.” “i’m sorry, but this girl was trying to flirt with me! she wanted me to open my mouth for her, can you believe that?” rafe asks, his eyes flickering between looking softly at you and glaring at the assistant.
“they just want to put some gauze in your mouth. open up and let them, sweetie.” “fine.” rafe hums, his brow scrunched together as he turns back to the nurse. “i will because my baby asked me to, not for you.”
you shake your head but smile when rafe opens his mouth, allowing them to finish cleaning up. you stay next to his bed, holding his hand firmly in yours.
“can i be alone with my baby now?” he asks them as the nice assistant tells rafe he can close his mouth now.
“we recommend waiting at least a half hour until the anesthesia wears off a bit more before trying to get him out to the car. we can leave you two in here, but try not to let him talk too much, it’s only going to cause his mouth to bleed more.” “that’ll be hard, but i’ll try. thank you.” you nod to them as they leave the room.
“rafey, be quiet for me, okay baby?” you tell him, sitting down on the side of the bed, stroking your hand through his hair to smooth it out over his forehead, back in its proper place on either side of his part.
“but i want to tell you how beautiful you are and how much i love you and how much i wanna marry you one day and how much i lov-” “thank you, rafe.” you cut him off. “you can tell me all that real soon, but for now you have to be quiet so your mouth can heal, mmkay?”
“fine, i’ll stop talking. but you did promise me a kiss.” rafe says, and then dramatically shuts his mouth before puckering his lips.
“a gentle one.” you remind him, leaning forward and pressing your lips as softly as you can against his, putting your hands on his chest to stop rafe from leaning forward and deepening the kiss.
you pull away, but before rafe can open his mouth to complain, you kiss along his cheeks, then forehead, covering his face in soft presses of your lips to keep him happy and calm.
you tuck your chin into the crook between his shoulder and neck, stroking your hand over his chest as you cuddle up to him. “i’ll talk to you to keep you entertained, yeah?” rafe nods, nuzzling into your hair. you begin to whisper stories into his ear, anything you can remember to pass the time. tales your mother told you when you were little, or recapping movies that you’ve watched enough times to remember the plot clearly.
theres a knock on the door as you straighten up, calling out for the assistant to come in. she enters the room with a wheelchair. “time to go!” “yes.” rafe says, pumping his fist in excitement. “did you here that baby? its time to go.”
“i did, rafey. remember we are supposed to be quiet though.”
“thats right.” rafe nods. “im letting my mouth heal.”
the nurse laughs gently, wheeling the chair towards the bed. rafe is able to get into it pretty much without your help, but sends the assistant a glare when she tries to push the wheelchair.
“you’re gonna take me someplace without my baby again?”
“no, honey, she’s just helping us get to the car. and then i’m gonna take you home.” you explain softly, moving to walk ahead of the wheelchair so rafe can keep you in his sight.
“we live together?” rafe asks as you help him into the passenger side seat of the car.
“we do.” you remind him, taking the buckle and strapping it across his chest. you thank the assistant, who tells you again what rafe can and can’t do over the next 24 hours, before bidding you both farewell. 
you carefully shut rafes door before rounding the other side of the car. you lean over to press a kiss to his cheek before putting the car into drive, thankful that its a short way home so you can get rafe laying and relaxing again soon.
you click the radio on, but rafe frowns and shuts it off. 
“whats wrong baby?” you question. “don’t want to listen to music?” “no.” rafe shakes his head, an adorable pout on his lips. “i want to hear more of your stories.”
you let out a soft laugh before conceding. “of course baby.”
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tootiecakes234 · 8 months
Warning: NSFW
Character aged up
You ask Katsuki if you can paint his PP🤭:
“No! Get the hell away from me!” And he starts walking away from you.
“But Katsuki! I’d make it so pretty. I already have a vision in mind. I want to paint it into a microphone! Maybe sing a song into it.” You say following behind him, positive you aren’t helping your situation.
“Y/N if you don’t get away from me right now, we are breaking up. I’m packing my shit and leaving and you’ll never see me ever again! I meant it.” And he plops down on the couch with an exaggerated groan. “You’ve lost your entire fucking mind, smooth brain.”
You know you’re gonna have to grovel for this one. You try to slide yourself onto his lap, but he pushes you off and you bounce a little on the couch cushions.
“No, you’re not kissing and snuggling your way into this. I’m not letting you practice your goddamn painting skills on my dick. Where do you even come up with this shit?” He says now looking at you with wide, concerned eyes.
“Well I was scrolling on TikTok-“
“And there it goes. I’m not even surprised.”
You lean over and run your hands over the his wide chest and buff arms.
“‘Suki when you think about, a microphone is only two colors. Black and grey. It would only take me like 5 minutes.” And then you start pressing kisses to his neck. “Pretty please. I’ll even hop in the shower with you after and help you clean up.” There’s a sultry lilt to your voice. This is something you pull out all the weapons in your arsenal for.
“Y/N i go along with a lot of your dumbass ideas, but I’m drawing the line. No paint on my d-dick. Fuck, cut it out.” You had slipped your hands down his stomach and right under the shorts he had on.
“But it’ll be easier to paint if its hard Kat, don’t ya think?” You whisper up against his ear. You run your thumb over the top and smear the precum over his slit.
“Ugghhh. I hate you, you know that.” He groans really low.
“Mmmmhhh. Pretty please,” you say and stroke down to the base of his cock and then back up. “With a cherry on top.”
“You have 10 f-fucking minutes! And that paint better be safe for skin or I swear to god!” He shouts at you.
You’re up and off the couch before he can even finish that sentence and within a minute you’re back with the paint you already had prepared and brushes.
You get down on your knees, in between his legs, and place your supplies on the ground next you. For him to be so against it, he’s already pulled off his shirt and underwear. He’s accepted his fate.
“Okay, if any of the brushes are uncomfortable or the paints don’t feel good, let me know k?” You say looking up at him.
This man has his arms crossed over his chest and he’s glaring daggers into you.
“What the hell ever woman. Hurry up, your time’s tickin.”
So you pick up a big fluffy brush and dip it into the black paint before you start working on the base of his dick.
As soon as the brush touches against his skin Katsuki screams bloody murder. Its scared the hell out of you and you’re surprised at yourself that you don’t drop the damn brush and get paint everywhere.
When you look up at him to ask him what’s wrong the bastard has a smirk on his goddamn face his shoulder are shaking because he’s holding in his laughter.
“You should’ve seen yourself. Your entire body took a screenshot. I thought you might go into shock.” Now he’s outwardly laughing loud as fuck.
He thinks he’s such a comedian. Well too bad for him because we’re a freakin party clown.
While he’s still laughing you bend down and take the head of his cock in your mouth and swirl your tongue all over it.
His laugh is cut short and you look up to see him squeezing his eyes shut. You pull your head back up and give him a sweet smile.
“So now, how about you cut out the jokes and let me focus on my masterpiece.” And you hear him grumble back some kind of rude response but you take that as an understanding.
You breathe and try to gain your composure before you start back on the task in front of you. You again start at the base of his cock and then do long stokes upwards until you get right below the shroomed tip.
You’re about halfway through when you notice his cock twitching and leaking pre all over.
Oh my gosh he likes this. Or it at least feels good because damn. When you look up at him there’s a blush covering his face and his lips are tight like he’s trying to hold in sounds that might escape. His eyes though are trained on the brush in your hand as you work.
You were about to speak when he cut you off, “Don’t. Just hurry up and finish”
“Yes sir” you say slyly as your start working on the other side.
“Ok. Base is done. Now the tip, I know how sensitive you are so I’ll try to be gentle.” And now you’re the one with a smirk on your face. “Look I can’t paint correctly if there’s precum constantly leaking up here.”
“The fuck do you want me to do. I’m not making it leak out on purpose.” He rolls his eyes at, throws his head back and uses his arm to cover his face. Hes not quick enough to cover the blush that’s dusting his cheeks.
It’s so funny that he still get embarrassed in front of you. You take your thumb and lightly run it over the top to pick up as much pre as possible then you pop it in your mouth. Then you get to work.
You dab lightly around it and make sure to avoid the opening. You hear Katsuki’s breath become more ragged.
“Ok, I’m all done. Take a look.” He removes his arms and leans his head back up. You see that his eyes are blown but you try to ignore it for now. “Do you see the vision?”
“This is so dumb.” Is the only answer you get from him.
Next thing you know you’ve wrapped your hand around it and you start singing. “ANNNNDDDDD IIIIIIIII—eeeee-IIIIII will always love Y-“
You’re cut off because he’s gotten up grabbing you with him and now you’re thrown over his shoulder.
“I’m done with this. Not about to watch you sing Karaoke into my penis. You promised me a shower.”he says as he starts striding toward the bathroom.
“But I wasn’t done! I wanted to take pictures and maybe rap a verse or two. Kats wait dammit.”
“No. I was nice. I let you play and have your fun. Now it’s my turn to play around and have some fun.” You can hear the smug grin on his face.
You take this opportunity and slap his naked ass hard asf. You were right outside the bathroom door and the jerk sets you on your feet so quickly you feel like you’re gonna fall.
“You’re gonna pay for that brat.”
And oh do you pay for it.😭
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @i-literally-cant-with-this @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife
*I have a tag list. Let me know if you wanna be added💕🤗
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alanaaii · 11 months
ex bf/baby daddy connie who gives you some dick when you ask for it
love your writing :)
Baby daddy connie.☆
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my first request!! i’m sorry if i didn’t do it to your liking i had to add a lil bittt.
After rocking connie jr to sleep, you checked the time. It was 8:45pm and you knew connie would be on his way to pick the baby up. It was his weekend and you were ready to go out and live child free for the night. You sat at your vanity dresser as you put the finishing touches of your makeup before you heard a light 3 thumps at the door. “coming!” you opened the door to connie towering over you. As you look up at him you notice his eyes wondering. You were dressed in a oh so short dress it was hard not to. Connie licked his lips before asking, “where you goin’ ma?” you rolled your dolly eyes as you closed the door behind him. “Out. why you in my business?” Connie got closer and muttered under his breath "I can’t know where my babymama going?” His hand sneaked its way up your dress as you let out a small gasp—yet you didn’t stop him.
“constance. go get your son and let me go out.”
You and connie stared at each other for a minute. The tension getting hotter by the second. The burning you felt inside was like lava in your stomach. “i don’t want you goin nowhere” Connie said before grabbing you and flipping you onto the bed. Lips pressing together and fighting for dominance. Connie lifting your dress up and massaging your big plump breast.
“conniee” you whine as you feel his fingers press onto your clothed cunt, feeling the wetness through it. “i missed you mama” He said as he dipped his fingers into your soaking cunt. The slowness of his finger thrust was frustrating—you wanted more. You open your legs enough for connie to stand between them. taking his hands away to pull his pretty tanned dick out, slapping it on your clit. “I know you missed me too”
Rubbing his tip on your clit slowly was just to tease you, he wanted you to beg for it.
“con please” you were desperate. needy.
In one quick thrust he was halfway inside. Yiu grabbed onto his arm for support as he sped up his thrusts. His thrusts making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You knew it. nobody could make you feel the way connie did. He started to pound into your dripping wet cunt. A moan escaping your lips as you try to quiet down. Not wanting to wake the baby.
Connie leaned into your ear. “this pussy is mine.” Your mouth was left agape as you tried to speak, the feeling filling you with nothing but ecstasy and pleasure. He repeatedly pounded into you, into the same spot. “connie ‘m gonna-“
Those words only made him speed up his pace. Spitting on your pretty pussy before rubbing it with his thumb. Your stomach turned as you felt your orgasm coming. Before you could say anything you choked on your words as you came on him.
Shiny stars was the only thing you could see. As you covered your mouth, you look down to see your cum stained on his black sweats. Tears filled your eyes as he didn’t stop pounding into you after your orgasm. He was chasing his own.
You soon feel him twitch inside of you. He quickly pulled out and stroke himself before shooting ropes on your tummy.
Connie goes into the bathroom and grab a towel, wiping you cleaned before leaning over and kissing you. A little over 15 minutes later you hear the baby cry.
“i got it mama, stay right there”
the next morning…
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Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated! ♡
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girliism · 24 days
part 2.
nerdy!art hates parties but this was gonna be the first time the two of you hang out outside of studying. “please don’t tell me you’re wearing a button up to a party.” patrick stood in the door way of art’s room waiting for him to get ready. art look at himself in the mirror. “what’s wrong with a button up?” he mumbled.
it was impossible to not know that a party was going on. bright colorful lights and loud music could be heard from down the street. some people were already throwing up on the front lawn.
you spot art right when he walks through the door. you walk up to him smiling giving a small greeting to patrick before he walks off. art’s eyes roam your figure linger a little to long on how your nipples poked through your shirt despite it being very hot in the house. “follow me donaldson let’s get you drunk.” you pulled art to the kitchen making him chug whatever you poured into his cup then handing him a new one.
you dragged art all over the house. introducing him to your friends somehow getting him to play beer pong and dance with you. “do you wanna go upstairs?” you asked him out of breath from dancing. art answers yes way to quickly and it has you giggling at his eagerness. you lead art to some room upstairs laying down on the bed patting the spot next to you.
you turned your head to look at art who was laying next to you. you studied the way his glasses sat on his nose bridge. “thanks again for helping me pass.” you saw how art eyes would slip down to stare at your lips. “it was nothing. i knew you were gonna do good.” art was not one to take risks so maybe it was his hormones and alcohol mixing that lead him to kiss you.
when art’s lips touched yours you immediately sighed into the kiss. you could feel his glasses press against your face when the kiss got more intense. your tongues and teeth meeting. you move to straddle art sucking at his neck leaving faint marks. art’s steadily growing bulge pokes at your core. art lets out a groan when you grind against it. “wait wait wait.” you sit up in art’s lap looking down at him. “i don’t have anything with me.” art says. “it’s fine i’m clean. promise.” you went back to kiss him. art trusted you so he let his hands wander up your shirt fingers coming in contact with your nipples.
soon clothes are removed from your bodies finding their way onto the floor. “oh wow.” your eyes widened at sight of art’s cock, he was definitely bigger than other guys you’ve been with. art blushed getting shy from your comment but his dick twitched. “you’re so big.” you spit on your hand and started jerking your head up and down. “can barely fit in my hand how’s it gonna go in my pussy.” you kissed along his jaw. your moans blending together when slowly sank onto his cock until he was all the in.
you sat there for a second to get use to the stretch before moving up and down moans and whines falling from your swollen lips. the wet feeling of your walls squeezing him had art gripping at your hips. “you’re so tight around me.” art grunted bringing his hand up lightly around your neck and he started fucking up into you. “o-oh fuck-” a silent scream gets caught in your throat when art’s tip hits that soft spot inside you. “maybe you would’ve been passed if it ment you got fucked after huh.” art leans the two of you forward placing you on your back his hips beating into your faster. “y-yeah.” you slur mind fixed on how godly arts looks a top of you. his curly falling out of place and his glasses slightly slipping down his nose.
“harder go harder gonna cum.” art kisses and sucks at your neck fucking you harder. your hand comes down to rub at your clip. your back arches up into him and your free hand grips at the cover below you. your body twitches as your orgasm washes over you. art starts you pull out to cum on you stomach but your ankles lock around his lower back pushing him back inside. “inside please cum inside.” you squeeze tight around him and it sets art off. “fucking hell.” his head drops onto your shoulder as he spills inside you.
you finally let art pull out. he pushed his glasses back up his nose watching his cum leak out of you and on to the bed. the two of you stayed there kissing for awhile before getting cleaned up.
art insisted that he walk you back to your dorm neither of you commenting on the slight limp you had.
(glasses must stay on during sex 🙂‍↕️)
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gothgoblinbabe · 28 days
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Chapter (2/2):
Logan Howlett x afab reader
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A/N: I finally finished part 2 and this bitch is long as hell , I’m so sorry but I got real into it and I hope it’s as well received as the first part (thank u btw you guys are so sweet)
Warnings: smut, like really nasty gross freaky shit so minors dni, friends to lovers, swearing, unprotected sex (pls don’t do that), praise kink kind of, sub!Logan a lil’ bit and he absolutely has a pain kink, and the one bed trope yesssiirrrr
Word count: 6K (I told you she’s long asf)
Tags: @annagraceevanss
pt 1
text divider credit
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You followed close behind Logan as you made your way to your shared room. When he unlocked the door and you both stepped in, you dropped your bags to one side of the bed and took a second to look around the room.
“It’s not too bad in here. Surprisingly clean,” you commented, moving some of the bedding around to check for any critters.
“Yeah. How’s your bug check going?” Logan joked, putting down his bag. 
“All clear, looks fine to me,” you said, tucking the sheets back in and fixing the duvet.
You both got settled in silence for a minute before Logan spoke again, pulling articles of clothing out of his bag.
“I’m gonna take a shower, you wanna go first?”
You chewed the inside of your cheek, trying to answer the question and not dwell on the idea that he’d be naked in the next room.
“Uh, it’s - that’s fine, you can go first,” you managed to stutter out, dropping your head to your hands when he slid into the bathroom and closed the door. He had to know something was up by now with how strange you felt you acted around him, always blushing and hiding your face and giggling like a little kid.
You heard the squeak of the shower knob and the running water beating against the tiles, only making your wandering thoughts worse. There had to be something in here to do other than think about your friend naked. 
Friend, right?
You huffed and stood from your spot sitting on the bed, picking up your bag from the floor and setting it where you had just been. You rifled through until you found sweatpants, underwear, socks, and…no shirt, because you’d forgotten to pack one. 
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath, looking down at the one you were wearing now. It wasn’t that you couldn’t wear it to bed - it was just a cotton t-shirt - but you’d been wearing it all day and didn’t particularly want to sweat in it all night either.
You waited patiently for Logan to finish in the bathroom after that, sitting up against the headboard with a book in hand. You’d been so immersed in the pages in front of you and the unfamiliar but peaceful silence that you nearly jumped at the sound of the bathroom door opening.
Logan stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips, his still-wet hair dripping onto his shoulders and back. You knew he was very muscular, that had always been obvious, but this was the first time you’d actually seen him like that and you’d already pulled your book up to cover the quickly reddening lower half of your face. 
He’d caught you looking almost immediately, your eyes scanning all the way from his broad shoulders to the start of the white towel around him. You were really terrible at being subtle at this point. 
“What, like what you see, princess?” He teased, amused to see your eyes grow wide for a split second before you feigned annoyance.
“Yeah, right, you wish,” you rolled your eyes, pretending now to be completely invested in your book even though you weren’t able to read a single word since he’d walked out of the bathroom.
“Sometimes,” he muttered just loud enough for you to hear, his back turned to you as he picked up his clothes.
You looked up for a moment, narrowing your eyes.
“Did you say something?”
He thought for a second, considering whether or not this was a moment to be truthful.
So, no, it wasn’t.
With that, he made his way back into the bathroom to change and was out again in minutes.
“It’s all yours,” he gestured to the bathroom, settling himself down onto one side of the bed and locking his hands behind his head. He was wearing his normal white beater and a pair of gray sweatpants with the academy’s logo printed on it somewhere.  Jesus, you practically had to shut your eyes completely to look away from him. You’d never physically been that close before and it nearly drove you insane. 
“Mhm,” you finally hummed in response, much too overwhelmed with that fact that he was so close and smelled so good. 
You grabbed your clothes and went in, pulling the shower curtain back and turning the knob on the wall. You undressed, cleaned yourself up in the shower and stepped out, shivering from the contrast of the warm water and the cool air. You began to dress and remembered a critical detail.
Still don’t have a shirt.
You picked up your towel and tucked it around your chest, covering your bare upper half. You opened the bathroom door just a creak, enough to lean yourself out.
“Hey, Logan.”
He’d been staring at the ceiling in thought but he looked to you when you spoke, clearing his throat when he saw your bare shoulders. Your skin looked so soft and he could almost imagine what it felt like, warm up against him.
“Yeah?” He finally responded.
“Would you maybe have a shirt I could borrow for the night? I thought I packed one, but I didn't.”
“Yeah, probably,” he answered without a second thought, moving to look through his bag once again. He tossed a flannel button down in your direction and you caught it with one hand, the other holding the towel around you. When you slipped back behind the door once again, you pulled the garment over your shoulders and buttoned it, leaving you in that and a pair of pajama shorts that you could barely see peeking from the bottom hem of the shirt. You brought the collar of the shirt up to your nose, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne and body wash. God, this was torture.
When you’d left the bathroom, Logan’s eyes were glued to the way the shirt fell so loosely on your smaller frame, the rolled up sleeves still long enough to reach your wrist. He caught himself smiling while he watched you move around the room to look for something.
“What?” you finally spoke, able to feel his eyes on the back of your head.
“Nothin’,” he said lowly, “just…you look cute in that. I didn’t think it would be so big on you that you're swimmin’ in it.”
You could hear the slight chuckle he’d let out after and your face felt warm. You turned away from your bag to face him, hands now full with skincare products.
“The hell do you do with all that?” Logan changed the subject, much to your relief.
“It’s my skin care routine.”
“Don’t you just use, like, soap or something?”
The look on your face was one of horror and you returned to the bathroom and laid out all of your products. You saw Logan appear in the doorway from your view in the mirror, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What, you wanna watch?”
You didn’t mean it in any other way but he couldn’t help how much he liked the way you asked that, always teasing.
“I don’t know, you gonna put on a show?”
The back and forth between you two was fun, maybe sometimes a little mean but it had never been so flirty  before. 
The tension in the air was thick enough to cut, silence settling between you again as he watched your every move from the doorway. He had an expression you found almost unreadable, his lower lip tucked between his teeth and his eyes looking almost tired. After the moment in the truck, you’d told yourself you would never dig in his mind again, at least for the remainder of the trip. 
Still, curiosity was a monster that overtook the best of you sometimes. 
You could see the visual of you, again, only this time it was from his perspective in the doorway. 
He was thinking of you, but it couldn’t mean much of anything. Of course he’s thinking of you, you’re right in front of him. 
It didn’t mean much of anything at all until you could see his imagination start to work itself up, able to see his hands slip underneath that flannel and grip your hips as he crowded you from behind. 
You were so glad at that moment that you were scrubbing cleanser into your face with your eyes closed, unable to look Logan in the eyes while he was thinking about dragging his hands up your bare sides.
You pulled yourself out of that and focused back onto the task at hand, rinsing and drying your face. When you finally did open your eyes again, he was stood closer to the counter, inspecting all the labels on the little containers and bottles. You did your best not to look at him, afraid your face would be far too telling.
“What the hell is this gooey shit?” 
You watched Logan open a jar and dip a finger in, cringing at the consistency. You sighed and grabbed it from his hands, setting it back down on the counter. Well, you had wanted to avoid looking at him, but he made that as hard as possible. 
“It’s a face mask.”
He picked the jar back up again, taking a whiff of the contents. His eyebrows furrowed and he did it again, as if trying to place the scent.
“It smells like strawberries.”
“Mhm, it’s a strawberry face mask.”
You gently took it from his hands once more, this time with the intention of actually using it.
“So, you, like, leave it on or what? Rinse it?” He questioned, leaning with his back against the counter as he watched you spread the mask onto your face.
“I leave it on for fifteen minutes-ish and then rinse it,” you responded, screwing the lid back onto the container. Logan’s eyes followed the movement and stayed focused on the jar.
“Do you want some?” You smiled a little, aware of his curiosity, “I can put a lil’ bit on you. Avoiding the beard, of course.”
He shrugged in his sincere attempt to seem nonchalant, but he felt warm inside at the thought of your small hands smearing that stupid pink stuff all on his face. Really, it was just an excuse to get you to (rather innocently) touch him. 
You unscrewed the cap again, looking up at him. He realized the reason for your hesitation and leaned himself down a little so you could reach his face with ease.
“Thank you,” you giggled, stomach turning a bit at how close his face was now. You started to apply the mask, his eyes focused on yours almost the entire time. Every time you’d move your hand, still, his eyes were focused on the shadow of your eyelashes or the color of your lips. It felt oddly intimate, having him lean down just for you to touch his face. 
“Do I have something on my face?” You asked, referring to his gaze.
“Well, yeah, actually.”
That made the both of you laugh, pink faces mirroring each others love-sick smiles.  
“Alright, done,” you declared, finally setting the jar down for good. 
At that, you both got a look at yourselves in the mirror and burst back into laughter. Something about your laugh was contagious, and having found the same about him, it was hard to stop once you’d start.
“Oh, I should’ve given you a headband so your hair doesn’t get in it,” You remembered when you’d finally caught your breath, “hold on.”
In less than a couple seconds you disappeared from the bathroom and came back, a headband in your grip, though Logan couldn’t actually see what it looked like. He let you slip it on his head anyway, his smile dropping to a feigned scowl when he got a look in the mirror at the cat ears that stuck up from either side.
“You don’t like it, kitty?”
You were laughing and he shook his head, taking another look at his reflection, “the things I do for you, girl…”
He kept the thing on anyway, following you to crash on the bed and watch some tv while you waited to rinse your faces. You flipped through a couple of channels and settled on some drama series just to kill time. 
While you did that, Logan couldn’t rip his eyes from you every few minutes; the way the shirt fit, your bare legs, the fact that he could see now from where he sat that you weren’t wearing a bra under his shirt. It was almost too much and he found himself gnawing at his lip again. 
When you’d rinsed your faces and gotten ready for bed, the time came for you both to decide how the sleeping arrangement was gonna work. 
“So, maybe, like, a pillow wall?”
Your raised your eyebrows at Logan’s suggestion, the both of you stood facing the end of the bed. 
“What, you think I’m gonna spoon you in your sleep?”
“I mean, with me in the same bed? I don’t think you could help yourself, bub,” he teased, feigning confidence to disguise the fact that it was probably him who would be the one to end up spooning you. 
“Yeah, I’m just dying to rip your clothes off,” you said sarcastically, shaking your head and deciding to just tuck yourself in on a side and call it a night. You sighed into the mattress when you landed on it, terribly aware of how much you now really were dying to indeed rip his clothes off.
He followed suit, laying next to you and clicking the flimsy lamp on the bedside table so that you were both in the dark. You were both turned from each other, backs almost touching with how close you had to lay. You watched the tree branches from outside cast shadows on the wall in the moonlight, too lost in thought to close your eyes.
Just because Logan was thinking about you in ways that friends don’t really think about each other doesn’t mean he likes you in that way, you’d told yourself. It was not the same as an outright confession - you’d been poking around where you shouldn’t have -  but it still stood at the front of your mind, nonetheless.
You pulled the comforter up to your chin, tucking it around you as much as you could. It was cold in the room, something you both only noticed the longer you’d been there. You didn’t even realize you were shivering until you heard Logan’s voice say your name softly.
“You cold?”
He was already turning himself towards you, putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Very. Is the heat broken?”
He stood up and shuffled to the knob on the wall for the temperature. Fiddling with it for a second in the low light, he sighed and situated himself back into bed.
“I think it is. It’s the highest it can go and it’s freezing in here.”
You turned your face into your pillow and groaned.
“Put on some extra clothes,” he offered his suggestion, pulling the blanket up over himself as well. 
“I don’t have any, that’s why I had to borrow yours,” you reminded him, turning back to finally look at him again.
He knew it wasn’t a smart idea that had crossed his mind but Logan spoke anyway.
“C’mere,” he lifted his arms under the blanket and made room for you in front of him.
You looked at him, then the spot he wanted you to lay, and back to him again.
“Oh, so you’re the one dying to rip my clothes off, I see,” you teased and he shook his head.
“Princess, you can take it or leave it, but you know you’ll freeze,” he pointed out, a cocky smile now adorning his face.
Princess. That was new. 
You studied him intently for a second before eventually giving in, situating yourself to be the little spoon as he wrapped his arms around your middle and held your back to his chest. You could feel his heartbeat against you, the inhale and exhale of his lungs, the way his skin was so damn warm even in a freezing cold room. 
“That better?”
His voice was inches from your ear and you couldn’t help the shiver it sent down your spine, something you prayed he would believe was from the cold. You nodded, hesitantly resting your hands and arms over his. You would’ve hated to admit it, but it was so nice to just be held again. 
“Can I ask you something? And I mean, you can tell me to fuck off,” Logan spoke lowly, afraid he was trying to tip toe around land mines.
You remained quiet but nodded for him to continue, absentmindedly tracing little shapes with your fingers onto his arm.
“What happened with that Danny kid?”
You were surpised to hear his name at all, nevermind in Logan’s dismissive tone. Even the way he called him ‘kid’ seemed mildly condescending to your ex-boyfriend , acting like even saying his name was an annoyance. 
“Well, I can give you the short and sweet version,” you began your response, turning your head a little to look back at him. Christ, he had definitely never been this close.
“Shoot,” he responded, loosening his grip on you a bit so he could lean back and look at you when you spoke, really look at you. There were many things to like about Logan, but his ability to give you his undivided attention as you spoke was among your favorite things about him. You hadn’t caught on, of course, that he only really did that with you.
You sighed, drawing in a long breath and trying your best to spit out the story. It wasn’t a fresh wound but every time you tried to come clean about it was like salt being rubbed in.
“Hey, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, you know,” he spoke again honestly, noticing how quickly your demeanor changed.
“No, no, it’s fine,” you began gnawing at your lower lip, “He…we went out one night with everybody, probably only a couple weeks before you came back here. It was fun, except for the moments where our waitress would come by.”
You chuckled to yourself, shaking your head. It was almost funny now. 
Logan waited patiently for you to continue, already suspecting what you were about to tell him.
“Every time she came to the table, he wouldn’t even look at me, like I wasn’t there. I didn’t see it but Ororo told me she saw him slip a piece of paper into her apron, I guess it must have been his number.”
He could hear your voice begin to break and he held you a little tighter, reaching a hand to stroke your hair.
“He’s a dick,” he added, scowling. 
“Yeah, but oh, man, does it get worse. I’m trying to call him one night when he hasn’t come back, basically blowing up his phone to be sure he’s alive, right?”
He nodded, already mesmerized with the way you told stories, no matter what about.
“About the fourth or fifth time I call, it’s finally picked up, except Danny isn’t on the other end. I recognized the waitress’s voice. I knew then, you know, what had happened but I just didn’t want to believe it, so I asked what the hell she was doing with him. I shouldn’t have asked that. She did not hold back on dirty details.”
You tried your best to joke around but your voice still felt small, shrunken by the humiliation of having your heart ripped out of you. Love was fucking embarrassing at just about every stage, but especially if it didn’t work out like you’d hoped. It could make even the wisest man an absolute fool.
“I could smash that kid’s face, you know. I’m just sayin’.”
You broke into a giggle when Logan spoke, “I know. What, you’re gonna start some fight over me? You only hate him because I hate him.”
“Nah,” he began, arms still around you and his voice almost mumbled into your hair, “I hate him ‘cause he’s annoying as shit, but mostly because of what he did to you.”
“You know,” you started, wiping away a tear that had fallen on your cheek but still keeping a joking tone, “you’re probably the nicest boyfriend I’ve ever had and you’re not even my boyfriend.”
When he didn’t respond after a second, you turned your body a bit to look at him. His arm was propped up to support his head and he was staring down at you, looking lost in thought. You both stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like minutes rather than seconds.
“Sorry,” you cleared your throat, looking to the wall behind him, “that was - I probably made that weird.”
You chuckled nervously but he kept his relaxed expression, smiling slightly when he heard your laugh.
“No, you didn’t,” he said lowly, moving the hand he had around you to push some of your hair from your face.
Your heart was beating as fast as it possibly could and there was no way he could have missed it. 
“If I’m the nicest, you must’ve dated some shit guys,” he added with a smirk, making you laugh. 
“That is true,” you admitted, “but I mean it. You’re a sweetheart.”
“I’m not,” he responded almost immediately, shaking his head.
“You are,” you insisted, “you’re a big softie.”
“Only for you.”
You waited for him to break into a laugh, tell you he was sarcastic, but he only kept his eyes to yours with what looked like an almost adoring gaze.
“For me?” 
Your voice came out almost as a whisper.
“Uh-huh. I’d do anything for you, you know.”
He only broke his eyes from yours to admire your features in the light from the moon. His voice practically made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
Your stomach was twisting and tying itself into knots already but when he moved his hand to cup your cheek, you could’ve melted right into his touch.
“You’re so beautiful.”
Logan’s words came out almost in an exhale, like a sigh of relief. Your mouth fell open a little in surprise and you raised your eyebrows.
“Who else would I be talking to right now, princess?”
You laughed a little, unable to stop your wide smile when he lovingly stroked his thumb across your cheek.
“I think you’re handsome.”
It came out quick and you bit your bottom lip to stop your smile, your face probably blushed like a rose.
You’d never seen Logan smile so wide.
“How come you sound so surprised? You’ve probably been told that millions of times in your life,” you said honestly.
“Maybe,” he shrugged, “but I always wanted to hear it from you.”
You were still nervous as all hell. This was going somewhere, you just weren’t sure exactly where.
Your noses were maybe inches apart, so close that you could feel his breath on your face.
“I like you. I think about you…a lot.”
The things you’d seen Logan imagining flashed in your mind, feeding a fueling fire in the pit of your stomach. 
You couldn’t let anything else happen if you weren’t honest.
“Do you…do you remember way earlier this morning, i was driving and you were lookin’ at me and I kept asking why?”
He nodded and furrowed his eyebrows a bit.
“And then, earlier in the bathroom, when I was washing my face…” you continued, taking a deep breath, “I really shouldn’t have, but I - I kind of got in your head a bit, just because I was curious -“
“You read my mind?”
You expected a furious tone, for him to roll over and never be nearly as close to you again, but none of that was happening. Instead, that stupid smug smile was still on his face. 
“Yeah. Look, Logan, I’m really sorry -“
“What’d you see? ‘Cause if it was nothing interesting, I don’t think you’d be telling me.”
You swallowed hard. 
“Well…do you remember what you were thinking about?”
You watched him take a second to think back, gears turning. His eyes widened when he seemed to remember exactly where it was he’d let his mind wander to when he was staring at you. A smile crept onto his face and he tucked his lower lip beneath his teeth.
“Maybe. Do you wanna remind me?” he muttered.
His touch on you felt hotter than ever, like it could burn. 
“Was it something like this?” He spoke again before you could answer, moving his hand just under the hem of your shirt - his shirt, really - to ghost his fingers over your hip.
You inhaled sharply at the warm touch of his hand.
“L-Logan,” you stuttered as his hand finally did grip you, not hard, but enough to make your lower stomach erupt in butterflies.
“Hm? What, pretty girl?”
He knew every button of yours to push at this point. He seemed determined to make you just as desperate for him as he was for you.
His hand snaked up further to your waist, then around your back to bring you even closer to him.
You were still speechless, hesitantly moving your arms to wrap around his neck.
That was all he needed to finally press his lips to yours, tangling his hands in your hair to push you even further into him. It was sweet and soft, two words not often used to describe anything with Logan. He kissed you like he couldn’t get enough of you, still - like you’d disappear the second it was over.
“Wanted you since I first saw you, you know that?” He finally broke the kiss to whisper against your lips.
“Me too,” you replied honestly, “I was just scared after all that shit I had to go through. I didn’t want to have to do it all over again.”
“You won’t,” he said quickly, sweetly kissing your forehead and cheek, “I’d never do any of that to you. Any guy who could is a damn moron.”
You couldn’t help but smile, the both of you lost in the color of each other's eyes.
“I want to treat you right, princess, like you deserve,” he spoke again, moving a strand of hair from your face.
You swallowed hard. He didn’t just want your body, he wanted you.
“Yeah?” was all you could mutter out, your own heartbeat ringing in your ears.
“Uh-huh,” he replied, “you need someone who can take care of you like he couldn’t. I think you want me to, with the way your heart is beating like crazy.”
He had such a smug smile on his face and yours was blushed with mild embarrassment. You totally forgot he was able to pick up things like that with his heightened senses. 
“Well, how are you gonna take care of me?”,there was a teasing tone in your voice, one that was already making him half-hard in his gray sweatpants. Maybe it should’ve been embarrassing, but it didn’t take much from you at all for him to feel that way. 
“I wanna make you feel good,” he exhaled, combing his fingers through your hair,  “can I do that, baby?”
The nicknames he was using weren’t any help to extinguish the growing feeling in your lower stomach.
You nodded, breathing fast. 
“Please, Logan - “ you begged, using your arms around his neck to pull him down even closer to you and reconnect your lips.
“Like it when you beg,” he muttered in between kissing you again, “like it when you say my name like that.”
With one arm around your back to hold you close, his other arm slowly inched up the hem of your shirt, up your stomach and right to the soft flesh of the bottom of your breast.
He was going to ask if it was alright to move any further, but before he could even break away to ask, your hand was over his, nudging it further up until he had a handful of you. You moaned into the kiss, giving perfect access to Logan to slip his tongue between your lips. His toying and pinching of your nipples was enough to have you already soaked through your panties and probably your pajamas shorts, too.
“Someone’s a little eager, huh?” He muttered into your jaw as he dragged his kisses down your neck.
You only hummed in response, too lost in the feeling of him licking and sucking at your neck to think of a retort. 
Both his hands came around to the hem of your shirt.
“Can I take this off, sweetheart?”
You nodded, immediately sitting up to let him lift the shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the floor.
“Fuck,” he choked out at the sight of your bare chest, wasting no time as he came down to suck and lick the newly exposed skin.
“Thought about this all the time,” he mumbled against your skin, “you’re more perfect than I imagined.”
You were still blushing at his praise, sinking into the feeling of him in all your senses. The sound of his voice, the way his lips tasted, how his hands dragged along your skin in a way that covered you in goosebumps - it was better than any kind of day dream you’d had about him.
“ You - ah”, you tried to speak, cut off by the feeling of Logan gripping your thighs to gently spread them apart, the tips of his fingers barely brushing against the place you wanted them the most.
He planted kisses from your chest all the way down to the waistband of your shorts, looking up at you know with his arms hooked around your thighs.
Understanding exactly why he was there, you combed your fingers through his hair on either side of his head.
“”Eat me out,” you demanded boldly, confidence only growing when you saw Logan’s surprised eyes and mischievous smile, “please.”
“Oh, so Princess likes giving orders, huh?” He replied, absolutely spurred on by the way you took control for a second. He liked pulling moans out of you but the idea of you using him for your pleasure was undeniably hot and he’d let you if you asked him.
Logan hooked his fingers through your shorts and panties, catching a glimpse at the wet spot of fabric between your legs.
“Christ, you want me that bad? You’re soaked, honey,” he cooed, his hot breath fanning your lower stomach. 
“Wanted you that bad for a while, “ you panted, “jus’ want you - only you.”
“You’ve got me, sweetheart,” he was smiling with his lower lip tucked beneath his teeth, finally using his grip on your shorts and panties to pull them down and throw them somewhere in one quick motion.
You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped at the feeling of your wet heat being exposed, so warm that the air almost felt cold. 
“Fuck,” Logan groaned, gaping at the soaked mess between your thighs,”I’ve been dreaming about the way your pussy tastes for weeks.”
His filthy words had you arching your back and pushing your hips towards him, desperate for some kind of relief. You finally felt him plant a wet, soft kiss onto your lips, using his thumbs to open them up and lick from your hole to your clit.
That had you moaning his name, chest heaving as he continued to flick his tongue and keep you on his face with the hold he had on your thighs.
He was lapping up every part of you he could get, burying his nose into your pussy when he slid his tongue to the entrance of your body.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, your grip in his hair tightening, “Fuck, fuck -“
He hummed in satisfaction, sending vibrations through you that only made you squirm even more against his face.
You almost whined when he pulled his tongue out of you, changing into a loud moan when two of his fingers replaced his tongue. He continued sucking and licking at your sensitive bundle of nerves, pumping his fingers in and out of you. Every time he pushed them into you again, he curled his fingers to meet the spot within you that had you tugging his hair even harder. He growled when you did that, animalistic and desperate to make you fall apart for him. 
“That feel good, Princess? Fuck - “ he mumbled against your pussy between working his mouth on you, “taste so fucking good.”
You couldn’t tear your eyes from his face, watching the way his head bobbed and his nose pushed into you. His hair was a mess that you pushed back to look into his eyes. There was something that turned you on about his gaze unwavering from yours while he continued to fuck you with his fingers like you’ve never felt before. He increased the speed of his movements, his eyes never leaving your face. You were unable to control the noises he pulled out of you, chanting his name like a prayer as you felt your climax building in the pit of your stomach.
“I’m - I’m -“, you tried to warn him.
“I know, baby. I can feel the way you’re squeezing my fingers. Come on, sweetheart, give it to me,” he groaned, desperate to have you cum into his mouth and on his face.
Within seconds of hearing his filthy encouragement, the tension in your stomach released and you squeezed your eyes shut, seeing stars as he continued to work you through your orgasm. 
Starting to come down, you became sensitive and attempted to push Logan’s head away, only for him to latch his lips onto you again. 
“I - ah, Logan, ‘s too - too much,” you gasped.
“One more, sweetheart. Think you got it in you?” His chin, mouth and tip of his nose were wet and shiny with your release. He ate you like a fucking animal, in the best way possible.
A choked noise came from your throat, your eyes trained on him with your eyebrows raised. You’d never had someone even attempt to make you finish more than once.
You nodded vigorously, Logan immediately burying his face back into your sensitive pussy. It was probably seconds before the familiar euphoria hit you again, moaning and gasping his name.
“Fuck, please let me do that all the time,” he huffed, licking his lips to savor the taste of you.
You nodded, sitting up and reaching for his beater to pull him up to you. He did as you wanted, kneeling between your legs and tugging the garment over his head and tossing it. You marveled at the sculpt of his body, running your hands up his arms, his chest, and down his abs. 
“You sure you want this, pretty girl?” 
He asked to be sure you were comfortable, of course, but you knew the double meaning of his question. Things wouldn’t be the same after this, they never could be again. 
“I need you,” you whimpered, kissing down along his jaw.
He sighed softly, reluctantly moving off the bed momentarily to strip himself of his sweatpants and boxers.
Your mouth fell open a little at the sight of him, bigger than you’ve ever seen and already leaking from the tip.
“Shit, you’re huge,” you nervously chuckled, gnawing on your lip.
He smiled, crawling on the bed again to hover over you.
“Don’t worry, sweet girl,” he cooed, kissing down your neck again, “I’m not gonna hurt you, I’ll go slow. You tell me to stop if it hurts, okay?”
You could’ve cried at the sweet tone of his voice if the position you were in wasn’t so vulgar. You nodded in agreement and watched him line himself up with your entrance, tentatively pushing the head of his cock into you. He sighed into your neck, grunting when you hooked your legs around his waist to push him further into you.
“Does that hurt?” He asked, coming up to look at your face.
Your eyes were squeezed shut and eyebrows furrowed, your mouth open to let out small gasps and whimpers, “a little, but it’s good.”
That made his hips twitch and push further, stretching you out with a fulfilling sting.
“Ah - “ you choked out a noise as he filled you completely, bottoming out. You watched his eyes fluttered close and his nostrils flared like he was trying to hold back in fear of hurting you.
“Fuck me,” you whimpered, your fingers finding a place in his hair again, “you fill me so good.”
“Never could’ve guessed you had such a filthy mouth, princess,” he whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I never would’ve guessed you wanted my filthy mouth,” you retorted, your teasing smile wiped off your face when his pace suddenly quickened. 
“I wanted that, wanted your pussy - “ he grunted, “you feel so much better than my fucking hand.”
That made you chuckle a bit, stopping when he lightly bit the soft skin on your neck.
“God, Logan,” you moaned, raking your fingernails down his back.
He groaned loudly at the feeling, his eyes really rolling back into his head.
“Mm, never would’ve guessed you had a thing for pain either, by the way,” you murmured into his ear.
“I’d let you do just about anything to me,” he confessed, his hot breath in your ear.
You tugged his hair again, admiring the way his face contorted in pleasure every time you did.
“You like that?” You bit your lip, smiling up at him.
His face became serious, eyes never leaving yours from above you as he pounded his hips into yours. 
“Don’t go talking to me like, ‘s gonna make me finish way too early,” he huffed, looking down to watch the way he pulled back and disappeared into you.
“Really?” You thought for a moment, lowering your voice and keeping your eyes on his, “Come on, baby. Cum in me. You wanna see it drip out of me? Make a fucking mess - “ 
Your taunting was cut off when Logan leaned back on his knees, pulling your hips up with him so they were angled to meet him on his lap. He wasted no time pounding into you, filling the room with sounds of your grunting and moaning and the slap of skin on skin.
“You want it that bad? You’re gonna get it, sweetheart,” he groaned animalistically, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
You tilted your head back, nearly drooling at the way he drilled into you at a new angle.
“ ‘m gonna cum,“ you warned again, “Logan-“
“Come on, babe, I wanna feel it - wanna feel you cum on me,” he panted, gritting his teeth in an attempt to keep himself at the devastating pace.
In a couple more strokes, he had you nearly screaming his name, legs shaking around him as you felt the euphoric feeling wash over you. The feeling of you pulsing and clenching around him was enough to send Logan over the edge, leaning forward so he could kiss you as he spilled ropes of his cum inside of you.
You both laid still for a moment, catching your breath.
“That was…,” you paused, thinking of the right word to describe what had happened, “the best sex I’ve ever had.”
Logan moved his face from the crook of your neck, a wide smile on his face. His hair was a mess and his skin was sticky with sweat.
“There’s plenty more where that came from,” he sighed, gently moving to pull out of you.
“Wait - “ you gripped his shoulder gently, keeping him in place, “can you…can you stay. Inside me, I mean.”
He raised his eyebrows, obliging your request and peppering kisses on your cheeks and forehead.
“Whatever you want, princess. I don’t think I mind stayin’ anyway.”
You giggled sweetly, trying your best to fix his hair. A thought popped into your mind, one you hadn’t even considered before you and Logan had gotten in bed.
“Is this - like, a one time thing? Because - “
“God, no,” he shook his head, admiring your features, “I mean, unless you wanted it to be, I guess, but -
You mirrored his actions, “No, no - I want you. Definitely sure that I want you.”
He planted a kiss to your forehead, running his fingers through your hair, “can I tell you somethin’, beautiful?”
“Anything, of course.”
“There was another room with two beds.”
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A/N: I hope that wasn't god awful bc I'm not great at smut writing but anyway hope u enjoyed <3 my requests are open so if there's anything you have an idea for lmk!
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gothicgaycowboy · 1 month
accidentally breaking aegon’s nose by riding his face too hard
I was finally able to write something short and sweet aren’t you proud of me 🤭? as always this is my modern aegon who’s parents are rhaenyra and alicent, hope you enjoy it<3 (1.2k words)
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You’d think by now you would know how to sit on your boyfriend’s face, but to be fair it wasn’t really your fault.
Aegon had been working you up all day knowing you would be too busy with work to get a moment away. From texting you every dirty thing he wanted to do to you, to sending you pictures of him laying in your bed with his half-hard cock telling you how much he missed you. You didn’t understand what had gotten into him. He’d always had a high libido but he wasn't usually such a tease about it.
Whatever it was though, it worked on you. You had gotten almost no work done, way too distracted by the spam of dirty messages. Just when you thought he was giving you a break, a familiar vibration pulsed from your phone. At that point you knew the drill, make sure no one was around before clicking on the notification.
Aeggs: he's so lonely without you :(
Accompanying the text was a photo of him; naked thighs spread wide, shirt unbuttoned revealing the chain that dangled around his neck, hand squeezing around the tip of his pink leaking cock as it dripped down his pale fingers.
At that moment you craved nothing more than to lick his hand clean, and suck the rest of his cum out of his beautiful cock. Your thighs squeezed together so hard you were sure they would be sore the next day.
You couldn’t take it anymore, so you may or may not have deceived your boss into thinking you were too ill to continue working. Faking being sick is something that everyone has done at some point in their lives—maybe not to go home and fuck their slutty boyfriends but still.
He didn’t even get a word in before you directed him. “Bed, now.”
He may not have been known as the smartest of all his brothers but he could follow orders like no other. By the time your clothes hit the floor Aegon was already laid bare before you. The sight he’d been teasing you with all day, finally within your reach.
“Don’t make me wait for it, baby,” a cocky smile graced your boyfriend’s pink lips. The fucking nerve of him.
“Me, make you wait? Me, tease you? Oh you’re gonna get it now.” You crawled over his body placing your legs on either side of his neck. “Put your hands where I can see them. You’re not allowed to touch me for that shit you pulled earlier, but I’m going to enjoy myself.”
He nodded obediently to your demands, clearly eager to get to work on your ‘punishment’. Without another word you plopped yourself down onto his waiting mouth, tugging his silver hair into your hands like a lead.
His tongue found its way to your clit quicker than it ever had before, causing you to jump with surprise. No matter how many times you two had sex you were always shocked by how fucking good he was at it. “Fuuck, Aegon,” Despite being in control this time you couldn’t help the submissive whines that spilled out of you.
The movements of Aegon’s mouth became more intense as his confidence tended to boost when you made ‘pretty noises’ for him—his words, not yours. His tongue expertly created a pattern of movements through your lips, dipping back and forth from your aching clit to your desperate hole, occasionally sucking at your bud until you could feel your pulse running through it.
He was like a man starved despite the fact that you had just done this very thing the night prior.
“You like that baby?” His question was mumbled against your pussy.
You sighed out of your nose just as upset as you were turned on that he was still so pleased to have you denying him any affection after the stunt he pulled today. “No talking.” Your tone was as harsh as you tugged harder at his locks until his face was completely flush to your cunt.
Still he persisted at his usual strenuous pace. You wanted to cry from pleasure, toes curling on both sides of your boyfriends head. Your hips began to rock at their own speed, meeting his mouth with equal eagerness.
“Yes just like that,” The vibrations of Aegons moans against you soaking core making it impossible to hold off your impending orgasm much longer. You were already so close and it felt like it had just started. Honestly it was a wonder to you how you managed to last even this long with how pent up you were all day.
“I’m gonna come, fuck,” Aegon let out a clear groan of encouragement underneath you. Unconsciously your pelvis began grinding harder against the Targaryen’s face, his nose bumping against your clit when it wasn’t being sucked between his lips. Your back arched as you visualized your peak coming to an end.
Pelvis meeting skull in a storm of passion.
Without meaning to, you slipped higher up your boyfriend’s face while grinding against him, desperate to reach your end. That’s when you felt it.
You broke his fucking nose.
You acted swiftly, pulling yourself off him and making sure he was at least still alive. You gently tugged his face in your hands to gaze in your direction, getting a better look to assess the damage. “Fuck baby are you okay? I’m so sorry, oh shit—” his nose was leaning to the left side of his face with dark streams of blood leaking out of each nostril.
His eyes welled up slightly with tears in his waterline. “Why’d you stop?” Was the first thing out of his mouth.
You were completely blown away by his seeming lack of concern for his own safety. “You’re fucking joking right? Aegon, I broke your nose!”
“Yeah but you were almost done anyway.” He defended, looking more upset that you didn’t come than his bloodied nose.
A smile grew across your lips. How could one person manage to be so frustrating yet so cute at the same time? Your thumbs rubbed softly at the sides of his injured face. “You really are something you know that?” You laughed.
“Thank you.” He grinned before wincing at the pain of moving his face.
“We have to get you to the ER.” You moved away from him, running around the room to pick up both your clothes and dress yourself.
“But you haven’t even—” you cut him off before he could finish his stupid sentence.
“My orgasm is not nearly as important as making sure I didn’t permanently fuck up your nose. Get dressed, please, I’m going to get you an ice pack for that.” You pointed to the centre of his face.
He made a pouty noise but complied nonetheless, tugging some tissues out from the bedside table to absorb the blood running down his face.
You walked to the freezer, pulling out the cold compress. When you made your way back into the room you found a fully dressed Aegon who looked like the cat who ate the canary. You stood in front of him pushing the compress delicately against his nose. “What’s got you so excited all of a sudden?”
He smirk became wider. “Just thinking about how proud my mums will be when I tell them how I broke my nose.”
Your cheeks heated at his words. The image of his mothers mortified faces as he explains to them in detail how his injuries were caused entering your mind. “You’re not funny.”
“Oh I’m quite serious, they’ll be happier than when they found out I actually managed to get into a university without bribing anyone.”
You found out just how genuine he was being a couple days later when he dialed them up on speaker phone for you to hear.
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