#if anyone wants to share their knowledge i would lvoe that
courtneymill · 6 years
kmplayer gif tutorial
hello all! i’m gonna show you how i make my gifs! I use kmplayer and avisynth to make gifs, but I’m going to focus on kmplayer for this one. This tutorial is long and quite in depth so if you’re a beginner, this should be good for you!
also! this is purely just a gif tutorial and not a coloring tutorial lol
what you will need:
photoshop (im using cs5)
any video downloader (I use 4k download or savieo)
Okay first find a video and/or a scene that you want to gif. You’ll want to get the highest quality video possible. Don’t download anything under 720p or else your gif will look grainy. Try to get 1080p as much as possible.
Once you get that downloaded, open your video in kmplayer and go to the scene you want. I like to go a few seconds beforehand to make sure i don’t miss any frames. Now on your keyboard press Ctrl + G to open up the screen cap menu.
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I don’t remember the default settings but here are the settings you’ll want:
Extract to: you’ll want to create a folder to hold your screen caps and then direct that folder here
Format: JPEG and Bitmap are both good options. Bitmap (i believe) is going to be a higher quality image
Numbers to extract: continuously
Size to extract: original size. You want the full size image
Frames to extract: every frame. This ensures that you’re getting every frame and helps your gif look smoother
also the “prefix” is just going to be the first part of the image name, so put whatever you want for this! :)
Once this is done, press Start in the menu and play the video. When the scene is done, press pause on the video. Open the menu again (Ctrl + G) and stop that as well. Now all you want to do is go into the folder with your screen caps and delete the ones you don’t want.
Frame timing and converting to smart objects
Open photoshop: we are now going to start the giffing process! Before you start, make sure you have the animation window and the layers window open. To do this, go to Window > Animation and Layers, if it’s not already showing.
Now, click on File > Scripts > Load multiple DICOM files. Find your screen caps folder and load them in. You’ll see in your animation bar that it only has one image showing. 
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In order to pull your screen caps from this, go to the top right hand corner of the animation bar and click this button. Click “Make frames from layers”.
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This is so your gif actually plays all the frames and not just the one showing. Next, change the timing of the gif. Personal preference is a big thing in giffing so you’ll want to play around with what works for you. The average timing used by a lot of people is either 0.04 or 0.05 (for screencaps i should say). I find that 0.04 can be a little fast for my liking, so 0.05 is good. To do this, click the “0 sec” and then “Other...” and type in your timing. Make sure you select all the frames before doing this, unless you want to change each frame individually ^.^
P.S. if you ever want to delete a frame in your gif, you can delete the layer in the layer window but in the animation bar, you’ll have to click on the frame and click the tiny trash can next to the bottom scroll bar.
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The next step is to click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the animation bar. It looks like it has two sliders on it. It will change your animation from frames to timeline. 
Next, right click on a frame in your layers window and select “similar layers”. Then right click again and select “convert to smart object”. This may take a moment btw.
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If you see that your animation timeline shortened into one line instead of multiple lines, you’re on the right track! Next thing to do is to crop the part of the scene you want.
Image size, sharpening and canvas size.
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Image size will change the photo size without cropping anything out. Canvas size will change the size without transforming the image. What I like to do is to change the image size to about 5 or so pixels larger than what I actually want for either the width or height. In this case, I want my gif to be 268 x 150. So my cropped photo is going to make my height much larger than I’m going to want it, if that makes sense.
P.S. For sizing, make sure your width is either 177px for 3 panel gifs, 268px for 2 panels, or 540px for a single panel. If you want a 3 panel gifset, make the middle gifs 178 px (i know, it’s a little dumb but if you don’t, it’ll make the middle gif slightly blurry)
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(This is what I’m going to resize my cropped image to)
You can just make the width or height automatically what you want (268 in the width for my case), but I find that after sharpening, a line can form around your image. I prevent this by making the image slightly larger than what I want and then cutting that part out later.
Now I want to sharpen my gif! Again, this is about personal preference, but I think this is what a lot of people use as well. Right click on your smart object in the layers window and select “New Smart Object via Copy”. I’ve seen people select “Duplicate layer” instead but I honestly don’t know what the difference is lkasndfllanslk.
Set the top layer’s opacity to 50% and leave the bottom layer at 100%. To actually sharpen the gif, go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. 
For the top layer:
1. Smart sharpen: Amount 500%, Radius 0.4
2. Gaussian blur: 0.3 (its also under filter)
For the bottom layer:
1. Smart sharpen: Amount 500%, Radius 0.4, no gaussian blur
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After this, go to canvas size and change it to your actual gif size. For my gif, it will take my 272 x 190 to my desired 268 x 150. Then combine your two smart objects by selecting both of them and clicking “Convert to Smart Object”.
Gif without sharpening vs gif with sharpening
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Now you’ll want to edit it to your liking, just make it sure it’s under 3mb for tumblr’s image limits.
I’m not going to get too much into coloring bc it can be a real pain sometimes but! I will say that selective coloring is your best friend, just don’t saturate/over color or the gif will look more grainy. 
After coloring and such, this is what I get:
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We’re almost there! Save your new gif under “Save for web & devices” and not for “Save as”. When it opens, it’ll look really confusing, but all you need to worry about is that the “Looping options” says forever and not once, or else your gif will stop after it plays the first time. 
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The last step that I didn’t even learn until recently is that you’ll have to open up your gif again in photoshop. When you do this, you’ll find that the timing has changed from 0.05 to 0.07. Idk why it does this, but your gif will look smoother if you change it back. (It might only be for screencap gifs but idk)
Here’s a comparison of the gif as is vs the gif when i changed the timing again:
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And then you go through the process again if you’re making other gifs! I wrote a lot but it really isn’t that hard once you practice a couple times. I’m still learning too! (as you can see since my gifs are still grainy and such) but i hope this was helpful for people who don’t know where to start! Happy giffing!
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Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions… | @intergalacticxmisfits
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why:
AHA! I’m a little proud that I know a bunch of her muses well enough to separate them and perhaps pick a fave out of them, but… I think me knowing sort of well about a bunch of her muses also makes me unable to pick a fave because I like them all! I’ll just answer the ‘why’ part for all XD Well, I really love Castilian because of the vibe he gives me. He has something, uh, floreal and fantastical to himself? I can’t really explain it but, even though Sehun/Seth is the plants expert, I always imagine Cas in soft lights with lilies or, let’s just say Cas gives me a very beautiful and harmonical vibe that I enjoy a lot.Jenny is a very cool character and I’ve always enjoyed active leader characters like she is. I enjoy the way she seems to be a fairly positive personality but who still gives off that sort of authoritative feeling where, rather than seeing her as someone you have to obey, you see her as someone who you’d like to work for or under because she seems trustworthy in her ability to lead. You feel comfortable under her leadership, that’s the vibe Captain Jenny of the Casimire gives me.Theo is, if I had to pick a fave, very high on the list because I like her personality and lot. I like it because characters who have personalities like hers always promise a lot of development and growth, so knowing her and liking her specifically made me very curious as to where her growth might lead. I like how her tough personality seems very realistic even if it may sound familiar to your ears, because Munnie is very talented at portraying a common anti-hero personality in an incredibly unique Theo-way. Theo has… she’s got that thing, where you want to look after her from above and hope she gets by okay.Minjae is an absolute sweetheart, but what I love most about him is that he’s not only that. Even though you can’t really tell at first what other traits he may be hiding beneath his positive and enthusiastic exterior, Munnie somehow manages to portray a feeling of wholeness, like… She is capable of giving you the feeling that if you look hard enough and wait long enough and pursue hints, you’ll be able to find a way into the depth Minjae has under his love for space and just positive attitude. I can’t properly mention Sehun or En’nala or newer muses because I don’t feel all too confident in my knowledge about them yet :3 But I definitely like Sehun and Nala as well, Nala for her naive sweetness and her IMMENSE potential to become whoever she wants to be, and Sehun for his calm and mature attitude on life, and the wisdom he seems to have.
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs:
I’m always assuming this means my favourite interactions with me, so I’ll answer accordingly.I don’t want to pick because I love Minjae interacting with Yoshin because of the pure enthusiasm and I love Minjae interacting with Hyeongjong because they’re such good friends and it’s always so nice watching them complement each other with rather opposing personalities. And I am so looking forward to interacting properly with Kailee again (even though I’m worried Hoon’s development might idk come off weird).But I want to mention Theo and Patrick because of their personalities.Patrick has a… very contradicting personality. His thoughts never go into the same directions, his morals are a bit difficult to accept from specific stand-points because he favours some generosity and doesn’t always like honor, but there are instances in which he doesn’t and does. Patrick is a very versatile being when it comes to his personality and mindset. And he’s difficult to get along with purely, because he’s smart and old enough to guess which answers would allow the conversation to move on, and those answers don’t always coincide with his actual thoughts or beliefs. Basically, he knows how to keep interactions going, but not by actively showcasing his personality.And Theo is a very strong character who I’ve always seen as the kind of person who throws her personality out there unapologetically. This is just my interpretation so do shoot me if I’m wrong please. She’s not always a hundred percent confident, but I feel like she’s afraid of not being confident, so she is even if she’s not too sure about it. So, basically it’s a man with no shape who is capable of pleasing anyone, and a woman with a very definite shape who needs to focus on herself above anyone else for her own survival and can’t waste time on being the version of herself you want her to be (THIS IS JUST HOW I UNDERSTOOD IT I’M SORRY IF I’M WRONG). So.. it’s super fucking interesting to see those two interact.
My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s):
I FUCKING LVOE THEM, I’m so sorry for the swear. If you look at Jenny and then look at Theo and then look at Minjae, would you be able to believe they’re written by the same person? Because they’re so diverse and unique and so easy to tell apart, they have each their incredibly defined backgrounds and personalities and they exist with and around one another in incredibly interesting ways, so watching the result of all that in each character’s way of speech and inner monologue and way of think is absolutely gorgeous.
My thoughts on their writing style as a whole:
Well ahem it is bloody freaking amazing.
Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in:
All the situations Munnie has in mind, all of them. She’s got a plot idea? I love it already. But what I’d really like to see, are moments in which her characters find themselves just being happy with the life they’re living. That is such a hard moment to achieve, but if I could see Theo sit with her soon-to-be husband and think ‘this is happiness’ I’d die.
Someone else I love seeing them interact with:
@dcmnation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean to be honest I haven’t seen much of their interactions, but they are both incredibly talented people with incredibly interesting muses, watching those two rp is like watching Tolkien rp with Rowling.
Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying:
That it is bloody perfect.
If We Know Each Other (
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities:
Munnie is super understanding, she is super kind, she is so incredibly supportive. She’s behind you when you need it, she’s got your back when you express the slightest hint of insecurity, she returns all sorts of kindness and is awesome. And if anyone takes advantage of her for her good qualities, I’ll fuck them up. Don’t fuck with people I care about. I am a kind person on here, but I know how to be mean, you don’t want to hear that. Know that saying, the kindest people are the scariest when they’re angry? Yep.
What I Think Are Their Strengths:
I don’t feel confident answering this one because I don’t want to give the impression I’m assuming things about her.
A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours:
Every OOC interaction we have is awesome :D But memorable? HMM, I think memorable to me are our exchange of ideas, when I’m capable of asking about her muses, just when we get to share creativity :D
Why Others Should RP With Them:
Because her muses are fantastic and diverse because she’s an incredible person, and because I said so. XD
How Others Should Approach Them:
How they should approach everybody, respectfully and with patience because every person is their own person with their own life outside of Tumblr.
Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them:
@littlcstarling because I could really see the two of them interact :3 For some reason, I put them together in my brain, the same style of muses or diversity or Idk but I’d like to see that happen :3
Anything else I want to say about them:
Thank you.
If We Have/Plan To Interact Together
A plot I’d like to write with them:
SHIT, too many.
A muse I want to introduce to them:
In an actual interaction, Camille finally to En’nala :3 I’d also like to throw Kihoon at Theo so she can help him realise that you can love someone even when you think you aren’t worthy or love isn’t worthy
A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them:
We always talk around it, but I think we could see Kailee and Hoon as a potential/ship :3 And Minjae and Hyeongjong are def buddies ;W;
A thread with them I’m excited about:Anything else I want to say:
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