#if buddie goes canon on 911 I'm going to be watching it happen sitting next to be grandma lmao
helenofblackthorns Β· 5 months
I may be getting new bookshelves (they were my dead grandfather's)
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OK so I've started watching 911 cus youre post have peeked my interest. I just wanna know beforehand is this Eddie and bucky thing actually possible or fans wanting it. How hurt am I gonna be that nothings happening πŸ˜‚
Ah, that makes me so happy, it's such a fantastic show, I hope you're liking it! πŸ’•
(I just did a really long post as a response to this and I accidentally deleted it, now I have to do it again. Dear god, please send soup. And strength.)
Regarding Buck and Eddie going canon, there are a lot of different ways to look at this and different ways to see it, but personally? Where I am at, at this point, I just do not see how the story could be heading in any other possible direction. Most days I am 100% sure it's happening, sometimes 99, but it never really goes below that.
(I do want to make sure that you and anyone else new in the fandom does understand, however, that this is not something to be expected soon. Dealing with their trauma as individuals is going to take a lot of time, and just because it's not happening within the next two episodes doesn't mean it's not happening. Give it time, my loves. These writers are absolutely fantastic.)
Now. I understand the need to be hesitant. I do, believe me. Especially as a part of the community, you know? We're used to being let down, disappointed and thrown the scraps (This post by @yramesoruniverse touches on why we feel this way despite having so many signs that point to this storyline and it is something I highly recommend reading, it's fantastic.) I also want to point out that the couples that people tend to compare Buck and Eddie to (aka couples that never went canon) are couples that I don't personally see the relevance in comparing them to. Comparing Buddie to other ships that never went canon just doesn't make sense, because none of those shows were shows like 9-1-1. 9-1-1 focuses on a lot difficult topics. Comparing 9-1-1 to Supernatural, or Suits just doesn't make sense to me. It's irrelevant.
Now. I could sit here for hours pointing out things that may be pointing to them going canon, but at the end of the day, there is way too much, and there are people who have done it already, and done it far better than I ever could (I will be tagging some of my favourite blogs at the end of this, if you want to go and ask them some things, I'm sure they would be more than happy to answer you! Speaking of, though, this post is also absolutely phenomenal, and very interesting to consider.)
There are two more things I'd mention though, the first one being this livestream with Ronen and Oliver around the time of the crossover, where Ronen refers to TK thinking Buck is hitting on him as 'opening a door'.
And the second thing is the fact that Eddie's actor, Ryan Guzman is someone who doesn't really know the art of um... keeping his mouth shut. And he doesn’t always have good opinions, so I also have a feeling that if there was no way that Buck and Eddie is happening, he would have told us to fuck off a long time ago, and he never really has. So there's also that.
In conclusion, before I point you to some other wonderful people, I also would like to say that - at the end of the way, this is fandom, it's supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be a distraction. So while I absolutely understand people being hesitant and not wanting to be disappointed - my main thing is also the fact that... I'm going to be a lot happier leaning into this, and expecting it, and following along, even if it doesn't happen (which I highly, highly doubt, but if the show does end without Buck and Eddie together, I'll just take the L and move on. But I'll still have the wonderful memories of freaking out with everyone else and anticipating this revolutionary story.) It's a lot more fun than just walking around with a big cloud over my head, being bitter, and rolling my eyes at everyone who dare have a glimmer of hope about it all, you know?
As promised - here are some other wonderful blogs I recommend you take a look at: @yramesoruniverse @himbodiaz @rarakiplin @wildflowerbuck @hattalove @diazchristopher @capseycartwright @roseapothecary @pearwson
There are so many wonderful people in this fandom who write fantastic posts about all of this, so that's absolutely not all of them, but it's a handful to get you started! πŸ’•
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