#if drivers’ radios weren’t broadcasted then literally no one would know about these little squabbles
f1-stuff · 1 year
I'm nervous after today and the repercussions it can have in the Charlos dynamic 💔 things seemed tense already between them, the lack of challenges... and now this fall out. I'm worried for real.
I know teammates fight, Max and Checo had that thing in Austria, that they brush off immediately but is it even comparable? The relationships are polar oposites. I'm afraid either Carlos or Charles will take it personally... let's pray for the best 😔 (but I'm not very hopeful, with the addition of all the drama surrounding Carlos and Ferrari....)
Hi ❤️ I’m gonna reassure you on all the points you made, not just bc I’m trying to make you feel better, but bc I genuinely feel this way:
Charles and Carlos will be totally fine! They are experts at separating what happens on and off track, and have both said that obviously they want to beat each other extremely badly, but that’s also why they respect each other so much! I bet they’ve both already brushed this off tbh! And the reason (imo) the same thing doesn’t happen more often with other teammates is bc their teams usually manage the sessions a bit better…
Here’s a post with some links that gwen (monagasque) posted with the drivers talking about what happened today. Charles says there is no lingering resentment, and that the overtake happened bc everyone was worried about getting their lap in.
The reason we don’t have c2 challenges lately isn’t bc they haven’t been filming them LOL - we have photo evidence that they’ve been recorded, so it’s just a matter of time when they will be released. ☺️
And a final reminder: every time something happens on track with charlos, half the fandom thinks the world is falling apart, and then the boys reappear a few days later giggling, blushing, flirting. And everyone forgets there was ever an issue so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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