#if he had all spider abilites then he would grow an arm/leg real quick if it gets cut off
i-have-one-braincell · 5 months
Peter's healing just gives up at one point so now he has a new shiny scar or two of Ava's teeth.
He's worried because his healing has a limit apparently and starts trying to figure out what it is – is it the quantity? the frequency? the placement? A mix of all three that caused this?
(I like the idea of his healing being able to bring him back from death's door. He can be gutted and have his organs hang out, but if he just shoves them back inside and sleep for a few hours, he's right as rain)
Ava's preening and shooting Danny smug looks
Danny is low-key thinking of what excuse he can use when kills Ava and if he can also mark Peter in some way
I LOVEEEE with characters that have battle scars so when I want Peter to have one, it’s difficult cuz of his healing factor and Danny being able to heal others and himself(got power up from the comics in my fic)😭😭.
I do like the idea of Peter having a limit of his healing depending on his health. Such as if Peter is tired and haven’t been eating/sleeping much, his healing would slow down. Kinda like the idea of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 where Peter’s powers started fading away because of stress, the same would apply to his healing factor.
I won’t lie though, in Call You Mine, I had him become impaled from his stomach and bro still managed to swing himself to a hospital and be brought back to life while undergoing surgery. I didn’t know if I was stupid back then to write that unrealistic scene with plot armor or showed how badass teen Peter can be😭😭😭. As I matured, I decided to not place him in such insane circumstances like that and toned it down a bit but atleast he still has the scar from it.
The short battle between them would be pretty entertaining and giving Danny a shine of how to be creative with marking😭😭.
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