#if he was a real life capitalist i would hate his very being im fuckign šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
noritaro Ā· 1 year
ppl say the once-ler couldā€™ve avoided bankruptcy if he just replanted the trees or if he just waited another 20 years for them to grow after replanting them but i donā€™t think he couldā€™ve cuz not only did he pollute the water but the soil most likely lacked the proper nutrients for the trees to actually regrow due to the pollution and the lack of life in the environment made it harder for the soil to gain back the nutrients it lost, or maybe they did mention that in the movie and i just have shitty memory
Also anon,, do not get me started on his shitty business practices cause they make me go insaaane- I have several complaints on how bad he is at leeching off the wallets of the working class.
Like in the movie we were shown that he couldve easily made thneeds without cutting them down, he just needs to grab the tufts, the only reason he did that is because his mother pressured him into doing it- the process was too slow to meet the demand of his product. You know what he could've done instead?? Read up on the law of supply and demand. Hell raising the price of the thneed, which is $3.98 btw, in order to meet the insanely high demands despite low supply IS THE OBVIOUS THING TO DO.
this cringefail capitalist runs a monopoly in the thneed business and not once does he stop and just think,,, jus t t h i n k
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misterbitches Ā· 3 years
i live in a universe where if i were to walk down the street i could get murdered willy nilly cos im black but men are out here going around being likeĀ ā€œmy boyfriend and i met when he was a junior in high schoolā€ i donā€™t believe in jail and i try not to make jail jokes but HOW IS THAT FAIR? JAIL!!! GUILLOTINE!!!! GET THIS MAN A RETIREMENT FUND AND A THERAPIST
that dialogue was fucking embarrassing. he shoulda just saidĀ ā€œim 12 yrs older than himā€ no one needs to know u were 30 dating a 17 year old u insecure freak. retire bitch and get away from her
Ā i wanted muren so badly to be likeĀ ā€œLMAO SRY didnt mean to seem surprised i just like men my own age i guess?ā€ i wouldnt have even apologized if i was surprised. my friend was dating someone ten yrs younger than him and i made fun of him for it and he was likeĀ ā€œi knowā€ bc he does know.
just a tip: i donā€™t like getting hit on by men way older than me, a lot of people donā€™t. iā€™ve had men who are 36 interested in me when i was 23, and i reciprocated, but now as i am 29 and older i realize how much it confused me and how i didnā€™t like it.
age gaps are what they are. therā€™es many times i do not like it especially if it is a pattern (this is what happens in tv shows and movies and the opposite of that isnā€™t gay age gaps or power imbalances or women much older than a younger man ok thatā€™s not progress itā€™s just peopl ewanting to be like cis men and no one wants that) and esp if the personā€™s peers are all their ages. people seem to forget that we travel in the same social circles on purpose due to our environments and also our world experiences. the only way to meet an older man is outside of school and yet adults canā€™t seem to control themselves?
i saw this person who was one of the editors of sexual hegemony (a book on capitalism and homophobic laws and sex basically idk google it itā€™s interesting) and he was trying to have a foucultian outlook (i hate focault btw doesnā€™t mean what he says wasnt interesting but it does mean i am not okay with psychosexual philosophers who take advantage of people. the only testament against him having reltaions with younger people is a bunch of young people i nfucking tunisia and thereā€™s an excuse that he wasnā€™t a fucking pedophile he was those ebebebbeopopopo people and it doesnt matter when ur in fucking tunisia as a white french algerian fucking preying on children) how age of consent laws desexualize younger people. they were passed forĀ  abunch of reasons like any law but here is the thing
we have no business in being in spaces to determine childrenā€™s sexual identity and teenagers in their own realm. THEY need to figure it out. our job as adults is to PROTECT THEM full stop. not intrude on their lfe and not give them the tools to decide for themselves. age of consent laws are meant to protect not to facilitate children against some boogeyman of sex. the issue is the way our society views it but young people are sexual AS YOUNG PEOPLE. it has NOTHING to do with adults and it shouldnā€™t. thatā€™s why it is extra fucking intrusive when you are literally wedged into someoneā€™s life who you have no business being around. itā€™s only by fucking circumstance. itā€™s abysmal and not cute.Ā 
what this tells me is that the age gap is salacious. not in the way that i was 23 and a man was 36. in the way that he was 17 and this dude was 29. thatā€™s interesting right? itā€™sĀ ā€œooohā€ and it means we shouldnā€™t balk at it. saying 12 years would have sufficed, raises some eyebrows, and we can figure out the dynamics after but you just had to put that in BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LIKE IT but the thing is thereā€™s no part of it that was fun. iā€™m just going to assume you like fucking teenagers bc thatā€™s what itā€™s telling me lmao
i rarely talk about this couple but to put them in my eyeballs and then have that stupid conversation it was insulting lmao god please get a fucking script supervisor fuck but none of them care about sotry or any of what i fucking laid out. how stupid and careless and just unfun. i donā€™t like it. also ew at the idea of 2 tops and 2 bottoms talking oh my god i am gonna give myself a heart attack iā€™m already so fucking anxious i have to see my family lemme chill
im 29 and feel bad having a crush on a 23 year old CELEBRITY ok and i SHOULD feel ashamed and itā€™s not even a big deal thatā€™s how everyone should approach life tbqh u walk around like ur 100 yrs old to avoid children. oh whatā€™s that this korean cebrity learned english and moved to america to start a family with me and i find him very hot and i like his voice but weā€™re 6 years apart iā€™m not sure if i would work (how fun of a drama would that be. pointless and ridiculous. i love it.)
oh thereā€™s a great review on CMBYN and its history and how the isolation and seeclusion was so fuckign capitalist bougie patriarchy and yea idk if anyone is interested. i think itā€™s ironic the ending for the people in CMBYN irl bc itā€™s just. so indicative of this shit. i dont like guadignino (idk is that how u spell his name) and think heā€™s not a great....person or director (i love the look of suspiria tho likke visually and edited. the DP was thai btw! he did an amazing job!!!) but it critiques this film from a perspective of someone who clearly at least cares about artistry, no matter how poorly i think he executes it, and just how hollow it is. the thing aboutĀ ā€œescapismā€ is that it relies on the harsh realities of the world to make it opposite, everything has context, nothing is apolitical. to make something that exists in a vacuum is negligent and it doesnā€™t help you escape it makes you even more tied to this world and its flaws because it doesnā€™t do anything to mitigate it.
people view it as likeĀ ā€œwe can put something stupid on screen and people have to accept it in this worldā€ but that isnā€™t how IT WORKS. you hvae to build up the stakes of the world. but i canā€™t see introducing someĀ ā€œtabooā€ (see: stupid) elements and pretending the escapism is seeing this and allowing it. how could it be when the problem is the nature of the rship itself? what world are you taking us to? and why does this world ignore the pressing realities? and i wouldnt say either of these are explicit escapism (i think i hate that word now) becuase um they arent.Ā this fantastical generally rich people escapism isnā€™t about bending things that donā€™t work to mold it into our society because WE DO THAT ALREADY itā€™s about taking those things and twisting them to something we can accept and like or something that has real consequences for people. itā€™s so funny how marketing and the idea of pc culture and shit and conservative ideology seeps into these. they haveĀ  an explicit interest in holding the status quou of taking advantage of people and using their power; age is a huge structure to do so. in this society when we struggle why would its existence not be challenged? because rape, ridiculous rships, abusive rships, torture etc is a power move, conservatives rest on it and people who gain power. what about that is appealing? making it gay? well, no. especially because men DO have power.Ā 
every fucking thing in BL is a reflection of of patriarchy honestly. i can admit that and iā€™m not okay with it but itā€™s consumption. thereā€™s a way to make this decent or entertaining without it being so fucking poorly done. and atp i dont even want to call things bl itā€™s a tv show just bc itā€™s for a certain audience doesnt mean anything do better idiots
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