#if humans were telepathic I would be tuning into your brain like a radio station every day always
stargirl1331 · 5 months
Petition for tumblr to let me write bibles on post comments without having to write 100 of them.
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C, you've no idea the can of worms you just opened, I get so weird about this stuff and I straight up cannot form thoughts right now because my brain decided to go stupid for some reason so-
Ok, trying to write this one again because what I was going to send looked like word vomiting, I wasn't joking with my brian going stupid. Y'know that feeling when you want to say a lot but the words won't come out so you just feel dizzy and like you might throw up? That but like in a good way, like I'm having butterflies but in the brain. Anyway.
So your poem was about internet and online friends, I started thinking about relationships and how you can love people without faces and that reminded me of Her (2013), a movie about a dude that falls in love with his universe's Siri/Alexa with whom he starts to develop a wholesome and cute relationship.
And then there's the song Computer Boy by Poppy, where she falls in love with an AI (back when AIs were cool, when they were just a concept for people to go insane and write fiction about and not an actual thing that kills art) and it's basically a silly reference to online dating and I just love it.
But Poppy's character (she's a character) started with the concept of a girl who wanted to be internet famous, except she was actually an AI/robot created only and specifically to be famous (a critique of the music industry) and she actually lived ON the internet, like that was her house. There's just so many things about her- actually, there's this FANTASTIC youtube essay about her that explains everything better than me and since you seem to like her- here
Then The Machine is about so SO many things, in this specific instance I meant like the humanization of machines; when they develop consciousness, empathy and feelings and where does that leave us, how different are they from us and we from them? Can a human and a machine fall in love? Have a connection?
New Flesh is technically horror, technically transhumanism; when the human and the mechanical combine, it's about the morphing and transformation of our bodies with the coming of the future, if we're not our bodies what are we? Can we even be considered humans without one? New Flesh is all about the relationship between human/body and machine and you comparing dna with codes made me think of that when writing in the tags before going "what does this have to do with anything?" but yeah man-machine, I remember now.
Basically, your poem reminded me of loving people that don't have a physical and/or human body, I went "awww, they're in love with the computer, with the robot :3" and related it with other things that don't have that much in common but whom I'm obsessed about.
It took so long to formulate this, I short circuited for a while. I'm normal now (lie). Hope this makes at least a little bit of sense and I don't sound out of my mind.
This is all so cool???? I’m currently like absolutely obsessed with poppy.computer no I’m not chewing on things nooooooo. Dante please info dump in my inbox literally anytime ever I love hearing your thoughts they are always so awesome and I learn so much and find a new thing to hyperfixate on.
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