iwozlegit · 1 month
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iwozlegit · 2 months
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iwozlegit · 3 months
i was searching for pictures to help my friend with a collage and i came across this and PLEASE tell me why i JUST NOW REALIZED THAT HUSK IS GROWLING AT VALENTINO.
and the way his anger immediately turned to concern when angel got up.
i fucking love huskerdust.
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iwozlegit · 3 months
|| 🍍• Is the reason why Husk is a cat because he lived his living life as if he had 9 lives?
Constantly flitting here, there, and everywhere, taking risks until he literally had nothing left?
And he, in struggle and despair, became the coward crumbling scaredy cat identical to what we see when Alastor comes to rock his shit?
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(I don’t know, but if Angel has a connection with his demon form to his past life (web of crime as he’s now a spider), Husk has to have one, too).
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iwozlegit · 3 months
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I will never be normal about the HAND SIZE DIFFERENCE-
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iwozlegit · 3 months
The best bit about this is, we also see this same hand in Husk’s hand while he’s fighting in the Finale
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In episode 4, when Husk appears to lose everything to Alastor, the final card is The Jack of Diamonds.
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Interestingly, the card in Husk’s hand also appears again atop the Loser sign in Loser Baby, and showcases a tophat.
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The two cards to the right of The Jack of Diamonds in both Husk’s hand and atop the Loser sign are also interesting to look at. The Queen of Spades appears to have this large central eye feature. This is also the card that gets lodged in the ceiling when Husk first attacks to the loan sharks in episode 4.
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Finally, the King of Clubs appears to have a crown detail adorned with antlers.
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…its almost like the cards are already on the table, they just need to align (for that royal flush energy).
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Husk almost saved Angel with a Royal Flush. Since I always read way too far into things, have some pointless card symbolism!
10 of Diamonds: the symbol of money and success in finances
Jack of Diamonds: a dishonest person
Queen of Spades: representative of judgment that is practical, logical, and intellectual
King of Clubs: those with a lot of power and authority
Ace of Hearts: new love, a new beginning, and the birth of newfound feelings
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iwozlegit · 3 months
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Poolside Huskerdust 💕✨🐈‍⬛
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iwozlegit · 3 months
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kay I pinkie-swear I'm not gonna keep blasting y'all with constant wips of this thing but i s2g my heart demanded that I share this part Immediately at least, so... TwT enjoy some more SoftnessTM~ <3
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iwozlegit · 3 months
|| 🍍• I feel like my post about Huskerdust fans wanting a smooth ride when Hazbin Hotel comes back around are gonna be real quiet now that the ‘Helluva Boss Stolitz’ angst train has left the station and is on its way to slaughter us for the rest of 2024.
We really have learned nothing.
We’re actually goin to hell y’all
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iwozlegit · 3 months
The differences between TFP and Earthspark Optimuses are sooooooo fucking funny. TFP OP is burdened with "I've never seen Prime laugh, cry, or lose his cool," he responds to "Hey Optimus you wanna see something funny?!" with the numbest dead-eyed Eeyore "No," he's just generally Haunted and Stoic every waking moment
Then we have Chuckles McGee with his looney toons ass face winking and making finger guns and giggling nervously and spamming the group chat with emojis and cracking jokes and making "graphic design is my passion" self-help pamphlets
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iwozlegit · 3 months
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i haven't finished anything in awhile but maybe y'all will enjoy some of my sketches?
op is very shaped and very fun to draw but also difficult. i've done a lot of screenshot studies attempting to understand his anatomy
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iwozlegit · 3 months
Just finished watching the new season 2 trailer
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Is that Blitz’s FUCKING mother?!
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iwozlegit · 3 months
The Radio Demon™️?
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More like…
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TLDR: Alastor fucking KNOWS, y’all.
Bambi looking ass with his eyes dilated at Angel all sweet and innocent when he’s just “you ain’t slick-ed” Husk.
He was taking notes on that balcony with Niffty fr.
Alastor doesn’t ship HUSKERDUST confirmed
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iwozlegit · 3 months
Helluva Boss /// Hazbin Hotel spoilers!
So, we’re out here dying for a new Helluva Boss episode, and they give us a gorgeous Helluva Short of Millie and Sallie May?!
…entitled Helluva Shorts 1…
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…Helluva is short for Helluvaverse…and Helluva Boss is referenced at the end of the above title …
…does this mean…
…we might get a ‘Helluva Shorts 2 // Hazbin Hotel Edition?’…
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iwozlegit · 3 months
Love love love this idea!
I kinda feel like it’d be a situation that blurs into a date? Sort of how they trash up those loan sharks and then drink together at the bar? Wait this is a date? Ok this is a date, situation
I feel like whatever it is, if Husk was the planner, it would be something that Angel would never think of and is really mesmerised by. Something small to start and then the dates get more obvious and heartfelt.
I’m talking Jazz bars, dancing, all those secret places Husk knew from his Overlord days where he knows all the secrets passageways to sneak in. Maybe even like a visit to Loo Loo World, and Husk wins Angel this fucking ugly teddy bear but Angel is smitten with it.
What do you guys think Angel and Husk would genuinely do for their first date?
My guess is like a secret picnic or something. Like hear me out, edge of Pride, there’s a small scenery that isn’t absolutely disgusting and Husk plans a small picnic with a charcuterie board and wine, they both have matching outfits and they just watch the skyline..
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iwozlegit · 3 months
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My holy trinity is completed now djdj
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iwozlegit · 3 months
|| 🍍• Hear me out…imma call it…
You know how Jason Griffith was back in the studio in January, and David Humphrey looked to also be in the studio recently with a Shadow the Hedgehog picture??
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Imma call it…
We’re getting this scene in Sonic 3
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Think about it
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