#if i can.. I'm not rly trying to overwork myself or push too hard if my metabolisms just slowed down that's fine
apt502-if · 8 months
Oh God I'm so afraid this will come off as rude or presumptuous, but I rly don't mean it like that!!! I'm just wondering, I love the flavour text sooo much but sometimes I'm a little afraid that it might be too much work for you (for anyone, really!) ? Like I've seen sooo many IF authors try to have lots of variations and so on, but then they realized that they bit of more than they could chew, and abandoned their projects :( I'm just worried that you might overwork yourself or smt, bc you will have to write sooooo many scenes, so I was wondering how you're holding up? would you say that the flavour texts is what keeps you interested and going, or would you ever consider cutting some variations and stuff out so that you can realistically continue with things? Sjskksno like I rly don't mean to come off as presumptuous or smt, I just hope you're going to be okay!!! Love the game a lot and I hope you have a great week!!!!♥️♥️♥️
It's not rude at all dw! I understand you completely but luckily it's the flavor text and different variations that make me most excited for 502. I find the more linear the story the more dull it is for me so it makes me excited to add more and more!
That's why I like to remind people that my updates may take longer than what people normally expect from WIP ifs (im not sure what the average wait time for an update is?). Since I have to work a day job my time is cut off and so I just have to take my time to write since there's not much I can do. I always wanted to play an IF with a lot of variation and I understand why not many IFs do that since it's sooo much work trust me guys but it's also really fun.
I have to stop myself from adding more and more jobs and stuff :P flavor text is fun!
Thank you for looking out! <3 I try not to push myself too hard so I don't get burnt out since I don't want to abandon 502! Maybe one day I can work on 502 full time :>
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taesthetes · 7 years
helloooo:-) so I have an upcoming exam that's rly important and constitutes like 70% of my grade for the whole yr, and this yr is rly important bc it determines my class next yr and subsequently my career.. I did really badly for the first exam, which is 30% and I'm Super stressed right now bc I can feel the pressure to do really well in this upcoming exam, as to get into the class that I want to I technically have to be in the top 3 of my class.. I was top 6 last time (continued in another ask)
and I recently dropped a subject in order to pull up my grade…. but i’m still super stressed and I’ve been rly moody and emotional nowadays… the exam’s in 3 days and I think I am pushing myself too hard now but I really really need to do well in this exam.. idk there’s loads of emotional stuff going on in me and i just wanted to let it all out😓 i hope u don’t mind but do u hav any advice on how to stay sane and calm and not so emotional? i think im overreacting a bit too😶😶
hi, sweetpea!! i’m sorry for the late reply; i check tumblr less and less frequently now that uni started up again and i’ve been busy. but omg 70% of your grade?? what kind of academic hell is this??? i’m sorry you didn’t do as well as you wanted to on your exam ): trying to be in the top 3 sounds so competitive and stressful wow… but you’re in the top 6!! you only need to move up three places, so that isn’t too bad! and you have three more days to study and prepare!
it’s good that you know your limit and that you dropped a subject so that you won’t overwork/overstress yourself out. i completely understand you since i felt the same way basically my entire academic career and even right now because i overload on classes a lot and there were/are so many important exams going on at the same time. and you’re always welcome to come talk to me and rant and let out all your frustrations!! :)
hmm, as for advice, i’d have to say:
make a schedule. break up your studying in moderate intervals. designate certain times for each lesson, chapter, subject, etc. for instance, if you break it up by chapter, maybe spend an hour on it, then take a ten minute break before going back to studying it another hour, depending on how long it takes for you to understand the material. you won’t get too overwhelmed with studying this way.
don’t spend too much time stressing over one concept or chapter. i personally spend two hours on one chapter max because there’s so many other chapters to get through, and if you spend all your time on understanding one chapter, you won’t have time for the rest, and it’s better to know all the other chapters and not understand one chapter than completely understand one chapter, but forget about all the rest.
don’t cram. i do this all the time, but i get a lot more stressed out when i do this because there’s this panicky feeling that i can’t finish studying everything in time.
take breaks. i cannot emphasize the importance of this enough. your brain needs to rest; you cannot overuse it and overload it with so much information. you’re not going to remember it all that way. go get a snack or go outside for fifteen minutes.
exercise. i take out a lot of my anger and frustration by going to the gym and working out really hard. i feel much more calm and relaxed, albeit a bit tired, after a good work out. it also keeps your blood flowing and pumping throughout your body, and you feel more energized and ready to sit down and study.
do some breathing exercises. when i get too emotional and moody, i like to do some breathing exercises, which helps to calm me down. inhale, count to five, exhale, count to five, and repeat the entire process for a minute or until you feel a bit more relaxed and calm.
scream into a pillow. honestly, sometimes all you need is to let out your emotions, and screaming is a good way to do it. but muffle your screaming with the pillow so you don’t scare other people or anything lmao
talk to someone. voice your concerns and worries with someone, and you’ll usually feel at least a little bit better afterwards. i’m always here to talk if you’d like! but i feel like face to face conversations is better with this method.
do something fun. go out and get lunch with your friends, draw a picture, read a book, watch an episode of your favorite tv show. just do something that takes your mind off of studying for a bit, so you don’t get overwhelmed and stressed from constantly studying.
get a good night’s rest. do not forgo sleep in favor of studying. that’s a terrible idea. your body and your brain needs that time to rest, so you can be awake and ready to go the next day. you’re not going to get much studying done when you feel sleepy and sluggish either.
that’s all i can think of for now, but i hope my advice is helpful to you!! you’re always welcome to send me another ask if you’d like! and best of luck with your exam, sweetpea!!! i know you’ll do great 💕
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