#if i did plot the game out i would use a checkerboard so that it made sense
tenebraevesper · 15 days
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 62: Neo Genesis
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''Like a million faces, I've recognized them all, and one by one they've all become a number as they fall (as they fall). In the face of reason, I can't take no more. One by one they've all become a black mark on the floor. Is it me, you say, you're looking for? Let me show you who I am and what I have in store... (in store)''
– What I'm Made Of (Shadow Remix) by Sonic Heroes (Zarkator Cover, Sonic X Shadow Generations, Theme of Neo Metal Sonic)
Dr. Eggman was holding a mug of hot coffee, sipping it calmly as he looked at the monitors. He had to admit that it was quite amusing to watch Ferra and Metal Sonic's plan unfolding. Technically speaking, he had nothing to do with what was going on, as all of this was planned out by Ferra and Metal Sonic. The two had actually approached him after they failed to locate Sonic due to Team Neos being away in the Surya Empire and asked him for help with a plan they had prepared, as they needed to borrow the Badniks and take control of the AR Fields. Eggman patiently listened to the two, at first a bit weary, but eventually started to agree with them on their plan, giving them access to whatever they needed. Admittedly, the plan wasn't anything grand, and it appeared that they were still struggling a little with how they would approach the situation, but overall, it was decent enough.
Eggman had to admit that hearing their plan wasn't the only reason why he let them do whatever they wanted. In comparison to Toshiro and Mephiles, as well as Dr. Starline, Ferra and Metal Sonic had proven themselves to be his most efficient subordinates, fulfilling all of their tasks with little  to no complain, and although Ferra could have a snarky attitude, it wasn't anything Eggman considered outright disrespectful.
As for the plan itself, they had decided to wait for Team Neos to return and use the Egg Pawns to distract them, so Neo Metal Sonic could copy their bio-data directly and empower himself, as well as trap the two most powerful fighters of the team within an inescapable AR Field. He wanted to eventually confront Sonic in this new form and overpower him, if not outright destroy him. Eggman agreed to all of that, but he did notice that both of them were a little apprehensive, understanding well why they would feel like that.
After all, they had been dealing with Sonic the Hedgehog, and the blue hedgehog's victory always seemed to be a foregone conclusion. Eggman himself knew well that even gods capable of ending the universe couldn't stop his arch-nemesis, which is why he decided to turn this whole enemy thing into a game for himself, where he could plot the hedgehog's demise while keeping things entertaining for himself. That is why he had been waiting for so long for Sonic's appearance as an Irregular instead of conquering Starpoint Area immediately after he built his robot army. While he was certain that the military would be capable of fighting him, he never considered them worthy opponents, and if he wanted to conquer the world, he would do it properly. After all, victory without any significant struggle would be incredibly boring.
He had hoped that Ferra and, especially, Metal Sonic, would understand that.
Sonic sighed as he and Shadow sat back-to-back on a checkerboard-designed platform on the beach that was Seaside Hill, immediately voicing his frustrated thoughts, ''This AR Field is the same as Green Hill. We're stuck in a loop!''
''I'm not surprised,'' Shadow replied in a matter-of-fact tone, his arms folded across his chest and his legs crossed. ''The Doctor and Metal Sonic are well aware of the danger we pose to them.''
''I know, but I still thought that we would be able to find a way out…'' Sonic trailed off, only to perk up a moment later and turn his head towards Shadow. ''Hey, what about Chaos Control?'' Sonic suddenly asked, feeling excited. ''You could summon the Chaos Emeralds and we'd have our way out of here.''
''That's not possible unless I release a huge amount of Chaos Energy to distort the AR Field.'' Shadow shook his head, with Sonic's expression falling. ''Even if I tapped into all of the Chaos Energy I had, I wouldn't be able to do it. In order to succeed, I'd need to use Chaos Surge, and since Touka isn't around, that option is not viable.''
''In other words, we're stuck,'' Sonic said, turning his back to the dark hedgehog, with Shadow nodding. Sonic took a deep breath, staring at the bright blue sky. ''Although, I don't think we'll stay here for long.'' Shadow didn't say anything, but his eyes did flick to the side. He didn't turn around though, his ears perking as he continued listening to Sonic. ''Lucas, Touka and the rest of our friends will notice that we have gone missing and that they can't reach us, so they will do everything they can to find us and get us out. That, or Metal Sonic will attempt to challenge me, because I don't think he'd just keep me trapped here without proving himself to be the superior one through a battle.''
''So, we'll have to be patient and wait for an opportunity.'' Shadow smirked. ''Tch, good luck with that.''
Sonic narrowed his eyes, his ears twitching in ire. ''I can be patient when I want.''
''We'll see,'' Shadow responded, with Sonic pouting. The azure hedgehog folded his arms, deciding to show Shadow that he could be patient and focused on staring ahead at the sea and sky, trying to find something that would keep him entertained. His ears drooped slightly when he saw an orca swimming in the deeper waters, frowning at the memory of it chasing after him whenever he and Shadow explored the areas closer to the water. In fact, it didn't even go after Shadow, it actually went only after Sonic as if it held a grudge against him. Sonic swore to himself that he wouldn't go anywhere near the water.
Unfortunately, it seemed that the orca was the only interesting thing in this AR Field, leaving Sonic with nothing to focus on. Admittedly, he could take another lap around the AR Field, maybe find different ways to navigate through the area. It sounded like a good idea to him, but he knew that he could complete the track in a short time and he would find himself searching for new ways to entertain himself. Not to mention, he wanted to prove to Shadow that he could be patient.
Therefore, he remained sitting on the spot, trying to focus on waiting. Except, maybe a few seconds had passed until he started fidgeting. He glanced back at Shadow, the dark hedgehog having closed his eyes and listening to the rush of waves, still in the same position as earlier. Sonic pouted, wondering just how it was possible for his rival to be able to sit so still for this long. He turned around, sighing again.
''I think Metal Sonic is trying to torture me with this,'' Sonic said.
''Two minutes.''
''You've been quiet for a little over two minutes,'' Shadow said, finally turning around and meeting Sonic's gaze. ''I've been counting.''
Sonic's expression fell. ''Fine. I wish there was something to do rather than just wait. I thought about going for another lap, but I have a bad feeling about the orca.''
''I believe that there is something you could occupy yourself with,'' Shadow replied. Sonic gave him a look of surprise.
''What is it?'' he asked.
''We had both been caught off guard by Metal Sonic shapeshifting into Ferra. I don't believe that this ability is something he'd usually be capable of, so how is that possible?'' Shadow responded. Sonic hummed in thought.
''Yeah, that was weird…'' he muttered. ''I guess he got some kind of upgrade.''
''If he did, let's hope Lucas and the others know what kind of upgrade it is and how to combat it,'' Shadow replied.
Metal Sonic ignored Ferra, being deep in thought. He was still pondering over Ferra's question and, more importantly, what his next move would be. He had copied the bio-data of the three strongest members of Team Neos, and if he desired so, he could've gone for the others as well. But even then, he battled with a sense of self-doubt of whether he would even succeed in his plan. It was an illogical thought, especially for a robot like him; someone capable of making all kinds of calculations in a matter of seconds to pick the most beneficial outcome. But, now he was gripped with a sense of fear, the belief that he wasn't strong enough. That he wasn't good enough.
This makes no logical sense. This isn't me. Metal Sonic stared ahead blankly, his claws balled into tight fists. I should be better than this. I need to prove my superiority! Sonic is my fake, and I-!
Metal Sonic was startled when he heard Ferra shouting for him. He turned his attention to her, a bit taken aback when he saw the look of concern on her expression. He didn't understand why she gave him that look. He hadn't shown any behavior that it would require such reaction. Or, did he?
''What's wrong?''
''You don't look well,'' Ferra replied. ''In fact, you looked like you were about to fry a circuit.''
Metal Sonic fell silent once again, only for a moment later to respond, ''I was trying to find an answer to your question.''
''I think there's more to it,'' Ferra said in a calm, but firm tone. She took note of Metal Sonic's puzzled gaze, well aware that it was still a bit difficult for him to understand how she was even capable of reading his mood given how there wasn't much of a way for him to emote. However, considering how much time they had spent together, it shouldn't be too surprising that Ferra would be capable of understanding him. They were partners, after all, and developing a deep bond was part of it. ''I think it would be better for you to tell me what it is before you make any move you're going to regret.''
''…'' Metal Sonic glanced at her, before staring ahead. ''It's self-doubt, and I hate it.'' He stepped ahead, melting into a silver liquid and emerging as Neo Metal Sonic, the black cape around his waist swishing as he suddenly turned around, his voice growing louder. ''This is my grand scheme, but despite being ahead of my loathsome copy in terms of power, I still feel like I'm being held back!'' Neo Metal Sonic shouted in frustration, his right arm stretched out behind him, pointing upwards, while the other was clenched into a tight fist. ''To make it worse, there is no outside obstacle that is holding me back, since I can easily destroy any obstacles placed in my path. Instead, I'm dealing with something inside me that keeps me chained from unleashing my true potential, and I absolutely hate it!'' Neo Metal Sonic's eyes flared up in a dark red colour, glowing in rage as he continued, ''All of my calculations have confirmed that I have enough power to destroy my rival, yet I cannot even force myself to take that crucial step, and I don't understand why.'' He lowered his arms, his fists shaking. ''I concluded that it had to be self-doubt, and I want to erase that emotion from my programming, but I can't. Why? What do I have to feel like this?!''
Ferra kept silent during this whole rant, deciding to wait for her partner to be done. She then asked him in a kind, gentle tone, ''Have you always felt like this?''
''Insufficient, inadequate, defective, incomplete… I had these thoughts since the very start,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded in a matter-of-fact tone. ''Their intensity varied from time to time, but they never left.''
''You felt that way because of Sonic,'' Ferra said, her response being a statement rather than a question.
''That hedgehog is the bane of my existence,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded, his voice being a chilling balance of tranquility and fury. Ferra tilted her head slightly, giving him a curious look.
Ever since she had first found him, Metal Sonic's goal had been to destroy Sonic, so he could not only prove his superiority over his biological look-a-like, but replace him as the real Sonic the Hedgehog. Ferra had wondered from time to time whether Metal Sonic believed he was the real Sonic, but didn't care much about it, as she was only there to support Metal Sonic in reaching his goal. Nothing else mattered to her. However, she understood that she would have to address this at some point.
''Say, Neo…'' Ferra started, drawing Neo Metal Sonic's attention. ''I know that you have been driven by the desire to destroy Sonic once and for all, but is that all?'' Neo Metal Sonic gave her a serious look. ''I mean, do you understand the truth about your connection with Sonic…''
''I have looked into my origins once you told me about them,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded. ''I had been programmed for the sole purpose of destroying Sonic using abilities superior to his. I am the better Sonic in every way, since I possesses the best performance, a tireless body, and plenty of other factors that should make me unbeatable. I understand that I was created after Sonic, but that won't stop me from proving my superiority. However, I also know that is impossible because my copy will always win, no matter what I do. This paradox drives me into madness!''
''That is the video game lore…'' Ferra muttered, a relaxed smile spreading on her lips. ''However, this is the real world, and from what I've seen, you have proven yourself.'' Neo Metal Sonic gave her a confused look. Ferra simply continued, ''Didn't Sonic experience defeat during The Starfall? You had him on the ground, and the only reason he was still alive was because we had to leave at the time.''
''Indeed, but…'' Neo Metal Sonic fell silent as he reflected on that memory. Back then, he had celebrated this victory, believing that it was a sign he was better than Sonic. How could he forget about it?
It appeared that Ferra knew exactly what was going through his head, as she gave him a sympathetic look, adding, ''No offense, but perhaps this upgrade also resulted in this sense of self-doubt and ego becoming stronger. You are more powerful, that's true, but you still keep comparing yourself to Sonic, reflecting on his accomplishments and fearing that you will never be on his level.'' She then gave him an encouraging look. ''How about reflecting on your own accomplishments instead? After all, you had managed to not only copy Sonic, Shadow and Silver's bio-data to make yourself more powerful, but you also trapped Sonic and Shadow in an inescapable AR Field. Besides Dr. Eggman giving us access to the Badniks and AR Field, this was all you. I'd say that it's quite impressive.''
''But, it's not enough…'' Neo Metal Sonic's red eyes suddenly stopped flaring, and he gave Ferra a determined look. ''Unless, I decide what is enough.''
''So, what do you want to do?'' Ferra asked, placing a hand on her hip. She felt quite relieved that she had managed to help her partner restore his confidence. ''Should we still go after Team Neos as a whole as we planned initially?''
''They're not important, especially since they shouldn't even have any access to the AR Field,'' Neo Metal Sonic said. ''However, you should keep an eye on them. I have no doubt that they will attempt to interfere.''
''Don't worry, I'll take care of that,'' Ferra replied in an assured tone, with Neo Metal Sonic nodding in response. He then held up his hand, his eyes glowing as an AR Field opened before him and then closed after he entered it.
Ferra sighed, reaching for the hoverboard that was lying on the ground. She had hoped that Neo Metal Sonic knew what he was doing.
The AR Field was changing. Sonic and Shadow had only mere seconds to even react when their entire environment had vanished and they found themselves standing instead onboard a predominantly gray and red, whale-shaped warship. There were various floating platforms over the skies that were heavily guarded by tough Badniks and cannons, and were connected by yellow, glowing grind rails. This warship, the Final Fortress, was flying over an area surrounded by rough, stormy weather.
The strong winds whipped the hedgehogs as they tried to make sense of their surroundings, their eyes squinting at the sight of lightning and their ears twitching at the sound of thunder. Suddenly, a powerful bolt of lightning struck Shadow, the dark hedgehog crying out in agony as he got electrocuted in the most brutal way possible.
''Shadow!'' Sonic could only watch in horror as his rival fell over, his fur charred and smoking. The dark hedgehog wasn't moving, seemingly lifeless. Sonic's heart raced as a chilling sense of panic set in. ''No no no, Shadow!'' Before Sonic could even move to aid him, he was met with a cyan barrier that stopped him in his tracks. The same cyan energy then enveloped Shadow's lifeless body, throwing him off the warship and into the depths of the dark sky. ''Shadow!!''
Sonic's scream of anguish was drowned out by the boom of thunder, followed by heavy raindrops. Sonic turned around, trying to find a way to leap after Shadow, but what caught his attention was the figure standing on top of the warship. He could recognize that it was a familiar blue robot, the cape billowing in the rough wind.
''Metal…'' Sonic breathed, staring at the robot in disbelief.
''That is Neo Metal Sonic to you, my loathsome copy!'' Neo Metal Sonic responded, leaping from the top of the warship and landing right before Sonic, who managed to snap out of his stupor and quickly ran over to the edge of the warship, but saw nothing but dark clouds below him. Sonic turned to Neo Metal Sonic, a furious gaze on his expression.
''What have you done to Shadow?!'' he shouted.
''I have removed him from the battlefield. This battle is between you and me,'' Neo Metal Sonic responded coldly. Sonic gritted his teeth, feeling pressure on his chest. He had no idea whether Neo Metal Sonic just removed Shadow from the AR Field or outright killed him by throwing him off the warship, and he didn't want to think about it. He knew that there was nothing he could do in this situation, forcing himself to focus on defeating Neo Metal Sonic.
''Fine,'' Sonic replied, his eyes narrowed. Neo Metal Sonic gazed back at him, feeling almost amused that Sonic even considered fighting him like this. This wasn't a battle he could survive, he didn't care, something the robot had acknowledged a long time ago as he confronted Sonic.
''Let me show you just what I'm made of!''
''It is fortunate that everyone has gathered,'' Ferra muttered under her breath as she observed the group that was standing on the street. Besides Team Neos, there were also the Vector, Espio, Charmy, Rouge, Omega, Big, Froggy, Cream and Cheese, discussing the recent Badnik attacks and trying to make sense of them, as well as talking about Sonic and Shadow's disappearance. ''I suppose that it is kind of ironic that Team Sonic, Team Rose, Team Chaotix and Team Dark, sans Sonic and Shadow, but including Silver, are present for this.'' Ferra sighed, knowing that, while Team Neos and their allies had no clue what was going on, they would eventually figure things out and set up a plan to counter them. ''So, the best move here is to interfere and keep them busy as long as possible until Neo is done with Sonic.''
Tapping on her AR Visor, she activated the AR Field. She observed the group as they were dragged into the field, finding themselves in a highly advanced city, not unlike Neos City, consisting of tall, green skyscrapers and a massive factory. This area was known as Grand Metropolis, and Ferra choose it as her own battlefield due to the easy access to an army of Badniks. The robots drew the attention of the group, with Ferra leaping down from the building she was standing on, using the hoverboard to cushion her fall. She smirked, meeting Lucas' gaze.
''Ferra, what is going on?! What have you done to Sonic and Shadow? What is Dr. Eggman up to?'' Lucas demanded, glaring at the teenager.
''First of all, the Doctor is not involved in this,'' Ferra responded, surprising the group. ''As for Sonic and Shadow… I suppose you will find out soon what happened to them. Lastly, does Sonic Heroes sound familiar to you?''
Lucas' eyes widened in shock, as this wasn't the answer he had expected. He was clearly familiar with that video game and its events, but why would Ferra even mention them… Then, it clicked. ''You mean, this was all for Neo Metal Sonic?''
''Bingo~!'' Ferra replied in a sing-song voice. ''I may not know the exact details of what Neo wants to do with Sonic, but I know that my task is to keep you away from them. Badniks, attack!''
The group was met with a horde of the Pawn Series of robots, ranging from Egg Pawns to Egg Hammers to Egg Spears, and were immediately forced to use Chaos Surge, so the human partners could fight them off. The only ones who had to stay out of action were Lucas and Touka, whose respective partners were missing, but fortunately for them, Omega was more than delighted to take their place as he changed his cannon arms into machine guns and started firing at the Badniks.
''This is the best day of my life!''
''Good to know that at least someone is enjoying this,'' Touka said, standing next to Lucas. ''What should we do?''
''The obvious answer would be to find Sonic and Shadow, but considering the situation, it is possible that they aren't even in Grand Metropolis, but instead in a different AR Field, most likely fighting Neo Metal Sonic, who has not only absorbed Silver's bio-data, but possibly theirs as well. The worst case scenario for them would be dealing with Metal Madness or even Metal Overlord,'' Lucas explained, gritting his teeth in frustration. They had no way of communicating with Sonic and Shadow, nor had access to anything that would allow them to cross between the AR Fields, like the Chaos Emeralds. The only way of reaching their partners would be to force Ferra into letting them through.
Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. Their friends were fighting through the hordes of the Badniks, and even though they destroyed a good chunk of them, the natural environment of the AR Field allowed for their data to be reconstructed, causing new Badniks to spawn. This became evident when Amy and Big, joined by Makoto, had to knock down an Egg Spear Cream and Cheese had already taken down, the Badnik getting revived and attacking again. Even breaking their cores, something Vector, Espio, Charmy and Warren attempted to do, has proven to be futile, as the Egg Hammer they faced stood up once again. Omega and Rouge were doing their best to take down group of Egg Pawns, with Rouge engaging in melee combat alongside Minami and Lily, while Omega acted as the support unit, spraying a barrage of bullets at every Badnik that came close to them. Lastly, Silver took Sonic's spot, leading Knuckles and Tails against a Super Egg Pawn, which proved itself to be much more durable than the average Egg Pawns. It was chaos all around, with Ferra standing on the other end, observing the madness before her.
Lucas wanted to move towards her, hoping to catch her off guard, but he got distracted by Touka's loud gasp. There was an interference within the field, with a dark figure appearing on the ground, lying there motionless.
''Shadow!'' Touka quickly ran, kneeling on the ground as she picked her younger brother into her arms, devastated to see him in such an awful condition. She lowered her head on his chest, breathing heavily as she felt a sense of relief when she heard his heart beat, and turned to Lucas. ''He's still alive…''
Their attention turned back to the dark hedgehog when he stirred. The damage was so great that it took all of his strength to open his eyes even slightly, feeling relief to see Touka and Lucas. ''Sonic and I were ambushed… at an Eggman warship…'' He tried to sit up, but his whole body felt like he was on fire, the pain spreading through it in waves. He could feel Touka's grip around his body tighten, the warm sensation of the BioEnergy colliding with the agony. ''I need to…''
There was a soft glow when Touka enabled Chaos Surge, allowing Shadow to breathe easier as the process started healing his injuries.
''We know Sonic is fighting Neo Metal Sonic, but we don't know how to get to him,'' Lucas told Shadow, whose eyes narrowed. He understood now why he was targeted, as in this condition, there was no chance for him to summon the Chaos Emeralds.
The guilt hit him like a wave washing over him.
Sonic felt a dreadful, chilling sensation spreading through his chest as he fought against Neo Metal Sonic, dodging the bolts of lightning, which were weaker than the ones the robot used on Shadow, but not less lethal. He ran across the deck of the warship, trying to escape Neo Metal Sonic's relentless attacks. There was a sudden clap of thunder, colouring the dark sky in white, and multiple bolts of lighting shot downwards, one of them finally hitting the azure hedgehog.
Sonic cried out in pain, agony shooting through his body as he fell on the ground. His nostrils were hit with a smell of charred fur, and even though it wasn't as strong, he felt almost paralyzed by the attack.
''Is this all you can do? Pathetic,'' Neo Metal Sonic spat in disdain, with Sonic trying to get up, the wind whistling in his ears and his eyes slightly blurry due to the rain.
''You haven't seen… anything,'' Sonic took a breath, only for Neo Metal Sonic to charge at him using his own super speed, punching him straight in the face. He was sent flying, landing hard on the deck as he felt a metallic, tangy fluid in his mouth. He wiped it off, his eyes widening in horror as he realized that his robotic rival managed to draw blood.
''You are nothing,'' Neo Metal Sonic said in a cold tone, observing Sonic as the latter sat up, trying to catch his breath. ''You are all alone, with no friends to help you in this fight.''
''Truth to be told… I don't want to put them into unnecessary danger,'' Sonic said, with Neo Metal Sonic suddenly launching Chaos Spear-like projectiles at his biological counterpart, with Sonic charging towards him, managing to dodge the energy bolts and getting close enough to Neo Metal Sonic to get into a melee fight. He landed a hit on the robot's head, followed by another on the side, followed by a punch to the chest and culminating in sweeping Neo Metal Sonic off his feet, then curled into a ball and finished him off with a spin-attack.
Breathing heavily, Sonic stepped back, his chest hurting and his lungs burning. He felt cold, his body ached, and he knew that he was injured, but he needed to defeat his robotic rival if he wanted to escape this place and go back to his friends. Suddenly, his body was surrounded by cyan energy and he was thrown hard into a nearby cannon, leaving an indent and flopping over as he fell on the ground, only one thought crossing his mind.
That's Silver's power.
It seemed as if Neo Metal Sonic had read his mind, because when he approached the azure hedgehog, he said, ''I have scanned Silver, Shadow and your bio-data, which allowed me to copy and replicate all of your attributes and abilities flawlessly. So, don't be too surprised when I use them.''
''Is that so…'' Sonic muttered. The reckless side of him wanted to continue and show Neo Metal Sonic that he wouldn't be defeated so easily, but his common sense prevailed, reminding him that if what the robot said was true, his chances of defeating him were zero to none. He knew from first-hand experience just how powerful Silver and Shadow were, and unless he had a proper way to counter Neo Metal Sonic, he was done for. There was one thing he could do, but he wasn't sure how well it would even work. However, it was his only chance.
To Neo Metal Sonic's surprise, Sonic suddenly ran off, leaving the former wondering what his counterpart was up to. He found Sonic standing on the far end of the deck, with the azure hedgehog taking a running stance and suddenly dashing towards his robotic counterpart. Somehow, his speed was even greater than before, with Sonic utilizing his Boost, surrounded by blue energy as he became a destructive high-speed projectile. He then curled into a ball, combining it with the spin-dash, alarming Neo Metal Sonic. The robot managed to raise a protective barrier resembling the Black Shield, shocked when Sonic managed to push him back, with small cracks forming in the barrier as the hedgehog desperately tried to break through. Directing his own energy from the barrier, Neo Metal Sonic made the snap decision to fire a bolt of lightning at Sonic from up close.
''AAAAAGHRR!'' Sonic screamed in anguish, feeling as if his whole body was on fire, only to have his air supply be cut off when Neo Metal Sonic grabbed him by the neck and slammed him brutally into the ground, dragging his claws across his chest and causing red lines to appear across the skin, droplets of blood staining the peach fur. He then lifted Sonic up, still holding him by his neck.
''It is satisfying to see you writhe in my hands, weakened and helpless, unable to stand up to me,'' Neo Metal Sonic said, his red eyes glowing as he met Sonic's defiant gaze. Despite his injuries, he wasn't willing to give up yet, with the robot leaving a cut across his cheek. ''I could finally fulfill my purpose of destroying you…''
''Then, why don't you do it?'' Sonic asked through gritted teeth, blood flowing down his cheek. Neo Metal Sonic was strangely silent, merely staring at him in curiosity.
''I have already proven my superiority,'' Neo Metal Sonic said, his tone cold, but also interlaced with a sense of elation as there was a boom of thunder. ''I will grant you this mercy and let you live with that knowledge.''
He then threw Sonic over the warship, the hedgehog falling through the clouds, his desperate screams growing faint as he disappeared into the darkness. Neo Metal Sonic was standing on the deck, observing his rival vanishing and feeling a sense worthiness. He had finally achieved his desire, feeling complete for once.
He had won.
Ferra blinked in surprise, staring at the message she had gotten from Neo Metal Sonic. She then smirked, realizing that her own mission was over. She stared back at Team Neos, who were still involved in a futile battle, and then turned the AR Field off, causing them to find themselves back at the same street in Neos City, then quickly left.
Lucas was just as stunned as the rest of the group when the AR Field deactivated, but there wasn't any time for discussion as he spotted a blue figure lying on the ground of what used to be the battlefield.
He ran over to his partner, cradling the hedgehog in his arms and feeling horrified when he saw just how badly battered and bruised he was, not to mention bleeding from his chest and muzzle. Fortunately, Sonic was still breathing, but the sight of him being so heavily injured set all alarms off in Lucas' head, and he felt as if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water over him.
Sonic, what had happened to you?
Dr. Eggman was laughing mirthfully, enjoying the show he had been watching. Seeing his arch-nemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog, being defeated and humiliated by Neo Metal Sonic made him feel excited. It was amazing from start to finish, and it was another win for the Eggman Empire. Even if Eggman himself hadn't directly participated in it, he still counted it as a personal victory since Neo Metal Sonic was his Enforcer.
It took a bit, but sure enough, Ferra and Metal Sonic showed up at the Egg Base, with Eggman greeting them with a glass of champagne in his hand, while Orbot was holding a bottle and Cubot held another glass for Ferra.
''Congratulations on your, well, our victory!'' Eggman said proudly, with Orbot and Cubot poured a drink for Ferra, who shook her head.
''Don't worry, it's ramune, not champagne,'' Orbot told her, with Ferra accepting the glass.
''Hah! That hedgehog saw nothing coming! You have managed to execute your own plan flawlessly!'' Eggman praised them, with Ferra and Metal Sonic giving him a confused look. Usually, Eggman never praised anyone, but it appeared that he was in a good enough mood to give them credit for their accomplishment. Eggman then gave Metal Sonic a curious look. ''Although, you not destroying Sonic for once and all makes no sense.'' The response was just beeping and buzzing noises. ''Huh? Haven't I upgraded you to talk?''
''Metal Sonic decided to revert to this form for his own comfort,'' Ferra explained to the bewildered Eggman. ''As for why he hadn't killed Sonic, he had come to the conclusion that leaving him alive would give him the opportunity to fight him again and defeat him in an even more brutal fashion. If Metal Sonic had to live with a sense of inferiority for so long, then Sonic should experience the same kind of humiliation.''
''Hm… That is an interesting approach,'' Eggman said, smirking. ''Regardless, well done you two! I hope that that rodent will be haunted by his defeat in his nightmares, ho ho!''
Ferra and Metal Sonic exchanged glances, both proud of what they achieved and looking forward to their next battle.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
17 notes · View notes
aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Chess is Quiet
Characters: Chishiya Shuntaro
Genre: A little angst, but otherwise just normal Borderland business. Chishiya's just being Chishiya and watching.
1k words
Would you believe me if I said I wrote this because my sibling bought the Sims 4 with the pet expansion pack?
Because I did. We named the cat Moo Cow. This is a story that came from us naming a Sims cat Moo Cow.
Also I mention blood and death, so be aware.
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Death hung heavy in the air, people gasping their last. Some held tightly to never-ending gushing openings, light and warmth fading from their eyes. Not many still remained standing from the group that entered in the first place. The floor was smeared in blood and viscera; body parts were thrown everywhere like discarded dolls.
Chishiya stands in the relative safety of the safe zone, hands in his pocket as he surveyed the scene.
The game was simple, a game of chess with one important factor: Only those who managed to reach the other side were to live. It was not a game of capturing a king as the game usually dictates, instead solely on crossing the checkerboard floor as neatly as they can. They of course still held the mobility rules of chess, pawns only able to go diagonal to ‘capture’, knights only moving in an L shape, and so on. The positions were randomly chosen for the players, leaving nobody to try to take the best move allowance on their own terms. They also still held true to any game, everyone having to go one at a time, dictated by whoever raised their hand first from their side. The phones would always turn red when they were allowed to move.
As with a game of chess, there were opponents, other players who had the same objective. Both sides were allowed to be armed with weapons, however unable to use them until ‘capturing’ an opponent piece. Whoever was captured were fated to be killed on the spot, and if not by human hands, then by a laser or by the referee wearing a mask and wielding a chainsaw. After the first few deaths, it was random in what complimentary death would occur for a captured player. Cheating, obviously, was illegal, and led to the same fate.
Chishiya was lucky, in a sense. He got the esteemed role of the queen, allowed to move in any direction he pleased. Granted yes, it meant he would be targeted as he had the easiest way towards victory, but Chishiya wasn’t cunning for nothing, keeping track of every opposing player. The game didn’t mark players visually, leaving them unknown to others if they didn’t tell everyone their role in the game. Once moved around, it was near impossible to know who was who just by sight.
Chishiya still managed his way past every opposing player, now safely free from the confines of the checkerboard floor. He watches as those remaining stand on the board, some still holding strong and others trembling. He was currently the only one safe, although others certainly seemed close to it. He watches one of the players try to plead to let her make it to the end, hands clasped together in such a pitiful manner. This late into the game to beg? Chishiya notes her position, which wasn’t half bad considering everything.
Still, he didn’t believe the tactic would work, as removing any opposing force paves the way to safety. Chishiya is proven right not even a minute later, a man approaching her spot and swinging the axe into her neck, the blood gushing and spraying before she falls limp to the ground. Her body was roughly kicked aside to make space to continue to move, and the game continues onwards as normal.
Chishiya leans against the wall, forced to wait it out until either the remaining players all died or finally make it across. Chishiya does not look away for a second, watching each and every move. He cracks a smirk as one of the players, the poor king, steps on the tile that placed them in the path of the bishop without noticing.
The bishop does not hesitate to obtrude, and the king falls by laser. The player barely offers a glance to the corpse that now laid at their feet, whether by respect or disgust for them.
The game trails on far too long, and Chishiya decides instead of watching fools play to explore around the building they were within. It seemed to be a restaurant, chairs and table pushed around haphazardly, with barely a path through some of the mess, the game space the only pristine area free from obstructions.
The inspection turned out nothing for the man’s curiosity. Utterly boring. There was rotting foods and spoiled beverages in the kitchen area, and everything remained in disarray without a sign of any clues that Chishiya could pick up on. He could risk looking if the referee had anything of use, but the game was still in play and he didn’t bother with dealing with them when they had a weapon that could seriously harm him.
A brief glance back at the game showed decent progress, and yet no more people made it to the other end. The last few remained at what seemed to be a standstill, still grasping for survival that only lay across from them, guarded by others who wanted the same.
Chishiya takes a seat nearby to watch instead, letting his mind roam without fully absorbing himself into his thoughts. He needed to remain at least somewhat vigilant in case someone broke through to the other side and felt particularly violent despite being safe for a few more days.
His semi-absent thoughts carry him throughout the rest of the boring game, only two others actually ever making it. Their phones all chime at once, just as the referee’s head explode signaling the end, and Chishiya makes his way out, passing the lone table with the lone card. He doesn’t stop, purloining the card and tucking it in his pocket. He knows what laid on the face, a 4 of diamonds, a simple and easy game.
There was a car that waited for him, but he was the only one left to take it, the others that had been with him too stupid to be able to come back. He didn’t care, he got the card and now could ‘rest’ before he was inevitably sent out once more to continue putting his life on the line.
That was fine by him, Chishiya could easily glide by as he always had been. He turns the car on and drives off, back to the Beach, not a single distraction in sight. Calming, left him alone once more with himself.
Calm like the death that now allowed the silence that hung in the air.
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I legitimately am putting spoiler warnings this time because holy shit that was...a lot. And I have a lot of thoughts running through my head and I just wanna get this bullshit outta my brain. It's not organized. It's just whatever happens to come out.
-"Good-bye, Boiling Isles." So Belos, er Philip, created a fake religion, established a theocracy on The Boiling Isles, learned powerful magic and ruled as head of state for over fifty years (not to mention prolonging his life to over 400) just so he could kill everybody. He didn't want to absorb their magic into himself or anything like that. He just wanted to find a way to kill everyone in the demon realm in one fell swoop. And that's it. Like he just wanted to commit mass murder and then go back to the human realm and be all like, "Hey everyone guess what I did."
-"Belos is giving us paradise. Right, Raine?" No, you dumb bitch! You have no reason to believe that. You have no proof. You have no evidence.
-Kikimora got what she deserved. And Philip's treatment of her just proves how ol' Phil there never liked anyone on The Boiling Isles. He always hated everyone there and was just waiting to kill them all. Something about that is still sticking with me. He spent all this time with these people and he still just wanted to kill them all.
-Witch Hunter General? Was that a thing or just something you and your brother made up? Because that sounds made up.
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I'm really getting sick and tired of people saying how cute The Collector is. This thing is a monster. A being with phenomenal cosmic powers acting like a child after a millennium? King's dad imprisoned this thing for a reason. Because they(?) are a psychopath. Treating people and lives as playthings, toys. Only interested in games and its own amusement. I swear when we get back to The Boiling Isles, witches and demons and going to be strewn about while this thing is in the corner shrieking the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.
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I know this is a sad moment, but I love Amity's face here. It's close to what I imagined when Amity meets Camila for the first time. I love the trope of the significant other trying to impress the romantic partner's parent. They don't do that trope anymore but I think it would be adorable if Amity tried to be on her best behavior to impress Luz's mom. Awkwardly trying to be over-polite and bowing and curtsies. It would be so cute.
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Even after all these years, Philip still hates Caleb the most.
But you know what I hate the most about all of this? It's season three. Three 44 minute specials. You know what that means? Just the plot episodes. Welcome to checkerboard storytelling, folks. We're just going to move from main plot point A to main plot point B with nothing in between. No character. No fun. That's right, no filler.
Fuck you, Disney. I like filler. I LOVE filler. I WANT character interactions. I WANT shenanigans. I want an episode of Amity trying to impress Camila. I want an episode of Gus exploring the human realm and getting into trouble. I want an episode of Luz discovering Hunter's crush on Willow and being a huge pain in the ass about it. I want that Luz and Amity human world date. You let Amphibia do it, but not The Owl House? Fuck you, Disney. Fuck you up your stupid ass.
And fuck you to every person who has whined like a bitch about filler episodes. Now we don't get to have any for season three. Happy?
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elsenova · 4 years
fallout 4 house tour *throwing confetti in the air* for my sosu adam : ]
btw im using like a LOT of decor mods (ocdecorator is extremely chefs kiss if youre as picky as i am) and a cleaned version of the home plate !
under cut bc its so long < 3
some notes going in first and foremost i did want to retain the feel of this being in the fallout universe while not having everything look dirty and messy 100% of the time . i also wanted it to be nicer than you’d generally see since adam is the sole survivor and probably lives a little bit more comfortably than some other diamond city residents , but still lived-in and a little disorganized bc that’s just what he’s like . another thing about adam is that he is very much the “everyone can crash at my place” friend so there’s a lot of spaces dedicated to other people or other people’s belongings scattered around . there’s also a danse pinup poster hidden somewhere in this house bc i thought it’d be funny and if you can figure out where it is i will give you five dollars (i will not actually do this)
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this little loft area that leads to the roof was too small to be a real bedroom , so it’s an area dedicated to adam’s friend wren , an amnesiac ex-courser with a tendency to show up places unannounced . adam is used to everyone doing this to him , so it’s nbd . i did also add a wall here so the whole thing feels less like its about to fall apart
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adam and danse’s room (shhh he’s sleeping). this is pre-blind betrayal so they are both in the brotherhood at the moment BUT my personal hc is that danse would join the minutemen after the game’s main plot so once i’m there ingame that flag will be replaced . fuck the brotherhood all my homies hate the brotherhood
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their living room ... bookshelves were not all done by hand bc that’d be a headache , they’re filled via the do it yourshelf mod . the boxes in the back corner are storage for nick and jess(the other sosu , who is a synth and my boyfriend’s character) . bi flag is self explanatory adam is bisexual . also a closer shot of that coffee table bc i had to redo it THREE TIMES
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cute little dinig room table / desk area . you’ll notice adam has a lot of plants . this was intentional . i have very little to say about this except that adam does in fact smoke in the house sometimes < 3
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a medical area ... adam was a combat medic (bc i was not about to make him a Boot Boy) so this space at least is clean and neat . a fun fact about this is that i used one of those power extension wires to make it look like it’s connected to the terminal , which i had to carefully clip into it . the chair was stolen from the institute . he likes it .
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yes the mugs are laid over the calendar here . i dont feel like fixing it right now LMAO . dining area bar type thing ... and yes every cap on the checkerboard is placed by hand . i dont fuck around . there’s a dog bowl for dogmeat and as adam and danse are in the brotherhood i imagine they’re probably most comfortable with cafeteria-style dishes , so they have those . adam only busts out the fancy dinner plates for family dinners .
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just a little cooking area / pantry ... there are 5 boxes of snack cakes in frame bc a majority of adam’s friends and family are synths . i also really like those string lights if you couldn't tell .
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power armor fixing / general modding area .i would have put danse’s armor in the stand but he fucking murdered me for stealing it . this is a no power armor on house you could at least put it in its designated area , DANSE .
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some weight sets bc this is a house full of insane jocks and a little “guest room” type area .
i went through like 3 renditions of this house including one where i started a new game (adam ... 2 !). i spent so much time on it and while there are still some things i could improve i consider the bulk of it to be finished . i have a few other player / npc homes i wanna do but this is my only complete one atm ! thanks for reading my long ass post < 3
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agentpeggicarter · 4 years
Animal Crossing Guide
I’ve seen a lot of posts in the animal crossing fandom asking similar questions so I thought I would make a guide to clear the air and help everyone. I will update and add information as I experiment with the game, and new information comes to light. 
To start off with you should download this app if you can because it can help you keep track of bugs, and fish you can catch during the month as well as the various times. It also keeps track of your fossils for you, once you put them in of course, and shows you how close you are to completion. 
Now! On to the Q and A!
Your island spawns 6 rocks that you can hit for clay, and stone; if you use the flimsy axe, and iron if you use the stone axe, ax, and shovel. 1 rock will be the money rock and give you 100 to up to 8000 bells. If hit 8 times your bells are as followed: 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 for a grand total of 16,100 bells 
Your island randomly spawns 4 fossils that you have to dig up to give to Blathers for the fossil section of your museum 
There will always be a message in a bottle when you start a new day so be sure to check your beach.
There is always one glowing section on your island per day, it’s for your money tree. You dig up 1000 bells and if planted get 3000 bells. once picked of the bells the tree will not grow more, so don’t worry abt checking them everyday.
Shake your non-fruit trees with your net in hand, you can get resources from them like tree branches, but also items fall from them, as well as bells, and with your net in hand if you shake a wasp down you have better odds of catching it then getting stung.
Your villagers make 3 diys every day. The villagers who makes them will be different everyday, so be sure to check in with everyone who is home. The times also verify, but its usually one until noon, one from noon to five/six, and one from five/six to nine/ten. Your villager will craft it for awhile so be sure to share with your friends!
If you talk to Sable enough times she will start to give you custom fabric for your furniture for when you customize it. Be sure to talk to her every day after to get one to continue getting it, miss a day and you will have to start over.
Visit Resident services every day and log on to the terminal to get a streak going for nook miles, seven days in a row is 300
How do I get posters of animals to hang on my wall?
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You first have to have Harvey (or Harv) visit your island and talk about the photo studio he has. Once he’s talked to you, you have to visit his island and enter a room where you start to decorate it. The last tab is residents, add them to the room and then when you leave the island and exit the airport Harv will call you and tell you about the posters you can buy which will be in nook shopping under special goods.
Can I sell to Flick or CJ on other islands?
Unfortunately you can not. You can talk with them and they will talk about bugs and fish, but it wont give you the option to sell anything to them. 
How does one get ants?
The only way I have found to get ants is from a rotten turnip on the grass. I originally had it on the stone path and I only got a flies. The other problem is you can’t put one turnip out, you will lose 10 turnips if you want an ant.
What if there is someone at my campsite that I want and my island is all full?
This happened to me and I will let you know that it’’s very stressful doing it without knowing anything. The good news is they tell you who they are going to evict and you can still say no. Before you do anything SAVE THE GAME, this is important because you can always turn off the system if you don’t like who they chose to move out.
 First you have to play a card game, basically pick a suit, with them and if you lose the camper will decide if they want to stay or not, mine said no. You can play again and they make the game easier, basically pick a color, when you win they will go ask Tom Nook if there is room, and then come back and say they are full do you still want to proceed in which case I said yes. Then they will talk about a rumor they heard of a certain villager wanting to move out. Now that is the random part. Once they give you the name there are two things you can do, you can say no and it stops the process or you can turn your game off and do it all over again until you get the name of a villager you want to leave. Thankfully i didn’t have to do this because they chose one I didn’t want any way so that worked out for me.
Why is there a random villager on my island that I did not invite?
The most annoying thing that happened to me. Two villagers set up shop on my island and I did not ask them to live here. Here is why.
Apparently when you get to the point where you are recruiting the last set of villagers for your island you are asked to buy plots from Tom Nook for 10,000 bells. I bought and placed all of mine within two days of each other but didn’t start filling them hoping that more villagers would come to my island via the campsite and I would ask them to move in. That was a mistake, cause apparently at the end of each day if you don’t have anyone in that house they will randomly assign someone there, and it will probably be someone you don’t want, which is what happened in my case. Be aware of your land and plan for a day of nookmile hunting for villagers or build plots as you need them.
How do I get different color flowers?
Each flower has 3 starter colors; red, yellow, white. From there you will have to make hybrids for the other colors. I’ve seen guides that give you various ways to get them, I’ve even done them and the standard checkerboard and they do work, but they work best when you have fellow animal crossing people help you by watering them. You have a better chance of getting the hybrids when you’re friends come over and water them. Below is the guide I use when I’m trying for hybrids and when my friends water them I get more of these hybrids. Mums is the only flower where you can get green and roses are the only ones who can give you gold. ( I have yet to figure out the gold, last I heard is you need the golden watering can, but I don’t know how accurate that is)
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How do I display my designs at the Able sisters shop?
You can display 8 custom outfits you have made at the Able’s shop.
If you head to the back of the store where the sisters have two rows of outfits hanging from the wall that is where your work is displayed. Just stand in front of one of the four rows and click A, Mabel will ask you which row you are looking at, top or bottom, you select which row you are trying to change and she will tell you whats displayed there and what you want to do with it. Mabel gives you four options.
I want the design: If it’s not your design and you would like to save it to wear this is what you would click. You will have to delete a custom design to save the design there. Now you can wear this item whenever.
Display my work here: This is where you will display various outfits you have made with the pro designer.  Once you display an outfit your villagers will randomly wear them. It’s very cute.
Report: If there is a design thats offensive you can report it
Just Browsing: You just wanted to see who made the item on the wall and don’t want to save it.
I have turnips, but still want to time travel, will they spoil?
If you are moving forward in time the turnips will not spoil, it would be as if a new day had happened generically anyway, so no worries there. The two things you shouldn’t do if you have turnips is go backward in time or go farther than Saturday because once it’s Sunday it’s Daisy Mae Day and your turnips are spoiled. 
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nadziejastar · 5 years
My boy Saix was plotting to betray Xemnas for years. He was forced to work for his "superior" since he was a kid under threats of mutilation, death, and being turned into a Dusk. And somehow people still ship them, and not even with the understanding of "this is an inherently messed up and abusive relationship," a lot of the shippers seem to want it to be a healthy love, completely ignoring their canon dynamic.
Thoughts on the saix/xemnas ship?
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Short answer: it’s disgusting? Like, it’s one thing if you think they look good together and recognize it as a fucked upfetish ship. Not my cup of tea, but whatever. But how do people think Xemnas can have a healthy relationship with anyone? Especially as he is using the body of Terra, a boy he possessed. Let alone with another Nort using the body of another boy he also possessed? The saddest fact to me is that the ship is so popular. It’s sad that more people ship Isa’s possessed self with Xemnas instead of seeing that he was a victim in need of saving from Xemnas. And then in all seriousness they pair Lea/Axel with Roxas, a ship with pedophile undertones. Geez, what the hell?I always felt sorry for Saïx because despite him being another Nort, he didn’t know it. He had all of Isa’s memories of being a victim of abuse.
“Did it break again? That didn’t take long.”
Only Saïx would make such a callous remark. Rage surged up in Roxas, and he spun around. “Don’t call her an ‘it’!”
I think that’s why he is so much more…unpleasant than all the others, despite actually wanting a heart. He’s a Nort. He has the heart of Xehanort, so he has all the values that entails.
I love Roxas and Axel. I’m sure Saïx would scoff at that.
But…he has the memories of being an innocent, gentle boy who was severely victimized and most likely sacrificed himself out of love for his friend. He’s affected by these memories, and hates it. His past self who valued love and friendship represents weakness and abuse. Oh yeah, and he’s also a victim of Xemnas’ mind control. That makes the whole ship even more nauseating.
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Multiple Personality Disorder, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, is often described as a defense mechanism that occurs when a person goes through intense trauma. It is the mind’s way of dealing with distressing events. The original MK ULTRA programming exploited this defense mechanism and used hypnotism, electroconvulsive therapy, food/water/sleep/sensory deprivation, drugs, and pleasure/pain reversals to induce ‘splitting’.
Once the split has occurred, two or more personalities can live within the same body, each one completely unaware that the others exist. In symbolism, this is seen in the fractured mirror, the duality of checkerboards, masks, and mannequins/dolls.
This whole concept is why 0.5 was going to be called “A Fragmentary Passage”. Terranort had fragmented alters. It’s why he doesn’t remember opening the Keyhole, and why the Ansem Reports in KH1 show him not having a clue what darkness or the Keyblade was, or even that there were other worlds.
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Axel: Roxas… Xion is like a mirror that reflects you.
Roxas: What?
Axel: The Organization made her to duplicate your powers. She’s a puppet.
Roxas: Have you gone nuts? Xion’s a person, not a puppet.
Axel: She’s smoke and mirrors, Roxas. And when I looked in the mirror… It wasn’t you I saw.
Roxas: I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Xion is Xion. You can’t expect her to be me.
Axel: That’s not what I mean, Roxas. It was only a matter of time before somebody had to break the mirror.
I don’t care about KH3′s B.S. retconning. Lea and Isa were victims of mind control. It’s why he has an X-shaped scar (meaning death) on his forehead where the “mind’s eye” is located. And it just so happens that he cannot “see” Xion, who is only visible in the person’s mind. Isa renounced his sense of self after severe trauma and became a vessel. I just played through this part of the game yesterday actually. Axel was upset that Roxs wouldn’t understand what he was trying to tell him about Xion. I found it funny because, who is going to understand you when you phrase it like that? Why don’t you just say that she’s a robot installed with data memories that mimic real humans, and she’s absorbing your powers and abilities? Why talk in riddles and bring up mirrors?
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–Xigbar calls Xion ‘Puu-chan’, coming from the French word meaning doll (poupée). Nomura: I requested to Mr. Ishida, “I want him to call her by a nickname that parodied ‘doll’”, and this is what we came up with. Xigbar is hinting at Xion’s true nature from the beginning.
Of course, the reason is that the wording wasn’t chosen just so Axel could give an accurate description of Xion to Roxas. The mirror imagery was symbolically meaningful. Along with dolls/mannequins, broken mirrors are mind control symbols. They are specifically symbols of mental fragmentation. There was a lot more to Xion and the Replica Program than we’ll ever get to learn, I’m convinced of it.
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“Get up.”
“Just five more minutes…,” Axel mumbled.
“No. Get up—now.” The voice was distinctly annoyed.
Axel relented and opened his eyes. “What are you even doing in here?”
Saïx was standing next to his bed, as irritated as one might have guessed from his voice. Axel hadn’t been so rudely awakened since before turning into a Nobody.
Axel had been rudely awakened as a human. Probably sleep deprivation as part of the experiments.
Every time he tried to wake up, all Axel could think was how badly he wanted to go back to sleep—although he was getting enough rest.
He just wished he could have a day to himself and do nothing but sleep. It was probably some remnant of his human memories.
He still sleep issues as a Nobody.
Am I alive? I awoke in a cell, alone until the researchers came with their tests and their prodding to uncover my identity. I had no answer to offer them. Four friends, and a key…that is the sum total of my memory. I could not even recall my name. I was simply called “X” there. My only solace was the time I spent talking with the two boys who would visit from time to time. One day, a man came to take me from the prison. I could not see him for the darkness, save that he wore an eyepatch. Even now, years on, I feel no closer to understanding who or what I am. May my heart be my guiding key.
Subject X had sensory deprivation and dehumanization. These are tactics of mind control, not memory restoration. And they qualify as experiments on the “darkness of the heart” quite well.
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It’s all about undermining the sense of self. Lea may have been forced to fight other subjects, as an assassin in training. I think that Isa was subjected to isolation, belittling and humiliation as a part of this process. I think Saïx has memories of verbal abuse and this is related to Xigbar. These memories influenced his opinion of Xion. But that would require its own post. But yeah, anyone who thinks Saïx and Xemnas make a cute and healthy ship has issues.
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recherche-raptor · 6 years
Deltarune theories & questions
I was late to the Undertale party & spoiled for everything when it came out, so I’m glad I get to experience discovering what’s going on at the same time as everyone else instead of just reading about it later!
Putting it all under the cut, it’s a lot and I don’t want to spoil for those who haven’t been able to go through it yet:
Was Ralsei’s parent one of the other three kings cast out by Spade King? I’d assume their parent was the King of Hearts, because of the heart symbol on their tunic. But if that is the case, why didn’t Ralsei react to seeing the kings in their cage? What is Ralsei truly the Prince of? What is their kingdom, if it’s not one of the four suites? Are they Prince of the entire dark world? And why do they say they’ve been waiting for the legend to come true the entire time?
For that matter, for the purposes of the prophecy, would Lancer count as a Prince of the Dark?
I noticed that Dark World characters had portraits with splashes of color (Ralsei’s green hat & red scarf, Lancer’s blueness, etc), but Kris, Susie, and the prologue/epilogue characters had black-and-white portraits as in Undertale. I wonder if there’s any significance to this?
This made me really curious about Rouxls at first, until I realized his mouth is blue
A lot of world elements felt a bit disjointed from Ralsei’s telling of the prophecy. Only Seam and Spade King seemed to care about the balance of light and dark (I haven’t fought Jevil yet but I will when I can! I’ll definitely be adding to this once I fight him, since I hear Seam has extra dialogue after fighting Jevil)
Why is Ralsei the only anagram/doppelganger counterpart to a Lightner? All of the other Darkeners are unique and not based in appearance and name on an Undertale character.
What does it mean that the teleportation doors look just like the door to Sans’s room?
Was it Gaster who took Kris and Susie to the Dark World, or another force entirely?
Who is the Knight that Spade King was afraid of?
What, exactly, were the consequences of the Fountain suddenly existing on the Dark World? All of the problems seem to be directly attributable to Spade King’s takeover and tyranny.
Why didn’t Kris, Susie, and Ralsei actually seal the Fountain like the legend said they were supposed to? Kris and Susie just used it to get home, Ralsei didn’t do anything with them, so what happened? Will the plot of Chapter 2 be “oh whoops we forgot to seal the Fountain away like we were supposed to, let’s go fix that now?”
Is the narrator from the survey/character creation part of the game the same narrator as the one who “discards” your creation?
What does it mean for Kris that you, the player, overwrites their save file when you first save? Is that the reason why Kris tears out their soul at the end- so you can’t control them anymore? Or did overwriting their save file remove something else that let Chara in, causing Chara to tear out Kris’s soul so it can’t be used as a cursor?
What happened once upon a time to humans and monsters in this new world? Were humans sealed away instead? Did the War even happen at all?
Is the strange bunker to the far south of the town the entrance to this world’s version of the Underground?
There were tombstones for Snowdrake’s mother, the dogs’ parents, and Shyren’s sister. What happened to Reaper Bird and the Memoryheads? Who were they?
Also this can’t be a prequel, because Gerson is dead, and it can’t be a sequel, because Kris, and Asriel being alive, and Undyne not knowing Alphys, so it has to be its own alternate world.
Is this the “next world” Chara wanted to move onto at the end of a No Mercy run? If so, does that mean that in-game, the world of Undertale was destroyed, so Chara could move onto Deltarune? What allowed them to possess Kris? I played Pacifist only and never reset, dangit, what is going on with this timeline?
What the heck did it mean that after leaving the Dark World, Kris and Susie found themselves in an abandoned classroom full of checkerboards, chess pieces, and a spilled deck of cards? What was real about the Dark World? What does this mean for Lancer and the rest, who we as an audience just spent hours getting attached to? Were they weird figments of a dream or hallucination produced by seeing the playing pieces? Only Susie’s comment that “that wasn’t a dream, right?” seems to keep it from actually being nothing more than a weird dream. Still, what’s up with that?
I’ve also seen analyses pointing to Susie as being the true central character of Deltarune, not Kris, since the player is told from the start that your choices don’t matter. But Susie’s seem to. She was the one to get character development, she was the one to have an emotional connection and investment with the struggle in the Dark World through Lancer in a fight that paralleled the fight with Toriel. And Kris, being a weird silent kid, doesn’t respond to her question. Could it be that the entire game was Susie’s dream?
Does Sans know anything about what’s up?
Is this the “next world” after Undertale, or might it be the world before? Is this the world with people about which Sans says “you’ll never see em again” as a Lost Soul? Or if is this indeed the world after Undertale, was there a world before?
Also what the heck did Asgore do to piss off Toriel in this world, he seems like a big ol softie, it was sad to see him living in such a sorry state while Toriel was in the big house they once shared that’s now all-too empty (also, Toriel’s chair was conspicuously clickable in the house, whereas its counterpart- presumably Asgore’s- was not clickable).
Where’s Grillby?
And who’s “C,” Asgore’s mysterious landlord? The only character I could think of with a name starting with “c” was Cattie, and that doesn’t seem right.
If Mettaton is still a ghost hiding in a house, where’s Napstablook? The writing in the journal in the library was in Napstablook’s style, but the snail house voice was Mettaton’s; do they just live together or something?
I’m sure I’ll come up with more questions later, but that’s all I have for now. More questions than answers, and a lot of fun and spooky possibilities.
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aviationfiction · 8 years
Autumn Dupont
“Step through please ma’am.”
I slowly brushed my trembling hands over the upper portion of my body, stopped midway, and gently patted the pockets of my form fitting denim shorts. With a deep breath, I walked through the body scanner and stood on the other side awaiting the bucket filled with my possessions to slide through the second scanner. The police officer standing just a couple inches away from myself stared in a knowing manner; they all do. He didn’t open his mouth to speak or say anything absurd but I’m assured in my assumptions about his thoughts and what he’s biting his tongue over. This famous city thrives on various attributes; South Beach being one of them, but the men who leave their blood, sweat, and tears on the court in the American Airlines Arena are the heart of it. People of all walks of life crowd into that building to experience the loose fun of the regular season, the electrifying playoffs, and if they’re lucky, the gut wrenching finals where either victorious confetti and golden trophies are handed out or tears and disappointment leave the entire building silenced until the next season. I’ve been amongst it all, often having professional cameras snapping away at me, or game goers unknowingly turning me into D-List Miami celebrity by asking for photographs. I’ve met the celebrities, I’ve been introduced to the executives, and I’ve sat amongst the wealthy all for the sake of supporting my husband and it has left it’s lasting affects not only on myself but just as much on the city. My husband’s no mayor or governor but I’ve been stupidly called “The First Lady of Miami” by women much older than myself although Gabrielle Union and Savannah James’ husbands have far more importance within this city than any coach, staffer, political figure, or musician. Well, Lebron is no longer here but the two championships he gave to this city hold their significance. As selfish as it may sound, I felt the affects of his decision to return home to Cleveland far more than anyone else in this city. My husband mourned the loss of his star player far more than he mourned the demise of our marriage.
“Here you are Mrs. Harrington.” We made eye contact when he boldly used my formal name and I swiftly grabbed the bold violet cross body bag out of his hand purposefully making sure skin to skin contact never happened.
“I have a mediation session. Can you direct me to where those take place?”
“You take the elevator to the second floor, make a left once you step out of the elevator, and walk down the hall. The office is at the end of the hall. You won’t miss it.”
“Thank you.”
The sound of my heels ceaselessly striking the mahogany marble flooring flooded my ears far more than the voices surrounded me and I allowed the leather chain strap of my bag to fall over my shoulders as I neared the elevator. As my finger tapped the button, a silent prayer was all that I could think of. I’d been standing alone and if God favors me, I’ll continue to stand alone as I’m enclosed inside of the confined space. A faint ding sounded off and I watched the heavy doors slowly open; bringing a crowd of six people into my line of view. As they filtered out, I quickly stepped inside and pressed the silver second floor button. The thrashing of my heart slowly began to ease itself as the doors began to close and within a second, my blessing was cut short.
“Whew! I’m glad I caught it. Excuse me.” As I stepped aside, the fair skinned woman tap the button for the third floor and tiredly leaned against the wall to catch her breath. As her chest heavily heaved in and out, she slightly turned her head to the side and her eyes panned down to my feet.
“Cute shoes girl.” Her eyes remained locked on the luminous yellow leather printed sandals and her body instinctively leaned forward so she’d be able to get a decent look at the tone-on-tone decorative bows and feathers; added on for a touch of extravagance and eccentricity.
“Love your top too.” She gazed over the lavender and white checkerboard patterned top and nodded her head to further make note of her approval. It’s deep v-neck framed the material off both of my shoulders and the exaggeratedly ruffled short sleeves fell over my arms. The cropped hem wrap around design showcased a hint of skin from my stomach and the bow I’d made with the loose ends rested perfectly on my side. I put effort into the look; the best style effort I’d put forth in quite some time. I prided myself on looking good for my husband; always wanting him to be proud to have me on his arm and to never need to turn his gaze to any other woman. While I wasn’t the typical kept woman who visited high end department stores many days out of the week, purchasing the latest and most expensive pieces from top of the line designers, I did make sure to go maybe two or three times a month to make sure I kept myself up to par. Despairingly, I felt like my closet full of garb was purposeful for game nights rather than date nights. The Agent Provocateur and La Perla pieces ultimately served as typical undergarments rather than sex driven flimsy pieces of material I so badly wanted Andreas to anxiously peel off of me. Today, I’d like for him to do a double take and realize I am the same woman he vowed his life to and inevitably destroyed. He was my Dre and I was his Bella, the woman whose picture he carried around in his wallet despite having a smartphone. I am the one. I was the one.
The double doors opened as soon as the elevator stopped and I bid the friendly woman a wave as I stepped outside of it. I glanced back and forth between both ends of the hall and made the left turn as instructed. The more I neared the fate of what was behind the door, the eager I was to turn around and continue to avoid this entire process. Courtesy of Issac, I’d been in communication with Sorrell Trope ever since Joanne’s ambush and he’s been handling the logistics of my divorce. He informed me that he represented Britney Spears, Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant, Nicolas Cage and cheerily boasted about his most recently high profile case; representing Elin Nordegren in her divorce from Tiger Woods. He’d already submitted requests for disclosures and production of Andreas’ bank statements, statements of income, and numerous other documents I’d never seen throughout our six years of marriage. I can’t even began to tell you what the man is worth or what he owns besides our home, his mother’s home, and the two cars sitting in our garage. It never mattered. Frankly, it still doesn’t.
“Mrs. Harrington?” The stocky woman sitting behind the off black desk adjusted her thick glasses and checked off something on the paper sitting in front of her without ever confirming if her assumption was correct or not.
“Yes. I’m Autumn Harrington.”
“You’re all set up in the room over there. Your husband arrived about fifteen minutes ago. There’s paper and pens in the room if you should need them. This is a private mediation which means that there will be a charge per session where as a court ordered medication is of no cost. This mediation is confidential. Anything mentioned within the walls of that room can and will stay within the walls of that room unless you or your husband should decide otherwise. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Okay then. Also, the mediator is running a little late due to car trouble but she did say that she’ll be here within the next fifteen to twenty minutes; possibly sooner. I asked your husband if he would like to reschedule but he informed me that he’s okay with waiting. Will that be a problem for you?” Andreas and I, alone in a room together? The last time that happened I was sent home in tears.
“It’s fine. I can wait.”
“Okay then. Go ahead right in. She should be here soon.”
She turned around in her chair and lazily rolled over to the file cabinet to dismiss my presence and I proceeded in the direction she pointed in. As I opened the door, I immediately spotted Andreas standing at the opposite side of a wooden table and a window, which I’m sure I may consider jumping out of a ton of times before this first session is completed. His baby blue collared shirt was button down three bottoms from the top and in his usual fashion, he rolled up the sleeves until the cuffs were snug around his elbows.
I could barely stand to look him as he stood there, slightly shuffling, with his hands stuff down into the pockets of his khaki pants. His beautiful ocean blue eyes peered into mine and my heartbeat didn’t speed up in anticipation of his touch or a kiss, instead my stomach felt like it’d been dropped into a bottomless pit; free falling with my emotions tied to the tail end of it. To say I feel disparaged would be an understatement.  I used to be able to immediately feel the love between he and I as soon as either one of us entered a room and now there’s this eerie nothingness that radiates from his frame and harshly penetrates my reality. I will never understand how we ended up with this fate and there is nothing a mediator, lawyer, or even he can say to change that.
There are two seats left; the one facing Andreas and one placed at the head of the table which I’m sure is for the mediator. I have no choice but to sit across from him and allow the very eyes I fell in love with to scold me.
As I plotted down into the chair, I rested my hands on the table directly across from his own and our empty ring fingers turned into the focus of my attention. Rather than verbally greeting me, he gently ran his hand over my own and gave it a small squeeze. The gesture wasn’t one of comfort or sincerity, it was one of assurance; assurance that this is what he wants and needs from me.
“Hey Bella.”
The ticking sound of the circular antique clock mounted on the wall was louder than any breathing or movement we made. As I glanced up at him, it became obvious he’d been waiting  for me to say something first and quite frankly, I’m speechless with rage.
“You’re waiting for me to speak? You’re divorcing me. You should be doing all of the talking here. Not I.”
“Please don’t start that. Let’s just keep this peaceful. I’m not here to fight with you. I don’t want to fight with you whatsoever. We’re two adults here. You and I can sit down and have a conversation without coming at one another’s throats. There’s no need for that.” He sat back in his seat and grimaced at the smug expression on my face.
“You have a lot of nerve telling me what there is no need for. You’re telling me that? The man with the new family?”
His jaw tightened. I used to love when that happened. I’d purposefully do or say something to anger him all for the sake of attention. His frustrations were the turn on that I often needed. Sometimes he’d take care of it; often times my index and middle fingers did the trick.
“We’re not here to talk about my unborn child or Amber. This is about us. Why are you taking this in a direction that has nothing to do with any of this?”
“But it has everything to do with this. Are you kidding me? We’re married. If you should walk out of this door today and something happens to you, do you know who’s responsible? It will not be your mother nor will it be that woman you’re involved with. It’ll be me. I know given the circumstances that happened to me nearly two years ago you may not understand that concept but that’s how it works. I am responsible for you until a judge signs those documents and dissolutes our marriage and vise versa. So for you to sit here as an engaged man with a wife, you must be out of your got damn mind if you believe that plays no part in why we’re sitting here today.”
“Yeah, well, you know what Autumn? This is a mediation. We’re not in marriage counseling. The mediator will be here to make sure we figure out what we want and what we don’t want so that we can move forward with the divorce. Luckily we have no children so there’s no need to discuss living arrangements, child support, nor custody. That makes this process far easier than it usually is.”
“Luckily?” On the ride here, I ran three different scenarios of how this session would go and I made mental notes, strategies, and promises to myself about how I’d handle all of them. In each, there was one rule: Do not cry. I’ve cried enough. I’d go to bed crying and I’d wake up with either tear stains on my face or tears rolling down my cheeks. I’d cry in the shower and stick my face into the water to manipulate myself into believing that it was nothing more than water droplets trickling down my face. I’d cry during physical therapy, personal therapy, breakfast, lunch, during my runs. Name any place, time, or location, and I’m sure as some point there were tears either threatening to fall or streaming down my face. It was a result of keeping everything bottled within. It was the only coping mechanism I had. As I slowly began to open up to Dr. Jill, the need to cry transitioned into a lot of thinking. The weekly assignments she’s been giving me helped tremendously and yet here I am, falling apart. My eyes began to burn as I tried my best to withhold them but gravity and my overdriven emotions defeated me.
“That’s not how I meant it, I…Autumn. Let’s not make one another upset.”
“How many times are going to say that? Should I expect that statement any and every time you say something that you know is either insulting or hurtful? I am not perfect but I didn’t do anything wrong to you Andreas. I don’t deserve to be spoken to that way nor do I deserve any insults that you may have for me. Think before you speak. First you dismissed your new life having anything to do with why we’re here today and now you’re feeling lucky because you and I never had children together though you know I wanted to have a child more than anything you could have ever given me. What’s next? You’re on a roll.”
“You know what, I apologize. I honestly didn’t mean it in the way you took it.”
“Yes you did.” I glanced over at the window, taking in what I could of the scenery and left him to drill a hole into the side of my neck with his eyes.
“Can we talk about the house?”
“What about it?
“Both of our names are on the deed to it and we agreed upon co-owning it from the very beginning. I don’t want to fight about it nor do I want to turn it into an ongoing back and forth. I am willing to give you the house. As of two years ago, the house is paid for in full. All you’d have to worry about are the properly taxes, the upkeep of the house, and any additional utility bills. You spent more time inside of that home than I did and you handled the interior and exterior design of every single aspect of the house. It's only right that it should be yours. ”
“You seriously believe I want that house? The house that you and another woman are currently living in and have created a child in? My God. You’re ignorant.” I shook my head as a chuckle slipped past my lips and he began to uneasily tap his fingers on the table.
“You don’t want the house?”
“No. I don’t want your house. I don’t even want to live in Miami.”
“Well what about the car? The car is yours. I can have it shipped up to New Jersey within a couple of days if you’d like.”
“I’m not interested. You have both sets of keys to that car so God knows who’s been driving it. No thank you.”
“Autumn, grow the hell up. It’s a freaking car. It gets you from point A to point B. Who gives a damn who’s been driving it? Do you think people sit back and ponder about who’s been driving a used car when they’re at a dealership purchasing them? The car’s in excellence condition. There’s no wear and tear on it. It’s yours. Take it.”
“I don’t want the car. That’s my final decision.” Andreas sat back in his seat, huffed obnoxiously, and glanced over at the same window I’d been staring out of while he offered me these pity gifts. There’s this arrogance slightly slithering through his tone. He believes offering me the house and car is an olive branch in the midst of all of this madness.
“You know what, let’s just cut straight to the point. Twelve million Autumn. We can settle this with our lawyers and get it done. I believe a twelve million dollar settlement is fair. You talked about wanting to return to school and with that, you’d have more than enough money to pay your tuition and live your life comfortably. I love you and I do want what’s best for you.”
Twelve million dollars. I’ve never sat back and attempted to figure out how much I’m worth numerically. How do you calculate those figures? Is it based upon intelligence? Physically capabilities? Liabilities? Were my duties as his wife worth two million dollars per year? How’d he even come up with that estimate? It sounds like such a bribe and a quick figure tossed at me to quickly get this over with but most of all, to get him down the aisle with his fiancee. It’s a payoff without any regard for what I feel or want. It’s a twelve million dollar “thank you for your services, now be gone” notice.
“You love me and you want what’s best for me? Do you really?”
“Yes, I do. Us parting ways doesn’t mean that I’ve stopped caring about you. I’m a human being and you’re the woman I’ve spent just about seven years of my life with. It didn’t work out but that doesn’t mean that everything that we’ve experienced together and gone through is erased from my mind. I do want to see you succeed and be happy despite what you may think about me right now.”
“You love me? Andreas, I’m so tired of you lying to my face. You’re so locked in on what you want for yourself that you can’t even take a step back and realize where you’ve gone wrong. You continue to behave like this divorce is mutual but you know what it’s not, though I wish it were.”
“I am not behaving like it’s mutual. I’m handling it in a peaceful manner.” I laughed. I had to.
“Peaceful? Why couldn’t you handle our marriage peacefully and respectfully? You’re a liar. You lied to me about her. You told me that she was just an old friend and I believed your ass. I stood by you and I believed every word you said to me because I just knew my husband would never do anything to jeopardize what we built together despite whatever issues we may have and you lied. You lied about our issues; painting me as the villain and you as the victim when I tirelessly put up with your shit. I put up with your absence. I dealt with you traveling with that team, being in practice day in and day out, traveling for camp, press, and whatever the hell else you had to do. I didn’t complain. I dealt with your absence while you were here. You’d be right there in front of me and I felt nothing from you. You were like an empty vessel and I just couldn’t get through to you. I didn’t complain.”
“And that’s the problem right there. Maybe you should have. You’re condescending and passive aggressive. Open up your mouth sometimes. You expect people to just get it or get you. You think that everyone’s supposed to automatically understand you, as if you’re some open book. You’re stubborn. You always have been and you always will be. I had to deal with that.” He slammed his hand down on the table, causing it’s wooden legs and the chair at it’s head to rattle in response. His scowl turned into a deep frown and he stared at me, testing me to challenge his statement.
“Open up to a man who doesn’t listen? How could I have opened up to you when all you did was complain? You complained about the job, the team, the city, your previous coaching job in LA, and your busted ass knee that you injured before you and I were together, and yet it somehow became my fault that you cannot play professional basketball. I dealt with you coaching a bunch of men that you quietly envied because you cannot do what they’re doing. You didn’t take that shit out on Lebron and Dwayne. You took it out on me. I dealt with you constantly swallowing pain killers for what you explained as necessary for the so called constant pain within your knee, only for it to turn out that you were physically and mentally dependent on them. I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t tell your mother because I didn’t want to ruin her warped ass picture perfect image of you. I kept it a secret while helping you ween off of those shits without rehab. I was your verbal punching bag as you insulted and argued with me daily for and about them. I dealt with your months and months of erectile dysfunction because of you doping yourself up on those pills and then you stressing while I got you off of them. You made me feel unattractive and you blamed me for it. I dealt with you waking up in cold sweats, pacing, obsessing over championships, and crying because your dreams were ruined.” As I stood to my feet, he stared at his hands while they rested on the table. I awaited a response to my truth but I met with his silence. I could feel and hear my heart thumping against my chest as I attempted to catch my breath. The trembling of my hand, matched the tapping of my foot, and the tightening my stomach trekked it’s way up into my esophagus. He’ll be the death of me if I don’t get out of here.
“I dealt with you denying me of the children I so badly wanted. You continued to tell me that we weren’t ready and I contemplated stopping the birth control but I refrained from doing so to honor you. I didn’t want to ruin your trust in me. I stuck by you. That for better or for worse part of our vows played in my head every single day because I firmly believed we hadn’t hit rock bottom yet and if we did, we’d pick up the pieces and rebuild. I stuck by you at some of your worse times and you left me during mine. I don’t want an apology. Twelve million dollars? What I did for you as your wife is priceless. You wouldn’t be able to make enough money over the entire span of your lifetime to repay me for it. Take that twelve million and fucking drown in it.”
The sound of his voice was muffled by the door closing behind me. I could no longer bare to stand another moment within a room filled with his enormous ego, insincerity, and self-interest. That’s not the man I married; the man I’d share cups of hot chocolate with as we humorously observed our surroundings and made conversation about anyone who stepped inside of our cozy little coffee shop. He’s not the one who I’d go and observe as he coached the men’s basketball team just so he’d wink at me or bid me a knowing smile in the midst of him shouting out plays and strategies to bring his team to a win. He’s no longer the man who I didn’t mind being locked up inside of his apartment with; hiding from the world and basking in one another mentally and physically. We dreamed together, mapped out our goals, and worked towards our future. When it felt like the entire world was stacked up against us, we refused to let one another go and would not allow them the victory of ripping what we built into shreds of oblivion. We were a true union; a partnership crafted by God that no man could put asunder.
As I stood in that room with him, I now know that man has died and our romance perished with him.
A slow, cold, and tarnishing death that has left my love as a forsaken widow.
Dim rays from the setting sun filtered through the small opening of the plush white curtains while the faint sound of the ocean’s roaring waves filled the room. My now adjusted eyes panned up to the ceiling and a small yawn slipped past my lips while I attempted the guess the time. I’d been transitioning from sleeping to watching a random marathon of The Brady Bunch on TVLand since my return from the courthouse. I skipped breakfast while physically and mentally preparing myself for the mediation and the interaction with my husband ruined any desire for lunch. I’m sure the only reason why I’m awake is because of hunger. I deliberately took half of an Ambien so I’d be able to sleep throughout the rest of the afternoon and night, but my body or rather mind ruined the strategy. If I spent any more time watching that family while confined to the memory foam mattress, I’m prone to either scream or check out of this place.
With one roll, I reached over and grabbed my iPhone off of the nightstand and checked the time; seven forty five.
I missed one phone call from my mother, surprisingly one from my father, and two text messages from Heather asking me how the mediation went. Had Heather been in Miami with Mario, we would have been together right now having mojitos and stuffing our faces while she profusely slandered Andreas until she couldn’t find anymore words to say. In this instance, I would have allowed her to do it because I could use the laugh and I’m certain she can use yet another moment when she’s able to have a bash fest over the man she deems to be the biggest mistake of my life. She never excuses me for it because of the love, instead she does so because he has a “pretty face with demonic blue eyes”.
After eating, she’d find someway for us to work off the meal by randomly showing up to some club, rooftop, or yacht party she knew about refrained to mention to me. From there, we’d attempt to relive our college days that I cut short and left her heartbroken over. Though she no longer mentions it, I’m still making that up to her. The guilt is still there; not only for her but also because I should have finished my studies. Before we parted our inseparable ways to began our own lives, we should have walked across that stage together but that’s the past. I’m ready and willing to do it alone.
My fingers scrolled along my list of contacts and I hesitantly paused on his name. I hadn’t heard from him since we arrived in Miami. When we landed yesterday evening, we shared a car service to the Mandarin and he informed me that we’d be staying in town an extra day before we parted ways. Throughout the duration of the twenty minute drive from the airport to the hotel, he adamantly spoke with someone on the phone and didn’t hang up until he said those very brief words to me. I don’t know the ins and outs of his life but what’s obvious is how serious he takes what he does for a living. Though he does not live for it nor does he genuinely enjoy it, he admirably conquers all that he has to do without ever breaking a sweat or faltering. He’s powerful while basking in a modest and reserved demeanor that entrances you almost immediately. He’s unrealistic; the impossible. He’s a figment of my imagination manifesting into my reality.
Pizza? It’s Autumn.
I tossed the phone beside myself and my eyes returned to the french vanilla painted ceiling. As I prepared for a lack of a response, my phone faintly vibrated against my skin.
Meet me in the lobby in ten minutes. I’ll be near the revolving door.
I wish he’d of said twenty minutes, but I mindfully used the ten he offered to slip back into the shoes I’d been wearing earlier in the day and to run a bit of mousse into the wavy curls I’d been enjoying for the past couple of days. While riding the elevator downstairs, I reapplied my favorite MAC “Spite” lip glass to my lips.
As soon as the doors opened, I made the familiar sharp left and walked through the main entrance of the lobby. Just as he told me, he stood by the revolving door in a casual look that I wasn’t expecting. Since our first encounter with one another, I’ve yet to see him in anything other than a two or three piece designer suit. His slender frame is always masked behind the perfectly tailored material representing not only his professionalism but also his very old school taste. Tonight, he opted for a pair of simple navy blue slacks, a button down dress shirt of the same color, and surprisingly, a pair of sneakers. They’re no Nike or Adidas. He decided on a designer pair to mesh well with his entire look. His right arm adorned a simple gold watch; most likely a Rolex, and he left that as his only accessory. Clean, straight to the point, but highly effective.
“How are you?” I spoke first. He’d been too busy staring at whatever is going on outside to notice me coming.
“I’m well. How about yourself?”
“I’m alive.” He chuckled with a nod of his head.
“I can see that. That’s not telling me how you are though. So, how are you?”
“I’m alright.” He glanced in the direction of the glass doors once more and pointed at the Mercedes Benz a valet stepped out of.
“That’s us right there.”
“You were already down here when I texted you?”
“Yeah, I actually just arrived back from a last minute meeting with the second contractor. I was walking to the elevator as soon as you texted me.” We stepped inside of one section of the revolving door together and he did the pushing until we were outside.
“Were you going to relax?”
“No. I was going upstairs to order room service. You saved me from having to do that.”
He opened up the passenger side door for me and waited until my body was comfortably resting against the maroon leather seats before closing the door. He slipped the valet a twenty dollar bill as his towering body lowered down into the drivers seat and he closed the door behind himself. In unison, we put our seat belt on.
“Any place in particular you want to go?” Lauryn Hill’s soothing whistles notes filled my ears as the infectious beat of Nas’ “If I Ruled The World” vibrated against the cool seats.
“Not really. Pizza is pizza. Visa-O1 is decent. Blocks too.”
“I know a spot. It’s not a pizza place but they definitely serve pizza. Is that alright with you?”
“Yeah, sure. It’s fine.”
“Windows up or down?” My eyes followed his hand as it switched the car’s gear into drive and they slowly panned up to his face.
He obliged my answer and immediately began drive down Brickell Key Dr. I thought we’d be taking a local route and would be able to take glances at the melting pot of people having a joyous time outdoors but instead I was left to enjoy the scenic US-1 South for nearly fifteen minutes. By then, I could no longer quietly guess where we were going. In my time of living here, I never familiarized myself with this city as much as I should have. I don’t believe he’s ever lived here and he knows this place far better than I do. I couldn’t give him directions to anywhere beyond the handful of places I frequented. During date nights, Andreas and I usually visited same places and those became our spots to go out and have a bite to eat when we could. For Heather, social media announcements and Google Maps takes her wherever she needs to be down here. She goes wherever the night takes her and can barely recall where exactly that place was in the morning. She actually knows nothing more than the way to Mario’s home and mine. Actually, we know the beach too, but who doesn’t?”
“Is this a private road?” We crossed a bridge that I’d never seen or heard about and the surroundings didn’t ring a bell no matter how many times I looked around to familiarize myself.
“Yeah. This is sort of a beach club. Well, actually it is. It’s called Palmeiras.”
“You have a membership here?”
“Well, not technically. This place is represented by the company and the owner is a nice guy so he welcomed me to come by and enjoy the place whenever I have the time to.”
“So how is it? It looks great from out here.”
“I don’t know. This is my first time coming.” I couldn’t help but to playfully suck my teeth and we shared a laugh over my assuming. He didn’t used the navigation system, took the quickest route, and we arrived without him ever losing the way. It was easy to believe he comes here often.
“You’re such a prankster.”
“Hey, you assumed.”
As we stepped out of the car, I realized we’d come as close the Amalfi Coast as we were going to get. This hidden gem basks in the sweeping, unobstructed view of the stunning Biscayne Bay with a picturesque view and peaceful atmosphere that’s rare to find within this area. It marvels after the French Riviera in taste with hints of Italian and Greek structuring. We’d only been walking along side one another for a couple of minutes and I couldn’t take my eyes off of the extensive amenities and beautiful decor. Unlike any other waterfront restaurant, the views of the Bay from here are paranoramic, dazzling in what feels like a small paradise.
“This is incredible.”
“Fredrick was one of the three architects who designed and worked on this place. Miami is his playground and he’s surely done his part in making some of the more recent structures look incredible.”
“He has a great eye. I’m speechless about the view. My God. My house sits near the bay and I don’t believe the view is this incredible from there.”
“Yeah, he does. He’s excellent at what he does. He has an artistic eye that goes beyond being an architect.”
“I can tell.”
“You want stay outdoors?”
“Yes. I’d love that.”
He only left me for two minutes to have a short conversation hostess and it only took another three for us to be seated a table for two with an unparalleled view of the bay. Though he’d chosen not to drink for driving purposes, I indulged and ordered a peach mojito. The Absolute Peach, Pyrat Rum, and Apricot Liquor would compliment the view of the bay in calming my nerves. Though the Mediterranean style dishes throughout the menu were attention grabbing, I settled on a margarita pizza and he; a chicken sandwich.
“This place is so nice. I can’t believe you don’t come here whenever you’re in town. You sure you haven’t been on a date here?” I playfully raised an eyebrow at him and he quickly shook his head in response to it.
“No. I’m being truthful when I say this is my first time. I don’t understand how you were living here for so long and have never been here.”
“Oh you’d be surprised about all of the places I haven’t been throughout my duration of living here. I’m still a newbie in this town.”
“Were you home sick?”
“Uh. Kind of. I didn’t know anyone other than Andreas so I stuck around my house rather than hanging out with myself all the time. I didn’t make any real friends. I know you’re probably wondering why I didn’t become friends with all of the player’s wives but I wasn’t interested. They were pleasant; Savannah, Gabby, Adrienne, and the others, but I just kept to myself. Heather visited every now and then and we hung out a bit, but it still wasn’t enough for me to know and learn a lot around here.” I took my second sip of the chilled drink and nearly sighed in bliss as it steadily slipped down my throat.
“I like it here; not to live but it’s a nice place to hang out. I usually have fun when the guys and I make a trip down here together.”
“You said it’s Fredrick’s playground right?”
“Yeah, but not in the manner that it used to be. He’s locked down now. He’s in love but don’t let him know I told you that.” He chortled at the thought of his best friend and his possible disdain for that statement.
“Oh, he’s fronting about it?”
“Big time.”  
“What about your other friend Mike?”
“Mike’s a chill guy. He’s the joker out of all three of us and the big mouth. Honestly, I don’t know what’s up with him. I think he’s seeing someone. He’s secretive with that type of shit though. You don’t know until he wants you to know. He’d rather be in everyone else’s business, especially mine.” It was my turn to laugh when a frown appeared on his face. If anything Mike to him is what Heather is to me; obnoxiously nosy and a know it all.
“He’s always in your personal business?”
“Hell yeah. He asks a lot of questions. Fredrick will set me up on blind dates.”
“Blind dates? So they’re like match dot com for you?”
“Yeah, in the worse way.”
“As annoying as it sounds, I’m sure it’s just their way of caring about you. They want to see you happy and I think that’s cute.”
“Cute?” He curved his lips to the right and jerked his head back. “Yeah right. What about you?”
“Well, Heather used to try that in high school and at our early beginnings of college but it literally never worked out. I was the master of the curve back then and rather awkward if I must say so myself. I developed late, had a big ol’ forehead. I said that like it vanished. Anyway, I had no boobs or butt. I was kind of a tomboy and eventually shed that as I became older. By the time I was ready to date, I fell for one man and he became my first….everything. So all of that was cut short.”
“How did today go?” I didn’t expect that question after my answer and I nearly finished the rest of the drink as flashbacks of today’s courthouse nightmare played in my head.
“That bad huh?” He didn’t need an answer. I just nodded.
“We don’t have to talk about it. It’ll all turn out for the best. Just believe that.”
“I’m trying to.”
“It will. You want to go back to talking about my dull ass dating life? I don’t mind talking about it.” And just like that, he flared up yet another fit of laughter from me.
“Why do you call it dull?”
“Because it is. Everyone knows that.”
“When was your last girlfriend?”
“Uh, it was during my days at Columbia. Jessica. We dated for three months.”
“How long was your longest relationship?”
“Three months.”
“You’re lying.” I snickered until I nearly choked on the sip of the peach cocktail. He smirked while shaking his head and I glared at him awaiting his admission to that lie.
“I had a situation with someone that lasted a couple of months but it was no relationship. It was an agreement. Samira.”
“So Samira was alright with you two just….having sex?” I playfully side eyed him. “With no strings attached?”
“Yeah. We went out on dates occasionally but it never turned into anything serious though we played with the idea of it. I never met her family and she just so happened to meet my mother because we randomly ran into her. It wasn’t something that I wanted.”
“What did your mom say?”
“She was excited because there was finally some spice in my dull ass love life.”
“Stop calling it that.” Each time he said it I laughed. There was a playfulness in his tone that made it all the more funny. If he can turn something like this into a joke, I don’t see why anyone else can’t. The dating world can be hilarious. Heather and Rachel have stories that are amusing enough to leave you with both a headache and bellyache.
“And then you two parted ways?”
“Yeah. She’s engaged now……and then there’s me.” He snickered as I continued to laugh at his “sob story”. He seems content with his relationship status. I don’t get a lonely vibe from him. I can tell that he’s a loner by nature; not desperate for company, attention, or aggravation.
“Well, you don’t have to be single. There are women awaiting a chance. Before I even knew who you were, Rachel would sit at the desk and verbally lust over you. It’s not just her either. The women in that building and over at Meridian lust when you walk through those doors. You and your brother.” Dante impishly cut his eyes at me and I nodded my head with a smile to assure him that I’m telling no fibs. The Legend Of The St. James Brothers is famous within the companies.
“I don’t believe that.”
“It’s true. They turn into high school girls when you walk in with your designer suits on and your oxford shoes. The leather briefcase takes it over the edge. They giggle, whisper, and come up with all types of scenarios that they’re never going to execute because they’re too afraid to ask you out. You’re also very poised. There’s no exact way to approach you without the fear of looking foolish.” My eyes shamelessly followed his tongue as he ran it over his bottom lip and he shrugged his shoulders. We hadn’t touched our food since the waitress place it down in front of us.
“I don’t come there for that.”
“Your brother flirts.”
“With you?” He leaned forward just a bit and I shook my head.
“With everyone, honestly.”
“He’s married.”
“Oh, I know. Seems like I’m the only one who does know.”
“If he had it his way, no one would know.”
“You two are polar opposites.” It was his turn to finally sip his drink; a Sprite.
“Are you close despite that?”
“No.” I finally grabbed a slice of the personal pizza and took a small bite out of it as he continued to stare at me. I expected him to finally take a bite out of his chicken sandwich but he didn’t.
“You work very hard. I’ve picked up on that ever since we flew down here for the first time together. You nearly bit my head off that day.” He grimaced; causing a snicker to slip past my lips. “What do you do to relax?”
“Play basketball, watch sports center for an hour or two. I’ll hang out with the fellas. That's about it.”
“You don't go on vacations?”
“No, not really. It’s funny that you mention that. My mother is pushing for this huge family vacation and I'm avoiding it like a plague.”
“Why?” He smirked. I wouldn’t mind vacationing with my parents for as long as Issac doesn’t attend it. I’m convinced we’d most likely try to drown one another at some point.  
“Because it won't be a vacation. It'd be seven days of horror. I’d rather not.”
“Well, what about with your friends?”
“They don't like going on exotic vacations without women, which is fine and I get it. They’re at that stage in their lives where companionship is important. We went out to L.A. with one another not too long ago and we come down here every now and then. That’s our vacations together. There’s work and a bit of play.”
“You need to enjoy your life and enjoy the fruits of your labor. There’s nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t make you arrogant or wasteful to splurge on something that will be beneficial and relaxing for you. You give back to God and the universe more than enough. You should allow God and the universe to give back to you. You haven’t been blessed with all of your success only for you to ignore it and overwork yourself. You should have some fun. I’m not the best at advice but I mean well when I speak.”
“I know you mean well and that advice is something that I’ll take into consideration. You’re not the first person to say it to me but you’re the first person to mention God within it. You’re Christian.”
“I am. I’m no church girl. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve gone to church. That’s probably why I’m a mess now.” My eyes panned to the moonlighted calm waters. “But I know he’s looking out for me; looking out for all of us. I questioned him quite a bit over these last two years because I just knew he was reeking havoc on my life but my aunt Sharon always told me if he brings you to it, he’ll bring you through it. I’m here. My story isn’t over. I still have my life, as my boss told me.” I winked at him and he nodded his head with a small chuckle. His lax body enthralled my own and I too relaxed into my seat and leaned against the back of the white chair.
“I own a home in Malibu. Only three people know about it; Mike, Fred, and Stacey. I had it built over the last couple of years. I’d been dreaming of having a huge house of my own since I was a kid. By the time I was eighteen, I began to save up for it and ever since then I’ve been working to be able to afford it. It’s completed now and as of a couple of months ago, it’s fully furnished.”
“So you’re moving out of New York?”
“No. I haven’t stayed in the house and I don’t plan to, at least not yet. The week we were in California, I went there, and as beautiful as the house is, it doesn’t feel like home yet. It felt empty with me standing in it. That tells me that I have a lot of unfinished business to handle and more to accomplish before I can settle my life there. That house will be my relaxation. It’ll be me enjoying the fruits of my labor. I have to wait though. It’s all in God’s timing right?”
“I’d say so. How long do you think it’ll take you to feel and be ready? A couple of months? A year?”
“I’ll be ready when it’s worth it in every single way possible. I can’t estimate how long that will be but I’m willing to wait.”
The moonlight glimmered in his unfathomable deep brown eyes as the confidence within his statement rattled me. In his reserved manner, he’s so assured in himself and what he wants. I mistook him to be still finding his way much like I am but he already knows the way. He’s practical and sensible with just enough assertiveness; unbelievable and yet so tangible. Vulnerable.
My eyes traced his jawline as he stared at the view that took my breath away upon our arrival.
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thephonecops · 8 years
Episode Notes | S1E1, Pilot pt. 1
Here we are, at the beginning of these proper episode notes! It’s worth- well, noting, if you’ll pardon the redundancy, that in these early season one episodes… I believe it’s the first eight or so- things are a bit rocky. We’re going to talk about that a fair bit, as we come to these situations, but the important thing is to note that a lot of the character notes I make in these early episodes are merely going to be speculative, because the characters change a lot in these early bits. Also worth noting, is that this early section of season one is not an ensemble show. It’s starring Gordon Jump and Gary Sandy, and everyone else isn’t even in every episode. They also feature the long revered but admittedly lengthy opening credits, which you can watch here, if you don’t happen to have the DVDs on hand as some of us do.
I will also try to mention what music is playing when, if I know it, but even though I listen to a LOT of classic rock, I’m afraid I’m not the greatest at recognizing it when I don’t already know it and the great “identify the song that’s playing” feature of my phone can’t help me when there’s dialogue over the music. SO. I will do my best but no promises.
OKAY. SO. Pilot episode, part one.
This would be an opportune time to discuss the history of the creation of WKRP, but I kinda wanna save that post for another day. It isn’t really something that’s part of the episode notes anyway, so we’ll skip that bit for now. Instead, we’ll talk about just the episode itself and the introductions of the characters and the overall plot.
The plot here is that the worst radio station in Cinci has hired (yet another) program director, who is Andy Travis. He is coming in for the first time today. And of course, he is the straight man to all the nuts at the station, the normal guy from the outside, and the original plan was to have him be our eyes to the station, to tell the stories from his point of view- which is of course, a mistake, and why the show later became officially an ensemble situation.
This is a typical sitcom plot where we have a new person, and they go around and meet everyone in the new place- an overused but very useful (and I feel still very useable) trope for meeting the characters of a new location or show or what have you.
We open on this one, on Jennifer tending to the plants in the lobby. While I believe there are always at least some plants in the lobby (I guess if I’m wrong we’ll find out in the future now won’t we), I don’t think Jennifer is so into them in later episodes. I don’t even think there are any plants in Jennifer’s apartment. But in these early season episodes, she is very protective of the plants and she spends a lot of time…..with them, if I may word it like that, and I honestly think that the writers not quite knowing what to do with Jennifer begins here on day one.
Also, the music the show opens with (not the theme, I’m talking when Jennifer is tending the flora and fauna), is perhaps the least WKRP sounding music I’ve ever heard in my life and it’s honestly sort of amusing. But also weird.
Herb is introduced second, in all his sexist glory, and I must say how clear it is that he developed a lot in this first season. He is played very stereotypically sleazy in this episode, especially, and his clothes- while still in bad taste, are actually pretty classy. For Herb.
For a man that wears a giant blue and white checkerboard suit with a matching tie later in the series.
(Click the read more to view the full notes for this episode!)
They also establish that he’s married here, and it almost feels like they did it just for the laughs- once again, he’s played sleazy here, not totally but definitely more so than later in the series, and it seems apparent to me that they didn’t plan on analyzing why this married man can’t bring himself to cheat on his wife, as they (sort of) do in later episodes.
Also, “would you like to meet Bert Convy in person”. Herb's concept of impressing women is by introducing them to game show hosts. Need I say more?
Next up, in walks our temporary star, Andy. His stereotype is also immediately enforced, as is everyone’s on this show. He’s a cowboy, from Santa Fe, and the Big Guy hired him on the phone.
Speaking of the Big Guy, another bit of odd characterization is Jennifer’s last descriptor- “the jerk who runs this place.” Now, we all know Mr. Carlson and we all know that is a very unfitting description of the man. Regardless, I think it is a simple joke. I don’t think the plan was ever for it to describe Carlson, because for all the off character traits of the early episodes, that is not one of them.
Les is also immediately established, with a character trait that sticks with him forever- “award winning farm reports”. I think this is a joke about Cincinnati, but it will of course very quickly become a joke about Les and his obsession with hogs.
We also learn a crucial bit of information- “the last program director lasted 30 minutes before the Big Guy fired him.” Yet another strangely harsh precursor to the Big Guy’s entrance, because regardless of what people say about him, he is never played like a jerk.
Jennifer sets up the idea that Herb is “dying for some steamy one night stand”, which I think is interesting because as we will learn later… he isn’t, not really, but perhaps she just uses him as something to bounce the idea off of to test Andy.
I still don’t get the setup from the other characters, who surely know better, but it seems like Mr. Carlson is perhaps putting on airs to try and seem like “the jerk who runs this place” so that if he has to fire Andy, maybe it’ll help him have the guts to. But I wouldn’t think Jennifer, Herb or Les would be fooled, and I also don’t think Les would be capable of doing a proper job of acting to convince Andy. So. Not sure about that stuff, but as for the Big Guy himself, you can see his act fall away when he says, “Ooh! Do you think that’s wise?” in response to Andy telling him he quit his job in Santa Fe.
The introduction of Mama being verbal, but not having her in the first half of the pilot, is an interesting choice that allows the imagination to run rampant, and I like it.
Then of course, comes the immortal introduction of Johnny Caravella- Johnny Midnight, Johnny Duke, Johnny Cool, Johnny Style, and Johnny Sunshine- But not yet Johnny Fever. The coffee keeps in sharp as a tack.
I do find Johnny’s failure to realize who and where he is and to stay awake, is an odd thing, because it goes away in the second episode. Perhaps we are to believe that he’s cured of that with the format change- but he does it one more time at the end of this episode, so perhaps not. Either way, that’s another character trait they didn’t keep.
And now the farm thing with Les quickly becomes a hog thing, as he shows up fresh off the air with the hog futures. (“hogs have futures, I don’t”) and in comes another trait for Les that I don’t remember him as having, and which I honestly don’t think he keeps after the pilot: Being a suck up. Of course, Herb is always a suck up, because he’s Herb, and we see that in this scene too, but the reason is, they were both up for Andy’s job.
Speaking of Andy’s job, what better poster could he unroll that would make the audience release a collective gasp, than a KISS poster? It’s no secret what he’s planning to do.
The next character we meet is Bailey, in the booth with Johnny, where we get to see Johnny Caravella in action- and then the format change.
Johnny thinks he’s a little too old for this rock n roll stuff. He wants andy to find someone “about fifteen years younger.” He sees himself as past his prime, and he seems to have accepted it. But being convinced of the idea, and doing it, elicts an incredible change in Johnny- it’s like watching him come to life. And, of course, the moniker of Dr. Johnny Fever is born.
We’ll probably discuss this more in later episode notes, but Johnny was a breakout character, and MTM had to do some damage control to keep him from taking it over, because by then they had decided the show would do best as an ensemble piece and that’s how it would stay.
Another interesting thing I want to note before we get to the action packed wrap up of this half of the pilot, is the ships. We know right away that the NoTP of the show is Jennifer and Herb, but possible OTPs include Johnny and Bailey. However, it does seem that they’re lowkey pushing an Andy and Bailey thing here too. Kinda like they were thinking of some kind of triangle situation. Which, obviously that is never realized, but I do find it interesting (and it is worth mentioning that it’s not hard to find Andy/Bailey fic around lol).
SO. The wrap up. In bursts Mr. Carlson, ready to promote Herb (Herb and Les bail on Andy right away to support the Big Guy, back to that I-knew-Herb-was-professional-butt-kisser-but-why-is-Les-behaving-this-way thing) and fire Andy because Mama Carlson heard the station three days in and she is upset.
Mrs. Carlson is played by Sylvia Sydney here, but for some reason after the pilot she is always played by Carol Bruce. Now, I love Carol Bruce, but of course she is a less believable age if Arthur is indeed over 40, as he proclaims in a later episode.
Regardless, Mama comes in, demanding to to know what is going on, and the Big Guy is generating all sorts of stories for her. But the sway of money and the first sign of a backbone she’s ever seen in her son, convince her to allow the hijinks to continue- “for a while.”
The final introduction- Venus Flytrap comes in just in time to elict one of the biggest eyerolls I’ve ever seen from Mama Carlson. He’s presented as, and pardon my use of the possibly inappropriate term, a bit of a jive turkey in early episodes like this one, and it’s played straight. But when Hugh Wilson, creator of the show, sat down with Tim Reid (who plays Venus) to work on this stuff, it is later revealed that it’s mostly an act from Venus, who is far from that stereotype.
We close on a beautiful shot of Mr. Carlson not understanding kids these days as he and his briefcase wander somewhat forlornly down the hall, past the booth, and Venus does his inaugural nighttime show.
All in all, I say this is a good pilot, and if I just….. Saw it and nothing else I think I would be interested to see more. I’m not sure if this is the pilot for the same show we all know and love, as I said, because so many small details are going to change very rapidly, but such is the way with pilots.
I’d rate this, keeping in mind that it’s a pilot, a solid 7/10.
Stay tuned for more (hopefully shorter) episode notes as we get farther into the world of WKRP!
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Collab with Catalina Cortes
(This is part of a RP that Catalina wrote that I collabed in!)
Catalina squeezed every bit of home she could into her Baltimore studio apartment. There was her Nintendo Switch, her Todoroki merch(multiple wall scrolls, a body pillow and one set of footie pajamas), and her 600-foot spool of nylon rope. The spool lie ominously next to her computer chair, daring any visitors to ask about it. Adrienne Levi and Catalina sat on the couch, a cushion between them, awkwardly sipping coffee and avoiding conversation. Catalina wondered if Adrienne had noticed the rope. “Don’t worry about the rope,” Catalina said. Levi had taken Catalina’s invitation to attempt to become more familiar, more friendly with other denizens of Carnage. So far it wasn’t that she didn’t like Cortes, it was just that there wasn’t much to say other than niceties. Now very aware of the rope, Adrienne’s expression went from ease to a growing concern. But maybe Catalina was moving or something. “Okay.” Looking at her phone for a moment, she fired a text off to Matt Knox: I should have listened. “So do you like … stuff?” Adrienne said with the hopes of steering this meeting into something fun. First impressions were a lot, sure. But Adrienne was shy with meeting new people. Maybe Catalina was, too. Catalina choked on a drink of coffee, her plotting interrupted by Adrienne’s voice. “Yeah,” she choked. “I mean a lot of stuff, really. There’s my Twitch channel, which has forty-three subscribers, which means I’m seven away from being an affiliate. Anime, film, video games. You write slash? I’m working on a Knox/Winter piece about how they’re mean to each other on Twitter to hide their true feelings, and when they finally stop hiding, oh boy does it get steamy. It’s also a commentary on toxic masculinity.” Fidgeting slightly at this line of questioning, Adrienne answered softly. “I wasn’t sure what slash was until well, I guess you explained it.” She took a small sip of her coffee before carefully setting the mug back down on the coaster. Adrienne liked most of those things. She would probably be considered a poser as she didn’t really know most of the names of anime girl shirts she had - sort of like the one she was wearing today. But then the thought of Alex Winter and Matt Knox sharing a chaste kiss entered her mind briefly and Adrienne did her best to send that one back down into the chasms. “But that’s really cool. I’ll become number forty-four if that's alright with you.” Catalina patted her shoulder. “That’d be so cool! Look at us, bonding over coffee and hypothetical relationships.” She turned her attention to the rope. “The rope isn’t for you, by the way. It’s for someone much bigger and much more dangerous.” There was only one person who fit that bill. Every other person could be reasoned with or possibly backed down from their urges. Casting another glance at the pile of rope, Adrienne considered if Catalina was just trying to make another joke. “You’re not serious, are you?” Adrienne said hesitantly not wanting to offend her host. One hand went theatrically to Catalina’s chest in feigned indignation, a motion worthy of Christopher Marlowe. “Ade, girl, what the heck? You know how tough it is for a woman to get ahead in wrestling. Honestly, I thought you’d be more supportive. Of course I’m serious. Lab Rat King has superhuman monster blood, and I gotta get me some of that. She-Hulk got her powers through a blood transfusion. It’s the same principle. Can you imagine how unstoppable I’ll be?” Everyone saw that blood. It was all over the mat and cage during the encounter with Mitch Heart. Adrienne had finally decided to watch the fight just for some perspective. However, she also saw Zane King after the show. Saw the congealed blackish blood smeared all over concrete walls as he just moved around in that small space. Saw the odd discolorations in various parts of his massive muscle bound body. “I don’t mean to be mean but could the way his blood looked also be because he’s sick?” Adrienne probably meant this as a thought but a flare of concern made her voice it out loud. Continuing that, she spoke trying to maintain eye contact with Catalina. “And that it could make you sick?” “Actually,” Catalina said, hopping up from her couch to inspect her checkerboard backpack. “I haven’t thought about that. I’m sure I can find somebody to analyze it. First things first, gotta get that blood. Wanna come with? I might need a distraction. We can make it a whole girls night.” She pulled an Umbreon hoodie on and grabbed a flashlight from her kitchen drawer, before giving Adrienne a spin. “This look okay for sneaking?” Subconsciously, Adrienne touched her neck. While the conversation with Zane had lessened some of the fears she held for him, that one moment still stayed. “Maybe. I’ve never done that kind of stuff before. I’m not sure you should either. Zane King isn’t an animal.” Standing up, she straightened out the legs of her jeans. She eyed the door. Adrienne’s idea of a girl’s night out was sharing some wine coolers and maybe gossiping. No mean rumors, of course. Not dying at the hands of Lab Rat King. “I don’t think I can stop you. Your heart really seems set on this. So hopefully … I’ll see you at the show.” Catalina gave a thumb up as she headed out the door. “That’s what I’m talking about! Women supporting women! Don’t worry, I have no doubt this is gonna go swimmingly. Feel free to hang out. We can get a pizza and play Mario Kart when I get back.” With Catalina gone, Adrienne took her up on her offer. Eventually, she stared at an unopened pack of Double Stuf Oreos on the kitchen counter. Despite no one being in the room, she whispered, “Maybe just one. Or two...”
0 notes
nadziejastar · 5 years
Do not get offended, but I think you're pretty obsessed with the relationship between Axe/Lea and Saïx/Isa. I do not deny that their friendship has been fundamental and essential in many aspects regarding the development of their characters, decisions and stories. But sometimes I think that you always try to go further, gilding the lily, only looking for details to justify a relationship beyond friendship, giving your theories as real, when it's clear that this is not the case.
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Eh. I feel no reason to be offended because I know that what you’re saying about me is simply not true. I mean, I am obsessed. But…I have an obsessive personality. For better or worse, it’s how I have always been with anything that interests me. But I’m not obsessed in the way you are characterizing. It sounds like you’re saying I have shipping goggles on and I am deluding myself into seeing “signs” that don’t exist just because I’m so obsessed with this fictional pairing.
But that’s not the case. I’m so “obsessed” because I think there was a really great idea behind this ship, and it would have made a great story if it was allowed to run its course. But it was so underrated compared to Roxas/Xion/Axel that it got treated extremely badly in canon.
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Axel: Well, I think you can be inseparable even if you’re apart.
Roxas: Really?
Axel: Sure, if you feel really close to each other. If you’re best friends.
Roxas: What’s it like having a best friend, Axel?
Axel: Couldn’t tell ya. I don’t have one.
Let’s not forget that this isn’t the first time Square-Enix has used a combination of sunset and waning crescent moon imagery for their characters. Final Fantasy X did this, too. Nomura is quite fond of that game. He knows damn well what those symbols mean.
Yuna: I want my journey to be full of laughter.
Tidus: Okay.
Yuna: If we should get separated, just whistle. I’ll come running. I promise.
The Okinawan word tida means “sun”. Yuna means “moon”. Most people probably know their story. They are Twin Flame lovers. Complementary opposites. Light and Dark. Yin and Yang. Inseparable.
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Yuna: Pretty…
Tidus: Sure is.
Yuna: I wish I could live in a place like this. Peaceful… Living with a smile on my face every day.
Tidus: You can, once you beat Sin, right?
Yuna: But then a new Sin will be born anyway.
Tidus: Well then, you can just beat it again.
Yuna: I wish I could.
There are two particularly important scenes. One is the sunset on the Highroad where Yuna was recording a sphere saying her goodbyes to everyone.
Yuna: “So… So this is what it feels like. It’s a much more wonderful feeling than anything I had ever imagined. Wonderful…but it hurts, sometimes. I wonder. I…I just want to say, thank you for everything. Maybe…maybe that’s why it hurts. When I… When I think about us never being together again at all…”
She accepts that they cannot be together, even though she loves him.
Tidus: “Let’s go to the sea, before the sunrise. The city lights go out one by one. The stars fade…Then the horizon glows, almost like it’s on fire. It’s kinda rose-colored, right? First in the sea, then it spreads to the sky, then to the whole city. It gets brighter and brighter, till everything glows. It’s really…pretty. I know you’d like it.”
Yuna: “I’d like to see it, someday.” Tidus: “Well you can, Yuna. We can both go! Yu..?”
Yuna: “I can’t. I just can’t! I can’t go!”
And the other is the lake where they share their kiss under the moonlight. Tidus tells her that the sunset in Zanarkand is so beautiful and he wants her to go.
Yuna: “Stay with me until the end. Please.” Tidus: “Not until the end…Always.”
Yuna: “Always, then.”
She can’t, but they promise to always be together.
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Yuna: “Everyone…everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody… Now, Sin is finally dead. Now, Spira is ours again. Working together… Now we can make new homes for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild Spira. The road is ahead of us, so let’s start out today. Just, one more thing…The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded…Never forget them.”
Yuna was planning on sacrificing herself to bring peace to Spira. She kept it a secret from Tidus so he would not be sad. His cheerfulness made her journey happy. She lives, but Tidus fades away in the end. He kept the fact that he was a dream a secret so Yuna would not hesitate defeating Sin. She never wanted to forget him.
Axel: “As long as we remember each other, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?”
She was always very guarded about sharing those memories with anyone else. Axel always gave off the exact same sense of secretive sentimentality that Yuna did when it came to his memories. He had the sense of a person who was heartbroken over a lost love. The day Axel said his memories of the past were what he valued most, it’s titled “Too Precious to Lose” in Roxas’ Diary. Yuna would whistle into the air sometimes. Tidus taught her how. It was like Axel eating ice cream all the time. It just helped him feel connected to his memories.
Lea: “I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people’s memories, I can live forever.”
Isa: “I know I won’t forget you. Believe me, I try all the time.”
Lea: “See, I’m immortal!”
Sunset and waning crescent moon are used as symbols of death, tragedy and parting in both games. The final stage of a cycle. The ending. I would argue lost love as well. Isa basically died and Axel is left with nothing but the memories of him as he looks into the sunset. The Moon Rabbit is a symbol of self-sacrifice, just like Yuna. Moon characters in general tend to be very empathetic and willing to sacrifice themself. Tidus couldn’t accept Yuna sacrificing herself. Same as Axel. Sun characters are bright and cheerful and inspire hope and optimism.
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The letter χ can be pronounced both “key” and “kye” (leading to some confusion) and symbolizes the perfect crossing of light and darkness. The χ-blade can be forged via a high-dimensional clash between those two poles. It is believed that the Recusant’s Sigil also derives from χ. —KH3D Glossary
Gilding the lily is basically trying to improve what is already perfect. Basically you think I’m imagining signs of a romance when it’s a perfectly good friendship, right? I’m just seeing what I want to see. I guess that’s one big disagreement I have with you right there. I don’t think their relationship, even platonically, was handled well. At all. Isa and Lea’s platonic friendship turned out to be pretty pointless in canon, if you ask me. Didn’t amount to much of any substance or value. That’s not what I wanted to see.
Xehanort: Behold… These lifeless keys used to be full of power–united with the hearts of their masters. On this barren soil, Keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat…as a great Keyblade War raged. Countless Keyblade wielders gave up their lives, all in search of one, ultimate key. And it will soon belong to me…
TAV’s main theme was their unbreakable connection. No matter what, they always found their way back to each other. That’s the power of the heart. What was Lea/Isa’s main theme in canon? Anything involving the Recusant’s Sigil? Nope. Anything involving the power of the heart? Y’know, what Kingdom Hearts is all about? Nope. Just sequel-baiting. I guess Isa was also a plot device for fan pandering, too. I don’t view anything in the story with a shipping bias. I think Lea/Isa was written like total shit in canon. Doesn’t matter how much I like the ship. I’m not going to lie to myself and say it was well-written. I know how to separate my wishes from my observations.
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Terra: Yep, hard to believe there are so many worlds out there besides our own. The light is their hearts, and it’s shining down on us like a million lanterns.
And I am just observing what is there. I think that everything you said sounds more true of all the Axel/Roxas arguments I’ve seen than Lea/Isa ones. People seeing things beyond a platonic friendship when there is absolutely no textual basis in the story to support that interpretation. It all comes down to artistic intent. You analyze the story the same way you would during English class. Critical reading. Why are events being presented in such a manner? What message is the author conveying?
Xemnas: There hangs the heart of all hearts–Kingdom Hearts–shining down on us at last. See the countless hearts that have gathered? Hearts full of rage…hate…sadness…and bliss. There, in the sky, hangs the promise of a new world.
There is a TON of evidence supporting the existence of artistic intent for a very specific idea. Xehanort is trying to forge the X-blade by initiating a clash of opposite polarities. An idea inspired by Freemasonry, hence the black and white checkerboard theme associated with him. Scala ad Caelum is Latin for “Stairway to Heaven”, a big idea in Masonry. And Masonry uses the two luminaries, the Sun and Moon, to represent Light and Darkness. The letter “X” is all about opposite polarities, as well as death and endings. Saïx sports a big fat “X” on his face as his defining characteristic (which is never explained). Lea and Isa are described as complementary opposites in the novel.
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Naminé: We don’t disappear… We’re only reborn.
Axel: I’m not like you and Roxas. It’s because I don’t have a heart. I don’t want to disappear, but I’m not upset or sad about it.
There are seven Guardians of Light. There are seven colors of the rainbow. Light is made up of seven different colors. Lea’s Keyblade is based on the Phoenix, a solar bird. It represents the red Rubedo stage of alchemy. It’s called the “Flame Liberator”. In alchemy, the Phoenix symbolizes “the freeing of the spirit from the bounds of the physical”. It’s about spiritual enlightenment and eternal life. They made a point in Days of showing that cutscene about the red sunset right from the get go. It was important.
Axel: Hey, Roxas. Bet you don’t know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors. And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest.
The Sun sets red because red light travels the farthest. In Luxord’s tarot deck, “The Sun” is Hazard Gear.The Sun card represents a feeling of optimism and fulfillment, and the dawn which follows the darkest of nights. Saïx’s weapon in this category is called “Light Year”, and is shaped like a Reiki angel. Reiki is a method of energy healing using one’s aura—their inner light. The weapon has a pale yellow aura. The color of renewed hope and emerging spiritual awareness. Axel’s weapon in this category is a red weapon called “Omega Trinity”, and it is shaped like a transmutation circle. The name is referring to the Tria Prima of alchemy. Sulfur (Sol), Mercury (Luna), and Salt (the Philosopher’s Stone).
“The Moon” is Dual Gear. Dual means involving two parts. The Moon represents your fears and illusions. Axel’s weapon in this gear is “Dive Bomb”, as in Dive into the Heart. And Saïx’s is “Luminary”. It’s also shaped like Reiki, and is gold. The ultimate aura color of enlightenment. Both “The Sun” and “The Moon” are shaped like the 4 of Pentacles. This card indicates that you are trying very hard to cling onto people or possessions out of fear of losing them. “The Sun” is pink, which is associated with love and forgiveness in Tarot.
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Saïx: Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free…until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist.
Isa is a Moon character, and pretty much all of his weapons are feminine terms. He has a weapon called “Queen of the Night”. In Japan it is known as “Gekka Bijin”, meaning “Beauty under the Moon”. This white flower only blooms one night a year, usually under a full moon. This weapon is listed under Glory Gear. In Luxord’s deck, this is “Strength”. This card is about inner strength and the human spirit’s ability to overcome any obstacle. It represents the ability to ‘tame’ your animal instincts, gut reactions, and raw emotions, and channel them accordingly. The symbol on the card it the Two of Cups. It represents a partnership that is built on the union of forces, a strong connection and a balanced and equal partnership. Each party’s emotions are intertwined with the other’s, and each participant’s feelings have profound effects on the other. It symbolizes the joy of two becoming one.
“See anything interesting out there, Poppet?” Xigbar patted her on the shoulder.
Meanwhile, Axel plopped down on the sofa and pretended he wasn’t listening in. Xion turned to look up at Xigbar. “Just Kingdom Hearts.”
“Is it all that interesting?”
“It’s kind of pretty.”
Xigbar let out a low chuckle. Axel didn’t see what Xigbar found so entertaining about that reply. But then he could never quite follow what he was thinking.
Xion looked rather confused herself. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing—you’re just making so much progress.” Xigbar kept laughing, as if there was an uproariously good joke in it somewhere.
He has another weapon with the same shape called “King of the Night”. In alchemy, the Sun is the Red King, the Moon is the White Queen. This is Raging Gear. In Luxord’s deck, this is “The Devil”. The Devil card represents your shadow side and the negative forces that constrain you and hold you back. The Devil card appears in a reading when you have been tricked into thinking you have no control over your shadow self or these negative forces, and that you can never break free from their hold. It is shaped like the 10 of Pentacles, which is an omen for success, no matter what your current lot in life is. Axel’s weapon is the yellow stage of the Phoenix wings. Citrinitas represents “the transmutation of silver into gold,” “the yellowing of the lunar consciousness”,  and “the dawning of the solar consciousness inherent in one’s being”.
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In alchemy, the Red King and White Queen are associated with the Emperor and Empress arcanas. The Empress represents the feminine principle and is Valiant Gear. Axel’s weapon is purple and called Double Edge. It is shaped like the Third Eye chakra, which is on the forehead, and controls the ability to “see” things with the mind’s eye. It’s where Saïx’s “X” scar is located. Saïx’s weapon is “Moonset”, which is when the sun rises and the moon disappears in the sky. It’s pink and shaped like the symbol of Vesta, a goddess of chastity known as the “Keeper of the Sacred Flame”.
The Emperor represents the masculine principle and is Ultimate Gear. Axel’s weapon is called “Rapid Spinner” which refers to the chakras and is shaped like the Crown Chakra. The highest one that connects a person to higher consciousness. Saïx’s weapon is called Horoscope and is shaped like Venus/Sagittarius (a fire sign). It is pink, an aura associated with love, affection, compassion, healing, and a new or newly revived romantic relationship.
Star and Crescent—the symbol on Isa’s jacket in the epilogue—is a Sun and Moon symbol meaning a union of complementary opposites, and romantic love. Alchemy is all about a union of complementary opposites. The Sun and Moon’s marriage and sexual union is a symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone, along with the Phoenix, gold, and the color red. It’s all there in the story. I certainly didn’t put it there. The writers did. Some people might just say that Sun and Moon imagery is not necessarily romantic. 99% of the time it is, though. But if ALL that wasn’t enough, there’s the way Axel was paralleled with the Beast.
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Beast: The last rose petal is about to fall… When it does, I’ll lose– No! I can’t bear it–I don’t even want to think about it!
Axel: I guess the closest thing we Nobodies have got is our past. You know, memories of the stuff we couldn’t bear to lose, back when we couldn’t bear to lose it.
The Beast’s rose is like Axel’s memories. The rose represents the Beast’s last hope to return to his past. And it also represents his desire to love and be loved by another in return.
Beast: Belle… I couldn’t bear to see you…or the other’s hurt. A master protects his castle… I don’t want to lose you.
Roxas: That still doesn’t explain what love is… Is love fighting to protect what’s most important to you? Where does its power come from?
Love is fighting to protect what’s most important to you.
Roxas: I found out about love on today’s mission–that it’s something powerful.
Axel: That’s true. It is. But I’ll never get to experience it.
Axel’s memories are what he considers most important to him. “Because that’s all we have to remember the pain of losing something.” The Beast is tired of strength. He wants to experience love, but thinks he never will. Axel doesn’t care about Xemnas’ promise of power. He wants to complete Kingdom Hearts to experience love, but thinks he never will. Wink wink, nudge nudge. I’m sorry, but you don’t just write things this way by accident. It’s all intentional.
Axel: Love is what happens if there’s something really special between two people.
Roxas: More special than friends? Like…if they’re best friends? Inseparable?
Axel: Well, you can care about your friends, I guess, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m not imagining any of it.
Roxas wouldn’t let it go. “Do you think we would, if we had hearts?”
“Once Kingdom Hearts is complete, I bet you’ll be able to figure it out.”
The magic words again, Axel thought. It’ll all make sense when Kingdom Hearts is complete. But was that true? No one had ever seen it happen before. So who knew?
Still, all they could do was believe in it. Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts…
It all supports the idea of Lea and Isa originally being viewed as a romantic pairing by the writers. I don’t get what you mean by me giving my theories as real. I’m not claiming to be a Square-Enix insider or anything. I post my opinions and I assume that the people reading are smart enough to decide for themselves whether they find them persuasive or not. I don’t have to force anyone to think anything. If the evidence is strong enough people will be able to see it themself.
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