#if i do add wuwa it would have to be after i finish the main story which may take a bit
self-awared · 4 months
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haven-flare · 4 months
So I just found something interesting regarding the cbt1 storyline of WuWa as well as some misinformation.
The whole everyone distrusting you at the beginning is true however that wasn't the main reason why CN players wasn't happy with the og story. The MAIN reason why CN players hated it is because no body STILL trust you after handling all the situations.
After the battle of crownless and saving Yangyang from death Chixia point a gun out you despite saving Yangyang life. (Prior to Lingyang human transformation he was originally a bipedal white tiger named Awu). When facing Inferno Rider Lingyang/Awu steal the kill and everyone praises him for defeating the TD. When rover gets to talked to him he bluntly says "why you are still here"
You can even see Kuro making references to their old storyline when facing Crownless about how Rover and the trio fought Crownless together every though it's mostly Rover doing the work or Lingyang old design towards the end of the champion story.
Don't get me wrong I would love to see characters being suspicious and distrusting you at first then proving you can be trustful but if I'm still disrespected after 2 or 3 arcs even after killing two bosses yeah I would've taken Scar offer and join the Fractious.
From what I heard now Kuro games is still working on the revamping the story as well as trying to fix every issue they are dealing with as if right now. So hiring writers to help fix the story might take awhile as we can see in the main story and somewhat of Yinlin's companion story (No spoilers)
Link to the source of the story change: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/1IHrni5qst
I have honestly nothing to add to this, you covered everything pretty well. I had heard before that they did change their story quite a few times, though I hadn't realized it was that big of a change.
I think characters being distrustful of you is interesting, but this is because you want to prove yourself and get them to trust you. Doing things for them and them still being strongly and actively suspicious of you would be pretty annoying to anyone even remotely interested in the characters/story.
I've yet to finish the story, so thanks for not spoiling anything, I haven't had time to actually sit down for an hour and play through missions, aughhh.
I do find it interesting how it seems the story will change in the future? I have seen it happen before, though it was pretty small stuff. It makes me curious if Kuro Games is planning to rewrite the whole beginning after some mild complaints that the story was mid. Who knows. It would reflect kind of badly on them, though, since many still believe their launch/release was rushed to hopefully pull ZZZ and other gacha's players to Wuwa. I dunno, I personally don't mind, as long as they don't make the story bad, and don't recon important lore. Though they will probably just continue as is, since most gacha's stories get better with time, anyhow.
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for answering late, I had way too much on my plate this last weeks, but I'm now 'back on-air'.
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