#if i existed in the GoT universe id be a common wife in the north cozy in my home just outside of WF baking pies raising my daughter
winkydinkle · 5 years
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Can’t believe i missed this!!?!?
What a great cameo
He was one of the Silence’s crew mates!!!
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
We should have seen Trump coming | Ta-Nehisi Coates
The long read: Obamas rise felt like a new chapter in American history. But the original sin of white supremacy was not so easily erased
I have often wondered how I missed the coming tragedy. It is not so much that I should have predicted that Americans would elect Donald Trump. Its just that I shouldnt have put it past us. It was tough to keep track of the currents of politics and pageantry swirling at once. All my life I had seen myself, and my people, backed into a corner. Had I been wrong? Watching the crowds at county fairs cheer for Michelle Obama in 2008, or flipping through the enchanting photo spreads of the glamorous incoming administration, it was easy to believe that I had been.
And it was more than symbolic. Barack Obamas victory meant not just a black president but also that Democrats, the party supported by most black people, enjoyed majorities in Congress. Prominent intellectuals were predicting that modern conservatism a movement steeped in white resentment was at its end and that a demographic wave of Asians, Latinos and blacks would sink the Republican party.
Back in the summer of 2008, as Obama closed out the primary and closed in on history, vendors in Harlem hawked T-shirts emblazoned with his face and posters placing him in the black Valhalla where Martin, Malcolm and Harriet were throned. It is hard to remember the excitement of that time, because I now know that the sense we had that summer, the sense that we were approaching an end-of-history moment, proved to be wrong.
It is not so much that I logically reasoned out that Obamas election would author a post-racist age. But it now seemed possible that white supremacy, the scourge of American history, might well be banished in my lifetime. In those days I imagined racism as a tumour that could be isolated and removed from the body of America, not as a pervasive system both native and essential to that body. From that perspective, it seemed possible that the success of one man really could alter history, or even end it.
I had never seen a black man like Barack Obama. He talked to white people in a new language as though he actually trusted them and believed in them. It was not my language. It was not even a language I was much interested in, save to understand how he had come to speak it and its effect on those who heard it. More interesting to me was that he had somehow balanced that language with the language of the south side of Chicago. He referred to himself, unambiguously, as a black man. He had married a black woman. It is easy to forget how shocking this was, given the common belief at the time that there was a direct relationship between success and assimilation. The narrative held that successful black men took white wives and crossed over into that arid no-mans-land that was not black, though it could never be white. Blackness for such men was not a thing to root yourself in but something to evade and escape. Barack Obama found a third way a means of communicating his affection for white America without fawning over it. White people were enchanted by him and those who worked in newsrooms seemed most enchanted of all.
But I could see that those charged with analysing the import of Obamas blackness were, in the main, working off an old script. Obama was dubbed the new Tiger Woods of American politics, as a man who wasnt exactly black. I understood the point Obama was not black as these writers understood black. It wasnt just that he wasnt a drug dealer, like most black men on the news, but that he did not hail from an inner city, he was not raised on chitterlings, his mother had not washed white peoples floors. But this confusion was a reduction of racisms true breadth, premised on the need to fix black people in one corner of the universe so that white people may be secure in all the rest of it. So to understand Obama, analysts needed to give him a superpower that explained how this self-described black man escaped his assigned corner. That power was his mixed ancestry.
The precise ancestry of a black drug dealer or cop killer is irrelevant. His blackness predicts and explains his crime. He reinforces the racist presumption. It is only when that presumption is questioned that a fine analysis of ancestry is invoked. Frederick Douglass was an ordinary nigger while working the fields. But when he was a famed abolitionist, it was often said that his genius must derive from his white half. Ancestry isnt even really necessary. My wife, Kenyatta, was the only black girl in her Tennessee gifted and talented classes from age six. She could dance and double dutch with the best of them. Her white classmates did not care. Youre not really black, they would say. They meant it as a compliment. But what they really meant was to slander her neighbours and family, to reorder the world in such a way that confirmed their status among the master class. And if Obama, rooted in the world of slaves, could rise above the masters, all the while claiming the identity and traditions of slaves, was there any real meaning in being a master at all?
Denying Barack Obama his blackness served another purpose: it was a means of coping with having been wrong. Those of us who did not believe there could be a black president were challenged by the sudden prospect of one. It is easy to see how it all makes sense now in every era there have been individual black people capable of defying the bonds of white supremacy, even as that same system held the great mass of us captive. I will speak for myself and say that before Obamas campaign began, the American presidency seemed out of reach. It existed so high in the firmament, and seemed so synonymous with the countrys sense of itself, that I never gave the prospect of a black president much thought.
By the summer of 2008, it was clear that Id made an error. Two responses were possible: (1) assess that error and reconsider the nature of the world in which I lived; or (2) refuse to accept the error and simply retrofit yesterdays reasoning to this new reality. The notion that Obama was a different kind of black allowed for that latter option and the comfort of being right. But some of us had not wanted to be right. And when we asserted that America aint never letting no nigger be president, we were not bragging. Instinct warned me against hope. But instinct had also warned me against Obama winning Iowa, and instinct was wrong. And if we had misjudged Americas support for a black man running to occupy the White House, perhaps I had misjudged the nature of my country. Perhaps we were just now awakening from some awful nightmare, and if Barack Obama was not the catalyst of that awakening, he was at least the sign. And just like that, I was swept away, because I wanted desperately to be swept away, and taking the measure of my community, I saw that I was not alone.
There is a notion out there that black people enjoy the sisyphean struggle against racism. In fact, most of us live for the day when we can struggle against anything else. But having been, by that very racism, pinned into ghettos, both metaphorical and real, our options for struggle are chosen long before we are born. And so we struggle out of fear for our children. We struggle out of fear for ourselves. We struggle to avoid our feelings, because to actually consider all that was taken, to understand that it was taken systemically, that the taking is essential to America and echoes down through the ages, could make you crazy. But after Obamas election it seemed that perhaps there was another way. Perhaps we, as Americans, could elide the terrible history, elide the national crime. Maybe it was possible to fix the problems afflicting black people without focusing on race. Perhaps it was possible to think of black people as a community in disproportionate need, worthy of aid simply because they were Americans in need. Better schools could be built, better healthcare administered, better jobs made available, not because of anything specific in the black experience but precisely because there isnt. If you squinted for a moment, if you actually tried to believe, it made so much sense. All that was needed for this new theory was a champion articulate, young, clean. And maybe this new champion had arrived.
That was one way of thinking about things.Here was another. Son, my father said of Obama, you know the country got to be messed up for them folks to give him the job. The economy was on the brink. The blood of untold numbers of Iraqis was on our hands. Hurricane Katrina had shamed the society. From this other angle, post-racialism and good feeling were taken up not so much out of elevation in consciousness but out of desperation.
It all makes so much sense now. The pageantry, the math, the magazines, the essays heralded an end to the old country with all its divisions. We forgot that there were those who loved that old country as it was, who did not lament the divisions but drew power from them.
A Confederate flag with the name of US president Donald Trump, North Carolina, May 2017. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters
And so we saw postcards with watermelons on the White House lawn. We saw simian caricatures of the first family, the invocation of a food-stamp president and his anticolonial, Islamist agenda. These were the fetishes that gathered the tribe of white supremacy, that rallied them to the age-old banner and if there was one mistake, one reason why I did not see the coming tragedy, why I did not account for its possibilities, it was because, at that point, I had not yet truly considered that banners fearsome power.
The opportunity for that consideration came by coincidence. The eight years of Barack Obama bracketed the 150th anniversary of the civil war Americas preeminent existential crisis. In 1861, believing themselves immersed in a short war, the forces of union thought white supremacy was still affordable. So even in the north the cause of abolition was denounced, and blacks were forbidden from fighting in the army. But the war dragged on, and wallowing in white supremacy amid the increase of dead was like wallowing in pearls amid a famine. Emancipation was embraced. Blacks were recruited and sent into battle. Later they were enfranchised and sent to serve in the halls of government, national and statewide. But in 1876, with the hot war now passed, and the need for black soldiers gone, the country returned to its supremacist roots. A revolution has taken place by force of arms and a race are disenfranchised, wrote Mississippis Reconstruction-era governor, Adelbert Ames.
They are to be returned to a condition of serfdom an era of second slavery The nation should have acted but it was tired of the annual autumnal outbreaks in the South The political death of the negro will forever release the nation from the weariness from such political outbreaks. You may think I exaggerate. Time will show you how accurate my statements are.
So there was nothing new in the suddenly transracial spirit that saw the country, in 2008, reaching for the best part of itself. It had done so before and then promptly retrenched in the worst part of itself. To see this connection, to see Obamas election as part of a familiar cycle, you would have had to understand how central the brand of white supremacy was to the country. I did not. I could remember, as a child, the black nationalists claiming the country was built by slaves. But this claim was rarely evidenced and mostly struck me as an applause line or rhetorical point. I understood slavery as bad and I had a vague sense that it had once been integral to the country and that the dispute over it had, somehow, contributed to the civil war.
But even that partial sense ran contrary to the way the civil war was presented in the popular culture, as a violent misunderstanding, an honourable duel between wayward brothers, instead of what it was a spectacular chapter in a long war that was declared when the first Africans were brought chained to American shores.
When it comes to the civil war, all of our popular understanding, our popular history and culture, our great films, the subtext of our arguments are in defiance of its painful truths. It is not a mistake that Gone With the Wind is one of the most read works of American literature or that The Birth of a Nation is the most revered touchstone of all American film. Both emerge from a need for palliatives and painkillers, an escape from the truth of those five short years in which 750,000 American soldiers were killed, more than all American soldiers killed in all other American wars combined, in a war declared for the cause of expanding African slavery. That war was inaugurated not reluctantly, but lustily, by men who believed property in humans to be the cornerstone of civilisation, to be an edict of God, and so delivered their own children to his maw. And when that war was done, the now-defeated God lived on, honoured through the human sacrifice of lynching and racist pogroms. The history breaks the myth. And so the history is ignored, and fictions are weaved into our art and politics that dress villainy in martyrdom and transform banditry into chivalry, and so strong are these fictions that their emblem, the stars and bars, darkens front porches and state capitol buildings across the land to this day.
The implications of the true story are existential and corrosive to our larger national myth. To understand that the most costly war in this countrys history was launched in direct opposition to everything the country claims to be, to understand that it was the product of centuries of enslavement, which is to see an even longer, more total war, is to alter the accepted conception of America as a beacon of freedom. How does one face this truth or forge a national identity out of it?
For now the country holds to the common theory that emancipation and civil rights were redemptive, a fraught and still-incomplete resolution of the accidental hypocrisy of a nation founded by slaveholders extolling a gospel of freedom. This common theory dominates much of American discourse, from left to right. Conveniently, it holds the possibility of ultimate resolution, for if right-thinking individuals can dedicate themselves to finishing the work of ensuring freedom for all, then perhaps the ghosts of history can be escaped. It was the common theory through its promise of a progressive American history, where the country improves itself inexorably and necessarily that allowed for Obamas rise. And it was that rise that offered me that chance to see that theory for the illusion that it was.
Immersed in my reading, it became clear to me that the common theory of providential progress, of the inevitable reconciliation between the sin of slavery and the democratic ideal, was myth. Marking the moment of awakening is like marking the moment one fell in love. If forced I would say I took my tumble with the dark vision of historian Edmund Morgans book American Slavery, American Freedom. Certainly slavery was contrary to Americas stated democratic precepts, conceded Morgan, but in fact, it was slavery that allowed American democracy to exist in the first place. It was slavery that gifted much of the south with a working class that lived outside of all protections and could be driven, beaten and traded into generational perpetuity. Profits pulled from these workers, repression of the normal angst of labour, and the ability to employ this labour on abundant land stolen from Native Americans formed a foundation for democratic equality among a people who came to see skin colour and hair textures as defining features. Morgan showed the process in motion through the law rights gradually awarded to the mass of European poor and oppressed, at precisely the same time they were being stripped from enslaved Africans and their descendants.
It was not just Edmund Morgan. It was James McPherson. It was Barbara Fields. It was David Blight. Together they guided me through the history of slavery and its cataclysmic resolution. I became obsessed and insufferable. Civil war podcasts were always booming through the house. Id drag Kenyatta and our son, Samori,to the sites of battles Gettysburg, Petersburg, the Wilderness audiobooks playing the whole way. I went to Tennessee. I saw Shiloh. I saw Fort Donelson. I saw Island No 10. At every stop I was moved. The stories of suffering, limbs amputated, men burned alive, the bravery and gallantry, all of it seeped up out of the ground and enveloped me. But something else accompanied this hallowed feeling: a sense that the story, as it was told on these sites, as it was interpreted by visitors most of them white was incomplete, and this incompletion was not thoughtless but essential. The tactics of the war were always up for discussion, but the animating cause of those tactics, with but a few exceptions, went unsaid.
Former slaves working as labourers for the Union war effort at White House Landing, Virginia, 1863. Photograph: Andrew J Russell/Medford Historical Society Col
By then, I knew. The history books spoke where tourism could not. The four million enslaved bodies, at the start of the civil war, represented an inconceivable financial interest $75bn in todays dollars and the cotton that passed through their hands represented 60% of the countrys exports. In 1860, the largest concentration of multimillionaires in the country could be found in the Mississippi River valley, where the estates of large planters loomed.
Any fair consideration of the depth and width of enslavement tempts insanity. First conjure the crime the generational destruction of human bodies and all of its related offences domestic terrorism, poll taxes, mass incarceration. But then try to imagine being an individual born among the remnants of that crime, among the wronged, among the plundered, and feeling the gravity of that crime all around and seeing it in the sideways glances of the perpetrators of that crime and overhearing it in their whispers and watching these people, at best, denying their power to address the crime and, at worst, denying that any crime had occurred at all, even as their entire lives revolve around the fact of a robbery so large that it is written in our very names. This is not a thought experiment. America is literally unimaginable without plundered labour shackled to plundered land, without the organising principle of whiteness as citizenship, without the culture crafted by the plundered, and without that culture itself being plundered.
White dependency on slavery extended from the economic to the social, and the rights of whites were largely seen as dependent on the degradation of blacks. White men, wrote Mississippi senator and eventual president of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis, have an equality resulting from a presence of a lower caste, which cannot exist were white men to fill the position here occupied by the servile race.
Antebellum Georgia governor Joseph E Brown made the same point: Among us the poor white laborer is respected as an equal. His family is treated with kindness, consideration and respect. He does not belong to the menial class. The negro is in no sense of the term his equal. He feels and knows this. He belongs to the only true aristocracy, the race of white men. He blacks no masters boots, and bows the knee to no one save God alone. He receives higher wages for his labor than does the laborer of any other portion of the world, and he raises up his children, with the knowledge that they belong to no inferior caste; but that the highest members of the society in which he lives, will, if their conduct is good, respect and treat them as equals.
Enslavement provided not merely the foundation of white economic prosperity, but the foundation of white social equality, and thus the foundation of American democracy. But that was 150 years ago. And the slave south lost the war, after all. Was it not the America of Frederick Douglass that had prevailed and the Confederacy of Jefferson Davis that had been banished? Were we not a new country exalting in Martin Luther King Jrs dream?
I was never quite that far gone. But I had been wrong about the possibility of Barack Obama. And it seemed fair to consider that I might be wrong about a good deal more.
But the same year I began my exploration of the civil war and the same summer I finished American Slavery, American Freedom, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested. Gates was returning from a long trip. He was having trouble with the lock on his front door and so was attempting to force his way into his home. Someone saw this and called the police. They arrived and, after an exchange of words, Sgt James Crowleyarrested, charged and jailed Gates for disorderly conduct. It caused a minor sensation.
Henry Louis Gates, Sgt James Crowley and Barack Obama drink beer in the White House garden, July 2009. Photograph: The White House/Getty Images
Commenting on the arrest, Obama asserted that anyone in Gatess situation would be pretty angry if they were arrested in their own home. Obama added that the Cambridge police acted stupidly. He then cited the long history of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. I dont know why I expected this would go over well. I dont know why I thought this mild criticism from a new president in defence of one of the most respected academics at our countrys most lauded university in a case of obvious but still bloodless injustice might be heard by the broader country and if not agreed with, at least grappled with.
In fact, there would be no grappling. Obama was denounced for having attacked the police, and the furore grew so great that it momentarily threatened to waylay his agenda. The president beat a hasty retreat. He apologised to the police officer, then invited Crowley and Gates to the White House for a beer. It was absurd. It was spectacle. But it cohered to the common theory, it appealed to the redemptive spirit and reduced the horror of being detained by an armed officer of the state, and all of the history of that horror, to something that could be resolved over a beer.
And now the lies of the civil war and the lies of these post-racial years began to resonate with each other, and I could now see history, awful and undead, reaching out from the grave. America had a biography, and in that biography, the shackling of black people slaves and free featured prominently. I could not yet draw literal connections, though that would come. But what I sensed was a country trying to skip out on a bill, trying to stave off a terrible accounting.
Adapted from We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates, which will be published by Hamish Hamilton on 5 October at 16.99. To buy it for 14.44, got to go to bookshop.theguardian.com or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over 10, online orders only. Phone orders min p&p of 1.99.
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erinelezabeth920 · 7 years
I came back from the East Coast earlier this week. I flew into Seattle, looked out of the window and saw the lights and the water, pine trees and wisps of clouds. As the train flew south toward Tacoma I saw the ferris wheel, space needle, downtown. It felt empty and light, lonely and happy all at the same time. Earlier that day, in the hot sun in Boston, I sat with my college friend on the curb as I waited for my Lyft to the airport. I had spent the day in her windowless art studio, killing time before my flight as she finished up a painting, listening to a 90s playlist, and old songs we used to dance to during our summers at the lake in the Adirondacks. I sat in the corner and drew little pencil drawings of my favorite northwest places - the North Cascades, Orcas Island and other landscape fillers of my heart.  I had been back east for a little over a week. I flew into New York (technically Newark), spent a few days with family and friends in the busy, brimming city, bussed up to Boston, stayed with family on the coast, made a quick overnight drive to Maine for a wedding, and ended back in Boston. It’s funny how people say ‘back east’, even folks who aren’t even from there originally. It’s the rhetoric of our country, deeply ingrained in Puritans and Cowboys, the dreamers and the foundations. 
The night before my flight, I had been picked up at North Station in Boston by two of my closest college friends. I exited the train station, lugging my backpack, and avoiding the thronging Bruin’s crowd. Walking across the street, I found them both sitting at the bar, looking lovely and like not a day had gone by. It’s amazing how no time seems to pass when you’re with people who understand you well. Aren’t friendships beautiful like that. We sat ordered drinks. Exuberant, loud Patriots fans were around us, having won the game that day, just barely coming back in the 4th. Earlier that morning, a few hours north, I had sat on the dock by the ocean with my cousin eating a hotdog and watched my aunt and uncle sail their boat into port. The day was sunny, rare for end of September especially with the hurricanes moving up the coast. Probably the last sail of the season. Once the boat was tightened up, my uncle sat with a beer and commented on the day, sunny sail, Pats won, Sox won, just an all around New England dream. 
 Now, down at the bar in Boston, my friends asked me about the wedding, my life in Seattle, relationships etc. I had actually lived in Boston for a year directly after college. The three of us had sat many evenings over beers and french fries, hashing out the messiness of post college life together in the tight, historical city. I was dating my close friend turned boyfriend at the time, who coincidentally was actually the best man at the wedding I had come from in Maine the day before. My friends asked me how it went. I told them that we had hugged at the reunion and were happy, the distance between us a rhetoric of love and miles and growth into the people we were meant to become. I sat with his new girlfriend and high school best friend at the service, with tears in our eyes in the bright Maine sun, bonded in potential awkwardness by our mutual love of someone we cared deeply about. And that person was Collin, the groom, standing sweating and squinting in the sun at the alter, is one of my best friends in the world. Bonded by early freshman year by our love of nerdome and kindred spirit, he had been like a family member to me, an older brother to my brother, following my journeys after graduation, always being there when I needed it. Once, in college years back as freshman when I was on crutches after a knee surgery, he would walk early with me up every day to class three flights of stairs in the frigid winter, quoting “Lord of the Rings” the whole way. Later, in junior year we had taken a the first ever Tolkien class at St. Lawrence University together. When his fiance, now wife, walked down the aisle that afternoon in the bright sun to, “Concerning Hobbits” I bawled like a baby. Incidentally, they quoted my favorite quote from Rilke in the service, too. I’ve vowed that if I ever get married, this will be my quote, “Once the realization is accepted that, even between the closest human beings, infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole and against a wide sky.” In Boston, exiting the bar, we drove north toward Cambridge for dinner, a Spanish tapas place that was special to my friend. I peered out of the passenger window at the old Boston architecture. It felt original, foundation in a way that’s hard to describe. I soaked in the history, depth of a place. They asked me if I would ever move back.  I looked at the lights of the Common and the Garden as we wove through impossible Boston intersections. I looked at my friends, happy in their lives. The feelings wrap me up, anxious and out of place, yet home and closer to myself all at once. The dense, electric, wild and hard heartedly beautiful feeling of New York City, walking through Brooklyn at night, Coney Island on the empty boardwalk in the warm rain, or the green of Central Park. Knocking of the tower on giant Jenga  on my brother’s shoulders at a hipster shuffleboard bar in Brooklyn on my birthday. A night over wine sitting at the table with my aunt and uncle on the North Shore of Massachusetts, my childhood vacation place. They told me the history of their town, how hard it was to first move, old town hall meetings in the classic New England style. Once, my aunt got up and rummaged in a trunk to find pictures of our old grandmothers, who came from Scotland and loved the hills winding down to the ocean. I thought of the rocky shores of Massachusetts, or my beloved islands in Washington. Maybe genetics run deep. That next morning, I woke up with a wine headache and drove to Maine in the sun, over bridges by water and small New England towns. I felt the pull of the landscape, the original towns and community, a deep and swirling connection of place different from the unsettled wildness of the West Coast.
I looked out of the window that night, driving through the city. I remembered snowy days, sleds on the Common hill, lampposts lit, ice skating in the parks. I felt the weight of a live I could have lived, maybe even should have. But couldn’t. I said no. It felt heavy, but final somehow. My friend commented she wasn’t surprised, I always seemed anxious there anywhere. Somehow not quite at home. I sat silently looking out of the window, soaking in the feeling of being with close friends who understood me deeply, and wondering when I would see them again.  Loving the distance between them.
That night after tapas and sangria in Boston, we drove home to my friend’s apartment. I remember waking up too early in the apartment from the couch and peering out of the window, wrapped in a blanket. The sky was just getting pink, the first place in the country to see the sunrise that wouldn’t reach Seattle for another three hours. Beginnings. I felt calm, kind of wrapped up and warm. She had a beautiful painting on the wall, one she had done in college of a wood scene in the snow. It reminded me of our walks together in upstate New York in December, bright sun and frigid cold. That morning, we brought chai lates to the studio, talking about places we loved and wanted to live. Finally, I took a Lyft to the airport, the driver weaving through crazy Boston traffic as the buildings slid by. The airport security guard, once looking at my ID actually told me I should keep my “cahd” out if I wanted to go to the “wahtering hole” for a drink. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts instead. When in Rome.
On the plane, after viewing La La Land for the third time, I decided to watch Casey Affleck break my heart in the tiny screen in the seat in front of me in “Manchester By the Sea” It seemed fitting as I had actually slid through the town itself on a train the day before, heading back to Boston from my aunt and uncle’s house. The boats were quiet outside the train window in the filtery New England sun. I felt a sense of place, deeply but slowly slipping away like the memory of a home that never existed. 
Flying into Seattle though, seeing the dark pines and clouds, lights on the water my body relaxed; I felt happy, lonely, sad and comfortable at the same time. The weight of the thousands of miles was between me and may of the people I care most for in the world. I have a friend from New York who owns a sailboat in Seattle, who coined the phrase ‘scatterhearted’. It’s like, when pieces of you are scattered across the world like beautiful confetti, so you will never be truly happy in one place. Young, anxious, electric and beautiful Like that quote from Garden State, when Zach Braff says to Natalie Portman, 
“You'll see one day when you move out it just sort of happens one day and it's gone. You feel like you can never get it back. It's like you feel homesick for a place that doesn't even exist. Maybe it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't ever have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself.”
I looked out the window, suspended over the vast country, wide land below. The sky glowed pink. We flew west, toward the sunset against the wide sky. 
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
We should have seen Trump coming | Ta-Nehisi Coates
The long read: Obamas rise felt like a new chapter in American history. But the original sin of white supremacy was not so easily erased
I have often wondered how I missed the coming tragedy. It is not so much that I should have predicted that Americans would elect Donald Trump. Its just that I shouldnt have put it past us. It was tough to keep track of the currents of politics and pageantry swirling at once. All my life I had seen myself, and my people, backed into a corner. Had I been wrong? Watching the crowds at county fairs cheer for Michelle Obama in 2008, or flipping through the enchanting photo spreads of the glamorous incoming administration, it was easy to believe that I had been.
And it was more than symbolic. Barack Obamas victory meant not just a black president but also that Democrats, the party supported by most black people, enjoyed majorities in Congress. Prominent intellectuals were predicting that modern conservatism a movement steeped in white resentment was at its end and that a demographic wave of Asians, Latinos and blacks would sink the Republican party.
Back in the summer of 2008, as Obama closed out the primary and closed in on history, vendors in Harlem hawked T-shirts emblazoned with his face and posters placing him in the black Valhalla where Martin, Malcolm and Harriet were throned. It is hard to remember the excitement of that time, because I now know that the sense we had that summer, the sense that we were approaching an end-of-history moment, proved to be wrong.
It is not so much that I logically reasoned out that Obamas election would author a post-racist age. But it now seemed possible that white supremacy, the scourge of American history, might well be banished in my lifetime. In those days I imagined racism as a tumour that could be isolated and removed from the body of America, not as a pervasive system both native and essential to that body. From that perspective, it seemed possible that the success of one man really could alter history, or even end it.
I had never seen a black man like Barack Obama. He talked to white people in a new language as though he actually trusted them and believed in them. It was not my language. It was not even a language I was much interested in, save to understand how he had come to speak it and its effect on those who heard it. More interesting to me was that he had somehow balanced that language with the language of the south side of Chicago. He referred to himself, unambiguously, as a black man. He had married a black woman. It is easy to forget how shocking this was, given the common belief at the time that there was a direct relationship between success and assimilation. The narrative held that successful black men took white wives and crossed over into that arid no-mans-land that was not black, though it could never be white. Blackness for such men was not a thing to root yourself in but something to evade and escape. Barack Obama found a third way a means of communicating his affection for white America without fawning over it. White people were enchanted by him and those who worked in newsrooms seemed most enchanted of all.
But I could see that those charged with analysing the import of Obamas blackness were, in the main, working off an old script. Obama was dubbed the new Tiger Woods of American politics, as a man who wasnt exactly black. I understood the point Obama was not black as these writers understood black. It wasnt just that he wasnt a drug dealer, like most black men on the news, but that he did not hail from an inner city, he was not raised on chitterlings, his mother had not washed white peoples floors. But this confusion was a reduction of racisms true breadth, premised on the need to fix black people in one corner of the universe so that white people may be secure in all the rest of it. So to understand Obama, analysts needed to give him a superpower that explained how this self-described black man escaped his assigned corner. That power was his mixed ancestry.
The precise ancestry of a black drug dealer or cop killer is irrelevant. His blackness predicts and explains his crime. He reinforces the racist presumption. It is only when that presumption is questioned that a fine analysis of ancestry is invoked. Frederick Douglass was an ordinary nigger while working the fields. But when he was a famed abolitionist, it was often said that his genius must derive from his white half. Ancestry isnt even really necessary. My wife, Kenyatta, was the only black girl in her Tennessee gifted and talented classes from age six. She could dance and double dutch with the best of them. Her white classmates did not care. Youre not really black, they would say. They meant it as a compliment. But what they really meant was to slander her neighbours and family, to reorder the world in such a way that confirmed their status among the master class. And if Obama, rooted in the world of slaves, could rise above the masters, all the while claiming the identity and traditions of slaves, was there any real meaning in being a master at all?
Denying Barack Obama his blackness served another purpose: it was a means of coping with having been wrong. Those of us who did not believe there could be a black president were challenged by the sudden prospect of one. It is easy to see how it all makes sense now in every era there have been individual black people capable of defying the bonds of white supremacy, even as that same system held the great mass of us captive. I will speak for myself and say that before Obamas campaign began, the American presidency seemed out of reach. It existed so high in the firmament, and seemed so synonymous with the countrys sense of itself, that I never gave the prospect of a black president much thought.
By the summer of 2008, it was clear that Id made an error. Two responses were possible: (1) assess that error and reconsider the nature of the world in which I lived; or (2) refuse to accept the error and simply retrofit yesterdays reasoning to this new reality. The notion that Obama was a different kind of black allowed for that latter option and the comfort of being right. But some of us had not wanted to be right. And when we asserted that America aint never letting no nigger be president, we were not bragging. Instinct warned me against hope. But instinct had also warned me against Obama winning Iowa, and instinct was wrong. And if we had misjudged Americas support for a black man running to occupy the White House, perhaps I had misjudged the nature of my country. Perhaps we were just now awakening from some awful nightmare, and if Barack Obama was not the catalyst of that awakening, he was at least the sign. And just like that, I was swept away, because I wanted desperately to be swept away, and taking the measure of my community, I saw that I was not alone.
There is a notion out there that black people enjoy the sisyphean struggle against racism. In fact, most of us live for the day when we can struggle against anything else. But having been, by that very racism, pinned into ghettos, both metaphorical and real, our options for struggle are chosen long before we are born. And so we struggle out of fear for our children. We struggle out of fear for ourselves. We struggle to avoid our feelings, because to actually consider all that was taken, to understand that it was taken systemically, that the taking is essential to America and echoes down through the ages, could make you crazy. But after Obamas election it seemed that perhaps there was another way. Perhaps we, as Americans, could elide the terrible history, elide the national crime. Maybe it was possible to fix the problems afflicting black people without focusing on race. Perhaps it was possible to think of black people as a community in disproportionate need, worthy of aid simply because they were Americans in need. Better schools could be built, better healthcare administered, better jobs made available, not because of anything specific in the black experience but precisely because there isnt. If you squinted for a moment, if you actually tried to believe, it made so much sense. All that was needed for this new theory was a champion articulate, young, clean. And maybe this new champion had arrived.
That was one way of thinking about things.Here was another. Son, my father said of Obama, you know the country got to be messed up for them folks to give him the job. The economy was on the brink. The blood of untold numbers of Iraqis was on our hands. Hurricane Katrina had shamed the society. From this other angle, post-racialism and good feeling were taken up not so much out of elevation in consciousness but out of desperation.
It all makes so much sense now. The pageantry, the math, the magazines, the essays heralded an end to the old country with all its divisions. We forgot that there were those who loved that old country as it was, who did not lament the divisions but drew power from them.
A Confederate flag with the name of US president Donald Trump, North Carolina, May 2017. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters
And so we saw postcards with watermelons on the White House lawn. We saw simian caricatures of the first family, the invocation of a food-stamp president and his anticolonial, Islamist agenda. These were the fetishes that gathered the tribe of white supremacy, that rallied them to the age-old banner and if there was one mistake, one reason why I did not see the coming tragedy, why I did not account for its possibilities, it was because, at that point, I had not yet truly considered that banners fearsome power.
The opportunity for that consideration came by coincidence. The eight years of Barack Obama bracketed the 150th anniversary of the civil war Americas preeminent existential crisis. In 1861, believing themselves immersed in a short war, the forces of union thought white supremacy was still affordable. So even in the north the cause of abolition was denounced, and blacks were forbidden from fighting in the army. But the war dragged on, and wallowing in white supremacy amid the increase of dead was like wallowing in pearls amid a famine. Emancipation was embraced. Blacks were recruited and sent into battle. Later they were enfranchised and sent to serve in the halls of government, national and statewide. But in 1876, with the hot war now passed, and the need for black soldiers gone, the country returned to its supremacist roots. A revolution has taken place by force of arms and a race are disenfranchised, wrote Mississippis Reconstruction-era governor, Adelbert Ames.
They are to be returned to a condition of serfdom an era of second slavery The nation should have acted but it was tired of the annual autumnal outbreaks in the South The political death of the negro will forever release the nation from the weariness from such political outbreaks. You may think I exaggerate. Time will show you how accurate my statements are.
So there was nothing new in the suddenly transracial spirit that saw the country, in 2008, reaching for the best part of itself. It had done so before and then promptly retrenched in the worst part of itself. To see this connection, to see Obamas election as part of a familiar cycle, you would have had to understand how central the brand of white supremacy was to the country. I did not. I could remember, as a child, the black nationalists claiming the country was built by slaves. But this claim was rarely evidenced and mostly struck me as an applause line or rhetorical point. I understood slavery as bad and I had a vague sense that it had once been integral to the country and that the dispute over it had, somehow, contributed to the civil war.
But even that partial sense ran contrary to the way the civil war was presented in the popular culture, as a violent misunderstanding, an honourable duel between wayward brothers, instead of what it was a spectacular chapter in a long war that was declared when the first Africans were brought chained to American shores.
When it comes to the civil war, all of our popular understanding, our popular history and culture, our great films, the subtext of our arguments are in defiance of its painful truths. It is not a mistake that Gone With the Wind is one of the most read works of American literature or that The Birth of a Nation is the most revered touchstone of all American film. Both emerge from a need for palliatives and painkillers, an escape from the truth of those five short years in which 750,000 American soldiers were killed, more than all American soldiers killed in all other American wars combined, in a war declared for the cause of expanding African slavery. That war was inaugurated not reluctantly, but lustily, by men who believed property in humans to be the cornerstone of civilisation, to be an edict of God, and so delivered their own children to his maw. And when that war was done, the now-defeated God lived on, honoured through the human sacrifice of lynching and racist pogroms. The history breaks the myth. And so the history is ignored, and fictions are weaved into our art and politics that dress villainy in martyrdom and transform banditry into chivalry, and so strong are these fictions that their emblem, the stars and bars, darkens front porches and state capitol buildings across the land to this day.
The implications of the true story are existential and corrosive to our larger national myth. To understand that the most costly war in this countrys history was launched in direct opposition to everything the country claims to be, to understand that it was the product of centuries of enslavement, which is to see an even longer, more total war, is to alter the accepted conception of America as a beacon of freedom. How does one face this truth or forge a national identity out of it?
For now the country holds to the common theory that emancipation and civil rights were redemptive, a fraught and still-incomplete resolution of the accidental hypocrisy of a nation founded by slaveholders extolling a gospel of freedom. This common theory dominates much of American discourse, from left to right. Conveniently, it holds the possibility of ultimate resolution, for if right-thinking individuals can dedicate themselves to finishing the work of ensuring freedom for all, then perhaps the ghosts of history can be escaped. It was the common theory through its promise of a progressive American history, where the country improves itself inexorably and necessarily that allowed for Obamas rise. And it was that rise that offered me that chance to see that theory for the illusion that it was.
Immersed in my reading, it became clear to me that the common theory of providential progress, of the inevitable reconciliation between the sin of slavery and the democratic ideal, was myth. Marking the moment of awakening is like marking the moment one fell in love. If forced I would say I took my tumble with the dark vision of historian Edmund Morgans book American Slavery, American Freedom. Certainly slavery was contrary to Americas stated democratic precepts, conceded Morgan, but in fact, it was slavery that allowed American democracy to exist in the first place. It was slavery that gifted much of the south with a working class that lived outside of all protections and could be driven, beaten and traded into generational perpetuity. Profits pulled from these workers, repression of the normal angst of labour, and the ability to employ this labour on abundant land stolen from Native Americans formed a foundation for democratic equality among a people who came to see skin colour and hair textures as defining features. Morgan showed the process in motion through the law rights gradually awarded to the mass of European poor and oppressed, at precisely the same time they were being stripped from enslaved Africans and their descendants.
It was not just Edmund Morgan. It was James McPherson. It was Barbara Fields. It was David Blight. Together they guided me through the history of slavery and its cataclysmic resolution. I became obsessed and insufferable. Civil war podcasts were always booming through the house. Id drag Kenyatta and our son, Samori,to the sites of battles Gettysburg, Petersburg, the Wilderness audiobooks playing the whole way. I went to Tennessee. I saw Shiloh. I saw Fort Donelson. I saw Island No 10. At every stop I was moved. The stories of suffering, limbs amputated, men burned alive, the bravery and gallantry, all of it seeped up out of the ground and enveloped me. But something else accompanied this hallowed feeling: a sense that the story, as it was told on these sites, as it was interpreted by visitors most of them white was incomplete, and this incompletion was not thoughtless but essential. The tactics of the war were always up for discussion, but the animating cause of those tactics, with but a few exceptions, went unsaid.
Former slaves working as labourers for the Union war effort at White House Landing, Virginia, 1863. Photograph: Andrew J Russell/Medford Historical Society Col
By then, I knew. The history books spoke where tourism could not. The four million enslaved bodies, at the start of the civil war, represented an inconceivable financial interest $75bn in todays dollars and the cotton that passed through their hands represented 60% of the countrys exports. In 1860, the largest concentration of multimillionaires in the country could be found in the Mississippi River valley, where the estates of large planters loomed.
Any fair consideration of the depth and width of enslavement tempts insanity. First conjure the crime the generational destruction of human bodies and all of its related offences domestic terrorism, poll taxes, mass incarceration. But then try to imagine being an individual born among the remnants of that crime, among the wronged, among the plundered, and feeling the gravity of that crime all around and seeing it in the sideways glances of the perpetrators of that crime and overhearing it in their whispers and watching these people, at best, denying their power to address the crime and, at worst, denying that any crime had occurred at all, even as their entire lives revolve around the fact of a robbery so large that it is written in our very names. This is not a thought experiment. America is literally unimaginable without plundered labour shackled to plundered land, without the organising principle of whiteness as citizenship, without the culture crafted by the plundered, and without that culture itself being plundered.
White dependency on slavery extended from the economic to the social, and the rights of whites were largely seen as dependent on the degradation of blacks. White men, wrote Mississippi senator and eventual president of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis, have an equality resulting from a presence of a lower caste, which cannot exist were white men to fill the position here occupied by the servile race.
Antebellum Georgia governor Joseph E Brown made the same point: Among us the poor white laborer is respected as an equal. His family is treated with kindness, consideration and respect. He does not belong to the menial class. The negro is in no sense of the term his equal. He feels and knows this. He belongs to the only true aristocracy, the race of white men. He blacks no masters boots, and bows the knee to no one save God alone. He receives higher wages for his labor than does the laborer of any other portion of the world, and he raises up his children, with the knowledge that they belong to no inferior caste; but that the highest members of the society in which he lives, will, if their conduct is good, respect and treat them as equals.
Enslavement provided not merely the foundation of white economic prosperity, but the foundation of white social equality, and thus the foundation of American democracy. But that was 150 years ago. And the slave south lost the war, after all. Was it not the America of Frederick Douglass that had prevailed and the Confederacy of Jefferson Davis that had been banished? Were we not a new country exalting in Martin Luther King Jrs dream?
I was never quite that far gone. But I had been wrong about the possibility of Barack Obama. And it seemed fair to consider that I might be wrong about a good deal more.
But the same year I began my exploration of the civil war and the same summer I finished American Slavery, American Freedom, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested. Gates was returning from a long trip. He was having trouble with the lock on his front door and so was attempting to force his way into his home. Someone saw this and called the police. They arrived and, after an exchange of words, Sgt James Crowleyarrested, charged and jailed Gates for disorderly conduct. It caused a minor sensation.
Henry Louis Gates, Sgt James Crowley and Barack Obama drink beer in the White House garden, July 2009. Photograph: The White House/Getty Images
Commenting on the arrest, Obama asserted that anyone in Gatess situation would be pretty angry if they were arrested in their own home. Obama added that the Cambridge police acted stupidly. He then cited the long history of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. I dont know why I expected this would go over well. I dont know why I thought this mild criticism from a new president in defence of one of the most respected academics at our countrys most lauded university in a case of obvious but still bloodless injustice might be heard by the broader country and if not agreed with, at least grappled with.
In fact, there would be no grappling. Obama was denounced for having attacked the police, and the furore grew so great that it momentarily threatened to waylay his agenda. The president beat a hasty retreat. He apologised to the police officer, then invited Crowley and Gates to the White House for a beer. It was absurd. It was spectacle. But it cohered to the common theory, it appealed to the redemptive spirit and reduced the horror of being detained by an armed officer of the state, and all of the history of that horror, to something that could be resolved over a beer.
And now the lies of the civil war and the lies of these post-racial years began to resonate with each other, and I could now see history, awful and undead, reaching out from the grave. America had a biography, and in that biography, the shackling of black people slaves and free featured prominently. I could not yet draw literal connections, though that would come. But what I sensed was a country trying to skip out on a bill, trying to stave off a terrible accounting.
Adapted from We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy by Ta-Nehisi Coates, which will be published by Hamish Hamilton on 5 October at 16.99. To buy it for 14.44, got to go to bookshop.theguardian.com or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over 10, online orders only. Phone orders min p&p of 1.99.
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