#if i have sharingan i would definitely delete these scenes from my memory
captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Why Naruto in Boruto Episode-220 is OOC???
I recently answered some asks about SNS being OOC in recent Boruto episode. And some of my SNS friends here commented that it’s not. I should have arranged and inserted all the panels for that post and explained my view point in a better way. Again, this post’s intention is not to prove that whoever didn’t agree with me are wrong.... It’s quite the opposite. 
I just don’t want us all to become some hypocrite or make Sasuke’s character to be assassinated in the worst way possible just because of that single episode and that stupid Extra Scene. Because, that episode totally shat on Sasuke’s character development which started from Shippuden to Gaiden to the latest episode. And it also shat on all the development about Naruto in the worst way possible.
Let me explain why. 
So... the scene starts like this
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Sasuke is saying, “Even though I couldn’t able to kill him back then.... I intend to keep up my end of the bargain, this time”....
Sasuke is being very practical here... Because he has his priorities. And you should know what his priorities are!!! If you don’t, then I will let you know later in this post.
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Right after that Naruto gets pissed off and do this.... (Which still looks Extremely OOC)... But let’s not get in to it.... By Naruto saying this, it makes Sasuke looks insensitive. It totally gives off the vibe that Naruto is the parent here and Sasuke couldn’t understand it. We can totally wear a Thick SNS spectacles and say it’s not and claim that they are arguing like 2 parents here... But it’s not really... It totally places Sasuke away from Naruto and Boruto...
Because right after this.
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Now.... All these dialogues were not in the Manga at all... Here Naruto is saying “But while I’m still alive, I won’t allow that to happen (to kill him)..... NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS....”.... Anyone means Sasuke included as well..... 
If I see this scene as a separate entity... Then Naruto is acting like a Good Father and providing a Warmth which is missing from the Manga. I agree... 
But from the facts that was already established in the Manga and Gaiden, This is absolutely CRINGE AND ANTI-SNS.... Because here Naruto is putting Boruto above Sasuke.... Well, if this was the same dynamics they established in the Manga.... It won’t be a problem at all.... But it’s totally opposite...... 
Let me tell you why...
Ikemoto is not some great Manga Artist or anything... That Manga is totally a shit. I agree. And I’ve always said that I totally take any extra scene they give us in the Canon Episodes... And those extra scenes should help elevate a bond between two characters. Not to downgrade another bond. That extra scene with Kurama in previous episode was THE BEST and WELL DONE FROM ANIME’S PART.... It gave a good farewell for our beloved Kurama. But this above extra scene totally shat on SNS, Sasuke and ESPECIALLY KAWAKI. 
How these extra Scenes were OOC when it comes to the bond between NARUTO AND KAWAKI??? 
I’ve mentioned this in many posts.... Naruto likes/prefers Kawaki than Boruto. It doesn’t mean that he don’t like his Son or anything... It’s just a matter of preference. But Naruto’s preference for Kawaki is almost equivalent to his preference for Sasuke in Shippuden/Part 1. 
Let’s see the Manga panels.
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This is when Himawari and Boruto getting beaten up by this Delta Girl. 
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Kawaki block the attack and saves Naruto and Hima. And from here on now... You will see a Naruto whom you already saw somewhere else in Naruto series.... 
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Why is he holding Kawaki like he held Sasuke in Land of the Waves here???? And asking the very same dialogue, “You sacrificed your own body for me.... ?”
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Now this Delta girl gets angry because Kawaki is some precious Vessel that ‘Kara’ Organization constructed using their experiments.
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Now.... Right After Delta mentions that Kawaki is their, ‘Vessel’.... Naruto’s inner demon awakens...
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Just like How Naruto awakened Kurama Chakra for Sasuke in Land of the Waves.... Naruto gets extremely angry..... With similar ANGRY EXPRESSION....
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Which was even acknowledged by Boruto..... “Dad looks really angry”
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As well as Delta....... “This Guy.... is being overcome with Anger over Kawaki...?”
BOTTOMLINE: Naruto got EXTREMELY angry because this girl treated Kawaki like a Vessel not primarily because she tried to hurt his kids..... And they stole our Land of the Waves dynamics and gave it to Naruto and Kawaki.... After this Delta died. 
And this is not the only time....
When Jigen came to Konoha to take back Kawaki... Naruto was hellbent on protecting him... Even though Jigen is extremely strong... Kawaki himself was asking Naruto to not butt in!!!
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“No can do!!! It’s the Hokage’s Job to protect everyone in the Village.... Without Exception... And that includes You, Kawaki....”
This is the second time someone came in search of Kawaki to Konoha. And this time also Naruto never planned on giving Kawaki to Jigen. 
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This is the third time, someone came to Konoha to take back Kawaki... This time it’s Isshiki. This Amado guy was suggesting to kill Kawaki whereas Naruto never budges. He simply says with an Anger ridden face, “I ain’t gonna allow that!!”
And after Kurama’s death... that is after Naruto got Nerfed....
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Kawaki himself was feeling so bad that he was some troublesome outsider... Because everyone was looking for him like Delta, Isshiki, Jigen.... But Naruto refused to offer him up.... KAWAKI HERE IS SULKING LIKE A KID...... 
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But Naruto just grabbed him like some Laundry Bag and walked up carrying him like a sack of potatoes saying, “Who cares...?? We’re going home!!”.... Why is Naruto saying the same thing what he told to Sasuke in VoTE1????
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And calling him as his, “A Stupid Son” no less.... Let me tell you.... Naruto never did such a gesture to his own son in this Manga. He never hugged him... Whereas Naruto already hugged Kawaki. 
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Now Naruto is simply assuring that Kawaki’s place is in Konoha. [[Why am I getting SNS vibes here??]].... Naruto is giving a Pillow Talk to Kawaki for like 3 pages in this chapter. 
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His own Son is lying somewhere Alone.... thinking about his Karma ....
What am I trying to show here?????
Why is this very similar to SNS???? I really wonder.....
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Naruto was ready to kill his own Son for the Village...
The point I am trying to make here is that Naruto & Kawaki’s bond stole many SNS tropes... Which I don’t mind at all... Rather, I am very happy for that. 
Now... All of a sudden, Naruto acting up like a proper emotional lovey dovey father for Boruto is just OOC... At the expense of pulling Sasuke’s Collars and putting down Sasuke in the very next scene.... 
And do you know what’s even more OOC???
At the very end of the episode we got this RARE PUREST GEM.....
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I am gritting my teeth here!!!!
This episode totally shat on Naruto & Kawaki bond.... And insulted Sasuke in a worst way possible. This is me talking from an Objective POV.... 
I’ll show you another Biggest Hypocrisy we are unconsciously doing here as SNS fans.... 
How these extra Scenes were OOC when it comes to SNS and SASUKE ESPECIALLY???
I am one of the very few person in this SNS fandom to support Sasuke’s decision to accept Konoha as his Home and I loved this development... Even though Majority of this Fandom feels it’s OOC.... I accept this because Kishimoto wrote it that way and to my mind it also feels right... And this is Canon.
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Sasuke lost his most beloved person, Itachi for the sake of this Village. And Sasuke accepted his Ideals and decided to protect this Village. He lost many things here and yet Sasuke made the right decision to see the Bigger Picture... 
From Itachi and Minato’s lives, we all might have observed one thing... That is, They put the Village above their own Blood. Minato made Naruto into a Jinchurikki to save the village.... Itachi killed his own parents to save the Village.... 
So, this place carries lot of importance for the characters in this world....
Few Months ago... I answered an ask... And the Question is, Who do you think sasuke love the most between naruto and sarada ?
I am linking that post here.... PLEASE DO READ IT... [Link]
My answer to that response was Naruto and I provided my reason considering all the facts from Boruto Manga.
I will copy paste the most important part here...
There is an undeniable fact that Sasuke spends more time with Boruto than he spends with Sarada. He is his Master and they have pretty good bonding.
But even towards Boruto, Sasuke has his priorities. Since Boruto was given a karma seal, he might turn into an Otsutsuki monster anytime. And Boruto was worried about this, to which Sasuke said this.“Don’t worry. I swear to stop you with all my strength, Even if I have to kill you”…
Well, this is getting real complicated now!!!! You may wonder, ‘How dare Sasuke can kill Naruto’s son? If Naruto knew about this, he will not forgive Sasuke. He will even kill Sasuke’…. Atleast this was how fans reacted for that chapter. But Naruto proved them all wrong.
Gaara asking, “Would you be able to take down your own son? “
Naruto says, “I’ll do what needs to be done as Hokage”
And this Amado also tells Naruto, “I spoke to Sasuke earlier, but It did seem like he was prepared to if necessary”
So, Naruto will kill Boruto if he threatens the safety of the village someday. And Naruto also knew about Sasuke’s decision regarding this.
You may now ask, ‘Hey how does any of this have to do with Sarada?”
Well, if Sasuke can able to kill his best friend’s Son, can’t he be able to kill Sarada too, if necessary (I mean if she poses any threat to the village someday)???? And I am 100% sure, Sasuke will not play father card if it comes to that.
So, for Sasuke, both Boruto and Sarada are equal. He almost treats Boruto as his own son. So, there is that.
Am pretty sure.... Sasuke would not hesitate to kill Sarada if it is necessary.... Because he is just like Itachi. He even tried to kill his own Daughter (mistakenly) in Gaiden for which he didn’t show a big regret or something... 
Now, Naruto playing a Caring Father Card for Boruto (Which is not even in the Manga)..... shat on Sasuke’s ideal to accept Konoha as his home... NARUTO COMES OFF AS A BIGGEST HYPOCRITE TO PROTECT HIS BLOOD FAMILY WHILE SASUKE LOST HIS ENTIRE BLOOD FAMILY FOR KONOHA..... Am not saying Naruto shouldn’t care for Boruto.... But not at the expense of portraying Sasuke as this emotionless Moron just because he put the safety of the Village above Boruto’s life.... Sasuke looks like a fucking Clown here!!! Whereas Naruto was changed into a good Father!!! Shit!!! That one extra scene changes the entire context of the story... 
God!!! This is too bad.... In every angle!!!!
How these extra Scenes were OOC when it comes to SNS???
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This dude abandoned his Family for a decade and still distancing Sarada at the end of Gaiden. Because Forehead poke means distancing, lying and bla bla.... 
Whereas he was too close with Boruto and almost acts like a GOOD father in Boruto movie. I won’t be saying he doesn’t care about Sarada or anything. I am just saying that, he always gives importance to his priorities.... And his priority is Naruto and Konoha..... Not Sarada. I don’t even have to provide any proof here. 
But I will attach those panels here...
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“You can track Kawaki using the Karma, But not Sasuke, Right?”
Like I explained above.... Naruto will never kill or give up Kawaki for anyone.... But here Naruto was okay with Jigen tracking Kawaki but not Sasuke.... MEANING, HE FUCKING PLACES SASUKE ABOVE EVERYONE.... 
This is who real Naruto is....
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This is another fucking Canonical scene where Naruto puts Sasuke above everyone else. 
And you all know Naruto loves Konoha too.
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Now all these extra scenes puts 
Sasuke as this moron who would not hesitate to kill his Best Friend’s Son.... 
Whereas all of a sudden, Naruto started to go “My Dear Son” mode for a son he had with Hinata.... and this even projects Sasuke as a Bad Family man who abandoned his Daughter for a decade.... and still putting a distance between him and her...And we all are pretty okay with it.... 
Why should Sasuke’s role revolve around Naruto and his son when Naruto himself putting Sasuke down here??? “No matter what anyone says”... Here Naruto puts Sasuke along with the level of Gaara and other Kages.... This is totally an Anti-SNS.
And this scene is not even in the Manga.
To Conclude....
This whole Manga is going in a path where Naruto has a special place for Kawaki.... And Sasuke has a special place for Boruto... While both N & S keep each other as their priorities even in this shitty Emotionless Manga. In Short, Boruto and Kawaki are treated as an unofficial children of SNS... Which is very evident from the panels I’ve attached above.
When Sasuke was willing to put the Village’s safety as the priority to the point of doing long missions of 12 years and even went to the extent of not meeting his own Daughter, not able to recognize his own daughter and even went to the point of killing her....  But Naruto acting like a good caring father shows that he is an hypocrite who expects others to lose their family time for this village’s safety but Naruto is somewhat not ready to lose his family member for the sake of the village... Such an hypocrite!!! [[It hurts my SNS heart to write this]]... AN HYPOCRITE FOR A SCENE WHICH WAS NOT IN THE MANGA... 
I know it hurts every Father to take down their own child.... His pain could’ve been handled in a million different ways... I would’ve preferred to see Sasuke as the one to ease Naruto’s pain and make him come to the conclusion in a more organic and Kishimoto’s trademark sentimental way than this Abomination.
Naruto putting down Sasuke along with Gaara is just .... just.... just.... intolerable!!!! 
That scene could have been easily avoided or replaced with some other character... 
I am saying this again for the 1000th time, Naruto can care for Boruto all he wants.... He can even cry and have nightmares about his own son turning into some Otsutsuki Monster which shows how Naruto is struggling to come to a decision... Which are all fine... I don’t mind seeing the bond between Naruto and Boruto... But not at the expense of putting down Sasuke and treating him like a Clown.... 
And I am saying this for the millionth time.... Naruto and Sasuke can have arguments all they want like an old couple... Hell!!! I would pay any money for that. I want them to be like this...
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Not like the abomination I just saw in that episode. 
To me, The level of OOCness in the episode is very similar to Sasuke giving a special smile to Sakura, Sasuke want to be close with Sakura, Sasuke want to touch Sakura all the time....
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