#if i like em and they're blond know that they're automatically rich i don't make the rules i'm cursed to be materialistic against my will T
yellowymellon · 6 months
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I've always assumed each umbrella to be a stellaron hunter but did we ever get confirmation that there are only 4 ? By my logic there would be 2 extra ones (two ppl in the distance I'm not sure we should count)
Also idc what anyone says it's not a theory it's my delusion that believes the cat is elio 100%
Why do I believe that? Cuz stellaron hunters are basically the akudama drive's plot! A bunch of criminals are assembled to do the bidding of talking high technology artificial cat who's being controlled by (spoilers but if ykyk - it's similar) and in exchange they get paid :3
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thefreelanceangel · 3 years
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"Mmm, a blonde..."
Although Chessi didn't possess particularly strong modesty, she automatically sank down in the hot water, turning to the door with wide eyes. "I'm sorry," she blurted. "He told me to come up and take a bath, I didn't know if this was somebody's bathroom but he said the red door on the l-left a-"
"Oh, calm down, cutie." Ears swiveling forward, freshly trimmed golden tail flicking behind her, C'allie strolled to the sink and leaned against it, mismatched eyes roving what of the Hyur she could see over the tub's porcelain edge. "You're not doin' anythin' wrong. Except maybe hidin' those tits, but I'll sneak a peek at some point."
Chessi blinked at her, utterly uncomprehending. C'allie quirked a brow, crossing her arms loosely as she shifted her weight against the sink. "Aha," she said, more to herself than to the other woman. "Well, first question is why aren't you usin' any soap if he told you to come up and take a bath?" Her second question remained unasked, more silently directed towards Seifer than the other woman. Since when did he go for stupid women?
"Oh. Uh..." Chessi's cheeks colored as they hadn't done when C'allie had simply walked in. "I don't have any soap with me," she said, wet fingertips squeaking on the tub's rim.
C'allie's eyes swung to the end table within easy reach, focused on the rows of bath oils, shampoo and conditioner, the basket holding an array of fancifully shaped soaps. "...it's right there," she said, brow arching a little higher. "Like... right over there. You got bad vision or somethin'?"
"Not really? I don't think I do anyway," Chessi said, blinking. "But those aren't mine?"
"...so you're just soakin' in hot water and callin' that a bath."
Chessi's face flamed red as she looked down at the tub's rim. "...I don't have soap very often," she said, fidgeting in the water.
"Seifer wouldn't tell you to come up and take a bath if he wasn't throwin' in some soap," C'allie said, rolling her eyes. Oh, the things she had to say to him about his taste...
"Really?" Chessi looked at the soaps, eyes brightening. "I'm allowed to use one?"
"Go crazy. Use some shampoo and conditioner, too." C'allie strolled over to perch on the closed toilet seat, propping her elbows on her knees, chin in her hands. "So what brought you in here anyway?"
Chessi, looking over the array of bath products with an expression of awed delight, didn't answer immediately, focused on picking what looked, to her, to be the least expensive. Settling on a round ball of lemon-scented soap, she began lathering up, beaming at the scent. "Oh, I kind of fell off the fence while I was trying to look at the yard and Mister Seifer told me to come inside so he could look at my ankle."
A slight stretch and crane of her neck showed C'allie the discolored ankle, still swollen and purplish-black. "Uh-huh," she said slowly, a few things ticking off in her head. She didn't bother restraining the smirk that rose to her lips; the other woman wouldn't understand it anyway, she felt certain of that. "How's your ankle feelin'?"
"Good! Just a little achy," Chessi said, rapturously kneading lemon-scented shampoo into her hair. She ducked under the water to rinse off, coming up and knuckling water out of her eyes. "He's really nice! He didn't even get mad at me when I upset the animal he asked me to hold for him."
Laughter rose in her throat; C'allie fought it down, managing to do little more than cough out a giggle. "Yeah," she said, grinning broadly. "He's really nice. I bet he'll even invite you to sleep over here tonight."
Chessi blinked at her, looking up from the conditioner label she'd been carefully reading. "...really?" Her eyes rounded. "Here?"
With a nod, C'allie managed to shift her grin a bit, mismatched eyes sparkling. "Yup. Comfy bed, breakfast in the morning..." She winked, tail flicking. "Speakin' of, why don't I take your clothes and get 'em washed? With you all clean like that, it'd be an awful pity to put dirty clothes back on. There's towels in here for you to wear while you're walkin' around the house."
A blush, she expected. A protest, perhaps. However, the look of dawning wonder on Chessi's face, the smile that lit the bathroom with sheer joy... That seemed a bit... weird.
"...really?" Chessi looked at the towels hanging neatly on the racks, her eyes sparkling as she looked back at C'allie. "Like other people do? I could just... wear a towel? Like I..." She swallowed, a sudden sparkle of tears catching the light. "Like I belonged here?"
C'allie's eyes narrowed a fraction; she looked intently at the woman. "You don't wear towels around after a bath at home?" She felt fairly sure of the answer coming; after all, Chessi had just said she didn't have soap very often. C'allie'd never lived that rough, save by choice, but she knew extreme poverty when she heard it. Likely, the woman had never seen the inside of a bathroom like this, much less worn one of the plush towels that Anna insisted on.
Biting her lower lip, Chessi shook her head. "Uncle Les has towels, but he said he can't afford new ones since I'm stupid and I'll probably ruin them." She glanced at the hanging towels with abrupt nervousness. "I probably shouldn't touch those so I don't ruin them 'cause they look real pretty."
A few choice items to discuss with Seifer crossed C'allie's mind, mainly involving pointing and laughing that he was picking up dumb blondes, but she grinned and shook her head. "You can't ruin those," she said, wholly confident of being believed. "They're indestructible."
Sure enough, Chessi gazed wide-eyed at the towels, water running from her hair down her nose. "Really? That's amazing! Do all rich people get towels like that?"
"Mmmmhmm." After all, having enough gil to replace anything stained, torn or broken counted pretty much as owning indestructible items. "So don't worry about hurtin' the towels," C'allie said, leaning down to scoop up Chessi's neatly folded clothing. "Just wrap up in one when you're done and head downstairs."
"You're really nice, too," Chessi said, beaming at the miqo'te. "Thanks for not being mad that I'm stupid. I know it makes lots of people mad."
For a brief moment, C'allie pitied the idiot sitting in the tub, smiling at her with the kind of sweet innocence that she'd never been prone to having herself. And then she grinned back at Chessi, imagining Anna's reaction to a hot dumb blonde walking around in just a towel, talking about 'Mister Seifer.'
"Well, no one's goin' to get mad at you about that here," she said, letting a little purr creep into her voice. "So you enjoy your bath and those towels. I'll get your clothes washed."
C'allie didn't linger in the bathroom, not even to get a glimpse at what the water and soap suds had hid. She needed to get into another room before she couldn't control the laughter any more.
Oh, she's got a hell of a wake up call comin'...
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