#u gotta pay the bills somehow
yellowymellon · 6 months
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I've always assumed each umbrella to be a stellaron hunter but did we ever get confirmation that there are only 4 ? By my logic there would be 2 extra ones (two ppl in the distance I'm not sure we should count)
Also idc what anyone says it's not a theory it's my delusion that believes the cat is elio 100%
Why do I believe that? Cuz stellaron hunters are basically the akudama drive's plot! A bunch of criminals are assembled to do the bidding of talking high technology artificial cat who's being controlled by (spoilers but if ykyk - it's similar) and in exchange they get paid :3
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godgoku · 6 months
returns for the first time in eons just to boop my partner. tru love <3
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munsonhoneybaby · 1 year
my love!!! That final part 🥹 you are a STAR! so good. the way you write dialogue, your Eddie especially... he's so so so lovely to read. somehow you keep his edge but all the while he's the nicest fucking guy to ever walk the earth!!!
if one day you're feeling a blurb about them or something, I'd love to read the first meeting with Wayne - I think it could be so funny and sweet. and honestly I just need an endless stream of that version of Eddie and his sweet nothings and his fondness 🥺 obsessed with everything u do WOW
you’re so sweet !! i'm so happy you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading and sending in this ask !!
series masterlist
“Are you sure about this? I feel terrible taking up his day off with this, he should be enjoying his free time.” Frowning nervously, you picked at a string on your jeans. Though you’d been to their trailer three more times since the first, you’d yet to run into his uncle Wayne. It wasn’t necessarily intentional, but you didn’t particularly want to meet him the morning after sleeping at his home unannounced. So, after making a few passive comments to Eddie about wanting to meet him, you were pleased when Eddie told you Wayne wanted to have lunch with both of you. But now, the nerves were starting to settle in.
“He will enjoy this. He’s been dyin’ to meet you, baby, believe me. I already told you, he’s gonna love you.” Taking your hand over the console, he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “Besides, we’re just goin’ to lunch at the diner. It’s not a big deal.” Pulling into the open spot next to Wayne’s truck, he put the van in park and looked over at you. “Ready?”
You blew out a breath, “Yeah, I think so.”
As he always did, Eddie got out first and opened your door for you. When you went inside, he instantly spotted Wayne, standing from the booth to greet the two of you. “Hey, Wayne.”
“Hey, kid,” He replied, pulling him into a solid hug. With a subtle yet warm smile, Wayne said your name. You held out a hand to shake but instead were given a fatherly embrace much more careful than the one he’d given his nephew. “I’m glad I could finally meet the young lady makin’ this troublemaker so happy.”
“It’s great to meet you, too. I hope you didn’t have to cancel any big plans to make time for me today,” You jested politely.
He gave a quiet laugh in response and said, “Of course not. Sleepin’ on the couch in the living room ain’t more important than this.” The waitress came to take orders, service coming quick due to the few customers in the diner. “I hear you listen to the same kind’a music as Eddie,” Wayne chimed amiably. “You like his music, too?”
“Of course,” You smile, “I think he’s incredibly talented. I love seeing him perform.” The rockstar in question was embarrassedly hiding his flushed face in his hands.
“I’d come to his shows if I could, but I’m always at work,” Wayne expressed regretfully. “I hear him in his room all the time, but I’ve only seen ‘im on stage once or twice since that middle school talent show. I’m glad he’s got someone he cares about there to support him all the time now.”
The food came, saving Eddie from any further spotlight, and you did your best to continue making conversation between bites. “So, did Eddie get any of his music taste from you?”
“Oh, he’d never admit it, but he tolerates some old country music thanks to me. All that metal and rock stuff is good ‘n I like that he likes it, but it’s not really my speed.”
“I’ve gotta say, it’s a little hard picturing Eds listening to country music,” You chuckle.
“Just when I’m with him,” Eddie specified.
“I’m keeping him open-minded.” The waitress placed a single check on the table and Wayne was quick to open his wallet.
“No, please– let me,” You tried to stop him.
“I would never let a lady pay for a meal. This is my treat, darlin’.” It was becoming clearer and clearer how much of an influence your boyfriend’s uncle had had on his upbringing. Handing the cash and the bill to Eddie, he nodded toward the register. “Go take care’a this.” Eddie looked over at you, but you just smiled reassuringly, so he headed for the counter. Before you could start into another line of polite conversation, Wayne spoke. His voice was gruff, quiet. There was sentiment in his tone, though he tried to hide it. “I really am glad you and Eddie found each other. I’m sure you know by now that not many people in this town give ‘im a chance. I would never wanna embarrass the boy, but he hasn’t exactly introduced me to many girls in his life. I’m glad he’s found one that’s a little more like him– that understands him.”
After glancing back at Eddie, handing over the money for your meal with a kind smile, you gave Wayne a fond look. “He cares a lot about you too, you know. It means the world to him that you took over when his Dad went to jail. And I don’t know if it means anything coming from me, but I think you did an amazing job with him.”
You could’ve sworn you saw a tear well in his eye, but he looked away briefly before you could see for sure. It didn’t seem like people acknowledged his parenting effort often.“You’re a sweet young woman. You’re real good for him.”
“I appreciate that,” You responded honestly.
You both started to box up the leftover food and– just before Eddie came back to the table– Wayne added, “I’ll have to show you the few baby pictures I’ve still got around of ‘im,” making you chuckle.
Eyes narrowing slightly as he gave Wayne his change, Eddie asked, “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing,” You answered playfully as you stood from the booth. His uncle did the same after leaving a generous tip for the kind pregnant woman who’d waited on you. The three of you headed for the parking lot, stopping briefly to say your goodbyes before you split up. “You’ll have to let me cook for you sometime,” You insisted. 
With another one of those barely-there smiles, Wayne clasped a hand over Eddie’s shoulder paternally. “You’ve got a good one here, boy, you’d better take good care’a her.”
Before he could respond, you assured him, “He does, Mr. Munson.”
“Oh, please, never call me that. It’s Wayne. It was nice meeting you. Don’t be a stranger, alright?”
“Of course, I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”
Once you were back in the van with Eddie, he put the key in the ignition before pausing and looking over at you. “So, what did you two talk about while I was gone?”
“None of your business, nosy.”
Dramatically starting the van, he backed out of the parking spot as he replied, “Y’know what? Fine. Now I’m not gonna tell you about Jeff’s date with that chick from his calc class.”
“Hey, wait, c’mon–”
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batvvvvv · 9 months
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ALRIGHT last ref for a bit🎉 had every possible technical difficulty during the process of this so it's a little rough. stuff below the cut, some warnings for child abuse and mentions of drugs! be safe!
jonathan's childhood is.... a lot. this is definitely an oversimplification, but i'll get into it more later on!
his father wanted a son. that was all he wanted
first, he had a daughter. then, nearly a decade later, jonathan was born. but everyone told him something was wrong with his child, that he was a changeling, or the antichrist. really jon just.. didn’t express things. never smiled or cried, rarely spoke until it was beaten out of him. jon's father resolved to make him a man. the boy was scared of his own shadow! what scared jonathan most, though, was the scarecrow in their field. it always just watched.
one night, jonathan's mother disappeared without a trace, to escape her husband. jon's older sister followed suit, refusing to take her mother's place, and leaving jonathan alone with his father.
and, when he was 16, jonathan snapped. this is an event that... probably requires its own post to do it justice lol. but with this they had begun to conquer their fear, and everyone left them alone afterward!
jonathan applied to every college he could, desperate to get out, and when he was 19 he moved across the country to study medicine at gotham u. there, he met pamela isley, soon to be his first and only friend.
later, jonathan switched to psychology instead, and moved in with pam. life was good for once. money, however, was not, and with jonathan's knowledge of chemistry he... created and sold some things to get by! gotta pay the bills somehow!
eventually they both graduated and lost touch. jon got a job as a psychologist in training under a professional, but the times he got to work one on one with patients were where he really... flourished
jonathan had been intrigued by fear for a long time, and now he could explore that. they just asked questions at first, but he wasn't getting the answers he wanted. they needed to SEE the fear firsthand! so he took to scaring them himself, bringing spiders and needles into the office under the guise of exposure. until that was no longer enough, and they turn to their past explorations of chemistry. if they could create something to stimulate fear, they could study it as much as they wanted!
until he's fired for mistreatment of patients. lmao
jon once again turned to his Chemical Experiments to make a living. but their creation (fear toxin, they later name it) had made its way into their head, and they became obsessed with perfecting it. the drug tears through the streets of gotham like wildfire. and, hey, if he uses his own drugs to test them, that's fine. he's fine! this won't be a problem!
and, as jon's reputation grows, they begin to call him the scarecrow. he likes the sound of that. the master of fear.
so, with that, all four of our main characters are free to unleash hell on gotham city :) i'm sure nothing else bad will happen to them! !
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so I keep learning about The Horrors™️ of American healthcare and I keep hearing Americans talk abt this shit like it’s totally fine and let me tell y’all. It’s not. Apparently and ADHD or Autism test costs like 500$ for you guys? And then when you do get diagnosed you gotta think abt shit like “okay but do I actually need meds?” Bc apparently that’s a financial decision? But it,,, it shouldn’t be right? Right okay bc
I live in Europe, specifically Austria, and this is how healthcare works here: if you have a job you have healthcare. Your employer pays for it. They have to. It’s absolutely illegal and unheard of not to. They do take about 20% out of your pay-check every month to pay for that and other legal things that I don’t quite understand (my dad explained it to me once but I’m 20 so I still don’t get it bc I don’t really have to but every cent they take out benefits me I think so it’s fine).
Now irl this is a lot more complicated but basically, you have public healthcare and private healthcare and then just stuff that’s up to the government (like ambulance rides, I think. Even if you don’t have insurance u don’t pay for that. I know this bc an American friend of mine didn’t and had to go to the hospital and called a cab and when they told me I was like “??? BRO WHY NO AMBULANCE” this is also how I found out that Americans have to pay for ambulance rides. wtf.)
Basically your insurance covers all medical expenses from doctors who are in your network (public practice). This is your GP, hospitals, and pretty much all specialised docs (dentist, internists, cardiologists, etc.). However, the public offices are much busier than the private ones (obvi) so if you’re in a rush, want special treatment, or just be a little fancy you can CHOOSE to pay for private doctors. And even then you can hand in those bills to your insurance and you get part of the money back (abt 30% which you receive abt 4 months after handing the bill in).
If you keep your bills for private care doctors you can hand them in to,,, someone somewhere somehow (idk man) and get a bigger tax return. (bc we don’t calculate our taxes ourselves. it just gets taken out of your pay-check by your employer every month and then at the end of the,,, fiscal year??? I guess?? Idk man idk how shit works — you get any money that was like,,, extra (????) back)
Now you might ask yourself: “phi, why would I pay for doc if I can go to free doc?” Which is an excellent question. Again, for most people it’s about waiting times but there is one field where it just really makes more sense: mental health services. Private practitioners have less clients and more high quality care than public ones because they choose their own funding, which, surprise surprise, is better than public funding.
I will now take you through my own personal journey so you can have a practical example of how good healthcare CAN AND SHOULD BE (keep in mind here I have parents who after messing me up and being terrible but learning their lessen once I became an adult and told them how horrible they were are very supportive of me pursing my mental health)
When I was about to turn 20 I went to my GP and had a conversation with her about how I think I might have ADHD. She asked me about my complaints and agreed there definitely are symptoms indicating it. She wrote me a referral to a Psychiatrist. When I got to my Psychiatrist she tested me and because of the referral she could tell the insurance company that this test was necessary and not elective, meaning insurance payed for it in full and I never even saw that bill.
Now I had a diagnosis all but a week later. I spoke to my parents who agreed to support me in finding private care. My Psychiatrist charges 160€ (insurance returns 48€) per appointment which my mum graciously pays for. I see him once every couple of months to check in on my use of medication and how I’m responding and to see if my dosis needs adjustment. If and when I need a refill, I only have to write him an email. Before he could put me on medication I needed a blood draw and cardiac test, to ensure that I qualified for a stimulant, since they can be harmful in some cases. He wrote me referrals and I went to my GP and a public cardiologist for those tests, which were all free of ANY charge.
I was then cleared to take my meds within a few weeks (cardiologist had a bit of a waiting list). I was prescribed Ritalin and some sleeping pills by my psychiatrist. He gives me the prescriptions and a letter to the insurance company asking them to cover the cost, as I have a diagnosis which he confirmed again in his initial assessment of me. Now that I’ve gotten approved, all I pay for is the prescription, not the actual medication. Which is about 6-7€ for the Ritalin and 4-5€ for the sleeping pills (monthly supply each).
My Therapist is also a private doctor. She charges 120€ per session and I go twice a month, which is 240€ per month. My dad contributes 100€ and my mum contributes 30€, which means I’m down to 110€ per month. Insurance pays 30€ per session (so 60€ per month) so I pay a grand total of 50€ or 25€ per session.
So my medical treatment each month costs me just about 62€ AT MOST (since I don’t always need my sleeping pills refilled).
Now, just for fun, let’s assume my parents don’t support me and I see both my therapist and my psychiatrist in the same month and need both my meds refilled. This would come to just about 304€ (because of insurance deductions).
But you have to consider that I DON’T see my psychiatrist every month, so the more realistic monthly cost would be 187€. And should I decide I can’t pay for that I can still get on a waiting list for public mental health practitioners, in which case the only thing I’d ever need to pay for are the prescription costs for my medication which would still be up to 7€ for the Ritalin and up to 5€ for the sleeping pills putting the grand total at 12€ PER MONTH.
My family and I simply chose the quicker, more efficient option, but no one twisted our arm into paying this amount of money FOR BASIC CARE.
And yes, it’s a lot of bureaucracy (it took me WAY too long to spell that) and paperwork, but I’d much rather that than have to decide between mental well-being or being broke.
So, my conclusion: Cancel America, move to Europe, OR just tell the American People In Charge Men that it is that easy and they really should try a little harder and you citizens shouldn’t settle for the shit you have to put up with right now because wtf
if you wanna cry a little it’s okay lemme know I’ll come sit with you and offer a hug but you can say no if that’s not your thing
anyways love ya
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god doesn’t fit into a pronoun anyway :) A-FUCKING-MEN (also thank you for the work you do in your day job, that's gotta be equal parts frustrating and great) (also also that you are vocal about this and have it in your writing means a ton)
thank u :) it’s a weird job but i do get to (through one program i run) give out chest binders & giftcards / educational workshops to teenagers so that’s the coolest part. the rest is mostly nonsense but 💁 hopefully it moves the needle a little bit. i mean my faith is never gonna be in neoliberal DEI but u gotta pay the bills somehow yknow. i’m glad it makes sense to ppl in my writing as well, esp fanfiction bc that’s supposed to be like… fun & true? lol
& yes u certainly cannot fit hotter bisexual jesus into a pronoun that’s for sure
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
hey hey it's me again~ sorry for disappearing, things have been so hectic lately and now it's somehow the last week of school for me lol. also i got into twisted wonderland recently and im already hooked help
anyways how have you been dondon??
but darling please don't apologise for sumn as trivial as that!! hopefully with school over you have time to sit back and relax before it all starts again AHAH
good job getting through school hon, i'm sure it wasn't easy but you did it!
FUCKK YES TWST GANG!!! ITS SO ENTERTAINING AND INTERESTING!!! the storyline is *chefs kiss* and the character designs and the live2d in the game are GORGEOUS ‼️ ANW WHOS UR FAVOURITE SO FARR????? is it epel 🤨 I HOPE UR ENJOYING IT!!!
gnna add this here bc it gets a lil personal nd im sure some people don't care for that aspect of my blog lolol
let's jus day life's been a real doozy.
my aunt became critically ill so the past couple of days everyones been on edge since the doctors said that we should prepare for the worst. my mum was up in arms about it bc it was the exact same thing they said before my grandpa passed.
but surprise!!! her condition improved today! which felt like a huge relief. now i just gotta worry about my dads health sighhh
i was prepping to open commissions to help my family pay for the bills of everything but now that she's stable i'm gonna wait until i finish my event submissions lolol i even made posters for em n everythin man </33
also i cut my foot on a screw in the pool the day the pool cleaner added more chlorine i have never felt a stronger urge to swan dive off the nearest skyscraper
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How much you want for all of your wares. Pretty sure I can afford you, sweetheart.
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When you realize you accidentally made a joke about prostituting yourself for vigilantism
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 5
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, camboy!seokmin, guided masturbation, dirty talk, sex toys, just a sprinkling of softdom!seokmin, praise!kink! 😗💕 FINALLY YALL, THE WEEKEND! I got promoted at work yesterday and I am exhausted so let’s celebrate a lil! hehe 💕 aka I’m going to bed after this goes up HAHAHAH 🤣 Also I want to apologize cuz I wasn’t super active this week or last but as u can imagine, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff at work so I'm hoping I have time this weekend to catch up on inbox msgs! 💕 Thank you for always supporting my fics and every chapter that comes out, long or short 🥺💕 It means so much to me and really gives me the strength to keep writing! 💕💕💕 For now, enjoy ch 5, have a lovely rest of your day and know I love u. 💕 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ?
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Can we maybe--
Can we--
You scratch your head, cheeks warm as you sit in front of your computer.
You’d cleared your schedule for Dokyeom - purposefully deciding to not complete your Ancient Greek theatre history paper so that you’d have more time for him instead.
It’s just one paper. It’ll be fine. It won’t ruin my grade that much, you tell yourself repeatedly.
Except now, you were all nerves.
‘Can we reschedule maybe?’ You type out, only to undo it for the 30th time in a row and you can’t stop the frustrated whine that makes it out between your pursed lips.
He said it’d only be 30 minutes, but you knew with how nervous you were that the minutes would move agonizingly slow and you just hoped that somehow you’d be able to fill up the time with something.
‘Incoming voice call from Dokyeom’
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…!”
Your palms sweat and your entire body buzzes as you drag your computer chair in closer - simultaneously making sure your mic was on and working before you clicked on the green ‘Accept’ button.
“H-hi…?” You mutter softly.
It’s quiet for a beat on the other end before you hear him clearing his throat and the sound of his computer chair squeaking as he readjusts.
“‘b@d_dream’…? Right?” You nod even though he can’t see. “...Are you shy too?”
He chuckles lightly, deep and sultry enough to make your body tingle.
“I--I mean, not really, just--like, y’know, this was kinda unexpected, haha…” Stumbling over your words, you mentally curse yourself for suddenly being so shy even though this wasn’t the first time you’d spoken to him privately. And the fact that technically, you were more versed in this than he was. 
He was just better with the delivery. 
“No, no I get you! Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, I just thought it'd be nicer than typing out convos, y’know? We can cover more ground.”
You hum in response, somewhat hoping that Dokyeom carries the convo for you - at least until the nerves wear off.
“So… How are you, kitten?”
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Dokyeom makes sure to ask if you’d prefer pet names instead of asking for your real name, which you do, and he spends the first 7 minutes of your call just asking you questions about yourself while you ask back in return - shock both evident in your and his voice when you find out you’re both university students.
“Gotta pay the bills somehow, right?” He hums in agreement, clearing his voice before changing the subject.
“So… Do you live alone? Or do you have a roommate?”
“Oh, I live alone right now… But my place is super small and the walls are thin so, y’know. Just uni ‘tings.”
You finish with a giggle and Dokyeom tries to find a segway into what he really wants to talk about.
“So everyone can hear what goes on in there then, huh?” You catch the tone, licking your lips as your eyes focus on the desk in front of you instead.
“Sometimes… I try to keep quiet though. I wouldn’t want to be a nuisance or anything.”
“So you like to get praised then?”
You immediately clench around emptiness as your hands ball up into tight fists - already squirming in your seat despite him not even having said much at all.
“W-well, um, I--I don’t know, I never really thought about it…”
“How about we do a little exercise then? How’s that sound, kitten? It’ll help me get to know you.”
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You might’ve already had a praise kink before this.
“You’re doing so good for me, kitten��� I can hear how wet you are from here.”
But the words rolling off of Dokyeom’s tongue only intensify the feelings and make you cry out his name when you press the vibrator infinitely closer against your clit.
“Mm, didn’t you say you try to keep quiet? You sound like you’re being so loud, kitten~”
“S--sorry, I--ah, I’ll lower my v-voice…”
Your thighs clamp shut the same time you bite down hard onto your bottom lip.
“Aww, such a good girl apologizing for misbehaving. I really like that,” He drawls, “But now I want you to be extra good for me and sink two fingers into your pretty ‘lil cunt for me.”
“Mm… I bet you’re already soaking that toy, wanting something inside of you to keep you full, right?”
You move the vibrator off of your sticky skin for a second as you readjust - legs spread as you run your fingertips through your wetness.
“Fuck, I really am s-soaking… Can I put my fingers in now?”
“Let me hear you, kitten.”
A drawn out, airy moan falls from your lips while you slowly start to ease two digits into your warmth and you hold back from starting a quick pace; the need to cum and be filled wrecking your entire body when you sink the digits all the way to the knuckles.
“Thrust your fingers nice ‘n slow for me… I want you to imagine it’s my fingers, kitten. Curling right into that sweet spot and spreading you open to take my cock...” 
Your eyes flutter shut as you focus on the feeling - your free hand still holding onto the vibrator for dear life.
“Mmh... Dokyeom...”
“Wow, kitten... I really like the way my name sounds when you’re moaning it... Sounds so pretty when it’s you~”
Seokmin tells the truth - hand palming himself over his sweats as he pushes his needs to the side to focus on you instead. 
I’ll do It after, he tells himself.
“N-need more...” You mewl; needy and hurried into the mic as he chuckles. 
“Keep that vibrator pressed against that cute ‘lil clit then. But don’t move your fingers any faster. I want you to cum like this, nice ‘n slow. Can you do that for me, kitten?” 
You bring the toy back between your legs, setting it to a slower setting as you press it to your swollen clit. 
“Kitten, I asked you a question~”
“A-ah, yes! I, ngh, c-can...” 
“Good girl~”
Dokyeom licks his lips, eyeing the clock on his computer screen. 
“Ah, we only have 13 more minutes, kitten. Do you think you can make it in time before I have to go?” 
Your eyes flutter open, determination set in them as you gulp.  “I---I can t-try....”
“Mm, that’s my good ‘lil kitten. Let’s see it then.” He leans back in his computer chair - relaxed as he stares up at the ceiling. “Damn, I bet you feel so warm and soft, don’t you? And so wet for me too...” 
“Y-yeah... I’m soaking the c-chair, ah, underneath me... Your fingers are--are probably bigger than mine too...” You whisper, “I b-bet it’d feel so good when you, mmh, s-stretch me out...” 
“I want you to curl those pretty fingers of yours right into that sweet spot and I want you to set your toy higher, kitten... I wanna hear you cry out my name with that pretty voice of yours since I can’t be there to make you cum myself.” 
You follow his instructions; soft cries spilling from your lips at the way your entire body tenses up with each slow thrust of your fingers and each second that the toy is pressed snug against your clit.
“D--Dokyeom... Dokyeom...! I--I can’t--mmph!”
Biting down on your bottom lip, you can't stop the orgasm that has your walls fluttering around your fingers and your thighs shaking uncontrollably as Dokyeom coos at you through the mic.
“You’re doing so well for me, kitten~ I want you to keep working your fingers inside your pretty ‘lil cunt until you can’t take it anymore~” He sing-songs. 
There’s a moment where there’s a familiar pitch in his voice - something you’ve heard before but the blinding pleasure has you forgetting just as quickly as you cry out his name again in a hurried, garbled mess.
“Ah, and with 8 more minutes to spare. How about we do a lightning round, huh, kitten?”
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The next day, you’re on cloud nine. 
Unstoppable and with a little extra pep in your step when you get to class.
Except when your professor calls your name right as your class is about to let out, you’re in utter shock.
But you’re not the only one.
“... and Lee Seokmin, Yoon Jeonghan and Kwon Soonyoung, please stay back. I need to speak to you four.”
The four of you exchange odd looks from around the room before you all assemble into one neat line at the front of your lecture hall - waiting for the other students to leave before she speaks again.
“Do you know why you’re standing here right now?”
You all shake your head no as Soonyoung’s lips tingle to say something snarky.
“Don’t…” Jeonghan whispers, already concerned that he’s in this predicament.
“Okay, well, “ She sighs, “You four were the only ones who didn’t complete the paper due today. Care to explain why? I don’t know if you got the email letting you know that’d be a big part of your grade but I made sure to send that out days ago as a reminder.”
You bite your lip, knowing that your late night rendezvous was going to bite you in the ass eventually - you just didn’t realize how quickly.
“Sorry, I just--I guess I forgot about the email. Is there any way we can make up for it?” You ask.
“Yeah, me too. I must’ve read it and it slipped my mind. I--I normally never miss any of the assignments, I feel really bad...” Seokmin’s eyes furrow and he makes sure to really put on an act just as your professor sighs again
“I know, which is why I’m going to give you all a chance to re-do it but there’s a catch.”
“It has to be twice as long?”
“Shut up, Soonyoung!”
Your professor laughs and takes a seat in her leather chair as she goes through the class roster.
“No, the catch is that you will pair up and work on one paper, so, a total of two papers. It’ll be quicker to write and you can do half the work. I’ll let you pick who your partner is, but I’m going to need that paper by next Wednesday. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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The four of you trudge out of the lecture hall in the same uniform line but it’s Jeonghan that makes the executive decision for you all as he huffs.
“My partner’s Soonyoung, I’ve just decided.” He passes the textbook to the slightly shocked male standing next to him. 
“Wait, why me?”
“Cause you’re shockingly more of a pushover than Seokmin so, y’know. I like that about you.” 
The two continue to bicker as you peer up at Seokmin instead; shaking your head as Seokmin laughs. 
“Nice to meet you, partner.” 
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
my thoughts on fear street 1666 now that i finished scrubbing all the toilets, got to go home and watch it
holy shit. that movie. wow. 
it wasn’t as fun as the other two. didn’t employ the same campy tropes. didn’t present itself in a flourish of period typical style. while i enjoyed the first two films paying homage to classic horror tropes and making the most of the stylish side of their respective environments, i am v grateful and relieved that 1666 *wasn’t* as fun as the other two and actually presented the horror of puritan fanaticism and witch accusations more srsly. imo it portrayed that grave, twisting dread that the subject matter calls for. i appreciate that bc i think i would’ve been uncomfortable if they attempted to do smth more campy with the time period given what we already knew abt the circumstances of sarah’s death even before the film. 
more of me blathering on and on abt fear street 1666 under the cut: 
the twist actually worked on me this time. they actually got me on this one, u guys. i rly watched this franchise believing sarah fier was possessing ppl and wreaking her vengeance on the town, but this whole time it was the fuckin’ goodes. nick, i never liked u, i think ur more interesting than i did before before when u were a generic as generic gets asshole, so now ur somewhat more interesting but even bigger of an asshole than i gave u credit for. ur literally the worst asshole of assholes, ur a walking infected hemorrhoidal rectum of a human being. 
don’t get me wrong, i always thought sarah was going to be portrayed sympathetically. i never doubted that. my theory was that sarah was going to be a sympathetic villain. i thought 1666 would’ve revealed why she cursed shadyside. i figured she would’ve cursed her townsfolk for turning their backs on her, maybe, or hurting/killing hannah, or using her for her witchcraft and then getting angry if it backfired on them, or smth like that. i thought we were going to watch a story abt sarah’s descent into darkness and while she’d defo be a tragic villain, she rly would be the person behind the possessions...but it wasn’t even her. she and hannah were just vulnerable to the town’s suspicion and persecution bc they were queer women who didn’t behave the way society wanted them to behave. and they were blamed for evil actually wrought by heterosexual men in power, and when sarah realized there was no way out of it, she took the blame upon herself so hannah was spared and she cursed only the goode family?? 
THAT IS SO MUCH BETTER. FUCK. THAT IS SUCH A BETTER STORY. kudos to this trilogy for being more intelligent than it ever had to be, when it could’ve just skated on the notoriety of the fear street series, the style, and billing notable cast members. 
so yeh, i defo 100% appreciated the goode men from wealthy sunnyvale being revealed as the true villains. i actually got my wish of nick getting killed in the face. i love that sarah possessed deena to do it herself!!! and deena!! oh man, i love deena so much. she was wearing a homebrew vest to protect herself made of fear street novels + duct tape, u gotta love it. ig she wanted to prepare herself since sam stabbed her at the end of 1994. on that note, she’s v active in this film for someone who has a fresh abdominal stab wound and i mean, the situation defo calls for it, but i hope she remembered to properly dress it and take a couple ibuprofen or smth. shit, i’m gettin distracted again. okay!! 
i loved errything that went down in the mall. i adore that josh and adult ziggy got more time to shine. i was so! so! happy at martin’s inclusion on the action. he deserved that after the way nick treated him in 1994. our occupations are also p similar so i defo relate to martin on that front. i loved it all the neon and blacklight stuff at the mall. that part was v stylish, that was p cool. spraying the killers with the blood so they kill each other!! yes! that was perfect!! it was incredibly practical and enjoyable for me, as a gore fan, to watch. 
i liked the sticky note on the wall at the end from deena and josh’s dad, that he had a job interview. i wonder if this is bc the curse of shadyside has been lifted with the end of the goodes?? 
yk, i feel like now knowing what we know abt the actual evil, i gotta wonder how much re-watch value there is to be gleaned from this trilogy. for example, in 1978, nick liked ziggy and didn’t want her to die. he performed cpr on her even tho she’d been stabbed a fuck ton of times and tbvh, the chances of success of resuscitation depending on what exactly it is was ziggy succumbed to seem v slim. at first i attributed this to a suspension of disbelief bc this is fiction (and to be fair crazy do happen sometimes irl, ykw, sometimes reality can surprise u) BUT now i’m sittin here like...was the cpr successful bc nick’s deal with the devil gave him the power to do that?? did his bargaining of others’ souls and offering them up for possession grant him the ability to have some control in that situation somehow? at least more than a normal human being should?? idk. it’s a thought. 
what else, what else? 
i feel like outta the three, 1666 had the most tension overall. i was p gosh darn emo abt the relationships. deena and sam’s relationship i’ve cared abt since the beginning but the contrast of them getting the opportunity to have it and be together, in parallel to the way sarah and hannah’s ended just moves u. or, it moved me at least. sarah tells hannah they’ll go somewhere and kiss in broad daylight before kissing her in almost total darkness, and then the film ends on deena and sam kissing in the sun. i was also glad deena and josh’s sibling relationship got touched on a lil bit more. thought it was cute that she tried to cook for him and produced smth that just dead ass looks inedible. i also thought it was sweet that ziggy reunited with nurse lane. she can do that now, she can leave her house without fearing the return of the curse, and she deserves it. <3
i’m impressed with the trilogy overall. each movie easily could’ve been an r-rated goosebumps episode and imo all were certainly better than that. i feel like each film was better than the previous, but personally enjoyed each one. some things were p predictable but i think much of that is intentional. 1994 and 1978 were clearly paying homage to classic slashers and familiar horror tropes. i personally didn’t find the predictability off-putting bc i recognized what they were trying to do, and felt the quality in the other elements made up for it. i was genuinely shocked by the actual villain reveal, i personally didn’t predict that. again, i always thought sarah was going to be sympathetic and i never liked nick at all, but i didn’t suspect sarah was just. dead ass *not* going to be a villain or that he was going to be the big bad. 
really dug the style of these films. loved that we got an interracial lesbian couple who made it thru the trilogy without either the predatory lesbian trope or the byg trope happening. i liked most of the characters we got to know and the only character who *rly* grated on my nerves was the villain who got stabbed in the eye. 
gosh, i want more fear street movies!! if i had to pick one outta any of the slashers featured, i’d want to see ruby lane’s story. i would like to see this production team milking the most outta the environment in the 50s, the style of the 50s, music, and whatnot. i enjoyed nurse lane even tho she was super bad at murder, so it’d be cool to see her again and who she was before her daughter got possessed and killed 7 ppl. also, ruby sings when she kills?? 
that’s weird and creepy and neat. totally down for it. 
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atlabeth · 4 years
transferred part eleven - atla smau
masterlist | part ten | part twelve
there’s a time skip of about a month between this and the last chapter just so u know
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well.
a/n: i am so sorry this took so long to come out. i’ve been really unmotivated to write in general plus i’ve been super busy with school. i also have been hating everything i write lately i rewrote this like 4 times before i was okay with it lmao. also realizing that i might’ve channeled my stress over school into this chapter. manifesting a tea date w zuko
wc: 1.9k 
warning(s): cursing, pining, some very stressed out college kids, a painfully awkward zuko after a fun realization
perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
transferred taglist: @ourbestfriend-mishacollins @lil-lex1 @xxshad0wxb1rdxx @zuko-is-the-sun @akiris @irohs-teapot @thatarthistorynerd @charlenasaxen @minninugget @marvel-ousnesss @count-thotticus @what-ye-egg @furblrwurblr @thesstuff @mariachiii @ietss @dizzy-miss-lizzieeeeee @xbarrjallenx @tommy-braccoli @dreamsluvrr @floofybread @thelovelylolly @lin-biefong-is-my-life @tiffanyy-21 @sistheselenophile @theincredibledeadlyviper​ 
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“Take all the time you need, I can see that it’s a very busy day.” Your head shot up from below the counter when you heard the voice and a grin broke out on your face. 
“Zuko! What are you doing here?” You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as he smiled, which was something that seemed to occur every time you were around him. It wasn’t your fault he had a smile that could make anyone melt. 
“Zuko! What are you doing here?” You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as he smiled, which was something that seemed to occur every time you were around him. It wasn’t your fault he had a smile that could make anyone melt. 
“What, am I not allowed to just show up?” He joked as he pulled a chair out from a nearby table and sat down. 
“No, of course you are! This is actually the highlight of my day. It’s just, this is one of your rare days off, so I figured you would wanna spend it doing something better than, uh, coming to the place that you work.” You dropped the towel you had been using to clean on the counter and walked around the register, taking your own seat across from him and crossing one leg over the other. 
“Well.. you sounded really stressed in your texts, so I thought I would pay you a visit. It can’t be easy balancing all of your classes along with this job, and I figured I could try and help with some of that.” 
The grin from before came back and you rested your chin in the palm of your hand. “Zuko, that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. You didn’t have to come all the way here just to hang out with me when we live together.” 
He seemed taken aback by that, surprisingly so. “How? I mean, you had a boyfriend, right?” Thankfully, you missed him visibly cringing at his choice of words as you looked away and passed it off with a laugh that only sounded slightly strained. 
“Keyword is had. I don’t really wanna get into details, but there’s a reason we broke up.” You opened your mouth to say something else in an attempt of changing to subject to anything that wasn’t your failed love life when you heard a familiar voice behind you. 
“I see that my only working employee is taking a break after her break?” You turned your head in a flash and your eyes widened slightly when you saw it was the one responsible for paying your bills.
“Oh, Iroh! I am so, so sorry. Blame your nephew for distracting me on the clock.” You immediately jumped out of your chair as Iroh came out from the back and he simply shook his head, giving you and Zuko a warm smile. 
“Please, do not worry. This is actually for the two of you.” He set the tray with a teapot and two cups on your table and the calming scent of jasmine immediately washed over you.
“Are you sure? I mean, you’re practically paying me to do nothing right now,” you asked, hesitantly settling back in your seat. 
“I have complete faith that you will be able to handle anything that comes your way — today has been a slow day anyways, so you will be fine.” 
“Don’t even try to stop my uncle once he’s made up his mind about something,” Zuko chuckled. Iroh gave his nephew a knowing look that made him blush as he continued walking towards the door.
“Enjoy your date!” He called as he exited the store. Zuko’s face somehow turned an even brighter shade of red and you bit down the smile growing on your lips. You wouldn’t mind if this was a date, of course, but you knew it wasn’t. It was just one of your best friends coming in to see you to help you wade through the endless sea of stress you had found yourself lost in. Definitely not a date. 
“Y/N?” Zuko’s voice snapped you out of your pondering and you nodded with a small laugh. 
“Sorry, just got lost there for a second.” You picked up the teapot and poured a decent amount into both of your cups. “Y’know, I’ve actually started to like tea since I started working here,” you mused, taking a small sip of your own once you finished. “That might have something to do with the fact that we get a discount, but you’d be amazed at the things I’ve grown to like just because they’re cheap.” 
Zuko responded with a laugh of his own, and from there, conversation flowed easily. You weren’t even aware of how much time had passed as the two of you traded stories — your classes, events from your childhoods, your high school experiences — about anything and everything. Your stress melted away a little bit more with each shared anecdote and cup of tea. 
You found yourself enthralled with everything Zuko said — it wasn’t so much the material as much as the way he just… was. The way his eyes sparkled when he talked about his passions, how he tapped his fingers against the ceramic cup when he got excited, and of course, that smile that made you melt. You hung onto every word he said, but you enjoyed him simply being there just as much, if not more. 
And as Zuko watched you talk animatedly, barely able to get through the story you were trying to tell without laughing every other word, he knew that he would do anything to keep that smile on your face. The million dollar smile that lit up every room you walked into and made his heart burst at the seams every time without fail. He wanted you to see yourself the way he saw you, and he would do anything to make you happy. 
It was at that moment that Zuko realized that he was crushing on his best friend’s sister. Hard. 
“Shit,” he muttered. Your story grinded to a halt, exaggerated hand gestures frozen in the air, as you fixed him with a questioning look. 
“Did you say something?”
“No, no— Just- it was nothing. Keep going,” he gave an encouraging smile and nodded for you to continue, which you happily obliged. 
“So, anyways, that was how my lab partner asking a question led to us setting our entire experiment on fire,” you finished with a chuckle. You hit your hands against the table a few times then stood up. “Thank you for this Zuko, really. I wish we could just stay here talking, but I’m not getting paid to do nothing. I gotta get back to work.” 
You waited for a response, but the faraway look in his eyes once again signalled that he wasn’t paying attention. You sighed and snapped your fingers in front of his face, and that seemed to get him out of his stupor. “Hello? Earth to Zuko? 
He blinked a couple times and you let your hand fall to the table, concern flickering across your face for a second. “Sorry! Just.. thinking.” 
“About what?” 
“Classes,” he blurted after a too-long pause. 
You could tell that he was hiding something — throughout your time spent together, you had picked up on how he would always pick at the skin on his right thumb whenever he was nervous — but you didn’t want to push him. 
“I take offense to that, Zuko. You think that your classes are more important than my very entertaining story about my chem lab, I’m just- I’m heartbroken,” you snickered. “I was just telling you that I enjoyed this, and I really appreciate the break, but I actually have to get back to what I’m being paid to do.”
“Right! I, uh- have to get to those.. classes I was talking about.” He laughed nervously and stood up as well, and the two of you bumped heads as you both reached for the tea tray in the middle. 
You let out an exasperated laugh and backed up, rubbing the heel of your hand against your forehead. “Zuko, please! This is my job, let me do this, okay?”
He opened his mouth and closed it a few times, looking like a fish out of water, as he stared at you with wide eyes. You nodded expectantly and raised your eyebrows and he was finally able to get something out. “Uh- right.” 
You chuckled as you picked up the tray and set the cups on it as well, but it was more than a touch concerned. “Is.. everything okay?” You asked, casting a glance back at him once you reached the register again. “Because I don’t mean to overstep, but you’ve been acting strange ever since I started talking about chemistry. Do you have a thing against molecules or something?” 
“Oh, no—it’s nothing you did! And I don’t have anything against chemistry,” he laughed. “I just.. I have a lot on my mind.” Zuko paused, letting his words linger in the air and causing more than a few questions to pop up in your head, but he broke the silence before you could ask. “I really enjoyed this, though.”
“Well, if you ever wanna talk about that stuff on your mind, then you know I’m here,” you smiled. “I had a great time too. And honestly, Zuko, you might be the only thing getting me through this week.” 
“Well, I’m happy to be of service,” he said, returning your smile. “Do you need me to pick you up after your shift?”
“That’s so sweet of you, but I can just catch a ride with Jin. She works at the dress shop across the street, and she actually lives pretty close to us!” You saw the slightest glimpse of disappointment flicker through his eyes and you stumbled over your words trying to explain. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy your company! I mean, obviously I do, we just talked for like, three hours— it’s just she offered, and I didn’t want to say no, plus she’s in my bio class, so I thought it would be good to get to know her—”
“Y/N, you don’t have to explain yourself to me,” he interrupted with a light laugh. “I don’t mind. I just wanted to make sure that you weren’t trying to get out of it because you didn’t want to make me feel bad or something. I know I’ve told you a million times, but I really don’t mind. You make my mornings brighter.” 
You averted your gaze with a small smile as you felt your cheeks heat up, and you bounced on the balls of your feet. “Cool. I’ll see you when I get home then?” 
“Yeah. Good luck with the rest of your shift, Y/N. I’m glad I could help with some of your stress.” The two of you exchanged waves and then Zuko was on his way. As soon as he left the shop you deflated and leaned against the counter, shaking your head and muttering to yourself. That man didn’t even know the effect he had on you. 
The rest of your shift went by much, much slower than your time with Zuko, but the conversations the two of you had during your break kept buzzing around in your head. And though things had started picking up with customers coming in for their lunch breaks or for a quick tea stop, making a lot of extra work for you, a small smile stayed on your lips for the rest of the day. And it was all thanks to Zuko. 
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rkived · 4 years
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↳ PAIRING: dad!jk/married!jk/bff!jk x reader 
↳ GENRE/TAGS: f2l, angst, unrequited feelings, cheating, future smut
↳ WARNINGS: (for this chapter) time jumps, mention of divorce, blood mention ((but like nothing serious)), forced kisses, just sad stuff like this is sad guys lol
↳ WORD COUNT: 8.6k
↳ EXCERPT: ‘‘Jungkook doesn’t want to think this is the end, maybe it’s that stupid voice inside his head that always holds on to things that he knows he should let go of. But he can’t just let go of this and move on. He doesn’t remember what life was like before you and he sure as hell does not want to know what it’ll be like without you.’’
↳ A/N: getting this chapter out has been ((a pain in the ass)) tough !! & cp was supposed to end with this chapter but that was not realistic at all lmao but i do hope u like this n i’ll try to get pt4 quickly as possible <3 thx
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 
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‘‘Okay everyone, let’s switch to the upward facing dog!’’
You really don’t want to be here. There’s a lot of stuff running through your head right now that are more important than focusing on yoga positions. You wish you were thinking about grocery shopping or paying that month’s bills. 
Instead, you’re still stuck on the downward facing dog as your mind tells you you’re an idiot, a homewrecker and most importantly, a terrible friend. 
‘‘Y/N, upward facing dog!’’ The instructor, Namjoon, reminds you with a gentle smile as he notices you haven’t switched positions like the rest of the class. You nod and smoothly place your body as he had taught in the classes before.
The only reason why you came to your Saturday morning yoga class was because even with all that happened last night, you wanted to feel a sense of normality. Like you’re capable of going on about your life like nothing had happened.
That’s selfish and stupid because as much as you tried, every single moment since you woke up revolved around last night.
From the moment you opened your eyes, noticing Sunhi wasn’t sleeping next to you, snuggled into your chest like you had last remembered her to be before she fell asleep and you following soon after. 
And as your heart beat faster at the thought of finding her in her dad’s arms instead, watching Saturday morning cartoons on the T.V in your living room; you instead found the place neat and tidy. The messy pillows on your couch where placed like they hadn’t even been moved to begin with, like no one besides you had been in the apartment the night before. 
Somehow he managed to do all of this without you even noticing. You wondered at what time he woke up, cleaned up, took Sunhi without making any fuss and left, all before your 7 AM alarm could wake you up.
He even made you breakfast too. Some eggs, bacon and toast. 
‘‘Y/N, your legs are touching the mat.’’ Namjoon notes as he stands in front of you, ‘‘Let’s focus, okay?’’
You nod once again, though this time a little more embarrassed. If only you could explain to your instructor why you’re so distracted. 
No messages either. No text explaining why he had to leave so early. No sticky note placed on your fridge door about how he made you breakfast. No slight shake to your sleeping body to let you know that he’d be taking Sunhi. Nothing. 
Would’ve you liked that, though? 
You could say yes because he’s your friend and it’s only fair since you took care of his daughter the night before. 
But it’s not right, because friends don’t kiss each other, let alone the way you had let him kiss you and touch you while his daughter slept in your room and his wife waited for both of them at home.
There was a war going on inside you between your brain and your heart. 
Your heart, being a weak ass bitch, was telling you about how exciting everything was. How nice it felt to have Jungkook tell you that he wanted to be with you, that he no longer felt happy with his wife, how perfectly his lips encaptured your own and how you could still feel them on you. 
But your brain, obviously being the logical one between the two, reminded you about how wrong it was. You had never wanted to be placed in a position of being ‘‘the other woman’’. That even though you might not like Jiwoo and had spent years hoping your friend would someday wake up and realize this too, this didn’t feel right. 
‘‘Alright, let’s drink some water now.’’ Namjoon announces, clasping his hands together and showing off that dimple that most ─if not all─ of the students went heart eyes over. 
You take the time to check your phone instead, you don’t need the water because you didn’t do shit anyway. There’s no text from Minji, who you’re scared will somehow, by the grace of everything that’s holy, find out about what you did. No text from Jungkook either and you’re wondering why he hasn’t bothered to send one. 
Instead, there’s a text from Taehyung and you mutter a curse. 
[8:34 AM] Taehyung: hey y/n! i’m sure you’re in your yoga class rn but i wanted to see if maybe you’d be up for lunch at my place? i’ll try and cook something nice :) 
Ah, of course that throughout all of this you forgot about Taehyung. 
The sweet guy who had stuck around only for you to pay him back by kissing your best friend, the one Taehyung had to pretend wasn’t bothered by his interruption that night a few weeks ago. 
God, you do have a way to fuck things up for yourself. 
You don’t know how long you stood there thinking what to reply to him, but it definitely was for a few minutes because you only came back to reality once you heard your name being called once by the instructor.
‘‘Y/N,’’ Namjoon repeats and you look over at him with a puzzled look, ‘‘we’re starting again, if you’d like to join us.’’ There’s that smile again. Bless his patience, you wonder if he’s actually this calm because of yoga or he’s just really good at pretending. 
You look back down at your phone, the screen displaying a text that’s still waiting to be replied to. 
‘‘I uhm─I gotta go, sorry.’’ You quickly reply, making Namjoon look at you with wide eyes, but he makes no effort to stop you either. 
And as quickly as you can, you collect your belongings before you’re heading out the door without saying goodbye. 
Either you quit yoga altogether or just apologize to Namjoon like a grownup next Saturday. Whatever it is, you’re not thinking about what decision to make about your little extracurricular right now. 
There’s only so much you can handle at a time.
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Jungkook is lucky that Jiwoo works Saturday mornings because with her away, he’s able to enter his house without having to sneak in. 
He opens the door wide, making way for him and a slightly awake Sunhi in his arms. He drops the keys on the counter without caring about the noise it makes. He doesn’t even have to pretend like he’s walking on glass, his boots are allowed to hit the wooden floor without a care in the world. 
The place doesn’t look much different from what he had left it like the day before. There’s only a dirty glass on the sink, a product of Jiwoo’s daily breakfast smoothies and since she’s always in a rush she never has time to clean it up. 
‘‘Are you still sleepy, pumpkin?’’ he quietly asks his daughter and she nods, he doesn’t blame her since he’s the one who woke her up at 6 AM. ‘‘Alright, I’ll take you to your bed,” he says, a kiss on her head following shortly after. 
He wonders if Jiwoo enjoyed herself last night. No daughter and no husband, sounds like an ideal night for her. It’s not like she was worried about their whereabouts either, considering she hadn’t even bothered to text him wondering why they hadn’t come home. 
If Jungkook’s supposed to feel guilty, he isn’t. 
He’s heard stories before about how there’s a voice in your head constantly reminding you about what you did and how wrong it is. That he’ll be unable to sleep knowing he cheated on his wife while she lies next to him. That he won’t be able to look at her again without feeling remorse all over him.
And when Jiwoo returns home at noon, there’s none of that at all. He offers her a nod of acknowledgement once she enters the living room to find him sitting with his laptop, watching through old videos that he took years back. 
She puts her index finger up, telling him to give her a minute. She’s on a phone call with a friend of hers that Jungkook can only conclude is Hyeri, who he probably met at some point but can’t remember what her face looked like. 
‘‘I know! Like, why do you have to be such a bitch about it? We get that you’re sucking the boss’s dick in private, so you might as well─’’
Jiwoo’s voice is too distracting and so, Jungkook places his earphones in to hear what this video’s audio is about. Once he does, he hits play and the audio is loud enough to drown out Jiwoo’s whining. 
‘‘Guess who came to see you, Pumpkin?’’ 
Jungkook gasps as he remembers this was part of a series of videos he was supposed to show Sunhi once she was old enough to understand them. He recorded a few until he was drowning in work to even grab his camera again. It saddens him that he wasn’t able to continue.
He decides he’ll show them to her later because right now Sunhi is too busy playing with her dolls inside her room to even pay attention to him.
‘‘It’s auntie Y/N! And she came bearing gifts,’’ Jungkook smiles, switching the focus on you ‘‘is that a Fisher Price Taco Tuesday toy set that I see?’’ he wonders in a fake curious tone as you look at him with narrowed eyes ‘‘I wonder how she knew you wanted that, Sunhi. It’s not like your dad had it on his Amazon wishlist or anything.’’
‘‘Very funny.’’ You mumble, handing him the toys so you could go ahead and grab a tiny three-month-old Sunhi from the bed ‘‘Aren’t you the cutest little bean in this entire world? Aren’t you?’’ you coo at the little girl, who looks at you with wide eyes and you’re forced to blink a couple of times because she looks just like him. 
‘‘Of course she is, she’s my spitting image!’’ Jungkook confirms your thought as he grabs Sunhi’s cheek gently with his fingers and squeezes, making the baby giggle.
You side-eye him and then focus your attention back on the baby in your hands, ‘‘No, you’re not, Sunhi. Your daddy is not cute at all.’’ 
‘‘You’re gonna make me put this camera down and have a discussion about this.’’ 
Jungkook chuckles at the footage, noticing how he made you smile because of his comment. The video isn’t long, it’s mostly you cooing to a then tiny Sunhi, giggling at the way you would nuzzle your nose into her belly as Jungkook laughed behind the camera. 
‘‘Jungkook, look at her!’’ You practically squeal as Sunhi grabs your thumb with her little hand ‘‘Oh my gosh, I think I’m gonna cry.’’ 
He laughs as he does a close-up of his daughter holding on to your finger, until he hears the little sniffle you let out and the camera is now focused on you silently wiping a tear away. 
‘‘Wait, you’re actually crying?’’ Jungkook asks in disbelief and you turn to look at him to find the lens focused on you ‘‘Sunhi, you’re Auntie Y/N loves you so much that she’s crying! How cute.’’ 
‘‘You’re so dumb, seriously.’’ you mumble with a frown, going back to gawking at the baby still holding on to your thumb. 
Jungkook sighs, ‘‘I’m gonna have to bleep that out, y’know?’’
You laugh and shrug your shoulders, caressing Sunhi’s stomach. Jungkook whispers ‘cute’, so soft that you’re unable to hear it.
Once it ends, Jungkook is able to see his smiling face as it reflects on the black screen and it’s only then he realized he’d been grinning the whole time. Now his ears are filled with Jiwoo talking over the phone and his smile goes back to a straight line. 
Jungkook closes the video and clicks on the next one, hoping that it’s one that involves you as well. He’s unable to press play because Jiwoo is suddenly standing in front of him, arms crossed and she’s no longer talking on her phone. 
‘‘Yes?’’ He asks, removing an earbud to show her she has his full attention.
‘‘So, where were you last night?’’ 
Jungkook’s slightly surprised that she cares. He tends to forget there’s still some humanity left in her after all, ‘‘At Y/N’s.’’ he answers with a shrug, eyes going back to stare at the screen of his laptop. 
Jiwoo scoffs and he’s forced to look at her again, eyebrow slightly raised. He hopes she doesn’t start because it’s too early and it’s a Saturday. But Jiwoo doesn’t like taking breaks like he does.
‘‘I thought you said that she wasn’t going to be able to take care of Sunhi on Fridays.’’ There’s bitterness in her tone, ‘‘so, what were you doing there?’’ 
Jungkook understands where Jiwoo’s curiosity comes from, but it’s strange. She’s never been the type to ask where he’s been, what he’s doing with Sunhi while she’s not around ─which is practically all the time─ and doesn’t care for your business either. 
‘‘I just stopped by.’’ Jungkook mutters, stroking the nape of his neck in an attempt to not seem suspicious, ‘‘We hung out and Sunhi fell asleep, she didn’t wanna come back home.’’ 
And that’s true, Jiwoo narrows her eyes at him as if she’s debating whether or not to believe him and the excuse of their sleeping daughter. She doesn’t know Sunhi that well to conclude if it’s possible or not. 
‘‘And what, did you all three sleep together in the same bed? Playing family, maybe?’’ 
Jungkook looks at her in disbelief. This is a first. 
‘‘What?’’ Is all he’s able to muster because he’s genuinely shocked at her accusation. 
Jiwoo rolls her eyes, ‘‘Oh, please. Like I’m going to buy that hanging out bullshit.’’ Jungkook looks like a deer stuck in headlights and she chuckles, ‘‘Is what I give to you not enough?’’ 
‘‘I─what are you on about?’’ 
He figures this is her picking a fight because he wasn’t around yesterday to attend her needs like he usually does every Friday night. But Jungkook’s mind is quick to remind him of what he did and it’d be really ironic if he denies Jiwoo’s accusations, that for the first time are actually true. 
‘‘I carried around that girl for nine months, ruined my body because of her, all for you to pick someone else over me?’’ Jiwoo’s voice is raised a little higher and Jungkook can’t help but look over at Sunhi’s bedroom door and hope his daughter is not listening to anything coming from the living room. ‘‘I knew I should’ve never trusted her, I always knew your friendship with her was fucking weird.’’
Jungkook doesn’t want to raise his voice either. It’s not going to get them anywhere. But he can’t stand the way she’s speaking about his daughter and you, she’s never crossed those boundaries before. 
‘‘Are you insane? How can you talk about your daughter like she’s nothing?’’ Jungkook spats out, ‘‘I’ve always been thankful for what you did, I know the shit you went through to bring her into this world.’’ 
But Jiwoo doesn’t care about how loud she’s being, ‘‘You’re so thankful you pay me back by fucking your best friend? While I’m alone over here waiting for you to come back?’’
Jungkook has to take a deep breath and close his eyes for a second, before he loses it. 
He clears his throat, ‘‘Jiwoo, I have always chosen you. Always. I did back when I was a sophomore, I did it when I asked you to marry me, and I did it when I chose you to be the mother of my children. So, I don’t know what─’’
‘‘I don’t give a flying fuck if you chose me! I was supposed to be all of that either way, Jungkook.’’ She interjects.
Was she, though? Of course, she was his girlfriend then. It would make sense that she’d be the one to end up marrying him, having his kids and living the happy life everyone guaranteed he’d live alongside her. 
But he hasn’t been thinking about the choices he ended up taking back then. Instead, he’s been wondering about the ‘what if’s and Jiwoo isn’t in any of them. 
Jungkook’s been daydreaming for months now about how different his life would’ve turned out if he had never asked the pretty girl in his class all those years back and instead had focused his attention somewhere else. Or someone else.. 
‘‘Are you going to answer me?’’ Jiwoo’s stern voice brings him back to the reality he hates, ‘‘Were you going to pick me or was I a second choice?’’ She slowly asks, giving him an opportunity to digest every single word she spoke. 
‘‘You weren’t a second choice,’’ he mumbles and his gaze has faltered and instead focused back on the screen of his laptop. Clicking on a video randomly, trying to distract himself from the situation at hand. Hoping that whatever he says is enough for Jiwoo to leave him alone. 
It doesn’t help that the video automatically plays and it’s you on the first frame, a big smile as you hold Sunhi towards the camera, making her wiggle in your arms. 
What if. 
‘‘Show me that you love me, then.’’
The video still plays as Jungkook looks back at Jiwoo standing right in front of him, her arms are still crossed, but the look on her face is different. Her brows are no longer furrowed and Jungkook might be wrong, but he thinks her eyes look glossy. 
He doesn’t act quickly enough and she takes the laptop from him, closing it before she can even notice what is it that has garnered his attention. Jiwoo straddles his lap and he jumps slightly at the action, placing her arms around his neck as she looks at him with innocent eyes. 
If he didn’t know her, he would’ve believed them. 
‘‘Jiwoo, let’s not─’’ 
‘‘I missed you yesterday,’’ she interjects in a whisper ‘‘show me that you love me right now.’’ 
Her lips latch onto his neck, biting and sucking on the skin as he tries to wriggle himself out of her hold, but her hands push at his chest so he can stay still. 
‘‘C’mon,’’ she mumbles ‘‘show me.’’ She’s pleading by then.
He feels nothing. There’s no electricity in Jiwoo’s kisses. No tingles on his back, no goosebumps on his skin, no fireworks going off. If anything, everytime her lips meet his skin it feels bitter, like they don’t belong there at all. 
‘‘Daddy, come please!’’ The muffled voice of Sunhi inside her room interrupts the one-sided moment and Jungkook is silently thanking her. 
Jiwoo doesn’t make an effort to move as she keeps kissing on all the exposed skin he has to offer. Jungkook sighs in frustration as he forces her off him, making her land beside him with an astonished expression.
Her hands tighten into fists as she looks at him like he’s gone insane, ‘‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’’ She asks in disbelief.
Jungkook blinks, ‘‘Did you─?’’ He gestures with his finger over to his daughter’s room, ‘‘Sunhi is calling me.’’ 
His wife scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest again, ‘‘Of course, you always go running when it comes to her.’’ 
Contrary to his belief, there is no humanity left in Jiwoo at all. She’s just really good at pretending like she cares so she can get her way. This is the last time Jungkook falls for this trick.
Jungkook opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. He repeats this action a few times, to stammer something out. Anything. But there’s nothing besides the expecting silence of his wife as she chuckles incredulously. Jungkook ignores this and turns around, a second away from opening Sunhi’s bedroom door─
‘‘You’re a waste of a husband.’’ Jiwoo sneered. 
His hand drops from the door handle and he sighs, taking a deep breath in and out.
He looks back at her, ‘‘You know what, Jiwoo? I wasn’t lying when I said you weren’t my second choice.’’ he informs and her eyebrow raises up ‘‘But you aren’t my first choice now either.’’
Jiwoo scowls and heaves in anger, ready to let hell loose on him ‘‘I knew that who─’’
‘‘It’s Sunhi,’’ he states and Jiwoo closes her mouth before she can even finish her sentence. ‘‘Ever since I knew you were pregnant with her, she’s been at the top of my list and she’ll always be there. I don’t care what you do or say to me, I really don’t. You don’t love me, Jiwoo.’’
At the accusation, her eyes soften and she’s standing up to argue that it’s not true, but Jungkook raises his hand in a motion to stop her. 
‘‘You don’t love me and I don’t love you.’’ 
Jungkook expected her to start yelling at him like she usually did, but Jiwoo’s rendered speechless on her spot as she stares at him, blinking rapidly. 
‘‘I don’t love you,’’ he repeats ‘‘and I haven’t loved you for a while now. I don’t remember the last time my heart raced up when I saw you or when I stopped enjoying kissing you. And I’m sorry, because I should’ve told you instead of pretending like I did.’’ 
Jiwoo’s motionless as she takes all of his words in. 
‘‘But I did it for her because I didn’t want her to hate me if you ever left. But that was a dumb idea because you don’t care about Sunhi. And frankly, I doubt she cares about you either. She never speaks about you, never asks about you, she’s used to you not being here even if you sort of are.’’ 
Jungkook places his hand over the doorknob once again and Jiwoo grimaces.
‘‘I should’ve never begged you to come back. I should’ve thought about what you wanted and it’s always been clear to me what that is,’’ Jungkook swallows the knot he feels in his throat ‘‘and it’s never been Sunhi or me.’’
He thinks she’s about to tell him how sorry she is. That she’ll recognize how heartless she’s been and how she not only failed him, but failed their daughter too. Maybe beg for a final try at their relationship as she promises she’ll change this time. 
Jungkook hums and spares her one last glance.
Jiwoo has a stoic expression on her face and she speaks under her breath, but clear enough for him to hear, ‘‘Sign the papers when you get them.’’
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You expect Minji to just jump at you any minute now because if looks could kill, you’d be dead already. Maybe you should’ve pretended like you weren’t home and let Minji knock on your door until she’d give up, but even you knew better than that. 
It was better to face her now than to deal with her accumulated wrath later.
‘‘When were you going to tell me?’’ She suddenly asks and it takes you by surprise because it had been way too silent since you had let her in.
Minji works like a predator, she attacks when you least expect it and right now you definitely feel like you’re about to be eaten. 
She sighs and you can see the disappointment in her face, ‘‘Were you going to tell me at all?’’ 
You nod instead, not trusting yourself enough to speak at the moment. 
It had been a week since the event in your living room and it makes you shift uncomfortably in your chair as you stare at your friend, who’s sitting on the couch where everything went down. 
‘‘Then why did I have to find out through Taehyung?’’ She asks in a disappointed tone. 
You figured he’d tell her. It’s not like you asked him not to do so, but you had silently prayed that the universe was on your side on this one and by some unknown reason they wouldn’t bump into each other at work and Minji, like she usually did, wouldn’t ask him about you. Because if she did, then he’d have to explain how you had broken the news that you had made out with your best friend; the one Minji despised with her soul. 
A sigh escapes your lips as you lower your head with shame.
You were supposed to tell her, but every time you took your phone and tried to dial or text her, your nerves got the best of you and ended up chickening out, promising that you’d do it the next day. Then the next day. And the next day. 
It’s not like you’re scared of Minji─well, maybe only slightly. But you know the effort she put into getting you to go out and meet someone new, someone that’s not married and not a father. She’s known Taehyung for so long, probably even told him how much of a good girl you were to convince him to take you out, only for you to end up throwing all of that in the trash like it was nothing. 
Minji’s also spent years pushing you to move on from your friendship with Jungkook. Not just because she doesn’t like him, but because she’s always felt like he’s held you back while he’s made his way in life. You’ve stuck behind him making sure that he’s okay and happy, forgetting about yourself in the process. 
‘‘I’m not angry at you,’’ she speaks softly, making you look up at her with surprise. ‘‘I just─He gave you a second chance, Y/N. Why did you say no?’’ Her words are laced with curiosity and you know that she’s asking because even Taehyung wasn’t able to give her an answer to this question. 
Your bottom lip trembles and you’re trying your hardest not to burst into tears in front of him. You can’t and you won’t. How even dare you to do that? 
‘‘I’m sorry,’’ you whisper and your eyes shift down to the wooden floor of his apartment. ‘‘I’m sorry, Taehyung.’’ You repeat, knowing it’s not enough.
Taehyung gulps and his crossed arms quickly fall to his sides as he realizes that, whatever anger he felt when you told him about what you did, was no longer there the moment he saw how genuinely apologetic you looked. 
‘‘I’m an idiot, I know.’’ You continue, rubbing your clammy hands into the material of your leggings and it does nothing to dry them. ‘‘I’m sorry, Taehyung.’’
He knows he shouldn't be so easily swayed by your apology, but he can’t help but want to cradle you in his arms. And when he does, your eyebrows raise in surprise as you gasp because you weren’t expecting this. 
You expected anger, insults thrown out about how you’re a slut and being kicked out of his apartment with him telling you to never contact him again. 
Taehyung’s still sweet even when his heart is getting broken. 
‘‘It’s okay,’’ he whispers into your hair as one of his hands runs up and down your back ‘‘we can work this out, yeah?’’ 
You bite the tip of your tongue as you take his words in, feeling your heart speeding up even faster than what it was when you spilled everything out on him. Maybe you would’ve preferred him getting angry than his current reaction.
‘‘It’s not like we were exclusive, right?’’ Taehyung chuckles, but it feels like he’s convincing himself that that was the reason as to why it happened. ‘‘Let’s forget it, seriously.’’
A shaky sigh comes out of your mouth as your arms, that hadn’t reciprocated his hug, gain the strength to separate yourself from him. He looks taken aback, but he’s waiting for you to reply in agreement because, yes, you could work this out if you try hard enough. 
But that’s not realistic. Pretending like you never kissed Jungkook is not realistic at all, because it’s sad to admit that you won’t be able to kiss Taehyung again without thinking about your best friend in the back of your head as you’re reminded that not only did you let him kiss you, but you reciprocated and not only did you reciprocate, but you liked it a little too much. 
‘‘Y/N,’’ he speaks up, snapping you from your thoughts,‘‘please, let’s just try.’’ He silently asks─no, begs. 
The barking of his dog, Yeontan, startles you as you come to stare at the little dog at the feet of his owner, who at the moment isn’t interested to see what he wants. You never told Taehyung, but the teacup pomeranian was extremely overprotective of him. 
He’s barking at you like you’re hurting his owner and maybe you aren’t physically doing any damage, but you know that you’re about to break his heart all over again.
‘‘I-I…,’’ you blink as you try to focus on the man in front of you and not the dog on the ground, ‘‘I’m sorry, I can’t.’’ 
Yeontan’s barks increase and Taehyung is at a loss for words to beg you to stay and talk things through. You can still hear the dog’s incessant barking as you make your way down the hall and that’s when the tears you were holding finally fall down. 
‘‘Taehyung’s a nice guy, Y/N. He forgave you and you just left?’’ Minji asks, disbelief in her tone. ‘‘I thought you liked him.’’
‘‘I do!’’ You finally speak up. You’re sure of it, you like Taehyung. Your friend gives you a puzzled look because she really can’t understand you right now. ‘‘I like Taehyung, I really do,’’ you mutter, ‘‘but it’s not fair to him.’’ 
Minji scrunches her face up because there’s only one reason you’re thinking that way. She’s tired of this narrative, it’s old and overdone and it should’ve ended years ago.
She lets out a breathless chuckle, ‘‘You love him, don’t you?’’ Another question that takes you by surprise.
‘‘No, I just─’’
Minji holds her finger up, interrupting you, ‘‘I’m talking about Jungkook.’’ 
This is the attack. Not the other questions she had asked you regarding her old family friend. Not the unannounced arrival to your apartment on an uneventful Saturday morning where you had chosen to stay in bed instead of facing the peaceful yoga instructor. Not the glaring looks she had been giving you for the last minutes.
And if you weren’t ready for any of those, this one definitely takes the prize. 
‘‘I-I of course I love him,’’ you mumble, ‘‘he’s my friend.’’
Minji smirks as her eyebrows raise, ‘‘No, I’m asking if you’re in love him.’’ 
You’re sure that the feelings that you’ve had for Jungkook have always been platonic. You do love him because he’s your friend and you’re supposed to love your friends. But you know that the love that you have for him is very different from the one you have for anyone else. It might be the history between you two. You’ve been with him through it all, cheering from the sidelines as he accomplishes one milestone after the other. 
‘‘Be honest with me,’’ Minji demands, ‘‘are you in love with Jungkook?’’ she asks once again.
Your eyes well up and your bottom lip is trembling as you look back at your intimidating best friend because your silence is deafening and you’re expecting her to throw the last blow. You think you deserve it. Minji has so much she wants to say, but you look so dejected and she figures that you might’ve just realized it. 
‘‘Hey, it’s okay.’’ She comes up to you quickly, crouching down as she looks up at the tears rolling down your reddened cheeks. ‘‘Y/N, it’s okay.’’ 
You’ve been trying to tell yourself the same thing the past few days. 
It’s okay that you kissed your best friend. It’s okay that you’ve slowly and silently started harbouring feelings for him. It’s okay that you just realized you’ve been in love with him for a while now. It’s okay that you’ve been resenting the fact that he didn’t choose you all those years ago. It’s okay that you take care of and love his daughter like she’s yours. 
‘‘No, it’s not.’’ You cry, ‘‘I can’t do that, Minji, he’s not mine to have.’’ 
Your mind quickly brings you back to the harsh reality, which is that Jungkook will never be yours. He probably only kissed you because he was looking for something that was capable of exciting him again after realizing how bored of his marriage he is. He doesn’t love you like that, he’ll never love you like that.
Minji can’t disagree with what you just said, but she also feels like right now is not the time to make you feel even worse when it’s obvious you’re already there. 
‘‘I blocked his number, anyway.’’ You mumble out, wiping away your tears. 
Your friend’s eyes widened at the revelation, ‘‘What?’’. 
‘‘I freaked out after I talked to Taehyung because I felt so guilty and you know how I don’t know how to deal with shit ever, so I just─’’ You stop yourself from rambling and sigh as you feel Minji’s hand squeezing your knee as a sign of comfort, ‘‘I can’t see him again without thinking about it. I can’t take care of Sunhi knowing he’s going home to sleep with Jiwoo. I just can’t keep pretending anymore.’’ 
Minji can’t do much after that, you’ve become a sobbing mess and the tears seem unstoppable. She’s never seen you like this and it dawns on her that you’ve held all of this in for way too long. 
It’s ironic because she’s always told you that you need space from Jungkook, thinking it’d be good for you to finally realize that you’re not part of his list of priorities anymore and hadn’t been for a long time. 
But she hadn’t taken into account what the after effects of not having him in your life anymore would look like.
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[12:03 PM] Jeon Jungkook: hi y/n 
{Error: Undelivered!} 
[12:04 PM] Jeon Jungkook: hey???
{Error: Undelivered!}
[12:07 PM] Jeon Jungkook: i wanted to see if you’d like to meet up for lunch one of these days? i feel like we need to talk 
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[5:13 PM] Jeon Jungkook: does this work now??
{Error: Undelivered!}
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Jungkook groans in annoyance as he finds another one of his texts left undelivered. It feels like life is either against him or doing this for his own good. 
Nonetheless, he wants to talk to you because it’s been a few days since he last saw and heard from you. He figures you’re mad, the last words you spoke to him didn’t sound friendly at all and he wonders if maybe leaving without saying goodbye that day was the right thing to do. 
The small snores coming from beside him make him realize Sunhi is finally asleep and he can’t help but let out a sigh of disappointment as he watches her curl into a fetal like position, clutching her Dumbo plush toy and slightly drooling into his favorite pillow, making him pout because he knows he won’t be able to pry it away from her when he decides to fall asleep too. 
Sunhi being fast asleep is supposed to bring peace to Jungkook’s tiring day, though the silence is extremely uncomfortable and these days he’s come to realize how much he rather have his daughter running around and yelling in excitement than this.
Complete and utter silence.
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[7:13 PM] Jeon Jungkook: (1.jpg attached) sunhi misses auntie y/n!! she’s been asking me about you a lot 
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[7:15 PM] Jeon Jungkook: i miss auntie y/n more tho…
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[7:17 PM] Jeon Jungkook: i hope ur alright :)
{Error: Undelivered!}
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‘‘Pumpkin, you can stop smiling already.’’ Jungkook chuckles as he looks up from his phone, noticing his daughter still holding the big smile he had given him when he requested to take a picture of her to send to you. ‘‘I already sent the picture to Auntie Y/N.’’ He informs and she sighs with relief, massaging her cheeks from straining them too hard.
Though his eyebrows furrow, noticing his messages have once again been left undelivered. He makes a mental note to call the phone company soon, because it’s been over a week since he last sent the first messages and those remained in the same state as well. 
‘‘Daddy, unpause!’’ Sunhi demands, making him realize that he’s in the middle of showing her his favorite Pixar movie, Cars. 
Twenty minutes had passed and for a majority of them Sunhi had only watched attentively and Jungkook looked over at her every other second just to make sure she hadn’t fallen asleep. Warmness spread throughout him as he noticed his daughter looking at the screen with those big doe eyes she had inherited from him. 
Once the scene where Sally shows Lightning McQueen around Radiator Springs, Jungkook feels a tug at his sweatshirt and looks down to notice Sunhi’s little hand grabbing at the fabric, her eyes are still glued to the screen.
“Auntie Y/N likes this too?” She asks and Jungkook chuckles because his daughter can’t stop thinking about his friend even when doing anything completely unrelated to you.
Maybe that’s another thing she inherited as well.
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[7:03 PM] Jeon Jungkook: so i called my phone company and asked them abt why my messages aren’t being delivered and they said that you must’ve blocked me
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[7:04 PM] Jeon Jungkook: yeah i guess you did
{Error: Undelivered!}
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Jungkook’s mind has gone blank ever since he got off the phone with the cellphone company. 
The idea that you might’ve blocked his number had not once crossed his mind during the weeks of undelivered texts and phone calls sent straight to voicemail. It was obvious, but he didn’t think you’d be capable of doing it. 
He wanted it to be a network issue or something else that he could put blame on instead of facing the realization that you had shut him out from your life. And that thought hurt, no─stung him. 
The worst part is that he knows he deserves it. It was foolish of him to think that you had enjoyed the kiss too. Dumb enough to believe that you might’ve reciprocated the way he felt. 
Jungkook doesn’t want to think this is the end, maybe it’s that stupid voice inside his head that always holds on to things that he knows he should let go of. But he can’t just let go of this and move on. 
He doesn’t remember what life was like before you and he sure as hell does not want to know what it’ll be like without you.
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[1:30 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i miss you so fucking much i’m sorry if i knew that kissing you would’ve fucked everything up htne i woudl’ve never done it y/n i’m sorry 
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[1:31 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i really wanted to kiss you but it was selfish of me to do it i didnt think about what you must’ve felt im sos sorry 
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[1:32 AM] Jeon Jungkook: sunhi’s been asking me about yoj and i dont even know what to say anymore
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[2:27 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i don’t even care if you dont wanna speak to me anymore i fucked this up for sunhi she loves you so much and you’re her favorite person ever and i ruined it for her just bc i wanted to see if you felt the same way as i do
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[3:50 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i miss you y/n i really do 
{Error: Undelivered!} 
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“Daddy, lemme go!” Sunhi whines trying to escape from her father’s hands as he finishes applying the sunscreen on her arms, “Daddy!”.
He gives her a stern look and the toddler huffs, sticking her bottom lip out in an act of annoyance. The playground games are waiting for her and she feels like her dad is just coming between them and her.
“Alright,” he pats his big hands on her tiny arms, “you’re good to—“ Jungkook isn’t able to finish his sentence because his daughter’s already running towards one of the slides, “Sunhi, be careful!” He reminds her, but she’s too focused on the rides than on her dad’s warning.
Jungkook sighs and relaxes into the bench. 
“She’s precious,” She comments with a small smile as her attention focuses on the little girl having the time of her life going down the slide, “I’m surprised she’s yours.” 
Jungkook looks over at the woman beside him and scoffs, but he can’t help but agree. Sunhi is too good and too pure, the best thing he’s ever done in his life. 
“Yeah, well, it’s all her.” Jungkook admits, eyes focusing back on Sunhi, “She’s really great.” 
There’s an uncomfortable silence between them and Jungkook has to clear his throat to gain her attention. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t meet up at a café,” Jungkook apologizes and nods over at his daughter, “she’s been a little misbehaved lately, you said you wanted to talk to me and I figured that if I took Sunhi to a place like that she’d just—“
She interrupts his rambling, “Hey, it’s okay. I have no problem, really.” She assures him and he nods slightly, “I haven’t been in a place like this in a long time.” 
Jungkook scratches the back of his neck and glances over at the woman who’s looking at him with an expression he can’t quite pinpoint. It makes him so nervous that he quickly shifts his gaze to the ground.
“This is so weird.” He admits with an awkward chuckle and she raises her eyebrow, “I mean—you hate me, Minji, so I don’t know what you want to talk about.” 
“I don’t hate you!” Minji laughs and Jungkook finally looks at her and she falters, “Seriously! I only dislike you and that’s saying a lot.” 
He supposes that’s a good thing, considering how aggressive Minji used to be towards him back in college. Always letting him know how much she despised his guts, how he didn’t deserve to have you as his friend and even once threw a drink at his face during a party; though you swore to him she was drunk and that she didn’t mean it.
Jungkook hadn’t seen her much since, only a few times if it was your birthday and they managed to cross paths, because the girl made sure she was never in the same room as him. The times it happened, he felt like she was throwing daggers at him through her eyes. 
“It always bothered me how putty in your hands she was for you,” Minji begins, crossing her arms over her chest as she settles back into the bench, “and how oblivious you were about it.” 
Jungkook looks back at her and there’s a small smile on her face, most likely looking over at his daughter. 
“How when we got together for study sessions, she’d be tired because she was taking care of you the night before at one of those stupid frat parties you loved dragging her to.” Minji recalls and Jungkook feels like his mouth has gone dry from the memory.
She crosses one of her legs over the other, “Or that whole Jiwoo ordeal, how you had practically put Y/N aside once you managed to date the ‘campus hottie’.” She says with air quotes and Jungkook sighs, remembering the beginning of it all.
He knows that he can’t turn back time and change it all. Even if he could, he knows he wouldn’t. If there was no Jiwoo, there’d be no Sunhi. 
An excited yell startles him as he looks over at his daughter, swinging up and down. “Look, daddy! I'm flying!” She calls and he smiles at her. 
“Jesus, that’s fucking precious.” Minji mumbles, but he hears her nonetheless and nods in agreement. “Anyway, I’m not going to act like a saint here and pretend I was vouching for you, because I never did.” 
Jungkook knows. Back then he didn’t understand why Minji was so adamant about trash talking him to you, considering how he and her barely knew each other. Actually, whatever knowledge they had of the other was through of you. 
But Jungkook’s done a lot of self reflecting for the past month and a half and he’s realized why Minji disliked him so much. Or, dislikes. Either way, it’s valid.
“I just wanted her to snap out of it,” she confesses, “and realize that there is a life beyond you. That there’s more than being your best friend and your daughter’s babysitter. That she’s capable of moving on and putting you aside, because if you did that to her then why shouldn’t she?” 
Jungkook hadn’t thought about any of that at all. He had realized he had been a shitty friend, but the idea of just how much definitely hadn’t settled on him. He wishes you knew how much he’s cared about you, but that there were too many overlapping lines for him to ever express it.
“I thought that after setting her up with Taehyung she had finally realized it,” she continues “but you know how she is, she rarely lets up and I knew she wasn’t going to let you go that easily.” 
Jungkook draws in a long breath, rubbing his now clammy hands in his jeans as he looks back towards Minji. 
“I mean, she couldn’t let her go that easily.” She jerks her head towards Sunhi, still sitting on the swings, though she’s slowed down now. “She loves that little girl so damn much.” 
Jungkook’s sure of this. He recognizes the immense love you have for Sunhi, how sincere and unconditional it is. It’s the way a mother loves her child, though he never expected it to come from you instead. He’s not surprised though, because it’s the same love you gave to him. But it’s louder, there are no boundaries that you needed to respect to show Sunhi just how much you loved her, unlike with him. 
It dawns on him that cutting him off must’ve been hard. You probably wanted to do it for way longer and only stayed because of Sunhi and Jungkook doesn’t want to think about the dilemma you must’ve went through to finally do it this time around. 
He runs his hands through his hair, letting out a shaky breath, remembering that Sunhi doesn’t have you anymore. That’s the reason as to why she’s been so misbehaved lately, crying way too often, throwing tantrums over the smallest of things. Jungkook could blame it on the fact that she’s soon turning four and maybe it’s something that comes with age, it might just be a coincidence that she’s acting this way during a time you’re no longer present in her life.
This is the thing Sunhi might not be able to forgive him for.
“Minji,” he finally speaks up and the woman beside him focuses his gaze back on him, “I miss her so much.” He mumbles, not trusting himself to speak up because he might choke back a sob.
“Only now?” 
“No!” He says this a little too harshly and Minji jumps slightly at the tone in his voice, “I’ve always missed her and I’m fucking idiot for realizing too late.” 
She hums and Jungkook’s chest rises and falls with rapid breaths, “She’s my first thought when I wake up and when I finally manage to go to sleep. Sunhi constantly reminds me about her, asking me where she is and when can she see her and I have to force myself to lie.” 
Jungkook doesn’t realize Minji’s hand is now awkwardly placed on his back, hesitantly tapping as if to give him some comfort. It’s weird to see him like this, she had convinced herself that the guy didn’t have any feelings when it came to you.
“She blocked my number, I can’t call her and all my texts have been left undelivered. I’ve driven by her apartment building too many times with the plan to go up and talk to her, but I always back out because I’m an idiot and I know she’ll hate me if I do that and I—“
“I just want to know if she still cares, I don’t mind if she doesn’t feel the same way. But I want to know that Y/N still cares about Sunhi and me. Do you know? Does she? Could you please—“
Jungkook’s ramble is interrupted by the crying sounds of Sunhi, who’s now on the ground as she sobs and he quickly stands up to go straight towards her. He blinks away the tears that had formed in his eyes because there’s only room for one crying baby here.
“Pumpkin, what happened?” He asks in a soft voice, crouching down at her level and she’s pouting as she points at her bloody knee. “Did you fall down?” She nods and he sighs, picking her up as he takes her back to the bench where Minji waits with expectancy to check on the little girl.
Jungkook places Sunhi beside her and looks through his daughter’s bag for the emergency kit he carried around. He cleans the blood delicately with a gauze and alcohol, making the little girl wince and yelp out an ‘ouch!’ as she holds tightly to Minji’s thigh. 
“It’s okay, Pumpkin.” He reassures her with a smile, making his daughter nod because she trusts her dad, “It was an accident and accidents are part of growing up, right?” She nods again and Minji figures this isn’t a first for her.
Once the blood has been cleaned, Jungkook places a cute rainbow patterned bandaid on the wound in her knee. 
“There we go,” he announces and Sunhi lets out the breath she’d been holding, ‘‘all done! Are you good now?” 
“Yes,” Sunhi weakly replies, “daddy, I wanna go home.” 
Jungkook’s eyebrows raise in surprise, but the look on her face tells him that she’s probably still shaken by the accident and most likely wants to take a nap to forget about it.
He looks over at Minji with an apologetic look and she gives him half a smile, “Go, it’s alright.” 
Jungkook nods and takes Sunhi in his arms, which she gladly accepts and settles her head in the crook of his neck. Minji’s ready to leave, figuring there was no point in staying any longer.
“Minji, wait!” He stops her before she goes, making her turn around and offer him a curious look, “Sunhi’s birthday is in a few weeks and,” Jungkook reaches for something inside his daughter’s bag, “she really wants Y/N to be there.” He whispers, taking out a party invitation to hand over to Minji.
She smirks, looking at the personalized invitation for his daughter’s fourth birthday, “Just Sunhi?” She asks and he lets out a breathless laugh.
“Me too.” Jungkook adds and a small smile appears on his face as he says it. “Uh—thank you for talking to me, I know it must’ve been hard.” 
Minji swats her hand in the air, “It’s alright, just wanted to make sure how you and the kid were doing. It’s all she talks about anyway.” 
A gasp escapes his lips and he holds on to his daughter tighter as she nuzzles her face farther in. 
“I’ll give her the card, but—I can’t guarantee if she’ll go.” She warns and he nods, understanding.
Though he does not like the possible outcome, he settles down with the idea that you’ll notice how even though you both haven’t spoken towards each other in almost two months, he’s still thinking about you either way. Every day. 
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violentviolette · 2 years
hi jack, i hope youre doing ok!! im just kinda here looking for some advice tbh. im black, and i have aspd/npd/asd and recently due to dumb internet shit there are people who have been spreading rumors about me and vilifying me (literally saying theyre "scared" and "mortified" by me) and ive been struggling to control myself emotionally and idrk what to do. all 3 diagnoses are really recent, and i cant access therapy and shit rn. im only 18 and all of this started bc i called out someone on their antiblackness. the rage im feeling is literally keeping me up at night and making me feel physically sick and all i want to do is lash out but thatll just give them more ammo to make me out to be a monster yknow? and i just dont rlly know how to handle this lol it just fucking sucks not being able to defend myself. sorry for rambling 😕
real talk and i know what im about to say is hard as fuck, esp when u have a cluster b pd, but u gotta let go of the need for control and allow people to be wrong about u. because there will always be people who are committed to misunderstanding u, or who simply just dont fucking like u and are going to interpert everything u do in bad faith and lie about u. that is an inevitability in life and there is nothing u can do about it. there is no amount of defending or reasoning that will change some peoples minds and u need to accept that and move on u cant control other peoples perceptions of u or what they say to other people about u, u cant make everyone understand u or see reason or act approriately or rationally, so u gotta let go of the false idea that u can do anything about it and accept it as a reality and just let it exist. let them lie. let them be wrong. and i know thats hard, but u gotta keep perspective on whats truly important. are these people paying ur bills? are they causing problems with ur close personal relationships? are they preventing u from living ur life somehow? no? then literally it does not matter genuinely the best and only healthy thing to do is ignore it and stop caring. stop allowing it to take up space in ur mind and in ur day. block who u need to block, turn off anon, stop replying to @'s, stop reading tags ur reading, move blogs, find a new space and new people, literally just move on with ur life and eventually other people will move on to
because at the end of the day these people and their opinions about u and the things they say do not at all matter. these people have no power or control over ur real actual life. they do not have to affect or even exist in ur life unless u let them. the internet is a big place, find a new spot to settle in and forget those people ever existed
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aotslut · 4 years
Hi Anna! Its nice to meet you, I am always super happy to read things from new writers, and I just so happen to love all the characters on your list. Reiner is my absolute favorite husbando though❤🥰. Any way so you said you are open to requests how about this one.
Head cannons (au) where the AoT guys are male strippers😍 (gotta pay for college/ bills some how) and they give their shy girlfriend a lap dance and strip tease for the first time. And it could possibly lead to something more steamy.😆😊
Anyway I look forward to anything you right, thanks for reading my rambling.
Hello dear! omg, thank you so so much for your kind words, it means the world to me <3 
so happy that I get to meet you, and I reallyyy hope that what I have written specially for you will make you happy!!
AOT men : lap dancing to their shy girlfriend for the first time
I think that he will try to keep his job and your relationship very separated
However, after quite some time of relationship and a looot of things you tried together, he kinda want this
Since he knows you, and understand your shyness, he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfy or anything, so he will definitely ask you if you want it
You stutter, but hell yes you do
I personnel think that Levi likes when things are perfect, and not only in the cleaning department  (perfect for him often is something simple that is perfectly made, but for this occasion he wanted to go a bit over the top u know)
So, he will do everything for the moment to be perfect
Good music, pretty deep black boxer that makes him quite a pretty ass
And deep down he is nervous, because he is crossing a line between two of his worlds
But when he sees you, in the couch, cheeks tainted pink with big eyes, waiting for him to begin, he knows that he made the right choice
You might be shy, but fuck you love this
Honestly, when he begins to lap dance that’s the end of it
And he really don’t understand how it’s now his ass on the couch while you kiss him on top
the money of the job brings several things to the table: money to pay back his student loan, money to pay for some books, and a dash of hot confidence in your boyfriend
Armin is a sub sub sub, BUT I think it will bring perhaps a more dom side of him
He will not fuck you rough for 3 hours type of dom, but when he is going to strip for you he is going to be confident
His mindset: everyone is paying a shit amount of money to see my abs, then my girlfriend will like the show right???
He has thoughts and nerves, but he really will keep them at bay
I think it’s Armin who will gain the most from this job: he was so insecure about himself, but somehow has to pay the bills and debt
And to see how much everyone loves his show, it’s a HUGE ego boost for someone so self-aware
But the biggest boost ego would be to see you, a blushing mess while he begins to lap dance, only a towel hanging low on his hips after his shower
The whole lap dance thing: you are so so red (and wet)
The moment the towel drops tho, he just knows 
He just knows he is going to take care of you tonight, and fulfill all of your fantaisies
He will never forget how you look at him, like he is the fucking hottest thing alive
It will happen again, trust me
He came back one day from his job, and was actually very happy about the outcome of the night
He definitely gained the more money with his stripping than any other stripper of the club (Eren, yes you are targeted)
Just to prove his point, he will tell you to be ready because later he will put a show for you
Hear me out: the regret is IMMEDIATE
He’s cocky, but now he is biting his nails off
He loves you so much, and he has such a ego, he is so afraid that he is going to mess it up, or that you aren’t going to find him as hot as he would like
Definitely going to be so nervous, but this lovely idiot will not tell you about it
So, when he begins, it’s kinda messy
He kinda trips a bit when getting his pant off
You take his hands and gently kiss his fingers, and help him take this particular piece out 
You will tell him, cheeks burning, how you love the show that he is putting on
It will help him so much
He will regain his confidence back, and you just know the show will be fucking fire
My hot husband bean :(
This man needs to pay his bills off, and he will do the job that need to be done in order for it to not weigh on your future as a couple
He knows how much he is popular in the club he is working in, honestly everyone just comes to see him
But it doesn’t change a single thing for him: the only one he cares about is you
This man right here is so insecure about his job, he is so fucking afraid that you will leave him because of it
Definitely the biggest source of worry for him
One day, he comes home from his job quite late at night
He sees you already asleep in your shared bed, blankets up your chin
And at this precise moment, his heart will break
He simply doesn’t have time to see you: his job is the night, yours during the day, it’s hard to catch up sometimes, even if you do your best
After some internal debates and beats-up, he will sit on the edge of the bed and wake you up
« Do you still love me? » is the sentence that you wakes up to
Honestly heartbreaking
In the haze of your sleep, you ask him to repeat what he just said
He does, but at the end his voice cracks a bit
You are quick to reassure him, that you love him
And all he can say is that your relationship is working despite his job
Key word: despite
He tells you that he is so afraid that you leave him because of it, that you can’t deal with him coming home late, that you don’t want to bare with sharing the sight of your lover’s body to people paying for it
« Put on the show for me then »
He can’t believe what he just heard
You, his sweet shy partner, asking him to strip and lap dance
Honestly, when the initial shock passes, he will put the best show for you
Never ever did he made such a performance at the club
This is just you, him, and a couple kisses while he does his performance
You praise him so much (you are so so red while doing it so)
This will lead to such a sweet, loving love-making session
It’s you, and him, always
hear me out: this man is happy
He was confident in himself before doing the job, and I think that he will love the success he have as a stripper
So, when he said to you that he had a special surprise for your first valentine, he KNEW exactly what he was doing
He is very excited about this (part of it because he knows you will be a mess)
When he prepared everything, he calls for you and just ask you to « sit this pretty ass on the chair »
You would honestly never have expected that
It’s not like you never had sex with him, but this was a whole other lever
The moment you understood, you couldn’t stop blushing and watching him
Every piece of clothing that was stripped would make you wetter 
So, when he was left in his boxers and touching your clit through your panties, it was soaked
He would brag about it, while removing his boxer and freeing his hard member
What he didn’t saw coming from his shy girlfriend was when she got on her knees for him
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winterlost · 4 years
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hello! i’m rini ( s/h, 22, gmt+8 ) here to introduce my february baby, seo danbi! riffing off of vday, she’s the flipside of love: all those things that go unsaid, confessions you chickened out of, love letters that didn’t make it ... but the hope that goes into doing all those things too! here’s her pages ( stats, file, plots ) & some quick facts + plots under the cut, so drop a ♡ if you’d want me to slide in ur ims, but if u prefer, i have discord too~
quick facts!
moved around a bit as a kid, from the city to the countryside and now she’s back in seoul after a few detours! she’s been travelling through cities & across the country since high school, in search of herself.
she arrived in dallyeog a year and a half ago — the longest she’s stayed in one place so far!
she’s trying to make it big, and she’s trying anything that’ll stick. a lil bit of singing ( insp ) & a lil bit of acting ( think small webdramas ), even occasional streaming, but she never manages to stick with one thing for long
though currently she’s also working at the post office as a mail clerk since she’s gotta pay the bills too
an idealist, a romantic, y’know the drill. in love with love, vanity in vain; aspires to be a netflix main character tbh
though specifically, she’s an idealist until things start coming through — think lara jean, romanticising but running away when her daydreams start coming through. always thinking about the future or the past, kind of scatterbrained
works in absolutes: either you’re on her side or not, and she’ll treat you accordingly to how she views you. very stubborn about it
she feels she’s kind of aimless, lots of ambition but not a lot of direction... but nailing down what exactly it is she wants is difficult! she just wants to be loved, is that so much to ask for?
despite it all, somehow still very confident and hopeful that something’ll work out! optimistic about the new things she tries out, certain her big break’s around the corner
anyw she’s a new bb and kind of just a lot of the feb tropes i could think of, but i’m working on rounding her out! if anything vibes with you, i’d love to plot c:
plot ideas!
you come in with the biggest stack of letters she’s ever seen. don’t get her wrong, she’s all for some good old-fashioned mail, but have you heard of emails?
complex 2 / 3 / 4 neighbours whose windows face each other & they communicate by holding up notes through their windows, you belong with me style!
you’ve been dropping off unaddressed letters to the post office for some reason that she’s been keeping ( and reading? )
tgif, let’s go to the pojangmacha! 
childhood friends from the countryside or from further back when she was still in seoul? also, people she’s met on her ~travels across the country
she was probably couch surfing around cities, and you let her crash at your place sometimes when she was in town ( outside of seoul! )
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catralvr · 4 years
I’ll make a cup of coffee for your head pt.1
Duncan x Gwen
Word count: 4788
Warnings: Smut (at the end)
Summary: In which Gwen goes into a new coffee because her usual one near her university is closed for the week and meets an old acquaintance working there. She finds herself going there more and more, getting closer to him again.
Notes: I know it might be bad but hey I wrote this because I had one particular scene in it going round and round in my head so. Enjoy. And yeah I’m gonna make a pt 2 bc it was starting to be way too long for me to write. And yes I stopped after That Part sorry
Gwen was standing in front of the coffee place, her laptop already in her hand, music going through her earphones, and pushed the door without even looking. The door didn’t budge. She frowned her eyebrows, not understanding why. She always came at that time, to work on her essays. She raised her head, only to be met by a sign saying that it would be closed the whole week for renovation. 
She groaned, put her laptop back in her bag and went away. Where the fuck was she supposed to go now? She had no idea where to find another coffee place as good as this one. 
She wandered for ten good minutes, looking for somewhere somewhat good. She wanted to drink her usual macchiato while eating her favourite chocolate muffin. Where was she supposed to go now. Since she wasn’t finding anything, she ended up going to the first one she saw. Didn’t seem to be a lot of costumers, which was good for her. Great, even. Nice, she’ll remember this place for future times, and for the rest of the week too. It was kind of far away from her place but she didn’t really mind, this would leave more time alone to Courtney and Heather, they’ll be happy.
She went to the counter while waiting for the barista to come back to her, took down an earphone to hear him while ordering. 
— A caramel macchiato with a chocolate muffin, if you have some ?
— Sure. That all ?
The voice. It seemed like she knew it... Her eyes which were glued on her phone, sending texts to Courtney and Leshawna saying she probably would be late for their movie night, looked up to see the green hair guy from that tv reality show she did, years ago. That show where she met Courtney and Leshawna, her flatmates. 
— Duncan ?
— Gwen ?
She blinked twice, making sure it was really him, before laughing awkwardly. She knew he lived in this town, it was big after all. And he was friends with Geoff and DJ, whom she still was close to (but somehow never saw Duncan again, maybe because of packed schedules). Nevertheless, she was still surprised to see him. Wasn’t expecting it. 
— Yeah that’ll be all, thanks. 
She held out her phone to pay with it, an awkward smile on her lips. What was she supposed to do now? Wasn’t like she had tried to stay in touch with him (not that she didn’t want to, only things happened which made it hard). 
— So um... Didn’t expect you to be working in a café. 
— Yeah, a guy gotta do what he’s gotta do to pay the bills.
He laughed, an awkward laugh too. The green-haired guy (still dyed his hair green? Good choice though, it suited him well) went to make her coffee, while Gwen stayed at the counter, waiting for her order. She felt too awkward to walk to a table as she usually did. 
— I have a band too, on the side, we do some gigs here and there but not enough to live off of it. And working here is nice, never too many people, customers are usually nice. Hot too.
A smirk going her way. She rolled her eyes, not being able to repress the grin appearing on her lips. Same as he used to be, not that she was really surprised. She liked that about him (maybe still do a little bit). 
— The other place I usually go to is constantly packed, might change and make this my study hangout.
— Please, be my guest.
She laughed, a real laugh this time, not really awkward. Yeah, she might make it her study place, especially if it’s empty like that. Oh, it was so weird to see him again. Especially since she thought about him from time to time, when she went on Instagram and saw Geoff’s and DJ’s stories. Even so, she wasn’t expecting it. Not when she was still angry about her favourite café being closed (even if it ended up being kind of a good thing). He handed her a plate with her coffee and the muffin on it, winked at her and then let her go to go see another costumer who came after her. She went on the closest table to sit, took out her laptop and started writing this goddamn essay she was supposed to hand it the next day. 
During the next two hours she ended up glancing at Duncan more than a few times, even if she wouldn’t admit it. It was strange that they hadn’t kept in touch but the way things ended with the two of them was way too... weird to keep on being friends. She kept in touch with some others, hell she was housemate with Courtney and Leshawna (Heather too, since she was Courtney’s girlfriend and was constantly at their apartment). Geoff too, Bridget by extension, but that was it. Total Drama was something she desperately wanted to erase from her mind. And she had somewhat succeeded, if it wasn’t for even people at her university going up to her and asking if she was the Gwen. Which was annoying. 
Once, she stood up to ask when the place was closing, Duncan answered 7pm. It was already 6. 
— Fuck. I needed more time. But it’s ok, I’ll leave when it closes thanks!
She was already walking away, ready to go back to that essay. She should be able to finish it by that time, if she stopped being distracted. She could do it.
And she did. Oh it was kind of hard, because everything was a good reason to be distracted. The squeaking of shoes on the floor. The sound of the coffee machine. But she finally was done with it and immediately sent it via email to her professor, was sure she wouldn’t forget it this way. When she looked at the time, she saw it was already way past 7pm. Which she didn’t understand, because she wasn’t asked to leave. She groaned, mad at herself for not having put an alarm, Duncan probably was cleaning and forgot to ask her to leave, but still. She felt too bad about staying overtime, maybe he was doing overtime because of her. 
She walked around the room, to find him. Say goodbye before leaving, apologise about staying so much longer. It already half past seven. It let more alone time to Heather and Courtney, but still. She shouldn’t have overstayed. 
He wasn’t in the main room, maybe in the back cleaning. But she didn’t want to venture where she wasn’t allowed to. She ended up taking a piece of paper and write a thank you note on it (and her number, just in case). She then left, ready to walk back to her apartment. She was still surprised she saw him again, in a fucking café ? Who would’ve thought the Duncan she met when they were 16 would end up working there. But five years had passed, so it was to be expected. Even herself, even the girls with whom she stayed in touch. They all changed, partly because of that damn show, partly because they grew too. You change a lot between 16 and 21 and she was only now realising it. Well, she did before, but it hit her. 
She wondered how much he had changed, she hoped they would be able to get back in touch, she didn’t leave her number for nothing. Well. She’ll see. Now, she needed to get back without getting lost. 
She ended up being able to do it, came back to Courtney and Leshawna watching a movie they had already watched at least ten times.
— Yo.
— Hey, sorry we didn’t wait for you. You were taking too long. There’s some lasagna left in the oven.
— Thanks Leshawna!
She was too tired to even argue about them not waiting for her, was only glad Heather wasn’t there. Not that she still despised her, she ended up being kind of close to her. She just didn’t want to come in to her and Courtney making out on the couch, thinking they were alone.
Not twice.
Once her lasagna heated, she went back to living room and sat on the couch, watching the movie with them. Didn’t matter how many times they watched it, they still laughed the only better thing was that now they could say every line about that movie.
Her hair was tied up in a bun (she had let it grown up to a bit under her shoulder blades but still dyed it black and teal, because it became an habit and couldn’t bear seeing herself with her natural brown hair) as she was lying on her bed, reading a book recommended by her teacher. She usually did that every night before sleeping, got her tired, best way to fall asleep. She was starting to get sleep and put her book on her nightstand when her phone went off. With a sigh she took it and sat on her bed, unlocking it. A text from an unknown number? Eyebrows frowned she opened it.
got your note, wanna hang out later?
OH! It must’ve been Duncan! Gwen had lost a bit of hope, seeing he still hadn’t sent her a text. “Later”.
yeah sure! tell me when you’re free we’ll see
She then put her phone facing down, so she wouldn’t be bothered by the light, and went to sleep.
The next day, she went back to the café place after her classes were over. They exchanged a bit of texts with Duncan during the day, mainly to try and figure out a day to see each other. Which ended up being hard. The only time was during Geoff’s next party (which would make Leshawna more than happy, she had been trying to get her to go since forever). Maybe another time, if any of their plans got cancelled. Or like, his gigs. Since he was playing almost every night, to try and make his band more known. Or she could go to one of his concerts. 
She usually wasn’t up for those type of stuff, you never knew if they were really good or not and having to lie to people... She shivered just at the thought. Anyways. She barely met him again, why was she thinking about all that. It was dumb. They hadn’t talked in years. Since they broke up, after Total Drama.
Maybe because you still have... feelings for him.
She shook her head as those thoughts rushed through her head. 
No way.
Not going back that path.
She slapped herself, putting her thoughts back in place.
They weren’t even friends anymore. 
She would focus on that.
Being friends with Duncan again.
She pushed the door to enter the coffee place, took out her earphones and went immediately to the counter. Just like the day before, Duncan was there. He looked up from whatever he was doing and smirked at Gwen.
— Missed me already ?
— Yeah, you’re so irresistible I couldn’t stay away from you for longer.
— Knew it. I do that to people.
A smile made its way on her lips as she ordered the exact same thing as the day before and went to sit, waiting for her coffee to be ready. This time, she took out a book instead of her laptop. She had already done all of her homework in advance. She still came, though, because she liked to have a part of the day where she could just rest, be alone for a little while. And this place was so much quieter than the other one. It was a good thing it closed for the week, in the end. Otherwise she would've never found this place.
A plate got laid down in front of her, which made her jump a little bit. Oh. She almost had forgotten about her order.
— There you go. Put a little extra on your coffee. And don't need to pay, it's on me.
She was ready to argue with him but he sat down, crossed his arms on his chest.
— Don't say no. Not letting you a choice.
— Ok. Won't complain.
She took a sip of her drink. Coffee was her addiction, she could never get enough of it. Caffeine didn’t even work on her anymore, her body had gotten used to it. And the fact that he put whipped cream on top of it was really appreciated. 
She was ready to get back into her book, only to have it taken away from her as Duncan sat down on the other side of the table, his elbows on the table. 
— Aren’t you supposed to work? said Gwen, an eyebrow raised.
— Do you see any customers around?
He was right and she couldn’t help the smirk which made its way on her lips, as she rolled her eyes.
— What do you want, Duncan?
— Have a chat, since we won’t be able to see each other. Since we’re both oh so busy constantly.
— Whose fault is that?
— Eh, not my fault I’m always booked and busy. Anyway. You live with Courtney? What the fuck did I miss?
Gwen choke on her coffee as he asked the question and had to hit her chest to try and not suffocate. 
— We kind of dated for a while. After All Stars ended. At first it was... awkward but we went back to being friends and then... You know, when she’s not there she’s really nice? I think the competition got to her. And yeah. It was nice. But it wasn’t working. Still friends though. Now she’s dating Heather. And I kept on being friend with Leshawna, because Leshawna.
She ended her sentence with a light laugh, which ended up being an explosion of laughter when she saw the face Duncan was making. Maybe it was too much at once.
— Dated Courtney? Dating Heather? She? What? What the fuck?
—Yeah. You missed a lot. But hey! Time to catch up on everything!
— Yeah. Didn’t miss much on my side. Tried to go to college, dropped out to start a band. And work... here.
He waved his hand, showing the coffee shop. It wasn’t that bad, in Gwen’s opinion. Didn’t seem to be a lot of customers here. And as long as it payed well. 
They spent the rest of the time talking, Gwen didn’t even have the time to read her book in the slightest. But it was nice. Catching up with him. She learned he was in a relationship with a girl for two whole years, but it didn’t work out. She told him she never really went out with anyone except for Courtney, it was mostly one night stands or hookups. 
She went back home that night, light-hearted, happy. She felt a ting in her heart, it felt so familiar. She didn’t realise but... She kind of missed that. Him. In a way. She shook her head, trying to shake those feelings away. It was neither the time nor the place for that. 
But still, she kept on going back there. Almost every day, for the next few weeks. Getting closer to him. Intimate. Flirty, sometimes. At first, she didn’t tell her friends. She didn’t know how they would react. After all, they all left Duncan in pretty bad terms (Courtney especially) and she was afraid. 
One evening, as they were all in the living room, each of them doing something else. Gwen was reading a book her art history teacher had recommended her when she asked about something to improve her knowledge. She was almost at the end of her degree and felt like she hadn’t learned enough, didn’t go through everything she wanted to. So she tried to resolve it on her own. 
Her phone, which was right next to her, lit up with a text notification. She picked it up, only to see it was from Duncan.
hey, got a free ticket for the concert i’m playing it tonight, wanna come?
A smile appeared as she answered his text.
yeah, ofc, text me the details i’ll be right there
She couldn’t help but be happy about it. Was this a date? It was right? She didn’t know. She didn’t know where their relationship was. Which point they were at. They were flirting together but didn’t know where they stood, if it was only in a friend’s teasing way or not. She hadn’t gone in a date in ages. Had to make sure it would become one, in the end. Because she desperately wanted it to be a date. She was way too careful about how she dressed, her makeup, her hair. Spent at least a half hour on what she should do with her hair, only to end up with a bun. It showed her collarbones. It was nice. She felt nice. 
She arrived a bit too late at the venue, took too long to get ready. But Duncan had texted her, told her when he would perform so she was still ok. Hadn’t missed him.
She still was kind of on the fence about what to think of this, bands of her friends were rarely good, she still had nightmares about what Harold and the others boys did after Total Drama Action. But maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. Just maybe. And maybe drinking something would make this all the more enjoyable, who knew. 
She ordered a beer, sat at the bar while waiting the turn of Duncan’s band. There wasn’t too many people here, it was nice. She could clearly see the stage from where she was sitting, even if she would probably get closer once it was their turn, just to be sure he would see her. She felt like it was kind of important? Otherwise he probably wouldn’t have asked her to come. 
The bands she had listened to up to now weren’t that bad, even if they were not amazingly good either. She could listen to them, it was ok. The time was almost there. She ordered another beer, took the glass and went up to the crowd. Saying “sorry” and “excuse me” she gradually succeeded in going first row (she might have used the excuse of “my boyfriend’s going to play next”, it always worked). Sipping her drink, she was moving her head, smile on her lips. It was a nice evening, unexpected, but nice. The fact that she hadn’t gone out in ages, because of all the workload her teachers constantly gave her, only made this experience better. The current band ended their set, got out of the stage. Her phone rang, another text from Duncan.
we’re next. u there?
Gwen smirked, put her glass on the stage right in front of her for a few seconds to answer.
look right in front of you. can’t miss me.
She put back her phone in the pocket of her jacket, took back her glass and drank it. A warm feeling was rising in her body, a sense of anticipation. She was expecting something, but wasn’t quite sure what. It would be so fucking corny of him to have written a song about her. Trent did it way too many times, when they were together. But still... Anyway. She shook her head, took another mouthful of the beer, her eyes fixed on the stage. 
And then they came on. Duncan’s eyes were looking further away in the crowd, before finally locking onto her. He reciprocated the smirk which still was on Gwen’s lips, got his bass ready. The others got their instruments ready too, signalling to each other. Duncan winked at Gwen, before signalling that he was ready, too. 
Surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad. Reminded her if some bands she used to listen to. Still did, actually. She bopped her head in rhythm to the music, her eyes closed and occasionally looking at Duncan. The lyrics were fine, the music was great. The beer she had taken was making her feel all calm and nice, the smile on Duncan’s lips whenever he was looking at her made her feel all... fuzzy inside. When that song ended, just before starting their last one, he raised his eyebrows, laughed a silent laugh. She rolled her eyes, finishing her glass. She tried to read the program on her phone, quickly before they started the song. One more band after them. Way enough time to hang out with him, before the results were announced. 
That song was way slower than the first two. This was the first ballad of the evening, and a pretty. Lately, she had found herself enjoy ballads way more than other songs. Was mostly the only songs she had on her daily playlists on Spotify, had made Duncan listen to her favourites. This was probably a coincidence. Didn’t know for sure. But it was nice. A nice change of pace. She found herself looking at Duncan, and him staring at her, way more than she was expecting to. The song ended faster than she wanted it to, and they were already off the stage. No more interest for her, so she left the crowd. Gave the glass back to the barman. 
— So. What did you think?
— Better than what I expected. Might have a shot at winning this thing.
She said, as she turned around. He was there, looking at her with that same face he had on stage. Looking... kinda hot, actually. But maybe it was just the beer acting up. She couldn’t know for sure. (She did know, she had found it hot for the longest time). He approached the bar, ordered a beer. Take a better look at her. 
— I’m glad you came, it was nice to see you there. Looking so good, it made me want to be even better for you.
He laughed, ruffled his hair. He wanted to say something else, she could feel it. But maybe later? She didn’t want to hurry him. 
— Who knew Duncan could be so corny?
— Oh, I can be something else than corny. 
— I’d like to see that.
They glared at each other before bursting into laughter. Duncan took his glass of beer, drank a bit. It was silent between them, but not awkward. The last band was playing in the background. Gwen finally sat on a stool, taking it closer to Duncan. She crossed her legs, thinking of something to say, but Duncan did it before her.
— I meant it, you really look good. I had forgotten how you look in a dress like that.
— I mean, I also changed a lot in five years. In case you didn’t notice.
— Oh. I did. Believe me, I did.
The way he was looking at her after saying those words made her shiver. Weirdly enough, her heart was starting to beat faster. Would he... He moved in closer to her, and so did she. The space between them soon getting closer and closer.
— Can I kiss you?
His voice was a whisper. Gwen closed the gap between them, kissing him. His lips were as soft as she remembered, one of his hands find its way onto the back of her neck, while the other was holding one of Gwen’s. They broke off the kiss after a few moments, both breathless. Both smiling.
— Is that enough of an answer for you? Gwen said, winking.
— Wanna come to my place?
She blinked twice, frowned.
— What about the results?
He shrugged.
— Meh. I know we’ll win anyway. My bandmates will be mad. I can handle it. It can wait.
The hand on the back of her neck slid down to the small of her back, pressing it slightly. Gwen laughed, shaking her head. She took out her phone from her jacket, sending a text to Leshawna and Courtney saying she wouldn’t be back for the night. They left. The expectation of what was going to happen was building up, she felt an excitation she hadn’t felt in so long. The way to his apartment was pure torture. They had to walk for about 20 minutes, the high heels Gwen was wearing was killing her. But she didn’t complain, only talked to Duncan. They talked a lot, during those twenty minutes. However, once they were inside the apartment and Duncan locked the door, all talk was over. 
He immediately kissed her, leading her somewhere. She didn’t even have the time to take a look at where he was living, she already was in his bedroom (he had a two room apartment? wow), thrown onto his bed. The light was off, but the light from the street were enough for her to make out Duncan in the darkness. He was already taking off his shirt and pants, she unzipped her dress and let it fall on the floor. She didn’t really want to talk for now, only to feel him next to her. It wasn’t long, he quickly went to kiss her, his hands undoing the bun to pass his hands through her hair, pulling it with a small laugh. She groaned, pulled her hair back.
— Stop that.
— You prefer this?
He went down, started kiss her neck. Bit it here and there. Went further down, kissing all her body as he did so. Gwen shivered, held out her breath. She giggled when he started kissing her stomach. Immediately stopped once he arrived at her underwear. She wasn't expecting it to go there that fast.
— Duncan...
He looked up at her, an eyebrow raised.
— If you don't want to, stop me.
Him saying that made her feel more comfortable. She exhaled, put her hand in his hair.
— No. It's fine.
He stayed there, looking at her for a few more moments a grin slowly making its way before taking the last piece of tissue on Gwen's body out of the way. He kissed her there like no one did before. She tried to hold it in, bit her tongue to drown any noise. Only some few moans, as her hands were buried deep down into the sheets. He let his tongue slid, trying to make her make more noise. Ended up going back to her face, to kiss her.
Feeling Gwen's short breathes made him laugh. As a revenge, she held out her hand, put it in his boxer. Grinning, she started to stroke him, laughing herself as she felt him thrust with a moan.
— Feeling less bold all of sudden, are you?
— Wanna bet?
His free hand reached into his bedside table, took out a condom. He pulled back from Gwen for a few instants, ripping the package open. He quickly put it on, went back down to kiss Gwen.
— You sure about this?
— Yes. I am.
He looked her in the eyes as he made sure to not hurt her, smiling even more when he felt her legs wrapping themselves around his waist. One his hands reached out to hold her waist as the other was against her cheek, caressing it. They were both smiling, both looking into each other's eyes. It felt as if they were only one. Gwen's hands were around the back of Duncan's neck, her moand got louder and louder. Duncan was faster and faster. They were moaning together, kissed each other frantically as they felt the end coming. Which was amazing. In unison. The first time it ever happened to Gwen. The first time she came that fast with someone, the first time it was so... Good.
She laughed as Duncan laid down next to her, she stood up to go to the toilets and went back next to him right after, still totally naked. She was too exhausted to put back any clothes on.
She curled herself up next to him, as he put his arm around her, his fave buried in her hair, smiling.
— Nice to see you again, Gwen.
— Nice to see you again, Duncan.
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