#if i read one more take on heinrix like
bnbc · 7 months
maybe you like him because he is a knight in shining armor I like him because he is deeply traumatized
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I have recorded different versions of my name, and the last time I was told it was Haynrix and I was like, really? Haynrix? - Interviewing Chris Tester part 3
We contiune talking about the transformative power of fanworks, a bit more about romancing Heinrix, how Heinrix is pronounced actually, what a dream come through project would be for Chris and why a stage production of Crime and Punishment was his most memorable work to date and his newly discovered interest in playing D&D.
Part 1 of the interview
Part 2 of the interview
This is the final part of the interview. Thank you so much for reading and listening! (the audio quality is not spectacular but tumblr limits uploads to 10MB). If you quote or reshare, please quote me as the original source.
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F: It's very transformative. You take a game and you get your own stories after the game or with the people you interact with. It's very creative. Because Heinrix is very much an archetype, as you said, he has this duality about this very authoritative man with so much trauma underneath. There is a lot to explore, and that speaks for Olga's writing as well, because only a very well written character would draw you in like that into a story.
CT: I mean, it's a crazy balancing act, definitely. And at any time, it could close off, you shut him down, or he shuts you down. And you're like, Oh, okay.
F: And it was incredibly funny that the first romance lines straddled the line between workplace harassment and flirting. And he is so unnerved and then it doesn't like to cordon you off and say, well, you were too aggressive. Game over. 
CT: Yeah.
You can switch to this closeness path like in a real relationship, you are maybe very flirty, very teasy at the beginning, and then things get real and you get real and it changes. And that was very dynamic. I never experienced that before. BioWare writes great romances, but they are often very one note in their games.
CT: And there's still the kind of like, okay, so are we sleeping together? Yeah. Or we do not. All right. No, okay, great, fine. God, I had to go through all the different fucking options just to go like, Is this, is that, no, no, okay, fine, right, yeah. So in terms of nuance and dynamic, it's you've got your issues over there, but regardless, can I just say the right thing? Uh, or not, you know, or be pure, or whatever. Garrus was always a favourite for me.
F: Oh yeah, Garrus, Garrus is great.
CT: Yeah, yeah. I'll be honest I didn't really appreciate quite how subtly all of the pieces are put together until I played through bits of the game and watched bits of the game afterwards [this relates to Rogue Trader]. Because there are so many different moving parts, but also so much is recorded out of order, it's very difficult to get a full appreciation of the whole, and it's the credit of the directors to just be able to give you enough for you to get it in two or three takes, because we gotta move on because time is money is time. 
And so that's kind of crazy, where you've got to just act in faith in the moment and trust that the people who are listening on the other end feel as if they're getting what they need. Obviously the more you record, the more you get a sense of what the character is about and the palette and the playfulness and all of those kinds of things. But because there are such a multitude of choices anyway, no one can explain to you exactly the context of what it is because that's all such a movable feast as it is anyway.
F: That's a huge credit to voice actors to still get it right in three or four takes.
CT: Well, the aim is to give them options so that they can trial it out and be able to have a playfulness about things. It's always nice when you go like, I'm just going to try this different take on how this might traditionally be read as or something, and then you maybe hear that in the game and go like: Oh, okay, that's a little bit of whatever. 
Because quite often you'll probably be told to read a line no more than three times, and the first time that you read a line, that you read it out loud is the first time that you read the line at all. So, you don't read it in advance, and sometimes that goes in. It's normally the second or third take, I would say, but that depends very much on the voice actor. Because quite often, the whole point is to be quite good at sight reading, and sometimes there's a spontaneity in the reading of something for the very first time, which might give something a little bit unexpected, or a little bit fresher. 
And then you realise halfway through, there's a word I have no idea how to pronounce. Is it von Valancius? Von Valancius as it's written or von Valen and you're just like, the hell? Okay. And then you need to go back.
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F: Or his name actually, because as a German, we have Heinrich as a first name. So is it Haynrix? Is this Hainrix? But we can say it's Low Gothic, so it doesn't matter.
CT: I have recorded different versions of my name, and the last time I was told it was Haynrix and I was like, really? Haynrix? Okay. Sure? But I've not had a definitive conversation about that, so I don’t know whether or not they change it or, or whatever.
F: I settled on, it's Low Gothic and not the German version and it's fine because that's a fantasy language. It doesn't matter. And I know from other voice actors that sometimes you don't get any directions on how something is pronounced.
CT: Quite often we're just taking an educated guess. I mean, they're very good in terms of some pronunciations, but if no other character is saying this word except you, then there's probably not a guide for it in which case you just make sure that you record it somewhere. So, it's consistent. So, if you're saying it more than once, at least you're saying it wrong consistently. So that becomes the new, right?
F: What was your most memorable work to date? Stage or voice acting?
CT: Stage or voice acting or whatever? God, I would say one was a production of Crime and Punishment. There you go. It was a three-person adaptation of the massive book really condensed into about 90 minutes, essentially. Quite a radical adaptation, but it was a beautifully written adaptation, and I think I did it probably about 2017, 2018. That was wonderful storytelling because it had so much of the original flavour in it and also this ambiguity of character. A much more ambiguous character than someone like Heinrix. Someone who is so eminently fallible and flawed, and yet trying to find a through line through it and a making of sense and the justification for the reasons why people do bad things. That is pretty iconic for me as an experience. 
I do feel lucky that a lot of the things that I'm able to explore in the video game or in the voiceover world generally are completely new and unexpected things. Whereas on stage, unless you're doing a lot of new writing, the vast majority of the time, it's a role that you're familiar with or have seen or have heard about. It's pre-existing. Whereas with some of these video games, you get to create that whole original world or character and that kind of stuff. Which is why if anybody asks me, what role do you want to play? I'm like, the role that I don't know exists yet, and Heinrix is very much one of those. Like, I had no idea and neither did I have any idea that it would develop in the way that it did. 
But the whole process itself is a lot of fun and you work with very cool people to tell a completely new and original story. But having that ambiguity, having that tension within the character, every actor has to find that for themselves anyway, just to keep creatively engaged and alive, but have that so vividly running as an undercurrent and for it to be able to go in different ways, that's such a cool kind of thing. I'm just so up for more of those kinds of opportunities. Maybe hopefully in the future, we'll see.
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F: Has voicing Heinrix opened any doors? Did you notice an uptake in offers?
CT: I think it means that a few more people probably know who I am, and that's cool. A few more people. Yeah, it's definitely been referred to. Other than that, I don't know. But it certainly doesn't hurt being involved in such a high profile and well respected, well-loved game. I mean, for me as well, because I've done various different aspects of stuff in that world. That doesn't hurt. 
I love the whole Warhammer 40k universe, at the same time I don't want to just be like, I'm a 40k actor and that's all I do because that world also probably doesn't need just another white middle-class man in it, even if that is like 70 percent of the world. Like you say, they're trying to broaden it out and diversify it and necessarily if it wants to get to a bigger audience and have a healthier ecology on so many different kinds of levels. So, I don't want to go all in on just that, even if it's a very rich world. So, it was a real pleasure. 
F: Would you want to broaden your repertoire into radio plays, because I know on your LinkedIn, you write, you're the voice when Cumberbatch is busy and listening to you, there are undertones of Benedict Cumberbatch in your voice, and Benedict before he became really popular, he did something like Cabin Pressure, which is so fun.
CT: Yeah.
F: Would you be open to doing radio plays like that?
CT: Definitely. I've just recently come from a voiceover conference in the UK and did a couple of workshops and that reminded me of what the work is that I want to actively seek out. And there's a lot of audio drama stuff floating about, a lot of that is available via social media or is operated in the U.S. as opposed to in the UK., though there are some great ones in the UK. as well, and it's tricky to know why and how to validate some of those things. So, it's something that I would love to explore doing more of as well as, you know, you can do these audio drama things, which are kind of like shorter versions of audio books, almost essentially with not so many voices. And I think those medium and short form ways of storytelling would be lovely. It would be great because I'm not right for a lot of video games. 
I don't think I'll ever be actually a very prolific video game actor if that makes sense because I'm okay at shouting and I can play some monsters and I've got a couple of accents in the bag and that kind of thing in terms of doing voices. People will say it's about the acting Chris, it's not about voices, but doing some voices and being able to nail certain things there are people that are brilliant at that. But there are people who have probably a wider palette of voices than I will ever have. 
I never started out as a voice actor. I'm very much an actor who uses the voice, and I'm trying to broaden that out a little bit more as I keep on going. But I want to open myself up to more different types of stuff to be creatively fulfilled. The prospect of going into a recording session and screaming “grenade” and “bang” is not very fulfilling. I did that for a few games, and then I'm done with that. Like the money's not good enough for me to do that. I mean, never say never. If the money does become good enough, then we can talk. But you push your voice and it's a different kind of acting, I'll put it that way.
F: So, last question. What would be a dream come true project for you?
CT: A dream come true project? Probably something entirely original that I can't imagine. I would love to be able to work on an audio project where I'm working with other actors in real time. I would love to be able to work with most of the cast in Rogue Trader, for example, but I’d love it for us to be able to have dialogues where you're actually responding to each other as opposed to insert A, B or C here, that kind of thing. Because that's the one thing I kind of miss so much from the audio side of work is you getting something unexpected from the other person and then riffing off it. You have to self-generate as a voice actor that a director will go do you want to try it like this? Or maybe like this, it's supposed to be funny. Try it dead pan, that kind of thing.
But quite often that kind of spontaneous element of discovery only comes from when someone gives you a line in a way that you really didn't expect, and maybe it makes you laugh, when it's supposed to be tragic or whatever, those kinds of things. The biggest thing I miss about stage work is when you're working with an actor at the top of your game and they raise you up to their level. It's terrifying, but in the best way. Some actors can do that effortlessly because they're so in the moment, because they don't know what they're going to do next, even though they can find their light and make sure that the audience is still seeing their brilliant acting at the same time. Clever, clever bunnies. That feeling because they don't know exactly where they're going, you're kind alive to the moment in a way that quite often you're not, and if there was a way to be able to replicate that in an audio way and a long form storytelling way, then that would be cool. 
I've just started playing a little bit of D&D and I don't know if I'll ever get good at that, especially in terms of like, so I've got to come up with words. Oh my God. Whereas I will never watch a D&D playthrough for four hours on YouTube myself, personally, life choice, I can start to understand the appeal of that because there's an element of that spontaneity and playfulness, but in a group. So, if there was a way to do that with actually scripted drama, I'd be all in on that. That would be amazing. Or some kind of hybrid. So I don't know exactly what that is, but that kind of thing would be quite cool. 
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F: That's what the BBC did with Cabin Pressure. I attended one live recording and it was just amazing. You have all the other actors [apart from Benedict Cumberbatch] that are household names. And to see them act and how little takes they actually need for the lines and everything is amazing.
CT: Yeah, there's an appreciation of the craft, but it's also the fact that it's not into a void. It's not like, okay, we've done three. Is that okay? We're onto the next. I think in many ways it can make the work much easier, because you're using your imagination, but in a different way, because you're operating with a stimulus. And that's always exciting.
F: And good D&D is just like improv theatre.
CT: Yeah, exactly.
F: Really good players are spontaneous. Just very creative.
CT: That should be celebrated and I think harnessing more of those kinds of things would be fun, because in all honesty, still probably about 60, 70 percent of the work that I do is in the corporate and business sphere. That's just because of how I sound. I didn't go out to court that work particularly, but in terms of the stuff that pays the bills regularly, that's the kind of stuff that I do. Even then, you're trying to find levels of playfulness or colour so that you're not just coming over with: “in a world where you can trust a big corporation to take your money.” So, there's any kind of nuance or subtlety to that, that will be a good thing. So that's the kind of stuff that I crave as a result.
F: Thank you for your time.
CT: Oh, my pleasure.
F: It went by so fast. We went over time; I still have a lot more questions.
CT: Oh, sorry.
F: No, no, no, no, no, no. That, that's, that's absolutely fine. Thank you.
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maggotknight · 3 months
3, 6 and 23 for the RT ask game. :)
[3] Do they have a good relationship with their family? Who were they closest to growing up?
Lilith has had no relationship with her biological parents. They had made it very clear to Lilith that they wanted nothing to do with her when they dumped her in a lower hive hostel in Gunmetal City as an infant.
However, she found family with the cloister of tech priests that discovered her cowering in a Omnissian shrine. Specifically, Omniprophet Velt Thannek had taken the young Lilith under his wing to tutor her machine touched gifts and treated her as a daughter of sorts. And Lilith, in turn, views Thannek as her father. She very rarely left his lumbering side as he dealt with laity and machines alike. He helped nurture her curiosity and creativity. Taught her the value in knowing how to speak to laity and the initiated alike. And, in turn, Lilith treats the time that they shared as gospel. Admiring Thannek even into her Rogue Traderhood.
[6] What is their conviction? How do they adhear to it? Does it change at all over the course of the game?
I'm stealing @vossn ‘s term of "cynical dogmatic". That honestly fits Lilith best. In game terms, she has settled on 3 Dogmatic 2 Iconoclast. The more I flesh her out, the more Dogmatic she became. But, largely because of the betrayal of the Inquisitor that she served under in the Ordo Millitarum, she still maintains a cynical outlook on those who blindly follow dogma. She has to test their mettle for herself-- and hardly trusts anyone's word outside of her own. This hardly changes over the course of the events of the game. If anything, her cynicism has only strengthened.
[23] How do they hold themselves? Is the persona that they show to the world different from who they truly are? Who is privy to the real them?
Lilith typically holds herself as a confident (some would say overly so), headstrong leader. A leader who isn’t afraid to get down and dirty with the rest of her subordinates in order to get a job done. This is a genuine part of her— one born of her years serving as a Commissar on a Death World. Where keeping the resolve and faith of her comrades was a life or death matter. But there is another side to her that she rarely shows— one that was pushed aside in favor for that headstrong leader she portrays.
She has an unending curiosity, asking seemingly incessant questions when something interests her. Lilith enjoys playing games, reading fiction books, singing songs and eating any sweets she can get her hands on. But also is deeply insecure and unsure about how others view her. Always feeling as a fish out of water— that everyone around her knows more than she does. And it scares her.
In short, she has an inner child-like nature that she deftly hides from the world around her. To be vulnerable is to get shot in the back of the head again. The only person before taking the mantle of the Rouge Trader that was privy to that side of her was the Inquisitor she once served under and Theta.
During her time as a Rogue Trader The Hanaeumanns and Yrliet have seen glimpses of that side of Lilith. And only Heinrix van Calox has fully seen her vulnerable.
(Here’s an extra picture of Thannek and Lilith (age 8) together )
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noelle666 · 3 months
Heinrix van Calox/Noelle von Valancius - Guisorn III (fanfic)
Had the idea to write something related to Heinrix's home planet for some time. We don't know where exactly Guisorn III is located, but, eh, let us think it is located somewhere in the Calixis Sector, which is pretty close to Koronus. I don't know what business may've led them to this place, but let's pretend they had some business. This might be pretty long reading/writing.
Time period and other circumstances: couple solar years after Rogue Trader game events, Heinrix is a Master of Whispers, him and Noelle are betrothed. Both my RTs, Noelle (Ecclesiarchy priestess) and Maarden (psyker pyromancer and telepath), exist together (they are refered as "brother and sister" even though by the blood they are very far away from each other).
"Lord Captain, we are receiving message from the planetary government. It is an invitation to a celebration of some local holiday", - mechanic fingers of Vox Master Vigdis were dancing on a panel, she entered a command and a voice started its flow from speakers.
"Dear Lady von Valancius! Government of Guisorn III would like to invite you to our yearly ball dedicated to the Day of Formation, the day our home was brought back to the light of The Emperor, the day of our second birth. We would be very happy to see you among our guests. You can have up to three members of a retinue with you. The event will take place in the Agathia Fortress in two days".
"The message was send automatically, the only added information was your name, Lord Captain. Shall I send a reply with confirmation? In that case, they will add you in a guest list".
Noelle started thinking deeply: on one hand she never liked any events which include large amount of people and visited them only if duty calls. On the other, it is impolite for a noble person to decline an invitation, especially if it was addressed directly to this person.
"Fortress, huh? Sire Agathia doesn't change his habits. Previously it was a "castle" althought looked like a mere barton. Even if he expanded the place, I am sure there are no tall rockcrete walls surrounding it".
Heinrix stepped closer to Lord Captain and noticed her face expression: a young woman was diving deeply in thoughts, her index finger was pressed to lips, she was standing motionlessly like a statue.
"Three members of a retinue? We can take Lady Cassia, she likes social events. As for the other one..."
"We", - Heinrix looked straight into Noelle's eyes as if saying "This is my decision and I am fully sure of it". Then he continued, - "I think, your brother would fit. He had attended several meetings similar to what we will see, he has experience, so I am sure in him. Or mistress Heydari: her communicating skills, for sure, will help her make connections useful for her. And maybe for us too. The only thing which will be preferable for this event is a proper gown".
Noelle sighed. A proper gown? In that case she needs to think fast since she has no ball dress or more or less presentable clothes. Subjects in the Koronus already know their leader is a humble person in all matters of her life, but here is the new world and you need to look different. And if Heinrix says, the governer is an eccentric person, Lord Captain's simple Ecclesiarchy dress may drag unnintentional attention. Funny - you need to look bright and stunning to mix with the crowd which looks the same.
The next days Noelle has spend time dealing with small tasks and, more importantly, preparing for the ball. Jae was very eager to provide her help as a "fashion consultant" when she learnt that Lord Captain needs to find a proper dress, and so she grabbed her and Cassia "to do what ladies do best - shopping and having some fun". She herself declined an offer to join the retinue at the event since she needed to meet some "buisness partners". During "shopping session" Heydari wanted Lord Captain to buy almost half of the store: "Shereen, you look like a precious jewel on a velvet cusion in every dress! I am sure this is not the last ball you are going to attend, so why not buy several dresses? Everyone needs to see your inner princess! Especially someone in particular. Oh, and don't forget to call me again - I will make a miracle out of your hair". Jae chuckled, but the young woman already has put her eye on a pretty simple steel grey dress with an airy skirt made of several layers of translucent fabric, a top of it was decorated with beading and tiny pearls. Cassia decided to follow her companion's advice and chose long-sleeved straight deep purple samite dress the very fabric of which was embroided with thin pattern.
When "the X day" arrived, Noelle, fully prepared, was standing infront of a mirror in her quarters, checking if her appearance was proper enought for the evening. Familiar sound of steps distracted her, and then a familiar person appeared behind her, reflecting in the mirror. Van Calox was looking at his beloved for several seconds, then he stepped close to her.
"There is something missing".
He stood right behind Noelle; something sparkling appeared in his hands - psyker deftly fastened silver chain around her neck on which a little pendant was resting: small roung pearl inside of a round spiderweb "cage". Young woman smiled, she turned to Heinrix and lightly kissed him; the man in response hugged her tighter with no desire to separate his lips from hers. When he stopped, he looked into her eyes and said:
"Don't worry about me, my love. I know, you will anyway, but at least let me reassure you: I am fine".
"Your lips are now glossy", - Noelle smiled, - "Here, let me rectify the situation". She wiped out lip gloss from the man's lips with a wet tissue, and they headed towards the exit. She, indeed, was worried: even thought chances to meet Heinrix family were low when Lord Captain's ship has arrived and she had to do some business in the Calixis Sector, still this social event increases those chances sharply.
The "fortress" indeed looked more like a palace, just like Heinrix described. Guests were everywhere: in the main hall, in the garder, in the corridors, but it was still possible to find vacant spots for sitting such as fancy couches or wide windowsills covered with cushions. Live orchestra was playing beautiful music, and from time to time guests invited each other for a dance; the others were more interested in drinks and appetizers. Heinrix pointed at a wide plate filled with large deep red berries:
"Guisorn wild cherry, sweet and crunchy. One of the first plants cultivated on this planet. Try it, the harvest season has just arrived and it lasts only for a month".
Noelle ate two berries - sweet cool juice unlike anything she ever knew covered her mouth.
"Oh, it is tasty indeed!"
Heinrix lowered his voice.
"Back in the days, sisters asked me to gather them from trees in our family garden. I clibmed a tree and they were cathing berries with skirts. Then we were sitting on a grass and eating until our stomacks were very full".
"Dear guests!" - a loud voice distracted Heinrix and Noelle, it was the "star and master of the evening", planet governer Lord Maximillian Agathia, - "It is an honor and a delight to have you all here. In about an hour a culmination of the event will arrive, a grandioso firework show, so be sure to find the best spot! And now please, allow me to invite you all to a traditional Guisorn III menuett!"
Crowd of people vacated center of the room, those who were brave enough or sure in their skills went out and started preparations.
"Will my lady be so kind to accept my invitation?" - Heinrix bowed slightly and reached out his hand to Noelle, waiting.
"Heinrix, I... I can't dance, I've never done this before".
"This dance is pretty simple: mostly you need to walk next to a partner and touch hands from time to time, do it several times and then bow to each other in the end. Trust me and merely repeat after me".
Noelle sighed and then took her beloved's hand. She could've never thought she would attend all ball's activities, she hoped she would just enjoy the evening somewhere in a quite cornen, but here she was, wached by many eyes, dancing for the first time in her life with the best partner she could've ever wished for. With a corner of her eye she was watcing other couples for reinsurance, her movements might've been a little bit clumsy but the view of Heinrix was calming her heart and helping to focus. She was twirling and then holding Heinrix's hand, looking straight into his eyes; it felt like no one was around and the orchestra was playing only for them. At the end of a dance, when each man bowed to his woman, Heinrix gently took Noelle's hand in his for a kiss.
"Master van Calox! I've never thought you could dance! The way you moved and the bright gold color surrounding you and Lord Captain almost made my very soul sing with happiness!" - Cassia was clapping her hands, she looked like a child ready to jump out of excitement.
"Lady Cassia was torn between a desire to join you and her shyness. And I, unfortunately, not a master of dances, although I had to dance waltz couple of times in my life. So I promissed her to become her partner if there still will be a chance tonight", - Maarden sighed.
"Let's just say, some old habits and knowledge sometimes cannot be wipped out. And now, please forgive me for I intend to "steal" Lord Captain for several minutes", - psyker took his beloved by the arm, and they headed towards corridor.
"Dear guests a minute of attention!" - a loud voice once again filled the hall, - "Let's chance the rules! Ladies invite gentlemen for a waltz!"
"Master Maarden, you promissed..."
"I did, and I will not break my promise, Lady Cassia. But I have not practices for a very long time, so forgive me if I make any mistake".
"I am sure you will be fine", - Cassia took Maarden's hand, and they went out to the center of the hall.
"Are you tired?"
"No, not at all. Surprised, yes, and... happy. Neven thought I could ever enjoy something I am not very used to. Heinrix, you are still full of surprises".
"To be fair, I don't think there are mysteries left in me you don't know. There may be some non-obvious things I've never told you, but only because their matter is not that large. You know you can ask me anything and I will tell you everything, just like you did when we were spending evenings together after finishing our mission. When I became truly yours and yours only".
Noelle and Heinrix were sitting on a windowsill, the man was holding Lord Captain's hand in his, gently caressing it; he was gazing at young woman attentively.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, no. I..." - psyker chuckled. - "The more I look at you the more I feel something, as if I am falling for you again even though I already love you with all my heart".
"You know, it may sound silly, but when the were dancing and I was looking at you I felt the same way".
"When we are back, I think it will be the right moment to start preparations for the wedding. It will take some time and many decisions should be made, but now I know for sure - we will have to dance at least once. Only if you are not against it, I have no right to force my future wife to do something that may make her unhappy. But I think this evening opened some hidden side of you to me".
Noelle smiled.
"I... will think about it".
A woman was standing in front of the couple, a few steps away from them. Her dark blue velvet dress with fluffy skirt, decorated with pattern embroided with golden threads, bracelets and dark hair decorated with gems, even the gaze showed that she was a person of noble origin. The gaze of her cold grey eyes... and her face... something familiar in them caught Noelle's attention.
"Anna". - Heinrix stood up from a windowsill and made two steps closer to the unknown woman.
"It seems I disturbed your privacy, forgive me, but... it is really you".
Noelle stood up too, she looked closely to Heinrix and the unknown woman and realised - the lady standing right in front of psyker is his sister, the resemblance right now was obvious when both were close to each other.
"Many years have passed".
"Forgive me yet again", - the woman looked at Noelle and faintly smiled, - "I will not take more of your time. I will only say I am happy to see you alive and well, really".
"You..." - Noelle stepped closer to Heinrix and quietly took his hand while looking at Anna, - "I think, you need to talk to each other. Please, don't leave so soon".
"I agree. Will you join me for a little walk, Anna?"
"Of course".
Heinrix turned to Noelle: he felt her hand was shaking, she was nervous yet tried very hard to calm down. He knew his beloved may turn into a "protective" mode if something may look like a danger and she needs some time to calm down. Psyker gently kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear: "Find Maarden and Cassia, I'll join you later right before the beginning of the firework show". Noelle nodded: no signs of fear and worry were caught by her eye in her beloved's eyes, face or even body language, so mentally she breathed a sigh of relief and went to the main hall. Heinrix and his sister headed towards the exit to the garden.
"You grew up".
Anna broke silence between her and her brother while they were walking between carefully trimmed bushes. Heinrix chuckled.
"I can say the same about you. But deep down inside of my memory you still remain as little loud hurricane. Tell me, how did you recognize me?"
"The second time you must turn anti-clokwise, young Master Heinrix, yet you are still cannot remember it".
"I remember... But turning anti-clockwise is completely inconvenient".
"Thankfully, Madame Rozanna doesn't see you. Otherwise she would've needed something more serious than twigs".
"Then I would have to run away from her again. Her twigs were too fragile anyway, I'd broken them easily," - Heinrix sighed, the picture from the past appeared before his eyes: dancing class, several boys and girls from noble families learning cultural traditions of their world. Every young knight pilot should've known how to present himself, how to act like a gentleman, how to speak. Heinrix was a difficult student: he had grasped many things on the fly, but if he found something went against his believes or comfort, he would've turned into an unbrekable wall and started argument even with adults.
The memory vanished as sudden as it appeared; Heinrix invited Anna with gesture to sit on a garden bench.
"To be frank, this little detail merely proved my doubts. I visit every event and like to watch guests, to see new faces. I noticed Lady von Valancius and her retinue: very humble young lady, shy I'd say. Can't say I paid much attention to you and other two people with her, although it's interesting to see differences between navigators. And then by chance I was standing not so far away from you two when you were telling her about wild cherries: it surprised me since we sell them mostly within our sector. And then... even though you lowered your voice my ears caught what you've said, about sisters gathering those berries with their skirts", - Anna's gaze was directed somewhere far away. - "I recalled out childhood, recalled those days, it hit me like a hammer. I asked myself: "Could it be that my brother I haven't seen in decades is still alive? That he by a very slim chance is here right now?" And when you invited this young lady to dance I was watching you both, I was clinging to this thin string of hope. And you proved me right. My brother, our noble knight who swore to protect me and Margaretha, who reappeared here, on his home planet, as sudden as when he vanished from our lives that day".
The woman looked at Heinrix: his facial expression was calm, yet it was difficult to not notice something in his eyes, a barely perceptible sorrow.
"Oh, I need to shut myself up. I can speak and speak for hours. Tell me, how are you? How is your life? If it is proper to ask such question."
"I'm afraid I would need more than this evening to tell you about my life in details, but what I can say now is: I've had several life changing events, aside from what happened that day when my powers awakened. I went through psyker training, then surved several years in the Imperial Guard, then was noticed by Lord Inquisitor. I was going with the flow of my life, accepted it as there was no other choice, did what was needed, what was right because I was told so, because I started to think the same way. And then I met someone who broke these walls and showed me the real "me" who was dug deep inside, chained by duty and by someone else's ruling hand. She made me look into the eyes of truth, she, out of all people I've met, brought happiness to my life. And love. I can't remember I've ever loved someone like her. Or, I think, I've never ever loved anyone before meeting her. And now I serve her and will serve till the end of the days".
"You still are the true defender, Heinrix, eager to give his life for those who have place in your heart", - Anna smiled, she toucher her brother's cheek attentively looking at his face: she remembered a boy with heavy augmentation which required removing one of his eyes - a necesarry sacrifice for those whose very mind and soul supposed to be bonded with the machine spirit. The eye was a peak of an iciberge concidering how much metal Heinrix had in his head. Psyker looked as if he's never had any surgeries and a slight difference in the color of his eyes could be a merely little unique detail, a highlight.
"The eye is real".
"You are a biomancer?"
Heinrix nodded.
"No one ever told me what exactly had happened to you. Only when I became older I found letters from the Inquisition in father's desk. Probably, parents and sister wanted to spare me of gruesome details and to make me think Heinrix had to leave because of some very important and secret reason. They all knew how much I loved you. I was telling Margie that since you left with no goodbyes you will come back, eventually. Oh how naive I was... When I found you have a gift of sorcery, I decided I need to dedicate my life for researching of psyker phenomenon. I was talking with different psykers, studying them. Funny enough, deep inside I had an insane thought that maybe I could've invent a "cure" for such "condition" only to bring you back home".
"Anna..." - Heinrix took Anna's hand in his. - "I am back. I cannot remain here, you know that, but for the time being I am here".
"I know. Still I can't believe it".
"I think I need to cheer you up", - Heinrix stood up from a bench, - "Come. After all, I need to introduce two women, importaint to me, to each other properly".
Several minutes were left before the skyes would be covered with shining ornaments of fireworks. Maarden and Cassia went to the central fountain: the crowd already surrounded it, but young navigator saw a spot she and psyker could occupy. Noelle stayed at a distance under a large tree; she was told to wait and she was waiting. Minutes were stretched to a size of eternity, or so it seemed to her.
A familiar voice, so warm and dear, so close, made heart to pound a bit faster. The young woman turned her head and saw her beloved right next to her, he took her hand and gently kissed the inner side of the palm. Noelle smiled, she then noticed the woman next to Heinrix, the one she saw earlier today.
"You came".
"I can't break my promise. And I am not alone. Allow me introduce you: Noelle, this is Anna, my sister, the youngest one. Anna, this is Noelle, my Lord Captain and my future wife".
Two women bowed to each other.
"It is a great pleasure to meet my brother's darling. I hope he's not offending you", - the woman in dark blue dress smiled slyly.
"Oh, no! He is a true gentleman!" - Noelle's cheeks started to turn pink.
Anna laughted, Heinrix sighed and shaked his head.
"The last thing I was hoping to see is you "testing" my fiancee, dear sis".
"Oh, Heinrix, it was but a mere joke! Please, forgive me, Lady Noelle, I had no intension to insult you".
"No need to apologize", - Noelle shaked her head and smiled.
A sound of many voiced interrupted their conversation: guests starded loudly chanting countdown. Three, two, one... Several small sparks soared up to release all their brightness and cover night sky of the capital city with fancy ornaments and slogans, congratulations and prayers to the God-Emperor. Each flash of firework caused the crowd of guests to cheer and clap, laghter and happy shouting were coming from all sides of the garden. Lord Captain squeezed Heinrix's hand, she looked at his face illuminated by the light from above. Psyker noticed his beloved's attention and looked back at her, he smiled with corners of his mouth and squeezed Noelle's hand in response.
"Lady Anna", - Noelle looked at the woman standing on the left from Heinrix, - "I... I don't think tonight we may have time to speak a lot. My ship will remain at the orbit of Guisorn III for two weeks or so, depending on how fast the business will be finished. So, I though if you agree to be out guest? If you don't mind, of course, and can share some of your time".
The yound woman looked at Heinrix as if asking: "I hope you don't mind". Deep inside he himself wanted to do the same, so he nodded slightly: "You are doing the right thing, my love".
"Thank you for the invitation, Lady Noelle. It will be an honor".
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sotc · 3 months
1, 13, 24, 26, for lucinda? :3
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1. Is your muse a good kisser?
First off, I wouldn't be caught dead letting my OCs be bad kissers so jot that down!!! 📝😤 Secondly, yes! She's had only one or two intimate experiences under her belt before meeting the intimidating Master van Calox (do people really trust being close to a psyker let alone a telepathic one btw) but what she lacks in experience she makes up for in passion and eagerness. 😼
13. What personality trait/type does your muse find most attractive?
Adding to that note of having little intimate experiences, I'd imagine what drew her to past partners and Heinrix was their passion. Most are in their servitude to the Imperium -- as was she in her time lil miss dogmatic 💤 -- but learning the Interrogator was capable to be beyond his duties and had such hidden, personal and passionate depths is what drew her to him.
And in that magnetic attraction she learned more about herself in the process, too.
24. Does your muse tend to get jealous when in a relationship? Do they like it when their partner gets jealous over them?
Being in an actual relationship is very new to Lucinda so I think she's a little unsure on how to properly navigate the emotions that can come with it lol. Jealousy rears its head when Heinrix's noble politeness extends to other nobles at times (stares at Cassia/Heinrix interactions before they were even dating). Nevermind that she feels imposter in her newly-anointed royal position but she has to squint real hard to try and read that man because he's just. So. Good. at playing his part. It's looking a little too friendly Heinrix 🙄 LOL.
How much stock does your muse put in first impressions? What is the best way to make a good first impression with your muse? 
She's sooo easily impressionable 😭 lmfao. Lucinda was literally shooketh when Heinrix was out here treating her with respect not only because of rank and title but as a person? Unheard of when you've been treated poorly your whole life and had to work twice as hard to gain even an iota of respect or decent treatment as a psyker. Even as a sanctioned one.
But that's it. That's all it takes or rather... took. LMFAO. You know strictly speaking when he was totally not watching her every move, of course.
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aylinvail · 6 months
the cicatrix maledictum my darling u r here
Calligos shrugs casually, “I have my informants.” He looks at the shock on her face, “Come on, you think your protectorate isn’t crawling with informants, all of them eager to ingratiate themselves with the mighty Rogue Trader Winterscale?” He laughs lightly, “As I was saying, the Inquisition has begun dipping its fingers into Rogue Trader business.”
“And you don’t like that?” Aylin regards him carefully now. This could be a trap for all she knew. Some heavy handed way to pull her into admitting to an indiscretion. If Heinrix were the one to catch her, she could count on mercy. Anyone else would have her blood.
“No.” Calligos’ eyes bore into hers, “I don’t, Aylin. Everywhere you go in this galaxy, the long arm of the Imperium follows. Everywhere, the scene is repeated. Every planet, every system. Wherever the Inquisition goes, they bring the Imperium and where the Imperium goes, the world becomes tame. It becomes known.”
“Yes, the Inquisition assists in bringing the light of the Imperium. We share a mission. I have a copy of the Warrant of Trade, may I remind you.” She gulps down her drink.
“Our work. We clear the way and they come to pave it.” Calligos points at her, “You got a copy of the Warrant of Trade. You give it a closer look? No? You should. Read it even more carefully because right there – you followin’ me, new blood? – right there, you’ll see our powers only exist outside the Imperium. The moment wild space becomes Imperium space? Rogue Traders can fuck themselves.”
Aylin swallows, “You want the Inquisition gone?”
Calligos grins from ear to ear, “Before they get their fingers into everything. Goodness knows Calcazar’s got Incendia by her balls already.”
“You said it yourself-” Aylin chooses her words carefully, “You go after one, the others come. There’s a whole conclave sitting out in the Calixis Sector. Whatever your gripe is with the Inquisition, I can assure you Rykad Minoris isn’t worth taking them all on.”
“What if they can’t come?”
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heinrix · 2 months
1,2,5,6 for the RT asks!!
1. Where are they from? What is their homeworld like? Do they miss it?
samael is originally from necromunda. It's a hive world so as expected it's incredibly dense with people and buildings; samael and his parents lived in a cramped, tiny apartment in the slums due to the fact that her father was the only one able to work with samael's mother being bedridden and chronically ill, it was not a pleasant environment to grow up in. samael absolutely does not miss his homeworld and is glad for the black ships that came and took him to terra
2. What is their Origin? Who were they before they became a Rogue Trader?
his origin in game is "sanctioned psyker" and technically he was "sanctioned" a very long time ago but only partially due to tzeentch's influence to warp the influence the emperor's will could have over samael. But before the events of rogue trader, sammy had been cast into the warp and specifically into tzeentch's maze after the death of the primarch samael had served during the horus heresy. so technically sammy was in the warp for 9,000~ years give or take (but not 9,000 within the warp, to sammy it felt more like 10 years cause weird magic shit) and was suddenly spat out at tzeentch's behest to become a rogue trader.
5. Describe a memory from childhood they think of fondly.
this is very hard cause sammy had a genuinely bad childhood overall but one thing she would think about while training in the astra militarum was her mother reading him when sammy was very, very young but i think at the current point in sammy's life, he does not remember his mother very well
6. What is their Conviction? How adherent are they to it? Does it change at all over the course of the game?
pretty heretical. though, there is a point in the game where samael's mind is cleared via heinrix helping him stave off warp influence (as well as tzeentch's influence) wherein samael wants nothing more than to grip his life and make it his own. she, however, does not sway from being heretical but more selfish than serving a god that never served her in the first place
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unsupervised-threat · 7 months
There are no narrative inconsistencies in RT's Act 4. Period. Zero.
Also known as: my friend channeling her inner Cegorach, to deal with Act 4 shenanigans.
Obviously full of spoilers and critique bordering on venting. But in a hilarious way.
Me & the gals read it and had a good laugh, so we poked her to share it in public, but she's too shy. So now I'm going to share it. With her permission, of course XD
There are no narrative inconsistencies. Period. Zero. None.
Act 4 starts with the portal spitting us out on Janus, annoying Muaran.
“Fucking mon-keigh…” greets Muaran, despite us being allies. Once again, I beg Muaran to give me some colony projects, but he ignores me. We make our way back to my voidship with me wiping my tears away, while Yrliet pats me on the back sympathetically.
“Lord Captain! It is high time you do something about your xenos pet!” says Argenta and Heinrix the moment I finally sat my arse on my stupid throne. I look at them dead in the eye, tired of repeating myself, then I give them the middle finger. “Argenta, how about I lash you instead for what you did?” I add, but she ignores me. Everyone ignores what I just said, and I begin to question if Argenta ever admitted doing what she did. 'Okay. Must be the trauma induced delusions imagining these things, then’ I thought to myself, deciding to forget the whole thing.
Time to retire to my chambers for some peace and quiet.
KnockKnock. Idira wants to speak to me. KnockKnock Heinrix wants to speak to me. KnockKocno, black screen wants to speak to me. KocnoKoco, uh, wants to speeketh to meeh!?error?error??crash to desktop. Reboot required. …I meta-reload and decide to leave my chambers without resting. The cursed knocking finally ceases. The error filled warp releases us from its grip.
Let’s get down to Rogue Trading business.
“Anything interesting occurring in my absence?” I ask my bridge officer. “Lord Captain, Winterscale had misplaced himself in one of his jungle planets, Chorda allied herself with Lord Calcazar taking Footfall from us, and all of our colonies are on fire.” “Terrific news.” In no hurry, I make my way to scan random planets for resources which later I will find out I can’t even use. There is no more content. “Funny how little actual Rogue Trading I do when it’s basically my only fucking job…” I mumble to myself while finally turning to see what’s up with Chorda.
Bzzz! Zbang!
“Lord Captain!” Uh-oh. “What now?” I ask, hopeful for content™ “Lord Captain, we have intercepted an anomaly that almost collided with us,” reports my Vox Mistress. “Okay? Anything else about it?” I ask. “No, nothing else to report.” “...” “Then why the dramatic interruption? Is this not leading up to anything? My journal entry did not get updated. What was the point of this?” My Vox Mistress shrugs, “Only the Emperor knows, Lord Captain.” “...”
We reach Footfall, and we find out that Chorda is hanging Pirates for Piracy on a Piracy planetoid. “Hm. How does that make any sense? Is it not easier to just bomb the entire planet instead of purging it manually like this?” I question the logic of it out loud to no one in particular.
Chorda smirks smirkingly at my arrival. With the attitude of Paris Hilton welcoming some schmuck into her 5 stars Hilton hotel. “How do you like my deliverance of Imperium justice, RT?” she smugly asks. I frown. “How do you like this planetoid barren of any life forms if you plan on killing every single man here?” She ignores my questions and suddenly declares me to be placed under trial. “Sorry, what did you just say? A trial? A 3rd trial after I just escaped from Commorragh? Are you okay?” ‘Am I okay?’
Feeling overwhelmed by the stupidity of this narrative I pick up her spoon to eat this random man’s brains raw. Marazhai, for some reason, is into it. “You are disgusting” says Chorda, who 5 seconds prior also partook in eating this poor sod’s brains. “And you are a hypocrite who has peas for brains. Is that why you’re doing this? To replenish your non-existent brain lobs, perhaps?” I say, unimpressed with her insult.
In a flustered panic, Chorda shares Vladaym’s location and tells me to go kill him, despite me making it clear I despise her and want her dead. “Why are you telling me th- Oh for fu-, you know what? Nevermind. Let’s just go.” We leave.
We reach Vladaym's super secret hide out. “Hello to you, you sneaky rascal” I greet him in a friendly manner, because we’ve already established we’re allies. “Your Ladyship, you might not have a lot of love for me or our business-” “What?” I interrupt him. “What do you mean, Vladaym? I traded with the Kasballica. Do you even check your statistics? I am literally your number 1 store buyer. I send Footfall provisions. I kept you in charge of Footfall under Valancius’ wing. I was nice to you personally. What do you mean, I don't have a lot of love for you???!”
I get ignored, as per usual.
“Yo” says Hieronymus, making an aquila gesture greeting. “Yo” I salute back, making an aeldari greeting gesture in return. “Did you know I’m a piece of shit who indoctrinated Chorda since she was little to be the ultimate heretic killing machine? This is why she is the way she is btw.” Hieronymus admits with little prompting. “Oh, spare me her sob story! Are you serious?!” Hieronymus doesn’t respond, just soullessly stares at me, giving me nothing.
I become desperate.
“You info dumping her sob story on me, ONLY WITH A DOGMATIC DIALOGUE OPTION, is all this game gives me to make me like her enough to redeem her AS AN ICONOCLAST? How does that make any sense?! This is truly all you are going to give me??” I grab onto Hieronymus’ sleeve, having lost it entirely. The priest looks down at me with pity then shrugs. “The Emperor bestows a lot on his followers, my child. The gift of logic and sense however... were omitted here.” “Omitted? You mean just for this quest only, right? This is simply a flaw, a hiccup in the overarching narrative, and not for the rest of the story, father? Right? Right, father???” “...I am so sorry, my child. But while we’re at it, I must warn you. You will aggro my boss fight regardless of what you do during this quest.”
I stare into the dirty rooftop of the bar, to avoid tears leaking out of my eyeballs. The dirty metallic rooftop stares back. "I am not possessed or insane. Everything around me is simply too bugged. Nothing is real." I mumble crazily to comfort myself. The dirty rooftop then laughs at me, seeing how I have not reached any of the conviction point thresholds that are required for anything during this act.
I snap and let out an inhuman screech, pressing the quit button.
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bnbc · 5 months
#16 and #22 for the Write a Kiss prompt thing! :)
tysm for the ask!! the prompt list is here
16. …lazily.
"You know, what I'm dreaming about?"
"A morning," Heinrix allowed himself a shadow of a sight. "Just one morning, when I don't have reports to read and you don't have important meetings to hold. One morning I can wake up, see you, and do this."
Heinrix hand slides under Isabella's arm before pressing her to his chest, his lips brushing against her shoulder.
"Just this?" Isabella knows he can hear a smile in her voice.
"Just this," Heinrix smiles, too. "And then to fall asleep again."
"Your appetites, master van Calox, are quite excessive."
"This is your influence, Lord Captain. Dealing with a Rogue Trader can turn any ascetic into a hedonist."
Isabella twists in his arms, turning to him.
"But you are no ascetic," she says. "So what would you do after waking up again?"
This is a very promising "oh" indeed.
"I would," Heinrix moves closer, his face bare millimeters from Isabella's now. "I would do something like that."
He quickly kisses her on the tip of her nose, then closes his eyes and snores loudly.
"You'd fall asleep again?!"
"What can I say," Heinrix sighs one more time. "Dreams are intended to be unrealistic."
He expects Isabella to laugh, but her voice is very serious when she says:
"I'm in charge of this ship. I can call on the bridge and order them to change the time, so it would be a morning right now."
Heinrix chuckles softly and objects:
"But we both know it's not true."
"Yes... but we both can pretend."
22. …in a rush of adrenaline.
"Isabella, no!"
Too late. She's already running to the heretics’ leader, getting to the point where she can make eye contact. A chain of short laser rays rip through the air, and bullets sing, burying Heinrix's cry under the cacophony of battle. He thrusts his sword into his opponent's chest and pushes her in the shoulder to free his weapon, but only takes one step to Isabella when the floor refuses to hold him any longer.
Good thing: he's not the only one in the air. Bad thing: it's just moments before people on both sides adapt to a new setting and start shooting again.
The most horrible thing: Isabella, the eye of this storm, hovering at one spot — focused, tense. Motionless.
Well, this is why you still need old good bullets.
Heinrix shoots without aiming just for one impulse to push him in Isabella's direction, and as by command, the air is filled with rays and projectiles again. He crushes into her, as the tension gets to its peak, and the heretic's head explodes, and the gravity has them back.
Hard floor, but a moment later — a soft body under his. Her quick question:
"You or me?"
Hand on his cheek, a quick kiss, a short:
Their rapid heartbeats and the veil so thin, the voices of the other side almost join the song of the battle. The rip in reality is healed, but for how long?
He helps her up, he helps her in the cover. The shooting is getting slower as if all the opponents are expecting another gravity shift, as Paqual's voice in their beads calmly announcing that the probability of their victory just increased to 74,28%.
Isabella quickly squeezes Heinrix's wrist as her eyes change color from purple to dark blue in a silent promise: no more sorcery for today, no more risk. He nods and dives back into the dying battle: somebody has to finish the job.
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Much Ado About The Lord Captain - Chapter 17
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After the immediate crisis is resolved, Heinrix and Isha have a chat. A flower blooms in the most unexpected place, and gives hope to our couple to be.
"Just like you put yourself at risk by flirting with the ruinous powers, Heinrix? I’m not the only one who has transgressed the limits of propriety recently.” She brushed his hand away. “Don’t think I have forgotten about your behaviour in the jungle. This is just not the right time to talk about it.” She paused. “Look, it’s late and we are both tired, so either punish me on the spot, right here or shut up and take the damn rosette of yours and shove it up your arse instead of waving it in my face at every opportunity. That might do something for your pent-up energy.”
This week is Dopamine Week (12/5 to 18/5) where we focus more on reading and sharing the love than creating and updating our fics.
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