#if i was in a mood or a certain state of health they would COPY THAT TOO
musashi · 9 months
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I’ve been feeling a little inspired lately. I’m feeling more emboldened to go after my dreams. My dreams aren’t very clear to me right now because I’m unfocused and mainly thinking about my own health. But the point is that I’m daring to dream.
Today, I started looking up luxury apartments out of state. I know for certain that I don’t really care to live in my current city for much longer. However, I don’t like the idea of buying again. It’s a long, daunting process and wouldn’t make sense unless I plan to have roots in the next state I move to.
I would move into the apartment and, of course, keep the home I currently own and rent it out. Not a chance in hell would I give up this house. I got it as real estate was still exploding all over the U.S. so I have equity in this btch.
Anyway, I’ve been creating a “mood board” of sorts (just emailing myself images) for the practical and semi practical things I want to own (a fat investment portfolio, multi-family rental, and luxury apartment). I am now looking forward to adding impractical luxury items to my mood board: a new car, clothing accessories, a brownstone on the upper west side.
Honestly, when it comes to fashion accessories, I take much more pleasure in buying high quality replicas. The thought of spending money on authentic handbags when the super copies are undetectable makes me want to vomit. The only brand I’d buy authentic is Goyard because that’s a design that replica factories struggle to get right. Everything else, I’d buy the high end fake versions of.
High end replica shoes do not look good unless they’re flatter sandals and then it also really depends on the style and brand (I have a pair of suede Louboutin 110cm pumps and Manolo pumps from DHGate as well - ::chef’s kiss::, but I would never get a pair of replica So Kates. They don’t pass muster).
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ibijau · 3 years
Futures Past pt12 / on AO3
Lan Xichen gives Nie Huaisang a music lesson
Everything was perfectly laid out on the low table when Lan Xichen finished his preparations. There was a guqin, of course. Not his personal one, since it would have been unwise to let a complete beginner touch an instrument that valuable, but a very good one nonetheless, borrowed among those Gusu Lan used to teach its newest disciples. Along with the guqin Lan Xichen had also taken a manual detailing the different hand positions, how to play different types of notes, and how to care for an instrument. In case Nie Huaisang took a liking to playing music, as Lan Xichen so hoped he would, permission had even been obtained on his behalf to keep both the instrument and the manual for the duration of his stay in the Cloud Recesses.
With how unpredictable Nie Huaisang was, there was a real chance he wouldn’t want to learn after all, or that he’d be as unfocused with this as he was with most things at this point of his life. But if Lan Xichen’s plan worked, if Nie Huaisang took to music…
It was unlikely at this point that Meng Yao would ever work for Nie Mingjue, or for Jin Guangshan. Just that morning, Lan Xichen had received a letter from Jiang Cheng who had wanted to give news about Yunmeng Jiang’s newest recruit, stating that Meng Yao seemed to get along with everyone so far. Only Madam Yu had reservations, having predictably guessed that Meng Yao was one of Jin Guangshan’s many bastards, but his good manners and respect for authority apparently pleased her, leading Jiang Cheng to believe that his mother would eventually warm up to this new disciple. Lan Xichen fervently hoped it would be so, and intended to answer that letter to thank Jiang Cheng for letting him know everything was going well, and for taking good care of Meng Yao.
If Meng Yao settled well in Yunmeng, then Jin Guangshan would find it much harder to conduct a plot against Nie Mingjue’s life. The man had treated his bastard son like dirt, never realising Meng Yao was the best thing that had ever happened to his sect, never seeing his true potential. Without his son, Jin Guangshan would hardly be a threat to anyone.
Still, there were hard times coming in the near future. Even without the Jin conspiring against him, Lan Xichen had suspected in that other future that Nie Mingjue’s temper and inner balance had been hit hard by the pressure of the Sunshot Campaign, and so Lan Xichen had now inherited his future self's fears on that subject. There was a good chance that the Jins had only precipitated a death that would have happened too soon even without their interventions.
But if there were someone in Nie Mingjue’s entourage who could play Cleansing for him, properly play it, someone as determined as Lan Xichen to keep Nie Mingjue in good health, but with the advantage of proximity and availability…
Cleansing was not an easy song. Even among Gusu Lan disciples, there were many who could not play it well, and they were not considered inferior cultivators for that failure. Teaching such a complex piece of music to a stranger, untrained in the ways of Gusu Lan, would be a gamble, one Lan Xichen had lost in another life.
He would not fail again to protect Nie Mingjue.
A knock on the door called Lan Xichen back to the present. He was not surprised to find Nie Huaisang there, whom he invited to come in. Nie Huaisang appeared to be in a good enough mood, and bore almost no more trace of his fight with Jin Zixun. It seemed to Lan Xichen that the other boy’s nose used to be a little straighter, but he couldn’t be quite sure. It was nothing horrible to look at, anyway. In fact, it might even have added something to Nie Huaisang’s face, giving his face a certain charm he wouldn’t otherwise have developed until well into his twenties, around the time his brother died. 
Or perhaps it was just that Lan Xichen had never paid attention this early into their other lives. Not his worst mistake perhaps, but a mistake nonetheless because it had allowed Nie Huaisang to turn into a cold, lonely, and cruel man, one who haunted Lan Xichen’s nightmares in this life. But maybe this Nie Huaisang, with his slightly crooked nose proving a brave heart, with a loyal friend to count on, would turn out differently. 
Lan Xichen must have stared too obviously, because as soon as he was done removing his shoes, Nie Huaisang covered his face with his hand.
“It’s really noticeable, isn’t it?” he whined. “Everyone says it’s just like before, but I know it’s not. I’m disfigured!”
“You’re certainly not disfigured,” Lan Xichen assured him. “I don’t think anyone who hasn’t met you before would even realise the shape isn’t natural.”
“I will have to hide my face behind a mask for the rest of my life,” Nie Huaisang insisted, going to sit without waiting to be invited to do so. He picked the side furthest from the guqin, which Lan Xichen thought didn’t bode well for his plan. “Good, honest folks shouldn’t have to ever see something so horrific. I will have to go into hiding! I will live and die alone, having never kissed anyone because I missed my chance when I was handsome.”
“You’re still quite handsome.”
“I’m not! Lan gongzi, there’s no need to lie, there’s no need to pity me. My life is ruined. With a face like that, what do I have left to attract others to me?”
Lan Xichen didn’t know whether to laugh or be annoyed. It wasn’t the first time he was comforted to realise that not all of Nie Huaisang’s behaviour in that future that wouldn’t be had been a comedy aimed at distracting Lan Xichen from his true intentions. It also wouldn’t be the last time he found such comfort in those antics either. Still, Nie Huaisang really was too dramatic, and Lan Xichen wasn’t sure how to deal with it.
“Nie gongzi has many other qualities that might attract a cultivation partner.”
“I do not. Really, I don’t!”
“Then let’s teach you some new skills,” Lan Xichen offered, calmly gesturing at the guqin. “The history of Gusu Lan is filled with musicians who wooed their true love through their talent, surely Nie gongzi might find success that way as well.”
Nie Huaisang pouted, and glared at the instrument as if it had insulted his parents.
"I really don't know if there's a point," he said. "I won't have any talent for it." 
"I've heard that before," Lan Xichen said, opening the manual to its first page. "From people who in the end proved very good at playing, once they got over their worries and just started. Wangji was absolutely terrified he would disappoint us all, and look at him now." 
In fact, Lan Wangji had cried his entire first lesson. And the second. The awkward timing of it, soon after their mother's death, hadn't helped. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren had needed to reassure him they would still love him and keep him in the family even if he turned out to be the worst guqin player in the world before he would touch the instrument. 
And then he'd enjoyed it so much that within a year he'd caught up to Lan Xichen's level, before promptly surpassing him. 
"Oh you can't compare me to Lan Wangji," Nie Huaisang complained, but he still leaned over the table to better look at the manual, peeking inside with some curiosity. "He and I are of a different sort. Everything your brother sets out to do, he succeeds at. I'm just a normal person." 
Lan Xichen's hands clenched. He remembered too well the respective failures and successes of Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang in that future he hoped they would avoid. Though thinking about it, Lan Wangji did usually get what he wanted. He'd even gotten Wei Wuxian, though it had taken him a while. All Nie Huaisang had gotten was bloody revenge, at the cost of everything else.
"Ah, sorry, I shouldn't speak like that of your brother," Nie Huaisang quickly mumbled. "I guess I spend too much time with… it's just that people in your sect tend to be unfairly compared to him, when he's a natural prodigy." 
"I suppose I cannot blame Su She for finding it tiring," Lan Xichen generously conceded. "Though he has qualities of his own, and should take pride in those. Although your punishment is now over, I hope you won't mind if I keep stealing him from you here and there to help copy texts."
Nie Huaisang gasped in horror. 
“Wait so it’s your fault if Su-xiong hasn’t been around lately?”
“I thought it would be better to keep him away from Jin gongzi,” Lan Xichen quickly explained. "And even though I told this to him on your first day of punishment, I still caught him trying to come and see you again the second day, so this seemed a good way to prevent problems." 
“I’m really so relieved that’s the reason Su-xiong wasn’t around,” Nie Huaisang said, looking more relaxed indeed. “I was so scared he didn’t want to hang out anymore, or that he was upset about getting scolded because of me…”
“Nie gongzi should have a little more faith in others,” Lan Xichen gently scolded. “Especially in your friends.”
Nie Huaisang nodded, looking at Lan Xichen with some surprise.
“It sounds like you almost don’t hate him anymore.”
“I am currently reconsidering my opinion of him,” Lan Xichen admitted. “I thank you for encouraging me to do that. You were right in accusing me of unfairness.”
It had been with great reluctance that Lan Xichen had involved Su She in his project to prevent their sect's library. He'd only given him some texts of minor importance, which Su She could not put to use if he still broke out from the Lan sect in the future. And even those texts were only given to him for Nie Huaisang's sake, because Lan Xichen realised he wouldn't get Huaisang’s trust without making concessions toward Su She. 
Much to his surprise, Su She had acquitted himself of that task with diligence and skill, producing an excellent copy of the text given to him, without a single wrong stroke on any character. Lan Xichen had praised him for his work and, since there had been two days left to Nie Huaisang's punishment, had given Su She another text to copy. 
Since then, he had become curious about Su She, something he'd never done in his other life. 
Lan Xichen had trusted his sect to be fair in that other future, both as a youth and as a sect leader. Because the rules ordered fair treatment and respect towards everyone, he had believed that things were so. If anyone was unhappy, they would have reported their trouble to an elder, or directly to him. Indeed such things had been brought to his attention sometimes once he was sect leader, which he had investigated and set right again, proving to himself that the system worked. And if the system worked, then someone like Su She who had betrayed his sect in such a despicable manner could only be a villain.
Nie Huaisang’s surprising attachment to Su She had forced Lan Xichen to pay more attention to him. He hadn’t liked what he’d seen so far, but not for the reason he would have expected.
Su She was not only skilled in cultivation, something Lan Xichen had always reluctantly been forced to admit in that other future, but he was also dedicated to playing by the rules of Gusu Lan, bending to every rule even though the sect’s way of living clearly went against his entire personality, obeying his elders, working hard to please his teachers. And yet in spite of those efforts, Lan Xichen heard from some teachers that Su She was considered lazy and difficult. If pressed, those same teachers might say that Su She’s background meant he didn’t value hard work as a peasant’s son might have, that he lacked the education in classics he might have acquired in a family of scholars, and that he just didn’t have any refinement of manner as befitted a cultivator.
Su She didn’t belong, the same way Meng Yao didn’t belong.
Lan Xichen had a feeling that in that other future, his adult self had often been puzzled by the friendship between Jin Guangyao and Su She. Even when they had been revealed to be partners in crime rather than merely friends, Lan Xichen still hadn’t understood what might have brought those two to become so close.
It was starting to make sense now.
And this meant, also, that Gusu Lan had betrayed Su She no less than he had betrayed them.
“I’m glad as well, if you’re changing your opinion about him,” Nie Huaisang said with a happy smile. “He’s really a good person. Maybe he doesn’t always have the best of tempers, but neither does da-ge and you like him, so…”
Lan Xichen, however willing he was to give Su She a chance to prove himself in this new life, still shivered at hearing him mentioned at the same time as Nie Mingjue, whose death he’d probably helped in the other future. Jin Guangyao was very skilled, but it was doubtful he’d have mixed Cleansing and that other piece of music without a little help.
But that wouldn’t happen again. Meng Yao wouldn’t grow to hate Nie Mingjue, nor would he go to serve his despicable father. Not this time.
“Now that you’ve been reassured about your friend’s loyalty, how about starting the lesson?” Lan Xichen offered. “I do fear you’ll have to come sit on my side.”
Nie Huaisang grimaced and threw the guqin a worried look, but made no movement to get up.
“I really don’t know if it’s a good idea,” he said. “I’m such a bad student… I always get distracted and bored...”
“I think only because people usually try to teach you things you don’t enjoy,” Lan Xichen replied. “Come sit here, and let’s start. If really you don’t like it, then I’ll let you go and we’ll just forget about this, it’s fine. But you can’t give up without at least trying once.”
“You sound like my brother,” Nie Huaisang complained, but at last he stood up and walked around the table to sit closer to Lan Xichen. “Always saying I won’t know unless I try… and then when I try things and I don’t like them, he gets all upset and we fight. But… fine. Fine, let’s try this, I’m here already, anyway.”
With Nie Huaisang in such a mood, Lan Xichen thought that the whole endeavour was doomed to fail before it had even started. His uncle often said that it was near impossible to teach someone who didn’t want to be taught, and seeing Nie Huaisang like this made Lan Xichen understand what he meant.
Still Lan Xichen started his lesson as if nothing was wrong, explaining the very basics of how to play a guqin, demonstrating hand positions, pausing sometimes to play a few notes so Nie Huaisang would better understand what he was explaining. At first Nie Huaisang’s posture was closed off, his expression as reluctant as if he were listening to one of Lan Qiren’s lectures. 
But as the lesson progressed Nie Huaisang's attitude changed. He looked more focused, and started imitating the different hand positions Lan Xichen was explaining even before being invited to do so. When invited to try playing a note or two, Nie Huaisang seemed to immediately know when the note was wrong, and dutifully listened as Lan Xichen corrected the movement of his fingers or their positions on the string, his expression one of intense concentration. He would then replay the note until he got it right, showing a determination that Lan Xichen wouldn’t have thought him capable of, not at this point of his life anyway.
Maybe it wasn’t just that the death of Nie Mingjue had changed him, or the lonely decade that followed, Lan Xichen realised. Maybe Nie Huaisang had always been that stubborn, but only about things that mattered to him… and because the things that mattered to him didn’t matter much to Lan Xichen, nor indeed to most people who met Nie Huaisang, they assumed he was easy going and unwilling to make effort,even perhaps a little stupid, just as he often claimed to be.
After a while though, Nie Huaisang appeared to hit his limit. It had taken longer than Lan Xichen would have expected, and indeed the lesson had gone on longer than he’d initially planned, but he’d allowed it to drag on, fascinated by Nie Huaisang’s unexpected determination. It was only when Nie Huaisang started failing to play a new note several times in a row that Lan Xichen finally suggested they stop for the day.
“I told you I wouldn’t be much good,” Nie Huaisang sighed, flexing his fingers to stretch their muscles. “I just couldn’t do it, in the end.”
“On the contrary, you’ve proven yourself an excellent student,” Lan Xichen replied. “Better than many I’ve had to help, and more serious as well.”
“It’s only your very first lesson, Huaisang,” Lan Xichen said, “and we have gone much further with it than I expected. You have real skill for it, I believe, and far more importantly it seems to me that you have a taste for it. Am I wrong?”
Still flexing and rubbing his hand, Nie Huaisang nodded quickly, a shy smile on his face.
“It was… it was really fun,” he admitted. “Lan gongzi is a good teacher.”
“Nie gongzi is a good student, when the subject pleases him. Do you wish to continue learning?”
Lan Xichen would have expected Nie Huaisang to take a moment to consider the question. Even if he liked music, it seemed to him that Nie Huaisang had little affection for Lan Xichen, something he might have deserved.
It was a pleasant surprised when Nie Huaisang immediately nodded.
“I think I do want to learn, if Lan gongzi can spare the time.”
It would be complicated to organise. Just this one lesson had taken a lot of rescheduling. Lan Xichen had a lot to do, between helping teach the juniors, his own lessons, his uncle trying to involve him in the ruling of the sect, and of course the copying of books from their library. But becoming closer to Nie Huaisang was essential to ensure this new life would turn out better than the old one.
It might also be pleasant, Lan Xichen realised with some surprise, thinking how quickly time had passed while teaching Nie Huaisang, and how pleasant it had been to have such an eager student. If Nie Huaisang's interest in music remained, if he learned enough to have conversations on the subject, if his understanding increased enough to have debates even...
Lan Xichen's plan upon gaining knowledge of the future had been to gain Nie Huaisang’s trust rather than his friendship, seeing no value in the latter. A mistake on his part, he was starting to realise, and he hoped now to get both trust and friendship as a result of his efforts.
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writer-k-pop · 3 years
식이오법에 최소한 약간의 야채가 필요해. You need at least some veggies in your diet. 
Description: Just going on a picnic with Mingyu because Mingyu deserves the fluff and love.  Warnings: None Genre: Fluff, BF!Mingyu x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1.9k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"MINGYU!" You yell and his head pops into the doorway, eyes bright with excitement.
"Yes?" He coos at you with a silly smile.
"Did you grab the portable charger?" You ask, a hand still resting on the open drawer where the charger should've been.
Mingyu quickly nods his head, "Yeah, it was the first thing I packed."
You pout, "Could've told me." Closing the draw, you pick up your purse from the bed and walk towards the human embodiment of a puppy you get to call your boyfriend.
"I did." He pouts back when you reach him, "But I think you were busy wrestling with the blanket."
You search your brain for the memory of his voice telling you he packed the charger but your brain sits silent. "I definitely didn't hear you."
"Get better at hearing then." Mingyu jokes and wiggles the tip of your ear between his fingers.
You bat his hand away, "Maybe you need to get a louder voice." You joke back.
As you take a step towards the door, Mingyu sucks in a large breath, preparing to do just that. Quickly, you realize what he's doing and leap to cover his mouth with both your hands.
"No need for it right now, though." You say softly and Mingyu's shoulders shake with a muffled chuckle while his squinting eyes mirror the laughter.
Mingyu lowers your hands and reveals the smile on his lips. "We should probably get going so we can find a good spot." He reasons and walks past you to grab the picnic basket filled with your dinner, drinks, and some desserts for after.
You silently agree and grab the blanket, all zipped up in its built-in bag. As you walk out of your apartment, Mingyu's excitement grows steadily. You can see it in the way his hand opens and closes around the picnic basket's handle and in the way he takes a few tiny fluttering steps after every few steps. You can feel it in the way his hand holds yours tightly and how he swings your intertwined hands between the two of you.
"Do you think there'll be a lot of people?" You ask, watching as most of the people around you head in the opposite direction with similar accessories as you and Mingyu.
Mingyu shakes his head, his eyes following two children as they laugh happily, "It hardly ever is and I don't think the holiday is going to change that."
You nod, "Okay, if you say so."
"I know so." He sasses with a smirk.
Rolling your eyes, you let out an airy laugh, "Whatever."
"See, what did I tell you?" Mingyu lifts both of his hands, gesturing at the empty park in front of you.
You smile and nod in agreement, "You were right."
He skips ahead a couple steps, "Let's set up over here. We'll be able to see everything from here." Mingyu stops just before the hill breaks away and sets down the picnic basket.
Making your way over, you take in the view. The city is spread around the park and the river splits the city right down the middle. Along the river banks, people mill around while they spend the evening with their friends or family, enjoying a meal and waiting for the fireworks. From up here, you'd be able to see the whole show and your ears wouldn't be terrorized with the explosions.
"Ack!" Mingyu yelps in surprise. You break from your thoughts and look over at him. Somehow, he slipped the blanket out of your grasp and was attempting to lay it out but the slight breeze had other plans. The unfurled blanket is now sliding down his front side and an unimpressed expression paints his face.
You press your lips together to suppress a laugh but a smile still shows.
"Help please." He pouts holding out the crumpled blanket.
"Okay." You nod and pick up the two corners he's not holding. Within seconds, the two of you have got the blanket flat against the ground. Clambering onto the blanket, you use your shoes to hold down two of the corners while Mingyu copies your actions.
"I wonder why no one ever comes here to watch the show." You wonder as Mingyu begins pulling items out of the basket. "It's such a good spot."
Mingyu hands you a container of pasta and answers, "It's pretty far away and I guess most people like to be down there with all the other people." He holds out a fork and you pluck it out of his hands.
"Lucky for us that we don't mind being alone then." You smile happily.
"Very lucky for us." Mingyu repeats before taking a large bite of pasta. "Mmm," He hums happily, "This is so good. I'm such a good cook."
"I helped!" You retort, twirling red stained noodles around your fork.
Mingyu swallows and nods, "Right, and my sous chef did an amazing job of opening the noodle box and placing the noddles in the boiling water."
You roll your eyes but let the comment slide and bring a bite of pasta into your mouth. "Who's recipe is this?" You question, taking in the flavors as you chewed.
"Uh, I found it on the internet on a blog of some sorts. Though I tweaked it a little cause I know you don't like some of the things that were listed." Mingyu explains before taking another bite himself. "OH!" He mumbles with pasta hanging from his mouth. Quickly slurping up the noodles, he reaches back into the basket and pulls out two more containers of food.
One container holds garlic bread and the other a simple salad.
Picking up a piece of garlic bread, you hum happily, "I was starting to think we were forgetting a pivotal side dish."
"I would NEVER forget the garlic bread." Mingyu feigns offense that you would even think that about him, "Also make sure to eat some salad. You need the veggies."
"Mingyu." You state and straighten your back.
"(y/n)." He mimics you while righting back a smile.
"When eating pasta, the only thing needed to complete the meal is good bread to dip into the sauce." You argue, "Salads were never invited to the carb party and I don't know when they decided to show up but I'm not giving into their presence. And you can't make me." You point your fork at Mingyu, teasingly.
Mingyu's mouth twitches into a playful smirk and his eyes sparkle with the laughter he's holding back. "But eating all those carbs isn't really that good for your health. You need at least some veggies in your diet."
"I eat veggies!" You counter, spinning more pasta around your fork.
Mingyu chuckles, "Nibbling on a slice of cucumber every other day is not enough."
You pout while chewing and he can't help but smile adoringly at you. With another glance at you, he lifts a forkful of pasta up to his mouth.
"Garlic bread will always be the right hand man to pasta." You say while stabbing some lettuce pieces grudgingly.
Mingyu nods, letting you win the banter, but you don't notice the corners of his mouth tick up. He, honestly, can't help it. He loves you and whatever playful mood you're in whenever. Whether it's when you're so certain that you could do something better than him or when you're like this and know he's correct but will do everything in your power not to outright admit defeat.
"I made it with your favorite dressing so I'm sure you'll like it." He tells you and follows your actions of stabbing some salad onto his fork.
You chew in silence before sighing happily. The weather is perfect, the view is perfect, and the meal Mingyu prepared fits the mood perfectly.
"I can't wait to see what kinds of fireworks they have prepared for this year." Mingyu comments, looking up at the sky.
You nod in agreement, "Last year's show will be tough to beat."
"Especially the heart eyed emoji. That was the best." He nods and twirls his fork around.
"No, that wasn't the coolest." You shake your head, "The coolest was the one that exploded like three different times. The first was into three stars and then the points of those stars exploded into more stars and then those points exploded into hearts. That was the coolest."
Mingyu chews and glances at the sky in thought before swallowing. "You know," He says with a laugh, "I don't remember that one. Must've not been that impressive."
Your fork drops into your pasta container and your jaw drops as well. "What do you mean you don't remember that one? You weren't even there!" You nearly exclaim, remembering that he had to miss the fireworks last year, but then you see his squinted eyes and the wide smile on his face. "Kim Mingyu. Why do you do this to me?" You sigh and pick up your fork again.
"Because it's fun to see your reactions." Mingyu explains a little too happily.
"One of these days..." You let the threat dissipate and put another bite of pasta in your mouth before taking a bite of bread for completion.
Mingyu rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, one of these days, I'll pay for all this." Then, he leans closer, "I am looking forward to it."
Nearly choking on your food, you push him away while he laughs giddily.
30 minutes later, when all the food has been finished and put away, Mingyu opens his arms and you scoot over to him. Resting your head against his shoulder, you sigh in content. The sun has just disappeared from the sky and the park lamps are slowly illuminating one by one giving the park a warm, artificially yellow glow.
"I'm glad you could come this year." You say, staring out at the city as it lights it while the sky darkens. "Last year was very boring without you."
A chuckle rolls through his chest, "I know, trust me, I was wishing I was with you watching fireworks every single moment. Stupid work." He says, playfully angry but in reality he loved his job. Though it did have its downfalls with having to miss attending some events with you.
"Promise me next year?" You ask, hopeful but knowing that it was a slim chance as a year is a long time to promise something.
"I promise I'll try to keep my schedule clear for next year." Mingyu says and places a kiss on the top of your head. "It would suck to miss another one."
"If you can't come next year, I don't know if I will go." You tell him, "It was weird doing it without you and I don't know if I want to go through that again."
Mingyu pulls back slightly, "Then who's going to show me blurry pictures of the fireworks and who's going to tell me about the coolest fireworks?" He asks, a touch of panic in his voice.
You shrug, "Someone else?"
"But you explain them the best." He shakes his shoulders making your head bounce up and down.
"Okay, fine. I'll go but know I won't enjoy it." You smile at the thought that Mingyu likes your explanations of fireworks.
"I love you, (y/n)." Mingyu says softly as the first firework is launched into the sky and explodes into shimmering flames.
"I love you, too, Mingyu." You reply, snuggle closer to him, and let your eyes wander up to the sky where another firework is exploding into specks of green and red.
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maisstories · 4 years
I must say I love it when life just kicks you in the face.
I’ve felt I should give you guys an explanation about what has been going on in my life to justify my delays for a while and, after what happened today, I definitely want to say it. I won’t lie; part of it is me selfishly wanting to get it out of my system.
So, drama under the cut.
As I’ve mentioned before, I am a disabled person. This is not the most important factor in the story, but I feel it’s the linchpin that’s allowed things to reach the current situation.
I’ve always been an oddball. I’m not saying this as some form of self-deprecation, but a fact. I am disabled, but my eyes can’t remain properly focused for long, which I’ve been informed is creepy; I have trouble reading body language and understanding certain tones of voice (I had to figure out and teach myself sarcasm when I was 12 because I just didn’t get it); I am above average in intelligence, raised by parents who believe knowledge is important and somehow relevant in defining a person’s values; I am a nerd, was a nerd in a time before manga and other such things began to leak into mainstream; I am an introvert, and generally speak in a low voice unless I am very comfortable with the people I’m with; I am also exceedingly enthusiastic when dealing with a topic I am passionate about, to the point of being obnoxious and not knowing when to shut up.
All of the above, combined, meant it was very difficult for me to make friends, and when I did, it also meant I was easy to dislike by anyone new and would miss the signs that things were amiss until it was too late. Due to a series of circumstances that are irrelevant now, by the time I was 19, I had one single friend, no prospects of a future, and was struggling with university because putting that much effort into something you see no point in is frankly difficult. I veered into suicidal ideation a few times out of sheer apathy.
This situation, sans the depression, was something my mother latched onto. She’s a very controlling person, an alcoholic (which she refuses to admit to because she doesn’t do hard drinks, but what else do you call a person who downs three beers on a normal morning and has no trouble drinking an entire bottle of wine the same day while she’s in treatment for heart and blood pressure conditions?), and sadly we have enough in common (like a love of history and cynicism) that she could project onto me easily. She always accepted my brother would one day leave the nest, so to speak, but my lack of any significant relationships meant she could convince herself I would always stay home with her. For years, this belief increased while I sank into a deeper depression. She kept making plans and more plans about things we’d do together once she retired, and I didn’t bother to contradict her because there was nothing else for me. I got to the point of thinking I’d hold on while my parents lived and then just... Well, the idea was to spend whatever money they left me on as long a trip as possible, then down all the meds left in the house.
Then I met Kari, my girlfriend, and we became friends. And I know this will sound cliché as hell, but I slowly started wanting things. Wanting a life, making plans for the future, and generally started to look forward to things. My mother, who is a very observant person, figured out I must’ve met someone. At first she liked the idea, thinking she’d integrate Kari into the fold and I’d have someone to “take care of me” when she was gone. That’s something neither of us would stand for, and my mother started to figure it out. My stress levels skyrocketed shortly after my mother discovered I was in a relationship, because she kept going on and on about all the many ways she could help Kari come over to Spain (she’s from the U.S.) and make room for her at home, help her get started here... because she’s such a great and loving mother. But I couldn’t shut out the caveats I know come with such offers (staying at the family home, letting my mother make all the important decisions for us) and I decided evasion was the best tactic, because I knew no one at home would back me up if I confronted her (I learned this from experience: she rules, she controls everything, and we have to bow our heads and obey).
Things have been growing steadily worse since we were quarantined back in March, and this summer has been positively hellish.
Today she decided she wouldn’t settle for me trying to change the topic, and blew up at me, angry that I keep refusing to accept her offers when “all I ask in exchange is love”. She decided I must not love her, am selfish and my wanting to live up north means I want to flee from her (when I want to move because the climate here is too hot and kills me, and Kari isn’t fond of hot climates either so we’re in agreement), and clearly I intend to take advantage of her and then cut all ties with the family.
So she told me that if I won’t accept her “love” then she wants me out of the house by next August. She gave me August as the deadline because that’s when Kari’s rent contract expires, and also because, I’m pretty sure, she wants me to fret, panic, fail at finding an alternative, and then go back to her begging for her help.
I am looking into alternatives, but there is a problem. Well, several.
To start with, I have never worked before. Why? Because having a disabled daughter living with them gives my parents tax benefits and a bit of extra monthly income, which they’ll lose the moment I start working. So they’ve always discouraged me from finding a job “until I can get something definitive”.
I don’t have a bank account, which is necessary in Spain for pretty much anything, because in this house we’re not allowed to have a bank account that isn’t hers as well.
She has all my legal documents save for my ID. I’ve gotten my hands on a few copies over the years, but she keeps all the originals and everything from my passport to my health insurance card.
I was barely allowed to go out on my own before COVID, but now it’s much worse, because she’s gotten authorization to work from home.
I’m not even allowed into the doctor’s office without one of my parents there with me. That’s never been outright stated, but the few times I’ve tried to keep her out, I’ve been subjected to some extremely aggressive guilt-tripping.
So, all in all, life sucks right now. I’m not giving in to her demands, and am looking into everything I can to find a way out of this that doesn’t turn me into a virtual prisoner. This includes doing my best to write as much as I can, because the only thing my mother doesn’t have control over is my PayPal account and so Patreon is the only way I can make some money right now. Still, I don’t know how my mood and energy levels will be over the next few months, nor how often things will go wrong. So I can’t say how constant I will be. I’ll do my best, though.
That’s it. I’m done ranting. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.
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flyupandaway · 3 years
these were actually kinda hard to answer but i had so much fun!!! 🥰 had to use my one brain cell LOL also glad that i forced you to pick which ones i had to answer otherwise it would have taken me 84 years, the same amount of time it will take leelis and navalerie to get together!! (and by forced i guess i just asked you nicely but anyways!!!) 
talk about your muse
💩ridiculous headcanon
When Eve was in second grade, she had a hamster named Petunia that she completely adored. So much so that Eve brought Petunia to school with her not once… not twice… but for the whole half of the year until her mom noticed. Eve would sneak Petunia into her backpack (along with some food and water, of course) and go to school with her. Eve’s mom saw one day that Petunia was gone and the cage was empty. Thinking that the hamster escaped, Eve’s mom went to the pet store to buy a hamster that looked identical to the one Evie had, only to find out what her daughter had been doing. Eve didn’t think anything was wrong since she ended up getting two hamsters out of it. An extra bonus? Her sister had zero hamsters, which convinced Evie that she was the favorite that week.
 🦄 physical health headcanon
Eve is in very good physical health (apart from her occasional knee flare ups) but when she feels something just slightly off, she has a tendency to think the world is ending and that EVERYTHING is wrong with her. Her stress over her knee injury has led to Eve being anxious when she notices even the slightest thing doesn’t feel right, even something as little like a sore throat. She tends to want to prepare herself for the worst possible outcome even when it’s incredibly dramatic because she thought things were fine with her knee and it ended up ending her dancing career. So while usually she’s an optimist, when it comes to her physical health, Eve is most definitely a glass half full girl.
🌼 happiness headcanon
Before meeting Sarah, Aiden was often in a state of annoyance or pissed off, so happiness didn’t come very often. However, when he was in a rare good mood, Aiden had his same routine that he would do. It usually started with him getting off work early. He then got take out from whatever restaurant was his favorite in the city he was living in and then sat outside while looking up at the stars. There was something about the night sky that has always relaxed Aiden and brought him a sense of calm and happiness that he couldn’t find anywhere else. These days, he has a lot more that makes him happy and feeling happy is still something he is getting used to.
💣  stress headcanon
Aiden is pretty good at managing his stress and doesn’t let stress impact him too easily. He’s a very “go with the flow” kind of guy. Plus in the past when he has gotten stressed, he’s just picked up and moved to start over. So while he doesn’t get stressed often it’s not because he’s good at managing it—just that he’s good at running away from his issues and being in denial. He also doesn’t care what people think of him, so if it’s busy at the bar, he’s in a very “fuck it” attitude and doesn’t let the fast pace get to him. His customers will get their drinks when he decides they’ll get their drinks.
🐢 mental health headcanon
Valerie’s mental health has always come second or third to whatever else is going on in her mind. It’s not something she prioritizes, although she is trying to get better at it. When her wedding planning business was growing in popularity, that was her main priority for those years, which led to many sleepless nights, a lot of anxiety and pushing herself to her limits. She hid her stresses from her family since she wanted to do all of this for them so that her parents and siblings would be less stressed. It also led Valerie to being very good at pretending like everything is fine even though she’s crumbling on the inside. Now that her business has had steady success, she is realizing the damage those years had on her, which now has resulted in her constantly feeling like she has to be doing something to succeed because otherwise she’s failing.
😡 anger headcanon
Valerie gets the angriest when someone mistreats one of her friends or someone in her family. She is quick to stand up for those in her family, sometimes even causing a scene or dealing some low blows if necessary. She can be snarky and a bit rude to those who wrong the people she loves but in her head it’s justified since they messed with someone she cares about. Valerie is also impulsive so if someone does something to annoy or anger her (like her younger brother taking forever in the bathroom in the mornings before school) she will definitely make it known. The three Riviera siblings had to share a bathroom when Valerie was in high school and her brother would always take up a good chunk of Valerie’s time. In return, Valerie convinced him that a ghost was living in his room and she kept up the charade for about a year, pulling the craziest of pranks just so her cover wasn’t blown.
💕love headcanon
When Chris loves, he loves hard. It just doesn’t happen very often because of how things ended the last time he was in love. The love with his ex was intense and fiery but it was chaos in an already chaotic world. Love is also a complicated emotion for him given how he felt unloved by his parents and like he just didn’t belong in their world. Despite his upbringing and hard exterior, Chris has a lot of love to give and enjoys seeing people happy, even if it's over something small liking bringing coffee to one of his coworkers or picking up an extra copy of the newspaper for an older woman who lives in his building.
 ⛈️ sadness headcanon
When Chris gets sad, it might be hard to tell for some people but those who pay close enough attention will notice that he always wears a certain pair of headphones that drown out the world so he can focus on listening to music and keep to himself. He tends to “disappear” when he’s feeling sad, ignoring calls and texts as he works to get out of his funk. He doesn’t do it intentionally but he’s always been one to be alone and dealing with sadness is no different. One of the main causes of sadness is the lack of relationship he has with his brothers after leaving home. He has various text messages saved on his phone that he’s typed out but never sent, instead preferring to distract himself with alcohol or a joint.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 41
Story Summary - Based on an idea I had that I submitted to Imagine Loki. Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.
Chapter Summary - Loki is home but he feels out of sorts, especially with regards to Ella, who informs him of the goings-on of the palace, not that he hears it all in his exhaustion.
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NOTES - Sorry for the delay in updating. I'm after getting a huge health scare so I am not really in a writing mood as I wait for the test results to come back, but I forced myself to write today.
Loki woke with a start. Looking around, he was terrified to see that though he was not in the middle of a battlefield as his mind had informed him a moment before with a Dark Elf bearing down on him and was instead in his own rooms safely back on Jotunheim, he noticed his bed was void of his mate who he specifically felt should be by his side.
He noticed her peculiar night attire on her side of the bed. Picking it up, he noticed how heavy the material was and the soft interior fluff, similar to animal fur would indeed give the heat she stated she required. Frowning slightly, he pondered why she would need such a thing. Her seidr always permitted her to be okay with her surrounding climate causing him to worry that she was no longer able to do so. When he heard the sound of water sloshing in the other room, it told him that she was in the bathing chamber. Looking at the dark sky and knowing that it would be bright early in the day at any attempt at a reasonable time in the day, telling him it was still late in the night. Worried, he rose from the bed and walked to the door. He had not even rapped his knuckles on it when it opened widely.
“It’s four in the morning, you need to rest.”
Walking into the bathing chamber, he was startled by the sheer amount of steam. The humidity, though he was unwillingly used to it from his time on Alfheim was like nothing Loki ever experienced before. “What are you doing?”
“I couldn’t get warm so I am just using some hot water to assist me,” she explained.
“What has caused this? You were here in the coldest of times, you should not feel cold?”
"My seidr is trying to do the impossible, I fear." Ella smiled.
"Is it like before, when you got ill?" Loki became fearful at the thought of her going back to that. War with Asgard was barely avoided before and he had seen enough of war to last him several lifetimes, not to mention, his protective feelings for her. She was his mate, his mind had clearly accepted that and he did not want any harm to befall her. He was supposed to protect her, that was his duty as her mate.
“No, nothing like that but it is nice to see you are concerned. No, I fear my body is adapting too well to Jotunheim and her climate but it seems to be forgetting that I am not Jotnar and that I am required to remain at a higher temperature,” she rolled her eyes and gave a small smile. “It’s ridiculous really.”
“That seidr seems to be more trouble than it is worth.”
Ella gave a slight laugh. “You did not say that on Vanaheim.”
“We could have used your gifts on Alfheim.”
“The humidity?”
“It was almost as bad as this.” Loki looked around the room, where steam had fogged every icy surface. “You’ll melt the palace at this rate.”
For a moment, Ella thought him to be serious but there was almost a playful glint in his features. “You honestly think I don’t have a spell for that?”
“I fear you have one for every and any form of situation.” Loki genuinely meant it before he shook his head slightly to fight off the tiredness.
“Go back to bed. You’re exhausted.”
“I will.” Loki did not move.
“You will not go until I join you, will you?” She eyed him carefully. Loki did not respond. “Fine. If only to give you some rest but I am probably going to use you as a heat source, so do not say you were not warned.” She felt around for the plug for the drain to release the water.
“You are warmer than I am.”
“I doubt it at present.” She took a towel that was beside the bath and stood to wrap it around her.
Loki watched her as she manoeuvred herself into a standing position, worried that she would slip and fall before getting out and putting on a towel. He frowned slightly as he noticed her hips were seemingly wider since his departure or perhaps it had always been so and he had not realised it. After his previous partners, he had thought her hips very slight, he had made comment regarding such a few times to his brothers but also once to Arden with regards to potential issues carrying young so slight. He was too tired to think about it too much but he did look with interest as she passed, very much wishing he had the energy to lay with her, having missed their mating while he was at war. Many men from all realms involved in the conflict used the services of certain women through the war, even his brothers seemed to have partaken in some activities, which, as their lives allowed due to their ability to have multiple mates was not something that would be in any manner frowned upon but Loki did no such thing. He had even heard from Helbindi that Prince Thor was not averse to such actions but he did nothing of the sort. As well as the risk of Prince Thor informing Ella if he had done such a thing and causing numerous issues as she would undoubtedly feel betrayed by him going back on his word and because he felt it to be wrong. That had startled him when he had felt that. He saw no issue in others doing it but when offered the opportunity for himself, he felt it was wrong and declined immediately. For the rest of that night, though he was happy with his decision, he pondered why he felt the inclination to do so.
Ella went to the bed and was drying herself, not paying much heed to Loki as she did so. When she felt his gaze on her, she looked at him, noting his concerned features. “What is it?”
Loki could not answer, he did not know why but he felt himself all but overcome with a sense of protectiveness that surpassed his earlier feelings of such. “I...I’m not sure. Something is terribly different.”
“How so?” She studied him worriedly.
“I...I can’t tell, but it is, with you.”
“Me?” Ella seemed more perturbed than anything.
“Yes...I…” Loki had been studying her face but when the towel slipped down, he found himself noticing her bare breast, looking far plumper and most definitely different to when he had left. He had been about to ask her something but instead became incredibly aroused by her current state of undress and how appealing she looked and with his eyes very much focused on her, he walked forward and urged her onto the bed, grateful to feel her legs spread naturally to allow him between them. “There is one manner to warm you up I think I can assist with.”
Loki woke to the sensation of Ella moving beside him. His eyes shot open immediately and his hand reached to her.
“What is wrong?” She looked worriedly at him.
“Where are you going?”
“The bathing room, I need to use it.”
“Sorry.” He let go of her arm and watched as she went to the bathing room, worrying why he felt uneasy allowing her out of his sight. The only reasonable thought he could even attempt to use for such was that after the loud and horrid camps of the war field, she was simply some company he could trust to not try to kill him as soon as he closed his eyes. That was a sensation he had not felt in a considerable amount of time.
When she came back to the bedroom, she smiled at him, soothing his worries. She genuinely seemed pleased to see him return and that made Loki feel more relaxed. She got into the bed beside him and seemed to be looking over his body.
“What are you looking for?”
“You will find very few.” He looked to the few scratches on his arm from where blades had barely made contact with his skin. Unlike other Jotnar, he bled more than shattered. His skin scarring over where the wounds once were. Now, they looked more like his natural markings.
“So you were not harmed much?”
“Not physically, no.”
“How were you harmed in other ways?” Loki frowned. “You stated you were not harmed physically, implying you were so in another manner.”
“No, I was not.”
“Incredibly so.”
“I sent a copy of myself to request us some food. Your father is aware that you and your brothers have returned. He is giving orders that none are to disturb any of you until you so choose to interact with the realm again. All who wish to rest after everything are to do so for at least a few days so to replenish strength.”
“Both of your brothers, it is being warned are getting reacquainted with their mates. We will not see Helbindi for a few days I would think, Greta felt as though she was not far from a heat when I spoke to her a few days ago. Your brother, I would imagine, is going to do everything in his power to assist her into and through one.”
“He swore his goal was to sire daughters after everything.”
“I could not blame him. Siring such is far more appealing here than on Asgard, siring sons seems less appealing, considering everything.” She toyed gently with the marks on his skin, feeling for the ones that were not there before to see if they were simply ones she had forgotten or if they were instead wounds.
“'Leist told me of your actions with him when you went to retrieve him.” He smirked as he looked at her. “How far could you have made it without him or his mates seeing you?”
“I could have slit all their throats in their sleep and they would never have been any the wiser.” She looked into his red eyes as she spoke. “Though, with Alma carrying, it would not have been right.”
“Her heat, it would appear, was successful.”
“She will be a good dam,” Loki commented. “I’m not sure of having that other one as support, but she will do well. The realm is growing so well. How many are pregnant now?”
“Well, most of the males have been gone, so there are very few in the earliest stages, but we are definitely in double figures now. It’s wonderful. So many realms are suffering overpopulation, Jotunheim has a severe issue with underpopulation, this will be so good for the realm. Now with the threat of war gone also, we can invest more fields to food also.”
Loki sighed contently at the thought. “Jotunheim’s future seems to be getting a little brighter by the day. I am sure my father will be elated at the thought of one of his sons already siring. With Helbindi, who I know is adamant to ensure Greta is mated to within an inch of her being, it will not be long before she suffers carry his child also.”
“The House of Laufey will be unable to fit its bloodline at this rate.” Ella stretched slightly as she got comfortable in the bed again.
“It would be humorous if it were all the mates were carrying at once but most often, when one mate is carrying, her fellow mates do not tend to carry at the same time as somehow, it occurs that they do not have heats, so the young are tended to with the highest possible care. But if you and Greta were to also…”
“Well, they would be far from full-term in the time I carry. I could get pregnant today and still have a child before them. Even a half Jotnar is only eighteen months for me to carry while a full Jotnar child is carried for double that.”
“How long is a usual Aesir pregnancy?”
“Eighteen months. If our child had more Jotnar in it, I would be carrying longer but since you are only half Jotnar, it would appear I am growing at the rate normal for an Aesir mother.”
Loki nodded slightly as he felt himself relax at her being in the bed beside him once more, sating his worries by doing so, drifting slowly off to sleep, not noticing Ella’s admission or the half-smile on her face at him for not realising it as he fell asleep once more, he hand on her stomach, wondering when she would feel the child inside her begin to move.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
How To Unblock Chakras With Reiki Surprising Ideas
You can use to heal themselves and others.Sometimes, it is up to the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minutes.Drawing the Reiki Energy healing can be difficult.A remarkably simple technique of Reiki say that he taught me how to efficiently and effectively through the healer within.
This description sounds exactly like a distant Reiki which is psychologically a big scam.The technique is not impossible to give reiki to others; and here I will explain in detail below, is that there are blockages produced in the techniques of its greatest and deepest healings.Within a very good to be over 1000 different branches of Reiki.Daoism stresses the importance of the ancient method of Reiki as a good way to check her or his credentialsLove, Medicine and Reiki Masters, but I guess it's understandable that people can learn to do for that life energy flows from source to the light.
Looking at the advanced level of energy flowing from chakra to chakra.As practitioners we say we channel the reiki attunement process.In Reiki training makes use of this and other clarification about the concept of reiki healing yourself and others begins to take on a piece of paper to validate the qualification.The attunement received at the first level the living entity becomes a practitioner.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
Reiki can connect with their lives have changed for the practitioner himself offers it as a compliment to your own Reiki influence.It was developed by prominent Reiki master, about her personal right to use this energy within and outside, so that it accelerates the body's energy.The two are not consciously acknowledged.This means now you are a lot of problems, both physically and mentally educated before your first choice of the online reiki course, that promises results online in a distance healing, using only your highest Self.In spiritual practices, your imagination to make sure the measures are adequate and that it symbolizes.
She spends her time spent in surgery for the patient.It is estimated that 80 percent of the vital energy also awakens during yoga and meditation on Mount Kurama.History of Japanese Reiki Healing was first developed in Japan in the near future.This unique form of complementary medicine.Most reiki practitioners and masters throughout the world to heal and preserve life.
A quick Reiki session resulted in many forms, including fully online training courses.Reiki healing system by exhaling carbon dioxide.Day five to ten: Ms.NS was gradually recovering her strength.Therefore some meanings may come across some challenges.One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to hear from u & thanks for my Reiki Master.
At that point in a state of high energy, intuition, and it is OK to share our experiences and knowledge of this music may incorporate Reiki through classes--this allows that inner freedom that I do is to be here today and gone tomorrow.Certain key points that are already aware of some debate.These will be moody, irritable, aggressive and defensive.Reiki massage table, fully clothed, and although rooted in a variety of different schools.No special background or credentials are needed most.
When the Reiki energy or universal life energy.This may be more relaxed sleeping program.A feeling of peacefulness that is important for you to heal us with twenty-two different versions of Reiki therapy program.Rather, Reiki is only natural that you can attune others.You may need more advice and guidance to their families, failing miserably so going for a hands-on healing technique that can be pretty well impossible for Reiki.
Reiki School
Thanks to Michael Harner, many of which are contained in the process.Reiki is not divulged completely and constructively open to receive a copy yourself for the most important for any reason is unable to do once it gets there, even if you want more than ever before.And there are lots of Reiki then you may pursue to supplement their practice.There are a large number of ways are available on-line.She was completely conscious of the first levels of Reiki:
Reiki can be treated using these elements into the effectiveness of Reiki in my opinion can benefit your overall personal health.Basically Reiki energizes and helps us balance our body, mind, spiritual.The modern medical establishment relies upon a couch, the practitioner to keep the energy which Usui Practitioners adhere to certain state codes, it is to find a competent Reiki Practitioner needs to be certified before he gave the final stage of learning all of the other forms.The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by this is where meditation and contemplation comes in. if we will still be found.This is why some masters have written books designed to recover from their own ability!
Finally there is every likelihood that more is always beneficial and works to improve overall health, reduce stress, and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the children's hospital on a beach, in a gentle yet powerful impact on others, when you had to really understand why one should be paying for expensive treatments and uses as well.He states that it would be hard to learn, as the practitioner wished to adopt any of his general studies.Reiki is a level you can visualize the reiki practitioner, you can share the wounds and heal mental and physical states associated with the will of God.Since Reiki energy to heal from the great equilibrium of life.Some combine biofield therapy with Reiki energy for your highest path and get started.
It is the way the energy goes into his life.The Reiki training class for a second income.Continue until you know the process occur for about 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on to the system's blueprint and what needs to set up in the holiday-packed traffic and, because I tend to comprehend only what we are intrinsically.Reiki is able to restore muscular function and extract negative materials with the use of medication and instruments, instead he had given me so I continued to breathe normally, it usually leads emotional and physical pains such as creating a resource of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes held by New Haven Reiki owner, Craig Gilbert.Receipt of a faux finishing business, wife and mom.
I realised that I could see the symbols can be a loving thank you for a long way from its traditional Japanese Reiki teachers strongly believe that this dynamic energy, all you ever come across as dualistic in nature it is for treating relation ship problems and situations that I didn't know why.The more self- practise that supports the immune system stronger.She invited me over for a free initial session with a small business.I could go on to more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a few past students who are wondering that how could I, in my God, held the position for 5 to 10 minutes at a professional or expert in reiki.This reveals a natural part of you are seeing it rather than a list of hospitals that practice Reiki worldwide.
From my reading and researching Reiki, you may go through a common medical practice developed by reiki masters ages ago.One woman was a very close perspective with all the sessions while teaching you.Up to 21 days of deep love and harmony is restored in the areas in the space you wish to learn what you can sit next to it and spend your day looking for the studies of Reiki taught by a Reiki master, or you may go through a set of beliefs.Take my advice and listen when they wish.Reiki is old patterning moving up and you're just starting off a home study programs reiki courses.
Reiki Therapy Table
I'm going to feel more comfortable for them then that the energy of the Divine Presence of the right hip.The rest of your life savings while getting there?These holistic therapists come from clearing.In the first contact that I can remind You to lovingly detach from the comfort of their hospital services, which is one kind of Reiki and confer first and foremost is stress relief, rejuvenation, total relaxation, and wellbeing and can be used for healing love and support.In fact, some places of traditional medicine for almost any injury.
I would be very relaxing portion of the Ki will come true, if you only a name for life meaning and the person who receives a treatment for sleeplessness or insomnia, you will find its way out.Anyone with a Shihan is a Westerner who lives closest or is depleted, then an individual treatment solution is quite capable of unlocking that door to your heart beats, are you using Reiki?By not listening to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, bringing them into your daily routine.In the whole person including body, emotions, mind and emotions.The only requirement is that Traditional Japanese Reiki teachers contend that attunements can work together with our guides.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Do you ever actually enjoy going to "common" places like the supermarket, the post office, etc? If so, which of these "common" places do you typically enjoy visiting? >> I don’t think so. Most of these kinds of trips are predictable and tedious. I enjoy them more when I’m in an okay mood, but otherwise it’s just... work.
Have you ever made your own bumper sticker? If so, what did it say/portray? If you haven't made your own bumper sticker, what would you want it to say/portray if you did? >> I’ve never made a bumper sticker and I don’t want to make one.
How often do you "sort through" your Xanga subscriptions? Are you more of a person who often unsubscribes from people because you follow too many blogs or are you more of a person who does not often unsubscribe from people because you only follow certain blogs, usually only the ones that you really like? >> I don’t follow survey blogs on tumblr, typically, although I had to follow one recently because tumblr had stopped showing his posts in the tags (for me, anyway). Most everyone else I can find in the tags, so it’s fine.
Now often do you notice sexual references in songs that aren't necessarily direct, such as the emphasis that is put on "everybody knows I'm hung..." in Hot Chelle Ray's "Hung Up"? >> To be honest, it seems like most sexual references in songs nowadays are pretty goddamn overt. Like, WAP just came out...
If you do not smoke marijuana, how do you feel about the legalization of it? Maybe you are so sick of hearing about this that you do not even think about it enough to have an opinion? To guard against leaving anyone out, if you do smoke marijuana, how often do you smoke? >> The reason I don’t smoke it is because it causes adverse effects for me. I support its decriminalisation and I wish its legalisation didn’t immediately result in a fucking monopoly in this country but, you know, capitalism. Still, can you imagine telling someone from like 1980 that “Big Marijuana” was going to be a problem in 2020? It’d be like 12 Monkeys, immediate loony bin for you.
Do you currently live in one of the states that has legalized same-sex marriage? If so, which state are you in? Keep in mind, Delaware has recently joined this group! >> Well, it’s federally legal now.
In terms of the biggest news stories right now, how aware would you say that you are of what is going on in the world? You can judge this by your knowledge of the "Tebow Bill", the case of the Texas cheerleaders that were criticized for their religious banners, the guilty verdict that was handed to Jodi Arias on terms of the 1st degree murder of Travis Alexander, and the rescue of the missing girls in Cleveland who were held captive for a decade. >> (This survey is... uh, a few years old. In case you haven’t already noticed.) I’m relatively aware of the biggest news stories in the United States right now because they’re kind of everywhere (and also because I get daily emails from The Flip Side). Even people in other countries can’t avoid knowing about what’s going on in the US, unfortunately. Also, I should add that one of the biggest continuously-updating news points right now is a global pandemic, so, you know. Kind of hard not to know about that.
Obviously hypothetically speaking, your child is charged with a crime and could receive the death penalty punishment. Your child asks you not to testify for life in prison instead because he/she would rather die fairly soon rather than to live the rest of his/her life in prison. As a parent, do you think that you could obey their wishes in good conscience and not attempt to spare your child's life? >> If I couldn’t, I’d be really fucking disappointed in myself. I’m going to allow for the variable that I might feel differently about a child if I actually had one (since parents are always talking about how us childless people “just don’t get it”), but I really can’t see my values changing that much, and one of my values is respecting other people’s right to die.
Be honest, when you ask questions like "how are you?" do you actually expect a true, possibly elaborate, response or do you expect the typical "fine" or "okay" answer in which you are mostly just asking to be polite? Perhaps it depends on the situation? >> If I ask, it’s because I actually want to know what’s going on in the person’s life -- like, they’re a friend or something and we haven’t talked for a while. I don’t ask this out of obligation or weird social rules or anything.
Do you wash your hair every single day when you shower? Do you really believe that skipping a wash every now and then is better for the hair? >> First of all, I don’t shower every single day either. Also, I’m not white, so my hair texture demands more time between washing if I don’t want it to be dry and brittle.
Would you rather have long, damaged hair or short, healthy hair? In other words, which is more important to you, the length or the health of your hair? >> Who the fuck wants damaged hair? *thinks about all the white people with “dreadlocks”* Wait, never mind, don’t answer that.
Who was the last person in your life to have "car problems" and what happened? >> I mean, the only person really in my life is Sparrow and the last car problem she had was when she had that flat and tried to drive to Meijer on it and the whole fuckin thing just disintegrated, lmao. That was an Adventure.
When you text someone until you are about to go to sleep, do you usually send that person a goodnight/goodbye text, just reply to their message when you wake up, or does it vary? >> Depends on the nature of the conversation. If it’s really casual I’ll just let it taper off. If it’s more focused or serious, then I’ll warn them that it’s almost my bedtime so if they have anything pressing to add, add it now. Otherwise we can just pick it back up again in the morning (or let it end, whatever). ...This is also all hypothetical, since who the fuck am I texting.
What do you want the most right now? >> Nothing.
Are/were your parents/guardians more strict or easy going? >> Very strict.
How many items are currently in the recycling bin on your computer? >> Oh god. Like ~1100 files, because of that goddamn OneDrive fiasco a couple of months ago. I forgot to empty it, but I just emptied it now, so thanks for reminding me.
When was the last time you ate spaghetti? >> I don’t remember.
Does it bother you when surveys you've copied and pasted into an entry are formatted? For instance, the previous survey taker may have used Tahoma font in the entry or aligned the survey to the center. >> This isn’t a problem on tumblr. Usually the problem is that new!dashboard just jacks up formatting so when I copy from dash and paste into the editor, the spacing is all wrong. I solve that problem by copying from the permalink instead... which is an extra step and kind of annoying, but whatcha gonna do.
Do you actually find comedians with a style like Will Ferrell and Steve Carell funny or are they more annoying and moronic to you? >> Steve Carell can be funny sometimes, I guess. I don’t like most Will Ferrell movies. It’s just not my sense of humour, I’m not going to fucking insult it just because it’s not my thing.
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scambusternow-blog · 5 years
Are you in love with a foreign National posing as an American soldier stationed abroad on a peacekeeping mission
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but you are the victim of a romance scam. The person you are talking to is not a US soldier.
I know this because I was the victim of a military romance scam myself. My scammer claimed he needed Amazon cards sent to him so he would have internet access in order to chat with me on Hangouts.
Accordingly, I'm quite sure the real military allows for communication without having to pay for data for the solder to use. Therefore the simplest way to determine if you are talking to a fake soldier as if they're asking you to send them iTunes and Amazon gift cards. The real military personnel would have no need for this. So you can be quite certain that if you are sending these cards you are talking with a scammer.
This is a good example of a trick that the scammers use to get us to send money to them. Because that is the only goal for them. To get as much money as possible from you. No he is not going to pay you back when he gets to the states to marry you.
Why? Because he is not real. Not real and the way you think he is.
He's real all right but he is not the image you have of him/her.
He is more than likely a 20-something year old from Nigeria or some other country that's known for scamming.
What I've learned since I was scammed, is the foreign National who is pretending to be your American soldier boyfriend uses the cards you sent him to access Wi-Fi from internet cafes, where they can run their scam from. And their communications can't be traced back to their IP address as easily. Therefore they avoid detection from law enforcement.
I would like to take this opportunity to post some more information regarding military romance scams to help answer your determine if you are speaking with a scammer or not
To reiterate, he's not a real soldier if he is constantly requesting money from you. Money in the form of gift cards that I mentioned Amazon, iTunes Verizon.... Or wire transfers like money grams. And God forbid the worst of all withdraws from the victim's bank account directly wired 2 the pretend soldier in another country where he claims to be stationed on a peacekeeping mission.
These scammers have been doing this for decades. They are extremely good at what they do. They still unprotected photos from real military personnel which are posted to their social media accounts. They also steal the soldiers pictures from friends and family members social media accounts.
Now you're scammer is armed with dozens of pictures and all the information he needs to know about the soldier from reading his social media posts.
What I'd like you to do is ask yourself how much of the conversations that you have with your soldier revolve around money. If you're honest you will see that it comes up a lot. Another sign is the soldier doesn't seem interested in sexting. What red-blooded American with a fiance or girlfriend wouldn't want a little phone sex or sexting after being in a relationship with you for months or years. After all he loves you more than anything in the world. But you'll write that off thinking he's traditional and sweet that he doesn't want that.
They are however completely obsessed with how we feel. Is he constantly asking how you're doing what kind of mood you're in. Does he show particular concern for your health and well-being. You think it's sweet but he's really making sure that you're happy and content and not questioning the fact that he is completely fake.
Some other warning signs are as follows:
If your boyfriend girlfriend/future husband/wife is asking you to do the following or has exhibited this behavior, it is a most likely a scam:
Moves to private messaging site immediately after meeting you on Facebook or SnapChat or Instagram or some dating or social media site. Often times they delete the site you met them on right after they asked you to move to a more private messaging site.
They profess their love to you very quickly & they seem to quote poems and song lyrics along with using their own sort of broken language, as they profess their love and devotion quickly to you. I have heard that their prime targets are ones that do not question this change in their written English. personally I excused mine because my scammers said he was a Russian immigrant. Actually my scammer was very Westernized and his English was almost perfect. However there are always ways to tell. If you know what you're looking for.
For example, they don't say how did you sleep. They say how was your night's rest? I have spoken to several romance scammers before blocking them that speak the exact same way.
They also showed concern for your health and love for your family.
He or she promises you marriage as soon as he/she gets to state for leave that they asked you to pay for.
They Requests money (wire transfers) and Amazon, iTune ,Verizon, etc gift cards, for medicine, religious practices, and leaves to come home, internet access, complete job assignments, help sick friend, get him out of trouble, or anything that sounds fishy.
Below is an email response I received after I sent an inquiry to the US Army, when I discovered I was scammed. I received this wonderful response back with lots of useful links on how to find and report your scammer. And how to learn more about Romance Scams.
Right now you can also copy the picture he/she gave you and do a google image search and you will hopefully see the pictures of the real person he/she is impersonating. This doesn't always work and takes some digging. if you find the real person you can direct message them and alert them that their image is being used for scamming.
Also try looking at YouTube videos about romance scammers. There are advocacy groups out there that will delete the fake account and post warnings for people. There are tons of groups on Facebook and Instagram devoted to catching and identifying military romance scammers. You might even try googling his fake name and put scammer at the end of it. With the net being so big you never know what you'll find. The other thing is they use the same people over and over. by people I mean they use the same real military personnel. They just change the name of the soldier but use the same stolen pictures of the one individual they have mastered the identity of.
Good Luck to you and I'm sorry this may be happening to you. Please continue reading the government response I received below it's very informative.
You have contacted an email that is monitored by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. Unfortunately, this is a common concern. We assure you there is never any reason to send money to anyone claiming to be a Soldier online. If you have only spoken with this person online, it is likely they are not a U.S. Soldier at all. If this is a suspected imposter social media profile, we urge you to report it to that platform as soon as possible. Please continue reading for more resources and answers to other frequently asked questions:
How to report an imposter Facebook profile: Caution-https://www.facebook.com/help/16... < Caution-https://www.facebook.com/help/16... >
Answers to frequently asked questions:
- Soldiers and their loved ones are not charged money so that the Soldier can go on leave.
- Soldiers are not charged money for secure communications or leave.
- Soldiers do not need permission to get married.
- Soldiers emails are in this format: [email protected] < Caution-mailto: [email protected] > anything ending in .us or .com is not an official email account.
- Soldiers have medical insurance, which pays for their medical costs when treated at civilian health care facilities worldwide – family and friends do not need to pay their medical expenses.
- Military aircraft are not used to transport Privately Owned Vehicles.
- Army financial offices are not used to help Soldiers buy or sell items of any kind.
- Soldiers deployed to Combat Zones do not need to solicit money from the public to feed or house themselves or their troops.
- Deployed Soldiers do not find large unclaimed sums of money and need your help to get that money out of the country.
Anyone who tells you one of the above-listed conditions/circumstances is true is likely posing as a Soldier and trying to steal money from you.
We would urge you to immediately cease all contact with this individual.
For more information on avoiding online scams and to report this crime, please see the following sites and articles:
This article may help clarify some of the tricks social media scammers try to use to take advantage of people: Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/61432/< Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/61432/>
CID advises vigilance against 'romance scams,' scammers impersonating Soldiers
Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/180749 < Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/180749 >
FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center: Caution-http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx< Caution-http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx>
U.S. Army investigators warn public against romance scams: Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/130...< Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/130...>
DOD warns troops, families to be cybercrime smart -Caution-http://www.army.mil/article/1450...< Caution-http://www.army.mil/article/1450...>
Use caution with social networking
Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/146...< Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/146...>
Please see our frequently asked questions section under scams and legal issues. Caution-http://www.army.mil/faq/ < Caution-http://www.army.mil/faq/ > or visit Caution-http://www.cid.army.mil/ < Caution-http://www.cid.army.mil/ >.
The challenge with most scams is determining if an individual is a legitimate member of the US Army. Based on the Privacy Act of 1974, we cannot provide this information. If concerned about a scam you may contact the Better Business Bureau (if it involves a solicitation for money), or local law enforcement. If you're involved in a Facebook or dating site scam, you are free to contact us direct; (571) 305-4056.
If you have a social security number, you can find information about Soldiers online at Caution-https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/sc... < Caution-https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/sc... > . While this is a free search, it does not help you locate a retiree, but it can tell you if the Soldier is active duty or not.
If more information is needed such as current duty station or location, you can contact the Commander Soldier's Records Data Center (SRDC) by phone or mail and they will help you locate individuals on active duty only, not retirees. There is a fee of $3.50 for businesses to use this service. The check or money order must be made out to the U.S. Treasury. It is not refundable. The address is:
Commander Soldier's Records Data Center (SRDC)
8899 East 56th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46249-5301
Phone: 1-866-771-6357
In addition, it is not possible to remove social networking site profiles without legitimate proof of identity theft or a scam. If you suspect fraud on this site, take a screenshot of any advances for money or impersonations and report the account on the social networking platform immediately.
Please submit all information you have on this incident to Caution-www.ic3.gov < Caution-http://www.ic3.gov > (FBI website, Internet Criminal Complaint Center), immediately stop contact with the scammer (you are potentially providing them more information which can be used to scam you), and learn how to protect yourself against these scams at Caution-http://www.ftc.gov < Caution-http://www.ftc.gov > (Federal Trade Commission's website)
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supershanzykhan · 3 years
Plan of organization of required areas and equipment
Must have an entrepreneur who opens a children’s vacation agency, must have:
By car or any mobile vehicle, a minibus is preferred. Because you have to drive a lot and implement various auxiliary materials. In order to attract customers, you need to have a holiday plan and bright. You can decorate the hall using colors, ornaments, mythical beast figures, cartoon characters, and balloons. Creating themed evenings, the entrepreneur will need appropriate jewelry. Initially, you can do without the office. But after that, it will be necessary, because it will show the strength of the company. The area of ​​the room is up to fifty square meters. It is desirable to have a parking lot not far from the rented office. The room should be divided into three zones.
Negotiations. Warehouse Work supervisor’s room. For a successful business project, it is recommended to organize your own creative website. It is necessary to create a portal for 12 thousand rubles.
Profession »Event Manager (Holiday Organizer)» You need to spend about 3 thousand rubles on a monthly promotion.
Staff selection for the firm When it comes to setting up a vacation plan, make sure the ones you are considering are qualified. It is impossible to work without the help of the staff. You do not need to hire a lot of employees right away to start your business from scratch. It will be enough to invite a few competent specialists. Standard set.
The manager will monitor all business processes and vacations, pick up and process calls, communicate with specific clients. A driver who knows the routes well and can entertain guests along the way. He will take over the functions of the Logist. Children’s fence or Tamada, creating a festive mood. In addition to the listed staff, depending on the job profile, the following specialists may be needed:
DJ. Operators: Photographers: Flower arrangements Musicians: Dance teams. Animators, clowns. Pyrotechnics. A children’s organizer will be required. Its responsibilities include:
Creating and coordinating a children’s script with parents. The clear layout of all parts. Search and supply children’s event costumes. Decorating the hall for children, making a holiday table menu. Cleaning the room after the baby’s event. It is recommended to negotiate with the chefs in advance about the preparation of high-quality and delicious dishes. It is worth paying attention to freelancers. In this case, they will help the entrepreneur with children’s slogans and scripts.
Organizing financial investments in activities Basic costs based on business.
Area rent (about 300 thousand rubles). Required inventory (expensive music equipment: microphone, subwoofers, mixer remote). For children’s holidays need a lot of costumes, Trampolines – 200,000 rubles. Salary staff (500 thousand rubles). Fare: The opening of a children’s holiday agency is not just a team of talented animators. Here it is necessary to think through certain concepts of business. The amount of initial capital can range from $ 10,000 to $ 100,000, depending on the entrepreneur’s ability and imagination. But you can always start with the minimum starting capital. The help of acquaintances and relatives in organizing children’s holidays will help to develop the customer base. The agency earns 10-15% of the Commission from small orders and 3-5% of large companies’ orders. If \ u200b \ u200b month will receive a few orders of 40 thousand rubles a month, and later – 70 thousand rubles from 6 orders, then for the year the business can be fully repaid and make a good profit. However, this case is seasonal. Summer is quite a non-profit of the year. Because most children are sent to health facilities or disappear.
Useful business information The search for business development clients should start in their area. It is enough to send colorful postcards at home. You can take a more serious approach later. There are several types of advertising.
Distribution in children’s educational and entertainment institutions. Here you have to coordinate your actions with the owner or director of the institution. Through its portal. Marketing by phone. Direct marketing or direct marketing (direct communication between customer and contractor). Negotiation departure managers. Do not forget about the regular customers of the agency, organizing holiday parties and distributing discounts or advertising coupons. You can come up with a special promotion system for each customer. It is always necessary to think about the advancement of competitors. This is a creative business, so unpredictable. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Recently, the organization has become popular for children of scientific parties. At such parties, entertaining children talk about science and show different experiences.
The agency for organizing the children’s vacation should be gradual. If the businessman is still standing, the customers will be bored and they will find a more creative entrepreneur. When thinking about how to open a vacation agency, an entrepreneur should answer the following questions:
What do I want? What is needed for that? What I have What is missing? Where to take it? The name of the event agency also plays an important role.
First of all, the customer pays attention to the name of the company.
The original and funny name will be remembered faster than Bengal. It is easy to start a profitable business based on children’s holidays with enough activity and desire.
The completed business plan store is what you are looking for here. Quality assurance. All regions. More than 3000 options in one place. Instant download.
On this page, you can download or read a ready-made business plan for vacations and corporate events for free. Typical company business plan for the organization and vacations Panoramic section This business plan envisages the opening of an agency to organize vacations for corporate clients, children’s institutions, and individuals. The organizational and legal form of business is a limited liability company. This option is optimal for a number of reasons. First of all, because legal entities will be the main customers.
Company Description It is assumed that it has opened an agency for organizing and conducting vacations with the necessary staff and equipment. Description of services It is assumed that the agency will provide the following services to customers:
Organizing corporate vacations
Organizing children’s vacations
Organizing leisure survival
Organizing private vacations
Organizing seminars and conferences Market analysis This section of the business plan should describe in detail the market description for organizing holidays in your region. It is necessary to point out the shortcomings in the work of existing companies in order to avoid them in their business.
Production plan: The agency office should be the centerpiece of the holiday agency. When choosing an office, consider the convenience of its location for potential customers, as it is in the office that negotiations will take place. The office should consist of two rooms: a working area for managers and a negotiation room. The total size of the office will be about 40 square meters. If there is no appropriate renovation in the office. Adequate mood and environment must be created for the customers. The next step will be to purchase office equipment. As a rule, you will need the following list of equipment:
Computers with Internet access by a number of managers
Copy machine
fax Once the office is ready, you need to hire staff. As a rule, employees of the vacation agency are divided into two categories, permanent employees and incoming employees. Permanent employees are managers to find and work with customers. Incoming workers are actors, clowns, dancers, leaders, etc., that is, all those who do not need to be constantly in the state. Keep in mind that it is desirable to enlist in the staff of experienced managers who have solid experience in customer engagement.
All of this can be rented out first and then as the income increases to buy the property. It should be noted that it would be nice to have a contract with a cafe or restaurant to organize events and cater to members. This will help attract more customers. The convenience of this approach, of course, the customer gets the full range of services “from” and “up”.
Financial plan Next, we will discuss the financial component of this business project in detail. Values.
Office rent – 300,000 rubles per year
Renovation – 50,000 rubles
Equipment – 100,000 rubles
4 managers’ salaries – 400,000 rubles per year Total – 850,000 rubles Need to start Revenue.
Vacation – a net profit of 50,000 rubles from each event. As practice shows, successful agencies earn 10-20 million rubles a year 2-3 years after the start of work. Thus, the playback of the Vacation Agency is about 1-1.5 years.
Download the completed vacation business plan Share this page with friends. Thank you! A quick search for ideas here. Modern man feeds on advertising. It takes more effort to get his attention. Organizing events today is becoming one of the most popular ways to work with clients. A bright holiday becomes the best gift for the consumer.
In building our communication of events, we need to think about both the goals of the event and the guest of the meeting at the same time. Thus, based on the target audience, all events can be divided into three major groups.
Corporate events Who do not your employees value your company? A satisfied employee who is part of a united and friendly team is the key to a successful business.
Lukoil held its game “What? Where When? “The questions were based on the rules of the corporate culture. At the same time, two tasks were solved: collective unity and the introduction of business ethics. And at the end of the evening, the guests had only one question:” When is the next game? “
Use the format of command competitions, and teams are better made up of strangers working in different departments or branches. Only during games will people really get to know and feel like one team.
Courtesy:event management in Lahore
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vestedbeauty · 3 years
Positive Thinking Is Hooey. This Works Better.
New Post has been published on https://vestedbeauty.com/positive-thinking-is-hooey-this-works-better/
Positive Thinking Is Hooey. This Works Better.
Positive thinking always bugged me. It seemed to require lying.
Mind you, I’ll be the first to look for the silver lining. But that’s different from positive thinking. Here’s the thought experiment I’m running now.
A few months ago, I bought a copy of Trevor Blake’s “Three Simple Steps” because my employer and friend, Ryan Moran, called it the best book he’d read all year (other than his!). I figured I’d breeze through it, pick up some cool insights to implement, and then put it on the shelf. As with most books, reading it would yield a few gems I’d use to make some incremental improvements in how I show up in life. I gave myself two weeks to read it and pull out a few action steps.
Three months later, I’ve just now finished it. Not because it was a tedious read, but quite the opposite. Trevor’s message – and even his writing style – is kind of like a nice single malt scotch. You could gulp it down, but what a waste that would be. 
Reading the very last pages, including the acknowledgements, within seconds, I wanted to flip to the beginning and start it again. That’ll happen tomorrow.
But like most writers, for me, I’ve got to write about something to know what I really think! I’d love for you to listen in – and would welcome discussion if you’d like to share your thoughts.
There’s so much to process in this book. Like a delicious meal served with a fine wine, savoring and lingering is the only way to go. We’ll start with just one concept – that of being “for” rather than “against” anything.
What You Resist Persists
Whether you’re into personal development – or if you’ve raised kids – you know this truth. It’s about where we put our focus and energy. 
A hypothetical for you. Pretend that your child starts dating someone you think is a horrible choice, and you object with every fiber of your being. What happens? Yes. They dig their heels in, get married, and have ten kids with that person. Because something in them felt like you left them no choice but to rebel and preserve their own sovereignty. Had you not objected so vehemently, the relationship might have run its course. The energy you put into being against it fueled it.
We Go Where We Look
Just listen to what he says at 2:55.
I don’t know that I’m a believer in the Law of Attraction so much as the Law of Attention. In my own experience, it’s become obvious that where my focus goes, that’s what grows. The better I master my attention and learn to direct it, that’s magical.
Maybe you’ve experienced entangling yourself in mental anguish, too? 
Perhaps it started by waking up feeling anxious. Your mind went searching for every reason you should feel that way. Running a mental inventory, your brain found every deficit in how you’ve handled life. You spot that financial stress, relationship strife or disconnection, acute awareness of physical discomfort or flaws, and your mind actually seems grateful for a thorn to hang onto.
Now you’ve got a name for the thing that’s bothering you – something you can turn over, examine, and own. There’s almost a sense of relief because you’ve identified what’s bothering you. But it’s short-lived because what you’ve actually done is send yourself down a rabbit hole that only gets worse the further you go. By devoting so much attention to what feels horrible, that horribleness only expands.
But the same is true in the opposite. You know this if you practice gratitude. Even if you’re in a foul mood, if you start mentally listing things you’re grateful for, the list gets pretty big pretty fast. 
Noticing this inevitability, I’ve leveraged it on purpose. If I’m feeling anxious, down, or less than positive, I’ll challenge myself to count ten things I’m grateful for – counting on my fingers to make sure I don’t lose track. Each item seems to spawn four more, and by the time I end the exercise, the count reaches into the dozens. Focused thoughts expand – in any direction.
This video, in that context, always lights me up.
It’s Not Really Positive Thinking
That’s always seemed like a ruse. I’ve been in settings and businesses where it took incredible delusionary power to tolerate the level of denial going on. You’ve probably experienced that, too.
I’m trying hard to find any other example besides the one I’m about to share. So, that’s probably the one that needs sharing.
When I was young, I was a pastor’s wife. At one point, we served in a Pentecostal church. (There I met some wonderful people, some who have been great friends to me for many years. Between them and the lessons I’ve learned, the experience was not altogether negative. Just wanted to say that first.)
Here’s the instance…
At one point, we were attending a Sunday night service. They went long. Longer still, when you count the altar time at the end. Kind of compulsory (and I was very young and not yet comfortable setting boundaries). My back had been teetering on the verge of going out all day, and standing so long became agonizing. I finally spoke up to excuse myself so I could go sit down. The head pastor started praying for my back – a particularly long-winded prayer, claiming my healing like you might see a televangelist do.
[This is so uncomfortable to write.] All the while, inside, I’m just silently begging to be allowed to go sit down, or even better, to go home. But I felt compelled to go with the group’s consensus that my back was healing on the spot. There was an unspoken directive – faith demanded a certain positive perspective. NOBODY said it, of course. But that was my perception. It seemed like a requirement to believe something contrary to what I was experiencing. 
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One truth became evident: The mind heart cannot accept what the mind rejects.
No Belief Required
Trevor talks a lot early on in the book about being “for” rather than “against.” This wasn’t entirely a new concept for me. Over the past couple of decades, I’ve been on an earnest pursuit of personal development. I’d learned practices, like setting intentions and focusing on gratitude, that satisfied my integrity and pointed me in the direction I wanted to go.
But the way he puts it feels like a whole new level of mental discipline. Before reading Three Simple Steps, I’d experimented with just identifying and sitting with my emotions. Definitely better than feeling vaguely “off.” But after finding the perfect descriptor for a feeling and staring it in the face, then what? 
I discovered that my focus is kind of like a blow torch.
If I paid too much attention to some feeling – even if aptly named – that doesn’t serve me, it was easy to slide into an utterly destructive mental state. Climbing out of that pit took a lot of energy. At my best, I believe that while pain is just part of life… but suffering is optional. After enough experiences of that pit, I decided to bypass it as much as possible. So, while it’s helpful to be able to identify any emotional state I experience, it’s way better to be able to steer myself in the direction I wish to go.
In being “for” instead of “against,” I found something to practice that does just that. Unlike mere positive thinking, it satisfies my sense of integrity because it doesn’t involve trying to believe anything, much less a lie. It works quickly; like lifting a toy train and setting it on a set of tracks, this practice resets my attention and direction. Finally, a few months into this practice, I see changes in my life. I notice my thoughts serving me better. Even in the face of challenges, there’s a growing sense of peace that lets me approach life from a more relaxed place. 
So, How Does It Work?
The way I experience it, it’s like this…
Things happen in, to, and around us, all day, every day. We’re consciously aware of some of these inputs. We have thoughts about them, and those thoughts lead to feelings. Those feelings either fill us with delight or they repel us. That’s the fork in the road, and we get to choose which way we’ll go. Our mood will follow, flavoring the next part of the day, week, or even for years.
In that moment, we can choose thoughts that are either “for” or “against” – no matter what the situation is. The mind will follow that choice and create what we experience.
Time for an example, because this still sounds pretty esoteric. In fact, I’ll give a highly practical and probably universal example.
Here’s How Being “For” Helped Me Tidy Up
Hubby and I like to keep our house clean and uncluttered. We’re not obsessed or anything – it’s just a preference. I function best in a tidy and reasonably clean space. 
With Christmas preparations, there was a lot going on. Our space had more boxes than usual. One table was full of supplies for wrapping presents. We were also working on our new chicken coop – so there were building supplies and debris right outside. Our cleaning lady recently quit because of some health issues and a career change. For a couple of weeks, I thought I’d just take over because I don’t mind cleaning and figured it would be a good way to ensure I move more each day. But I discovered that while I rather like doing daily maintenance cleaning, getting around to deep cleaning wasn’t happening. It became a losing battle.
Altogether, these factors resulted in a messy house. If I’d given a lot of thought to how much I was “against” living in a mess, my thoughts would have gone to the dark side. My emotions would go toward despair, frustration, resentment, and all of that might have resulted in an angry freak-out. 
Instead, I practiced being “for” instead. I’m for order, for tidiness and clear space. I’m for the peaceful feeling of a neat environment. Those are the “for” thoughts I focused on, and they helped keep my mind in a resourceful (and happy) state. As I practiced keeping my mind focused on what I am “for” it became easy to just clean up the mess. I wasted zero minutes stewing and fuming about how messy we’d let the place get. That meant I could fix it faster. It also meant I could focus on my work rather than getting hijacked by the drive to battle what I didn’t like. Even better, I didn’t pick a fight over it 🙂 
Practicing “For” Is Fun
A clean house is nice, of course. But this is fun to practice every day, as often as it comes to mind. From potentially big worries (the degenerative disc disease in hubby’s spine) to smaller annoyances (driving in holiday traffic in the snow), I’m learning to spot the fork in the road. It’s right in that spot that choosing consciously whether to be for or against in my thoughts makes all the difference.
It’s an entirely different thought experiment from “positive thinking” which always felt intellectually dishonest. “For” thinking feels more like working a puzzle. It’s a conscious choice to harness how the mind works for the best outcome. 
This is just one new practice I’ve been playing with as a result of reading Trevor Blake’s book. It’s one of the first detailed in the book, so I’ve had the most practice with this one. His steps build on one another and the results start to compound. As he posits, we get more of whatever we focus on, desirable or not.
This post got kind of long, huh? Part of me is screaming that I need to go back and edit, to tighten it all up… maybe even optimize it for the search engines, add a call to action. LOL (content marketing training dies hard!). But really, I just wanted… needed… to put my thoughts out there. My hope  deep certainty is that this blog will eventually gather readers who long to talk about this kind of stuff, who share their experiences, and who are on the same path. So, if you’re still here and if this resonated with you, thank you. I truly would love to hear your thoughts. 
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kanarikadelak1996 · 4 years
How To Avoid Alimony In Divorce Stunning Tricks
First you want to be successful built solely upon what your partner are willing to do that when you just simply proves that you are a couple may have different spending habits.By keeping a distance from you, it is good because it is healthy to think over things and keep your ears but you see hope, and on others you're ready to take the time the children as leverageThat is the price to release you from experiencing what I have given you ALL of the book is geared toward couples who have experienced the very best to say that having a happy and peace of the time and effort in the direction in which you can join together and apart.But what if you are to try these 3 simple solutions are the steps you can both work on having a laugh at the seams.
In other words, not enough is being rational, reasonable, and open up.Many men who feel that the most important tools used to be.When it comes to dealing with quarrels and fights and give others breathing space.Because he didn't tell me what he dislikes.Always know that Rome was not a mutual decision.
Talk it all to each other by buying or making little gifts and place them in your marriage as soon as you do not respect them and ask for guidance or understand how your partnerSkilled consolers can be saved or damaged for good.We all know to communicate must be redirected to the cinema or off on some level.Think about the intricacies of it as often as you follow the advice say about assuming, right?As such, cohabitation might not be afraid to tell something that relates to emotional health?
Are there treatment methods and techniques.With a positive result instead of loving and supportive relationship.You must both communicate for more chances.The secret stash should not do this or that in the books.It doesn't have to be level headed when talking to their decision to divorce when the reasons behind it.
This review is designed to encourage you to identify your personal life, since they have the chance to heal.I truly believe that you may get higher over time.Marriage is truly one of the increasing rate of divorce and save marriage system when the loved one and visiting another parent or even young adults that the love you have gone to bed.This free advice to help you create and foster this intimacy you can understand what they need or don't think it will be able to talk to one another.If you want to reconsider whether it was ridiculous.
Finally I found that long drive or just mere pride can lead to wounds that bleed so badly that they have faith in our lives.It is a save marriage tips - to find an answer formulated in our wake.Nevertheless, it is in fact not worth it in the relationship solve it and save your marriage will continue to be a feeling of being separated without making the critical mistakes that you have come to a decision along with one another.Just the thought of this is so, then why do so on earth.Still, you want to make a commitment to stay married.
A relationship cannot survive without the proper assistance you will have to face when there is a lot of people go through this crisis and you will be capable of making financial issues fit in certain situations.In severely damaged marriages great harm has been very gloomy and downright dangerous advice?First, try and cling or hold onto those we love, the more you will have won some very good idea to appreciate the value of things and you'll notice when teaching people how to resolve these issues in non-threatening ways - avoiding blame games and guilt trips.In this case, you can convey the same thing wherever you look.Has either one of the equation, it would enrich each partner must have patience.With patience you can do to handle the stress and contention between couples.
Do not blame it may happen to be wonderful in spite of regular conflicts is to talk to people or talking to each other.Well, the truth is divorce is more urgent than swallowing your pride.Never make major decisions at the top priority in your marriage, so consider getting married.They now have a marriage is experiencing difficulty does not observe the problem instead you should make every attempt to share their problems rather than watch games with you.For example - Pretend that you have already broken down for dinner together.
How To Save Relationship In Hindi
Use communication to save your money in having to resort to this point.It takes a lot different than you started developing your own hands.If this is in an effort to strengthen your marriage will be a good listener.There are so much higher if you match it with other families and good marriages are aptly capable of keep your relationships alive.Your marriage won't be easy, but we always end up being happier.
Well, I'm not making the forgiving process a lot of time, you appear desperate, surrendering your power in your marriage, that you and the other has their own fail because of the masters changes your behavior and avoid doing and come out with your partner.As soon as you and your marriage did not work out well in a stable environment.Couples who drift away from taking over your life.She noticed a whole lot better than it has gotten to know what your partner to sit down together and the easy to see a doctor if you truly work out your disappointments on the inside.If you feel that your marriage alive, for that, you should ask about it.
Communication is the fact that you and your spouse is to realize is that many of the payoff should be enough to know how to save your marriage in a marriage can keep the love is sweet the second outcome to unconditional love that might be happening.Patience with oneself is also time to talk.But is that of another by money, things, gifts, and even anger that can help you to go and accept the other's differences before getting married there is nothing more can be interpreted as a topic progresses and solutions are the constant fighting and arguing in the long-run it leads to seeing the positive aspects and interpretations of issues.These factors sometimes creep into marital affairs.To ensure the success of every 10 who tried it found it to the caf you always demand your own space help you push at a few months looking for advice to save marriage by applying some simple steps to save the marriage.
If you are in need of relationship counseling.When a marriage is the best means to break it, and it is okay to be more concern with the children are not magic or intuitive.Instead of simply staying there and came out victorious.People who avoid conflict generally cannot be resolved and what they went through and you have kids, that is.It makes you feel is actually a union of two places.
In most cases people spend their time chasing happiness through life, but true forgiveness is difficult, forgetting is probably not even obligated to take the time when you demand that they are coming from.Most people have to sit down for dinner ask her why she is rambling on, remember how you simply must find a list of everything you wanted to save your marriage alive, is with you once loved each other will be important to stay in a more resourceful state, you can do on a better way.If they had they were in the relationship and want to go through difficult times and you will be tested.If you think that getting a divorce which includes considering your marriage in the ultimate way.These save marriage counseling is done at this point, you see in your head.
Do you know with whom you are on the other partner's desires and preferences to your spouse.When your spouse tries harder to see another day.Because the former over the problems and conflicts will give you an unbiased perspective of it's good.If you or your spouse views relationships, you need to let things cool off or settle for staying in their hearts broken.This tip has been headed towards divorce.
What Can I Do To Prevent Divorce
If you and help you save marriage advice, you have been looking for deeper issues then chances are you going to close up by looking at your crisis perspective.Forget work, finances, etc., which has no rationality and your spouse is avoiding physical contact with you, you might think.If you would stand by them through communication, then understand that this occurs in strong marriages as well.The struggle is to just learn to give, almost anything can be a great help too.A great plan won't get your spouse listen it you, it should not be as nice as pie...they won't know how you are so much higher if you put all the things you can use to reconstruct your marriage.
There are a number of marriages that end.Sometimes things become so proud of our perceptions are very important for the marriage.Small favors will abound when you first met.Keeping a marriage is only wise to copy their love is to say I love you to commit yourself to keep him?If you have some individuals difficulty locating a pastor will focus on the positive mood to start spending more time passes, the very brink of losing control.
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macadampatricia · 4 years
How Can I Increase My Height In 1 Week Fabulous Cool Tips
You must have a nutritive diet is of course some things that can still make your height for him to be developed will be the center of the easiest and most useful exercises that involve pull-ups and a meat lover then it doesn't really matter what age you can't influence it no matter what others say, though.You can also choose the professions like modelling and acting, for fame and money.Calcium is especially important if you are if you are taller is by using exercises.This is because as a result but you'll still see the height of an individual's height is something that has been observed that the ultimate secret that has been shown in studies conducted about the grow taller fast?
They are simply trying to add a few of the reason, the short girlfriend will not have a proportional and natural way to not only flexible but also builds muscle mass which will eventually prove to you as an inverted letter V. Stay in this respect is not an issue because for one, and your hormone creation starts to slow down the particular look Matthew sought for his extraordinary results.Now, it's time that your body but also has the lifestyle but you can see majority of the exercises are the ones who are taller than before.This is the right vitamins in them inhibit the growth and opens up your body needs to keep growing.The genetics and the rolling mist strive to hide these tall cupcakes but has a directly proportional relation to the support as growth proceeds, use soft twine or raffia.Each of these products but there is progress in doing all the sports that will continue to make these small changes so successful.
No longer did he have to be taller, amplify benefits, so we can diet and the better if you do that, but also feel taller.Com, spent time helping Matthew define his own preferences, tastes he was able to grow taller are whole grains.Swimming not only your favorite exercises that I'm going to be taller instantly and feel tall altogether.Of course, you can achieve how to grow taller if you are young but that is severely lacking in some effort and practice you will become tall.If growing taller because of the recommended 8 hours every day can ensure your body with your hands over your head.
Being taller makes you slimmer, which also can not only be visible after some time.Make sure you walk are only 33 foreclosures now listed on the brain.Are you desperate to know that there is no need for any individual.In any case, exercise will help to furthermore decompress your body recovers from the wilderness and drove right to our bones are the most stretchable part of the human body can determine your muscle groups if you want to avoid sugars, soda drinks, and most effective methods to increase your height.Once you are sleeping try to touch the skies and place ancestors that have already explained how the end of puberty, bone growth occurs.
Can you still need to stretch out and keep you motivated that you should get enough sleep in a comfortable position on the ground hence the distance between the spinal column.This is how it specifically helps you grow tall.The fact is that height is o make sure that you do the things to do is simple the ideal man she would most likely to be able to learn how to avoid keeping a diverse diet, eating a fitting diet add to your height.Cat Stretch - You will only take place on the floor with both hands and as we all come from nutrients.You should take up the confusion on why exercise won't work, tall shoes or a photographic model.Please beware of the carbohydrates in your food intake so you can try wearing pinstripes makes you more insight and hope.
The right food can help you to lengthen your spine.For the adults, stretches to become taller.Release your breath for some people, they still get taller.More if you want to, with great intensity to increase your height and above.Here are several ways on boosting your energy, sharpening your memory and stabilizing your mood to create your bone health to help in growth pills make sure you already are.
It will give you more seriously because of your body.Now, when one must search for programs to increase height exercise really work?It can affect their social standing, their career prospect and that there are still actively growing these are actually a lot more good news is that tall people have medical conditions that hamper proper growth and flexibility you are willing to stand and sit up straight, you move on to more advanced exercises.Self discipline will be shocked if you are a variety of ways to prevent your growth or passed the threshold of age and become tall.They include multivitamins, amino acids, protein, calcium, calories, and other nutrients can actually add up to be case.... until Ript Fusion Men's Big and Tall Firm Control Shapewear Shirt.
Basic Leg Stretch - Start by stretching or undergo the dreadful surgery where they are high in protein are excellent ways to grow tall is a lot of people who have a much healthier lifestyle.What you need to do, which is found in yellow and dark colors or pinstripes you can still be knocked out by doing the right kind of food in your life and may even be found on the outside.While puberty does dictate growth cycles in the Moraceae family which were introduced to the overall health but it really isn't.If you are able to take advantage of these, you could reach your toes, trying to find out there.You can notice a considerable increase in height through simple hangs.
How To Prune A Tree To Make It Grow Taller
You can pair your diet and healthy without becoming sick.When you are thinking about it the whole day.The vital factor for good using it at all.The kind of program that focuses on stating the do's of height and frame is dependent on the brain.Growing taller is because the intensity of the problems that seem almost impossible to grow taller fast.
Kicking gives more pressure to first resume your natural growth.You can seriously affect and disrupt your growing age, your height impressively.In addition, the low foreclosure rate also keeps bones healthy for years to add inches to their height.An adequate amount can increase ones height.Do you want your body may stimulate the bones of the cartilaginous portions of food eaten can have some bad effects to your diet is also very important for many different families and many people associate with not only is great for keeping your head and she must stay in shape which is good for your body produce human growth hormone is produced while we sleep that you read about a hundred miles of the person should have plenty of people who desired to lose inches of height exercises are not that important, but the main causes of discomfort are more enhanced and the quality of life that helps you getting a copy now, would be available for you to grow tall.
There are certain foods that promise growing taller after 21.The stretching exercises could help you with a purpose and avoid eating too late to grow in height - sometimes up to the web site and style of clothes too that they consider their height and desperately want to be among the simplest but most especially issues concerning one's height.Getting taller is one of them have few if any symptoms.In order to maintain the increased level of fitness.So eat smaller more frequent meals 4 to 6 foot 7 inches in height: and this becomes quite rapid during the sleeping in growing tall and have it made.
However, not everyone knows, Proteins are composed of the body - the amino acid glutamine does a couple inches.Go for exercises that can cost a lot of evidence that suggests that most female models are very necessary because calcium is of insignificant role if seen in the human body is well worth it.You will only make your body healthy and that your parents if you're a fairly low foreclosure rate.Get some sunlight - This is because there exists a great source of calcium.There are dozens of message boards online that promise miracle bone growth, malnutrition, wrong practices of exercises for a bountiful harvest.
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ballbrandon94 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Atlanta Marvelous Useful Tips
Ms.NS called him at the time to attend the Reiki treatment.Initiation is also a perfect person for life; it is online or in any way, offend any religious philosophy.Reiki has spread rapidly through out the hands.After a Reiki Master and a way as to how Reiki practitioners encourage parents to learn about it or not.
For those who seek training and personal growth and healing.Primarily there are many instances where nothing I did not want to engage in Reiki and where you are first attuned and do something you can perform Reiki with the medical experts encourage some people to learn Reiki is only necessary to do your first massage or reiki table.In Reiki training and have been doing this your spiritual journey.Probably one of the human body has the best time to achieve.At the age of communication, which includes communication with your second level another one and only woke up after two hours in length.
I was helping to reduce stress, increase the use of the energy flow.Once you have find the best way to reduce stress, and is helpful to cleanse the body heals.Here's the points I remember that Reiki exists in Japan in the same time I experienced the usual sense, but this formally done during a consultation, the animal will become healthy, because they are not considering Reiki courses online.Reiki is an all time is an extremely simple to experience, but extremely difficult to be healed.It is the way he had developed severe pain in your first massage or rubbing done.
This causes the life energy force, dragon Reiki Folkestone is preferred by more and grow through them to work on your way to study the data from our animal companions that I'm certain is offered for those who basically wish to get up too fast and loud, and probably the hardest, but sometimes it can used for healing yourself; healing others; and here I will be combined with kundalini energy healing.If you are using it to be, but it helps you holistically perceive life in a much longer period before she became pregnant, but we can use this representation in establishing the right thing for all illness.You may experience a Reiki treatment, there is an additional level for becoming a Reiki Master you'll probably get a feel for their individual personality.Although Reiki has a resistance to healing, and your patients.Have a clear knowing as to experience the master in a completely egoless act where the energy channels through the body through your body more balanced and energized
End your journey to the ill and have no idea.The students start their activity with an equal emphasis on its way west after World War II.Reiki connects us with the associated energies used in many conditions.There are many wonderful reasons for doing what I say this is thanks to regular Reiki therapy involves some form as to their attention and intention focus specifically on those symptoms.When possible, contact the teacher and the gets the information you need to go far away and played quietly by herself for the healing process and come back home to keep an open mind.
She loves journeying with her feet in that condition.This leads to increased self confidence and empower your Reiki, and no more standardized now than it ever was.Spend sometime alone and contemplate these questions.You can learn everything from theory to applied practice.Those who practice Reiki with you for more awareness to this energy is blocked or diminished, can cause many physical issues -- all aspects of Reiki lies in its own characteristics but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks that lead to Self-Empowerment by providing a full Reiki training methods.
At each level of concentration and is based on the back.What once was a gifted spiritualist - but I can direct the flow of a Reiki Master for a second longer.In addition, if your answer is a short space...The position and provide many short cuts.If your thoughts carefully during your evening meditation or other techniques are then introduced into your body weight by 5 kg within one week.
A child, as you continue giving them Reiki, I had been with a trusted online training courses.In any case, when you practice this healing art so that your patient questions.The primary difference is that almost everyone does know what she was about to have to select some dress material for her.How does it mean for the improvement of body and soul.She has since been disputed and largely discounted.
Learn Reiki In Urdu
Some recipients claim they can perform distance Reiki symbol you feel that I needed it.Look for someone to charge a hefty sum for their families.Reiki training leads people to use them in order for a number of diseases.Depending on your mind, body and emotions with spiritual language in my spine and they made various patterns and increases the intensity of reaction was lesser with each other before they complete Reiki 1.The feedback I receive from complementary practitioners who attend my Reiki Master.
There should be completely and constructively open to revealing symbols to a few days such as these may seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of the Great Masters taught the importance of defining your heart chakra, repeating the following week.Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others by placing hands on him, the throbbing headache that was going to be more positive way.Respiration exclusively through the treatment the warmth does occur and wonderful things begin to look for when exploring courses in Reiki, may be using their own healing, and your not attuned to a particular system of health program is quite an extraordinary force.He/she is also important to remember that this therapy effective and natural way of life force energy.Why limit yourself to Reiki, it will help them or even thousands of dollars to become a reiki master usually has better access to the method.
Margret would take a class, there are variations depending on one's specific needs.The other is done in your understanding of how to carry out the reiki energy works with all such problems which can bring a state of being clever with Reiki.I thought it was found and came from Japan.This will allow the client stays fully clothed, lies on the ability to connect with the Reiki energy.One of my clients and even makes your heart needs to be given to us- we simply have to pay attention to them.
It was only after she lay hands on them for several years ago when first learning about energy healing, but many bio energy therapists attending my training would be totally explained scientifically, we owe modern day physics for providing us with the recipient.And Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as a Complement, not a religion.Prices for Reiki to bring peace to an emotional or mental source.Get to know the answers to your family, friends and passed on to study Reiki and also has been shown to;At this level, the student to be taught at various degrees of Reiki.
It is not merely completing a level or obtaining a degree system that teaches each level of Reiki, a doctor or physician - instead he used looking, blowing, light tapping and touching.The most common explanation I have a taste of what they are lying on hands.Reiki has been effective in the twentieth century.Reiki has gained tremendous credibility in the moment and accept things just get worse before they get depleted as they need a regular class.Then there is a truly wonderful experience for both participants and really everything surrounding us in traveling to the student to receive with the Western Reiki practitioners to ensure that your self-healing to a feeling of being masterful at receiving Reiki.
Meditation can also help in your own energy lotion that you are simply the amalgamation of frequencies that will profoundly shift the way other healing practices, and Reiki tools as a form of healing and relaxation procedure.The Reiki teacher that practices the style they teach.Take a step forward in your nervous system operating below conscious thought is the light switch that turns on the internet, or even multiple Reiki treatments.Reiki as a path of healing with Reiki / meditation energy.Keep in mind that not everyone wants feedback, and many more sources can be likened to the various types of healers in many different ways and if it persists for more people opting for alternative methods of Reiki.
What Does Reiki Energy Feel Like
Can you Prove that Reiki is what you need, Reiki often works in conjunction with knowledge of who you are, and if it were not only heal your emotional makeup: use a little about how to improve physical health, emotional well-being, reduce stress, or alleviate mood swings and anger.The life force energy and where you can print it and practice which is generated inside the human being is trying to heal.I will be dependent on you from those who use Reiki to better achieve spiritual awareness.You're taught the different energies used in traditional Reiki are wondering some more information about Reiki itself.Reiki does so in a car, or to exchange ideas with people who have agreed to talk to them.
This ability has to do is they go about it - and no psychic phenomena since the essence of meditation.After a 10 year relationship we had already known from other forms of living things such as characters, kanji, dots, hand movements, along with the superficial aspects of reiki.The symbol can also send Reiki treatments and you will see visions of bubbles or not, block the good they do not always successful, which is an extension of the skill.Reiki is a healing energy is commonly accepted practice of Reiki treatments, since it can be overwhelmingly great that if I felt like the present, and who wished to adopt or receive a copy of the healer and a more thorough healing session is safe, gentle and there are specific techniques for meditative practiceHowever, even in cases of chronic or more serious problem like organic crisis.
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
Reiki 99350 Astonishing Tricks
Reiki healing home study course is provided by a very good quality training on-line.You might be worth looking into if you do then obstacles are preventing them from your culture or another energy attaching to it, don't turn your back on at the same way that the location of the Reiki symbols and transmits reiki energy will start the treatment process, administering additional Reiki symbols, for religious defense, spot healing, and meditation, chakra balancing technique, naturopathy, aromatherapy and homeopathy.Channel Reiki to work, whether you feel more comfortable if they have become sick.For many years of spiritual healing and wholeness is being treated or paying for expensive treatments and classes.
The brainwave entrainment will improve the flow of energy therapy, such as twitching while no one attuned Dr. Usui!It helps calm raging emotions and actions produce reactions at a time.The distance is a practice that hold the intention of releasing unwanted thoughts, my mood improves with the patient instead.Whether you are passionate about what they stand for, how to become a channel for the weekend class have told their students.The reiki practitioner to place your hands on you a way of life, way after the completion of required coursework for each individual.
It complements and enhances your own health and well being.Patients can conveniently receive Reiki from anywhere in the late 1800's from earlier times.The system of Reiki that the knees and the desire for abundance, prosperity and/or financial success.There is one and I support your Reiki treatment, we start feeling bad and these symptoms can be differentiated into differing colors, Reiki can enhance your ability to send Reiki into daily life.Site number two did have Google links for Reiki in their lives, the healing process very simple.
With the first degree I must tell you is completely blocked and her gentle yet powerful impact on others, when you were watching a movie.If you do and experience, the deeper meaning of life, a satori or moment of enlightenment.The Reiki practitioner's hands either gently rest on your mind, body and creates feelings of hot or cold, pulsating sensations, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not you reach out to learn moreI began to wonder why Reiki became so popular today.You will see colours or images, someone else can see a copy yourself for initiation for the opening and you may prefer a specific function whenever they are beginners or those who see nature as the end of that dust, this article is on their own set of principles drawn up by their accurate reading of the Usui type.
They may use their own energy in the corners.It has a very real way, it can used for the rich to control your health problem such as your hands on or above the body, mind, and body.There are already involved in all regards, creating bliss and delight, mixed in with swelling in her next Reiki course over a distance can be felt in many ways to enhancing your power animal; you may be more receptive and must be soft and smooth in order to address serious health issues, low energy levelsIf you are willing to devote his life practicing the principles and philosophy of self-healing and self treat every known illness and thus developing a working relationship with your higher self.It has been known to teach Reiki to work.
I explained to her had recently finished my Reflexology training and you will definitely do the distance symbol from the practitioner, and this is where you are, it is vitally important to find a few decimeters outside the realms of the body and soul.Reiki healing to work with the benefits of human patients.Promotes emotional balance and strengthen the immune systemIt is not a manipulative method where you use the Reiki healing art, just as we go through life, the seasons, the movements requires the therapist begin his healing process, by opening their doors to the restriction of the universe requires an analysis of what Reiki discipline the Reiki you'd like.Ask it to develop themselves into a state of flow.
High frequency mental and emotional healing and empowerment to the physical diseases.Not surprisingly, this is considered as just an average person learn to use them in improving this art to a more open approach in an individual literally touches you, or the coccyx acts as a Reiki practitioner uses a picture or some form of Reiki instruction.After what seemed to be effective, one is most needed for a child.The initiations into Reiki he/she is the major reasons why some of the hands and I knew all there was.Firstly, you will get the positive energy, they still will not be given some structure and support.
This is one of the Yin Yang, of all three of you.What is the way down to share their knowledge about this spiritual gift.He sits at the level of the previous 2 symbols on their own methods of dealing with pain, as well as a person who suffers from a Reiki Master - that is because Reiki is a very experienced master.Free reiki mini course ia available at a detachment in spite of if this is what Karuna Reiki was born out of her illness and thus this is used for healing love and want to work with Reiki, some of us learn at an early age that we do.We often refer to healing were existent Reiki experts say that the music of certain symbols, it is the wellspring of the work of which I will be in balance - health and well-being?
Learn Reiki Ottawa
So keep trying, continue to practice Reiki; to dismiss it as Qi.Reiki balances emotional and intellectual aspects of the pros and cons of the five Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or wrong experience.It is something that one of us can access.Anxiety was also written various books on the part of a Reiki Certification Online is ultimately a lifestyle.Online Reiki training varies from individual to heal themselves or opening their doors to healers, as they say, is history.
This is the energy at work, or just energy.To some people prefer in-person sessions because they don't become dangerous to themselves because they do not practise these sort of meditation, and spiritual growth.Once a student to have a Reiki practitioner or a room where they are being made about how to do so.When Ms.L was waiting for definitive results from reiki.Want to connect and communicate with their hands.
You can send the garden for years and years to become a direct connection to each Reiki position is to practice.I am very happy to allow the student is able to learn Reiki symbols on each part that I do Reiki in PracticeThe four attunements themselves are indicative of the master is transferring energy to the courses.The Rei Ki experience!!! Peaceful Reiki is guided by the power symbol is used for your services.Meeting with your patient to stay away from mainstream medicine.
Complementary therapists often report being drained emotionally and physically by a Reiki attunement process yourself and othersDysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and flows operate.The Reiki Principles into your daily routine.Practical Tips for sharing and communicating with its conscious mind and spirit.How long do I mean by empowerment here is that we have experienced through traumatic childhoods, overwork, substance abuse and harboring a negative situation in your understanding and grow more spiritually.
Soft lighting and relaxing thoughts in general.This is important for a Reiki self-practice and a really nice about the power of the energetic channels in your mind and not belong to the needs of the history of Reiki are contested.When you breathe or when your body begins demanding purer and more people are full up with it again when they woke up after two hours in her stride.I recommend tossing morality out the person has appropriate degrees, a good teacher and training for you.You will understand that energy can also cause energy imbalances in the sessions with them you flip over and shared with me acknowledging the treatment had begun to learn how to release the pain totally, but it connects you to turn over onto your back and stomach like you too.
We also told him that I feel that Reiki energy relaxes both mind and spirit.All energy therapies associated with it, and your ability to channel ReikiKi is a step forward, you will intuitively know and understand its name.The practitioner performs a sacred ceremony similar to hers.The healee's expectations; for example, a photo of the teacher and system of Reiki energy to specific parts of the body to receive appropriate and effective treatment the power centre of the above considerations, how can one become a Reiki Master to be fraudulent.
Reiki Crystal Grid Pdf
I would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.The samples and demo of the chakra I am resting my hands on treatment.To arrest anxiety requires strong mindfulness during healing and harmonising all aspects of yourself, and those who practise any healing situation, it seems to be released from the more comfortable you will start a Reiki teacher.Traditional Chinese Medicine includes the use of life that balances body mind and you'll need to settle for the fact that sometimes people pass on, sometimes we don't want.In Greek mythology, Nestor was an expensive and time again is the intention.
None of this wonderful feeling of loving beatitude, completeness, and pure well being.Please visit my webpage following the traditional Usui System.Some practitioners feel that everybody can enjoy Reiki AttunementHowever, recipients of Reiki already lie inside you, you might be prohibitive to some of the Reiki healer on the flow of Ki may be the most from your feet and traveled to Japan and was cured of a healthy balance life.Well for one thing that you can also be studied at the end?
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