#if i'm doing the math right these events happened within like. a year or two of each other.
plusultraetc · 6 months
okay okay but. no one helping Shigaraki when he was a child because they'd all been conditioned to think that a hero would help him vs Aizawa "an ordinary person's only got so much power" Shouta not feeling capable enough to even save a cat left out in the rain EXCEPT. Aizawa left the cat his umbrella and walked the rest of the way to school without it.
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flamingo-writes · 2 years
You’re All I see — e.m.
(Prequel to Fade To Back )
Eddie Munson x Wheeler!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Fade To Black: Part 1, Part 2
A/N: Even though I only wanted to write both parts of Fade To Black, I found myself developing this idea, thinking of how things were before and after the events of FTB, so I decided to write this prequel and might as well add an epilogue with a proper happy ending. Yes, this is a fix it fanfic ajsjdjdf I refuse to believe what happened to Eddie.
Title based on You’re My Best Friend by Queen
Summary: Eddie and you had quite a reputation as a couple in high school. A couple no one saw coming, and a couple everyone tried to break up. However, Eddie and you overcame the adversities, at least until time came for you to move out for college. And now, having returned to Hawkins for spring break, you come home to find your ex, Eddie Munson, is wanted for murder. Prequel to Fade To Black, this is just a more in depth explanation of the relationship between Eddie and the reader.
If you want to be tagged in the epilogue chapter, let me know
Warnings: cursing, mentions of bullying and jealousy, mentions of breakup, mentions of the reader being sexually active.
Genre: for the most part, fluff. Sprinkles of angst.
Word count: 3K (3K words worth of various small floofy interactions between the reader and Eddie)
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It was no secret that Edward Munson did not particularly enjoy school. However there were a few classes he did enjoy. English, Math, even History. And weirdly enough, he also looked forward to Biology. And if he was being honest it wasn't even because of the class. It was because Mrs. Sanders thought it would be a good idea to have a partner with whom they'd be working with the rest of the school year. He thought of how lucky he was to have been paired up with you.
Having attended the same middle school as you, he already knew a little bit about you. You were the goodie two shoes, straight A's students, teacher's pet and over all nice and polite. Eddie saw this as his chance to an easy A with you as his partner. And on top of it he did find you cute, much like everyone else did back in middle school. However, he didn’t let himself fall flat on his face head over heels for you within your first class together. He eventually did, like every boy in middle school, but it took him longer. And unlike any other boy in middle school—and in high school— you had laid eyes on him.
"Eddie, right?" You said on your first day of school. It was Wednesday, barely 12:15.
"You know who I am?” Eddie frowned slightly confused, not expecting for someone as popular as you to recognize someone like him.
"Of course I know who you are, we went to the same middle school. Besides, the talent show…you played with your band, didn't you? Corroded coffin" You said sitting next to him. "Cool name, and you did a pretty cool job…all of you, I mean”
"Thanks?" Eddie said smirking, still confused but deeply flattered, as he ran a hand through his buzzed hair.
"That Iron Maiden cover you played in the talent show was great" You mumbled a little too fast. "I like Iron Maiden…I don’t look like it, I know…but I do. I think they’re great—" Eddie chuckled uncomfortably, hearing you word vomit nervously.
"Wheeler, no offense, but, do you ever just…shut up?" He asked, cutting you off softly as you stopped and looked at him, with wide eyes, "Listen, is not that I don’t care. I actually think it’s awesome that you like Iron Maiden…but you’re acting a bit weird…”
"I'm sorry," You muttered. "I’m actually…anxious" Eddie raised an eyebrow.
“And what could possibly have you, Ms. Popularity Wheeler nervous?" He smirked, but soon his smile faded away when he saw your eyes get wider and more concerned.
"You're going to think its dumb..." You sighed looking away and shaking your head defeated.
"Well, it can’t be dumber than my dad...so, try me" He said resting his elbows on your shared desk and looking at you with wide curious eyes.
"I was asked by the popular guys from other years to sit with them at lunch…" You whispered, almost as if you were scared to be heard.
"So?” Eddie shrugged.
"So?" You gasped "Thats intimidating!"
"Wheeler, if I were them, Id be the one intimidated..." Eddie reassured you, his voice softening as he leaned over the desk, trying to get to meet your stare.
"Oh shut up" You replied shyly.
"Hey, I mean it" He chirped, his smile only growing wider "You're the sweet girl, you get along with everyone. The popular kids, the jocks, the nerds, the freaks, even the teachers who seem to hate kids. You're basically a walking sunshine," His eyes looked at you with a glimmer of sincerity, making something in your heart feel tight and cheeks grow warm.
"You think so?" You pouted.
"I know so," He affirmed. "And let me tell you, I’m not precisely knowledgeable in many things. But trust me on this, nerd" He muttered, the nickname slipping affectionately from his lips.
"Thank you Eddie" 
You became part of the popular squad but that didn't stop you from becoming friends with other people. Just like Eddie had said, the popular guys got you to join their little squad, but knew you didn't exclusively hang out with them alone. Sometimes you'd hang out with other people, specially people who you happened to be with before lunch break, continuing a conversation more often than not.
Fridays slowly became Eddie’s favorite day of the week. Because he had Biology right before lunch break, and over the course of the school year, he found you terribly endearing. In middle school, he'd heard you were sweet and easy to talk to, but he'd never really had the experience first hand. Not until he was paired with you for Biology. And every Friday, after biology, the two of you would spend the entirety of the lunch break sitting underneath a tree just talking and being silly with each other.
Eddie began to understand why people found you so charming. And why every guy you talked to seemed to have a crush on you. Soon, Eddie found himself growing feelings as well. Specially after he noticed how every Friday you'd spend the break with him, while every single day you'd hang out with someone randomly. He was the only constant and expected thing. Your friends even called them your Freaky Fridays since you insisted on hanging out with Eddie Munson, the freak.
He found himself becoming slightly possessive of you. Given than you were among the popular kids, and yet you hung out with him regularly. It somehow made him unpopular by association. Everyone talked about Eddie and how he hung out with you. Spreading horrible rumors about it, but never really saying anything bad about you. They said he used you for popularity and to be untouchable by bullies, that he had done some freaky mojo to make you fall in love with him. But truth was, you never listened to them, and Eddie found them amusing. Ironically, and what pissed you off the most, was how somehow your reputation was intact. No one said anything bad about you hanging out with him, but everyone criticized him for hanging out with you.
"Have you've heard the news?" Eddie said one Thursday morning, walking behind you and whispering into your ear softly.
You looked over your shoulder as you pulled out the books from your locker.
"Good morning to you too, Eddie" You giggled as he shot you a cheeky smile. "What news?"
"Now people say I'm seducing you to join our satanic cult" He stated proudly.
"By our you mean...Hellfire?" You wondered.
"Yes ma'am"
"Oh come on, D&D is not satanic...and why are people saying this?" You chuckled bitterly, yet again annoyed by people’s ridiculous assumptions.
"Someone saw you playing with us the other day" He said calmly and watched you roll your eyes.
"Jesus, people need to learn to lay back and stop sticking their noses in other people's businesses..." You said shutting your locker closed.
"That's what I like about you, Wheeler" He said wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leaning closer to you. "You're so laid back and don't give a shit about anything, sweetie"
Nothing had ever made your heart skip a beat and eyes widen like that just now. That little pet name quickly rising and clinging to your cheeks as you stared at him.
"Did you just call me sweetie?"
Eddie stiffened and took a step back.
"Too far?" He sounded slightly concerned.
"N-no. Not really, it took me by surprise, thats all" You muttered, feeling your cheeks warming up.
"So, is it cool if I call you sweetie?"
"Yeah, sure, why not?" You muttered shyly, Eddie smirking at your flustered state, making his gut twist excitedly. He'd gotten to make your eyes open up in surprise and shy.
"Well, sweetie. Let's go, then" He said confidently as he picked up your backpack from the floor an swung it over his shoulder.
"Where?" You chuckled, raising an eyebrow at Eddie.
"You have geography, don't you? With Mr Owens..."
"You remember?"
"Yeah?" Eddie mused looking at you.
"You've got a good memory, Ed!"
"Do I?" He asked looking at you, raising an eyebrow, the little excited smirk you had made his heart flip. "What?"
The news spread in the school faster than wild fire. It was during the winter prom, the two were hanging out by yourselves, laughing and joking, when one thing left to the other and you kissed Eddie. You had kissed him. At the tender age of fourteen, you had given your first kiss. And not only yours. Eddie had his first kiss as well.
The cold winter seemed to fade away, as the both of you burned with the tender, innocent warmth of two teenagers, experimenting love for the first time. It was awkward, but soon, you figured it out together, how each other's lips moved, how you moaned into each other's mouths shyly.
And since, the both of you became not only close, you two became inseparable. The week before the prom was the last time Eddie buzzed his hair. And kept growing out his hair, constantly using it as a marker of how long you’d been together. At least until it reached shoulder length and he decided he did not want to look like Rapunzel, hinting that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
And as time passed, people every now and then caught an odd interest in your relationship. Guys trying to seduce you into leaving Eddie to be with them. And girls making up rumors to make you dump Eddie. But the school was genuinely surprised time and time again about how good you both were together. You were best friends, and were completely honest with each other, breaking you two up soon seemed like something impossible. And despite everyone’s prejudice to Eddie, people admired how strong your bond was and how much you loved each other.
Moving away for college sure complicated things.
You’d grown used to see Eddie every day, talk to him every day, kiss him every day, hold him, and fall in love with him all over again on a daily basis. And having to leave all of that behind was rough. It made you feel something you swore was Abstinence Syndrome. Boy, was it rough. Between your classes consuming your free time, and missing Eddie, the first weeks were rough. But as time went by, they only seemed to get rougher.
Whenever you went back to Hawkins to visit your family and boyfriend, you’d hear silly stories from your friends and whatnot. Silly stories of drunken adventures and high trips, parties, things you’d love to go to when you were back in high school.
A new fear started to cling to the back of your neck, weighting on your shoulders. How many things was Eddie missing out of for staying a loyal boyfriend to you? You heard the stories of your friends hooking up with the most random people, trying random stuff, meeting new people. And this same fear constantly whispered into your ears that perhaps you should break up with Eddie, to let him enjoy his youth, as opposed to staying loyal and devoted to a girl he saw once a month, perhaps sometimes two.
Eddie said he didn’t care. But he did. You said you could deal with the distance. But you couldn’t. He knew you didn’t want to break up, and neither did he. And it was a common agreement the both of you got to one night. That night, he saw you cry because him for the first time. And he cried too. He was convinced that he didn’t want to spend his life with no one else but you. He didn’t want to kiss anybody’s lips but yours. The two of you kissed like never before, a deadly kiss that broke each of your hearts. But before the sun rose the next day, you’d promised each other you’d try again in the future.
You still would see Eddie every time you went to Hawkins, and you would eventually end up tangled in his bed sheets with your clothes decorating his floor. It was almost as if you hadn’t broken up at all. However, knowing Eddie was single and free to do as he wanted made you feel more at ease, despite the fact that Eddie never really get involved with anyone. Sure, he’d flirt with people every now and then, but only for the thrill of flirting. As soon as he sensed things might escalate, he’d stop and draw his line. He never kissed anyone else, and simply because he didn’t want to.
Amidst the rough times, Eddie The Banished was slowly making his way to the woods, looking for a hiding spot, feeling like he was running out of options with every passing hour, and that eventually his name was going to make it to the news.
"Dustin, for fucks sake" He spoke into the walkie-talkie.
Feeling sick and tired of his current situation, it was hard for him to focus on the bright side. After what happened last night, he knew he was going to be chased by the entire town with torches and knives. His empty stomach somehow threatened him to make him puke anytime now as the anxiety clung to his throat and the stress had kept him awake all night.
"Eddie!" Dustin replied alarmed. "Eddie we’ve—"
"Wait, Eddie Munson?"
Eddie stopped dead on his tracks, feeling his heart about to jump out of his chest when he heard your voice, followed by Dustin cursing. The world seemed to spin faster for a second, as he felt his throat close and he’s eyes get teary. God, he was in such desperate need of comfort. But your comfort in particular, he craved the most.
"Eddie? Is that you?" You asked, your voice concerned.
The echo of his name made his sound return to his body as he felt slightly relieved just by hearing your voice.
"Oh, shit, baby? Fuck, princess is that you?" He felt like he could catch his breath for the first time in the last two days.
"Eddie, what’s going on? Where are you? Are you okay, baby?"
"N-no. I’m most certainly not okay, love…" He sighed, his hand gripping tightly on the walkie-talkie.
"E-Eddie? Explain, a-are you hurt?" You asked panicked, making him push his lips together.
"No, not hurt…not yet at least" he chuckled bitterly. "Just barely holding up, you know?"
“Where are you?"
"I’m…" He stopped as he thought perhaps Dustin was listening. "Skull rock…" He muttered, thinking of how this spot was your runaway spot, and how many things happened in this same spot between the two of you. A place he liked to remember as the place where you two almost lost your virginities of it wasn’t for the forest ranger that appeared out of nowhere.
"I’ll be there in a bit. Just wait for me, Ed"
"I’ve been this entire time, love" He sighed breathlessly.
Dustin as well as the others heard the conversation and soon interrogated you about it. Specially because of the amount of pet names, sure, pet names were normal coming from Eddie. But you calling him baby was something odd. Also Eddie’s last line before you returned the walkie-talkie to Dustin.
"You know Eddie?” Dustin asked confused and intrigued.
"Yeah, we were in the same year all of high school, except…well, Ed didn’t get to graduate…" you over simplified.
Nancy looked at you, knowing you’d deliberately given just the bare minimum, and wondered how much exactly did that pain you to do. Keeping your relationship with Eddie a secret from your parents meant keeping it a secret from Mike and his friends. Specially because back when you were in high school, they were still far too young to be trusted with a secret like that. The last thing you wanted was your parents complaining for dating a freaky guy who lives in a trailer and his dad was a criminal. And also, breaking the news right now that Eddie and you not only were dating back in high school, but you considered him to be the love of your life, was going to cause some unnecessary interview on the matter when the clock was ticking and time was running out. It was best for them to put the pieces together.
When you saw Eddie, you sprinted towards, and so did he, crashing against each other, he quickly latched on to you as if he was scared that someone might rip you away from him.
‘So much for "we were in the same year"’ thought Dustin, as he paid close attention to how Eddie nuzzled his face against your neck, and his arms possessively wrapped around you. And you, running your hand through his hair and the other caressing his back. It was a hug that looked too intimate to be looking at it. Dustin turned surprised to Steve, who didn’t seem to be as surprised. Sure, Steve was a junior when you were a senior, Eddie and you were already a famous couple in school when he got into freshman year.
"Fuck, princess, I'm so fucking happy to see you. I’ve had the shittiest two says ever,” He murmured against your ear as you felt a lump on your throat grow.
"It’s okay, baby. I’m here. I’ve got you, everything will be fine, yeah?" You replied, breaking the hug as he nodded and you cupped your face in his hands.
"Yeah, I don’t know but, you immediately make everything bearable" He whispered looking at you and leaning forward, pressing his forehead to yours. "So, uh…how’s college?" He chuckled bitterly at his poor attempt to change the topic.
"Same old. Busy…tiresome…slowly driving me insane" You joked softly.
"Okay, lovebirds, that’s enough" Steve said catching everyone’s attention as you let go of Eddie and the both of you turned to meet him. "What are we going to do?"
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ajc-love · 2 years
My POV...
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"I am the only queen on my castle. I am the only star in my movie. I am the only butterfly in my garden. I am the only author of my own story."
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November 16, 2005. Together with the cold breeze can be heard the agonizing and painful cry of a mother giving birth in their home. After a few hours of suffering, the cute and fat girl was born, and that was me. Hi, I'm Jhodie C. Andres, the eldest daughter of Dionisio and Jocelyn Andres. I am an Iglesia Ni Cristo and I have a duty as a choir member. I have two siblings, Dorothy Jane and Ryan Dj. My papa is the one who named me Jhodie. He has a favorite Korean drama to watch called Stairway To Heaven, whose stars are Jodi and Cholo. My Mama told me that Papa and Lola were looking forward to that Korean drama until I was born, and that’s the origin of my name. And this is the story of my life.
My Childhood POV...
I was two years old when I started going to school. I studied at Day Care back then. I know it is weird, but that's my grandmother's story to me. And I still remember what I always carried was a small backpack with the design of Dora, the cartoon character who always had a monkey with. And my grandmother always went to school with me back then. But because I was so young, when I started studying in Day Care, I had to repeat another year to be accepted into Kindergarten. Around 2009 I graduated from Day Care and entered Kindergarten at Maybubon Elementary School. When it comes to academic performance, I was the type of student who could do everything, such as drawing, solving math, and being creative in class. I'm the type who can do everything, but I don't know where I'm good at, an average student that's what they call me.
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When I was in grade 2, a miracle happened in my life, and that is I got into the Top 3 honors. I didn't expect that, so to the delight of my parents after the recognition, we went to Jollibee. In Grade 3, I became a choir member within Iglesia Ni Cristo. When I was in grade 3, it was here also that I first experienced having a crush. As a kid, I had no idea about what they called love life, but because of the influence of my friends, I learned to like one of my classmates in grade 3. I was in grade 5 when I was inclined to memorize lessons, and the poems were every time assigned to us by the teachers. Memorization is no longer hidden from me because I needed it during my elementary exams.
When I was in grade 5, I was one of the candidates among the declamation contenders back then. Unfortunately, I was not the chosen one because I had a fever, nor was I fortunate enough to be with the science contenders then because I also had a fever. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or it's just the fever that made me not want to participate in contests like that. I was in grade six when I tried to participate in a track and field event, the shot-put. The shot put is a track and field event involving "putting" a heavy spherical ball — the shot — as far as possible.
Honestly, almost nothing happened when I was in grade six. Because we are graduating from elementary school, we are more focused on where we will be in junior high school. I planned to try to enter New Era University then because my cousin told me it was beautiful there. But mama and papa did not agree with that idea because they said the school was too far and I was too young to study in the city. I didn't do anything before because they were right, so we just looked for a private school in Paniqui. And when we found it, it was the beginning of a new POV in my life.
My Teenage POV...
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My 7th grade days. I call this the beginning of reaching my dreams. New environment and new people. Honestly, I thought it would be difficult for me in private school because I'm from a public school and I'm not very good at communicating, but it's true to say that everything you think is deadly. Because these people welcomed me with a warm hug and they welcomed me as if we had known each other for a long time. I had friends on the first day of the school year then we ate together in the cafeteria during lunch and recess. At the time of going home, we would go out of school and wait for those who would pick us up at the same time. But our friendship didn't last long, because little by little we also found a new circle of friends, but it's ok with them because we accept that our friendship won't last long.
June 03 to October 19, 2017, our house became a temporary place of worship. November 25, 2017, was the day of my baptism and the day of my grandfather's baptism. 2017 was the best year and have the best memories ever.
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Before the end of 2017, I met BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan), one of the K-pop bands in Korea. I didn't expect to be their fan because, honestly I do not like to watch anything, but it seems like someone motivated me to join their fandom. They weren't like popular back then, but I've heard a lot from them. I found their music one of my safest places, it's like magic that I listen to songs I don't understand, but I seem to understand what their songs want to convey. They are my seven Anpaman. Their songs gives me comfort.
My 8th grade days were enchanting experiences. I made the best friendship, and up until now, I have them on my back. These people gave me a unique life experience. I experienced going out because of them. Because when I was in elementary, I was not allowed to go out when it was not school-related. I also experienced going home at night because of the rush of group projects. I also experienced camping, joining intrams, and teamwork.
I didn't expect to have any real friends here at PODMHS, a school where I attended junior high school. We called our friendship group "howlers pack" because we were evenly fond of wolves back then. We named each other, they named me as a Luna because I was like a mother in our group, Ashlee as an alpha in our group because she loves to fight, and we are always mistaken for twins, Khristel as a beta because she is the most -rude to the group, Janvier as gamma because he is like the combination of Ashlee and Khristel, Narvir as delta and she is the youngest in our group, and Jemme as omega because she is the innocent one in our group, she's like Maria Clara. But, I love them so much. Because they are the people who found the key to reopen the door of my heart that has been closed for a long time. They are one of the reasons I smile, I cry, and most of all they are the only ones who can show who I am.
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Year 2018, I also one of the graduates of CLTC (Crew Leaders Training Course). We are the 18-008 Lipad Montessorians. My high school life became magical, and I never expected that. These events in my life will have a huge space in my heart and mind.
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2018 also when I discover that I love reading books, especially fictional stories in the Wattpad app. Whenever I have time or I want to rest I will just get a book or go to the Wattpad app then grab my earphone, play my favorite playlist of BTS songs, and read the whole book in a day. I love sleeping and eating. People ask me where I'm good at, and I'll tell them I'm good at sleeping, just kidding.
I'm good at cooking and I do experiment with things that can be a cook so I can have snacks or something to eat while doing my school work. Whenever there is a birthday here with us or a celebration, you can see desserts and chicken buffalo wings that I make, you'll see at the dinner table.
Since the pandemic started here in the Philippines, people's lives in the world have become even worse. And since there was an announcement that the learning system is now modules and online classes, I doubted myself even more. When there were face-to-face, I wasn't good at academics, and I wasn't good at sports either. That's why I tried so hard to study, when I started taking online classes last school year, I was in 10th grade. What I went through at that time was not easy.
I still remember that I had to wake up early to find the signal for our WiFi because the internet connection here in our house was weak. There are times when I have to go to the farm and sit there all day just to get to class or just to pass on my video presentation projects. But because I did not give up, I persevered to graduate junior high school. On the day we graduated junior high school, I was one of those with honors. I don't know how I felt that day. I just cried out loud, not because I was sad but because I was so happy.
“In life, the words give up should be your last choice. Try and fail but never fail to try.”
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My family is always supportive of me and is always there whenever I have a problem. They are always there to remind me every time that "You should learn that sometimes it's not worst to take a risk because we don't know what will happen if the outcome is good or bad but let's teach it a lesson in our lives." Things in the world are not going to be easy, so we are always supportive of each other.So I am very thankful to our Lord God that even though life was hard during the pandemic he did not abandon us, especially my Papa who was working in the middle of the pandemic.
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Many good things have happened in my life, but there is no point in denying that there are times when I also feel weak and experience loneliness, but that does not cause my world to stop spinning there. The world I built my whole life. In that world, I create a castle where I am the queen. In that world, I made a movie, that I am the star. The world has a beautiful garden that I am the butterfly. The world that full of stories, and I am the author.
"Hi. I am Jhodie C. Andres, 16 years old. Student at New Era University Integrated School. I am in 11th grade, and my academic strand is Humanities and Social Science."
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taeyamayang · 3 years
hi angel ! im joining your 200 follower event. my name is pearl, and i'd like to be paired with a dude lmao. its hard to give a condensed description of my personality and still stay true to my nature, so this'll be a little inaccurate descriptiom of me. its way easie to just be my friend instead ;) but anyways, onto the matchup. i'm a short, studious little bitch who is also interested in philosophy, maths, science, history and fashion. existential crisis and debating is common (i'm a writer and a philosophy enthusiast. literally what do you expect, thats like the criteria for being insane), so my types are usually smart and witty people who can keep up with my speed of thoughts, keep me interested and preferably out of madness. indian in ethnicity, which means desi parents who'd not let me date. i love sewing, and i sew for others a lot too. i also like to write (my writing is pretty sentimental and dramatic, maybe humorous is an old fashioned way). funny at times. sleepy. i'd sleep through the apocalypse if it would happen, i'd sleep through the asteroids that destroyed dinosaurs. literally. very physically clingy. i'm trying to make this short and its hard, so lets rush through my ideal type. funny, witty, almost best friendy relationship, with some gossiping about others; maybe an ear for music too. well, thats about it for now, i hope you have a good time. thanks for being wherever you are right now, and running this blog, dear.
i am pairing you withㅡOsamu Miya
↬ okay hear me out, i was torn between atsumu and osamu but i figured osamu's the the type to have witty comebacks when he's annoyed and frustrated at his brother. i also think he could be a great friend. personally, bestfriends to lovers trope is his dynamics/genre. between the twins, i think osamu is more interested in academics compared to atsumu because that boy only have volleyball running in his head 24/7 so i think osamu would make a great input about philosophy or be more opinionated on general things. finally, for me he's calmer and more in tune to his emotions.
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your dream has finally come true. your foot has touched down to the land of the rising sun. you have read thousands of blogs about what to expect and what to do once you visit japan. as presumed, you listed quite a few places that you want to visit throughout your trip here.
one of those is a small yet phenomenal onigiri store located at the heart of hyogo prefecture. you fold the paper containing your list back to it's creases before pushing it inside your pocket. your hand push the doorhandle of the shop. the sound of the chime resonates within the small shop and instantly a tall grey haired boy greets you by bowing his head.
"welcome!" he says. he's wearing a black cap and a white shirt with a japanese character written on it. you have no idea what it meant but let's go just go with it.
your eyes feast on various kind of onigiri displayed inside a glass cabinet as you walk to near it. physically, you could feel your stomach grumble at the sight of delicious food.
"if you're into spicy savory food i recommend you try mentaiko. it's spicy pollack roe. but if you're on the sweeter side then you can try umeboshi. it's pickled plums." he points at flavored onigiris.
"tourist?" he adds, changing the subject. you tear your eyes away from the food only to realize he's had his eyes on you the whole time.
"yeah, im from india." you smile at him.
"is that so?" he raises an eyebrow before turning around to fetch a tray resting on top of the counter top. "ill give you free taste." he slices the onigiris into half before setting it on the tray for you to taste.
"thank you." your smile widens in delight. the door to the kitchen at the far end of the counter top blares open to a person with identical features as him. unlike the guy who gave you free food, his hair is dyed in blonde and his eyes are sharper.
"asshole, where's my jacket?" the blonde dude cocks his head at him.
"not infront of a costumer, jerk." he murmurs to himself, diverting his gaze from the other.
"you just called me a jerk infront of the costumer." the blonde puts his hand on his waist and uses his other hand to point at him as if to prove a point. the grey headed boy purses his lips before slowly turning his head up.
"isn't that your name?" he sarcastically remarks in a calm yet condesing tone. your eyes rally back and forth from one twin to the other. your mouth chewing on your second onigiri as you watch them banter.
"you are exceptionally rude and unforgiving today." the other twin wrinkles his nose in disgust.
"everyday that i get to deal with you and skip on the idea of of murdering you i develop a sense of wit to shut you down."
"just tell me where you put my jacket!" the blonde's voice increases.
"i have no idea where your goddamned jacket is!" the grey headed boy throws his hands in the air in frustration. "people who deal with you on a daily basis reduces their life sentence up to ten years. i wouldn't be surprise if i would be dead tomorrow."
you snort out laughing as soon as the boy behind the counter finishes his sentence. the twins turn their head to you in surprise.
"sorry, go on." you keep your head down as you stifle a laugh. you stuff your mouth with another onigiri to keep your mouth shut.
the chimes tied on top of the door clangs signaling that the other twin has left the place. for once, silence dominated the small store. you crack your head up.
"your onigiri tastes good." you say between chews. you have one hand covering your mouth and the other supporting your weight on the counter as you lean closer to him.
"you won the chaff." you lower your voice before winking at him. your playful behavior earns a smile from the grey haired boy. he keeps his head down probably embarrassed of what just happened.
"ill take two of every flavor displayed." you add, "im pearl."
he looks up to meet with your eyes. the right corner of his lips pull into a half smile. his eyes reflect the lights inside the store. he meekly pulls his hat down.
"osamu miya." right then his half smiles turns into a grin.
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a/n: please, when you said that you only write sentimental and dramatic pieces i refuse to believe that! i mean lmao when i was reading through your ask i was giggling to myself. you have humor and it shows! btw, this is the best i can give you in terms of witty banters and comebacks cos i am the type of person to fuel the banters,, probably a few ooh's and laughs here and there to keep the argument blazing. anyway, i hope you like this one. also, the last sentence of your ask made smile. thank you, sweet soul ♡
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Any advice for parents wanting to home school? I'm scared people are going to advise me of being a brain washing cultist.
I’ve been SOOO excited to answer this ask because I have so many good things to say about homeschooling! Actually, if I’m honest, I have absolutely nothing bad I can possibly think of. I was homeschooled all the way through 12th grade and there is nothing I would change. I will ALWAYS be grateful to my parents for devoting themselves to me in that way, and especially my mom for sticking with it - from the rocky years of highschool, to back when I was an elementary brat. Looking back, we agree it was worth any struggles tenfold.
The first thing you need to know is this: you will be ridiculed. At some point, somewhere, someone is going to criticize you. Whether it be your teaching, your abilities, your discipline, or your morals, the world is going to try and push you down. Therefore, you need to be confident, you need to know your motivation as to why you are doing this, and know that, as the parent, only you know what is best for your child.
A good way to kindly explain that to someone is to know the benefits of homeschooling. And the list is long!
— Homeschooling gives you the freedom to specifically tailor the curriculum to your child’s needs. Whether going slower or faster, you can go at a pace that is comfortable to you and your child. For example, division was a nightmare for me as a child, but I was reading at a 12th grade level by early grade school. Therefore my algebra was slow moving and required a lot of repetition, but I blew through English.
— Homeschool students as a whole score significantly higher on standardized testing, with the low range being 15-30% improvement, and typically score above the average collage admission test. All of this is regardless of the education level of the parents and any degree of formal they may have. You don’t need to be a certified teacher or have lofty degrees to teach your children effectively.
— Building off both the other points, I would argue that homeschooling leaves you over prepared for college. I briefly mentioned math is not my strongest suit. I thought, in going to college, that I would be behind, but I actually placed significantly higher than I thought I would. Socially, homeschoolers are generally more prepared as well, for as where public schoolers function primarily with their same age group, homeschoolers tend to be more accustomed to a variety of ages - from toddlers to senior citizens - and that can allow one to adapt well into different class, work, and social settings.
— For those with illnesses, physical or mental limitations, homeschooling’ flexibility is a definite asset, as it allows you to modify your schedule as needed, even on a day-by-day basis, and you don’t have the stress and pressure of missing school days - you can do the work when it is convenient for you.
— Homeschooling encourages enjoyable learning and self-motivation. I going to the aquarium and watching the school kids have to breeze through it in two or three hours. But for us homeschoolers, we could spend all day there, and we did! Why? Because I found it fascinating! I would read every brochure on the tropical fish, ask questions of the staff as I pet sharks and sting rays. Homeschooling doesn’t limit learning, it encourages exploration and deep thinking. You don’t have to rush through.
— Homeschooling encourages family bonding. Most the time, we all did school in the same room, either at the kitchen counter or consuming the kitchen table in books and papers. We would take a break from math and mom would read to us everything from history to science to fiction. Reading was a huge part of my homeschool life, and even now that I’ve long since graduated, my family still likes to read aloud together.
— It saves time. Where my public school friends were in school for eight hours a day and then spent several hours on homework, I got my school done in an average of four hours max. I would be done by noon, and the out climbing trees with my brother for the rest of the day. Learn about the world and then go live in it! I would have missed out on so much if I hadn’t been homeschooled.
— This next point is very important when you’re talking about “brain washing”. Public schools are growing increasingly more aggressive toward adverse opinions, any mention of God, and in many cases are implementing revisionist history. Not even biology is taught correctly anymore with this distorted view of sexuality. Homeschooling allows multiple view points to be explored and allows for deep research into why such a point is incorrect, what actually happened historically, ect. Public schools expect things to be taken at face value too much of the time. Homeschooling promotes critical thinking and exploration. You don’t just slam the door on counter views, you talk about them and discuss it. Additionally, homeschooling is not just for the religious. There are many people, including atheists, that homeschool simply because they recognize the benefits to their lifestyle and, most importantly, their child.
— Homeschooling protects your child. We have all heard people talk about how “sheltered” homeschoolers are. The only thing I was ever sheltered from was bullying, profanity, sexual jokes and harassment, violence, and peer pressure. I had many social circles and events (the joke among homeschoolers is often that they’re never home), but it was always in a positive environment. I would have been so much more insecure if I had had to face the things all my public school friends did, but instead I grew up knowing I could be confident in who I was. On the same note, it is important to make sure your child has a healthy amount of social interaction. Awana, youth group, various clubs, sports, are just a few ways you can make sure your child is active.
— Homeschooling saves money. Both within your home, and in regard to tax dollars spent toward public schools. There are great monetary and economical benefits to homeschooling.
— Public schools are a fairly modern development. For thousands of years the bulk of one’s early learning was done at home or in a relatively small school where you still received that one-on-one instruction - very similar to homeschooling. The norm was not 30-40 kids with one teacher. It wasn’t the massed produced learning you see today.
Now a few more things before we go…
There is a HUGE array of curriculum out there, you can pick and choose from a virtually endless myriad of resources. Find what works for your child. Know that often what works for child #1 does not work for child #2. I went through three math books until I found what really worked for me. Don’t be afraid to try different things. (And also look for homeschool book sales to buy at! You can save lots by buying used)
FIND A SUPPORT GROUP. This is HUGE for you as a parent because when challenges arise, and I PROMISE you they will, you are going to want someplace to look for solid advice. A network of good friends, co-ops, homeschool church groups, homeschool academies - whatever it is, find a group of homeschoolers near you where you can ask questions, present your challenges, and get positive feedback. More so than that though, you need encouragement. The best people to give that to you are people who have been in the same spot.
Know your legal rights as a homeschooler. I would highly advice checking out the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). They have fantastic resources on a general basis, but it is really important to know your rights as a homeschooling parent. At the very minimum, check out the state requirements and know what you’re obligated to do. When I was homeschooled, I didn’t need to take hardly any standardized tests, but there were a lot of people saying I needed to. So even small things like that are really important to know (it saved me a lot of anxiety).
Homeschooling isn’t always easy, but I promise you that the rewards far outweigh the cost. It is worth every moment. There are few ways better than this to show your child just how very much you love them.
Last thing! I came across this nifty page with all sorts of facts and statistics on homeschooling that is an easy and enlightening read [x] and a quick shout out to my many friends that brainstormed with me on this (readers, I hope you know you’re getting the best advice out there thanks to them! ^^ )
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