#if i'm super lucky maybe they'll even fucking listen
spikedsoul 11 months
Can I please request a sequel to the small Drabble you wrote on Bowser meeting his future children, the Koopalings and Junior? Only this time they accidentally brought one more person on their mission, their baby sister. Who somehow snuck on the back of one of their shells, and she can鈥檛 even WALK yet. Quick no one tell Queen Mama! 馃ぃ
((I'm super sorry this is so late馃槶hopefully this makes up for it......................................))
Bowser rubbed his face as he listened to those crazy koopa kids bickering outside his room. This was the second time they'd found him, once again claiming to be his kids from the future... yet there was still zero indication Peach would give it up... wait.
Didn't they tell him last time that he needed to give up on Peach? He would never! But it probably isn't a bad idea to just... y'know, keep looking, right? Not put all his eggs in one basket?
"I'm tellin' you the more we come back to this time, the more we risk actually fucking things up!" he heard Roy tell his siblings. Roy was the pushiest, the one most against these apparent missions, but Ludwig was the one in control of these little escapades.
"Ludwig is positive it'll eventually work," one of the twins replied. He wasn't sure if it was Lemmy or Iggy.
"What, just so the oaf is happier earlier in his life?" Roy muttered. "What if he doubles down on Peach? I'm tellin' you, any more than this will fuck things up!"
Bowser groaned quietly to himself; how the fuck was this happening? Randomass kids worrying about his happiness, telling him Princess Peach, the love of his life, is not actually the love of his life and to forget her instead... are they insane?! Maybe if he lies and says he'll lay off of this Peach thing, they'll go away...
A light touch to the top of his foot made him nearly jump out of his skin from the unexpectedness, but he froze the moment he looked down.
A tiny, redheaded human infant looked up at him from the floor, her little hands resting on his scaly foot.
"Papa!" she chirped happily, holding her arms up to be picked up.
Silence immediately fell on the other side of the door. He bent down, gingerly picking up the baby girl, and held her close; she wasted no time tucking against him like it was the most natural thing in the world. His mind reeled as he gazed down at her, utterly stunned that this fragile, tiny thing was... was his.
There was no denying that her hair was the same color as his, even the texture as he gently ran a finger over her soft head.
"Spitfire?" Wendy called.
The little baby made an affirmative sound and instantly Bowser knew how big the kids fucked up - there was copious swearing suddenly coming from the other side of the door.
...They accidentally let their baby sister join them. Were they dumb? What were they thinking?!
Bowser scowled and finally turned around, yanking his door open; the kids all wilted a little under his intense glare as he held Spitfire close to him.
"How irresponsible can ya get," he growled quietly at them; none of them could meet his gaze, even Roy who'd been against the idea from the start. "What if y'all left and this poor sweet girl in the wrong time, huh? Somethin' tells me you're gettin' lucky with these time shenanigans. Go home, and if y'all are tellin' me the gotdamn truth, expect some punishment!"
He was careful to keep his voice low so as not to upset the baby nestled happily against him. Despite the harsh warning, Junior boldly stepped forward and pointed at the bundle in Bowser's arms.
"Okay, but just know that her mother isn't Peach," the little look-a-like stated.
Bowser's gaze snapped down to the baby. Not from Peach, huh... okay, that was actually convincing. If giving Peach up meant he'd eventually get to meet this precious daughter of his, then absolutely he'd drop her like a fucking stone! A human daughter meant someone actually gave him the time of day... and enjoyed his company...
Spitfire sneezed softly into him, and he felt the unmistakable heat of fire singing his chest scales.
"Her mother will hear about this little escapade," he warned as he forced himself to hand her over to Wendy, who was hovering anxiously nearby.
"How?" Morton snorted, "You don't even know the woman yet!"
Bowser smirked dangerously at them as they gathered in the same area to go home. "Not yet... but you can bet I'll remember this little interaction later. So yes, I'll be tellin' her mother."
The last thing he saw before they disappeared was a bunch of pale, terrified faces, plus one happy baby making grabby hands at him.
They were so fucked when they got home with Little Red.
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unforth 3 years
What I think a lot of antis misunderstand about the message of someone like me - as someone outspokenly pro-ship and pro-kink is...
Everyone is within their right to want to protect themselves from content that makes them uncomfortable! If you're a minor, and you don't want adults to interact with you? That's a reasonable boundary to set! Boundaries, in general, are usually healthy, appropriate, and even necessary (not always, of course, but most of the time!). Heck, I am pro-basically-everything, but I still set boundaries, and there's lots of content I support the existence of without ever having any desire to interact with myself. Like. Ever. EVER. You do you but I'll be over here, having nothing to do with it, thanks. I'm anti-censorship, and pro-fiction-is-fiction, period.
So, when people like me roll our eyes and go, "God, why are all these people making ridiculous DNIs? Don't they know how pointless this is?" we're not saying "Don't set boundaries."
You absolutely should set boundaries, for your mental health, comfort, and protection.
We're saying - okay, well, maybe I shouldn't speak for everyone - but, I'm saying, "why are people who only feel comfortable within such narrow boundaries on a website like Tumblr?"
This is the fucking anti-boundaries website! It has reblogging functions you CAN'T TURN OFF. The instant your post leaves your blog? You lose all control over it! Even if you delete the original, you can NEVER get rid of those reblogs! So if you don't want certain types of people interacting with you? Short of hard-wiring that information into the very nature of the post (like, as an enormous watermark that covers your entire piece of artwork) you will never, on Tumblr, be able to set your boundaries, enforce those boundaries, and have them respected.
It's impossible, and it's not because everyone on Tumblr is selfish, or mean, or disrespecting you personally. It has absolutely nothing to do with you! The vast majority of Tumblr users see something they like - and like it for any of a million or more different reasons - and then reblog it without every considering the existence of the original poster beyond MAYBE noticing their username at the top of the post.
They won't check your DNI.
They won't know your squicks.
They won't remember your triggers.
Tumblr is not, nor will it ever be, a safe space.
You cannot, and will never be able to, control the behavior of the Tumblr userbase in the interest of protecting your own personal limits.
It is impossible to set and maintain personal boundaries on Tumblr.
People who say, "god, why do people have these DNIs" aren't saying, "you should be comfortable with everything and if you're not how DARE you," we're saying, "there is a fundamental mis-match between your desire to set boundaries, on the one hand, and the social media platform you've chosen, on the other."
There ARE platforms where it's possible to set boundaries. Discord, Pillowfort, Wordpress, even Facebook, have more functionality for any given individual regulating who interacts with created content and how they can interact.
If you want to be able to strictly police your boundaries, you are in the wrong fucking place. Anything you post on here, could, at any time, wildly escape containment, get taken entirely out of context, end up on the blog of a domme, or a furry, or a parent, or your grandmother, or, or, or.
If you want to have strict control of your content, your blog, and who you interact with?
You should not be on Tumblr.
You are just setting yourself up to get hurt...and then you blame everyone else when it happens, even though the issue is the mis-match caused by your decision to be on a website that is a total free-for all. YOU CHOSE TO BE HERE, and then you get mad...at the people already here...for not conforming to your expectations. That's a YOU problem, not an everyone else problem. It's like you barged into a Pride parade and went, "Wait why are all these queer people here? And why is there a Parade? I'd rather just hang out with my own friends in a much smaller event CALL OF THE PARADE I DON'T LIKE IT." You sound like a child, and an idiot. Congrats, there are clowns at the circus, what a shock! If you didn't want the queers, if you didn't want the clowns, if you didn't want strangers interacting with you, if you wanted to set and maintain boundaries, then you failed the instant you came on Tumblr. Tumblr is not a website designed for this. End of story.
Have safe spaces. Set boundaries. I encourage you. Heck, I beg you. Having places you feel safe and surrounding yourself with people who respect your boundaries is stupidly important, no matter how young or old you are, how vanilla or kink, how anti- or pro-ship. But it cannot be done it here, and the expectation that it CAN is what so often leads people who are actually behaving like bullies to believe themselves to be victims.
So, like, if this describes you? If you want strict boundaries, and to have certain types of people not interact with you?
The best thing you can do is leave Tumblr, and find your communities elsewhere.
I promise, everyone will be happier if you do.
(and before you say, "but all the things I want are also on Tumblr!" it is...so stupidly easy to make a message board, or create a Discord server. I'm not saying don't have fandom spaces that suit you! I'm not saying you don't belong in fandom! On the contrary, PLEASE do things that bring you joy - but do it in a way you're comfortable with! You're entitled! You deserve it! And you will never be able to here! EVER. This is NOT that space, and you and those who feel as you do should create your own. For your OWN safety, first and foremost, because you deserve a space where your boundaries are respected. And you can't here. This website is explicitly designed to prevent bloggers from being able to protect their boundaries! Expecting your boundaries to be expected here is like going to a field of wildflowers and saying, "ONLY queen anne's lace here all other flowers DNI" and being shocked and personally offended when there'sother flowers all over the fucking place. You can't control what flowers are in the field. Tumblr is a field of weeds and they will grow like crazy, everywhere, no matter what you try to do to stop them. Because that's Tumblr's nature. So STOP TRYING. Go somewhere that you CAN prevent that, and tada, you'll be safe!)
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pacifymebby 3 years
I always lean towards messaging you when I have a catb thought Ik you aren鈥檛 my therapist but you seem to write and reblog things that I relate to and I feel like we鈥檙e very similar people anyway I鈥檓 so sad about how much and how fast everything has changed like afew years ago their music was my escape from reality and I could just pretend I lived this life that Was frankly mainly just romanticised and idk the fact that everything鈥檚 changing is really fucking with my head and I just want good old van back uno? Like I miss seeing their stupid little shit like Larry tied up on their Instagram it鈥檚 like now we don鈥檛 even have those little things that tell us that they鈥檙e atleast okay? I feel like I鈥檓 losing it abit after reading it had me so fucking emotional trying to analyse everything and figure out how they鈥檙e all doing and I know it鈥檚 my own fault for putting all this emotional trauma into their music and I鈥檝e just lost it I鈥檓 genuinely nuts without putting all my shit into the next time I鈥檒l go and see them Idk I had the best time at Leeds but it scared me so much to think that that was the last time I鈥檇 get to feel that feeling
Hi anon, you can message me whenever you want to about anything my love!!!
I think i know what you mean with this one because I've really leant on this band throughout my darkest times and I really have used them as an escapism thing. When I broke up with on of my abusive exes I was writing Oxygen and I used to use that as an escape from my life and live vicariously through my characters. I think catfish, especially when they first started, were such happy go lucky lads and their social media presence was just funny, it made me laugh and picked me up and gave me something to smile at that was just daft.
I used to listen to the balcony when I was feeling low because it always raised my spirits. I remember being so excited when the ride came out and then being secretly excited for the balance. I remember longshot would play on the radio at work when I was super stressed and I would turn the radio up and sing along and it would just make me feel that little bit lighter. Light enough to get through the rest of the shift.
And I understand what you're saying when you say that it's scary thinking that Leeds might be your last time ever feeling that way but believe me it won't be.
I still personally don't think they will split up, but I know that if they do, you will still get that joy and that release and that comfort from their songs and the old videos and everything. I remember being devestated when my chemical romance split up, thinking that it would ruin everything for me, but it didn't and years later I still fall back on thst band when I'm in a bad place.
It'll be the same with catfish. Its a shame how they don't communicate so much anymore but I think, we have the old videos and the old interviews and we still have Bondy when he resurfaces from time to time.
I think that although things feel very strange and sad now and like stuff might be coming to an end I think it's more likely that it's the end of an era rather than the end of everything u know?
Maybe they will leave those three albums like a trilogy and the stuff they make next will be different, or maybe they just need a break and some rest, or maybe they want to keep making music but they don't want the responsibility of fame (the killers are a good example of this I think, like they gig they release albums but shit u see nothing from them in terms of casual content) and idk, I think what am trying to say anon is don't lose all hope and don't panic.
You'll always have the albums and the interviews, the video diaries and all the dumb shit on their instas. And I think, they'll keep going in one way or another, I just think this is what happens to most bands who hit their 30s,they just calm down and grow up don't they. They're not teenagers anymore and maybe they don't feel as sociable and as lary and as much like they want to be in the limelight anymore.
Even oasis mellowed didn't they.
Idk anyway I feel am just ranting now but message me again whenever you like love. I'm glad you had such a good time seeing catfish, I hope u get to treasure that memory forever x
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nicistrying 5 years
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Who's ready for another harrassment rant! Me! I am fucking sick of feeling unsafe in broad daylight! It takes so much psyching myself up just to go to the park to read a book. I used to do it every afternoon and now I'm lucky if I go once a week. I was feeling good yesterday and it was sunny after a few stormy days so I was like hell yeah gonna go finish my book under a tree in the fresh air (I don't sit on benches any more because it creates an enclosed space where if someone sits next to me, there's just me and them and it just makes me really anxious). So I walk to the park, I'm listening to a nice podcast, sunglasses on, and I'm walking pretty briskly through the park to go to the loo before I go find somewhere to sit and this guy gets up from the group he's with and starts running up to me. I wonder if he just needs a lighter or something so I take out one earphone and realise he's just saying 'hey, can I talk to you, just one minute' so I say 'no, I've got somewhere to be' and keep walking. He starts following me along going 'hey slow down, slow down hey talk to me' and I say 'no' again and end up speedwalking away, scared to look back in case he's still following. I march to the toilet in the park and there's a queue and I stand there super anxious for a good few minutes before turning round to see. Thankfully he's not there but now I just feel really on edge. So I go to the loo, walk all the way around the other end of the park so as not to have to go anywhere near where he was, and walk home instead of having a nice afternoon in the park. And I spend my walk home wondering what the hell I am doing that attracts this behaviour. Is it my clothes? I was wearing a tank top and loose shorts.. nothing 'indecent' whatever that's supposed to mean - no one, no matter how they're dressed, deserves to feel unsafe in a public place in broad daylight. I had earphones in, sunglasses on, and was walking fast. None of those things to me suggests I want random strangers to come up to me and expect me to drop what I'm doing and give them my time and attention.
And at this point I do not give a shit if he just wanted a conversation, I don't owe anybody a conversation. I don't owe anyone a fucking English lesson. I'm proud of myself for having the guts to say 'no' forcefully enough and to walk away, but ultimately I still felt unsafe and ended up going home. And it's just bullshit. I know everyone has the right to talk to other people in public places, even to try hitting on other people, but fuck, you have to take 'no' for an answer the first time. No one should have to repeatedly say no and give an explanation for not wanting to spend time with a stranger who's approached them out of the blue. I'm just absolutely done with it. I feel like all the other times have been my fault for giving these men the benefit of the doubt, maybe they just want to practice their English or something, I could help... but I think the penny has dropped that it's not my fucking job to teach anybody English just because they scared me into talking to them.
Rant over, feel free to ignore this, just need it off my chest.
On the bright side, I had an awesome arm & back workout in the morning. And I ordered myself Good Omens and Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind so they'll be waiting for me when I get home in just over 5 weeks!!! I cannot wait.
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