#if im shaking bc my body is wonky or because the ground is
aka-indulgence · 5 months
Just curious as someone who lives somewhere that experiences semi often earthquakes
(Also you know. Reblog for data set etc)
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thebeautyis · 8 years
that time Caitriona Balfe is the nicest human ever
I need to preface this by saying: I think ECCC was a bit under-prepared and overwhelmed by how many Outlander fans were there today. The lines were INSANE. I waited, each time I met Sam and Cait, no less than 45 minutes and over an hour for the autographing. and by the time we had made it to the hotel after the panel, to attempt the first autograph session, it was already filled up. at like 12:15. the panel ended at noon so like....HARDCORE. I am not so hardcore. I left and came back hahahaha
so the first one I did was the joint photo op. the waiting on line part is dull you don’t care about that. except there was a little boy on a different line while I was waiting who just like lay down on the floor and I felt for him bc same. anyway. it happened SO fast that I like don’t remember much. I remember walking up to them like holding my sleeves, which I do when I’m nervous, and they said hi and I said, “I’m SO nervous!” and Cait goes “awww, don’t be nervous!” and then I was in between them and both their hands were on me and they’re SO TALL and we’re taking a fucking picture???? and then I think Cait said thank you and I turned and said thank you and Sam didn’t say anything lol and I walked out and could NOT stop shaking. and then I went and got my pic (and also collapsed and gave @givemethewest a hug and told her I needed to sit down I was A MESS) and literally didn’t look at the picture. like all the way down the escalators, all the way to meet my friend, did not look. and then I literally bowling balled myself into my friend/my jacket & bag HEAD FIRST and laid flat on my stomach on the floor like screaming into my coat for 10 minutes and some poor girl who had become friends with my friend was laughing at me and also judging me hardcore and I was just like HI IM JULIA NICE TO MEET YOU from the floor. 
and then I had to get off the floor to get back on line to get a solo pic w Cait, which I had bought literally 2 hours prior. and we get on the line and we’re the very last ones so I just lie back down on the ground. and also take a pic of my pic (which I’d finally looked at) and tweet about it obviously but also lie on the ground because SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO LIE ON THE GROUND OK. anyway, more waiting on line blah blah blah. get to the front of Cait’s line this time and she is SUCH A GODDESS I CAN’T EVEN TELL YOU. she was SO kind and idk if she recognized me or not but she like hit her thighs when she saw me and bent down a bit and was like “hi!! nice to meet you!!!” and I was just like hi! again. and then ONCE AGAIN Cait’s arm was around me and I was trying not to combust and I also had my arm around her and her shirt was really soft and she’s TEENY and on my way out I fucking threw up metaphorically on her and said something along the lines of, “thank you for everything you do I love you so much” and I think she gave me a sweet look and said thanks???? I think I also blacked out so I don’t really know what the fuck happened. but my picture with her is WONKY (my eyes wtf is wrong with my eyes) so I’m just gonna cut Sam out of the first one and say that’s my pic w Cait
and THEN I think I waited over an hour for the autograph thing bc we were in the spillover line and by this point I was feeling like an 85 year old woman. like everything in my body hurt, I hadn’t really eaten all day and I was exhausted so waiting was the last thing I wanted to do. but WORTH IT. I have to say. Once we got like...in the room where the autographs were I could not stop watching Cait. That gif of that guy with hearts popping out of his eyes was me the entire time. there’s just something so mesmerizing about her???? like I get why Sam stares at her all the time. I get it. as we were waiting though some lady asked if anyone was there for Sam only and NOBODY stepped forward. and I cackled. Everyone wanted to meet Caitrionaaaaa! 
so anyway I get to the front and I’m one of the only ones who is doing an autograph from both of them so even though Cait is technically first the lady sends me to Sam, whose line is empty lol so I go over and I’m fucking NERVOUS and I give his like handler dude the Emmy magazine and Sam’s too busy talking about opening a bottle of whisky and subtly but not so subtly looking over at Cait to notice me for a solid like 30 seconds but then he does and he signs my magazine and I give him this card I got for both of them and jesus christ the details are really embarrassing I will never tell but it’s REALLY shippery and it’s from me, Jess and Lauren, which I tell him (no idea if he connected who we were) and he goes to open it and I’m just like NO DON’T and he makes this face at me 😏  and tries to open it again and I’m just like nooo don’t!!! so he smiles and puts it down next to him and he thanks me for it and I tell him thank you for coming etc etc he looked so tired poor buddy. and then I had to get back in line for Cait. 
so I get up to Cait and she’s like “hi!! how are you?” and I told her I’d flown all the way from New York City to see her and she goes “my old stomping ground! where are you from?” and I said Manhattan and she was like oh I miss it so much! and I told her she should come back to visit and she leaned back and was like “I want to!” AND THEN ADN THEN. BACKSTORY: every fucking q&a she’s had on twitter I’ve asked her the same question about seeing theater in NYC and she’s never answered so in my brief moment of clarity I asked her if she sees theater when she’s there and she was like YES I love to! and I asked her what the last thing she saw was and she took a minute and made some really cute thinking facial expressions hahahaha and was like I don’t remember but I think it was something at the Public. and then I said thank you (again) and left and realized as I was leaving that I’d completely forgotten to give her the gift & my letter so I had to hand it to some lady working there hahahah OOPS. hopefully she got it. 
and then I went out to meet my friend and we were sitting against a wall just like gathering ourselves and out walks Sam, I guess done w the autographing and he goes over to a group of peakers to take a group pic and right as it gets really quiet I go (not very loudly but....also too loud), “I don’t wanna be in a pic with him!!!” so that’s awkward hope he didn’t hear that. and then he goes into the bathroom and I shit you not 2 security guards stand in front of the bathroom. and then!!!! like a minute later Cait walks out, looking like a goddamn goddess, and goes to the bathroom and she comes out, Sam’s still in the bathroom, and she walks back into the panel room for something and then back out. Sam’s still in the gd bathroom and Cait’s like making her way towards the elevator taking selfies w people and then Sam walks out finally (he’d changed out of his kilt hence the security) and they both (with all their entourage) made their way towards the elevators. so naturally I planned on just walking by all casual but by the time I got over there they were gone behind some black curtains :(
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