#if it didn't come out of our own idiot brains we're not allowed to touch it
threebooksoneplot · 10 months
WAIT what if instead of Dark Noon’s chapter on Edward leaving WASN’T called The End like New Moon… what if it was called The Beginning cause he thinks he’s giving her the freedom to begin a long, healthy human life…
then that would be a pretty brutal indictment of the first 17 years of her life lol. no but in all seriousness, it's a cool idea!! one we will not use because a) too late and b) we're not james somerton plagiarists
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luv4fandoms · 5 years
Laying Claim (Castiel x Witch!Reader)
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So with that in mind, this is what my brain came up with, idk why XD, I hope you like it 😊
(Also guys, my mom and I finally got to the Godstiel part of Spn I've heard so much about, and pretty much our reaction was the same, just "oh sweety, no, what are you doing?)
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Word count: 2,476
Pairings: Castiel x Reader
Warnings: Cussing, Demons being asshole, unknown claiming? Fluffly Cas, Angry Cas
Today's the day! The anniversary of when you first joined the Winchesters and their guardian angel one year ago. You had met when a coven in your town had started killing people, you were going to find out for yourself but...Well after all, if they wanted to do the dirty work of searching, why not let them?
Though you still did some digging of your own after you found a hex bag in your gutter, silly little girls, just a bunch of soccer moms who thought Harry Potter was real. Needless to say the demon they had sold their souls to at their little slumber party wasn't the type to give them back, and with a little help from one of your spells, the pieces fell right into place for the Winchesters to slay the demon...
Only problem was the bitch knew about you, and used her last breath to spill the beans, so you really weren't surprised when the trio came barging up to your house. The two boys seemed to want nothing more than your head on a platter as well, thinking you were linked to the coven, but the third, the third simply stared at you, seemingly trying to decipher you as well as commit you to memory. It wasn't hard to know what he was, the gift of sight as your grandmother called it, allowed you to see the large black wigs that rose behind him.
'Interesting' you had thought, remembering everything you had ever read about angels.
"Tell you what" you spoke, stopping the argument the boys were having.
"Have your little friend here read my mind, or memories, which ever he prefers, and see that I have never harmed anyone" the boys looked to the angel who seemed to have broken out of the trance he was under at the sound of your voice.
"Cas?" The shorter man asked, to which 'Cas' simply nodded and made his way over to you, he lifted his fingers, placing two on your forehead while closing his eyes, a moment later he opened them and nodded at the boys.
"She's telling the truth, she hasn't hurt anyone, she actually helps people, and was a target of the coven herself" he told them.
"See? I told you, now, would you care to join me for some tea?" You asked, eyes never leaving his blue ones, oh you could get lost in those babies.
"I even have pie" you added with a smile as you finally turned to the other two.
 That had been the first time you had a civil conversation with the trio; Sam and Dean, two orphan hunters following in Daddy's footsteps. And Castiel, the angel who decided to fight his own kind to protect humanity, interesting. You offered your services should the boys ever need it, figuring they would never take you up on it, but hoping to be able to see the stoic angel once more, and low and behold...
They called. For almost a year now you had been helping them, being a researcher, going with them on cases, even using your magic to take down baddies. The work made your feel alive, but not as alive as when Cas would come around. Something about the angel's presence alone makes your body feel electrified, and when his piercing blue orbs met yours you swore your heart stopped. Lately though, he started treating you like a child who was incapable of keeping herself safe.
The first time was while you were helping the boys with some demons, a reason for Cas to be present, and you hadn't thought much past trying to slow down your heart rate when he grabbed you and pulled you to his chest, shielding your eyes as he let out a blinding light that killed them all.
The second time though, you had been against a neat of vamps, one which you and the boys were handling just find, but just as you were about to drop the vamp that was advancing towards you, a silver blade pierced it's neck, quickly taking it's head, and when it fell it revealed Cas standing behind it. He stated that he needed to speak with Dean and Sam about something, so that is why he located you all, but you began to wonder when you were the first one he healed, and he stood extra close to you as he spoke.
The third time you started to grow annoyed. You were just fine by yourself, could handle yourself against the werewolf, and in your opinion, kicking ass. Sure you had taken a few scratches, and your arm hurt like hell from the deep claw marks, but you held your ground...And then right as you were about to give the killing blow with your magic, that all too familiar angel blade made an appearance once more.
"What the hell Cas that was my kill!" You told him, less angry about the fact that he finished the fight and more about the fact that he had done it so often recently. 
"You're injured" he simply stated.
"So? I was still kicking its ass!" You defended as he walked over to you and healed you, causing you to groan and walk away from the confused angel.
The final straw had been tonight, the whole day throughout the hunt for a pack of demons who had intel on Lucifer, the boys and you had been in a somewhat good mood after you had bought them breakfast and explained the anniversary. The hunt had gone well, you found the demons, killed all but one and was grilling it for information. It was a tough nut to crack, even an exorcism didn't scare it. 
"We're not getting anywhere, let me try" you told them, causing Dean to immediately shake his head.
"Hell no, I'm not letting you near that thing alone"
"Funny, you say that like you can stop me" you stated while looking over at him, there was a silent stare before you sighed
"Just five minutes Dean, I promise you I'll be fine" before Dean could even open his mouth Sam spoke in your defence
"She's right Dean, and besides, he's in the trap, what can he do?" 
Dean was silent for a moment before his eyes met yours again.
"Fine, but five minutes is all you got" nodding, you made your way back into the room. 
"Ok buddy, here's how it's gonna go down" you started as you stood in front of him, but he only laughed while looking around.
"Boy toys now coming?" He asked
"Sorry pal, just you and me, now you're gonna-"
"You know I'm surprised your mate leaves you alone with them, he must trust you a lot, or he's an idiot"
"What the hell are you even talking about?" You asked, confused as to why he would state you have a "mate"
"Oh….Oh you don't know" he started laughing hysterically.
"Shut it!" You yelled watching as his laughter died down, but the smirk stayed.
"Sweety, you reek of him. His sent his all over you. Desperate protectiveness, longing, it's enough to make me gag, the best part is that he did this without you even knowing. A do not touch sign to anyone else, a claim on you, really that's horrible, and I'm a demon" he laughed again, while you digest the information, something had laid a claim on you? You felt like you needed a shower thinking that it could be any of the creatures you encountered in your year with the boys. 
"You know though, I'm not surprised you didn't know" it stated, causing you to look at it once more.
"You're such an idiot" and with that he lunged at you, knocking you back into the wall and knocking the air from your lungs. You were pretty sure you heard your shoulder pop while your vision blacked out for a moment. When you looked around you noticed the slow steady drip of water from a nearby pipe that had washed away part of the devil's trap, before your eyes were brought back to the demon's face as he straddled you, leaning in and taking a deep breath.
"I wonder how he would like it...If I laid my own claim to you" he smirked, and you tried to push him off as he leaned down, him somehow over powering your magic, but just as he was about to reach your neck, his weight disappeared from you and a crash was heard from the other side of the room. 
"W-wait I-I didn't know!" It started to plead as you watched Castiel slowly walk towards him.
"I didn't know she belonged to an angel I swear!" He pleaded again.
'Belonged to…' your mind started to remember little things that happened these past couple of months. Cas giving you his coat when you stood outside watching the boys do a salt and burn, Cas sitting next to your while you explained your favorite shows to him, by the end of the night you would be leaning against him and his arm would be on the back of the couch, fingers lightly resting on your shoulder. Cas listening to your music with you from your ipod in the back of the impala despite the fact he could easily poof to the location. And then there was Cas always swooping in when you were fighting things...did Cas...Lay claim to you?
You watched as he easily got the information and killed the demon, only then noticing that the boys had been pounding on the door trying to get in, upon the demon's death, it unlocked and they rushed into the room. 
"Y/N!" Dean started but Cas was quick to cut him off.
"Why were you not with her?" His voice rising slightly, the only indication besides the fire still burning in his eyes that he was pissed.
"We figured she" Sam started, but was also cut off by Cas.
"That she what? Was your bait to get information? You put her in danger!" A light blew out in the room.
"And we told her" Dean tried
"And you know she would not listen! You should have been in her presence at all times!" Another light, the bright flash momentarily illuminating the shadow of Cas's wings, oh, he was very pissed.
"Cas" you started
"This is exactly why I have to keep-"
"CAS!" You yelled, turning the room silent as you stood, grabbing your arm that you could clearly tell was broken.
"I came here alone of my own accord, they didn't want me to, but I did it anyways, it's not their fault"
"They should have protected you" he started, coming forward to heal your wounds, his eyes showed a different story, and in that moment you knew what he was really trying to say.
'I should have protected you'
"We need to talk by the way" you stated, looking at the boys then him.
"Alone" with a nod he grabbed your hand.
"I'll take her back to the hotel" he told the boys, and in a blink, you stood in your hotel room. You let go of his hand, making your way over to the bed and sat down, Cas didn't move as he stared at the carpet.
"Cas did you…."you started before realizing that this was going to be really embarrassing to ask.
"Did you ...Lay claim to me?" you asked, not meeting his gaze when you saw him look at you from the corner of your eye.
"...Not...Fully" he spoke after a moment, this caused you to look at him.
"What does that even mean?" You gave a short laughed and watched as he sighed before coming to sit next to you. 
"Y/N I...I have feeling for you...Ones that someone would only have in the presence of a potential mate" he states turning to look at you.
"Wow sweety we gotta get you into now days language" you said with a chuckle, before adding.
"So..You have feelings for me?"
"Yes, I thought it was wise to push them away at first, you would be in danger if anyone after me, found you. But as time went on I found them...Harder to repress, and I found myself claiming you before I even realized it" He states, looking down as if weighted by shame.
"We have different versions of claiming"you laugh, thinking back to what the demon had said
"He said I smelled like you" Cas nodded, still not meeting your eyes.
"It's the first stage of claiming someone, we cover them in our scent, it's not perceivable to your senses, but to other beings it lets them know that you belong to someone" he explained, "So every time you sat next to me or gave me your coat?" He nodded, before adding.
"My grace also leaves behind a scent" he added.
"Your grace? Do you...Use it often?" You asked.
"To protect you yes" He nodded
"So this was why you have been jumping in front of monsters for me?" You asked, again he nodded.
"You know I can take care of myself" you smiled
"But it's my job to protect you" he stated, finally meeting your gaze.
"Because you're my mate?" You asked with a laugh, but noticed his cheeks darken at your words.
"I'm not your mate…"
"Yet" You smirked when he looked at you with wide eyes.
"I have feelings for you that someone would only have in the presence of a potential mate" you smiled, watching as he scanned your eyes for any sign that you were untruthful.
"But I can still take care of myself" to laughed.
"But It's my-"
"Job to protect me, tell you what, if it's your job to protect me, than it's my job to protect you" you told him as you leaned in, watching his confused expression as you pressed your lips against his, they were just as soft as you always imagined they would be, and your hand came up to cup his face, his stubble lightly scratching your palm as you felt his hand rest against your hip. You pulled away and looked into his eyes, the striking blue swallowed by black pupils. 
"As your mate" you smiled, watching as a smile spread across his lips.
"So...if putting your scent on me is the first stage...what are the other stages of..Laying claim to a mate?" You asked with a smirk, watching as his smile turned playful.
"There are a lot of stages, it could take all night" he replied.
"Well, guess we better get started" you spoke before pulling him down for another kiss, you were in for a long, blissful night with your new mate. Happy anniversary to you.
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Hope everyone enjoyed it! Let me know what you think.
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hellishmess · 4 years
21: The Union Festival pt. 2
September 22,2018 [11:12 pm]
[Ana pov ]
Everything changed in a heartbeat.
Loud bangs shook the ground underneath me. People were running, taking cover. I ran too, but not before I saw some pterodactyl looking creature take a woman in its claws and lift her to the sky.
The halls of the center building was a mess. Gifted tried to defend themselves, but no one had weapons and the creatures were horrible.
A scream.
"Demons!" Someone shouted.
It was a frenzy. Instinct shoved common thought out of my brain. It had me running down an adjoining hall, away from the chaos of the main one and all the monsters.
I dove into a small hidden crevice. It had a door made of the same stone material as the walls.
I shoved against it, begging it to move.
A sickening crunching sound came from the main hallway. Panic and fear bolted all movement. I froze, back, pressed up into the crevice’s corner.
When the noise faded I managed a final shove against the door, earning entry with an open the door. I plunged into darkness, and darkness engulfed me. The door shut behind me with a final grate.
I collapsed on the floor, my back still against the door. My breaths were erratic. The booming of the blood in my ears was all I could hear.
Monsters and death was outside.
Aspen was somewhere out there too.
Christ! I should have went with her to get the punch.
I banged my head against the door.
I scrambled to find my phone, thankful it was still in the leather garter she let me borrow.
Flicking on flashlight, I stifled a scream again. I wasn't alone. A body was laid out flat along the back wall with someone crouching in front of their face. Another was curled in the far corner.
Men. The one crouching and the one in the corner turned.
I could have cried at the familiar face.
"Ana!" Eli exclaimed softly. "How'd you get in here?"
"I saw a maid leave from here." Moving closer, I saw who Eli was crouched over.
Samuel’s body was mauled with long gashes shredding his skin. They created caverns in his body. 
I backed away. I escaped one circle of hell only to climb into another. I wasn't an idiot. He'll be looking for something to eat soon.
"Ana," Eli said. His worry moving from Samuel to me. "It's okay. He's unconscious."
"Oh god. Oh god," I hit the wall. Everything’s closing in. I try to focus on the light from my phone but even that was growing dim. "Oh god."
My breathing was erratic. My lungs were heaving, but my muscles tingled as if they weren't getting enough air. Maybe they were getting too much?
"Ana. Calm down." Eli sounded so far away.
"Oh holy shit." My knees shook. I felt the slide down the wall. The coolness of it touched my skin. Was I going to pass out?
Someone had grabbed me, their hands gripping my chin to force my head up. It was Eli.
Suddenly he was all I knew. The depth of his voice as he said my name, the blue allure of his eyes. I waited for him to say something to me, I'd wait forever if I had too.
"Ana," His voice reverberated in my soul. "I need you to calm down."
I took a deep breath, slowly letting it out. In, hold for a moment, then out. I repeated that task for a moment, still looking at Eli, still waiting for him to say something else.
He looked away, and the spell snapped.
"Shit," My hand ran through my hair. He just compelled me.
Eli apologized, "Sorry. I didn't know any other way to get you to chill."
I shook my hand, "No, it's fine. I think I was going to have a panic attack."
Eli went back to Samuel.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Some creature had him pinned. It had 4 arms and claws a foot long." Eli's lips turned up at the grotesque creature he saw.
I understood and took another deep breath. I didn't want to be weak. I wasn't weak. What would Aspen do?
An image of her popped into my mind. She stood tall, defiant against any adversary. 
"Can he sit up?"
Eli shook his head. "No the witch over there put him under."
I glanced into the dark corner. The man was still curled up, his eyes blank as they met mine.
"He needs blood?" I asked.
Eli nodded.
"Let him feed from me." I said. "Just enough for him to heal and get some of his strength back."
Eli was shaking his head. "No way. I don't know if he'd stop. It's too risky."
"It doesn't matter. He's old, right? Powerful? We need to get out of here. We're just sitting ducks here. I mean have you seen the monsters out there?! He’s our strongest bet of making it out alive."
I scoot closer, raising my wrist to Eli. A stubborn set to my jaw. This was the only way, I told myself. The best way.
Eli hesitates, "Have you ever been bit before?"
I suck in a breath, my answer delayed. That was enough to tell him.
"This won't be pleasant," he warned. "This is really fucking dangerous."
"Yeah. Well I don't expect it to tickle and this whole situation is unpleasant." I brought my wrist up to his face. "Lets just get it done. I'm serious. I don't plan on dying just yet."
With frown, Eli took my wrist. I knew the unspoken words that hung between us. You just might if we do this.
His lips part to reveal fangs. I close my eyes. Flinching back, my eyelids pop open at the sudden sting from the bite. Eli withdraws immediately.
With a shaky breath, I quickly cover Samuel's mouth. My blood dripping between his lips.
He's still for a second. Worry starts to form.
I stifle another scream into a yelp. Samuel's latched himself to my wrist, his fangs splitting the bite even farther.
I cry out, feeling the flick of his tongue and the draw of my blood.
Suddenly, he's on top of me, snapping my head sideways to split the skin at my throat.
Pain erupts throughout my whole body, but my screams are muffled by a hand. I struggle to breath. Samuel has me fully immobilized.
Tears run down my face as I stare into the darkness. The pressure of Samuel is gone.
"Samuel," Eli's there. He's somewhere close. "She healed you."
I can't move. Shock keeps me on the ground.
Eli's closer, crouching over me this time. "Hey. You want some blood from me? It would heal you and give you your strength back."
I shake my head. I don't feel too bad. The shock dissipates allowing me to be sharply aware of my situation.
"At least let me heal the bite," Eli presses.
Eli pulls me in close. His tongue against my mangled throat, before hitting my wrist.
It was awkward, but I was grateful. I didn't want the open wounds or the scars.
An itching burn blossomed within seconds. My hands went to scratch but Eli brought them back down. "Don't. It's your skin multiplying and healing."
I curl my fingers into fists until the itch subsides. Slowly I manage to stand. I wasn't as weak as I thought I'd be.
Upon expressing my shock, I learn why.
"It's because I didn't take much from you. You're blood is surprisingly strong. I'm healed and at full strength from just three mouthfuls." Samuel said.
I push that out the window. "We need to get out of here."
"I agree," Samuel says.
"There’s a hallways over here," the witch says. He stood in a tight little stone walkway.
Samuel takes the lead position. "Let's go."
We all file out. It's eerily quiet. Only sometimes broken by the faint crash or scream.
The pace is quick. I drag a hand along the wall, my flashlight in my hand so only some light leaked through.
Samuel leads us up some stairs and into a kitchen. The sound of fighting and monsters is so much closer.
A high pitched screech sounds, making me flinch back into Eli. It’s too hellish to be human.
My eardrums ring. I see something fly by the little window in the kitchen.
A huge hound-like creature crashed through the door. It's jaws big enough to crush my skull, the beast stood easily at my stomach.
I gasp, backing away as it eyes us all. It's breath creeps into the room as it pants. I cough. My lungs start to burn. The witch grabs me and shoved my shirt over my mouth and nose.
"Hell hounds exhale toxic gas." He says.
The beast lunges forwards but Samuel meets it head on. We scurry to the edges of the kitchen while Samuel wrangles the beast. His stomach and thighs were scratched by its claws before he maneuvered himself behind it.
Samuel grabs the hounds jaws, prying them apart as it tries to snap. Soon the dog falls, it's jaw split wide open.
I stand there. Not moving, not blinking. This is crazy. Yet no one is really batting an eye? This was this world. I'm apart of this now.
"Ana!" Eli whispers. "Come on!"
I see Samuel grab another kitchen knife. The witch and Samuel following suit. I grab a frying pan.
We all slip through a back door and burst outside. The hell out here is being battled by gifted and some others.
In a blazing strike, lightning takes down 5 monsters at once. I see the woman that the power came from. Her eyes shining and her hair standing up from her electricity.
Another screech and something blurs in my the corner of my eyes. I knock to the ground, squealing as something with claws and a long snout tried to eat my face. The only thing saving me is my pan.
It lets out a scream of its own, a loud pain-filled bellow. I fling myself away as it's skin bubbles and boils.
A figure is rushing over, through the smoke and the chaos. "Aspen!" I yell, unsure of myself.
She comes and scoops me up in her arms. "Are you okay?!"
I look at the body on the ground. It was the demon version of a goose, with a long neck, two rows of fangs, and wings with claws at the bend of them.
"Yea. Thanks to you." I pull her close. Maybe this wasn't the time for hugs but god I couldn't stop myself. Aspen wrapped her hands around me.
But I get jostled to the side. A huge shadow looms over us all. Aspen moves towards it, encircling the 15ft tall monstrosity. Samuel and Eli draw its attention too.
I sit, stunned and hawking as they attack this Grendel like beast.
The creature swipes at Eli with a huge paw. It was crazy fast for its size, but Eli managed to duck just in time.
Samuel used his knife, stabbing at its muscles. It roars when blood gushed out of its wound.
Still, it wasn’t enough to slow it down, and Samuel’s plan backfired quickly. He hissed, recoiling in pain when the blood touched his hand.
The creature started to move but found himself unable. Aspen was to the back of it, out of sight with her hands raised. Slowly they moved together.
I saw the hard look of concentration, watched as the creature’s body bent. Aspen was crushing this thing.
Samuel and Eli step back. A confused glance was shared before Eli points to Aspen.
She ends this. Literally crushing the creature down to the ground. It squirmed, but it didn't move. It couldn't.
The realization that it might literally explode had me running behind one of the oak trees.
Just as I thought, with a last shove from Aspen the creature flattens. Blood spews in a nauseating show of gore. My eyes close, expecting the acidic blood to burn towards us.
It doesn't. The barrier Aspen set up kept it all contained like glass. Trails of dark green blood slid to the ground.
It was silent.
Aspen comes back up to me. Her hands grazing my face, then my throat. "Jesus Christ. What happened to you?"
My mind whirls. "No time. We need to go get somewhere safe!"
I twist to run, but she holds me still. "Ana, we've got them all. The Assault team was quick to respond and we managed to contain and kill the wave of creatures."
"What?" I looked around. Bodies of human and creature shapes lie dead around us. Nothing moved. The panic died down. "Oh thank god."
I pull Aspen into another hug, tears threatening to roll. "I should have went with you to get the punch."
Aspen hugs me back, her arms wrapping around me in the strong way that I loved. "I'm glad you’re safe." She pulls way, holding me at arms distance as she looks me over again. "Jesus what happened here?" Aspen draws up my wrist where crusty blood trails bled. Her eyes got to my throat next.
I notice her jaw clench, her eyes sliding over to the two vampires among us, and got the strange wariness one feels when unsheathing a sharp blade.
I bit my lip. Might as well be truthful and save these two from whatever anger is brewing. "I fed Samuel to heal him so he could get us out of the room we were in."
"You what?" She snaps. Her voice rough. There was a darkness in her gaze. She wasn't looking at me though. No, her eyes were pinned on Samuel.
I gently pull her focus back to me. She softened up when I sheepishly smiled at her, "Yeah. I escaped into their room, Eli saved me from a having panic attack and passing out, and then I tried to get myself to act like how you would."
Aspen just stared at me. Her lips parted slightly.
I clarified what I meant, "Strong and unafraid."
Aspen’s laugh was gentle as she grabs my wrist where she rubs off all the crusted blood. "So you think I would have risked my health to feed a hungry vampire?"
My face starts to redden, and I shake my head. "I didn't feed him because I thought that's what you would have done. I know you would have done something else, something better, but I fed him because I thought that's what I needed to do to stay alive. He was the most powerful friend I had at the moment. We all needed him."
"Smart, I guess. Ballsy definitely," She says. She turns to Samuel next. "You tell her thank you?"
Samuel's eyes narrow. He looks like he's going to snarl something nasty.
"He doesn't need to. He got us out safely." I interject.
"He should. You saved him, too." Aspen retorts, but she doesn't fight. "Let's go before we get roped into having to clean this clusterfuck."
I laugh, feeling all the tension in my body release.
Aspen leads us out to where the cars are parked. I think to thank Samuel but decide against it. I thank Eli instead.
"No problem." He replies. "I'm glad we all get to go home tonight."
"Me too," Aspen agrees. "Thanks for helping her."
Eli nods again and we turn away, walking throughout the destroyed lawn together.
Aspen squeezes my hand. "You don't understand how happy I am you're safe."
"Same here." I utter, looking at the damage. "I was worried about you."
Aspen laughs as if she can't believe the thought. "Don't worry about me. I'm okay."
We're quiet as we hit the sea of cars. Finding our own was gonna be hard. Aspen raised her hand and clicks her keys. Nothing sounds.
We head down the rows.
"Did you really think of me to draw strength from?" Aspen’s voice is low when she asks.
I smile, getting the faint feeling this is an important question to her. "Of course I did. You're the strongest person I know. I envy you."
Aspen nudges her body into me, dropping the subject at that. "Come on. I think I see the car."
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