#if it wasn’t for my partner i‘d just drink until i‘m ready to yeet myself off a bridge xd
bpdamn · 10 months
soooo i spent the last two days with my parents and it was HORRIBLE. being able to feel again now that i‘m off cipralex doesn’t make it any easier to deal with their comments and behavior. like i was numb for so long and now it’s all back and i feel 100000% more vulnerable and emotional than ever. i know it’s the same state i was in before the meds but after three years of me being emotionally dead-ish it all hits even harder cause idk how to deal with it anymore (ye bitch act like you ever knew). i had to lock myself away multiple times so i wouldn’t end up crying infront of them or lashing out and now that i‘m home all i can think about is deleting myself. luckily my bf is here and he gave me lorazepam for damage control/reduction but i still feel like shit
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