#if it's in the idol music charts then that explains everything
goquokka00 · 7 months
The Roomie Effect (Pt 2)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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Summary: You're roommates with your friend Jisung and his boyfriend, Minho. The downsides? You're attracted to both of them, and they're a fairly...active couple. Little do you know; they're also attracted to you. And they want you to be in their relationship with them.
Pairings: Jisung X Reader (F!) X Minho
Genre: Fluff, humor, non-idol au but Stray Kids still knows each other, smut (MDNI)
Warnings: Mentions of sex and alcohol, "vaping" (reader uses diffuser sticks like pure and cloudy, so no nicotine), reader gets drunk, anal sex (male x male), Sub! Jisung, Dom! Minho, Jisung jerks himself off, cumming inside
Word Count: 6.6K
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"You're actually dumb, you know that?" You told Jisung, looking at the answers he had come up with for your Music Theory homework. It had been a few days since they had...y'know...and everything seemed pretty normal.
It was a little awkward the next day afterward, as Jisung couldn't look at you without blushing. But after reassuring both of them that you didn't hear a thing (you definitely did but you didn't want them to worry), everything seemed to go right back to how it was. Which was good, because you'd hate for things to change between the three of you.
"How?! That's right, that chord progression is right!" Jisung countered, pointing to the sheet of paper.
"No, it's not!"
"Yes, it is!"
"A three chord can't go to a seven diminished, dumbass!"
"Yes, it can! See, look at the chart that YOU made!"
"Bitch, that's going to a four or two chord!"
"Oh, well would you look at that." Jisung said, taking the chart and getting a closer look. "It is, isn't it?"
"I told you, you're dumb."
"Hey! You were the one asking for my help!"
"Hey, quiet down in there or I'm getting the tissues!" Minho yelled, looking into the kitchen from the living room. The both of you flinched at the threat, already knowing that he would 100% do that if given the opportunity.
"Sorry, Min." Jisung apologized. Minho just let out a sigh, rubbing his temples.
"It's fine, don't worry about it. Just...keep the volume down." Minho said, turning back to his work.
You didn't blame him for wanting it to be quiet. Unlike you and Jisung, who had to make music, Minho had to watch people dancing to it.
Minho was a Dance Choreographer Major, wanting to go into making dances for idols and professional dancers. And one of the things he had to do was evaluate different dances that they were assigned to watch. Talk about what the teams do well, what could be improved, and things that the students would take and use for their own choreographies.
And that's what he was doing right now.
"You got it. We'll be as quiet as mice." Jisung told him, giving his boyfriend a thumbs up.
"See, you say that, but my bet is that you're gonna start yelling again."
"Am not!"
"Then what are you doing right now?"
"Oh, wow, real funny, wise guy."
"Oh, this is funny? We're gonna see how funny this is in about 3 seconds-"
"Guys!" You yelled, finally having about enough. Both boys blushed, looking over at you. "If you're gonna fuck, do it already--"
"We aren't gonna fuck!" They both yelled at the same time, faces now red. All you could do was laugh, twirling your pencil in your fingers.
"Then both of you quiet down, please. Minho, we'll stay quiet. Jisung, let's just look at the next problem right here." You said, keeping your eyes on your homework.
"Oh, yeah. Sure." Jisung said, going to look at the problem as well. As the two of you went back to work, Minho watched both of you closely, smiling at the sight of the two of you working together. It was cute, the way that you'd point something out and Jisung would nod, only to explain it to you in a way that you'd understand.
He wanted to see it all the time.
"Hey, have you seen Ji's--What are you doing?!"
You almost fell out of your chair in shock as Minho burst into your room, catching you with one of your diffusers in your mouth. You took it out, coughing the vapers as Minho went and took the diffuser from you.
"These are bad for your health, you know that?!" Minho yelled, looking like an angry mom. Well, he was acting like it, too. But you just gave him a pout, crossing your arms as he held the diffuser out in front of you.
"Relax, it's not what you think it is." You said, grabbing the box to the stick and holding it out for Minho to look at it. "It's a diffuser pen, no nicotine. All they have is vitamins. That one specifically has B12 and C."
"You sure?" Minho asked, looking to you. You just nodded, getting up and going over to him, taking the diffuser out of his hands.
"Yeah. I only use them when I'm studying or can't sleep. I have a melatonin one for the sleep problem, but I also use it to keep my mental shit in check." You explained, breathing in a puff, letting it out along with the vapers. Then, you held it out to Minho, smiling. "I haven't used this one for a few days, and I haven't used the melatonin one in forever. So if you don't believe me, go ahead and try it."
Minho gave you an unsure look but took the diffuser. He gave it a quick glance, looking back at you before putting it in his mouth and did what you had a few seconds before. Except unlike how you breathed in and out without a hitch, Minho coughed the vapers out.
"What the hell?! Why was that so cold?!" Minho asked, looking to you as you laughed a bit.
"It's supposed to be refreshing. Honestly, it feels really nice after talking or singing all day." You said, gesturing for him to try again. "Don't worry, I had a similar reaction to it my first time. You get used to it."
"And you're sure I won't get addicted or high or anything?" Minho asked. You just laughed, shaking your head.
"Nope. I don't do that stuff, and if I did, I wouldn't be pressuring you to do it." You told him. Minho nodded, breathing in again. This time, he held it in his lungs for a second, before breathing out the vapers. "See? Not so bad, is it?"
"Actually, it's not." Minho told you, handing the diffuser stick back. "They're actually pretty nice."
"Mhm. They're probably the only things keeping me sane in college besides alcohol, you, and Jisung." You admitted, laughing a bit. Your laugh was music to Minho's ears.
"We keep you sane?"
"Yeah, I mean, you guys might be a bit much sometimes, but honestly, I think I see you guys as some of my closest friends."
"Huh." Minho nodded, though, your words stung a bit. Just friends? Is that really all you saw them as?
It wasn't.
You wouldn't admit it, but it hurt you to say that as much as it hurt Minho to hear it. You really liked both of them, after all. You wanted nothing more than to be with either of them. Hell, maybe even both. But...
You couldn't. They were already together, and they were fucking adorable at that. You couldn't ruin their relationship, no shot. That was a shit thing to do, both as a friend and as a roommate. But there was no use dwelling on it right now.
"So uh, you asked if I've seen something?" You asked, just wanting to move on and forget about that.
"Oh, right. I was wondering if Ji's lyric book was in here."
"Mm... I don't think it is. There wouldn't really be any reason for it to be."
"Huh. Well, he told me that you two were working on lyric writing from one of your classes, and that he had used his lyric book for your drafts."
"Well, knowing Jisung, he probably misplaced it somewhere in Misul." Misul was the Fine Arts building on campus, and it was the building that you and Jisung spent the most time in.
"Yeah, that sounds like him." Minho let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair before smiling to you. "Well, just keep your eyes out, okay?"
"Will do." You said, giving a kind smile to Minho. With that, Minho left you to work on your studies, which you did at your own pace.
Lofi blasted through your earbuds as you worked on chord progressions and writing down intervals for tuning forks. By the time that you had decided to take a break, you looked up to see the time.
2:41 am.
You couldn't help but let out a sigh, knowing that you weren't close to done with everything. And since it was a weekend, that meant it was all-nighter time. Again. But not before taking a break for yourself. After all, your brain could only handle so much.
And so, you got up from your chair and stretched, letting out a sigh and looking around your room for no reason. It was something you always did, probably just to take in your surroundings. Who knew? You certainly didn't.
But as you turned back to your desk, you couldn't help but notice a foreign notebook on your shelf. Black cover, silver spiral binds...that wasn't your notebook. You knew your notebooks, as you were really picky about what notebooks you used. It was normally Campus notebooks, or notebooks with covers you found cute. You never had such plain spiral bound notebooks. So it definitely wasn't yours. But it didn't take you long to realize who's it was.
That was Jisung's lyric book.
You stopped your stretch session, grabbing the notebook and looking at the cover. There was no doubt about it, that was his. The cover was slightly beaten up, which would make sense from how religiously Jisung used it. You flipped it over, taking note of the back being almost the exact same way.
And then, your curiosity starting whirling.
You couldn't help but wonder what lyrics Jisung had written. What thoughts were in his words. What stories he was trying to tell. You wanted to peek inside and read some of what he had written, so much so that you didn't realize your hand slowly lifting the front. cover.
That's when you stopped yourself for a second. This was wrong. A lyric book was practically the equivalent of a diary or journal. It was private thoughts. Hell, most of these lyrics probably wouldn't even be turned into songs. That's how it usually worked. Taking a peek into the book was a terrible idea.
But...it was late. Both Jisung and Minho were asleep, and there was no way that they'd know. The only one who would know that you peeked was you, so long as you kept your trap shut. Which you could definitely do.
And so, you opened the front cover.
For the most part, the songs inside showed a lot of different emotions. Some were directed towards his own mental state, others were directed toward confidence or hate from others. Something you took note of was how he had dated everything up in the top corner. Probably so he could look back at it way later and visit what he had written.
And then, you got to more recent dates. The previous encounters were still somewhat evident, but you also started to take notice of a new genre. You assumed romance, something you never thought you'd see Jisung exploiting in.
But here you were.
One of the first you came across was labelled "143". As you read through, you took note of the confusion evident inside of the song. It was still about love, but you interpreted it as more like someone falling in love, but not really understanding why. But there were definitely some lines that caught your attention.
I'm falling for your fatal attraction...
There are no words that describe the perfection...
Why do I keep getting attracted?
I'm drawn to you like a magnet...
I cannot explain this reaction, 1-4-3
I love you...
You couldn't help but raise a brow at the lyrics. What did he mean by that? This could potentially be reflecting on how he felt back when he first met Minho, and not really understanding why he was falling for him, but that didn't make sense.
Jisung was one to write what he was feeling in the moment, not reflecting on the past. That's why he literally carried this lyric book around with him all the time. And you knew for a fact that his feelings for Minho were irrefutable. So him questioning what he was feeling? That was recent.
But who was it for?
That's when you flipped to another song, one he decided to title "Want so BAD". At first, while reading the lyrics, you were almost certain that this was a love song for Minho. Knowing your friend, it wasn't impossible. But then, like before, a few lyrics caught your attention.
I think it's so sweet my baby...
So many thoughts keep me awake every night of you...
I know it's pain, but I really want it so bad...
Up and down, it's a breathtaking roller coaster ride...
Come closer, just the three of us...
Together, we make one whole romantic comedy movie...
I'll hold you tight and say I've always been waiting for this moment...
If I hold it any longer, I might just blow up...
For us, it's you...
That...definitely caught your attention.
For one, Jisung never referred to Minho as "my baby". Hell, you've never heard him refer to anyone as that. So that meant that this was someone new. Someone that you assumed him and Minho both liked, due to the use of mentions of "us" and "three" being used.
Slowly, pieces were being put together. Minho and Jisung found someone they both liked, and you assumed that they were planning on going Polyamorous with. But that left you with the single question of who it could be.
Minho had a lot of friends; you were well aware of that. But he only shared 7 friends with Jisung. You happened to know these people, too.
Chan and Changbin were Jisung's closest friends, as they were both going into the same thing as Jisung: Music Production. You had also met them when you were a freshman, and they were both really nice. But you knew Jisung never saw them as lovers. Neither did Minho.
Hyunjin and Felix were the two who had actually introduced Minho and Jisung, and Jisung had introduced you to them afterward. Hyunjin was going into Dance Performance, and Felix was going into Dance Choreography like Minho. And while they were both beautiful people, you knew that Jisung and Minho didn't see them as love interests either.
And Seungmin and Jeongin, who were going into Music Performance like you, were way too young in their eyes. They saw those two like little brothers. Then again, so did you. And that meant that...
No. No no, there was absolutely no way.
He wasn't...those lyrics...
After piecing together that the lyrics that Jisung had written were about you, you immediately took the lyric book out to the kitchen counter and put it underneath some other textbooks, took that melatonin diffuser, went to bed, woke up, and texted Hyunjin and Felix, asking if they'd be willing to go to the bar with you.
You needed a drink. Badly.
When they had texted you back that they'd be willing, you eagerly waited for the evening to roll around. Thankfully, both Jisung and Minho were out all day, going to spend time with each other out in Seoul. Which was good. Really good, mainly because you knew you'd probably combust on the spot if you looked at Jisung right now.
Once 7:00 pm rolled around, you got dressed in clothes that didn't make you look like you rolled out of bed and headed out the door.
Cut to now, with you sitting in between a very concerned Hyunjin and a very tipsy Felix, downing your...well, you don't really know how many shots you've had. You just know you've had a lot.
"Okay, don't you think you've had enough?" Hyunjin asked, watching as you and Felix cackled about some random sentence he had spouted. It was safe to say that you were both feeling the alcohol.
"No, I gotta drink more...'m fine!" Felix said, leaning against you. You just smiled at Hyunjin, patting his thigh.
"We're soooo good, Hyunnie...we're perfect!" You added. Hyunjin only sighed, looking to the bartender and nodding his head, silently asking for the bill.
"I think we need to get you home." Hyunjin told you.
"But I don' wanna! I...I can't go, not when they're there...they're gonna be all lovey dovey an' making me wish I was both of them..."
"Y/n, what--"
"'N they both like me...a-an' I like them, an' I shouldn' know that, but I do...!"
"Come on, let's go."
"No! No, don' wanna!"
"Don't make me call Jisung, because I will."
That got your drunk self really quiet. You just let out a huff, crossing your arms. Then, Hyunjin looked to Felix, who had just finished paying for the bill.
"I'm gonna call a taxi. You got it from here?" Hyunjin asked. Felix gave him a salute, going over to you and carefully putting your arm over his shoulder. With that, he gently lifted you off of your seat and guided you to the exit of the bar. Hyunjin was quick to follow, flagging down a taxi while Felix stood with you.
Soon enough, all of you were inside and driving to your apartment.
"I don' wanna go..." You whined, Hyunjin just rolling his eyes at you.
"Cause...I like 'em...an' I think they like me? But...idonknow..."
"Well of course they like you. They're your friends."
"Nononononononono, I think they like-like me...an' I really like 'em..."
"Okay, so?"
"So...idonknow what ta do about that...what would you do?"
"I'd probably see how it plays out? Or confess. If it seems like they like you like that, then you might as well let them know. Get it off your chest."
"...nah." You just crossed your arms, leaning against the now passed out Felix. Just as you did so, the driver had pulled up to your apartment complex, parking close to your building. Hyunjin got out, helping you get out as well and threw your arm over his shoulders, going to the driver's window.
"Just wait here, I'll be right back." Hyunjin instructed, the driver nodding. With that, you and Hyunjin started making your way up the stairs and towards your home. You didn't really try to fight him, since the alcohol in your system made you feel like you were moving in fast forward and slow motion at the same time.
But your drunk brain was absolutely dreading going and seeing Minho and Jisung again.
While you had been out with Hyunjin and Felix to drink your concerns away, Minho and Jisung returned to the house from their date day. Overall, it was a great day for the both of them. They went shopping, saw a movie, ran some errands, and went out to eat for dinner.
And when they returned to the house around 8:00 pm, they were a bit surprised to notice that you were missing. Then again, there were times that you went out for late errands or going to the convenience store for snacks or energy drinks. So they weren't really worried.
Instead, they both settled down on the couch, Jisung laying on Minho's chest, and started watching an anime series that you had actually recommended them. They had managed to get through the first few episodes, getting into the setting fairly quickly. But they were soon interrupted by a knock on the door.
"You weren't expecting anyone, were you?" Jisung asked, looking up at Minho as he sat them both up.
"No, not today." Minho said, pressing a kiss to Jisung's forehead. "I'll be right back, stay comfortable. Okay?"
"Okay." Jisung said with a smile, watching his lover get up and go to the door. And when Minho opened it, his eyes widened at the sight of you slung over Hyunjin's shoulder, barely able to hold yourself up.
"Delivery." Hyunjin said, gesturing over to you. Minho just raised a brow as he took you from him, confused.
"Do I wanna know?"
"She's drunk."
"No shit, she's drunk. Why?"
"She wanted to ignore her feelings. That's why."
"How much?"
"Lots of shots, three mixers. She's probably not gonna remember jack squat tomorrow."
"For the love of...Jisung!" Minho called out, turning to his boyfriend on the couch. Jisung immediately sprung up, looking over towards the door to see you, Minho, and Hyunjin. So it didn't take him long to go over to you all with concerned eyes.
"What happened to her?" He asked, Minho handing you to him.
"She went drinking, apparently."
"Without me?!"
"Dude." Hyunjin commented, raising a brow at Jisung.
"What? She usually doesn't go to bars without me." Jisung pouted, kicking at the floor.
"We can figure that out later, just--take her to her room, get her water, get her changed, and get her in bed." Minho instructed. Jisung nodded, knowing that Minho had a point. And so, he started walking you to your room and sat you down on your bed.
"There we go, nice and easy." Jisung said, steadying you before slowly backing away, giving you a kind smile. "Alright, I'll be right back, okay? I'm just gonna go and get you some water--"
"N-No..." You mumbled, reaching out for him. You managed to grab his wrist, keeping him from going any further than your arm length.
"Y/n...you're drunk. You need to sober up a bit, okay? I'm just going to the kitchen to get a glass of water, okay? I'll literally be gone for like, 30 seconds--"
"No! Y'gotta stay! Do-Don' leave, please..."
"Hey, I promise I'll be right back." Jisung told you, giving you a warmer smile than his usual kind one. He carefully peeled your hand off of his wrist, setting it down by your side. "If you let me go, I'll stay with you for the entire night. Deal?"
"M'kay." But it didn't stop your drunk self from pouting. It made Jisung's heart throb, making him feel like he was gonna explode from how you were acting like a child. In a cute way, mind you. But he had a mission to complete.
And so, after knowing that you'd stay put (partly because he didn't think you could even walk by yourself), he quickly went out to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with some water before going back to your room.
Only to find you shirtless while trying to take your shorts off.
"Oh my god!" Jisung immediately flushed red, covering his eyes at the sight of your nearly naked body, turning around to give you some sort of privacy. "What are you doing?!"
"Gettin'...gettin' comfy womfy....hehe.." You giggled, Jisung just letting out a sigh before setting the cup down and straight to your closet.
He dug through it, finding a pretty big sweatshirt. All of your sweatshirts were oversized, but some didn't get to be quite long enough to hide undergarments. This one would, though.
"Okay, stop stop stop. Let me help you, please." Jisung said, getting your hands away from your shorts you had decided to wear. You stopped, staring at him with wide eyes as he quickly slipped the sweatshirt over your head, trying to keep his eyes off of your beautiful chest and gorgeous curves.
That wasn't his focus right now.
Once the sweatshirt was on, Jisung took hold of the shorts and carefully took them off, ignoring that your eyes were on him. And once that was done, he took the dirty clothes and threw them into the hamper, then grabbing the water and giving it to you. Though, he couldn't help that your eyes were still on him, having not left him once.
"Here, drink that." Jisung told you, watching as you sipped on the water. You let out a sigh, setting the cup down and looking to him again. It was hard to tell what you were thinking. To Jisung, it was already hard to tell, even more so when you had been drinking. "What?"
"You're...sooo pretty..." You told him. Your voice was so soft, which made Jisung's heart throb again. He gulped, not registering your hand that came close to his face, gently feeling his lips.
They were so soft. So plush. You always had a gut feeling that his lips would be that way, due to how pouty they always looked. But in your drunken state, they felt way better than you were expecting.
"You're really pretty. Pretty baby boy." You muttered, leaning forward a bit to look at him closer. Jisung just blushed more, leaning back a bit as drunk you leaned in closely, admiring his face. But he was caught on your words. Did you really think that, or were you just more gone than he thought?
"Um...t-thanks...?" Jisung trailed, almost in a daze. Why was his head spinning? Why was his heart going a thousand miles an hour? Why was his pants getting tighter?
You were drunk. You were drunk, you probably didn't mean half of the shit you were saying, and you certainly weren't meaning everything that you were doing. He wished you weren't, though, because that would mean he could act on his feelings. But that would be wrong if he did that while you were intoxicated. It wasn't right.
Until you got closer. Really close. So close, that if someone were to push either of you, you'd for sure end up kissing. You didn't seem to notice, which made sense. But Jisung sure as hell did. And it didn't help when you put both hands on his thigh, leaning on it to get to be that close.
"W-What are you doing?" Jisung asked, sounding hesitant. It was a good question, that was for damn sure. But you answered it. Just...not with words.
You placed your lips on his, instead.
Jisung's eyes widened, surprised by your actions. You didn't. Did you? He could feel the weight of your upper body, so it definitely wasn't a dream. So then, you were. You were kissing him. Shit. Fuck. What? But-how is he supposed to respond to that? You're drunk, but he wants to kiss back. But he can't because he'd feel like he'd be taking advantage of you. But your lips feel so good against his. They were soft, and they fit perfectly. Lord help him.
Thankfully, you pulled away, the cutest pout ever on your face. It made Jisung's heart wrench. God, what were you doing to him?
"D'ya not wanna kiss?" You asked softly. Jisung took a moment, the words taking a while to sink in, but it didn't take long for him to respond. To the best of his ability, anyway.
"I-I do, but you-and I--and we...but--MINHO!" Again, he tried his best. But in the end, he couldn't do much about the situation. He was too much in shock about what was going on. It didn't take long for Minho to come through the door, seeing both of you.
"She kissed me, and I wanna kiss her, but she's drunk, an-and--"
"Wait, slow down. What?" Minho looked between the two of you, only to see you trying to kiss Jisung again. Instead, you latched onto his neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses. That only made Jisung whine.
"Min!" Jisung whined, looking to Minho. He didn't need to ask any more questions, instead going to you and moving you off of Jisung, and more onto him.
"You gotta be careful, y'know. It's pretty easy to turn Jisung on when you do stuff like that to him." Minho told you, pressing a kiss to your head.
"It is?"
"Yeah. Look at him, you can see his cock through his sweats." Minho was right. You could see the tent forming already. And to your drunk self, it was beyond hot.
"I wan' it in ma mouth."
"Y/N!" Jisung yelled, his face blushing as he moved to hide his boner. Minho just let out a sigh, looking over to your desk to spot that familiar purple box.
"Ji, why don't you go and grab that purple box over on her desk?" Minho asked, Jisung nodding. He quickly went to grab it, while Minho grabbed your water and held it to your mouth. "As for you, you really have to sober up, or your hangover's gonna beat your ass."
"Mm...but I wanna kiss you." You said, looking up at Minho. He just sighed, helping you drink your water while Jisung handed the box to him.
"Tell you what? If you finish this water, I'll kiss you." Minho told you. Oh, intoxicated you was so down. And so, you got right to work on your water, sipping quickly, but not to the point of chugging it. After all, you knew your limits. You knew that if you chugged the water, you'd definitely end up throwing up.
So it was slow and steady.
Soon enough, your water had been downed. You set the glass on the nightstand (You tried, it almost fell off and Jisung somehow managed to catch it), looking to Minho. He already had your melatonin diffuser out of it's box and ready to go for you to take it.
"Good girl." Minho told you, giving you a smile. He was honestly just happy to see you finish your water. You smiled at the praise, knowing what was coming next.
"Kiss?" You asked, Minho complying. He leaned down, placing his lips on yours. His lips were also soft and fit perfectly with yours. But unlike Jisung, who was completely frozen in shock by your actions, Minho took charge of the kiss, leading you through it. He knew what he wanted, and he made sure he got it.
But the kiss didn't last long, as Minho pulled away, making you whine. That single sound you made hit both Minho and Jisung hard, going straight to their cocks. The only difference was that while Minho managed to hide the fact that your whine turned him on, Jisung just whined in response, looking to Minho.
"Min..." Jisung whimpered. He just sighed, not looking to Jisung. Instead, he placed the diffuser into your mouth. As if it were an instinct, you breathed in, taking a puff, before letting it out, feeling the coolness of the vapers hit your throat as they left your mouth.
"Go to the bedroom, strip, and wait for me. And you better not fucking touch yourself, or you're not cumming. Got it?" Minho then spoke. His eyes glanced to Jisung, the look alone sending a shiver down Jisung's back. But he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity.
And so, Jisung flew off the bed and went to his and Minho's room, awaiting what Minho had planned for him.
"As for you..." Minho said, looking down at you. You were leaning against his chest, still breathing in the melatonin diffuser, probably on your 4th puff. "How many hits do you have to take in order for the melatonin to kick in?"
"S-Seven, but 'm already tired...wanna cuddle..." You said, looking up at Minho with a pout. Minho smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Not tonight, okay? I can't keep Ji waiting for so long. Otherwise, he'll get into some trouble." Minho said, moving some hair out of your face. "But I can give you some cuddles tomorrow when you're going through your hangover."
"Fine, but you better keep your word, Minnie." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes. At this point, you were fighting sleep. You didn't want to go to sleep, but between the melatonin and the alcohol, you were pretty close to passing out. Course, Minho was also extremely comfortable.
"I will. Now, let's lay you down." Minho said gently. He helped you lay down so you were comfortable and pulled the blanket over you, placing a kiss onto your forehead. By the time he went back to look at you, you were out. Minho smiled, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
You were so precious.
"Sleep tight, baby." Minho whispered to you. He left one last kiss on your forehead, not being able to help himself, before going over to his and Jisung's room, having some sexual frustrations that had to be let loose. Not to Minho's surprise, Jisung did too.
The second that Minho made it into their room, there was Jisung on the bed, completely naked on his hands and knees, looking behind him to meet Minho's dark stare.
"Min... need you..." Jisung whined, Minho smirking. He walked up to Jisung, placing his hands onto his ass and spreading his cheeks, admiring the way his cock jumped at the feeling of his hands, and his tight hole clench.
"Damn right, you do." Minho growled, leaning down and licking his hole. Jisung immediately gasped, his hips jerking back to get more friction. "Before I fuck you, you need to promise that you'll stay quiet."
"B-But why--"
"Y/n just fell asleep, and we both know she's gonna be in for it in the morning. I promise you can be loud some other time, but she needs to rest for now." Minho told him, carefully slipping his fingers into Jisung's ass. To his surprise, he was already stretched out and ready to go. "Jisung, did you--"
"I-I know, I know you said to not touch myself, but I was so desperate, an-and I wanted to be ready for your cock, Min... need it so bad, I--"
"Hm." Minho just sat up, keeping his fingers inside of Jisung, taking his own cock out of his pants. Jisung didn't know what that meant, but it got him both nervous and extremely excited. "I'll let it go this time. But next time, you do exactly what I tell you. That includes no prepping."
"Yeah! Yes, of course, 'm sorry, I just--it won't happen again, promise--" Instead of finishing, Jisung cut himself off with a long moan, Minho's hand going to cover his mouth as he pushed all the way into Jisung's tight ass.
"Remember, quiet." Minho told him. Jisung nodded, putting his hand over Minho's. And with that, Minho began to thrust, going at a pretty moderate pace. Enough to give pleasure to both, but not to the point where it was unbearably slow or ungodly fast.
It was just right.
Minho's brow furrowed at the feeling of Jisung clenching around him, his thighs tensing as he heard Jisung's muffled moans and whines. God, he loved Jisung's noises, but it was too risky to uncover his mouth. If there was anything Minho knew about his boyfriend, it was that Jisung was vocal.
"Good boy, nice and quiet for me. You're doing good." Minho told him, leaning down and kissing his neck. It only made Jisung moan out louder. Not that he could help it, as his neck was sensitive. "She really got you riled up, didn't she? Got your cock all hard, your mind all foggy. You even got to feel her soft lips on yours, didn't you?"
Jisung nodded, agreeing with Minho's words. He did, and he'd love to feel them again. They were addicting, those lips of yours. He wanted more of them. More of you. And Minho felt the exact same way. God, and that whine of yours...it wasn't even because you were horny or needy, it was just because you wanted to kiss Minho more.
If that's how you whined for something so simple, so minuscule, Minho couldn't help but think about how loud you could get if you were being fucked by him or Jisung. And those thoughts went straight to his dick, making that knot in his stomach grow quicker than ever.
"Shit, I'm not gonna last that long, baby. Y'gotta meet me there, stroke yourself." Minho instructed. Jisung instantly followed them, wrapping a hand around his raging cock and quickly stroking it, crying out at the stimulation. Judging by the way Jisung was squirming, Minho could tell that Jisung wasn't gonna last either. "Just-Just cum whenever, baby. Just let go, fuck, I'm gonna--oh, I'm cumming! Shit, I'm cumming!"
And like that, Minho released inside of Jisung, filling him up. The feeling of being so full was what did Jisung in, the boy practically wailing as he shot his load into his hand. Once Minho was sure that Jisung had released fully, he removed his hand from Jisung's mouth, only to be pulled into a kiss.
Their lips locked together, tongues dancing. Jisung was frantic, just like always. But there was also a sense of laziness to it. Minho was lazy too but was more precise. And when they parted, panting into each other's mouths, Jisung smiled, lifting his head up so he could touch Minho's forehead with his.
"Fuck, I love you so much, Min." He told him, Minho smiling at his words.
"I love you too, Ji." Minho replied, kissing his cheek before getting up so he could clean himself off. Jisung just laid, flipping to his back and waiting for him there on the bed.
As Minho stood in the bathroom, gently wiping his softened cock off and getting a warm rag for Jisung, he couldn't help but think about why you had even gone out drinking in the first place. Something about ignoring your feelings? What feelings could they have possibly been?
Jisung was quick to tell that Minho was thinking about it, seeing his brow furrowed in thought as he walked over and started wiping Jisung down. Jisung frowned, watching Minho carefully as he was cleaned, letting Minho take his hand to work on it after his cock had been fully cared for.
"You're thinking about something." Jisung pointed out. Minho sighed, setting the rag somewhere on the counter. When he got back to the bed, Jisung moved his head so his eyes would meet Minho's, giving him a concerned look. "What's wrong?"
"It's just...don't you find it weird that Y/n went drinking without telling us? Or inviting you?"
"Well, we were out on a date. Maybe she didn't want to bother us."
"But she never wants to drink out of nowhere. Let alone without you. Hell, I think the only time I've ever seen her drink was when you were with her. She would've waited, wouldn't she?"
"Maybe something was bothering her and she just needed a distraction? I don't know, it's not worth looking into. We shouldn't question her decisions, y'know?"
"Yeah, I know. But...then again, it's not like her to want to be so physical with us. Even when drunk. It just makes me wonder..."
"Wonder about what?"
"What if she does like us? I mean, why else would she really want to kiss both of us, and be so cuddly?"
"Well, I don't know. But I've never seen her so drunk. Maybe it's because she was wasted when she got back." Jisung just let out a sigh, shrugging. "Like I said, it doesn't make sense to question it right now. We're reading way too much into it."
"Are you sure?" Minho asked, Jisung nodding.
"Yeah. If there's anything I've learned, a drunk Y/n is a hard to read Y/n. It's difficult to tell what she's thinking, what she's feeling." Jisung said, smiling at Minho. He gently guided him up to lay next to him, placing his head onto his chest and relaxing against him. Feeling Jisung relax made Minho relax a bit too. "I think the first step is to see if she even remembers what happened tonight. If she does, we gently tread. If not, we just keep taking things slow."
"Wow, you sound just like me." Minho told Jisung. He just giggled as Minho placed a kiss onto his head, his smile not fading.
"Yeah, well, it's what you've been telling me to do for how long?" Jisung remarked, letting out a yawn. "Let's just focus on helping Y/n out through her hangover, and we'll go from there."
Minho just smiled, pulling Jisung close to him and closing his eyes. Jisung did the same, feeling the comfort and warmth radiating off of Minho.
"Sounds like a plan."
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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dean-a-mean-tae · 9 months
Normani defends Stray Kids Nicholas Ross against racist comments | Achievement Goals
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The singer, Normani, went to Twitter and Instagram to defend Nicholas Ross from racist commenters. Nicholas responded with a public thank you video. - Achievement Goals
WARNINGS: Racist people, harmful words, mention of death threats, mention of su!c!de,
(@cafekitsune made the dividers) | Nicholas Master list
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After coming across a hateful comment regarding Nicholas Ross, Normani jumped to defend him. It looked like she was getting ready for bed but paused her routine for her announcement. She claimed the comment was "disrespectful on so many levels" and showed true character.
Normani expressed her disappointment in the people agreeing with OP's comment instead of defending Nicholas.
The singer showed many examples of the comments and talked about the effect they would have. She mentions this happening to all people of color and not just Nicholas. It is a trend that needs to be stopped.
Normani's video brought the comments to others' attention, and now everyone is banding together to help defend Nicholas.
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The video starts with Normani propping her phone up on her counter. She's in her bathroom with a robe and her hair in a braided bun. It's quiet, minus her breathing and the sounds of her getting her skincare products together.
After everything is ready, Normani looks at the camera with drained eyes. 
"It's been brought to my attention that some of y'all don't know your place," She said as she leaned her hands on the counter.
"Tell me why I just saw a comment about a man named Nicholas not belonging in a K-pop group because he's not Korean enough," Normani wondered aloud, tilting her head at the camera. She starts moving things around to give her viewers time to let the information sink in.
After a minute, Normani scoffed, "The comments, the replies to the original post, were in agreement. They weren't defending him or calling out the bull."
"The color of someone's skin does not give you the right to talk down on them," Normani explained as she started cleaning her face of makeup. Her voice was muffled by the wipe running over her lips, but the bright captions on the screen clarified what she said.
Leaning on the counter again, Normani glared, "I can guarantee y'all aren't the first people to say things like this, but that doesn't give you a pass." 
"You're asking him to leave the group and the world when you're not realizing the effect you're words have. What if you hear he committed because one more comment became the last straw?" Normani asked, her half-cleaned face contorted in anger. She frowned in thought before wiping the rest of her makeup off.
"Nicholas earned his spot in Stray Kids, and for you to try and mess that up for him," She paused and looked to the side in thought before continuing. "To try and diminish his courage in himself and in the decision his leader and the company made in choosing him. That's disrespectful on so many levels."
"You all see someone of color successful and immediately jump the gun. You don't see the struggle behind our color." Normani's brows furrowed with irritation. Absentmindedly wiping the rest of her makeup off, she began to ramble.
"There's no telling what he went through to get to the spot he's in now. You care that someone who doesn't look like you or what an idol looks like in your mind is off the charts and making music."
With her face bare, Normani tossed the wipes on the counter before snatching a bottle. She talked fast and with a deep tone, "One person may not be able to stop racism, but not opening your mouth or typing your little comments could really make a difference."
"Stop being racist and do better," Normani concluded before tapping the screen.
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Normani's video has been reposted on Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets. Most people agree and find the behavior disgusting. While few are in disagreement and think Nicholas should be a solo star.
Do you agree with Normani's argument? Do you think she could have spoken with a better attitude? Share your thoughts in the comments.
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"I'm glad Normani spoke up instead of turning a blind eye. Unfortunately, situations like this will only be brought attention if a 'famous' person speaks up" - Henry3 Conner243
"To take the time to type something disrespectful without caring about their feelings is disgusting. Nicholas hasn't done anything to deserve hate, and even if he did, racism is too far for anyone." - softAva
"I don't think the OP should have brought his race into this, but I do think he shouldn't be in a K-pop group. He's not Korean, he's black." - SKZarts "You don't even realize how much you just contradicted yourself. You don't want them to bring up his race but you brought it up anyway. How that make sense?" - Dandelions98
"I think Nicholas has the talent and skill to start a solo career, but he chose to be in a group. I'm glad he did because he probably wouldn't have found friends like SKZ to look out for him" - NocturnalBearOwl
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tag List: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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Today, on 8th February, 1976 - Queen Story!
New York, NY, USA, Beacon Theater
'A Night At The Opera Tour'
🔸Freddie Mercury was taking tea on the 47th floor of his New York hotel. In his suite. The Royal suite, of course. It was the morning after yet another triumph for Queen - that brilliant and highly original British rock band built around the outrageous ideas and stage presence of the exotic Mr.
Mercury. They had played their fourth concert in as many nights at the battered but fashionable Beacon Theatre, and wvith an album and a single in the American charts, they were riding high.
Warm tea was permitted to slide down Mr. Mercury's regal throat as he prodded gingerly at some nasty looking bruises on the side of his neck.
He explained, My very promising pop career nearly came to an untimely end last night. Two young girls outside the theatre decided to claim my scarf as a souvenir. They quite forgot that it was wrapped around my neck at the time, and they very nearly strangled me. I'm sure Her Majesty doesn't have to put up with this sort of thing. But then, she doesn't have anything in the charts at the moment does she?"
He is a wicked man, Mr. Mercury.
He is also everything that a rock idol is supposed to be, and New York has been quick to recognise this. Like Mick Jagger, Freddie has off-beat good looks. Jagger has those pneumatic lips, and Freddie has the most out- spoken set of teeth ever to have found their way on to a pop fan's wall. He also enjoys the lifestyle of a true superstar - he lives out our fantasies for us far more effectively than we could ever manage to do for our- selves. Even if we had his kind of money.
His dress sense is sensational. He seldom looks less than spectacular, and he is not the sort of chap who believes in going unnoticed. Satin is his favourite fabric, with silk coming a close second. And he loves those loose, floppy, Japanese-style jackets.
But as he is quick to point out, There is a quiet side to me too, you know.
My home life is very civilised, and I hardly ever dress up to watch the tele- vision. Unless I am watching a Royal occasion of course. Then, my dear, it's on with the tiara and the emine ..
the LOT!
But Freddie felt there were better things to do in the city of New York than sit around sipping tea and discussing sartorial matters. He in- vited photographer Terry 0ʻNeill and me to join him on a shopping expedition, and it seemed a reason- able idea. Freddie was his casual self in short fur coat, white satin slacks, white clogs and silver snake bracelet.
The problems we encountered were little ones. Like young girls sobbing softly outside the door of a shoe shop while Freddie sought some- thing for the regal feet inside. And then there was the confusion of the young lady in Bloomingdale's depart- ment store who began to give Freddie a free manicure, only to discover that the nails on his left hand were already painted with black lacquer.
Freddie said, I love America. But l cant imagine ever coming here to live.
Our music is successful over here because it is so distinctively English.
We must keep it that way. I have just bought a new house in London, and an enormous car that looks like a boat on wheels. I could never leave all that.
And I have far too much fun ever to worry about a silly little thing like tax.
I know l'm terribly extravagant.
I always have been. My life these days is one perpetual spending spree. So I suppose l am the sort of person who needs to find ways of reducing tax.
But it's all such a bore. Why don't you buy a pair of these beautiful glitter shoes? They 're outrageous. And they 're cheap. And they re much more interesting than tax, don't you think?
I did think so. But I decided against buying the lurid footwear. You have to be a star to wear shoes like that.
Somebody rather like Freddie Mercury, in fact.
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dojae-huh · 16 days
i think jae is a ravenclaw with bits of griffindor. so glad you brought this up when he tends to be a griffindor or even a slytherin in fics. i do think he has some griffindor-ness (do you agree or disagree he has some griffindor-ness? or really really really ravenclaw?) but to me, his ravenclaw traits are strong. he's really witty, unique, with his own world and pace. srsly his interviews are precious and the most interesting to me! like he's the most ravenclaw and also aquarius in nct (idk much abt astrology but ppl who do also say jae has many aquarius placements, not just his sun sign and his natal chart is interesting and explains his personality well?) 😹
and doie is clearly a slytherin lmao
I suspect fanfic authors either are influenced by HP franchise itself, where the main protagonists are in Griffindor, ot want GvsS rivalry for the plot.
Sure, there is something from Griffindor (and Hufflepuff), however, I think curiosity and love for learning are leading traits. Jaehyun explores music, musicians; tries different kinds of sports; likes outdoors and is ready to feed a vulture; studies vocal, rap, dance, songwriting, composing, acting, piano, guitar; he is interested in art (often goes to museums), musicals (went to in US); he memorises everything about Doyoung; he nurtures a wise onlook on things to help him overcome difficulties (he does it through acceptance and understanding of the bigger picture, rather than fighting with will alone). Plus, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are friendly houses. And Doyoung likes blue colour, heh.
And, yeah, Luna Lovegood is similar to Jae. G and H are more about the community and friends, R are in their own worlds, more recluse.
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Doyoung himself chose Slytherin. Ravenclaw just suits more his current soft idol image, so he doesn't object.
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
Hiiii love I just saw your game open and I'm so excited to see how you interpret my chart 🤗🤭 . I put basically everything into 1 chart . Initials :- S.P
Thank you 💓.
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Omg Alaeza hi! I'm a big fan!!!!!
Anyways! So with you having a Scorpio Rising with your asteroid Asia can have you seen as either quiet or you probably have something that pulls people too you. You may have people think you have a dark/negative vibe about you (Like Jiwoong from zb1)
Pluto 2nd house can give you a husky like voice? Or you go through major change with it.
Singer is in Pisces which can make you an emotional type of singer. You probably would pour your emotions to your art.
Sun and Mercury are in Aries which makes you bold and daring. Maybe you can be quite blunt and harsh in your song writing? Or that your songs can be both emotional and harsh. (I'm getting a song about thorns and how it can sting deep so that's a way I can explain it a bit better lol)
Moon, NN and Venus are in Taurus so you can be quite a musical person. Maybe be destined to do something associated with it? But you seem like the type of idol which would learn producing and take part in making songs.
Mars is in Gemini can make you a great communicator/writer. Your swift and can communicate your feelings well in a song. I feel like your fans would appreciate your music for how real and relatable it is.
Vertex is in Cancer in the 9th house. Hmm maybe doing something with travelling? If it's with the arts again you'll be putting emotional invests into it (I'm picturing someone planting a little seed and watering it and it grows into something big) That's like your songs lol.
MC and Fama in Leo are self explanatory. You can attract fame easily.
Jupiter in Virgo can grant luck with hard work you put in. You reap what you sow type of energy. Also you can exceed in restricted environments.
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lollo-sw-br · 1 year
Idol Wing AU: Star 5: shocking discovery
YUM1E Dorms - MAX1M Entertainment
The Comeback that Super Dream was already released, with Jett participating in the MV and Jerome doing the choreography, this would be the Comeback of the Year, however...... Choi TaeHo and Cheatboy were ready to cheat the numbers and prevent only the maximum YUM1E from reaching the goal expected by the CEO himself.
- The Comeback will be a success - said Jerome - I can guarantee that this one will be a big hit
-The CEO has set a very high target - said Aria - but we're going to make it
- We hope we can reach that goal - said Brighie - We don't want disband at all, Go YUM1E!
- Go YUM1E! - Everyone said
CEO's Office - MAX1M Entertainment
- Cheatboy get ready - Said TaeHo - The numbers are already counting
- It will be easy to bypass the Korean Charts system - said Cheatboy - they don't last until next month
- I'm trusting you Cheatboy, you are the best Hacker in all of Asia - said TaeHo - Do not let me down
- Yes sir - said Cheatboy - I will do my best
Time skip - Days later
The group was doing well in the chats one day, but the other the group ranking dropped dramatically, Astra was tracking the group score but felt something was off, How did such high scores drop this way?
At MAX1M Entertainment, the CEO did everything to prevent the group from promoting on music programs, always with unforeseen circumstances or employees who were on TaeHo's side would call to South Korean television companies to cancel the group's participation.
Brighie was very worried, the price was getting tighter and tighter, and the CEO was demanding that goal every day.
- Sounds like you want the group to end, don't you? - Asked TaeHo mockingly
- Never, it's just a matter of time - said Brighie - the group will reach the goal, mark my words
- I'm not seeing anything - TaeHo said - Will not reach the goal
- Let's go - Brighie said - and you won't be the one to stop us
- Okay then - said TaeHo - see you at the awards that will take place this month, if you are not at least in third place, bye bye YUM1E and you are my trainees again, no chance of debuting again
Galaxy Wings Base - World Aircraft
Astra was following YUM1E's numbers and ranking in the main Korean chats and noticed something wrong, she realized that someone was manipulating the group's ranking, Astra already knew what to do. She told the situation to the command tower and got an authorization to hack the ranking and find out who's doing it
Astra found out about Cheatboy, and went to check who tasked him with doing this, with the help of Police Patrol and the Super Wings, found out that Choi TaeHo, CEO of the company was behind this whole boycott. Sky was friends with Lee Jin Han who was shocked when he heard about this plan from TaeHo, but warned Sky that the CEO had wanted to sabotage the group for a long time and now we need to act to stop it.
Astra and Paul were talking about telling about the CEO, Paul and Astra knew the blow was going to be very big
- Astra, it's too early to tell - said Paul - I can have TaeHo arrested but that will be quite a controversy
- We can keep it private - said Astra - we can't sit idly by, YUM1E needs us
- You're right - said Paul - I'll have TaeHo arrested immediately, However, how is the YUM1E?
- I can take care of it - said a person arriving - I'm Lee Jin Han, creative director of YUM1E, I'm ready to help, TaeHo needs to learn a lesson
- How do we do this? - asked Astra - Without them suspecting us?
- I have a plan in mind - said JinHan - TaeHo sent me on a business trip just to get away from the group and when I returned, I heard from Sky about his plan.
- It explains why the group suffered so much - said Astra - even rumors of violence had
- I have no doubts about it - said JinHan - so we must arrest him as soon as possible
- Count on us and the Super Wings - said Astra - We won't let TaaHo end up with such a promising group
- Let's start the plan - said Paul - before the awards
- Right - everyone said
To be continued.....
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on MARCH 27, the AGITO members met with their manager, LEE KYUWON for their trimester meetings. this time around, the meeting room is filled with colorful decorations to represent a celebratory event. 
“i know KYUHWAN and i have been meaning to do this, but congratulations to us for three wins as AGITO.” KYUWON shyly smiles as he remembers watching the music charts and seeing the two units do well. he continued on as he explained a bit about the cake, “this is our cake and versus has theirs as well. we thought it was cute to make the cake half vanilla and half chocolate to symbolize the two units.” 
the celebration lasted for a short while before KYUWON returned back to the main purpose of the meeting, which was to tell them what their schedules would be for the next few months. 
“have all of you seen your characters in the game?” KYUWON asked as he took out his phone and showed the AGITO members the cookie run kingdom game. it was apparent that the manager had spent a good amount of time playing the game, but he truly enjoyed the game ( and even more so that AGITO was collaborating with them ). once he was done showing them the game, he closed it and placed his phone back inside his pocket. clearing his throat, he informed them, “ah, in a few weeks all of you would be attending a ‘COOKIE RUN: KINGDOM’ fansign! many of the fans were so excited for this collaboration that the company decided to host a fansign. during the fansign, you’ll be signing some of the merchandise they’ve made of this collaboration. at some point, there will be a segment where each of you gets to try playing the game so have fun with that!”
around the week of APRIL 17, the AGITO members will be having a fansign for the collaboration. the fans who have purchased a certain amount of money and merchandise will be given a chance to participate in the fansign. the fansign will be split into three parts: 
autograph session = signing the products, interacting with the fans
gameplay = AGITO members will be playing the game for a short period and be shown on a larger screen for the fans to see
live performance = AGITO members will be performing ‘candy, sugar, pop’ for the fans!
“i know, i know…” KYUWON laughed before he’s about to reveal a new opportunity for them. “pepsi really wants us so for the summer launch, they’ve selected AGITO to be a part of their LEGACY x PEPSI collaboration project. similar to cookie run kingdom, they’ve chosen a song for us and all of you will be busy recording the song, practicing the choreography, and filming the music video.”
for this legacy x pepsi collaboration project, AGITO will be given the song, “beatbox”! lyrics distributions for this can be found over HERE. they will be working on this mostly throughout MAY and the music video will be dropped on MAY 22.
“since we didn’t really have much of a break during the holidays because of the comeback and promotions, the company has decided to give all of you a week-long break. while this is a great time to unwind and relax, you are now even more popular than before so everything you do will be monitored carefully.” KYUWON expressed his concerns to the members.
all of the V&A members will be having their break from APRIL 30 to MAY 6. during this time, the boys can stay in their dorms if they would like or visit their family members but do note that because of the recent events happening in the previous term along with their rise in popularity, there will be more scrutiny towards them. furthermore, if the idol chooses to stay in the dorms they will have very little time and opportunity to interact with the other idol groups, trainees, actors, and models due to everyone else's busy schedules. so it is strongly advised that everyone should be on their best behavior!
KYUWON does his best to imitate an ominous voice as he said out loud, “the day has finally come…” silence fell right afterwards giving the AGITO members some time to guess what their manager was about to say. “AGITO is going to making their japanese debut! VERSUS will also be making their US debut, so V&A will be focusing on international promotions for now.” KYUWON explained to the four members, before telling them about what they needed to do to prepare for the japanese debut.
starting from now until the end of JUNE, all of the AGITO members will be taking additional classes in MCING/HOSTING and VARIETY to help better prepare themselves for their future gigs. around JUNE, they will be slowly working on recording and filming the music video for their title track. ooc wise, the title track will be revealed during Q3 rather than this term. 
“oh, i’m hoping many of you are familiar with the dream concert?” KYUWON stared at all of the members, wondering if he had to describe in detail what the dream concert is ( despite it being one of the biggest annual concerts held in korea ).
“this year, some of the groups have been invited to it including us – yes, that means that this is the first time in the past few months that VERSUS and AGITO will be performing together. while AGITO won’t be performing as much compared to how it was in the lgc family concerts, there are a few special stages they have in mind, mostly songs that they want you to perform that aren’t legacy songs.” KYUWON added the latter lightheartedly, knowing that all of the idols have performed countless songs from their senior artists.
details about this will be revealed later this month, so keep an eye on that!
with more and more of the lgc artists releasing more songs, legacy decided to give an opportunity specifically to V&A’s producer line ( JAESUN, JIHO, YEONWOO, and YUSHIN ) their own segment where they react to some of the legacy’s mvs! for this time around, there are only a few episodes which are split as follows:
JAESUN & YEONWOO ( EPISODE 1 / APRIL 22 ): reacting to ‘siesta’ ( CRYSTALLIS )
JIHO & YUSHIN ( EPISODE 2 / MAY 20 ): reacting to ‘antifragile’ ( FABULA )
JIHO, YUSHIN, YEONWOO ( EPISODE 3 / JUNE 24 ): reacting to ‘nxde’ ( BLAZING )
in terms of filming, they will be filming these videos whenever the pairing/group has some free time. during the reactions, they can give their thoughts regarding the song and music video ( and if applicable, any behind the scenes with writing the lyrics/arranging the song for the group ). these videos will be condensed to around 15 minutes each.
if you want a comprehensive list of all of the gigs that the group will be participating in during Q2 2023, you can refer to the Q2 2023 SCHEDULES post, which will be posted at a later time.
BREAK TIME: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another AGITO member about anything related to their gigs or practice sessions (ex. taking the workshops, preparing for dream concert, notoriety tier gigs, etc). completing this will earn you +7 POINTS TO MCING/HOSTING or VARIETY and +4 NOTORIETY ! ** can be done up to two times **
COLLAB PROJECTS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another AGITO member about anything related to the legacy x pepsi collaboration (ex. filming the mv, recording the song, etc.) OR the cookie run kingdom fansign. completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:agitomission for the tasks. you have until JUNE 17, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ AGITO MISSION 002 - BREAK TIME: +7 ( mcing/hosting OR variety ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times ** - COLLAB PROJECTS: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ] 
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qnewsau · 2 months
'No More': Aussie artists unite for powerful call to action
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/no-more-aussie-artists-unite-for-powerful-call-to-action/
'No More': Aussie artists unite for powerful call to action
Australian singer Greg Gould has collaborated with a group of Aussie artists on the powerful track No More, sparked by the tragic murders of Sydney couple Jesse Baird and Luke Davies.
Greg Gould released his debut original album Strings Attached this month. The release debuted at No. 4 on the ARIA Australian Albums Charts.
For No More, Greg Gould joined Australian Idol winner and Young Diva Kate DeAraugo, theatre and pop superstar Adam Noviello and drag queer icon Kween Kong.
“It feels right to be four artists coming together to do something about this,” Greg told us.
“We have to stop sweeping things under the carpet.”
Adam Noviello and Greg Gould had chatted about working together when they found out about Jesse and Luke’s murder.
“I felt numb. I started writing things down. Releasing a song was the furthest thought from my mind,” Greg said
They wrote some more lyrics and soon their text exchange turned into the song.
“It was a very organic and honest process,” Adam told us.
“We started writing with no real objective in mind.”
“Swapping lyrics and sharing ideas and poetry. It became something bigger than us, than our community.
“This song was born out of an awful situation where we as queer folk were fed up.
“We’re tired of being attacked and subjected to this stuff.”
The song became about so much more than just one story in the news cycle.
It became about violence overseas, the war in Gaza, and the rising statistics of violence against women.
“It almost felt too personal to put out in the world,” Greg explains.
“But once we finished the song, we knew what we had and what it could do.”
No More is more than a song, it’s a call to action
Knowing the song needed other voices and points of view, the pair welcomed Kate DeAraugo and Kween Kong onto the track.
“When Greg explained how the song came about, I felt honoured to be a part of it,” Kate DeAraugo said.
“It’s so powerful to be a part of this track with these artists.
“I’ve experienced domestic violence, so I understand what it feels like, and why this song is so important, especially how it speaks to so many people in so many ways.”
With the song’s release, they’re partnering with the No More Foundation, dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault by increasing awareness, inspiring action, and fuelling change.
“While other drag queens might be the life of the party, I’m the one that throws the bricks at the front of the protest,” Kween Kong told us.
“I knew Luke, he was going to be one of my drag kids – I was heartbroken.
“When Greg told me about the premise of the song and said the words ‘no more’ it was a call to action.
“The hate towards our communities influenced by America is growing.
“I hate to say it, but I think we are going to see more drag bans, and more trans people being made to feel unsafe.
“When you hear my verse, you’ll hear my response to this, because I’m squaring up to the bigots. No More is a powerful track, and I am happy to be a part of it.”
Adam Noviello said, “Kate and Kween joining the song have been incredible. It means everything to us to form our voices, stories, and experiences.
“The song was born out of frustration, and I hope people hear it and are inspired to do something.”
Greg Gould’s No More is streaming now. Find out more about Greg’s music here.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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everythingbap · 9 months
🎤 ALLKPOP: B.A.P opens up about their mission and what sets them apart
"We have come to conquer Earth!"
It's a strange phrase to be sure, as it's mostly heard in sci-fi movies from evil villains or aliens from outer space. But being extraordinary is something that rookie group�B.A.P ('Best Absolute Perfect') is determined to become, and so the phrase has turned into their personal mission statement.
The six member group -- comprised of leader�Bang Yong Guk, Zelo, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup, and Daehyun --�sat down with Star News recently to discuss their dreams and goals.
The interview began with the reporter's observation that the rookie group's start has been as bold as their ambition. So far, B.A.P managed to draw 3,000 fans to their debut showcase and ranked in the top 10 on Billboard's 'World Album Chart' -- all indicating�that�their debut has not been like that of a typical idol group.
Leader Bang Yong Guk stated, "Our six members' unified dream is 'world domination'. We really want to become a world group. Although it's a goal that's far into the future, the dreams we currently hold are to stand on MTV's World Stage in Malaysia as the representatives of Korea. Since our debut album is now out, we want to show everything that we've been preparing."
Their debut album, 'Warrior', contains the title track of the same name, in addition to 'Burn It Up', 'Unbreakable', and 'Secret Love' (featuring SECRET's Song Ji Eun). The representative track of the album, "Warrior", contains lyrics critical of society, a move that steps away from the 'love song trend' found in other male idol groups.
Himchan explained the process of how their album came to life. "When we work, we consult each other. While figuring out our first musical direction, we told ourselves to not do the same music as everyone else. That's why we wondered how it would be if we incorporated a weighty topic like one that criticizes society; that is how 'Warrior' was born. I want to keep singing songs that have morals to them."
Bang Yong Guk added, "All six of us all hate following what others do. Rather than following someone else, we want to be a team that is followed by others. We practiced day and night before our debut to be noticed as such a group."
Were the 'six aliens' able to meet their target goals? If the number of fans is any indication, they've already attracted over 18,000 registered members onto their official fan cafe.�Their album has also sold 10,000 copies within two days.
B.A.P's performances have shown a charisma rarely seen from other idol groups, leading many to question if this group called B.A.P is truly a rookie. From their powerful choreography to their intense gazes, the boys sing and rap their way through a climactic performance.
Their powerful energy has even caused the stage to give way. During their pre-recording for SBS' 'Inkigayo', the stage was unable to withstand Bang Yong Guk's "step performance" and gave way beneath his feet.
Jongup stated, "Whenever we stand on stage, something always breaks. In a recent recording, two mic packs were damaged, and we even cut open our hands. We never realize that our bodies have been hurt until the performance ends. When we're up on stage performing, we're so focused that we aren't able to feel that we've been hurt."
The members revealed, "When we stand on stage, rather than being nervous, we shiver with excitement."
Although the group has already proven themselves as quite capable of accomplishing their mission, they still hold onto a humble mindset.
Himchan acknowledged that they still have ways to go. "Since all six of us are blondes, even fans get confused about our names. So we should probably get our names out there first before we're able to conquer Earth. (laughs) We want to become a team that leads the trends in areas like fashion, music, and dance. For 2012 in particular, we hope everyone will become blondes and use B.A.P's choreography to diet."
Bang Yong Guk described the versatility of their musical style with, "We are currently a white canvas that any picture can be drawn on." He continued, "All the members love African-American music filled with soul. If I can be born again, I'd like to be born as an African-American and do music."
Source + Photo: Star News
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cyarskj1899 · 9 months
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Top 10 Worst Number One Hits of the Oldies Era, Part Two
By Robert Fontenot
The Billboard chart rankings, at least in rock's first golden age, were well-known for their accuracy. Which means somebody must have loved these songs... but time has not been kind to these smash hits, all of which were the most popular songs in the US for at least one week of glory. (Click on "compare prices" to hear a clip of the song in question and, maybe, buy it anyway. Got a suggestion for another horrible Number One hit of the Fifties, Sixties, or Seventies? Feel free to e-mail me!)
1. The McGuire Sisters, "Sincerely"
(six weeks, February 12 - March 19, 1955) The McGuires, that last bastion of WWII harmony, had a pleasing vocal blend, to be sure. But there was never a more vivid example of how pop music tried to bland out R&B; -- in this case, the far superior Moonglows original. That version sounds like everything in the world hinges on an unrequited love; this one merely indicates loneliness and desperation without actually reproducing it. A good example of where cultural battle lines were being drawn.
2. Shelly Fabares, "Johnny Angel"
(two weeks, April 7 - 14, 1962) Yes, you loved her on Donna Reed, in Elvis movies, and even on Coach. But this was perhaps the most famous example of what an echo chamber can do for a flat vocalist... dear Shelly's hardly there, if you actually listen closely, and the song itself's not much more vibrant. See also anything by Annette Funicello. (For the record, "Reed" co-star Paul Petersen's "She Can't Find Her Keys" and "My Dad" are even worse. But they didn't make it near Number One, thank God.)
3. Freddie and the Dreamers, "I'm Telling You Now"
(two weeks, April 10 - 17, 1965) Pop historians love to point out how the Beatles wrote some duff songs back in the day, but the pop idol mill has to start working sometime. Not so, apparently, for Freddie and co., who wrote this nothing of a Merseybeat wonder themselves. "I`ll be staying for many a day"? Oh, my. The heart reels. In fact, the extraordinary lameness almost makes it a parody of what the Invasion's poppier elements were up to. And it makes The Dave Clark Five sound like the Animals.
4. Frank and Nancy Sinatra, "Somethin' Stupid"
(four weeks, April 15 - May 6, 1967) Father-daughter duets are the bane of music's existence, and while we all loved Nancy in her go-go boots, even The Chairman of the Board can't make this monument to sap take off and fly. It doesn't help that the verse structure is as circuitously confusing as, say, "Gentle On My Mind." And can anyone explain why a father-daughter duet would focus around a love song, anyway, especially one so kittenish-cute about the early stages of romance?
5. The Carpenters, "Please Mr. Postman"
(one week, January 25, 1975) The Seventies oldies revival led to a number of washed-out reproductions of classic oldies -- Linda Ronstadt practically made a career out of it. But you simply cannot replace the woozy, mashed-potato good time of the original's Motown stomp with California soft-rock ooze and expect it to work. Karen, bless her soul, sounds as if she's waiting on her Publisher's Clearing House envelope. And not to enter the sweepstakes, either, just to get 40 percent off Redbook.
6. The Partridge Family, "I Think I Love You" 
(three weeks, November 21st - December 5, 1970) No one's denying the Nixon-era joys of the theme song, or the Monkees-as-nuclear-family spirit of the original TV show, or even superior followups like "Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted" or "I Woke Up In Love This Morning." But I'd be willing to bet most folks who love this song rarely listen to it, at home, all the way through -- it's a load of half-baked ideas in search of a hook. And when we get a hook (like that intriguing intro), it's gone.
7. Sammy Davis Jr., "The Candy Man"
(three weeks, June 10 - 24, 1972) Two great tastes that taste bad together. Sammy can make anything hep, but he usually started with material that was somewhat hep to start off with -- kids songs and Rat Pack vocal stylings do not mix. Most of what's wrong with this Willy Wonka number turned hit 45, however, has to do with the awful Up With People style production. I realize that the innocence of children was considered a major selling point in those more idealistic days, but come on.
8. Vicki Lawrence, "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" 
(two weeks, April 7 - 14, 1973) Story songs reached their peak around 1973, when this Carol Burnett star made her vinyl debut. But it helps to have a coherent story, one not so packed into the grooves that you have to take an extra chorus just to lay it all out. We know now that Vicki's narrator was the killer in question, thanks to Reservoir Dogs. But who did she kill, again? And why? Whose footprints were those? Was that judge corrupt, ot just incompetent? It's not worth going back to find out.
9. Paul Anka, "(You're) Having My Baby"
(three weeks, August 24 - September 7, 1974) Ew. The touchy-feely leftovers of the hippie movement ripen and go bad on this smash, which finds Paul assuring his woman that she looks great, really. If only he'd written followups like "What Kind Of Ice Cream Was I Supposed To Get" and "She's Vomiting Again." Actually, you yourself may feel a bit queasy when Anka tells the woman he's knocked up that she "didn't have to keep it" and she could have "swept it from (her) life." I repeat, ew.
10. Donna Summer, "MacArthur Park"
(three weeks, November 11 - 25, 1978) For many, this was the nadir of pop music in the Seventies -- marrying one never-ending cultural trend (disco) with memories of Richard Harris and cake recipes lost forever. Summer's one of the world's great vocalists, but even her talent and dignity can't save this one, an epic tale of regret being played out like a glitter-ball marathon. And yet, it could have been worse: that disco I Love Lucytheme could have been hyped all the way to the top.
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
thinking abt it i think they released reminisce about all at the wrong time. they need to release it again but like in autumn this time
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virghogh · 3 years
Guessing NCT's rising signs: Huang Renjun as a Cancer rising
Welcome to my first post where I write all about why I think this idol is X rising sign! I don't know how many of these I'll do because it heavily depends on how confident I feel in my guess of their rising lol for Renjun's rising sign, it's something I've been sitting on for a loooong time just to see if anything else comes into my head. At the end of the day we really have no way to know for sure, even if the idols gives us their birth time it still has to be taken with a grain of salt! But it’s still fun theorize and to test your skills while learning at the same time. So for now I feel pretty confident sharing my thoughts on Renjun as a cancer rising.
Let’s ✨explore✨ why:
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧long post! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✦ Before I even decided to look up his chart layout, there were 2 characteristics of Renjun that initially led me to think he’s a Cancer rising. His eyes and his physique. His eyes aren’t necessarily as big as idols we’ve seen with moon in 1st, but they’re still very notable features of his physical appearance that he’s very well known for. They’re bigger, soft and dreamy, and sometimes look like he quite literally holds stars in his eyes. The biggest physical feature though is his, well, petite frame. Next to his eyes, renjun is also really well know for his smaller build. It’s even a well known inside joke amongst NCT, they all him “big shoulders renjun” (lol) because “for a guy” his shoulders a on the smaller side. Both of these physical attributes can also be identifying characteristics of cancer risings.
✦ So, in general I think he is a Cancer rising. But if we want to be more specific; I do think he is a 3rd decan Cancer rising which is the Pisces/Neptune ruled decan. I initially chose this because his house and planet placements just make so much more sense to me when the rising is in the 3rd decan (I'll get into that below), but after reading about the 3rd decan I also think it fits his personality really well! With the Neptune and Pisces influence, he's more on the open side of Cancer rising but more notably, 3rd decans are a lot more inclined to art/creativity and sometimes, music specifically. These people also have a very dreamy attraction about them. He also has his Venus trine ASC which can further add to this kind of creative vibe he gives off, but is also drawn to! It emphasizes the importance of aesthetics, art and creativity in his life. If you've never been on Renjun stan twt then you might not know that a lot of his fans see him as this incredibly dreamy and ethereal boy (as they should) and I can see why!
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*:・゚✧house and planet placements *:・゚✧
Scorpio moon, Sagittarius Pluto in 5th:
✦ yea... just yes. Okay but actually, if you read my NCT Dream Hexaco x Birth Chart analyses, I talked a lot about his chart already because I really like it. As someone with a Scorpio moon, I can't help but be really interested in how his plays out. And I have to say, I am quite attached to this theory because I think his scorpio moon in 5th just. makes. sense. I'm not going to go much into the descriptions of the placements, I'm mostly going to stick to the house influence. We know that Scorpio moons have really intense emotions, they internalize everything and are just highly sensitive people to their environments. Renjun has been incredibly open about his mental and emotional struggles ever since being a kid. I've honestly never heard an idol talk about their struggle like he has. He even opened up recently about how a few years ago he had an art therapist that really helped him and lowkey changed his life. I feel like a lot of this can be reflected in his 5th house. The house of creativity, expression, creation. His 5th cusp is also in Scorpio. 5th house in water tend to be really drawn to arts and music. Having a Scorpio moon, a moon sign that can be quite guarded, in a fire house can also explain his readiness/openness to share his emotions and art. Also let's not forget his chart ruler is his Scorpio moon in 5th! What I've wrote above are big themes in his life, which we've seen.
✦ As for the Pluto in 5th. Because his 5th house is in Scorpio this would mean the 5th ruler is in 5th. I know it might not make sense at first because it's pluto and pluto is misunderstood. But it makes perfect sense to me. Pluto in 5th is a deeply passionate and creative placement. It bring so much energy to this house, and can even create a borderline obsession with themes of this house. With creating and expressing. But I could also see having this and his scorpio moon in this house bringing so much energy, it just kind of adds to the confusion and intensity of a scorpio moons emotions and processing abilities, like, emotionally overwhelming. Scorpio moons always need an outlet and they usually figure that out the hard way at some point in life. The outlet can vary based off the chart, his is without a doubt connected to his art; whatever that may be to him.
Aquarius Uranus in 8th:
✦ This part is brief because it's more of like, additional details to what's already in his chart. Something that is really well known about Renjun too is how much he is into space and aliens and stuff like that. He, once again, has been very open about it lol on variety shows I've seen him light up every time its briefly mentioned and he'll comment on how much he finds that stuff interesting. The 8th house is weird, it can manifest in a lot of different ways. The biggest point here for me is that the house is in Aquarius with Uranus here. I know someone with this placement too and, while they're open minded to astrology and tarot etc. it's a bit more focused on logic. I can't say for sure because I don't know him, but he kind of strikes me as the kind of person that would fight to death over aliens existing, but draws the line at astrology lol. I actually do think he would be open to astrology and tarot, but he'd need the right introduction to it. Anyways, yea this placement to me explains a lot of his interest in space and things we don't understand. He's expressed his curiosity in it. I think a lot of this is coming from his Scorpio moon and Pisces mercury/venus which is why I think it's just additional support.
Pisces Mercury/Venus in 9th:
✦ THIS HOUSE right here... so much to say. Firstly, Pisces in 9th is probably one of the main culprits for his creativity, deep thinking and curiosity in the world. And more importantly: his imagination. I've mentioned this a lot when I talk about renjun but, he's very well known for his creativity, but I want to make it clear that there is a distinction between creation and imagination. His imagination is truly... on another level. Well, planet actually since it's pisces! Again, amongst fans it's really well known his imagination is just so unqiue. This is less about the 9th house and more about the fact that he has 2 pisces placements but it still affects it lol. He's very open about his imagination and speaks about it so naturally. He shared his drawing of a bird, hybrid, thing? and how it's an animal that steals your dreams in your sleep. Anyways, Pisces in 9th aren't necessarily the travelers we'd see with an air or fire sign here, but they like to travel mentally. He's also talked about how he's just in general a very curious person and you can tell his thoughts probably travel far and wide in his down time.
✦ What's really interesting to me about this house is his mercury is here and Mercury in 9th is a very specific kind of placement. It almost always guarantees an interest and talent in learning languages. I don't know if languages are necessarily a passion for him but he definitely is interested and cares about learning language and other cultures. He also did pick up on Korean and English with ease. Which also reminds me that, he actually was exposed to Korean at a young age because I'm pretty sure he went to a bilingual school (chinese and korean). This is also a big deal to me because planets in 9th, especially sun/mercury often indicate very early exposure to languages or other cultures... so yea that checks out. This can also be proved by looking at his IC in Virgo, which puts the ruler in 9th. His mercury is also sextile Jupiter. I also wanna comment that he has his Mercury in the 5th degree, I'm not great at degree theory yet but that feels significant to me. Of course we cannot forget his absolutely angelic voice. Renjun is also very well known for his stunning vocals. Not only are Pisces placements musically inclined but Pisces mercury are known for their sweet voices.
✦ As for the venus is 9th, I feel like I have more to say on his venus being in Pisces because that's where so much of his artistic creativity and imagination come from. But venus here adds to a lot of what I've written above, adding to his curiosity of the world. What I find most interesting about venus in 9th though, is it brings another inclination to art! He might really like art from different places in the world, or just exploring all types of art being very open minded to its different forms etc. Venus here also brings ease to language learning, and these people will naturally have other cultures and people from them as a big part of their life. I feel like, in general it's not surprising at all to me that as a foreign member (being from China), that he would have 9th house influence! It can often manifest as like.., travel, other languages, cultures and parts of the world etc. are just very naturally a part of their life. Some people never really contemplate life overseas or in another country. But for 9th housers, it's never not been an option. His 9th house influence can also make him a great teacher, mentor and just overall supportive person. We've seen some of this in the content he's made with NCT. Like trying to teach his members chinese with Chenle, except he was taking it way more seriously lol but was so supportive. He's also tried to get Jeno and Jisung involved in his art making, but keeping the process very open and fun.
Aries sun, Taurus mars in 10th:
✦ This is the last part I'm going to cover because it is really just the icing on the cake to finish this up. The 10th house is considered pretty important when looking at celebrities/idols because it's very likely a lot of what we see from them is their 10th house influence. In the chart model I'm using for Renjun, it puts his MC in the very last degrees of Pisces, so there's a chance it's in Aries but either way with his sun and mars here they are still playing a big role. So for that reason, I'm opting for Pisces MC. I also think Pisces MC fits though because first it puts the ruler in his 7th house. Meaning he could really benefit and work well in something that involves a group! Because it's Pisces in Neptune, it also adds to his very ethereal vibe and how people just seem to love him wherever he goes. He's very magnetic and can come off as artistic and sensitive. He's known for being dreamy, unreal, artistic, sensitive.
✦ Again, we know he has an aries sun and taurus mars so I'm not going to explain them here, just how they affect the house, but having his these here makes so much sense to me too. Having planets in 10th also influences what kind of "vibe" people get from you, and what you're "known" for. Mars and Sun bring similar energy of being well known for for energy, drive, and even stage presence. Not being afraid to be on stage, being good with attention and spotlight. He's known for his kind of playful and childish behavior at times. He is charismatic, bold, brave, happy and upbeat. With the sun, he is again known for his creativity and creations and also self-expression.
Thank you to anyone who read all this. I don't really expect many people to because I'm mostly writing this for my own curiosity and to finally just put this theory out there! Anyways, stan Renjun best boy <33
Thoughts and feedback are always welcome <3
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bubblesuga · 4 years
off the table.
Summary: Fate has an odd way of playing with your mind. When you leave Min Yoongi on his door step nearly a decade ago, you became positive that you would never find love again. Settling for a man you thought you could learn to love, you had given up on fully moving on. But again, fate likes to play.
W/C: 11,680
Genre: Idol!AU, smut, fluff
Warnings: cussing, smut, mentions of exhibitionism, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, Jimin is curious about Yoongi’s (non-existent) sex life, 
A/N: Based loosely off of Off The Table by Ariana Grande if you want a song to listen to as you read :) x
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“So, this is it then?” 
The near migraine-inducing memory always happens to flash in your mind at the worst times possible. Eight years ago, you found yourself standing at the front door of your ex boyfriend’s dorm with a solemn heart as he softly explained what his life was going to turn into. It was a short conversation, one the both of you had seen coming but neither of you wanted to admit it. 
As his new friends and new life began to form behind him in the small one bedroom apartment, you nodded, and you left with one last kiss to his rosy lips. His deep brown eyes bore into yours with just as much sadness that you felt before you dragged yourself away helplessly. 
Of course, now that you were 3 months into a new relationship, the memory decides to pop it’s way back into your brain as if it had just happened. A soft whisper in your mind gently coaxed you away from your latest fling and disassociated you from the moment entirely. He’s a nice guy, as well. Good head on his shoulders, smart with money, and loves to cook for you. So the sense of guilt you felt was tremendous because despite having this gorgeous man in front of you, your mind always flew back to him. 
It has become more and more difficult not to think of him considering the fact that his face is now everywhere. The news, the internet, your fucking cold brew... He was there, the same bright features and adorable nose. You wondered if he thought of you from time to time, how you’re doing or what you could be up to since you graduated university. With as hectic of a schedule that you’re sure he held, you highly doubted that you have been on his mind since the end. Knowing him, he threw himself into his work and hasn’t looked back. It shows in his music, though. You always knew that he would be successful. 
“...are you even listening to me?” 
The words dragged you out of your trance and you immediately set down your coffee, “What? Of course I am.” 
Junwoo couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “What was I talking about then?” 
You push your hair back, a habit you developed recently as your desire to try and forget about your ex boyfriend has grown stronger, “I’m sorry, I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.” 
Maybe it hasn’t just been lately. Maybe every single time you feel Junwoo’s lips against yours, you can’t help but compare him to Yoongi. He didn’t need to know that, though. 
“Yeah, you use that a lot as your excuse. I’ll try not to bore you with tales from my clients anymore.” Junwoo slides the plate in front of you, a heart shaped kimchi pancake lay flat in the middle of it, and you feel your guilt grow stronger. 
“No! I love hearing about them, I- I think I need to see someone about what’s going on in my head.” You explain. You had yet to mention to anyone that you dated Suga of BTS before he was known as such. In fact, you’re pretty sure if you even hinted at it, you’d become the laughing stock of Seoul. It made it impossibly difficult to talk about your feelings with Junwoo. He always tries to pry, but you shut him down completely. 
“What’s going on? Is it serious?” concern laces his features and he sits carefully beside you at the table. 
“No, I just need someone to talk to.” you try to shake the feeling of discontent when his arm wraps around your shoulder. 
He leans his head on yours- “you can always talk to me.” -you shutter. 
“A professional, just to help me get back on my game. Regain control of...” you let out a soft sigh and feel Junwoo’s lips brush against your temple, “...myself.” 
“_____, I am a literal therapist.” 
“A literal therapist who is emotionally involved with me. Isn’t it inappropriate to make out with your patients?” You quirk, raising an eyebrow. 
He rolls his eyes again, “Okay. Let me know if you need recommendations. Us in the brain community are pretty tight-knit.” He stands up and runs a hand through your hair before trotting back to the kitchen to begin his own breakfast. 
You nibble on the inside of your cheek as you stare down at your pancake, picking up the butter knife beside your plate and dragging it down the center with a grimace on your face. 
Even though you spent many years studying medicine, you didn’t think it would involve this much typing. Staring at patient charts has become a normal during your regular work day, especially since you’re boss decided that he didn’t need to look at the charts, he just wanted to hear from you. 
You’re a nurse, not a secretary. 
Today you were assigned to the emergency room, which was one of your favorite places to be. Everything was much faster than if you happened to be in post-op or general medicine, but the moment you enter the doors, you were piled with paperwork that you were sure a medical assistant could be doing. 
The drowning sounds of chatter and machine’s melodic beeping blended with your fingers as they typed name after name, number after number for an hour straight. Just as you thought your soul had completely drained from your body, you hear a tap on the desk. 
“H- hi, uh- my friend’s foot got cut open and we think he needs stitches. Is there any way that we could get seen quickly?” You glance up and your eyes immediately go wide. 
You remember meeting Namjoon a few times in passing when you were still seeing Yoongi, but he’s much taller than you remember. Instantly you feel your face go red, and you were frozen in place. Why the hell was Namjoon here? How did he manage to choose this hospital of all the ones in Seoul?
You happen to tear your eyes away from him for a second, glancing over and seeing Jungkook being held up by Jimin as his foot stays elevated in the air. The minute you see a t-shirt wrapped tightly around Jungkook’s foot, you move to action. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that! Let me get you a wheelchair,” you swing around the desk and grab one of the folded up wheelchairs and roll it towards Jungkook. He grimaces as he sits down, his foot crossed onto the opposite knee. Jimin seems relieved not to have his friend leaning on him anymore, and you pause for a second to assess the situation. 
“Jenni! Do we have an open bed anywhere?” You grab your co worker who walks passed you with her hands filled with bandages. 
“Back corner, we just cleaned it.” She calls back, walking without glancing at the people you’re trying to help. 
You nod, immediately walking Jungkook towards the back and gesturing for Namjoon and Jimin to follow. You grab an empty chart as you walk, before opening the curtain for the bed and allowing the three men to slide into the area. 
“I hate to be pushy but this really hurts.” Jungkook hisses as wrap your arm beneath his and slowly lift him towards the bed. Immediately, you slip gloves onto your hands and begin to unwrap the t-shirt. There’s quite a bit of blood, but not enough to have you worried that he hit an artery. 
Namjoon bites his lip before speaking, “I should have watched the stage better. I’m sorry.” 
Jungkook shrugs, wincing while he attempts to pull himself up higher, “It was hard to see. Not your fault, or anyone else’s.” 
“Except for the person who broke the stage.” Namjoon quips, rubbing his hands over his face, frustrated. 
“It’s fine, hyung. The pretty nurse is going to fix Kookie right up.” Jimin is quick to comfort both of his friends while simultaneously causing you to blush. 
It’s then that you notice the three of them in clothes similar to their rehearsal getup from all those years ago. Sweat lines each of their foreheads and you wonder just how this whole thing happened. 
After inspecting the wound, you whip towards the suture kit, “It is deep enough to require stitches. I’m going to call the doctor down and have her suture you up. Until then would you like me to numb the pain?” Even though you’re well aware who these men are, and how close you potentially are to your ex boyfriend, you can’t help but let your professional prowess overpower your incessant need to think of Yoongi.
Jungkook nods, “At this point I’ll take a shot of whiskey and something to knock me out.” 
You smile, “Unfortunately there isn’t any whiskey here. Believe me, I’ve been searching since I got here.” 
Namjoon chuckles from beside you as you put your finger up to let them know you’ll be right back. Pulling open the curtain, you meander over to the nurse’s station and pick up the phone to call the ER doctor down. As you wait for him, you grab all the supplies to clean Jungkook’s foot, including a Lidocaine injection. Before you get the chance to turn back around, you hear the ER doors burst open and see four sweaty men tearing their way into the hospital. 
Four sweaty men, including Min Yoongi. 
An uncharacteristic whimper leaves your lips as you spot the rest of the members, all rushing passed you when they see Namjoon stick his head out of the curtains. 
You feel all the blood drain from your face when the familiarity of Yoongi’s presence passes by you. Jenni notices your panic from the other side of the nurse’s station and lets out a little giggle, “Come on, you can’t get all shy just because they’re BTS. You have a job to do.” 
“I can’t go in there now, Jenni. You have to take over.” You turn back to her with wild eyes, desperately trying to hand her all the supplies you gathered. Your eyes continuously glance backwards, watching them pile in. Yoongi can’t see you, you won’t be able to look the man in the eyes. You can’t even begin to think about the embarrassment you will feel if Yoongi sees you. 
Jenni only laughs, “You’re a professional. Dr. Gwan will be down soon so you only have to be with them for a few moments.” 
In a last ditch effort, you call out to her as she walks towards another patient.
Okay. You’re panicking now. 
The universe has to be playing some sort of sick game on you right about now. You have not been able to get that stupid man off your mind lately and now here he was in your emergency room. First he’s worried about his brother but now he’s going to see you and want to chat and catch up. Knowing him, he’ll ask you for coffee and you’ll probably learn of his girlfriend or possible wife. He’ll wonder why you’re not married yet, and you’ll have to hide the fact that you haven’t been able to properly move on because of him. 
That’s only to say if he even remembers you. 
Taking a deep breath, you swallow your anxiety and enter the curtain. 
“Alright, Jungkook. Do you have any allergies that I should know about before I inject you with my magic numbing liquid?” It’s much more cramped in the room than it was before. The 6 members crowd to one side of the bed while you stand on the other. You refuse to look up for fear that Yoongi is going to recognize you.
“No allergies.” Jungkook shakes his head. 
“Good, good,” you lean forward, elevating Jungkook’s foot and removing the make shift bandage, “you’re gonna feel a slight pinch.” 
“He’s not going to lose his foot or anything, right?” A voice asks. You recognize it as Taehyung’s. 
“No,” you’re sure they can sense how rigid you are, “he’s not going to be able to dance for a little bit, but he’ll be back and better than ever in no time.” No one responds, and you finally make eye contact with Jungkook, “Are you ready?” 
Again, he nods, and you slowly push the needle into his foot. He cringes enough to jerk his upper body slightly, but Jimin is at his side just as quickly as it started. 
You dispose of the needle immediately afterwards, wrapping his foot up to keep pressure applied to the wound, “Okay, Dr. Gwan will be here soon. She’ll get you sutured up and I’ll be back later to check on you.” 
“Thank you, miss. It already feels better.” He sighs happily, relaxing backwards onto the pillow. 
You grin, momentarily forgetting that your ex boyfriend is 3 feet away, “Of course, Jungkook. That’s my job.” 
It’s then that you catch Yoongi’s eye for the first time that night. It’s not to say he didn’t recognize you before, but he wasn’t able to say anything once he saw you working. He was deathly still, the rest of the day leaving his mind when your shiny eyes met his. He sees you swallow, and you walk out without saying anything else. 
“That was _____.” Yoongi murmurs after a moment, staring at the swaying curtains where you once exited. 
The chatter stops instantly, and everyone turns to Yoongi. 
“The _____?” Hoseok questions, his eyes wide while he also turns to watch the curtains. 
Yoongi nods, his throat going dry as memories of you sleeping beside him at night when he had nothing to his name wash over him. You, with the exception of his brother, were the only person supporting him when he said he wanted a career in music. You applied to universities in Seoul so you could be closer to his dream, you were always so excited to hear his new music and you always told him that he was going to make it big. 
It’s not like Yoongi hadn’t thought of you since you broke up. He was a complete mess for months afterwards. His schedule solely consisted of working and rehearsing because he couldn’t bare to have a moment to himself. 
Yoongi repeatedly beat himself up for the way he ended things and more specifically, the reason he ended things. After getting into BigHit, Yoongi realized he was seeing less and less of you. You were so busy with med school and he was so busy with rehearsals that you were lucky to see each other once a week. He knew you’d be better off finding someone who could be there for you, and that it was best for him to focus on his career. 
He just wasn’t aware of how much that would kill him inside. 
“Well what are you doing here? Aren’t you going to go talk to her?” Seokjin pushes. There are times when Yoongi has to remind himself that he isn’t the oldest in the group, and that usually comes when Seokjin takes his role as older brother very seriously. 
Yoongi scoffs at the taller man, “What do you want me to say? ‘Hey I know it’s been 8 years but lets meet up for coffee and pretend like we didn’t break each other’s hearts’?” he takes a moment to collect his thoughts, “Besides, Jungkook needs us here while he gets his foot stabbed.” 
“Oh no, hyung,” Jungkook laughs, “I’m doing juuuust fine. You go talk to the pretty nurse.” 
Yoongi swallows, “What should I say?” 
Namjoon shrugs, “Whatever comes to mind.” 
Yoongi’s feet carry him out of the curtained off area, his eyes searching across the emergency room in an attempt to find you. He spots you at the desk by the front door, and with a nervous head tilt, he’s dragging himself towards you. 
The moment you left Jungkook, you threw yourself back into paperwork and became so immersed that you didn’t hear anything going on around you. Except for the soft footsteps pattering up to your station, which causes you to tear your eyes away from the chicken scratch handwriting on the chart in front of you. 
It’s silent for a beat, you can feel the heat rising to your ears as you look up at him. His hair is longer, different from the short style he’d gel up every morning before the break up. There’s more piercings on his ears, but at the core of the new flashy clothes and dyed hair, he’s still the same man who professed his love for you at 17 years old. 
“Hi.” he whispers. 
“...hi.” you respond, your hands still frozen over the keyboard as Yoongi fiddles with his fingers on top of the desk. 
“Thank you for helping-” Yoongi is cut off by another Nurse calling you over from a different bed in the emergency room. 
You give him a quick glance, “I’m sorry, duty calls.” 
Yoongi couldn’t help but feel his heartbeat quicken when you stand. He had a better look at the pink scrubs donned on your body, and the smile on his face was nearly uncontrollable when he realizes that you made it exactly where you wanted to be. Your dreams of helping people has now become a reality. 
You’re truly in your element, and Yoongi can tell. The concern on your face as you help a little girl sat in the center of a bed way too big for her was a sure fire way to know that you were in the right place.  
So, Yoongi doesn’t push a conversation. Instead, he walks back to his band mates and watches in awe as Dr. Gwan stitches up Jungkook’s foot. 
“He walked away.” 
“He walked away?!” 
“He. Walked. Away.” You emphasize to Jenni, holding your hands to your face while you let out a groan. 
“Okay, so let me get this straight,” she sets down her iced americano, the chatter of the hospital cafeteria drowned out by your conversation, “you dated Suga from BTS before he was famous, and he broke up with you because you were both leading different lives?” 
You nod. 
She continues, “and you see him in person for the first time in 8 years, and you don’t talk to him?!” 
“Wait why are you yelling at me?!” 
“Because, dummy,” she leans over the table and flicks your forehead, “he’s been on your mind a lot lately and suddenly he’s at your job! It’s not a coincidence.” 
It’s only been about a week since you saw Yoongi, and of course your attempts to get him out of your mind has been fruitless. 
“What am I meant to do? Drop everything and run to him?” You ask incredulously, angrily digging your spoon in your yogurt. 
Jenni waves her hand haphazardly, “No, no. You catch up with him, see how he’s doing now that he’s a world famous rapper- oh my god, _____ you let go of him?! You didn’t fight for him?!” 
“You said you weren’t going to judge me!” 
“That was before I learned exactly what you did! Dumb girl,” Jenni shakes her head disapprovingly, “and you’ve settled for Mr. Brainiac instead.” 
Jenni isn’t the biggest fan of Junwoo. 
“Mr. Brainiac is nice and sweet and knows how to treat me right,” You explain quietly, the fruit in your yogurt seemingly tasteless on your tongue, “but...”
“But he’s not Yoongi?” Jenni tilts her head. 
“I don’t think anyone can ever compare to Yoongi. I’m sure it’s unrequited at this point.” As much as you hate to admit it, that’s the part that broke your heart the most about seeing Yoongi. The fact that you couldn’t bare to look at him for more than a second, because it just wasn’t the same as before. It will never been the same as before. 
Jenni shrugs, “you won’t know until you find out.” 
“And I’m supposed to... what? Show up at his house?” 
Jenni’s eyes seem to trail behind you, and a grin on her face, “When is Jungkook supposed to get his sutures removed?”
Confused, you raise an eyebrow and turn around in your chair to see none other than the man of the hour, Min Yoongi. Instead of being dressed in rehearsal clothes like the other day, Yoongi wears all black with a silver bag wrapped around his torso. 
You whip back around and glare at Jenni, “I swear to god if you call him-” 
“Suga!” Jenni calls out before you can finish your sentence. Your head falls into your hands with another frustrated moan. Jenni waves her hand to him, Yoongi watching warily before he spots that you’re sat right across from her. 
He hesitates for a moment, noticing the way you drag knees to your chest which is a nervous tick you have had since before Yoongi had met you. However, he realizes that if he ever wants to talk to you, now would be the best time. Having followed Jungkook to the hospital for the sole purpose of possibly bumping into you, he had to make due with any interaction he could get. 
Jenni gets up and leaves as Yoongi walks his way over to you. Your head is now buried in your knees, but you hear the chair screech across from you. 
“Hi again.” 
You lift your head up, “Hi, Suga. How is life?” 
You can see hurt flash through Yoongi’s face at your use of his stage name, but he shakes it off, “Life is going pretty well. How about yours?” 
“It’s going well.” 
You still haven’t made direct eye contact with him. Despite having not seen you in person in so many years, his heart ached in his chest at the thought that you may still be hurt. Who is he kidding, though? He’s still hurt by the decision himself. 
With a sigh, he scoots his chair forward, “Are we going to pretend that there isn’t a history behind us?” 
You laugh bitterly, “Haven’t you been doing a pretty good job of that for the passed eight years?” 
Yoongi’s jaw drops. You don’t remember Yoongi ever showing his emotions so freely on his face. That was one of the good things from the interviews you have seen, those 6 boys have opened up Yoongi more and more to his emotions. You feel bad for your response, but you’re unsure how to apologize. 
“I didn’t want to end things just much as you didn’t,” He bites, ignoring the tinge in his heart, “I want to catch up. It’s nice seeing you again.” 
“I have a boyfriend.” You say, your yogurt seeming much more interesting than it was moments before. 
He clears his throat, “That’s okay.” 
“Because I had to move on.” 
“That’s okay.” He repeats, his fingertips drumming along the table top. He hasn’t been chewing his nails lately. That’s good for him. Though, the nervous habit has developed into something different, the drumming of his finger tips echoing more and more in your head as the awkward silence mulls on. Even in a loud cafeteria, your mind only focused on him.
With out thinking much of it, you reach your hand forward and place it on top of his to get the drumming to stop. Yoongi looks up at you while you hold your hand atop of his. For a moment, the silence continues as you stare into his deep brown eyes. You’re transported back to your late teens, where you felt as though you were on top of the world with Min Yoongi by your side. He stared at you as if you were his entire universe, spending night after night cuddled up together, talking about your dreams and aspirations while simultaneously chasing them together. 
Well, it used to be together, but instead you had to push yourself through your dreams alone.
Yoongi’s the first to break the silence, letting a dry chuckle fall effortlessly from his lips while he stares down at your touching hands, “You used to do the same thing if you saw me biting my nails.”
Even though you want to be mad, you wand to walk away and never speak to him again, you can’t. Instead, you nibble on your lip in an attempt to stifle your giggle. Yoongi notices and realizes he’s making good headway into conversation. 
“You told me to help you stop, the only thing that seemed to get you to stop was-” 
“Your touch?” Yoongi suggests, a teasing gummy grin on his face. 
“Yeah,” you finally let out a laugh, “my touch distracted you from a lot of things.” 
The people in the cafeteria didn’t seem to be bothered by the two of you in the center of the room. Busy doctors and nurses trying to get their lunch in, loved ones of patients desperately waiting to hear if their surgeries went well, all is forgotten as you fall into the same pit you found yourself in many years ago. Bottomless, but bright. Visions of the future dancing along you as you fall deeper and deeper. Although now, it seems to be visions of what could have been. 
“Of course it did, how could I focus when I had your pretty face in front of me?” Yoongi’s tone is still teasing, but melancholy wades through his words. 
You slip your hand away hesitantly, and Yoongi’s wrist twitches at the sudden loss of contact. “That’s the reason it ended, isn’t it?” 
This is a conversation that Yoongi is not ready for, but at this point he’ll take anything he can get with you, “What do you mean?” 
“You broke up with me because you knew I’d distract you from your dream.” 
He brings the hand you once held upward, scorching skin touching the back of his neck nervously as he takes a deep breath, “I’d be lying if I said that didn’t play a part.” 
You inhale and drop your legs from the edge of your chair before leaning forward. After years of questioning whether or not you would ever move on, you finally have the chance to get some closure. “What was the final straw?” 
He bites his lip, “I was able to fall asleep without you.” 
You didn’t think you’d be able to feel your heart sink as deep as it has. Even after all these years, your emotions are bubbling to the surface. How can something so simple break your heart so badly? 
“You were in school during the day and I was training at night,” he continues, “we never saw each other and I struggled for so long to fall asleep without you next to me. Then... one day my head hit the pillow and I fell asleep immediately.” 
Another knife to your chest. 
“Did you struggle at all? After the break up, I mean.” You try to search for some sense of regret in his eyes but he’s always been very good at putting up a wall and having people fight for a way in. 
He laughs bitterly, “Of course I struggled. Are you kidding me? I thought I was going to marry you, have kids with you. I was nearly inconsolable once it really set in that you weren’t going to be with me anymore.” 
You swallow anxiously, “But it was really for the best, yeah? You’ve got your career and I’ve got mine. We’re both successful. Given, you’re entirely more successful than I am but I’m happy with where I’m at.” 
“Don’t say that,” Yoongi breaths, “you worked your ass off to get to where you are, you’re just as successful as I am.” 
“You think we wouldn’t have got to where we are if we stayed together.” It’s more of a statement than a question, but Yoongi seems to ponder on his answer. 
“I think we were young and didn’t know much about life. It was a shitty time for both of us, but I did and still do think that in some aspect of the word, you are my soulmate.” 
Your breath hitches at the word. 
Beyond already having thought this yourself, the realization that Yoongi thinks it as well causes your chest to flush with heat. The adoration you felt years ago when Yoongi’s hair was always styled neatly in a mohawk and you had no clue how to use eyeliner still rests itself neatly at the bottom of your heart. Hearing Yoongi even say the word ‘soulmate’ nearly reduced you to a puddle of tears. 
Yoongi notices that you haven’t let out a breath, “Fuck,” he’s panicking, running his hand anxiously through his hair, “fuck. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to freak you out, I- I-” He cuts himself off and allows his head to fall into his hands. 
A moment passes, and he seems to gather himself once he hears you exhale, “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I saw you last. I dreamed about what I wanted to say to you and insisted on being the one to drive Jungkook to the hospital today with just the hope and slightest chance that I might run into you.” 
“What’s your plan here, then?” 
“I want to be friends.” He proposes. 
You scoff, “Do you have time for friends now?” 
He sighs, expecting the reply but still feeling his chest tighten, “Let’s hang out on a day where the two of us have nothing going on. When are you off next?” 
“I have a boyfriend.” You reiterate, raising an eyebrow. 
“Not a date,” he dismisses you, “just as friends. When are you off next?” 
Crossing your arms, you eye him suspiciously as he widens his eyes in an attempt to push you towards an answer. 
“Great,” he breathes, “I’ll make sure I’m free that day too.” 
Maybe you are taking a bit too much time getting ready for a man who has already seen you at your worst. Maybe you purposely wore purple lipstick in an attempt to show that you have been paying attention to his career and maybe, just maybe, you are way too happy to be hanging out with Min Yoongi once again. 
That doesn’t take away from your nervousness, though. Your hand shakes as you finish applying your mascara. You don’t live in a nice mansion like Yoongi does, and you’re terrified that someone will spot him picking you up from your apartment and all hell will break loose. You’ve read some of the tabloids involving anyone close to the group, so your anxiety is nearly palpable. 
“Get a grip,” you whisper to yourself, “you’ve seen this man naked before. There’s no need to be nervous.” 
As you finish your make up, you move on to your hair but stop once you hear a knock on your door. 
Yoongi isn’t supposed to be here for another half hour. 
“Fuck.” you whisper, standing quickly from your vanity mirror and rushing towards the front door in a panic. You peep through the lens in the door, confusion striking you when you spot Junwoo. 
The lock turns loudly and you slide open the door, “Hi?”
His eyes raise from the ground until he meets yours, “You’re awfully dressed up just to be hanging at home.” 
“I have plans.” You state, slipping your undone hair behind your ear. You couldn’t help but notice the instant meekness you felt take over your body the moment you saw Junwoo. 
“With me?” He questions, stepping into your apartment. His black hair is pushed back with way too much gel to be comfortable, the honey brown eyes that usually comforted you suddenly made you feel uneasy. 
You shake your head in response, “An old friend. He and I are-” 
“He?” Junwoo cuts you off, much louder than he was moments before. You take a step back at the sudden change of tone, your jaw nearly dropping at his audacity. 
“Yes, he. Is that a problem?” It was probably in your best interest not to challenge Junwoo. If there is anything you learned in your short time together it’s that he was very good at manipulating your words. He claims it’s his way of reading deeper into the situation but you think your intentions are pretty surface-level. 
Junwoo didn’t seem to expect your attitude, backing down immediately with a nervous scratch to the back of his neck. “Well, I don’t know how I feel about you hanging out with another guy.” 
A scoff leaves your mouth as you scan Junwoo’s posture change, “Are you one of those people who assumes men and women can’t be platonic friends?” 
Well, at least he’s honest. 
You roll your eyes, “I can assure you that he’s just a friend.” 
A friend who you have a long, egregious history with. A friend who’s lips have touched every inch of your body, has seen you break down over text books and has kissed away your tears when you were beginning to reach adulthood. 
But yeah, a friend nonetheless. 
“Are you still going to hang out with him if I tell you I’m uncomfortable with it?” Junwoo presses, puffing out his chest. 
“I don’t feel like you have the right to tell me who I can and can’t be friends with,” you furrow your brows, “why are you even here?” 
“I wanted to take you to the park, but that’s not important. Were you going to tell me that you were going out with a guy?” Man, Junwoo’s ability to annoy the fuck out of you has seemingly grown beyond a point of retribution in the short 10 minutes he’s been in front of you. 
As you open your mouth to respond, another knock sounds on the door. You let out a small groan, reaching towards the doorknob and turning it swiftly. On the other side is Yoongi, a striped black and white button down unbuttoned on his torso with a white t-shirt underneath. He’s certainly gotten a better fashion sense. 
“Hi, Yoongi. I’m almost ready,” you send a glare in Junwoo’s direction, “I have to finish my hair and I’ll be ready.” 
Junwoo is staring wide-eyed at Yoongi with his jaw dropped. Yoongi looks back at him and subtly crinkles his nose, just enough for you to spot it. 
After a moment, you break the silence, “Yoongi, this is Junwoo. Junwoo,” you gesture to Yoongi, “Suga of BTS.” 
Yoongi lets out a laugh, “Stop introducing me like that to people.” 
“That is your name, isn’t it?” You tease, spinning the black hat on his head backwards. “Anyway, are you heading out, Junwoo?” 
“You didn’t tell me that it was Suga you were hanging out with.” Junwoo speaks accusingly, making you realize that you truly didn’t make any progress throughout your entire conversation. 
“He’s an old friend,” you explain, “I’ll call you later.” 
Junwoo opens his mouth but closes it again. You know it’s more than likely because he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of someone so influential. Junwoo cared too much about his image to do anything to disrupt it. One bad word from Yoongi and he was done for. 
Silently, he steps out of your apartment but doesn’t hesitate on slamming the door shut. 
Yoongi glances at you and points to the door, “Him?” 
“I never claimed to make good decisions.” You sigh, causing Yoongi to giggle. “Anyway, let me finish my hair. Help yourself to anything here.” 
“Yes ma’am.” 
You hesitate for a moment before deciding that you didn’t have anything in particular that Yoongi could accidentally get his hands on that would be embarrassing. 
As you walk out of the room, Yoongi runs his fingers along the picture frames on your wall. He remembers these pictures previously sitting on your desk in your parents’ house. Now they were lined perfectly across the off-white painted wall in your living room, images of your family and close friends filling the black painted frames. 
He smiles at the picture of your mother, you’re an exact replica of her. One of the first things he struggled with beyond not seeing you anymore was the fact that he wouldn’t see your family. Despite your relationship being short lived in the beginning, he had grown very close to your family in the process. After the break up, your mother called Yoongi repeatedly asking if he needed food and clothes. He knows that you gained your big heart from her, and he wishes that he can speak with her again. 
Moving on, he spots the familiar picture of you leaning against a bookshelf with Le Fleurs Du Mal by Charles Baudelaire gripped loosely in your hands. He remembers that picture from the end of high school, you insisted on stopping by the local Daegu city library one last time before you both moved to Seoul. Yoongi snapped the picture as an opportunity to remember your hometown, because he was sure the two of you would never be back there again. You would stay together and conquer the world, but unfortunately that never happened. 
Yoongi can’t help but run his fingers along the side of your face, your smile hiding behind the book. Yoongi’s reflection can be seen in the window behind you, his grin just as wide as yours. 
You were in love, and Yoongi misses that.
Of course now it’s not like he can do anything about that. You have a boyfriend who is clearly very loving and trusting in you. 
Yoongi wasn’t necessarily sure what his plan was when he was searching for you in the hospital, nor was he sure what his plan is now that he has you within arms reach of him. Namjoon was sure to tell him how stupid he was for even attempting to get involved with you again even though you have a boyfriend but Yoongi didn’t care. So long as you were in his life somehow, he was willing to make it work. Friends, maybe more. He wasn’t sure, but he wanted whatever he could get. 
He did...okay for a few years without you. He dated on and off but never really developed a connection with anyone the way he had you. He couldn’t help but compare everyone who came into his life to you no matter how hard he tried not to. It’s laughable at best, because deep down in his mind he’s well aware that nobody will ever compare to you. 
“Okay, I’m ready.” 
Yoongi tears his eyes away from the picture and instantaneously rakes his eyes up and down your body, “Whoa.” 
Dressed in a simple leggings and plaid button down combination, it accentuates your curves and causes Yoongi’s mouth to water. 
You let out an embarrassed giggle, “I, uh- I wasn’t sure what we were doing to I tried to dress casually.” 
Yoongi doesn’t stop his eyes from staring at your hips, “It works. Everything about you, works.” 
“Careful now.” You warn jokingly, putting a hand out in an attempt to pause his thoughts. 
Yoongi shakes his head, “Okay, I have a reservation ready for us.” 
You lead him out your door and to the car park, “You better not be taking me to some expensive restaurant because I won’t hesitate to kill you.” 
“Nah,” Yoongi shakes his head, opening the passenger side door for you, “but if you still love chicken then I may have found the greatest restaurant in existence.” 
Slipping into his car, you wait to respond until he moves over to the drivers side and turns the car on. “You remember that I love chicken?” 
He smiles, gummy and bright just like before, “I remember everything about you.” 
You ignore the flutter in your heart at his words, and sit silently beside him while the radio plays softly from his speakers. The car is far nicer than the one he used to have, and the seats have a warmer that Yoongi seemed to know the perfect temperature of. As he continues to drive on, you try not to watch the way his left hand grips the steering wheel and his right sits idly on his thigh. 
8 years ago, that hand would have been resting on your thigh, fingertips brushing the inner part of your softest flesh while you leaned your head back listened to the melodic tunes of whatever song he made most recently. A few of those tunes have been turned into BTS songs, and you still felt beyond proud of him. 
“Okay, we have to go around the back and through the kitchen. I just don’t want to risk-” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you cut him off, waving your hand dismissively, “you’re hot shot famous guy now. Don’t want to risk getting seen with a lady.” 
Yoongi chuckles, “I may be some hot shot famous guy but I’m still the same person I was a decade ago.” 
You watch as he turns the car off, “Prove it.” 
“What?” He laughs in disbelief. 
“Prove that you’re the same person you were all those years ago.” You push, tongue in cheek while you smirk at the man beside you. He seems to ponder for a moment, puckering his lips in thought before he exits the car and runs over to your side of the car. 
“Come on,” he gestures for you to get up, “hurry up.” 
“Hold your horses, Mister.” you adjust the bag around your torso as you stand and let your eyes fall back to Yoongi. His back is to you and his knees are bent. Hands reach backwards for you and he turns to look at you expectantly. 
Tilting your head, you smile as you hop onto Yoongi’s back. A move he’d do regularly when you’d spend hours on your feet interning at various hospitals around the city. His large hands gripped the back of your thighs and you let out a squeal as he hikes you up until your legs are wrapped around his waist. 
It takes a moment for him to steady his walk as he leads you carefully up to the back door. You lean upward and knock on the back door labeled “staff only” and wait patiently as you feel Yoongi adjust you again. 
“You used to carry me around like this all the time.” You grin, wrapping your arms around his neck in a hug. It didn’t feel weird hugging him like this. Natural instincts kicked in and the whiff of his cologne had you reeling. It’s exactly the same as he wore before, and his hair smelled of coconut conditioner. Before you would turn his head and kiss his lips every time you caught his scent, and it’s taking everything in you right now not to do exactly that. 
“I did,” you can hear the smile in Yoongi’s voice, “and you never reciprocated.”
“I’ll give you a piggy back on the way out, how about that?” You pat the top of his head as the door opens to reveal a very confused looking employee. 
A sheepish smile is held on Yoongi’s face while the employee realizes who he is. “Mr. Min,” he bows his head, “lovely to have you again. We have your usual table set up in the back.”
“Awesome,” Yoongi drawls sweetly, “lead the way!” 
Heat fills your face as the kitchen staff of the unnamed restaurant watch curiously while Yoongi walks you to the table. 
He doesn’t allow you to get off, instead he turns around and drops you onto the booth seat as you try to silence the squeal that leaves your mouth. Yoongi only laughs as he flips back around to see the top half of your body slip between the table and the seat. He’s quick to help you up but his arms grow weak from laughing so he takes a few moments to pull you back up. You couldn’t help but laugh as well, the ridiculousness of the situation bringing back memories.
“I’m sorry,” he says, inhaling another laugh as he slips into the seat opposite of you, “I didn’t think you would fall.” 
You adjust the hat on your head, “It’s fine, I didn’t need my equilibrium to work properly anyway.” 
Yoongi can’t help but watch you carefully as you open the menu. Your nose still crinkled when you came across a dish you may not particularly like, and your eyes widened whenever you saw something that you thought looked good. 
Both of you decided on a beer to drink and various flavors of dry rub wings to enjoy. As you waited on your food to be cooked, you sip your beer and suck your teeth while you decide whether or not you want to ask him all your dying questions. 
Deciding to start small, you took a deep breath as Yoongi met your eyes, “How much did they have to fight you to get you to start dancing?” 
He let out a sigh of relief, half expecting the awkwardness of your history together to take over, “I almost quit like four times, I won’t lie.” 
You giggle, “I figured. You do well, though. I was amazed by your Seesaw performance when you started dancing on your own up there. Genuinely was the last thing I expected. 
Yoongi doesn’t respond, he only smiles widely with his head rested gently on his hand. You tilt your head as his eyes scan yours, “What?” You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, wanting the world to swallow you up at the thought that you could have come across as weird or creepy by knowing so much about Yoongi’s career. 
“You watch my performances?” He questions, his smile not dropping. A hint of pink brushes the tip of his nose. 
“Of course,” you say almost incredulously, “you’re everywhere. It’s hard not to.” 
“What’s your favorite song?” Yoongi presses, leaning forward to show you’ve piqued his interest. 
Okay, there’s no way you’re going to let him think he has some sort of head over you.
“Cypher part 3.” you say confidently. 
“Mhm,” you hum, nibbling on the bottom of your lip for a moment before deciding to say why it was your favorite, “specifically the part where you say you’re a starfish feeding off the envy of others.” 
“Ah, yes. Truly a fan favorite. You should hear the cheers when I explain what my tongue can do.” Yoongi whispers the latter half of his sentence, causing your throat to go dry. His tongue is skillful in many ways, not just rapping, and you were well aware of that. Decadence rested on the tip of his tongue, and you’d like to think that you contributed to his *ahem* practice. 
He pulls away with a cheeky grin just as the waiter comes by with steaming plates of food. 
The affect that his words had on you still amazes you to this day. Maybe he does have a head above you, and maybe you’re okay with that. 
The rest of the dinner goes by with a breeze, the two of you laughing over drinks and trying each other’s food. It didn’t take long for you to fall into a comfortable fit with Yoongi, even though so much time had passed. It was like he never left, and he truly is still the same person he was before. He laughs the same, his shoulders shakes and his grin is always huge. Although his hair style changes and his fashion sense has gotten better, you still see the old Yoongi poking out whenever he laughed particularly hard. 
Being face to face with him has allowed you to compare to the younger him, though. His face has slimmed and his voice has gotten deeper, the adam’s apple you kiss at night was larger than before and his neck was longer. Despite all that, he was still the same. Fame hadn’t changed him a bit. 
The moment the check comes you snatch it up quickly. 
“_____.” the way Yoongi says your name shoots a chill down your spine, but you ignore it when you slip your cash into the designated sleeve. 
“Yoongi.” You mock, handing the sleeve back to the waitress who seems scared of Yoongi’s deep tone. 
“I was supposed to pay.” He pouts, leaning back in the booth and crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Be faster then.” You grin, standing up and crouching in front of Yoongi’s side. 
He laughs, remembering your promise from earlier and slipping onto your back. The path you to through the kitchen is a bit less crowded now, but you felt the same amount of eyes on you the entire time. You felt much less embarrassed about it now, though, because Yoongi had a way of calming you down even at your worst points. 
“The night is still young,” Yoongi speaks as he slips off of your back and unlocks his car, “would you like to revisit Yongsan Park?” 
It wasn’t a far drive from the restaurant, and it was spent mostly talking about music and the new album that Yoongi was extremely proud of. Of course you had already listened to it but you didn’t want to take away from his excitement of showing you some of the songs. 
When you made it to the park, the lights lining the jogging path were already on. You hadn’t expected it to be so dark yet but fall time always had a habit of sneaking up on you. 
There was an intense rush of nostalgia associated with this park for the both of you. Nights where the two of you huddled close under the stars were spent here, right beneath the biggest tree in the park. It was unspoken that that was your spot, and you hadn’t been to it since you broke up. 
Yet, muscle memory kicks in and both of your legs carry you right to the tree. 
“Isn’t it funny how we spent so many nights here?” You bring up as you sit at the base of the tree. 
Yoongi nods, “So many nights in this exact spot.” 
“I love it here, it was our spot.” 
Yoongi’s proximity to you is much closer than it should be but neither of you are making any move to change it. His shoulder brushes against yours and you resist the urge to rest your head on his shoulder. 
“It still is.” He corrects, tapping your knee gently with his hand and resting in there. 
You freeze for a moment, not knowing how to process his touch anymore but you can’t push him away. In fact, you’re relishing in the heat burning on your skin beneath his hand. It’s one of the best feelings in the world. 
“Do you remember when you tried to scare me by climbing a tree and the branch broke?” Yoongi looks up, and you can tell he’s trying not to laugh at the memory. 
“Yeah but that was because I was trying to get you back for pouring ice water on me when I fell asleep on my text book.” You roll your eyes at the memory, distinctly remembering the chill on your back while Yoongi cackled in your small one bedroom apartment. 
That same cackle leaves Yoongi’s lips from beside you. You snap your head towards him, “Oh you think it’s funny still?” 
“Yeah,” his laugh turns into a giggle, “you can still see the broken branch.” 
“What?” You glance up, and sure enough the branch is still gone. Your jaw drops and you use your hands to push Yoongi over. He doesn’t fight you on it and falls with ease even though you didn’t use very much pressure at all, and you’re quick to try and wrestle him down. “It must be so funny,” you groan as you try to pin him down, straddling your legs on either side of his waist, “to still be pinned by- holy shit you’ve gotten strong.” 
Yoongi takes his opportunity to flip the two of you over, switching positions and easily pinning your hands on either side of your head. Vaguely, you wonder how much time it took for him to gain so much strength, but your mind quickly shifts once you realize the precarious position that Yoongi has put you in. 
Glancing down, you see his hips rest just above your navel, and images of the many nights you shared together flash through your mind. Rushed breathing and sweaty skin sticking together as you explored each other’s bodies and always found new ways to please each other. Briefly, a rush of heat flashes through your lower abdomen at the way your imagination flushes with possibilities of Yoongi’s touch. 
You inhale, your chest heaving and Yoongi’s eyes fly to the way your cleavage displays itself for him. You’ve gotten fuller than before, and it suits you. He’s enjoying every second of it. 
Before he can stop himself, he leans down and smashes his lips onto yours. The grip on your wrists loosen just enough for you to slip out and have your hands flying to his cheeks. He tastes the same as he did before, his smell intoxicating as it fills your nose. Your senses are overwhelmed with him, his tastes, his scent, the way his lips feel against yours. The familiarity is there, but they feel new and exciting at the same time, like you were pushed back to your youth. 
He exhales against you as if he’s been waiting all night to do just this. Slipping his legs out from beneath him, he presses his chest against yours as your hands slide to the back of his neck to hold him against you. The rest of the world falls, dissolving into nothing. You keen helplessly as you feel him grind against you, and that noise seems to push Yoongi over the edge. He growls into your mouth, pulling away to start his descent onto your neck with bites and licks in all the places you loved before. 
Arching into him, your hands loop through his black locks with a gasp as his tongue licks at your wine kissed collarbones. 
This is everything you’ve been wishing for. Everything feels so right. 
Yet, it’s wrong. You need to stop him. You need to ask him to pull away. But you can’t. He feels too fucking good. It’s not until he reaches the stop of your chest, his fingers hesitantly reaching at your collar does he look into your eyes for permission. 
And you stop him. 
“I- I think I need to go have a very uncomfortable conversation with Junwoo.” You state, and Yoongi’s face drops. 
“I can’t believe you still managed to think about him when I was kissing you.” He says nearly incredulously, crawling off of you and leaning his back against the tree again. His chest is rising and falling faster than before, showing that your affect on him was much stronger than you previously had thought. 
Your heart twinged at Yoongi’s cold tone. You swallow, “If you think there’s a possibility of us continuing this, I have to end things with Junwoo.” 
Yoongi whines, “Why now?” 
You let out a little giggle, sitting up and leaning your head on his shoulder like you wanted to before. “Even if I didn’t do it right now, I don’t think we could go any further in the middle of a park.” 
“I thought you liked exhibitionism.” Yoongi leans to the side, kissing you once again. It’s much breathier than before, and he prays that you don’t feel his heart pounding wildly in his rib cage at the mere thought of someone catching the two of you outside. 
You gasp into the kiss and force yourself to pull away even though you didn’t want to at all. Giving him a look, Yoongi sighs. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll drive you home so you can have that uncomfortable conversation.” He mutters, standing up and pulling you with him. He’s much more touchy than before, his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders while he guides you back to his car. 
The conversation you’re about to have with Junwoo will truly be one of the most anxiety inducing things you’ve ever done. 
The dorms are dark when Yoongi arrives back. The living room in which everyone has a tendency to congregate after a particularly grueling practice day holds no one, a small reminder that everyone finally got some well deserved rest. 
He hums softly to the tune of ‘People’, one of his favorite songs from his recent mixtape and opens the fridge to grab a bottle of water. When he closes it, Jimin is standing on the other side. 
Yoongi jumps, “Jesus fucking christ, Park Jimin!” 
“Didja get back together with her?” 
“What?” Yoongi takes a second to assess Jimin’s pajama clad body, “N- no. We just hung out.” 
“It’s a shame,” Jimin reaches forward and grabs the water bottle from Yoongi’s hand, “I heard you humming so I figured you finally got laid.” Yoongi opens his mouth to protest but Jimin continues before he can, “You know, I’ve known you for so long and I don’t think you’ve ever had a woman sign an NDA? Have you even had sex since you broke up with the pretty nurse?” 
“I feel like that’s none of your business.” Yoongi yanks the water bottle back, opening it and praying that Jimin didn’t backwash. 
“But it is my business because I have no clue how you did it. I’m sure she was fucking other guys regularly. I hear it’s bad for women to go without sex because they turn into-” Yoongi attempts to drown out the sounds of his roommate, his hand gripping the counter top tightly with unwanted images of you in another man’s bed ripping through his brain, “-and I’ve always wondered what it was like to only ever have your hand to get yourself off. Is it lonely? How much porn do you-” 
“Jimin!” Yoongi shouts. 
“Cutting me off is awfully rude, don’t you think?” 
“Shut. the. fuck. up.” Yoongi grits his teeth, moving to walk away as Jimin laughs. 
“Called it! I knew you were a born again virgi-” 
“Goodnight!” Yoongi calls back, walking up to his room and locking the door behind him. He plops down onto his bed, the TV situated perfectly level with his bed. It’s a stark contrast to the small black and white TV he could afford all those years ago, so the familiar sound of his TV sounding on brings a smile to his face as he realizes yet again how fortunate he’s become. 
Now he’s determined to make sure you feel the same sense of fortune that he has. Because he has you back in his life. Was it a twist of fate or the inevitability of soulmates, Yoongi isn’t sure. However, he’s immensely grateful to have you back, even if you’re not truly his yet. 
"I’m breaking up with you.” 
You cover your mouth as the unexpected sentence leaves your mouth. Junwoo sits in his office with his fists clenched tightly on top of his desk. He’s never been particularly good at hearing bad news, and even though it’s only been a few months you feel as though you’re signing divorce papers judging my his reaction. 
It’s been two days since you last saw Yoongi. You put off speaking to Junwoo for a little bit to try and figure out exactly what you were going to say to him. You had a whole speech ready, talking about how he deserves better and that he’ll find his soulmate eventually. 
But when the moment came, your speech was practically thrown to the ceiling fan and torn into a million pieces.
“W- why? What did I do?” Junwoo asks, he seems more angry than anything which you didn’t expect. 
“You didn’t do anything,” you sigh, plopping in the seat on the other side of his desk, “I just don’t think it’s going to work out.” 
“Everything was going so well!” Oh god, he’s yelling. “It’s that fucker Suga’s fault, isn’t it? He’s putting you up to this!” 
“Fucking hell, Junwoo! How old are you, honestly? Immediately assuming that it was Yoongi is the most childish thing you could have done.” It is Yoongi, though. You know that, and unfortunately Junwoo knows that as well. It isn’t in good conscience to deny his allegations but you can’t help but do so. 
Though, the inevitability of your relationship ending would have happened with out without Yoongi’s push. 
“Well excuse me for thinking you would fuck a member of the biggest band on the planet! For God’s sake, any whore would drop their pants for one of them.” 
Your jaw drops, “I didn’t fuck him.” 
Junwoo rolls his eyes, “Are you sure? Because it’s almost like I could smell the stench coming off of you.” 
You place your tongue in your cheek, biting back a response. Should have figured the man wouldn’t know how to take a break up. 
Then, you laugh, “Okay. You got me, I fucked him.” 
“I knew it.” Junwoo’s nostrils flare. 
“Hundreds of times, eight years ago,” You spit, standing up quick enough for the chair behind you to tip over. “it wasn’t working out anyway and clearly that’s for the best. The last thing I need is a chauvinist asshole who refuses to see what was right in front of him.” 
“No,” you put your hand up, “I’m done.” 
You turn around swiftly, walking out of his office and ignoring the stares from his receptionists. Surely they heard the yelling and the last thing you needed was to feel judged. 
Except you weren’t being judged. Just before you reached the elevator, one of the girls spoke out. “You’re the second break up he’s had this week, don’t feel bad.” 
You turn around, watching her flick vivaciously through a magazine. “What was that?” You speak slowly, turning around walking up to the desk. 
“Another woman came by earlier this week, she said he’s been fucking some nurse behind her back and threw a ring at him.” She shrugs, then leans forward with a whisper, “You’re better off without him.” 
You scoff, “and I had the decency to break up with him before I fucked someone else. Thanks for the tip, darling.” 
As soon as the elevator doors close, you whip out your phone and text Yoongi. 
To: Suga Delivered: 13:52
Deed is done if you still want me to come by 
You make it to your car and hear your phone ding. 
From: Suga Received: 13:57
I’ll meet you outside
Your heart flutters, so you start your car and drive as quickly as you can towards the directions of the dorm. It’s not hard, everyone in Seoul is keenly aware of where BTS stay, but there’s an unspoken rule that nobody is to bother them. One of the things you enjoyed most about this whole situation is the amount of respect they boys have earned, and you couldn’t feel more proud of Yoongi. 
The gated group of buildings is intimidating to say the least, but you’re unable to contain your excitement as you pull up. Yoongi is a few feet away, waving from the other side of the gate as he presses a few buttons before you hear the gate click and begin to side open. 
Your excitement over simply seeing him is nearly too much to contain. A week ago you struggled to not get nauseous at the thought of him seeing you but now you didn’t know how you ever made it without him. Inching your car forward became an arduous task because it took precious seconds away from you being able to kiss Yoongi once again. 
So, you throw your car into park as the gates slip closed behind you and run out of your car to jump towards Yoongi. 
He catches you, immediately slamming your lips onto his. It’s soft this time, the urgency isn’t there but he doesn’t mind the feeling of your hands gently tugging at his hair and scratching his scalp. 
“Mm,” he hums against your lips, “does this mean you’re mine again?” 
“With some adjustments to both of our lives,” you smile, “and making time for each other, then I’m willing to try again.” 
“Good,” he grins, “let me take you inside and show you how much I’m gonna try.” 
He slides you down his torso and grabs your hand, yanking you closely behind him. You let out a quiet yelp as he does so, following him into the building and welcoming the warmth that greets you. You’re lead through a long hallway but are stopped abruptly once Yoongi spots Hoseok walking through the living room. 
“Hey pretty nurse, and Yoongi.” Hoseok says without looking up, and Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief. 
You give him a questioning look but shake it off when Yoongi leads you up a lot of stairs and straight to his bedroom. 
“Okay, there’s two ways this can go-” Yoongi slips his shirt over his head and you try to process everything as it’s happening because holy shit you’re going to fuck Yoongi for the first time in years and might actually be able to have an orgasm “-slow and steady or hard and fast.” 
“Save the romance for next time,” you giggle, slipping your dress over your head and falling backwards onto his bed, “I haven’t had you inside me in years. Hard and fast.” 
He chuckles, “You got it baby.” 
He jumps on top of you, his hand flying to your thigh to steady your leg as he grinds his still clothed cock into your core. He’s already hard, and you’re already dripping. The last two days you spent not being near him was the most difficult thing you had experienced because you knew what was coming and how he was going to do it. 
And you’re loving every second of it. 
Spreading your legs wide, you reach between the two of you and play with the hem of his boxers. He groans into your mouth, inching upward so your hand slips further in, “No teasing, baby girl. Hard and fast.” 
“Right, yes. I’m sorry.” you bite his bottom lip before lifting your hips and feeling his hands loop on either side of your panties to slip them down your legs. He drops between your legs immediately and inhales your scent, tossing his head back in pleasure. 
“Fuck, just like I remember.” Yoongi dives back, his nose brushing against your aching clit while his tongue darts out and licks your quivering hole. You let out a quiet moan but are quick to cover your mouth as you remember there are six other men on the other side of these thin walls. 
The pleasure of knowing that he remembers your scent is enough to send you feral, your back arching off the bed as his lips finally wrap around your clit and sucks hard. The obscene sound of him drinking in your juices fills the room, his groans against your core sending chills up your spine. If there was anything you knew about Min Yoongi, it’s that he knew how to use his tongue. 
You fill your core begin to heat up as your orgasm builds and before you know it, you’re uncovering your mouth and letting out a moan loud enough to be heard for miles. 
Yoongi can’t help but smirk against you as he drinks in your release, moving to trail kisses up your abdomen as you come down from the pleasure. 
“You ready for more?” He kisses your lips, and it’s then that you notice his cock his gloriously hard against his stomach, boxers long discarded. 
“Please, yes. Please please plea-” 
“Alright, hold your horses.” Yoongi jokes, brushing the head of his cock against your slit a few times teasingly. 
You pout, “You said no teasing.” 
He nods, “I can’t help it. Your face is so cute when you’re begging for my cock.” 
As you’re thinking of a rebuttal, Yoongi finally slips inside. Both of you moan in pleasure at the clenching of your core. He remembers exactly how to move to get you to gasp, how deep to move to get you to clench, and he remembers what each of your movements mean. Your nails currently dig into his back harshly but he doesn’t complain, because that means his thrusts are going at just the right speed. 
He wishes you can scream like you used to, but he realizes how weird that could be for his bandmates to hear. However, he can’t say that he necesarily minds all things considered. He’d love for Jimin to hear what he’s doing to you after the way his smart mouth moved the other night. He could imagine his face as he listens, but then Yoongi is dragged back to the moment when he feels you clench particularly hard. 
You feel him tensing more and more, struggling to hold on as your vice grip on him tightens even further. The soft sponge of your warm cunt is nearly too much for him to bare, and as you feel your second orgasm approach, you grip Yoongi’s face in your hands, “Cum for me. Please.” His eyes flutter closed and he begins to thrust faster, lips on yours and sweat building on both of your foreheads. Then, your second orgasm washes over you deliciously, Yoongi’s hips stuttering before he follows with his own release, his cum coating your walls white. He’s still for a moment, gasping above you. When you reach up and brush the hair from his forehead, he collapses on top of you, “Fuck, that’s even better than I remembered.” 
“Good,” you giggle, kissing his nose, “because there’s so much more I want to try with you.”
His heart flutters irrevocably, knocking the wind out of him when he realizes that you’re in this for the long run just as he is. This time he swears he’s going to make it work, and he plans on spending the rest of his life with you. 
His lips brush against you once again, then he speaks. 
“Write me a list, baby girl.” 
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bts07legends · 3 years
the mistreatment of bts
Before BTS kpop was monopolised by 3 companies.
One of the major things you have to know in Kpop is that it’s monopolized by the Biggest 3 companies.
Usually when a group debuts, the Kpop industry will warmly welcome them.
But BTS were outsiders because they produced music that didn’t carry the typical Kpop sound.
Their music bashed so many different forms of society and they were trying to thrive with that raw meaning in their music in an industry that was incredibly superficial.
But as time went by...BTS were starting to become serious competition to all these privileged artists very early in their career.
They were rarely invited to Korean award shows, but they were pulling unbelievable numbers as much as the biggest artists in Korea at the time.
This really threatened the industry and they were doing absolutely everything they could to push them down and bring their own artists up.
Back in 2013,BTS were nominated for Rookie of the Year at the M-Net Asian Music Awards.However, even though they were the best selling rookie group of that year, M-Net refused to give them that award.Heck they didn’t even invite them.And when they did invite them a year later they only let them perform at the red carpet.
belittled in front of everyone.
In 2015,But they were only allowed to perform one song, while a 3 month old rookie group from the Big 3 got to perform 3 songs.
In 2016,BTS were still never given a proper waiting room during music shows.They had to practice and get ready in front of the bathrooms, and other idols looked down on them because of that. Keep in mind that they had the best selling album of that year.
That same year,BTS were invited to perform at the 2016 Busan One Asia Festival.They were supposed to perform at the end of the show, but Namjoon was injured.So SBS cancelled their stage without notifying BTS’s company.They basically invited the boys but didn’t let them perform.At the end of the festival, ARMYs were extremely furious and wouldn’t leave without a BTS performance.So SBS had no choice but to let the boys perform, but they didn’t broadcast their performance.
The boys went up on the stage without cameras, without proper lighting or a clean stage, only to perform for ARMYs who had been waiting all day for them.It hurts to watch this video. The boys were treated like they were absolutely nothing.
to be in their shoes and to slowly go day by day working hard with no respect returned and to swallow this pain at such young ages.. It’s really heartbreaking.
And let me tell you why BTS don’t appear on Korean TV shows anymore.In 2014, a year after BTS debuted, they attended their first real variety show.Keep in mind that half of them were minors at the time.The host accused them of plagiarizing the boy group EXO for wearing school uniforms in their music video "Boy In Luv". Yoongi was trying to explain that it was a misunderstanding and that they weren’t trying to copy them, but the host kept twisting his words.And because of that..EXO fans dragged BTS through h3ll and back.They made petitions for them to disband, trended plagiarism to the point where BTS had to go to court, and even sent them death threats resulting in them having to cancel several concerts.And not only that.When BTS won their first Grand Prize award at the 2017 M-net Asian Music Awards,EXO fans were giving them the middle fingers and chanting EXO during their speech.They and other fandoms started accusing BTS of manipulating the charts and even went as far as contacting MELON customer service to complain.
Here’s another reason why BTS don’t appear on Korean TV shows anymore.These 7 boys were treated so maliciously despite half of them being minors at the time.Doni & Coni are known for joking around but they really crossed the line with BTS.They mocked the vocal line members for not specializing in rapping, they straight up told Jin repeatedly to his face that he was the least talented member.They made fun of the song Yoongi made for them and implied he wasn’t worth anything to them, they forced Jimin, Jungkook and J-hope to do girl group dances and then mocked them for being too flamboyant.Then they made fun of all their stage names and mocked their fans and called them elementary schoolers and implied that they were all immature and fanatic.They were especially rude to Namjoon in particular.They made fun of his way of speaking, his way of dressing, his dancing, his rap, his name, his hair, literally everything.
Doni & Coni even admitted to treating BTS badly on purpose a few years later after BTS started getting really popular.
Here's a very unknown fact.As the industry came to realize that there was no stopping BTS, a lot of agencies tried to buy them from Big Hit Entertainment.Just like how SM Entertainment bought the boy group Infinite as soon as they started to become a threat to their boy group EXO.They bought them and decided to do nothing with them which led to a drastic decrease of popularity for Infinite and a huge increase of popularity for EXO.Bang PD who believed in BTS’s success from the very beginning got several calls from different companies, telling him to just give up and hand BTS over to them but he refused.He refused to give up on the boys because he really believed they were something worthwhile and that they actually could become something big one day.And he was right.
BTS’s success has gotten to a point where trying to suppress it or deny it is literally impossible.The only next step is to try and claim it as your own.The only next step is to try and claim it as your own.At first they were trying to recreate BTS’s success by making a new boy group, but now that they see it’s impossible they’ve decided to claim it as theirs.The truth is is that if SM Entertainment never existed BTS would have become successful a lot earlier.
Not only did BTS have to fight their way into the music industry as Koreans singing in a foreign language..
But on top of that, they had to deal with a massive prejudice against them because of the image Kpop has. So it’s really funny to me when kpop tries to take credit for BTS’s success when they are the sole reason for every single bad stereotype the west has about Kpop.
The whole "manufactured puppets, slave contracts, forced plastic surgery, dating bans, extreme diets" and more. Without Kpop attached to BTS’s name they would have had it so much easier.
The Kpop industry had no part in BTS’s success considering how they were the ones trying so hard to shut them out. BTS are not only being mistreated by the Kpop industry. They are being mistreated by the whole music industry.
The boys know they are being alienated in the western music industry. Namjoon was being straight forward with the system, he has realized that the system won’t change despite how much they deserve it.
I’m honestly proud they’re starting to stand up for themselves, they stood up for themselves back then but only by working hard and ignoring those who disrespected them. But now they’re in a position where they can speak loudly about this.
They know the racial barrier they are facing despite their talent and achievements and they are not afraid to talk about it anymore. BTS are fed up. ARMY is fed up.
it's really just ARMYs and BTS against everyone else. From the beginning ‘till now, it’s always been that way.BTS has the Western media, Korean media, Kpop stans and Western stans against them.All never showing BTS the respect and acknowledgement that they deserve and sabotaging them to surround their name with negativity.The whole industry neglected and refused to acknowledge BTS as artists, that is why they made their own way and paved it smooth and shiny.
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fyexo · 4 years
201216 M-Pop star Lay Zhang tells us about his music, dreams, and starting his own company
Chinese Megastar Lay Zhang wants to bring ‘China to the world’ with his music. He talks to Don’t Bore Us about how he plans to achieve his dreams.
For most of us, our dreams are conditional. For us, they remain in the abstract most of the time, attached to phrases like ‘It would be good if…’ or ‘I wish I…’. Not for Lay Zhang. Lay Zhang speaks in dreams. In his mind, he picks them out of the abstract and parks them on the road to his goals. Then, he sets into motion a cause and effect cycle, where each step leads to the realization of that dream.
“The word dream is a strange one,” he wrote in his autobiography Standing Firm at 24. “You start with a dream, but you have to fulfill everything in reality. Of course, it’s not really that you’re dreaming, because someone once told me, a dream is actually what a person’s heart looks like.”
Despite his status as one of China’s most famous stars, it’s this spirit that still is the condensation of Zhang’s ethos as an artist. Born in Changsha in the Chinese province of Hunan as Zhang Yixing, he was no stranger to the world of entertainment as a child star. In 2008, he auditioned for trainee-ship at SM Entertainment, largely considered the progenitor of modern-day K-pop, and passed. Four years later, he debuted as EXO’s Lay, an act that turned the tide for K-pop in the 2010s.
Home, however, was never very far away — after flitting between South Korea and China for work for sometime, the lengthy schedules eventually made him shift base to mainland China, laying the groundwork for Lay Zhang. His first studio album, Lay 02 Sheep, broke five records on the first day of digital release on the Chinese music service QQ Music. His second, NAMANANA, ranked No. 21 on the Billboard 200 chart, making him the highest-ranking M-pop artist on the chart to date.
It’s an ideal trajectory for anyone with dreams as big as Zhang: every new release came with new records and renown. Eventually, however, Zhang realized what his work was missing: a piece of his roots. He wanted to show the world “what China is really about.”
And so he said: “Let there be LIT.”
Named after a play on the Chinese word for lotus, ‘lián huā’, LIT — released in two parts over the course of 2020 — puts Zhang’s Chinese identity at its core. As he weaves the sounds of the Hulusi, Guzheng and Gong together with hip-hop, R&B, and Latin, Zhang not only creates his own genre (which he calls “mixed Mando-pop”), but also nurtures a new dream: one where Mando-pop frees itself of the labels of being “vapid” and “vain” and presents new avenues of experimentation and cultural triumph.
“In the future, mixed will be king. Every work, every genre can be mixed with each other; every language can mix with another. That’s where we go.” he says.
The way to this “mixed” world might be long, but Zhang will soon have company on the way. Earlier in 2020, he announced the establishing of his own company, Chromosome Entertainment, with a set focus to not only train the next generation of Chinese idols, but also to include Chinese culture and history as an integral part of their artistry.
DBU caught up with Lay Zhang to talk about Chromosome Entertainment, his music, how he is going to take his company to ‘infinity’, and his adorable cats.
Don’t Bore Us: Why did you think this was the right time to start your own company?
Lay Zhang: I have always wanted to have my own company and leave my mark in the world. I feel I need to think less and do more. I wanted to do it no matter how difficult it would be. If I kept waiting for the right moment, I might never do it. So, I created the Chromosome Entertainment Group.
DBU: Is there anything that you’ll focus on teaching the trainees that you yourself didn’t get during your trainee years?
Lay Zhang: Our trainees will learn more and more about Chinese culture and Chinese history.
DBU: Speaking of your music over the past year, we have to talk about LIT. We saw you expand into genres that you had never experimented with before. While Part 1 was a mix of traditional Chinese sounds, Part 2 had more modern inspirations such as R&B, Hip-hop, Latin, and others. Which of these sounds comes more naturally to you, and which one is more difficult to explore?
Lay Zhang: I just tried a lot of genres. Since I was young, I have been singing in Chinese and listening to pop music, so I find writing R&B is easier, since it is similar. With traditional Chinese music, it feels like second nature, since I grew up with it.
Latin and Hip-hop is very new to me, but Latin caught my ear because it’s easy to dance to. I’ve been listening to hip-hop and trap in the past few years. I think no matter what kind, I want to do a new genre. I want to call it M-pop because I think in the future, mixed will be king. Every work, every genre can be mixed with each other — every language can mix with each other, and that’s where we go.
DBU: Speaking of the incorporation of your native Chinese sounds into the songs on the first album, what is the most difficult part while looking for a middle-ground between culture and modernity?
Lay Zhang: You always want to respect the culture. We owe a lot to the past for giving us today: I cannot stress that enough. I understand that people have new tastes each year, so you want to make sure that you match the energy and the vibe of the year.
It’s hard to explain how I find the balance. I ask my friends and collaborators, what they feel. I took that into consideration [with LIT], and checked my gut feeling. Did I feel [like] it mixed my Chinese sound with the present or modern without losing it? It’s [a] feeling I get after listening to the record time after time in my car or in the studio.
DBU: With reference to bringing “China to the world”. How do you think LIT did that, apart from, of course, being a mash-up of different influences?
Lay Zhang: I think this album is the first of its kind in a way. It’s very unique: we brought together new and legendary producers to create beautiful music. We had traditional and modern day stories to showcase the idea of the past and the present, to show the world that Chinese artists can be creative. They can think more deeply about music. I want people to know that we are improving everyday. We are working hard. This is what LIT shows.
DBU: Historically, western audiences have thought of Mando-pop as being “very vain or bland.” You have always wanted to push forward Mixed Mando-pop through your work. How do you hope to change this perception of Mando-pop globally through your music?
Lay Zhang: It is a work in progress. We are still improving and developing M-pop. Since I was a child, I have always had big goals and dreams. I want to show the world what China is really about, that we are respectful people trying to better ourselves.
DBU: Your current approach to your work makes me curious. The words “one of China’s biggest celebrities” are often used in your context. With the fan-base and work you’ve built over the years, you could very well have taken the safer route and stuck to the previous sounds you have experimented with before, because anything you make is guaranteed to be a hit. So why is it important for you to keep making the kind of music you do, in the way you make it?
Lay Zhang: I want to challenge myself and see what I can do. I admit, I don’t always succeed, but I’d rather try different genres and sing in different languages to see what I am capable of. Like any artist, I want my music to reach more people, so you have to branch out and try new things, but at the same time, not lose who you are. I have great fans that support me and allow me to dream bigger. I want to pave the path for the next generation to share their music with the world.
DBU: You’ve worked both in South Korea and China. With K-pop having a moment in the global spotlight, what are some things that you feel M-pop could learn or borrow from K-pop?
Lay Zhang: I think it’s great that K-pop is having its moment. In M-pop, we need to put ourselves out there more. We need to meet fans in every city and town to create that one-on-one interaction. I think there are enough artists with quality music to match the artists in K-pop: we just need to focus on sharing Mando-pop.
DBU: For the past few years, you have been heavily involved in music reality shows geared towards bringing out China’s next musical stars. There was Idol Producer, Youth With You, Street Dance of China: what are your hopes from the next generation, and why this interest?
Lay Zhang: The next generation inspires me. Their dreams and efforts inspire me to work harder and be a good role model. I hope they can focus on creating great art and work that they can be proud of. Their work should speak for itself. If everyone can do this, they can do this. If everyone can do this, we can push the boundaries of music and art. We can create works that leave people in awe.
DBU: In the larger context of your artistry, what impact has this year had on you personally?
Lay Zhang: COVID-19 slowed my life down like everyone else. We have all experienced difficulties, but I was able to think about my music and career more clearly. I decided that I should go after the things I want as soon as I could. For my artistry, I realized I needed to focus on music I made, my company, and make music that really carried the culture and vibe of my country.
DBU: Observing your trajectory from when you just started out to now, I was thinking about how it is very clear where your professional priorities lie. What about personal ones? What are you focusing on personally in the coming year?
Lay Zhang: I think about this a lot, and it’s hard to separate my work and personal life. But I think I only have that much time before I run out of energy. I am always thirsty (laughs), so I know I won’t be able to continue this forever. I want to keep pushing until I can’t. So, then I can focus on my personal life knowing I gave it all to my career.
DBU: I asked some fans if they had anything to say to you, and most of them wanted me to relay the same thing: please take a well-deserved break! Now that LIT has had its successful run, is it time for a vacation, or is there more to come?
Lay Zhang: My cats give me a lot of confidence and happiness. They make it easier to face each day; it’s nice to know you have someone waiting for you at home. But I will take a vacation when I turn 40 (laughs). Of course, there is more to come: the trainees we are receiving are so talented. I am excited to create something that will hopefully last a long time, and will improve and uphold the entertainment industry in China.
L Singh @ Don’t Bore Us
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justasparkwritings · 4 years
Illicit Affairs: Beautiful Rooms Pt. 3
Previous: Beautiful Rooms Pt. 2 
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Pairings: Namjoon & Reader (Barely)
Genre: Angst, Slice of Life
Ratings: PG15
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: Therapy and Swearing, Lots of Reminiscing 
Summary: Under the guidance of Dr. Aarons, Jungkook and Namjoon work to rebuild their relationship. 
Listen: illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
          “Let’s debrief,” Dr. Aarons sits gently in her chair, hair grown out a little, the new length carefully tossed over her shoulder. She adjusts the pen in her hand and consults the list in her notebook. “We’ve covered a lot of ground in the last few weeks, but there’s one piece we haven’t discussed.”
           “What is that?” Namjoon asks.
           “There’s a new stipulation in Jungkook’s contract that says he can date, I understand, similar to yours, it was a consolation prize,”
           “Mm, when the lawyers and I renegotiated the contracts, it seemed fair that he get something special in return,” Namjoon answers.
           “Jungkook, how do you feel about it?”
           “About dating?”
           “Yes, with all you’ve been through, bringing another person into your life?”
           “I feel, scared,”
           “Can you explain that?”
           “Scared that all of the trauma is going to come back, scared I’m not enough, scared I can’t love someone,”
           “Why do you think that?” Namjoon asks.
           “You don’t get it, do you?” Jungkook’s earnestness slips through his syllables.
           “What don’t I get?”
           “Joon, I’ve spent nearly a decade thinking that Big Hit loves me because I work myself to the bone, because I damage my body and push it past its limits. Love costs,”
           “No it doesn’t,”
           “Your love cost,”
           “No,” Namjoon shakes his head. In the nearly two months they’ve spent in this room with Dr. Aarons, Namjoon has had his share of epiphanies. This, this is new and horrifying.
           “I,” Namjoon lunges at Jungkook, a foreign behavior that results in Dr. Aarons gasping. But he doesn’t fight him, he pulls him in, hugging him fiercely. “It doesn’t, it doesn’t Jungkook, there is no price to my love, I swear.”
           “This is the last hurdle I want us to discuss before the rest of the members arrive this week.”
           “Okay,” Namjoon sits back in his spot, leaving Jungkook’s arms empty.
           “We have to separate the idea that the actions you carried out aren’t related to love,”
           “How do we do that?”
           “Jungkook, you’ve made a list of memorable moments with Namjoon, both positive and hurtful, we’re going to work through them to separate the different emotions during those moments. Sound good?”
           “Yes,” The men reply.
           Dr. Aaron’s projects a table on the empty wall to their right, a natural screen. Namjoon stares at the T-Chart and reads over the first event.
           “Jungkook, why don’t you read the first one?”
            “Namjoon asks for a hug on stage,” Jungkook reads.
           “Why did you bring this memory to us?”
           “It’s always stuck in my mind,”
           “Can you elaborate on why?” Dr. Aarons smiles at the blush on Jungkook’s cheeks, before she turns to Namjoon. “Namjoon, what do you remember of that day?”
           “That was, what, Love Yourself World tour? Yeah, I was just feeling so emotional, we were in Seoul before going to the US to play stadiums. It was all so overwhelming, to start in our hometown, to be there, as Bangtan with all we’d been through.”
           “Jungkook, why did this stand out to you?”
           “Namjoon-hyung isn’t one for physical affection, he’s not like Hobi-hyung or Jimin-hyung, he doesn’t walk around with a free hug sign… it was so special that he wanted to share that with me, with all of us on stage in front of everyone.”
           “Was that moment pure love, or calculated action?” Dr. Aarons inquires.
           “Pure love,” The men answer in unison.
           “Let’s look at the next one.”
           “Preparation for Billboard awards,” Jungkook reads.
           “Which time?” Namjoon asks.
           “2018,” Jungkook specifies.
           “Oh, Fake Love era,” He nods his head, mind already racing through the string of events that made that year nearly unbearable.
           “Granted, we are only on the second event, but 2018 seems to have been one hell of a year. What was going on behind the scenes?”
           The thing about being a therapist is that you always know more than your clients think. Particularly when they’re famous, and Billboard has created detailed lists of their accomplishments for the last few years, you tend to be clued in when a high-profile individual waltzes through your doors. Dr. Aarons had never worked with an idol of such status and power as Jungkook and Namjoon, and eventually OT7. So, to prepare, she naturally went in to read the facts. The lists of accomplishments, itemized by year, proved indelible to her work with them. She felt prepared when Jungkook walked into her office, and through their dedicated time each day, she learned more and more. Dr. Aarons could see in that first meeting how damaged his psyche was, she could see the betrayal and confusion, the years of misuse of his body, the systems woven into his DNA that he was going to have to relearn. But she also saw the drive, the hope, the soul in his midnight irises. Now, watching him interact with Namjoon, she was beginning to feel proud of all the progress he’s made.
           “We were practicing nonstop,” Jungkook’s voice pulls her back.
           Namjoon nods, “We were all falling apart.”
           Dr. Aarons hums thoughtlessly, an empty gesture to the two whose minds are reliving the hell from that year. “This is when you considered breaking up?”
           “Disbanding, yeah,” Namjoon nods again. “We met and talked about it, a lot. It was hard navigating the pressure of becoming a more global group and the pressures of the Korean music industry.”
           “Hobi-hyung and Jimin-hyung released solo stuff, too,” Jungkook adds
           “I did too,” Namjoon reminds him. “It was a busy year with a lot of promotions and changes, so many music videos, we played the Tokyo Dome,”
           “Mic Drop Remix came out, and we had a song go platinum for the first time,”
           “We started to win big at MNET and MAMA awards,”
           “Wasn’t that the first time we were in Time Magazine?”
           “Mm, the world voted us person of the year,” Namjoon remembers receiving the news, they had been ecstatic.
           “But you wanted to disband?” Dr. Aarons wonders. “Why?”
           “All that success was overwhelming,” Jungkook answers.
           “Jungkook, you’re an introvert?”
           “I can imagine the toll that took on you, and still does, finding time to rest and recharge,” Dr. Aarons has had this conversation with him before, the need to manage his introverted personality, how he controls his body and the world around him. The tattoos, the piercings, the hair dying. All symptoms. All things she wasn’t sure Namjoon had realized.
           “I guess I thought exercise was a way to manage it,” He shrugs.
           “Jungkook, what stands out to you about Namjoon at this time?”
           “He was the reason I joined, the promises he made. We were together wondering if it was worth it and I just felt like I’d sacrificed so much, my body was breaking, and he was sitting there wondering if we should quit.”
           “Mm, did you feel betrayed?”
           “Yes, by him,”
           “What about the other members?”
           “They didn’t see it that way, Namjoon-hyung didn’t promise them what he promised me,”
           “You were feeling betrayed by him, and working your body to the max with minimal success,”
           “Namjoon, how were you feeling?”
           “I felt like we were gaining success but at what cost?”
           “That cost was me,” Jungkook says. “It’s always been me.”
           “Namjoon, we’ve been working on this, but there’s still a disconnect.”
           “I don’t know how to make him understand what I was going through too,”
           “Mm, Jungkook?”
           “Ttaeron naui sum makhil ttaemyeon / Mojal nulleosseugo gyesok dallyeo” Jungkook replies.
           “I know,”
           “You don’t, you never will. You got love, you got a career, you got a life, you got it all.” Jungkook whispers.
           “Was 2018, specifically the lead up to the Fake Love performance love, or calculated action?” Dr. Aarons presses.
           “Both,” Jungkook answers.
           “Elaborate,” She requests.
           “Namjoon-hyung wanted to walk away because he loved us, he respected us, he wanted us to be happy. But pushing me in rehearsals and building me up by complimenting the results was calculated. The lies he told were planned. He knew what he was doing to me.”
           “Namjoon, do you think that’s a fair assessment?”
           “Yes. You were also working out so much because you had to lift your shirt every time, we did that stupid song,” Namjoon sits back, the air in his lungs deflating.
           “Who decided that?” Dr. Aarons asks. “It’s something I’ve wondered about.”
           “Choreographer,” They answer.
           “Could it have been a calculated move?”
           “Maybe,” Jungkook answers. Namjoon sits silently, staring at his hands. His silence tells Dr. Aarons everything she needs to know, it was.
           “Hmm, alright next,”
           “Bangtan performing Ddaeng together,” Jungkook reads.
           “Tell me about that,”
           “We had two concerts, like a showcase, and OT7 decided we wanted to perform Ddaeng together. We divided the vocal line, Hoseok took Jimin and Seokjin, Yoongi took Taehyung, and I had Jungkook. We rehearsed and then performed together,” Namjoon explains.
           “What was special about this?”
           “We never perform rap line songs with the rap line. It was a surprise to the fans, and something we all really wanted to do. Namjoon and I have always been close, and he let me really take the verse and make it mine for those performances,”
           “Namjoon, why did you pick Jungkook?”
           “I didn’t, it was just, decided,”
           “Hobi-hyung took Jimin and Jin because they were the least experienced with rapping, and were happier to split a verse than have their own.”
           “Taehyung wanted Yoongi’s verse, desperately wanted it.”
           “I would’ve been happy with either, but I guess, I’ll take any opportunity to work with Joon-hyung,”
           “How was rehearsing?”
           “Really fun,” Jungkook says. “It was the most fun I’ve had in rehearsal, maybe ever,”
           “It was thrilling to watch him take on this song, my verse and make it his own. Our styles are very different. It was fun to watch him play with it, make it his,”
           “You still rapped parts of it with him,”
           “We took turns at the beginning of the verse,” Jungkook answers. “Then I did the rest.”
           “Love, or calculated?”
           “Love,” Namjoon answers.
           “Was it?” Jungkook asks.
           ��You think it would be calculated?” Namjoon asks.
           “Show me how I could do more than just sing, push me to explore different parts of my job, continue my drive. Could’ve been calculated,”
           “But you didn’t get into rapping at that point, you haven’t yet,”
           “From what I’m hearing, it sounds like love,” Dr. Aarons decides. “You two have come a long way in the last two months. I’m excited to talk to the other members and work through a few items with them too. How are you feeling about them coming?”
           “I’m excited,” Jungkook tells her. “I haven’t seen them in a while, I miss them.”
           “I’m happy we’ll get to work through this, though, very nervous,” Namjoon answers.
           “Good. All things to take into consideration as we ready our minds for our meeting.”
           Dr. Aarons bids the men adieu, and as they exit into the LA sun, Namjoon turns to Jungkook.
           “You’ve come a long way,” Namjoon compliments.
           “So have you,” Jungkook responds.
           “Do you want to get dinner later?” Namjoon inquires, eyes hopeful. They haven’t had many 1-1 moments, a few work activities together, some studio time and lyric sessions, but limited social time. At first Joon hated it, but after meeting with Dr. Aarons a few times outside of their group work, he came to realize how important it was for each of them to be apart, separated during their therapy.
           “I can’t, but maybe we can get coffee tomorrow before the guys show up?” Jungkook offers. It’s a consolidation prize, Namjoon can see it in the way he shrinks himself in the sunshine.
           “Sounds good, I’m moving into a bigger place with them, are you coming too?” Namjoon inquires.
           “No, I’m staying in mine. Dr. Aarons’ wants me to slowly transition back to work,” Jungkook informs him.
           “That’s a good plan,” Namjoon nods, sunglasses masking the disappointment in his eyes.
           “Yeah, so coffee, tomorrow?”
           Namjoon nods, “Eight?”
           “Sounds good,” Jungkook waves at Namjoon before turning and going his own way.
           Jungkook has plans, plans that he’s sure will go from dinner through the evening until early morning when his new love has to go to work. It’s new, a few weeks old, but feels like being on stage: familiar, comfortable, challenging, exhilarating, home. Jungkook’s only told Dr. Aarons about it, and she’s given him cautious advice. He had asked Dr. Aarons if this was a good idea, a relationship, dating at all… potentially his first real relationship with someone who looked at him like, like no one had before. It was something that was just his, in his heart, to be shared with her and only her.
           So maybe he was ditching and lying to Namjoon, but after nearly a decade, isn’t it time?
Next: Beautiful Rooms Pt. 4
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