#if misha (we’ll stick with the Collins’ marriage being most likely to be open)
bidean-byedean · 4 years
I was thinking about Jen/Mish because what else do I have to do with my life? And I’d be very interested to see the reaction to misha being with another woman. There seems to be an (probably very recent for most people) acceptance that Jen/Mish isn’t covert or extra-marital in the sense that their wives are beards/unknowing, but that they all participate in the relationship to some degree. although there isn’t much to go on when speculating about Mish/Dan/Vicki/Jen, would people think it’s so cute if we saw Vicki and Jensen flirting? Dan and Misha are clearly good friends, but they would definitely have been vilified for being sexual towards each other? I’ve also seen lots of stuff about Misha and Darius and like great, I’m not saying that misha can’t pursue extra-marital relationships with just men if that’s what he wants, it’s just the fan reaction that I’m intrigued by.
Idk I was thinking about how readily the fandom accepts misha’s polyamory but only with other men. We know Misha and Vicki are poly because of their relationship with another woman but whenever I’ve heard about misha possibly having extra-marital sex with women it’s always framed as him doing something inappropriate (usually by anti-misha fans so I’m super interested in hearing other perspectives on his apparent abuses of power). Maybe it’s the same as with fictional ships and we only see Misha in very male dominated circumstances so when would we be privy to his relationships with women? We get a lot of stories about Vicki but she’s done a fantastic job of keeping out of sight (crazy good, I literally can’t remember the last time I saw a pic of her??) so it’s hard to be a “fan” of her and them in the same way.
Does anyone else get this? Am I insane? I just think a lot of people treat Jen/Mish as cute and acceptable because it’s essentially a bisexual-fantasy-monogamy: you can be in a deeply committed relationship with one man and one woman so you’re not “choosing” or “missing out”. (This would also apply to Dan/Vicki) Maybe this is the case, but it could definitely not be and I can’t take the ~shippers~ losing their shit if we ever find out the relationship structure and it’s not the Monogamy Plus™️ that everyone on here has romanticised.
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