#if monk wasn’t so 🔥
thatcerealkiller · 9 months
Just another uncle doing kata practice in the park…
Tav master post to keep things organized for me.
Name: Angelus, “Angel” to a very select few
Ancestry: Half-Human (Wa, Kara-Tur), Half-Elf (Cormyr, Faerun)
Build: Dex based Way of the Open Hand Monk & Thief Rogue 9/3 (slightly differs in DnD with kensei subclass)
Strengths: Hand to hand, grappling, finesse sword fighting, dual wielding, naginatajutsu
Weapons of Choice: His own body, short swords, katana, jian, finesse glaives, rope dart/chain whip
Workout: Bodyweight reps and kata
Diet: Clean eating, balanced, and portion controlled to the point of being annoying
Bloodpunch: Main timeline and universe as it happened in BG3
Peridots & Rubies: Alternate universe where Angelus was never picked up by a nautiloid and meets Averyll Springheart
Flashing Lights: Modern alternative universe where Angelus is a former MMA fighter who now works for Jaheira’s security agency
Timeline: Cormyr -> Neverwinter -> Waterdeep -> Baldur’s Gate -> [Post Game] -> Karatin -> Dojyu -> Uwaji
Under construction.
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asurius · 1 year
Can you do headcanons for a Red Son and Macaque’s reaction to the Reader bring Inked away by Azure during the final Battle. Like As if instead of Red Son it was the Reader?
I would like to thank you for this ask it has been on my mind all day.
Reader is GNC.
Trigger warnings: slight depictions of violence (if I missed anything then please let me know)
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🔥Red Son🔥
Time moves by so slowly when you see Red Son launch himself at the towering Lion. His flames are bursting forth from both his head and hands. And then you see Azure Lion go to grab at Red Son and…
…You’ve always been aware of how Red Son feels about his head being touched. He’s not a fan, even the most tentative of touches leaves him flinching for a moment before he relaxes into your hand. Despite that though he’s still very bad about guarding his head. You know all of this. You know your impulsive beloved leads with his head. So when in that split second you see Azure Lion lift his hand ready to grab at Red Son you act without thinking. Because you know he doesn’t like his head being touched.
Azure Lion is taken aback for a moment when it’s not the traitor’s son…but you that he’s grabbed. This hadn’t been what he was expecting but he doesn’t waste time disposing of you. He lifts up one of the tablets and activates it.
“Very courageous of you. But also very stupid. I am sorry for this.”
You’re painfully aware of everything all at once. The painful grip on your head, an all too familiar scream begging Azure to stop, your existence being assaulted by whispers of all your past failures as the ink seeps it’s way into your entire being…and an intense heat at your back.
In a moment you feel yourself dropping to the ground. Azure Lion is holding his wrist as a dark red blazing fire surrounds you. But everything is getting fuzzy now. You can see angry red blisters on Azure’s wrist. Did Red Son do that? There’s a voice you can almost make out through the haze of ink. Red Son is reaching out to you desperate to pull you out of the ink but he’s just not fast enough. His hands goes right through where yours were as the ink finishes it’s job and is quickly sucked back into the tablet.
“No! NO stay with me (y/n)! You can’t leave me! I need you!”
He’s prepared to burn Azure to ashes when he’s pulled back by the rest of the gang. Red Son is angry. Did they know this was happening? Where have they been? Why couldn’t they have gotten there sooner?
He’s giving the rest of the team burns as he’s struggling against them demanding to be let go. Screaming profanities as he swears that he’ll make Azure Lion suffer for all he’s done. He almost outright attacks Tang when he teleports them all away.
Nezha doesn’t even get the chance to get a word in before Red Son is screaming at MK and the rest of the gang.
“It was our only option! We weren’t prepared to fight-“
When MK presents Wukong’s tablet to the group it is of little comfort to Red Son and only serves to fuel his anger further. He grabs by MK by his sleeves and screams loud enough to hurt his eardrums.
“There wasn’t time! Our best chance at getting (Y/N) and everyone else back lies with The Monkey King. He’s the only one who’s successfully stood up to the Jade Emper-“
Everyone let’s him scream and rage. MK has no defense for what’s happened and he knows it. Nothing he could say would convince Red Son that a tactical retreat was the best option. So he lets him nearly burn holes into his sleeves as he gets it out of his system.
When his energy is spent Red Son falls to his knees as angry tears begin to stream out of his eyes. Once again his family is lost to him, and this time so are you. He doesn’t know why it is that he somehow continues to come out the only one in his family that gets to escape but he hates it.
And when he at last comes to his senses he gets up, dusts himself off and swears that this will be the last time anyone takes his family from him again.
He’ll get you back. Redson will stop at nothing to ensure you and his parents safety.
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(I actually struggled a bit with this one due to the timings of events, I hope this turned out ok!)
You and the gang had arrived ready to do what you could to stop the Camel Ridge trio, and when you saw Nezha lunge for Azure you knew it would end badly. You didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. So you yanked him back and haphazardly tossed him to the rest of the group, who did their best to help him. Unfortunately Azure had still been targeting him, and that didn’t stop just because his target had switched last second.
“I am surprised to see you here. I am sorry it has come to this.”
You feel the ink consume you in a few agonizing seconds as the others look on horrified, unable to get close to help you. You see them almost wanting to reach out to you, to do anything at all that would help, but your last thoughts before you disappear are of Macaque instead. Wondering how he would react to this.
The rest of the monkey kids already knew what would happen if they tried to help, they had already been through it once day. That didn’t stop it from hurting any less, but it was the middle of a battle and they couldn’t stop to think about that, they would get you back just as they themselves had been saved and it would be fine. They were sure everything would be fine just as it had been fine one hundred times before. As they prepared to fight back MK quickly burst on to the scene and after grabbing Wukong’s tablet, called for a tactical retreat. No one was happy about it, but MK knew best in these moments.
When they arrived at Wukong’s home and after Nezha yelled at him for abandoning the field, they heard a presence drop down from one of the trees. “Hey Kiddo! You made it back! See I knew you could do…it.” Macaque’s otherwise cheerful facade dropped as he looked over the group and noticed two things. Wukong was still stuck in the tablet…and you weren’t there. “Hey uh, where’s Y/N?” He had a feeling he already knew the answer as he looked to each of them, and none of them looked back at him. He didn’t want to be right, please gods don’t let him be right- “They…they got taken. They got taken trying to save me.” It was Nezha who spoke up. Clearly not thinking highly of himself in the moment as he looked down at the ground angrily.
He wasn’t staring at the ground long however, as Macaque immediately jumped him. Using his shadow powers to force him against a wall. “It should have been you. It should have been all of you before it was them- WHAT THE HELL WERE THE REST OF YOU DOING!?” He’s angry. He’s angry at everyone who went to the celestial realm and didn’t come back with his Y/N. But mostly he’s angry at himself for not being there. He should have been there. He could have protected you. But he wasn’t. He wasn’t there, and now you weren’t here. And it was all his fault.
As the others pried him off of Nezha and he in turn wrenched himself from their grasps, he felt MK’s hand on his shoulder, giving him a stern look. “We’re going to get them back. We’re going to get everyone back, and we’re going to take down Azure Lion.” He’s not sure he believes them. He knew what they could do, hell he fought with them as brothers once upon a time. But he slowly looks at MK and nods.
But he’s not going to let anything stop him from getting you back. Even if it kills him a second time he’s not going to stop until he gets you back.
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Round 1 - Side A
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John Ward art credit @langel2
Propaganda below ⬇️
he's literally a priest and he's literally my little meowmeow. i don't have words right now but i love him. thanks
What he is about to do has not been approved by the Vatican.
He's a priest whose entire job is exorcising and hunting down demons. The Vatican does not want this. But he sure does do it!
i have nothing else to say but john ward shouldn’t be that fucking big why the fuck does the wiki say he’s 6’2 its not right it isn’t FAIR
Father Garcia is also a candidate but I wasn’t sure if you wanted more than one from the same series. I guess John does have a crisis of faith after all the stuff that happens but in 2/3 of the chapter 3 endings he continues fighting demons and stuff so ultimately he’s still catholic (he dies in the other ending so he doesn’t even leave the faith then).
hes so skrunkly and dumb, he makes mistakes then cries, hes too harsh on himself i want him dead but if he dies im gonna cry
look i know he's atari graphics but he's THE GUY ok?
he is *what i’m about to do isn’t approved by the vatican* incarnate -both literally and figuratively insane IT’S MORTIS TIME!!! and he mortised all over the demons
i want him in cat ears
He is so fucking traumatized and his faith is CONSTANTLY TESTED. He's god's soppiest little priest man and idk how he does it. But he remains faithful !! the bonus is that i have him in my brain (i have DID)
Performs an exorcism NOT approved by the vatican🙌🙌 fails and shoots that demon with a gun 🔥🔥🔥
so i'm not ENTIRELY sure if he counts as catholic because i don't really know the difference between christianity and catholicism as i'm not personally religious (the creator of faith is christian). but basically he fails an exorcism then battles demons and a cult because they wont leave him alone
Lestat de Lioncourt
Lestat was Catholic in his human life, and wanted to be a monk or priest, but was kept from it by his family. As a vampire he is, um, Extremely lapsed Catholic, although themes of religious belief (or lack thereof) are still very central to all the books. ALSO although the vampires believe that they are demons now it turns out that SPOILER they're actually possessed by pieces of an alien called Amel who is also formerly human and he bonded with Lestat for a while to become a Sacred Core but tbh I didn't read those books because the writing got pretty bad
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
💍 🤗 🔥 👑 BonRin ❤️❤️❤️
Sorry I took so long with this one!!! (⋟﹏⋞)
Prompt: 💍 Arranged marriage 🤗Hurt/comfort 🔥Slow burn 👑Royalty AU
Part: One (you're here), Two, Three
— — — — — — — — — —
Rin first met Ryuuji in the gardens when he was seven. The young monk was dressed in overly formal robes, not quite as extravagant as the kimono Rin had been forced into, but still way too stuffy.
“Him?” Rin demanded, hands on his hips as he scowled at the boy. He had messy hair and freckled cheeks. “He’s the guy I gotta marry?”
Ryuuji scowled right back at him and crossed his arms over his chest. “Hey! You get to marry me!”
“I’m the prince, I’m the—” Shirou cut off the rest of his indignant rebuttal by picking him up by the back of his clothes and hefting him into the air so he was left flailing ungracefully. Ryuuji laughed loudly. Rin’s cheeks went horribly hot, and a few flames flared over his head and shoulders.
“None of that,” Shirou chided, not caring about the flames. “Behave yourself.”
“Ryuuji,” the tall bald monk murmured quietly but sternly. “Remember what we talked about.”
Shirou set Rin back on the ground and he immediately crossed his arms over his chest, huffed loudly, and turned his head away like Yuri sometimes did when she didn’t want to talk to Shirou.
The bald monk laughed softly. “Ah, he does look like his mother.” Wait, did that old fart know Yuri?
Shirou let out his own wry laugh. “Don’t let her hear you say that.” He grinned. “I can see Torako in yours.”
“She’d be proud to hear that.”
“Probably. She’d still kick my ass though.”
Rin glared up at Shirou. He didn’t like how friendly they already seemed. He didn’t want to get hitched to anyone, and this grumpy boy didn’t look fun.(Even if he had pretty eyes.)
To his annoyance, the boy was scowling up at his own father. He promptly smoothed out his expression and glared at the grass instead. He wasn’t going to be like Ryuuji. He wasn’t going to get married even if people told him to.
— — — — — — — — — —
The Suguro’s made the journey from Kyoto once a year, every single year, and they spent most of the winter with Rin’s family.
Rin was pretty certain they did that because it was a lot harder to avoid someone you didn’t want to spend time with in the winter. You couldn’t run away outside or hide in the trees. He was left with the palace, and while there were still some good hiding spots there, there were also a lot more people about who were all too happy to tattle on him and make him join Ryuuji again.
It was fun when they did the same thing to Ryuuji, but by their third year doing it, Rin was annoyed. They tried mutual escapes, and somehow those made them get foiled even faster.
The problem was Ryuuji liked to do boring things. He liked reading — which made him spend a lot of time with Yukio (why couldn’t they get married instead? No. Yukio got betrothed to Shiemi who was cool and liked to play in the dirt and hunt for bugs.) — meditating (which was somehow more boring than reading) reciting long and weird words, singing (which could be nice but Rin was usually grouchy by the time Ryuuji started singing) and the only arguably cool thing he liked doing (archery) they rarely got to do because Rin was a little reckless and it was cold outside. (He’d only hit Belial with an arrow once. He was a servant so it wasn’t like it was that big of a deal. He should have just moved out of the way faster.)
Rin was the prince, and he had no qualms about using his status to get out of all the boring stuff Ryuuuji liked to do, and he was about to use it again.
“Come onnnn!” Rin unashamedly whined. He was flopped on his back with his arms spread out like a starfish and didn’t care if he looked stupid.
“Rin,” Ryuuji huffed at the same time Yukio gave a tired sigh. “If you’re bored, go do your own thing.”
“But I gotta do it with you!”
Ryuuji clutched his book a bit closer. He got weird about his books. Apparently their library was nicer than Kyoto’s. Maybe Rin would like it better there.
“Well I wanna read.”
“But you’ve been doing it for hours and I’m boooorrreeeddd!”
“It’s only been a while.”
“And it’s boring!”
Yukio scooped his pile of books to his chest, got up, sent Rin a fierce glare, and retreated to a far away corner of the library. Rin stuck his tongue out after him. When he looked back at Ryuuji, he was frowning sadly down at his book.
A small amount of guilt twisted in Rin’s gut. He shoved it back down. It didn’t matter if Ryuuji wanted to read, Rin wanted to do other things, and he was the prince. Not Ryuuji.
“What… what if I read the story to you?”
Rin pushed himself into a seated position. “Heh?”
“What If I read my story to you? Could I stay for a while longer before we go do whatever you want to do?”
It felt like a trick. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Ryuuji’s pretty brown ones (he got upset everytime Rin called them that which made Rin call them that at every chance he could.) Ryuuji met his gaze without blinking, so he wasn’t lying. Ryuuji couldn’t look him in the eyes when he was lying.
“Alright. But if it’s a shitty story, then I’m leaving!”
Ryuuji nodded in determination. “It won’t be!” He grabbed the book he had been reading back up and flipped to the first page.
“Fukaku,” he began in a low and steady voice, “could tell the winds were changing, and that something was coming, something that would choke the life out of the people in his little town.”
Rin propped his chin in his hand and decided he’d give Ryuuij a few more sentences.
(They ended up staying until dinner, and Rin woke Ryuuji up in the middle of the night to read him the rest of the story.)
— — — — — — — — — —
“I’m telling you, I saw it!” Rin crowed, not caring that he was probably making a scene. They were the only ones that were supposed to be in the garden right now, so anyone who was watching could just deal with Rin’s volume. (People kept doing that, leaving them alone. It was starting to weird Rin out.)
“Who cares?” Ryuuji huffed, hauling himself up the tree Rin was lounged against. “They’re getting married. Let ‘em kiss.”
“You’re no fun.” Renzou called from his own branch. Ryuuji stuck his tongue out at his friend, and Rin scowled a bit more fiercely. He wasn’t sure why Renzou and Konekomaru were here this year. He didn’t like it. Ryuuji didn't pay a lot of attention to him when other people were around. Summer was supposed to be their time.
“Shut up! I am too fun!”
“You’re fun, Bon.” Konekomaru called earnestly. Rin rolled his eyes.
“Rooster is not fun.”
“Don’t call me that!” Ryuuji kicked out as he pulled himself up to the branch, and Rin barely ducked in time to avoid the foot. Renzou squeaked and scrambled higher up the tree to escape Ryuuji’s wrath. Konekomaru watched them go with worried eyes and tried to catch the lowest branch. He wasn’t quite tall enough.
Ryuuji noticed (because Ryuuji always noticed when either of them were having trouble, even if he never seemed to notice when Rin was having trouble) and promptly reached down to help him reach the lowest branch. Renzou used his distraction to get higher.
“Rooster!” Rin shouted again, unreasonably annoyed as Konekomaru was pulled onto Ryuuji’s branch. He could out climb all of them. Actually, screw this. He was going to out climb them all. “And if you were fun, you’d care that Yukio was kissing Shiemi!”
Why did no one care about this? His twin was kissing.
“They’re getting married!” Ryuuji repeated as he reached up for the next branch and started to climb in earnest. Renzou was going to get pulverized if he wasn’t quick. “Let ‘em kiss!”
“What?” Renzou called down from his perch near the top, “You jealous?”
Jealous? Of what? “Huh?” He dug his claws into the trunk and set to climbing up as fast as he could. Shiemi would be upset that he was hurting the tree, but she wasn’t here.
“Of Yukio.” Renzou squeaked again and switched to the other side of the tree as Ryuuji took a swipe at his ankle.
“What’re you talking about?”
Renzou paused in his escape and peered down at Rin through the branches. Ryuuji used his pause to climb a bit higher. Rin didn’t care about that, but he wasn’t comfortable with Renzou’s piercing stare. It made him blush for some reason, and he hated blushing. (He also couldn't help glancing at Ryuuji, which was just as weird. Ryuuji was almost at the top, and he was grinning as he did it. Ryuuji almost never smiled.)
“Just what I said.” Renzou sat on his branch and swung upside down so his face was closer to Rin. There was something taunting in his gaze. “Are you jealous of Yukio? Are you jealous of him kissing Shiemi?”
Ryuuji paused in his climbing, but Rin didn’t notice. His cheeks were on fire and his hair might be too. “Am not! I don’t wanna kiss Shiemi!” She was fun and pretty, but she was basically his sister. It’d be like kissing Shura, and that was just weird.
“No?” Renzou raised an eyebrow. “Then who do you wanna kiss?”
Rin, for reasons he absolutely did not understand, glanced at Ryuuji again. Ryuuji whose smile was gone and who was now scowling fiercely at Renzou.
“No one!”
Renzou laughed again, and Rin could feel everyone looking at him. “Shut up! It’s just, it’s gross!”
“You wanna kiss someone!” Renzou sang, swinging back and forth on his branch.
“Do not! Kissers and kissing is gross!”
Renzou swung back up right. “Sorry, Bon! Looks like there won’t be any kisses for —AGH!”
Ryuuji had finally reached Renzou and shoved him off the branch. Renzou flailed wildly and barely caught the next branch down. Ryuuji didn’t wait to see if he did or didn’t. He glared at Rin, and promptly dropped down from the tree before storming off.
Rin didn’t watch him stomp off, and he didn’t help Renzou back up. (He didn’t have to go after Ryuuji because Konekomaru immediately did, and that didn’t annoy Rin a lot.) He climbed to the top of the tree and stayed there grumpily until the sun was setting. The weird and uncomfortable squirmy feeling in his gut never really went away.
— — — — — — — — — —
Ryuuji was hiding from him, and Rin was annoyed about it. Rin didn’t care what Ryuuji did, but people always bugged him when Ryuuji wasn’t around like it was his fault Ryuuji was missing.
“RYUUJI!” Rin bellowed, thoroughly annoyed that he couldn’t find Ryuuji at his own home. Ryuuji shouldn’t be better at hiding here than Rin. That wasn’t fair at all.
There was no answer because Ryuuji was a jerk.
“Rin,” Shirou slid the door open and frowned at him. “Have you tried looking instead of shouting?”
“Of course! Ryuuji… Ryuuji’s just cheating. He keeps, uh, moving.” Rin wasn’t going to admit he couldn’t find him.
Shirou raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
Rin nodded hard and crossed his arms. He didn’t even want to find stupid Ryuuji. So what if Yukio was hanging with Shiemi and didn’t have to hunt his betrothed down. So what if they were supposed to hang out together and Ryuuji was supposed to want to hang out with him. It wasn’t like Rin needed or wanted his stupid attention.
"Well, last I heard, Ryuuji was near the south wing. The temple? Might want to check over there."
Rin glared for a moment longer before huffing and running towards the temple. He ignored Shirou's knowing laugh and ran faster. He was just checking on his betrothed. It wasn't like he was worried or anything. It had just been a few days of ignoring. Rin could handle it.
(Just... it felt like it might be his fault, and he hated that. He didn't really know what had done it, but he was pretty sure something about the kiss conversation had made Ryuuji mad.)
Ryuuji was at the temple, and Rin could hear his voice blending in with the older monks as he spoke his chants. Rin peeked in through the window and watched as they all knelt in front of the statue and the basin of fire. It was boring human fire. Not as pretty and cool as his flames. Why was Ryuuji sitting in front of it when he could be with Rin?
Crossing his arms with a huff, Rin decided he was going to get his future husband's attention. He was the prince, after all. He deserved that attention more than a stupid statue did.
Jumping down from the window, he ran around to the entrance and slid the door open as loudly as he could. A few of the chants stopped as the monks turned around in surprise, but the oldest monks kept the words going. Ryuuji paused before stubbornly clenching his hands and continuing.
"Hey!" Rin shouted, flickering a little with indignation. Why did Ryuuji always have to be so stubborn and boring? Rin wanted to play. "Ryuuji! Come on!"
"Bocchan," one of the bald monks gently said, "it would seem your betrothed requires your attention."
Ryuuji muttered something Rin couldn't actually hear. The monk frowned a bit, but not in annoyance like people were always frowning at Rin.
"Just a short while, Bocchan."
Ryuuji huffed and got up with a fierce scowl. "Fine! But make it quick."
Rin purposefully walked slowly out of the temple and got a thrill at how quickly it made Ryuuji send him an annoyed glare. Ha! He could still rile him up. The past few days of ignoring hadn't changed that.
Rin walked until they were at the edge of the forest around the palace. There weren't that many people out here. Just the guards, and they were pretty good at pretending they weren't always listening.
"Why you been ignoring me?"
"I haven't been." Ryuuji muttered as he shoved his shoulders up sulkily.
Rin immediately scowled. "Have too!"
"Have not!"
"Have too! So cut it out!"
"I'll ignore you if I want! Whadda ya even care for? I thought I was gross!"
Ryuuji stomped forward, until he was under the cover of trees. The shadows danced over him in strange shapes, making him look other worldly and distant. "Don't 'huh'! You said it!"
Rin blinked the weird vision away and darted forward. "Don't run away from me when I'm talkin' to ya! I'm a prince! You're supposed to —"
"No one cares that you're a prince!"
"You're just a monk! A gross monk!" Ryuuji wasn't gross, and Rin didn't know what he was talking about because he was pretty sure he'd never called Ryuuji gross, but he was mad and it was the first word that popped up in his mind.
Ryuuji shot him an utterly furious look. His face was red with it, pinched in the wrong way, and his eyes...
Why did he look sad?
"Leave me alone!" Ryuuji kept stomping on, so Rin continued after him. "You're the one that said I was gross, so just let me be."
"I didn't call you gross!"
Ryuuji rounded on him with an irritated growl. "You just did, ya moron!"
"'Cause you wouldn't stop saying it! And don't call me a moron, rooster!" Rin crossed his arms over his chest and dropped to the ground petulantly. "We're not moving until you explain why you're so mad."
Ryuuji glared for a moment longer before he smoothed the expression out. "I don't have to stay. I can just leave you here."
"I'll yell and get you in trouble."
Ryuuji's expression twitched. "I already told you."
"No you didn't! You said I called you gross and I didn't."
"You did!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
Rin threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "WHEN?!"
"WHEN YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T WANT TO KISS ME!" Ryuuji bellowed, and promptly went pale. He took a step back while Rin gaped at him.
A smile started to creep across Rin's face as he stared. "You wanna kiss me," he said, and his grin grew bigger and vicious. "You wanna kiss me!" He laughed with that realization. Ryuuji liked him and wanted to kiss him. Ha!
Ryuuji's face twisted in the wrong way. "Shut up!" And with that, he was running at top speed into the forest and away from Rin. The dangerous forest. The forest they weren't supposed to go in.
Oh no.
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