#if only i had the patience to gif stuff for tumblr requirements
rayslittlekitten · 3 months
WIP Updates - June 11, 2024
Hi, y'all! First and foremost, thank you all for still sticking around and being so patient if you're still following me. I haven't really posted any fics since end of last year (the Christmas Kai fic), and with the exception of finally finishing that Dieter fic which I posted a few months ago (it was literally like a two year WIP).
My inspirations and motivations have been really up and down on top of tons of life stuff (all good stuff, including my broken leg being almost fully functional again) so I've been focusing on that mainly. I do write whenever I get a zap of inspo and motivation but it's usually just a line or two, unless it's a new fic idea and churn out paragraphs, but none of them are complete so I just add to my WIP list instead.
What motivated me to write this post is because I had realized in a few months I'd be a year since I last updated "I Almost Told You That I Loved You" and many have asked about it and you all deserve an update on all my WIP. I promise you, I have not abandoned it. I have the beginning of the next chapter written, but I am very meticulous about what direction I want to take it and it requires a lot of time and energy for me go back to that place to figure it all out which unfortunately, these days I don't have for that, but I assure you it is not abandoned, but I don't have any ETA for the next chapter. It's been especially difficult for me to write smut which like 95% of these contain.
But here are the WIP that I have been actively working on since forever:
I Almost Told You That I Loved You Chapter 20
Fine Wine (Dad!Will x Wife!Reader)
Crush Part 2
Untitled Dad!Will x Wife!Reader smut (maybe I'll share a snippet one day)
Next chapter for the Toff Girl series (another one I need to really figure out what direction I want to take it in)
There may be some not listed on here which also doesn't mean I've abandoned those either, I'm just not currently actively working on those, although feel free to send an ask if you have any questions about them. Thank you again for your patience! You all are the best 🥹
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Also, just in case, because only sometimes Tumblr shows my masterlist link on my header, here is my MASTERLIST which I will eventually revamp because it is a tragedy. You can also find me on AO3.
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seirindono · 3 years
Greetings from ur local snail artist, dropping a hello and how are you?
Hope u're not overloaded with tasks and irl problems.
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Send my greetings to The Missing Scarf crew too, senpai :D
Take ur time creating ur comic content, we'll always patiently waiting for it.
And hey, I'm still spamming ur discord DM, u butter see them soon. It's the yeast thing I'll ask from u, cuz I'll have some new stuff soon >:3
sksksks I'm sorry I'll shut my mouth now-
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Hehe, hello there.
Sadly, I am, in fact, a bit overloaded with school work, so I haven't really had the time to think of Tumblr or Discord these days (and that'll most likely be the case for the rest of september *sigh*).
I have this big assignment. It's a stop-motion project (6 people per team) and I'm basically either working on it or trying to catch some sleep whenever I can (floor, bed or on the way back home, I'm not picky haha). It's awesome and I love doing it but that requires my full attention, and a crazy amount of energy and time!
I'll still try to post new stuff next week! Also a new "Random Dialogue" should be uploaded in a few hours so be prepared ( ´ ▿ ` )
(I'll try to check Discord on Sunday...that's my only off day... maybe I'll try to stream next week too, on saturday idk...maybe games...)
But in the meantime, I'll make sure to greet Mel and the others for you ;)
Loaf you too, thanks for your patience y'all!
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isabellehemlock · 3 years
Hiatus Announcement
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Hi loves, so as I talked about here, I’m taking a semi hiatus.  I have two months of stuff queued up, so hopefully I can basically support content creators in our fandom - just from afar as I delete the app for at least one month, and potentially a little longer.
This is for a few reasons which I’ll talk about under the cut, but I’ll keep it vague for privacy reasons, and because it’s a bit exhausting to rehash all of this.  CW/TW for mental health issues, and c-ptsd mentioned, but not detailed, nor the reasons behind it.  Chronic health issues, and the American healthcare system is also discussed, though fairly vaguely.  But figured I’d mention it anyway!
I had shared back in March about needing a fandom break from tumblr, and though that was essentially only a small part of my fandom experience, it obviously had a pretty big impact on my mental health.  I returned in April, and wrapped up a big fic in May and basically tried taking care of my mental health by curating my feed as best as possible and changing my privacy settings and just really focusing on how I could offer the kind of support that wasn’t personally draining for me - which most consistently seems to be hyping up the content creators in our fandom :)  I love to see so many talented people in our fandom and cheer you all on!
I also focused on writing and drawing more than ever, and honestly I did mean what I talked about here on the anniversary, about how much this fandom means to me. 
However, what I haven’t shared - since this primary/personal blog has basically turned into a fandom blog - was that I’ve been dealing with some chronic physical health issues since the end of April.  Some dear friends are aware that I have a genetic condition that requires me to take weekly infusions to combat the long term effects of this. 
Unfortunately my insurance has been denying me this treatment since April.  I have now gone fifteen weeks without it. 
I recently learned (just last week actually!) that I won an appeal and my hospital and med team are coordinating to get me an infusion asap.  But it hasn’t happened yet, and I’m not sure when it will :/ 
All this to say that I simply do not have the mental, and physical energy, to keep up with real life of being a wife and mother (my kids have been home full time since March 2020, and bless them for their patience as we homeschooled with bundles, vs online school, but this new Delta variant is scary because they do not have options for vaccines yet), and helping take care of other family members who also deal with chronic health issues, and trying to nurture relationships that have fallen to the wayside during the pandemic, and embrace new ones I have made over the last year, and write, and draw as a way to combat stress and as art therapy for myself and be on tumblr trying to keep up.
So for now, I’m staying in a fandom server, and reshifting my focus on my WIPs which should keep me busy through October.  I genuinely hope to be back before then! 
I am hoping by taking a step back from one more app to manage, I can shift and refocus my limited energy to some things I need to take care of in real life (mostly med management, and organizing things before my kids go back to school next month).  People who are close to me know how to reach me, and please know my discord app is open for DMs if again there’s anything I need to update on a fic or a meta post of mine, or you need some encouragement from me in regards to something you created, or just want to talk :)
I am so grateful for the support you’ve given me so far, and I hope to return refreshed and restored!
Plus, maybe I'll finally whittle down my marked for later list (there’s currently 200+ fics for me to read!). 
I was hoping to wait till I finished the last two bingo fills - so feel free to keep an eye on them on my AO3 - but I’m not sure if that will take a few more days. 
So I’m logging off now, and wishing everyone well.
And please know my mental health is stronger then it was back in March (yay!), I just unfortunately am dealing with a lot of personal stress right now, but it’ll all be okay!  I will return, and until then fill free to browse my pinned posts.  And I hope you enjoy some things I queed.
Until then loves, be well and God bless ~ Katharina  
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