#if other people want to do this i could yknow finalise it or something?
clockworkcheetah · 8 months
lmao trying to come up with 30 prompts currently have over 40
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gweyson · 6 years
Isaac 2, 15, 30 and 45, Michael 5, 29, 48 and 60, Phoebe 3, 17, 25 and 44 and Wren 1, 19, 40 and 50?
2: What is your character’s favorite memory?
either when he and michael got married or when all the paperwork got finalised and they could officially adopt phoebe... bc as much as he’ll try to avoid it he’s a massive sap
15: What music genre would your character listen to?
he’s absolutely a classic rock snob and thats just that
30: Would your character have any hobbies?
he listens to podcasts a lot (or he used to before zombies started killing people). he also likes cooking !! especially with phoebe theyre the dream team
45: What would your character change about themselves?
if you ask him he’d say nothing but he knows hes kinda emotionally closed off and that’s something he needs to work on
5: Describe your character’s dream date.
he likes to sightsee and eat so like... take him out do to those and he’ll be happy
29: What would be your character’s favorite food?
some kind of cake i think.... he used to be the guinea pig for when phoebe and isaac attempted to cook together fun fact 
48: How would your character type?
he used proper punctuation but spelling and grammar was just whatever
60: If you could title your character’s life, what would you title it?
Wow That’s A Dead Husband. because thats pretty much his only trait right now dfjkhgkjfgjd
3: What is your character’s least favorite memory?
she had a really rough time after michael died (and she’s still not doing too hot but she’s gotta focus on not dying so, yknow). she was also NOT happy when wren got there for the first time. shes warmed up to her a bit but she’s still not really a fan
17: Does your character have any irrational fears?
shes too cool and tough and hardcore to have fears. it’s just a coincidence that she gets all flustered and anxious when shes around bugs or when it’s dark. pure coincidence
25: Would you want to hang out with your character?
if she wasnt a literal child then probably
44: What is your character proud of?
she knows how to take care of herself now and she has a cool pocket knife that shes managed to keep secret for a long time (isaac would freak out if he knew she had it, and wren would be fine with it but she’d tell isaac. also shes finally memorised her 8 times tables
1: What is your character’s biggest fear?
shes terrified of the thought of someone she loves being infected and having to kill them before they can turn (once is more than enough) but other than that she’s never been hot on heights/flying
19: What is your character’s deepest, darkest secret?
she definitely doesn’t have trauma related around loss or zombies and those two topics definitely aren’t connected hahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahaha
40: What would be your character’s favorite school subject?
she liked textiles and english !! ^__^
50: What is your favorite thing about your character?
personally im a fan of the fact that she tries way too hard to be hip with the kids. like painfully hard. please stop. you’re embarrassing everyone but yourself, somehow
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