#if people wouldnt have gotten so weird about both of them post season three... could have gotten some cool stuff i think
swankpalanquin · 4 months
the kendall greg shiv and tom quadrangle of characters was so good in succession
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darlingsdream · 6 years
My Story With Voltron and Season Seven Thoughts
So, this is the first time I’ll be posting something personal on here about my story with Voltron and how I feel about it. It’s going to be long, and yeah, trigger warning.
A year ago, I was in a very, very bad place mentally. I was learning a lot about who I was personally and dealing with a lot of losses and emotional baggage. As a very young child, I was very into the original Voltron. I loved that stuff, however, when I grew older I didn’t stick to it and didn’t hear about the new reboot of it. Last year, one of the biggest things I was dealing with was my sexuality. Hi, I’ve recognized I’m BISEXUAL! And I’m very proud! But, I found it very hard to accept that about myself last year, seeing as my family did not approve of that stuff. I always lost myself in LGBT members in TV shows because I felt like I could relate to the characters and they helped me get through my emotional stuff. I would hyperfocus on them to drown out the very, very bad stuff I was going through.
One day while scrolling through YouTube, I came across a Klance edit. I did not know what show they were from, and genuinely believed they were a cannon gay couple. I fell in love with them instantly and began watching more video of them on YouTube. After my spree, I looked it up and figured out they were from the new Voltron reboot! I was like, woah! A voltron reboot? A gay couple, in a child’s cartoon? I was DEAD SET IN LOVE with the show right off the bat. I watched all four seasons that were out at the time and yeah, realized Klance wasn’t a cannon ship. I fell in love with the plot, characters, ships, and fandom though.
Voltron gave me something to take my mind off how bad of a situation I was in. It gave me something to hyperfocus on and fall in love with. I’ve met so many nice and friendly people through the fandom, people that understand me! The fandom is so amazing with great content? Like, the fics? Amazing! Art? Stunning! I loved the VA’s immediately and even recognized them from shows I used to watch! I became so involved with Voltron and progressively found myself getting happier and happier as I met new people, found myself, found relatable content and happy spaces to put myself into. Long story short, Voltron saved me from a shit filled situation. I’ve loved Voltron so, so much.
For the past three seasons, I’ve stayed up just to watch them immediately. I’ve worked on many fan fictions and read AMAZING ones by BEAUTIFUL writers!
You could only imagine my SHOCK when I heard there would be LGBT rep! Something I personally struggle with, even now! I cried when I found out Shiro had a male fiancé when he was on Earth! It made me so, so happy!
So, here is where my issues start...
You can tell I’ve loved Voltron whole heartedly for a very long time. Yeah?
This season, season 7, hurt me in more ways than one. It was written poorly compared to the other seasons in my opinion. The episodes where a bit everywhere and the villains were out there! The time warps were confusing, and having twenty new characters thrown at you at once is confusing! Especially when the show is close to ending. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of good things in this season! An amazing and well deserved Hunk arc, Lance’s strong and smart sister! The Paladins all being with their families! Shiro getting a new arm! Major Paladin and Lion bonding! Keith loves his mom!
But, there was just as much bad things as good things... I’ll start with the plot, so people won’t think I’m shitting on a show I’ve adored for MONTHS because “MY SHIP DIDNT BECOME CANNON”. Because that’s not it.
The plot was, for this season, confusing! The space stuff happening was weird. And, as someone who has an 8 YEAR OLD SISTER who watches this show, she was startled by the hostility Keith began showing the fellow Paladins during their “space madness”. The game show episode, while supposed to be a tension breaker, was useless in the long run and more of an aggravating spit run than anything else. Like, it was nice seeing Zarkon, Haggar, and Lotor! As a family! But odd, we never got an explanation as to how. Then we have everyone bashing on Lance, poor lance, for being an idiot, which he is not. As well, Voltron is captured TWICE this season... never had that happened and the way they always get out of the trouble seemed very OP.
Now, I’ll go into characters. Shiro: a supposed LGBT member, handicap, suffers from PTSD, and is of a different race, gets put through the RINGER in EVERY SEASON. They have done this character dirty, I’m not even going to lie. It’s not “character development” to throw your character around like that and kill it a hundred times but allow it to still live. Poor Shiro has barely had ANY good luck through out this show! Then, they go and say, he’s an LGBT character... They kill off his ex fiancé? They said there would be a major plot with Adam and Shiro, and I feel like they did both characters dirty. No, Adam’s death was far from heroic. It was a flash death, not even sudden, and people were left confused to it. I’m pretty sure they even referred to Adam as PERSON 1 in the subtitles. Shiro’s grieving of his old partner is so rushed too. We got an entire clip of Pidge sobbing her heart out over her brother, but see barely a flinch as Shiro looks at his ex fiancés grave. You wouldnt even be able to tell they used to be a couple if the producers didn’t say something. I’m sorry, but personally, I can’t count this as LGBT rep when it’s so concealed like this... it hurts, because they hyped the rep up so much and I was so excited, and then shit hit the fan.
Then there is Lance, who we were promised would get development. The only development for him has been on his crush for Allura and it’s painfully obvious. He is used as a joke. The other characters mistreat him... and it’s very hard to watch. This, as a kids show, just shows that it’s okay to be rude and make fun of other people. My younger sister even picked up on this and said the way Lance is treated by everyone, especially his sister, is bad! The whole gameshow episodes they kept calling the poor teen Dumb and Stupid. Like, jeez, that’s kind of damaging? They even showed that Lance has many insecurities and yet, they don’t go any further about it. He cries? No one comforts him. He’s worried? People shoot him down. He tries to help others? He gets yelled at that he can’t do things right or disregarded. It goes to show as a regular trope kids are taught today, it’s bad for boys to have emotions! It’s like it doesn’t even matter! It agitates me so much...
Then, Keith. Keith is my favorite character, he’s gotten SO MUCH development. More than anyone else... which, I kind of dislike.. but, his personality was totally screwed over this season! They changed him completely, and it’s sad to see! Sure, he grew up, but there is literally NOTHING left of his old character!
Now, I guess it’s time for the major controversial ship talk.... this, is a fucking WRECK. The producers of Voltron said that romance wasn’t going to be a big thing in the show. In my honest opinion, they shouldn’t have done ANY romance, no Adam and Shiro, no Allura and Lance, no nothing. They’ve gone about it all wrong, and it’s just disappointing and UNCOMFORTABLE!!!
I’ll start with Allurance. I, originally, liked Allurance. But now, it’s so over done, it’s so awkward, forced, and uncomfortable! The past six seasons, we’ve seen Lance have a meaningless crush on her. I don’t see what’s so great about her to him? He said she makes him want to be a better person, but, anyone on team Voltron makes him try harder, honestly! It just seems so stupid! And now, that lotor is out of the way, Allura all of a sudden shows interest in him? No build up? No back story? Just random blushing and caring? It sounds like a rebound! I mean, yes, I understand peoples feelings can change, but this? They’ve gone about it ALL WRONG! As well? They have said Allura doesn’t get an endgame, but Lance does? This makes no sense. They have also said for Lance’s endgame: he ends up with someone he NEEDS, not WANTS, the person he ends up chose him as a first choice! This doesn’t sound like Allura, yet, they keep pushing it on their interviews and it’s just awkward! This ISNT slowburn!!!!
Finally, Klance. Yeah, I’m upset... very upset actually. They make Lance like Allura violently and now Axca is randomly showing up and now Keith is HET? Yeah... I don’t get it. I don’t get why they made all those unnecessary Klance moments now. Bonding moment? Elevator scene? Comforting? The soft looks? The concern? The colors in the backgrounds? The built up from rivals to friends to co-leading? They were getting along so well, it was so nice! I really thought that they were the slowburn relationship the cast was so excited and quiet about! It seemed so right! But then, Keith left for the blade, and in the shipping panel they said Keith and Lance were soulmates and they wished they could have seen that earlier. I was hurt. Beyond hurt. When Keith came back, I was disappointed. They changed Keith’s personality so much... he was rude and snapping at Lance, I was like, woah? And then when Keith was rude to Allura and Lance told him he should have just stayed away? That hurt! During the game show when Lance and Keith picked each other to leave, I felt so happy! I was like, wow, they care so much for each other! Lance was so earnest with his response! He made such a soft expression and said Keith was like the future! But then Keith ruined the entire moment and said he just picked Lance because he didnt want to spend an eternity with him! Like, what? What happened to the Keith that hung onto their bonding moment? Why was he so snappy? I am so confused why they built up a nice friendship and then we get THAT from them! It seems so.. wrong now! I am hurt over it, like, genuinely. I don’t even care if they weren’t going to be in a relationship! They could have been AMAZING friends, but they ruined that! They made their friendship seem so toxic!
After this season, I’ve honestly lost my passion and fire for Voltron... I’m so disappointed and sad. Not just because of ships, but plot as well.
I also would like to say as a side note: it’s okay for people to watch a show just for ships. That’s their interest, let them do what they want and don’t attack them... we all have our personal reasons for stuff!!!
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lebilliam · 7 years
Hey sirmcartney asked me to do this
I’d rather be doing this over my school ish anyways :’)
Ask me some questions!
3 Fears: Ghosts :((( , fat insects , failing stuff 
3 things I love: i fukin love talking to my friends and hanging out , listening to music that i havent heard in forever, and that post workout glow 
2 turns on: i can send them memes :) , i can laugh and not give a heck with them
2 turns off: i cant send them memes :( , being mean to me (im sensitive af)
My best friend: zoo wee this is a hard one but id prob say logan or brian or adam or morgan or alex. take ur pick. (morgan and logan tbh)
Sexual orientation: str8 
How tall am I: 5′9″ according to my ID
What do I miss right now: intimacy
Favourite color: orange!!!!!
Do I have a crush: ;)
Favourite place: currently ive been digging the imagination room
What am I listening to right now: affection // Cigarettes After Sex
Shoe size: it varies on the brand but normally 9.5 or 10? idk im bad
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black 
Meaning behind my URL: its bc i wanted a recognizable alias that i could use across platforms 
Favourite song: i always say liztomania by phoenix
Favourite band: Maroon 5 fanboy here but ive been a fan of Cigarettes after Sex for a while now
How I feel right now: STRESSED and ANGERY
Someone I love: myself (kinda)
My current relationship status: 
My relationship with my parents: we dont really talk that much but good i think?
Favourite season: oof i like the heat but im gonna say winter bc i get to be emo and i can go walk on fresh snow 
Tattoos and piercing i have: none atm
Tattoos and piercing i want: hmmm idk if i want anything big but i always thought the track shoe/wing thing would be nice
The reasons I joined Tumblr: all my friends had it so i thought i would be cool if i made one
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: i have gotten some before and i appreciate them 
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: the last person i texted? surprisingly no
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: depends if i shower but i can get going in ~4-5 minutes
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: nope!
Where am I right now?: imagination room!
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? hell yea who doesnt
Do I live with my Mom and Dad? not atm im chillin #dormlife
Am I excited for anything?: excited for the weekend
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? hell to the yea of course
How often do I wear a fake smile?: everytime i feel weird around people idk usually i wouldnt say i smile that much unless im gooning 
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: I believe that the world will introduce me to people when i need it (lame answer: idk anyone but maybe like my friends’ friends)
What do I think about most? this week it’s been the french essay i had to write but overall i think about being appreciated 
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? id be on both sides if i could but if i had to pick one id totally be in front
What was the last lie I told? oh haha i dont know (but i do know)
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? PHONE CALLS
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Hell yea what else am i supposed to be afraid of. aliens are super cool man of course i think theyre real
Do I believe in magic? NOPE! but theres been some crazy magic tricks where i almost believe but then i see the “how it’s done” video for it
Do I believe in luck? hell yea of course! why would it not exist? 
What’s the weather like right now? ughgh it’s disappointingly hot 
What was the last book I’ve read? Huis Clos by Jean Paul Sartre (i had to read it for class but it really is a great work of art)
Do I have any nicknames? B, Lil B(ones i have heard the most) Billiam, Broletariate Biu (my mom calls me that), (billy bear is an old one and i dont know why they ever used it in the first place), goomph, toad, frog, ugly ass, nerd, dork, dingus
Do I spend money or save it? i spend it haha kms i really need to save more efficiently
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: nope just tried and looked like a fool
Favourite animal? oof i want to say dogs but thats basic but dogs are so loving like i dont get it how do they do it
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: i was up and i was emo. jk i was hanging out and watching bad Freshman xxl cyphers
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Get Low by lil Jon or Faded (the remix) or change your mind by the killers. im gonna go ahead and say that change your mind gets my shit hyped UP
What is my favorite word? satiation
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: idk if im going to be honest i dont really use tumblr that much for personal blogs but i do love foodporn, til, ruined childhood
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? love each other. 
Do I have any relatives in jail? i dont think so? oh jk theyre not really a relative but they’re a close family friend’s relative
Had sex? ye
Bought condoms? ye
Gotten pregnant? cant really say that i have :p
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? yes
Had job? yep! summer job at the zoo which was cool af
Smoked weed? once or twice 
Smoked cigarettes? never.nope.disgusting
Drank alcohol? yes
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? i tried being vegetarian for a bit but then i wasnt eating enough red meat
Been overweight? as a kid i feel like i was overly big but now that i think about it i dont think i was fat
Been underweight? definitely
Gotten my heart broken? homeboy who hasnt?
Been to prom? yeep
Been in airplane? yeep
Learned another language? heck yes! english kek and im in the process of learning french. i tried learning lithuanian after a life changing experience. 
Wore make up? surprisingly no
Dyed my hair? nope! i dont want to bleach my hair
Had a surgery? uhhh does laser surgery count? bc ive had 3 so far and i might have more
Met someone famous? every time i walk by a mirror ;) jk i met the senator of WA and the mayor of Tacoma a couple times
Stalked someone on a social network? pfft hell yes
Been fishing? yep! it’s always an experience
Been rejected by a crush? rip me yes
What do I want for birthday? i want to have a nice get together with friends where we do stuff that i dont have to pay for (but i dont think thats how life works anymore)
Do I like my handwriting? I love it in pen and when i hit my ecrivain stride, but otherwise when my hands get sweaty its just a fkin mess 
Where do I want to live when older? i’ve always said paris, but zaragoza spain wouldnt be too bad!
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? yea boi
What I’m really bad at: believing in myself 
What my greatest achievments are: i was a smart kid in elementary! i got some awards for getting good grades and i went to a competitive thing for piano once and i placed a couple times in some random races ive run
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: oof i dont want to really relive that experience
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: id ask /r/personalfinance 
What do I like about myself: id like to think im gaining/losing healthy weight
My closest Tumblr friend: on tumblr?? idk i said i dont really use tumblr for friends but i’d probably say memequeen or sirmccartney
Any question you’d like? when am i going to meet up with my RA? no one knows idk i forgot about our meeting and hes really cool about rescheduling so i might do it this saturday
Are you outgoing or shy? it really depends on how im feeling but id like to think im pretty outgoing!
What kind of people are you attracted to? NICE FRIENDly people who can laugh. laughing is important to me
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? personally i think yes
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? nope!
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? @thoseloverseyes most def
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “haha and then what ;)” jk it says” thank”
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? boy oh boy am i not ready for this question. Id think “this love, maroon 5″, humble (its a bop), “the air that i breathe, “open - rhye”, and rollin by calvin harris or this house by japaense breakfast idk the last one always changes
Do you like it when people play with your hair? i had a weird experience once but idk i think im willing to let other people touch my hair? not a fan 
Do you think there is life on other planets?of course. this topic is not up for debate. just bc our defition of life has not been found that does not mean that there is not life in other places where we are either 1) not looking or 2) life that we cant recognize due to our weird weird obsession with water like life does not have to use water as a conduit for essential functions
well that was fun and id say it took some time. it def got me feeling better about life. 7.8/10 i would do it again but im sweaty af from this hot ass room
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themoskabot · 8 years
I was tagged by @kwamimusings​ and @powerdragonmoon​
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name: Moriah
Nicknames: I have way too many to remember right now, but the main one is Moskabot
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: idek anymore…..
Orientation: I guess
Ethnicity: White. 
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries, if they’re from the farmers market (those are the best things everrrrr)
Favorite Season: Winter, but fall is a close second.
Favorite Book: The Hobbit, but like….i love so many books? 
Favorite Flower: Umm….I don’t know, but my back yard is FILLED with a bunch of cherry and apple blossoms in the spring, and i love it so…..cherry and apple blossoms i guess? if those count
Favorite Scent: Petrichor 
Favorite animals: Cats, hedgehogs….i like looking at dogs, but being around them freaks me out
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: D) all of the above
Cat or Dog Person: Cat
Favorite Fictional Character: How the frick do you expect me to answer that…..
Dream Trip: Almost anywhere, i just really wanna travel
Blog Created: A little over 2 years ago
Number of Followers: 388
What I Post About: Eh, nothing specific. Whatever i want.
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Nah
Aesthetic: https://pear-cat.tumblr.com/ <everything on that blog
Hogwarts House: My siblings tell me I’m a Hufflepuff, so I’ll go with that
kwamimusings got tagged in two different things, and combined them into one. I couldnt decide which one to do, so heres the second one as well.
Rules: Write 92 rules about yourself, then tag 25 people. 
LAST ___:
Drink: Water Phone Call: Idk, probably my dad Text message: My sister Song you listened to: First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes Time you cried: Last night, while listening to the new bright sessions episode
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Dated someone twice: Never dated Been cheated on: Never dated Kissed someone and then regretted it: Never kissed someone Lost someone special: Yeah Been depressed: Oh boy, yes Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never tasted alchohol 
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: Green, Grayish-purple, anything pastel
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU _____: Made new friends: On tumblr, yes. But i have basically no social life outside of the internet. Fallen out of love: Never been in love
Laughed until you cried: Yeah, probably
Found out someone was talking about you: Umm…i dont think so Met someone who changed you: So many Found out who your true friends are: im confused…. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No, tht would be weird
GENERAL: How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them Do you have any pets: My hedgehog, Toast Do you want to change your name: Nah im ok with what i got What did you do for your last birthday: Just a normal birthday dinner i think. i usually just have my family all together for dinner (never had a birthday party0 What time did you wake up: About 12pm i think? What were you doing at midnight last night: Animating
Name something you cannot wait for: Fancy art school When was the last time you saw your mother: I’m looking at her right now, she’s just across the room. What is something you wish you could change about your life: ….most of it What are you listening to right now: Bob’s Burgers is playing in a different tab Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah Something that is getting on your nerves:  I dont have a place i can draw alone, comfortably Most visited website: Tumblr. Elementary: Homeschooled High school: Homeschooled College: [redacted] Hair color: Naturally like a brownish color, but it is currently blue Long or short hair: Quite long Do you have a crush on someone: on a real person? no, not that i am aware of. on a fictional character? yes, many. What do you like about yourself:  I….umm…..i guess im a hard worker? im not terrible at singing, or drawing/painting either haha Piercings: Yep Blood type:  type O (just kidding, i dont actually know, i just wanted to make a movie reference) Nickname: as previously mentioned, i have many, but the main one right now is Moskabot (or Moska…) Relationship status: Single Zodiac sign: Cancer Pronouns: She/Her Favorite TV show: i….i love so many….dont make me choose Tattoos: Not currently, but who knows what the future holds? Right or left hand: Right
FIRST ____: Surgery: Never had one Piercing: My ears Best friend: All of them Sport: I dont particularly like sports, but im pretty good at badminton. id also really love to do ice skating. (and after watching haikyuu, i kinda wanna try out volleyball….) Vacation: I dont believe ive ever been on one….. Pair of trainers: ??idk??
RIGHT NOW ___: Eating: just finished some tacos Drinking: water About to: either write or draw, we’ll see what i feel like Listening to: bob’s burgers Waiting for: My motivation to arrive Want: dessert, a hug, a roadtrip with friends…. Get married: im joke engaged, but i dont plan on getting married anytime soon Career: hopefully a concept artist for video games
WHICH IS BETTER ____: Hugs or kisses: Hugs Lips or eyes: Eyes Shorter or taller: idk Older or younger: idk Nice arms or nice stomach: idk Sensitive or loud: Sensitive Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: both, but it depends on the situation and who im with
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Kissed a stranger: Nope Drank hard liquor: nope Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yeah, those were the most panicky mornings of my life Turned someone down: never had anyone to turn down haha
Sex on first date: ….no
Broken someone’s heart: not that i know of? Had your own heart broken: probably Been arrested: Nope Cried when someone died: Yes. Fallen for a friend: nah, i dont think so
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ____: Yourself: no not really Miracles: ummm, yeah Love at first sight: not really  Santa Claus: Nope. Kiss on the first date: i wouldnt, but if someone else does, whatever Angels: Ye
OTHER ____: Current best friend’s name: [insert all my tumblr friends here] Eye color: Blue. Movie: i have always loved the lotr trilogy, they hold a very special place in my heart
oh boy ok umm i tag
@kaethemonster @because-katiedid @misskatiegirl @sia-draws @mirasumbra @vibesvaldez @firewolfi @dreamer-day @mayallthebaconburn @thequeenoftacotuesday @johnpeter-remember-thesnowman (if you were tagged and dont wanna do it, just ignore this)
ok i cant think of anyone else who hasnt already been tagged, so if you wanna do it, just say i tagged you 
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