#if rafe doesn't have his hands on mine?? i'm fighting .
cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: hands and rafe?? fluff!! this came to mind. i wanna talk about it so bad so y'all are forced to listen to my rambling idc. (might do a nsfw one if y'all want it...i'm sorry)
extra note; this is dedicated to my first anon; the beloved 🪐 anon <3
when rafe's hands are on your waist, dragging you close it means he's possesivally telling everyone who you belong to, and especially when his hand drags down to that small base of your back that you love so much, feeling yourself flush
when rafe hands reach for your, needing that small way to be close to you, you know to move closer to him, knowing that he needed you and that you needed to be there for him.
when rafe hands hold your hand, a calloused large hand weaved with your tiny one you can almost feel the shyness in the gesture, the vulnerability he's offering you, that softness that you could only get from him
when rafe's hands wrap around your shoulder, he's drunk and laughing at stupid joke as you give him a cheesy smile. you only need a squeeze on the shoulder to know he's completly yours, as his eyes are that dazzling steel blue you know too well
when rafe's hands drums on your thigh, you look up to him looking concentrated on whatever he's doing. he needs to keep his hand there, not caring about the prying looking that the guys give him, or the viciously annoyed looks girls toss your way. he just needs to close to you
when rafe's hands brushes your hair away, a small graze on your forehead, or while braiding your hair, you know he's reminding something. there is something about hair that drag him back to his youth, you think, because he gets teary eyed almost.
when rafe's hand grab at your elbow you know he's pissed with his rough touch. your elbow is some place that he drag you to turn around. usually it means you will be taked to in a demeaning way, snark clear in his tone, yet that soothing touch on your elbow tells you another story
when rafe's hands fiddles with your fingers, you know he needs something to drag him back to reality, that soft distracted of touch of his makes you hide your smile; something that he'll snap, 'what,' when he notices you looking at him in that shy way
when rafe's hand cups your jaw, it could be two things. it means he needs to look at his eyes to ground himself and know that you're still here with your wide doe eyes, and a clear look on his face, or it means he wants to see the look on your face when he teases you, a clear flush spreading across your face as he drags your face up to kiss you
when rafe's hand lingers on your wrist, it means he's checking your heartbeat to make sure nothing has scared you. sometimes you jump up, and his hand quickly travels to that delicate part of your body to check your heartbeat. you always find yourself feeling so grateful that he cares about you so much
when rafe's hands reach to wrap around your stomach, where he tucks his head in that hollow of your shoulder, you know that you need to ease him. you need to take care of him if it's by giving him something like a sweet kiss, or whispering a promise that will make him happier
when rafe's hands feel for you at night, a urgency in his touch hoping that he won't make contact with a cold bedsheet, and instead he'll make contact with your warm body which is twisted along his own as if the two of you were melded into one and another
when rafe's hands stretch the waistband of your sweatpants, you can't help but laugh, at how silly he is, how touchy he is. but he's like how poets say, the other half of your soul, and you let him do his silly acts
when rafe's hand grazes your eyes, you know you'll find him leaning over to kiss both of your fluttering eyes, a calm soft touch that will make you sigh. he knows sometimes you need it to calm down, that gentle touch that'll make you feel safe.
when rafe's hands stay reached to your side, you feel more loved than you ever have.
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beautifuldisaster88 · 6 months
Don't Blame Me
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A/N: I just randomly came up with this whole listening to Taylor Swift's song Don't Blame Me. I feel like that would so be Unhinged!Rafe and InnocentTurnedUnhinged!Girlfriend. Like they would do whatever it takes to protect each other. Sorry in advance if it sucks. I didn't proofread or anything. Simply wrote it and posted right after.
She ran as fast as her legs would take her the moment that she found out Barry planned on betraying Rafe, and turning him in. After trying over and over again to call Rafe, having no luck, she panicked, throwing her phone as she kept running. Her chest tightened and breathing became more difficult, but a panic attack wasn't going to stop her from getting to Rafe.
Drenched in sweat and out of breath, she spotted the Kildare County Sheriff's department boats, making her worst nightmare come true. It was too late. They'd found him. No, fuck that! Nobody was taking her love away, not even the fucking law. That's when she spotted him, face smashed into the mud and a large deputy on top of his. From what she could see, they already had her man in handcuffs. Wrong move, assholes.
Removing her gun, well Ward's gun, from the waistband of her shorts, she quickly turned off the safety, and stepped out from behind a tree and pointing it straight at Shoupe's head. All eyes were on her, including Rafe's. An eerie silence washed over those who were meant to serve and protect.
"You've got two options here, Shoupe. One, you let Rafe go and forget any of this happened. You destroy every file, every piece of evidence, anything that pertains to Rafe. Option number two." She cocked the gun, the click echoing from the dead silence. "I don't think you're going to like option two. Two, I pull the trigger and put a bullet in your fucking skull. Then you can reunite with Peterkin. Sure, I might not be fast enough to shoot all of you, but you can bet your asses, I'm taking most of you down with me. Your choice, Shoupe."
She took a step closer, more than ready to shoot. The look in her eyes was unlike any they'd ever seen. The once sweet and innocent girl was gone, replaced with a stone cold killer. After all, she was just a girl in love, and that meant protecting the man she loved at all costs. Consequences be damned.
"You don't wanna do that. You're not like him. You're not a killer." Shoupe tried to plead with her, but his words were useless. He might as well have been a baby babbling.
"That's where you're wrong. Now, I'm going to count to three and if your buddy still doesn't back the fuck away from Rafe, he'll be the first to reunite with Peterkin. One."
"Think this through. Is he really worth losing your life over? I know you, you're a good girl. You've got a clean record. Can't you see what he's doing to you? He's poisoned you."
"Yes. Yes, he is worth losing my life over, and he's not fucking poisoning me! He just helped me realize who I truly am. Also, you don't know shit about me. None of you fucking do! Whatever blood is on his hands, I've got the same on mine. Two. Don't make me get to three, Shoupe. I'm warning you."
The deputy that had Rafe on the ground, dug his knee deeper into the Cameron boys back. "Get the fuck off me! Don't you dare fucking hurt her, Shoupe! I'll fucking kill you myself if anything happens to her!" Rafe yelled, trying his damnedest to fight off the deputy. Having his hands cuffed behind his back wasn't helping. He panicked, picturing the worst. He had to get free, had to save his angel.
"Three. Don't say I didn't warn you."
In the blink of an eye, she had the gun pointed at the deputy's head, finger on the trigger and ready to shoot.
"Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't you ain't doing it right."
"WAIT! WAIT! DON'T SHOOT!" Shoupe screamed, looking between her and the deputy, his hands up in surrender. The look in her eyes said everything, she was going to kill the deputy. Love really had made her crazy. The other deputy's shot hesitant looks at one another, but slowly began to lower their weapons.
"Let the boy go." Shoupe instructed him, earning a look as though he'd lost his mind.
"He killed Peterkin! This bastard is going to rot behind bars." The deputy spat, digging his knee deeper into Rafe's back.
Doing as he was told, the deputy uncuffed Rafe, releasing his weight off the Cameron boys back, making Rafe smirk... That was until he saw the deputy reaching for his gun in his holster, eyes glued on the only girl that Rafe has ever loved. Oh no he didn't, nobody was shooting his girl.
In one swift motion, Rafe wrestled the deputy to the ground, grabbing his gun and hitting him in the head with it, hard enough to knock the big guy on his ass. With both of them still pointing their guns at the officer's, Rafe quickly made his way to her side.
Taking her hand, they laced their fingers together, both glancing over at each other.
"Together until the end, yeah?" Rafe whispered to her.
She nodded, squeezing his hand. "Together until the end, baby. I love you, Rafe."
"I love you too, angel. If we make it outta here, 'm taking you far away and we're gonna start that life we always talked about, yeah? Yeah. I promise."
Shots rang as the couple began shooting at the deputy's, trying their hardest to dodge the bullets as they shot back.
"Shit. Motherfucker shot me!" She hissed, grabbing her side as she put a bullet into the deputy's skull. Her side hurt like a motherfucker, the pain worse than anything she'd ever experienced. Still, she wasn't about to just lay down and die. No, they'd come this far, and this was not how her and Rafe's story ended.
"angel, you okay!? Talk to me, baby!" Rafe yelled out from behind a tree, trying to avoid the flying bullets that hit the bark above his head. The panic evident in his voice.
"Yeah, yeah, m'fine. Don't worry 'bout me."
Rafe could tell by the sound of her voice that she was lying. He knew her inside and out, and knew when she was lying. She wasn't fucking okay. He couldn't lose her. No, not her. Without thinking twice, he ran out from behind the tree, staying crouched down as he ran towards her, dodging bullets as he shot at the remaining officer's along the way. Shoupe was nowhere to be seen, meaning the pussy ran and left his deputy's to die. Not surprising.
As soon as Rafe reached her, he wrapped an arm around her, using his strength to keep her on her feet. The color in her face was fading, white tank top now soaked in crimson.
"We gotta go, baby. Gotta get you outta here and patched up. You're fucking crazy, you know that?"
He chuckled, shaking his head as he quickly planted a kiss on the side of her head, before scooping her up in his arms.
"Like I said, don't blame me love made me crazy."
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jenxsaiv · 2 years
Rafe Cameron as your boyfriend
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PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader
A/N: well english is not my first language so im sorry for mistakes
Your and Rafes dads were friends since their teenagers years
You were raised together but went to different high school and because of it you weren't very close
But you were best friends with Sarah so you spend every summer with her in her house.
And thanks that you still had kinda good contact with Rafe
He always was protective over you
You were for him like his little sister
He felt in love with you when he was 14 and for 2 years he just looked at you because he kept it to himself
One day he decided to told you about everything and yeah you were in love with him also
He is so proud of your relationship
In his eyes you are the prettiest and smarter girl ever.
Very protective boyfriend
"Dont even try to touch her"
He is ready to fight and defends you
You are his soft spot
Literally whatever you said he does it
When he started dating you he felt someone care about him finally
You are his everything
"She's my girl"
"I'm so lucky to have y/n"
He spoils you
He buys you a lot of gifts like necklaces, rings and clothes
You are his girl and no one else
"You are mine"
He's not very into pda
In public he would only hold your hand or gently touches you back
He doesn't want to show others his soft side
But when he is only with you he's different
He wants to be in touch with you
A lot of kisses
He loves your lips
Topper and his friends would tease him a lot
"Y/n does whatever she wants with you Rafe"
To be honest he loves eating you out and fingering you
He loves your body so much also loves kissing it
A lot of nicknames like "good girl", ''pretty girl'' or "sweetheart"
He is a giving type
His favorite thing is probably kissing your whole body and then eating you out on his yacht.
He loves seeing you under his control
Definitely dom
Rafe is the most spoiling and protective bf ever
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
I’m feeling some protective JJ Maybank on this fine evening 🤠 hurt/comfort possibly? you know me just a whore for angst every day of my life
I live in angst bestie so UH DUH. For those who haven't noticed, I updated by character list to some OBX characters :D
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"C'mere." JJ tugs me to his chest, strong hand cradling my jaw to take a look at the gash on my forehead, his jaw tightening at the drop of blood dripping down my temple. "Who did this to your face?" He asks lowly, frantic eyes looking around the bonfire at all of the various kooks and pogues. There's a fire lit behind his eyes, a fire that won't extinguish until he's handled whoever handled me.
"JJ, cool it-" I start but he holds a finger to my lips, pressing a simple kiss to my forehead before leaning down, getting on eye level with me, gaze dead serious.
"Don't tell me what to do." He whispers but there's no malice behind his words nor his eyes, just stern concern. "Tell me right now who did this or I'm gonna start guessing." I see Pope approach us from the corner of my eye, my head tilting to give him a pleading look almost asking him to not tell JJ, knowing it'll only end in a fight.
JJ's head tilts, blonde hair sweeping in front of his eyes and he stares at his friend, the silence forcing an uncomfortable shiver down my spine. "You know who did this, Pope?" He asks, ignoring the way my head seems to shake pleadingly at Pope.
"It was that Barry guy- the guy who fucks with Rafe." He caves in under ten seconds, a frustrated groan leaving me as JJ pushes past me, hand slipping into mine as our friends follow us closely.
"JJ, don't cause a scene- it was an accident." I tug on his arm, feeling his pounding heart beat through his fingertips and he turns back to me, gaze flickering between my eyes and then up to the wound on my forehead, clicking his tongue in disapproval.
"Fuck if I care." He grits and he's pushing me back into the arms of Kie and stalking up to Barry before I can process the murderous look on his face. "Barry!" He shouts, not giving the man a second before he grabs him by the hood, yanking him backwards and slamming him to the ground, almost immediately pinning him to the mossy ground. "You touch my girl?" He asks breathlessly, fist raised in the air as Barry laughs, shoving JJ off of him and onto the ground with a groan, ignoring the way I call out JJ's name.
"Not in the way I'd like to but sure." Barry’s words make bile rise in my throat, Kie's arms tightening around me as Pope and JB take a protective step in front of me, shielding me from Barry’s curious gaze. He doesn't get to look at me long before JJ's tackling him once more, fist driving into his face as fast and as hard as he can over and over again. "Do you have a death wish or something, kid?" Barry cries out, attempting to get the upper hand but the minute JJ turns to see my distraught expression, he's gripping Barry by the front of his shirt, the rest of the crowd calling out for him to stop.
"Do you? You trying to fuck around to find out?" JJ asks with a smirk, pulling Barry up by the collar so he can get in his face. "You touch her again, I'll put a bullet between your eyes." His voice is barely loud enough for us to hear but it's loud enough to cause whispers to erupt among the crowd and I swear a look of fear passes across Barry’s bloody expression.
Pushing off of Barry and off of the ground, JJ makes his way towards me as some of Barry’s friends attempt to help him up. Taking me from Kie, JJ tucks my head into his chest, cradling my body against his as I let out a sigh of relief. He looks down at me, soft eyes now focused on me, thumbs reaching up to brush against my clammy cheeks. "C'mon baby, lets get you cleaned up." He whispers, pecking my lips before leading me in the direction of the van, disregarding his own black eye that's forming.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
a@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw
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obxismylife2 · 2 years
Best friends don't do a shit (Rafe Cameron x reader)
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Since my panic attack, everything has been fine, Rafe treats me very nicely, he makes me breakfast every morning, and when he's gone, he leaves an apology on the kitchen counter, saying where hi went, and a red rose next to it. I think he wants to get me that way and I have to say, it works quite well.
To set the scene, my best friend Rafe and I are living together in Charleston after my fight with my parents because they didn't want me to move out, so I did. And also Ward and Rose couldn't stand Rafe's behaviour about my situation, he wanted me to life with his family, but they were against it.
Yesterday we had a fight about him being out for too long without even bothering to contact me and tell me that he's okay. I was freaking out!
He was in a club with Topper and Kelce. When he came back he was drunk and high. I was yelling at him, I said if he ever do this again, I'll move out. I was yelling, I was crying, I was hitting his chest when he tried to comfort me, but failed. The tension in me and the fear of losing him caused me a panic attack.
Today, when I entered the kitchen I saw a master in action. Rafe was making waffles and was a little startled when he noticed me. "Do I look that bad?"
"Well kinda" he joked and I hit him playfully. "That hurt, you know I have feelings, right?" if you only knew I have feelings for you. He put the finished waffles on a plate. "You do?" he joked again and made me laugh.
"Here are your waffles, bon appétit" he winked at me leaving me all amazed by him. "Thanks" I kissed him on the cheek and froze at what I had done. I couldn't control myself or think at all because it's been a while since someone treats me like that and I just wanted to show how grateful I am. Jesus this is so embarrassing! And he doesn't know how I feel about him.
It all started when he saved me from being raped on some party. The guy locked us in a room and was trying to rip my clothes of me but my screaming was loud enough for Rafe to hear it from another room, where he was with some girl doing coke. He kicked in the door and grabbed the guy by his shirt.
"If you ever try to even look at her, I'll break your neck and make it all look like a suicide" Rafe said through his clenched teeth and his fist ended in the guy's face. For the rest of the party Rafe was guarding me from across the room and when I wnted to go home he gave me a ride.
"Jesus, I'm sorry I....I don't know wha-"
"No it's okay you don't have to apologize I'm not mad. If you want we can continue" he looked at me from top to bottom, then stepped closer to me and pressed his body against mine. His strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer as he began to lean towards me probably wanting to kiss me but he was interrupted by a doorbell.
He sighed a little disappointed and went to open the door. When he returned, there was Topper with him. If I'm being honest, I have never been a huge fan of Topper or Kelce. They're too much annoying for my taste.
"Y/N!" Topper yelled and opened his arms for me to hug him. Rafe knew that I hugged him just to not being rude. Rafe smirked at me as my head rested on Topper's shoulder and pulled Topper away from me.
"Nice to see you again, Topper" I gave him a kind smile, which he immediately returned. He glanced at me. "Topper please go to the living room, I'll be there in a second" Rafe said and gave him a look that is saying hurry up. Topper didn't hesitate and walked toward the door, but then turned right.
Rafe turned to me and smiled apologetically. "Do you have any idea how much I suffered right now?" I joked and we both laughed at my comment. "I can barely imagine that" he smirked at me before he went into the living room and join Topper on he couch. I, on the other hand, went upstairs into my room and continue writing some stories on wattpad.
After about twenty minutes I decided to change my clothes as I still had a T-shirt I slept in. I changed into some shorts and white crop top and brushed my hair, letting them fall down my back.
I made my way back downstairs for some water and accidently overheard Rafe's and Topper's conversation when I was about to go up the stairs.
"Are you two dating?" Topper asked Rafe as I heard the armchair in which he sat creaked. "No, unfortunately" I heard how Rafe sighed. Am I tripping or it sounded like he wished we were dating?
"Well, if you're not then maybe I will hit on her" Topper? Hell nah! "Don't you dare touch her, because if you did, I'd have to kill you, which I wouldn't want to do to my friend" I heard threats in his deep voice, making me step a step back.
"I promised her that nothing will happen to her after the fight with her parents. She needs some peace to be okay again so keep your dick in your pants" I heard in Rafe's voice that he meant it, but that makes me kinda worried a little. It's good to hear tha he wants to protect me no matter what, but I'm afradi I won't be able to go outside alone.
"You like her, don't you?" Topper asked, hesitation in his voice could be heard a mile away. "What? No, of course not. I mean she's my best frined we can't be more than that"
"Yes you do, your cheeks are red" Topper's excited voice filled the room, but I didn't think Rafe was as excited as Topper. "You know what? Suck me up, Topper" There was a thunderous silence in the room, which lasted another few seconds until Topper spoke again. "So when are you going to fuck her?"
"What?!" Rafe shouted.
"Okay sorry bro chill I was just asking" Rafe sighed loudly, and I heard him changing his position on the couch. "Honestly, I don't know. I mean we are best friends and I can't imagine us as a couple. I don't even know how she feels about me"
"So you do like her" there was a silence for a few seconds and I realized that I was holding a breath I didn't know about. Does he really like me? Or he just doesn't want Topper to hit on me so he said it to discourage him?
"I don't know, maybe. But I don't know if she feels the same so..."
"Bro hurry up or someone will steal her from you" I mean I wouldn't mind if he did that.
"It's only been a few days since she had a fight with her parents, and you're telling me to fuck her? Dude, there's something wrong with you"
"I'm not telling you to fuck her"
"You just did"
"Okay, maybe I dit but bro, honest answer. Do you like her?"
"Okay, fine, I kinda do like her"
"I knew it!"
"And do you feel like fucking her?" Topper asked and I leaned my back against the front door, where they couldn't see me and keep my mouth shut. Rafe? Rafe Cameron? And he likes me? Likes me back? What in the multiverse...
"You don't even know how much I have to control myself always when I see her. There's something about her that drives me crazy and....and I don't fucking know what to do with it" Rafe responded and I licked my lips and then drank my water.
I run upstairs, took a book from the shelf in my room with my reading glasses, which I always have in my purse, and brought it with me to the kitchen where I leaned my belly on the counter and start reading it. I had to think of something else.
After thirty minutes of reading, I got bored and wanted to go for a walk outside, but out of nowhere, I felt two large palms on my ass, stroking it gently. I thought it was Topper so I quickly turned around and was about to slap him, but my hand was caught in the air and my eyes widened when I saw Rafe.
"Rafe? What are you doing? Is Topper still here?" he shakes his head no and pressed himself closer to me, our chests were touching and I could feel his breath on my face.
"What's going on, Rafe? Why are you-" he cut me off by pressing his lips onto mine. Of course I was surprised at first, but then my hands found his hair and my mouth gave in. We moved our lips in sync and he brushed his tongue against my lower lip, trying to get into my mouth. When I finally realized what was happening it was too late and his hand slipped into my shorts, slowly rubbing my throbing clit.
I pulled away from his lips and gasped as his fingers were at the right place. "Rafe....we can't-"
"We can, trust me" our foreheads pressed together and our eyes closed, I felt the tension that was growing in his pants as he was holding me close to his body. His hand slipped out of my panties and I whined at the sudden loss of the contact with him and opened my eyes.
"Turn around" he ordered and I did as I was told and put my hands on the counter in front of me. "You're so fucking hot, I bet your pussy crave for my fingers" he whispered in my ear in a hoarse voice as he took my earlobe into his teeth, nibbling on it making me gasped and I ran my right hand through his hair. His right hand slid from my chest down onto my thigh and began to move slowly up to my crotch. His left hand slid down to my stomach and pulled me closer against his crotch, feeling his dick on my ass.
"Oh God, I think we shouldn't be doing-" I was interrupted when he firmly grabbed my pussy through my shorts, even through the layers of clothing it made me squeal.
He laughes mischeviously letting a few kisses on my neck and then marked it with a few love bites. "I'd advise you to not think about anything right now or anybody" his hand went higher to my neck, wrapping his fingers around my neck and squeezed it harshly.
"Or what?" I asked teasingly, he turned my head to finally face him and kissed me hungrily. We pulled apart and he bit my lower lip turning me on like hell. He let go of my lip and kissed me so passionately that I almost fainted with happiness.
"Or you won't be able to walk. Ever. Again" he whispered in my ear pulling away from me. He ran both hands on my hips and took off my panties and shorts with one pull-down. He spread my legs a little with his leg and began to irritate my clit in a circular motion. I sighed and wrapped my arm around his neck pulling him closer as he nuzzled my neck.
"Shall I continue?" he licked my jawline as his other hand grabbed one of my breast squeezing it harshly. "Answer me" his hand went up to my throat as I tugged on his hair.
"Yes, yes Rafe, please continue" I moaned eagerly as I couldn't wait to finally feel his fingers in me. He drove two fingers into me and started moving them in and out, my feet gave in to his touch and I almost fell to the ground, but thanks to his body behind me, that didn't happen. Every time he moved in, he touched my sensitive spot gently, and my lap went wild with pleasure.
"Oh shit Rafe, you're so good" I was drowning in a wave of pleasure and the incredible passion that he was causing me. I've never had this much satisfaction in my life. Every guy in my life was just normal sex or me sucking his dick.
Rafe was on a completely different level, a higher level, of course. He was creating a mark on my neck to show others that I wasn't free. At the same time, he continued to caress my most sensitive spot. I felt sweat bead on my forehead, and the sweet tension in my lap was almost unbearable.
"I'm going to cum" I could barely speak as I was close to my orgasm, he moved his other hand that was playing with my breasts lower to pull me close to him by my belly.
"Tell me when" he picked up the pace, even more, making me gasp. My grip on his neck was tightening and my moans were louder and louder with every thrust. "Shit, fuck" I cursed under my breath, sucking the air in my lungs and not letting it out until the exact moment.
"Rafe?" he knew what I wanted to say and pulled his fingers out of me, leaving me unsatisfied. I whined at that and turned around to find out, if this is some kind of a punishment or not. Rafe knelt down in front of me, catching my hips with his strong palms and running his tongue up my right inner thigh to my throbbing clit. I tilted my head back and arched my back as the pleasure was again on its way to me. He sucked on my clit, making me moan his name, and slipped his tongue into my pussy, pulling it in and out in a fast pace that drove me crazy.
"Oh, yes. Ohhhhh fuck" I run my hand through his hair and tugged on them a little as I was close to my climax. "Fuck, Rafe. Oh my god, oh-" a tsunami of pleasure nearly knocked me over, I screamed his name for the last time and cum into his mouth.
He swallowed every drop of my cum and continued to eating me out. "Rafe, please stop" I was out of breath and also scared he's going to bring me another orgasm, my legs wouldn't last. He ignored my begging even when I tried to pull away, his hands firmly brought me back to his tongue. "No, Rafe, please, I can't take it" I couldn't speak as the second wave of pleasure was behind the door.
"Oh no, Rafe I-" god, his tongue is an orgasm machine. He just made me cum twice in a few minutes. My moans were louder than before and my grip on his hair tightened.
It took me a while to recover from the most wonderful orgasms I've ever had. Even as my breathing returned to normal, the last vibrations of the second orgasm still sparkled in my body. He left a wet kiss on my lower belly and stood up, holding me so I don't fall. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. "You alright?" I was still out of breath so when I looked up at him I just shook my head yes.
I took back my clothes on and looked into his eyes. The sparkles of happiness and satisfaction coouldn't be unseen as it was the only thing I saw in them.
"You taste better than I imagined" he leaned slightly toward me and kissed my cheek. "You know what? Next time, please warn me so I can bring my crutches here, and then will be able to leave" he laughed and grabbed me by my hips, pulling me closer to him. "If you couldn't handle this than next time will destroy you"
He smiled sweetly and offered me his hand to hold on when I could barely walk, my legs still trembling a little and weak so I took his hand and we went into the living room, where he put me on a sofa and brought me a glass of water. He sat down beside me, and in a moment I felt an arm around me pulling me closer. I lay on top of him, resting my head on his chest, listening to his heart beating, and sighed with exhaustion.
"What do you want to watch?" he asked as he turned on the TV. "You're the exhausted one here, so pick something and I'll play it for you," he added, kissing the top of my head, and I picked something and snuggled up into him.
Honestly, I'm glad that Topper visited Rafe. Now we can build our future relationship
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
What Now? Pt. 3
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Warnings: fighting, angst, somno, unprotected sex
I turn away from the scene in front of me and quickly make my way back towards my car, my throat tightening with the need to cry and scream my heart out. I couldn't believe this. I wouldn't believe it if someone told me but seeing her hand on his dick confirmed it. He wanted Chelsea back. All that shit he said was a fucking lie.
"Y/N! Wait!" I hear him coming after me and I take off in a run, seeing my car parked in the distance. I couldn't do this. I wouldn't. I would not beg him to choose me. At this rate, I never wanted to see him again. "Fucking stop!" I get my hand on the handle just as arms wrap around my waist and tear me away.
"Why are you running? Afraid of what I have to say?" JJ snaps, his body pressed into my back was almost enough to distract me.
"Get off of me! I don't care what you have to say!" I cry, thrashing in his arms but he doesn't let me go. If anything he holds me tighter.
"You don't care? Maybe I want to hear more about this Touron you fucked." JJ bites out and I freeze, dread setting in. He knows. He wouldn't bring it up right now unless he knew. "Yea, that's what I thought. You fucking lied to me." His arms released me and I suddenly wanted nothing more than him to hold me against him again. I turn around, fighting back tears as he glares at me with glassy eyes. He'd been drinking again.
"That was before I knew how you felt. It didn't mean anything." I sob. JJ backs away, shaking his head as his own eyes fill with tears.
"It. Means. Everything." His hand clutches his chest like he's struggling to breathe, blinking back the tears so they don't fall.
"It was stupid. I knew he wouldn't make a big deal about it. I knew it would mean nothing to him."
"You lied to me and now you're making excuses for him. You slept with the enemy! You gave part of yourself to him. Would you have even told me the truth? Do you know he was bragging about it to Kelc and Topper? How he enjoyed training you." I can't say anything. I don't know if I'd have ever told him the truth out of fear of losing him. Now it was too late. JJ turns away but I catch his hand. He tries to pull away but I don't let him, wrapping my arms around his waist in one more desperate attempt.
"Please don't walk away. Don't do this. Don't use Chelsea to punish me. Tell me how to fix it and I'll do it." I cry. JJ scoffs, refusing to look at me as his bottom lip trembles. "We talk it out, right? Let's talk. Please don't shut me out." His hazy blue eyes land on me, piercing me with his anger.
"That was before you lied to me. I feel like I don't even know you! You know everything Rafe did to us and you did it anyway." My heart crumbles as JJ yanks away from me and makes his way back the way he came. Back to Chelsea. I throw the door open of my car and plop down in the seat as heartbreak threatens to suffocate me.
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I woke up with a start, someone was rummaging around in the kitchen. It had to be late. My head was still heavy from the weed and alcohol. I could barely keep my eyes open but I managed to climb out of bed. I peek my head outside my bedroom door to see JJ looking through the fridge without a care in the world. I watch as he makes a bologna sandwich, piled high with just about anything you can add to a sandwich along with potato chips. He smashes the top slice of bread on top before he chows down, groaning with happiness. He was way fucked up. I'm about to shut my door when his eyes land on mine and he smiles, taking another bite of his sandwich. I should let him be but I missed him so much. I just wanted to be in his company.
"Munchies, J?" I half-joke as I stay propped up in my doorway. JJ offers another goofy grin before finishing his food and downing it with more beer.
"That was the best sandwich I've ever had in my life." JJ toes his boots off then pulls his shirt off, chest glistening with sweat. I can't help the desire that shoots through me as I look at his muscular body. Especially now that I knew what that prominent V led to.
"Do you need help getting to bed?" I ask. My eyes widen as he strips out of his shorts and pulls his socks off. Does he think he's in his bedroom?
"No, my bed is right there." He points to the kitchen table and I roll my eyes. JJ stumbles towards me and I have no choice but to catch him as he comes half way into my bedroom instead of his. He goes limp in my arms just as I get him to the bed and I manage to turn him on his side in case he vomits. I push his hair out of his face just as he starts to snore softly. I crawl in beside him, careful not to get too close in case he wakes up and becomes angry over being in my bed. I let my eyes trail over his bare back and the muscles on display before I turn on my side and fall back asleep.
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Intense pleasure between my legs along with a sudden gush of liquid has me jerking awake. The pleasure grows more intense and I suddenly can't tell if I'm still dreaming or not.
"Holy shit, you just came in your sleep." I look back over my shoulder, JJ pressed against my back while holding one of my legs open. I reach between my legs, feeling where he's inside me. I moan, sinking against him as he fucks me deep and slow. I reach back and tangle my hand in his hair, diving head first into the pleasure. A small voice in the back of my head told me we'd regret this in the morning. In the morning, he'd hate me again so we should stop. We should stop.
"J, we should stop. I don't want you to regret this. You're wasted." I mumble, rolling my hips back against him. I felt like I was floating.
"I can't stop. I can't." His lips find my neck and I gasp as his teeth graze that sensitive spot behind my ear, giving me butterflies. I didn't have the strength to stop either. I don't realize how loud I'm getting until his hand snakes up my body and covers my mouth, his grunts echoing in my ears. His hips snapped forward harder, my back molded perfectly to his front while he fucks me. "Play with your pussy. Rub your clit for me. You can do it." His lustful voice has my eyes ready to roll back as I quickly move my hand between my thighs. As soon as I touch the sensitive bud, my body tightens around him and he growls, burying his face in my neck. My body ignites with my orgasm causing me to cry out into his hand, my body trembling like a leaf. JJ suddenly yanks out, releasing all over my ass with a pained groan while I fight to catch my breath.
"Shit." I hear him groan. I feel him wipe me clean then he drops back down on the bed, sleep taking hold of me once again.
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The thing about roommates is that no one cares if you're sleeping. Certainly not in this house. I sit up, yanking on a pair of sleep pants while a dull throb settles into my head. My bed was empty so the person throwing a fit in the other room had to be JJ. I throw the bedroom door open and find JJ in his room, sorting through the mess like he's looking for something.
"Do you mind?" I snap, blinking my eyes against the sunlight pouring in from his window. JJ glares back at me.
"I assume the cum on my dick is from you?" His words are a knife to the heart but I don't let it show.
"Um, I woke up with your dick inside of me. You came on to me."
"Why was I in your bed?"
"Because that's where you put yourself."
"You couldn't kick me out?"
"I'm sorry. Next time I'll push you in the floor." I say sarcastically.
JJ ignores me now, rummaging through his room some more. If I had to bet money, he was either looking for his phone or his lighter. Both seemed to be a lifeline for him. I shake my head and shut myself in my room, willing the tears to just leave me alone.
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
jealous - rafe cameron
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a/n: hi! im kinda a mess right now and this story is a little all over the place so im sorry if you hate it lol but i really wanted to write something based on what i think Rafe would really be like as a bf so here it is! (not my pic)
Summary: Your boyfriend, Rafe Cameron, takes you to a party.
Warnings: swearing, drug use (cocaine), alcohol consumption, mentions of sex
Word Count: 2k
my writing
You can hear the music coming from the house before you see it. It's Friday night on Figure Eight, and you already know what that means. Accompanying your boyfriend to yet another party. You and Rafe have been together for almost a year, and some days, you really think you could rip his head off.
You hadn't even wanted to come tonight. When you voiced that to Rafe, however, he told you with a shrug of his shoulders that he'd just find someone else to dance with. Of course, it started a fight, and now, you're sitting in the back of Topper's Jeep beside Rafe, watching as he stares at his phone.
He isn't talking to you or looking at you, but apparently it's enough for him that he just knows exactly where you are and what you're doing. It's not enough for you, though. You reach over and grab his hand from his phone, looping yours through it. Rafe hesitates at first, wanting his hand back so he can continue what he had been doing. When he sees your expression, his eyes soften just a bit and he relaxes into his seat and your touch.
Topper parks the car and tells all of you to hop out, which you do with the help of Rafe. You appreciate that he doesn't let go of your hand, even though you know it's only because you all are approaching the party and he wants every single person to know that you are with him.
Rafe leans over and kisses your temple quickly, then brings his lips down to your ear.
"Stay close, yeah?" he whispers, his hand gripping yours even tighter.
You know the drill by now. Of course you're going to stay close, because Rafe never lets you get more than five feet away from him at these things. You envy the way Topper treats Sarah sometimes, even though you really think Topper's a tool and would never date him.
Once you all enter the house, Rafe moves his hand from yours to around your waist, leading you through the party and glaring at any guy that even looks over at you. You all make your way into the living room area and find seats on the couch, Rafe immediately pulling you down dangerously close to him.
"Yo, who got this shit?" Rafe points to the cocaine on the table in front of him, the rolled up dollar bill tempting him.
"Bought it from Barry this morning, bro," Kelce speaks up, grinning. Kelce is always trying to please Rafe.
"Always reading my mind, brother," Rafe smirks, and leads forward to take a line without hesitation.
When he comes back up from his line, he grins and daps up Kelce, telling him it's good shit. Then, without you even moving, he leans over and kisses you roughly. His tongue enters your mouth quickly, which you accept and grab onto his neck. He moans into your mouth and then pulls away, immediately going back to the coke.
You sigh and sit back, pulling your phone out. You know Rafe will be high as a kite when you two leave tonight, which only makes you hopeful that he won't turn into an absolute asshole once that stuff kicks in.
He turns back to you with a devious smirk on his face, and before you can even ask what he's doing, he's collecting a line up on your thigh.
"I don't want that shit on me, Rafe," you grumble, but you know better than to move. He might just kill you if you spilled that shit all over the couch and the floor.
"Relax, baby," he tells you, not looking up at you. He's too focused on perfecting his line.
His friends all watch as he snorts a line up your thigh, all of them silently wishing they could do the same. You try not to roll your eyes at him and end up catching the eye of some guy standing in the corner of the room. He's watching you both, curious why you're hanging out with a guy like that. You just shrug and roll your eyes only halfway, telling the guy you're over it.
You're not sure why you do it, you suppose it's the concerned look in his eye as he watches. Nobody ever looks at you like that anymore.
When Rafe glances back up to you and sees you looking at another guy, he instinctively wraps his arm around your waist.
"I don't like the way he's looking at you," Rafe tells you, "Come sit in my lap."
His voice is raspy and his jaw is clenched as he pulls you into his lap, kissing on your cheeks and your neck as he stares at the guy. After only a minute or so, the guy is intimidated enough that he ends up walking out of the living room completely.
"Did you know him?" Rafe asks you, his eyes trailing the boy out of the room.
"No, baby," you sigh.
He catches the frustration in your voice and looks up into your eyes, reaching up and tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. This is the Rafe you love; the intimate, soft one. The one who isn't afraid to show you how he loves you.
"Are you having fun, princess?" he questions, his voice softer than it had been before.
You're not, but you know Rafe is enjoying himself and wants to stay and hang out. So, you take a deep breath and nod your head, giving him a convincing smile. Rafe smiles back and strokes his fingers against your cheek, then brings his hand down to your neck to pull you closer to him. He uses his nose to move your hair away from your ear so he can talk into it.
"I can't wait to get inside of you later, sweetheart," he whispers, feeling you instantly start to squirm against his lap.
His dirty talk always gets to you. The way his voice gets all raspy and needy just does things to your body that no other guy ever could.
"Is that right?" you tease him, bringing your lips dangerously close to him.
"Mhm," he hums against your lips, then closes the gap between the two of you.
He loves when you play with his hair, so you do. You can feel him getting excited underneath you, so you continue. One of his hands wraps around your throat and the other goes down to your ass, making you moan.
"Yo, Rafe, get a fucking room, man," Topper groans.
Rafe smirks against your lips and pulls away, gently setting you down beside him again. You try not to be mad that Topper interrupted the first ounce of attention your boyfriend has shown you tonight. Rafe leans forward to cut another line, so you stand and look around for a bathroom. When he doesn't notice you get up, you decide to just run really quick to one and then come back.
You walk from the living room into a kitchen, then see a little hallway that looks like it probably contains a bathroom. Once you get down the dimly lit hallway, you feel a hand on your arm, roughly yanking you around.
"What the fuck are you doing going off on your own?" Rafe snaps at you, his grip on your arm tightening. You can feel his nails digging into your flesh, making you wince.
"Rafe, you're hurting me," you tell him softly, gently trying to move your arm out of his grasp.
"You need to tell me when you have to go to the bathroom," he says harshly, then releases our arm.
"I'm sorry," you mumble, looking down at the floor. He brings his hand up and grabs your cheek, pulling your head up to look at him.
"C'mon," he tells you, "I'll take you."
He reaches down and takes your hand, leading you down the hallway and stopping at a random door. There's one guy waiting outside of it, who Rafe pats on the back once the two of you approach.
"Find another one," Rafe tells him.
The guy turns around and looks at Rafe like he's crazy, his eyes glancing over to you for a second. Protectively, Rafe's grip tightens around your hand.
"Dude, I've been waiting for a while. The line was long when I got here," the guy tells him, watching Rafe sarcastically smile.
"Interesting story, bro. Move along. Now," Rafe's voice is harsh.
The guy rolls his eyes and pushes past the two of you, deciding he doesn't have to go bad enough to put up with Rafe being an asshole. Rafe moves in front of the door, pulling you with him, and bangs on the door.
"Time's up," he yells, continuing to pound on the door.
The door opens up a second later, the guy Rafe had removed from the living room with his eyes earlier stepping out. Of course, you think.
"Ah, if it isn't the guy who likes to stare at my girl," Rafe grins devilishly.
"Rafe-" you start, wanting to tell him to let it go.
"Go inside, baby. I'll be right here when you're done."
He drags his hand toward the door, which in turn drags you toward the door. He lets go as soon as you're in the bathroom, then leans in and shuts the door for you. You can hear Rafe sizing up that poor guy outside, but you choose not to listen. You use the bathroom and then wash your hands quickly, trying your best to hurry so you can save that guy.
When you pull the door open again, Rafe is leaning against the doorframe with his phone in his hand. He looks up at you when you come out and doesn't speak, he just wraps his arm around your waist and leads you away, still looking at his phone.
When you get into the kitchen, Rafe suddenly pushes you up against the wall with no warning. He leans forward and grabs onto your cheeks, bringing his mouth up to yours roughly and kissing you. He quickly picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist, keeping you pinned up against the wall. You kiss him back, loving the way his hands feel all over your body. If you're honest, you're growing impatient for the night to end. You really just want Rafe to take you home and fuck you.
Rafe pulls away after a few minutes, gently setting you back down on the floor and taking his hand in yours again.
"You're mine, don't you forget it," he tells you, his voice demanding. You nod and reach up to wipe your lip, which seems to be covered in Rafe's saliva.
You watch Rafe's gaze as it lingers around the guy from the bathroom, who had just seen Rafe's explosive display of affection. You sigh, knowing that entire thing was just a way of Rafe to mark his territory.
"We're gonna go get Topper's keys," Rafe tells you, "I can't wait any longer. I need you, right now."
You give Rafe a real smile this time and nod your head, following him as he leads you through the crowd. After promising Topper you two wouldn't fuck in his Jeep, he hands Rafe his keys so you two can leave. Rafe tightens his grip around your hand as he pulls you back to the kitchen. He purposely walks past that guy again, muttering something in his ear as you two pass that you can't hear. When you look back, the guy looks disgusted.
When you two get back to Topper's Jeep, you're surprised when Rafe opens up the back door for you to get in.
"Why am I getting in the back?" you ask him.
He smirks, "We're getting in the back."
You look at the devious look on his face and figure out what he's up to, so you raise your eyebrow at him.
"You promised Topper we wouldn't fuck in his Jeep," you remind him.
Rafe rolls his eyes, "Yeah, and last month Topper promised me he wouldn't bend my nine iron when he beat up that Pogue on the golf course with my club. Trust me, baby. He owes me."
You sigh but do as you're told, watching Rafe's smirk only grow when you climb inside. No matter what that boy puts you through at these parties, the sex always makes up for it.
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topsytervy · 4 years
The Right Time ~ JJ Maybank
Blurb: JJ finds the right time to tell you how he feels in his own JJ way.
This is Part 2 of Not The Right Time so if you haven't read Part 1, you can read it here.
Word Count: 2,819
Warnings: mentions of drinking, cheating, a non-descriptive fight, teensy bit of blood, small nod towards suicidal thoughts at the end, cliche and cheesy writing, swearing, poorly proofread so probably spelling and grammar mistakes, I think that's it.
Ever since your breakup with Brett, JJ had been doing everything in his power to make sure you knew it had nothing to do with you and Brett just couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
It was hard for him to see you like that, all heart broken and sad, but at least he was able to see you. Kie, Pope, Sarah and John B had tried visiting multiple times during your post breakup hermit phase with little to no success.
A knock on the door sounded throughout the house as JJ finished preparing lunch for you two. 
"Hold on!" He hollered, finishing up your sandwich before heading over to the door.
He opened it to reveal the other four members of your group. 
"Hey." JJ greeted his friends.
"Can we see her today?" John B asked. 
"I can ask but her 'social battery's low'. Her words, not mine." JJ sighed. 
"It's just that it's hard for us to not see her, J." 
JJ looked at Sarah. " At least you don't have to see her completely shattered everyday and have to sit and watch her eat three times a day to make sure she actually does eat."
Pope looked past JJ and saw the sandwiches on the table. "Can I sit with her today?"
JJ looked at Pope before nodding and gesturing towards your sandwich. "That one right there."
Pope smiled before grabbing the sandwich and knocking on your door, hearing a faint come in afterwards.
You looked to see Pope entering, a small smile on his face. "Hey. Heard about your low battery and I figured you'd want to see someone who's not JJ but not the whole peanut gallery."
You smiled lightly as you sat up. "Thanks, Pope. I love JJ but he can be a bit...overbearing sometimes."
"And this is one of those times." Pope nodded.
You sighed as Pope gave you your sandwich.
"He's just concerned about you. We all are." 
"l know."
"How about I tell you about some books I've been reading?"
"I'd like that Pope." You smiled as you bit into your food.
It's not that JJ was bad at comforting or anything like that. In fact, ever since you were a kid, you always went to him for comfort when you were upset. It's just that JJ always seemed to want to rush your mourning period. 
JJ didn't like seeing you sad so the less time you spent crying and moping, the better for him.
"Morning, Y/N/N." JJ smiled lightly as he drew back your curtains.
"J, get out." You mumbled into your pillow.
"You gotta get up, sweetheart." JJ practically sang, walking over to your bed and grabbing the comforter.
Your grip immediately tightened. "Don't J." 
"I know it's only been a week but come on Y/N. Let in some sun. If not for you, do it for your children." He nodded towards your plants as he laid down next to you.
"I can't get up." You told him.
"Sure you can. You're a bad bitch who isn't going to let this break her. I'm not going to allow you to bury yourself in work and hole yourself up in your room forever just because some dumbass doesn't realize when he's got the greatest girl to ever walk the earth."
You stared at the blonde next to you. "JJ. I can't get up cause you're in here and I'm only in my underwear.
JJ rolled his eyes. "Y/N, all due respect, that's no excuse cause I've seen you naked many times before. the time you broke your ankle in the shower being the main one cause I had to help you in and out of the shower multiple times."
You blushed at his words before shoving him. "Just get out."
JJ did as you requested but not before tossing you some clothes.
So when a few months had passed and you seemed to be back to pre-breakup Y/N, JJ was happy to hear Kie mention a party.
Everyone looked at you and you shrugged. "Why the hell not?"
JJ, John B and Pope all exchanged smiles as Sarah and Kie pulled you up from your seat, saying something about making you so hot that the sun would quit and you'd have to take over the job of keeping the earth warm.
JJ watched as you left, sighing as he let his head fall against the back of the couch.
John B looked at his best friend. "Don't be a helicopter JJ tonight."
A look of confusion found its way onto JJ's face. "Helicopter JJ? What the fuck does that mean?"
Pope sighed. "It's like a helicopter parent except you. You tend to hover over Y/N/N at parties and get a bit...protective at times."
"I do that with Kie and Sarah too." JJ scoffed.
"Not really." The boys responded.
"You don't follow Kie's movements as much as Y/N's." Pope started.
"You certainly don't freak out as much when you lose Sarah or Kie but you almost had a panic attack when you lost Y/N that one time at the store and literally had someone page her." John B added.
"You hide some of Y/N/N's clothes when we're going out because you don't like the chance of her wearing something that could cause a guy to like her and cause you to lose your chance with her."
"I once saw you shield her eyes at prom when people started grinding on each other."
"Okay! So I'm a bit more protective of Y/N than the other two. Sue me." JJ cut the two off.
"Point is that this is her first party in months. Let her get a bit too drunk and make out with some hotshot Kook against a tree." 
"Hell, let her get some dick tonight." John B shrugged.
Pope and JJ looked at their curly haired friend before JJ shook his head.
"Fine but she's not getting dick from just anybody. I have to approve of him." JJ said as he stood up and left the room,
The two other boys sat in silence before Pope spoke.
"You know what? I count that as progress and when we make progress with JJ…"
"We have a beer." John B finished, getting up to go get each of them a can.
You and the rest of the pogues made it to the party and found yourselves a home by the bonfire. Rafe, Topper and Kelce had stopped by to say that they were happy to see you again and Kelce was happy that his beer pong partner was back because Rafe and Topper just didn't compare to you. 
JJ stared at you, the fire illuminating your features as you laughed at something Kie had said, red cup in his hand that was half-empty. He brought the cup to his lips and finished his beer before turning to you.
"Refill, Y/N/N?"
You nodded before turning to the rest of the group. "JJ and I are making a refill trip. Who else needs one? Speak now or get it yourself." You announced as you stood up.
JJ smiled at your words before also getting up, ready to grab some cups. Pope and Sarah held out their cups while Kie and John B shook their heads.
You took the cups that needed a refill before you and JJ made your way through the crowd of people towards the keg. JJ cracked some jokes with some of the others around the keg and you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face before you nudged him with your shoulder.
You two started refilling the cups you had before you were interrupted.
"Haven't see you at a party in awhile, Y/N." 
You and JJ turned your heads to see Brett standing there, two cups in his hand.
JJ rolled his eyes before looking at you, seeing you avert your gaze back to the keg.
"Why don't you go back to your whore over there Brett." JJ deadpanned. 
You smacked JJ's wrist. "Don't call her a whore, JJ. It's rude."
"I'm just stating my opinion."
"Oh so she does still talk. I was just confused when she didn't say hi to me when I greeted her." Brett said.
"Can you get the fuck away from us? She clearly doesn't want to have a conversation with you." JJ snapped. 
"I would love to know what you have to say, Y/N, or are you gonna let JJ over here keep talking for you." Brett aimed at you, ignoring the blonde who was getting more agitated by Brett's presence. 
"I have nothing to say to you." You shrugged, going to grab the cup. 
"We should talk." Brett went to grab you but JJ grabbed his wrist.
"Don't touch her." 
"What are you gonna do about it, Maybank?"
"I've got two fists that have been itching to meet your face for months now and tonight might be their lucky night if you keep it up."
"JJ, lets just go." You whispered, placing a hand on his forearm.
JJ looked at you before grabbing his and Pope's cup before following you back to the group.
"Hey, JJ!" Brett called causing JJ to look back.
You gasped as a fist made contact with JJ's face. JJs hand immediately flew to his eye, gingerly touching his eyebrow. He pulled his fingers away to see blood and he chuckled before swinging his own fist.
It wasn't long before JJ had Brett on the ground, pissed beyond belief. Brett managed to get a few more punches in but JJ definitely got way more in by the time you managed to pull him off of Brett with Kelce's help.
"JJ! Calm down, man! He's not worth your time!" Kelce hollered, pinning his arms to his side. 
"JJ, look at me. It's done. It's over. You're good now." You told him.
Brett stood up with a scoff. "He could have fucking killed me." 
"I fucking should, you cheating son of a bitch!" JJ spat, Kelce's grip tightening on the blonde boy when JJ attempted to lunge forward.
"J, let's just go home. We've had our fun."  
JJ looked at you before relaxing causing Kelce to release his hold on him slowly. You grabbed JJ's hand and pulled him away from the small crowd that had formed around him and Brett.
You two said goodbye to your friends and walked back to JJ's truck, you climbing into the passenger seat and him into the drivers.
It was a quiet ride home, Twenty One Pilots playing softly through the speakers the entire time. JJ referred to them as his therapy band, often putting them on after a hard day at work or after a fight so it wasn't really a surprise that he had one of their CDs in. 
Once you got home and inside, JJ locked the door before turning towards his bedroom.
"Um, excuse me. Where are you going, JJ?" You asked, grabbing his wrist.
You shook your head. "We gotta clean you up. Bed can wait."
You tugged him into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit as you instructed JJ to sit on the toilet lid. He complied, bouncing his leg up and down as you put a little hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball.
"That's your first fight in a while." You commented, grabbing his chin lightly and forcing him to look at you.
He grunted in response as you started cleaning the few small cuts on his face. "The prick deserved it for what he did to you. You'd have to be fucking nuts to cheat on someone like you."
You felt my heart flutter at his words and I sighed. "I just hate seeing you like this, JJ. All scratched up." 
JJ chuckled as he shook his head lightly. "Oh, Y/N, sweetheart. This is nothing compared to the beat down Brett just got and what my dad used to dish out when I was living with him."
JJ saw your face drop at his words and your eyes begin to water.
"Hey, Y/N. It was just a small joke." He told you gently as he grabbed your hands with his. 
You shook your head and went to pull away from him but he just pulled you back, looking up at you as if he was a parent trying to comfort their child.
It weirdly looked like all those Super Nanny time out scenes where the kid looks down in shame as they apologize and the parent is dipping their head down to make eye contact with the kid. You know what I'm talking about?
"I don't like it when you do the whole 'my dad hit me harder thing', J, whenever you try to play off your pain and injuries." You mumbled, a tear slipping out.
JJ wiped away the single tear, mad at himself for upsetting you. "I'm sorry but maybe the waterworks are a bit much. Hmm?"
"I'm sorry. It's just that you shouldn't fight my battles for me. I was going to just walk away from him."
"I'm sorry, are we ignoring the fact that I was walking away? He threw the first punch and I made sure he would think twice before doing that again."
"I just don't like you getting hurt because of me." You sighed. 
"Hey, I'd rather get hurt than have you get hurt."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and his went around your waist. 
"I always liked your hugs better." You hummed.
JJ felt himself smile. "Yeah?"
You nodded. "You wanna know something, J?"
"I always felt like you paid more attention to me than Brett. After a year of dating him, he still didn't know my favorite flowers or that I was allergic to bees. Those are the two simplest things to learn about your significant other. You know that I can't even stand the smell of fish sticks anymore or that I can't watch the Freaky Fred episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog or I'll have nightmares." 
"That's because I care about you a lot." JJ whispered, kissing your temple.
You ran a hand through JJs blonde locks and sighed. "I wish I dated you instead."
You froze. You could not believe that you had just told your best friend that. You also could not believe how easily those words left your mouth and how much truth there was to them. You did wish you dated JJ instead and not just because of how attractive he was. He always treated you way better than Brett and was more intune -and concerned- about how you were feeling.
JJ also froze, praying that he heard those words correctly and that it wasn't his mind playing a sick joke. He had been waiting for the right time for months and his gut had been telling him all day that today was the day but he fought the urge, afraid his gut was lying. But this...this must be the sign.
"Do you really mean that?" He asked, fighting a smile in case you meant a guy like him and not actually him.
You paused before nodding. "Yeah, I do."
You felt his arms tighten around you and his face bury itself in the crook of your neck.
"You remember all those months ago when you made a big deal about me liking someone and you asked me why I hadn't made a move yet and I told you it wasn't the right time?" JJ words were muffled by your skin.
He pulled away to look at you. "I think now's the right time." 
And then he pressed his lips against yours. You were quick to kiss back and it held the adoration you felt was missing long before you and Brett broke up.
You pulled away, placing a hand on his cheek which caused JJ to close his eyes and lean into your touch.
"Thank you for being in my life." You whispered, taking the forgotten cotton ball in your hand and pressing it to the scratch above his eyebrow.
JJ smiled. "No. Thank you for being in mine. You helped me through the toughest times and gave me a reason to stay."
"I wouldn't have objected to leaving the Outer Banks with you."
"I meant like stay here, like on Earth." He mumbled.
You stared at him before kissing his cheek. "Thank you for staying here with me."
JJ opened his eyes and grinned as some hair fell in front of his eyes. "As much as I love our little moment, can we move the cleaning process along cause I kind of want to climb into bed with you in my arms tonight."
You smiled, pushing his hair out of his face. "Sure thing, Jay-Bird. That sounds amazing."
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Nine: Love
JJ x Original Character
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I don't know of y'all are ready for this one...
When I saw Ward, I felt like we were losing all over again. We had gotten a taste of victory with helping John B. escape the clutches of Deputy Shoupe but now, it felt like it was for nothing. I thought back to JJ's questions; would things ever be easier? I doubted it even more now. Things would never be normal as long as Shoupe thought John B. was guilty. We gave him evidence and still, he is more than ready to get a murderer to help him.
JJ was the first to speak up. We had all been in a state of shock, that none of had spoken up yet. Ward was already beside Shoupe and near the radio connected to the boat John B. was on by the time any of us said anything.
"You've got to be kidding me?!"
I was next. "You're crazy dude."
The fed glared at me. "My name is Agent Bratcher."
I shrugged. "I'll just call you fed."
Pope stepped forward, moving to JJ's side. "I'm sure Ward won't completely fuck up the situation entirely." His sarcasm travelled through the entire tent. his was one of the first times seeing Pope so strong in his convictions I almost wanted to laugh.
Shoupe rolled his eyes. I swear, I could punch him right now. "He's Sarah's father. If anyone can convince Sarah to turn the boat around, it's her father."
This time I moved forward, glaring at Ward the entire time. "Sure, that might work. If it wasn't for the fact Sarah hates her father, dude."
Ward looked hurt by those words, as if he could not fathom the idea of Sarah not liking him after all that he has done to John B. and his family. "Callie, I'm her father."
I turned to him, angrily looking him up and down. "I don't see a father. I see a weak excuse of a man."
JJ and Pope both cackled behind me as I said this. I looked to JJ would seemed proud. I don't exactly know why he was proud because I was being completely rude to Ward, but I'm guessing it was because Ward deserved it. Also, JJ loved this type of stuff. I'm sure if I ever started fighting someone, he would be cheering me on as Kiara tried to pull me off whoever the poor soul was.
"Stop that right now!" I fed yelled at us, specifically glaring at me. "If you won't help us, then Ward is more than happy to."
Kiara now spoke, "Okay. We''l just watch your plan fail."
The fed and Shoupe waved us away from the station where the radio was but we stayed put, wanting to see this complete massacre with our own eyes.
I took a step back, standing beside JJ again. I looked at him and he was already looking at me. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it tightly. Then I remembered something. "You had to tell me something before. What was it?"
JJ's eyes widened for a moment then looked away. "Oh nothing. It sounds stupid now."
I nudged his arm with my shoulder. "C'mon, nothing you say is stupid. What's up?"
JJ sighed, looking to the ground and then back to me. "I was gonna say that when this thing is over, we should probably go out."
I smiled. "Go out where?" For all the teasing he ever did to me, it was my turn.
JJ blushed. I repeat, he blushed. What was up with this guy? "Maybe for dinner or something?"
"With Kiara and Pope?" Now I was purposely being annoying just because I loved to see him struggle.
JJ caught on pretty quick and chuckled at me once he realized. "Never-mind. I hate you again."
I quietly gasped, looked to Ward setting the radio to the right frequency, and then looked back to JJ. "You hated me?"
JJ smirked and nodded. "Yeah. If you didn't know, you're a Kook."
"Do you hate me now?" I lean forward, my lips inches from his.
He looks down at our lips. "No..."
We were about to kiss but,just as our lips were about to touch, Ward yells out.
We all look to him. Shoupe is standing in front of him as the fed watches our reactions. I think for a moment they are listening but when no one responds, I sigh. I hope they don't answer. I hope they can get out. I hope they don't turn around.
Then, Ward yells again, this time for John B. "JOHN B.!"
There's a moment of silence. Then, over the radio, we all hear the sound of waves crashing. My breath hitches in my throat and JJ squeezes my hand tighter. He makes no sound but I can tell he is just as nervous as me, maybe even more.
Ward, confident they're listening, speaks again, "John B, I know you are there, son. I know you can hear me," He takes a deep breath. "and if you love my daughter like I think you love my daughter, then you will turn that boat around and come back."
I shake my head. No, he's playing on his love for Sarah.
Please John B. don't listen to him. He's a murderer. He's evil.
There's still no response but we all know he's listening. So is Sarah. We know they are listening to every word and maybe even contemplating on turn back around. I hope to god they are not but Ward is acting so rational he almost doesn't seem like a killer. Almost. There still is something in his voice that I can tell in a little bit of venom directed at John B. He knows that either way, he is getting out of this situation a free man. If John B. returns, they will arrest him for a crime Rafe committed and if he doesn't, Sarah leaves too and then it's my word against one of the richest men in OBX. I doubt my parents will side with me knowing that friends I have now. Either way, we are losing and Ward is winning again.
Ward speaks again. "You are going into a storm that you cannot survive. John B, please, I will make it right. I promise you. Come back."
This makes my blood boil. Ward was the one that messed everything up in the first place. Him and his deranged son.
"No! John B.! He's a liar!" I scream rushing forward and trying to grab a hold of Ward's radio. Two officers grab a hold of both of my arms and drag me away.
"Let go of her!" JJ screams, jumping onto one of the officers.
I'm kicking and screaming and JJ in fighting one of them as Pope and Kiara fight the other. More officers come and hold all of them back. I'm hysterical. I'm screaming as loud as I can for John B. and Sarah. They can't come back. If they come back, everything we have done, everything we have sacrificed, was for nothing.
Just as the officers start to drag us out of the tent, Shoupe yells at them. "Let them stay," He smirks at me, happy to see that I'm crying. "They are gonna hear this."
We are brought back to where we originally were and now, officers are holding us down as we listen to Ward talk. I want to cover my ears but the officers are holding my hands behind my back.
"John B, I am begging you. Think of her and turn around." Ward finishes, looking at me finally. No one else can see it but I can. He's smirking. It's very faint but I can still see it. He thinks he's won.
We all wait for a response. At first, I think maybe it was the wrong frequency all along and maybe they heard nothing. Then, the radio turns on and we can hear heavy breathing along with the sound of the storm behind it. I know it's John B., and so does JJ, Kiara and Pope. I look at the, They are all thinking the same thing; he's pissed.
"Ward Cameron, do you hear me?"
JJ lets out a sigh. He's there and he's been listening to everything. I want to yell again but I can't; my throat burns from all the yelling.
Ward smiles and gives Shoupe a thumbs up. "Yes. Yes, son, I'm right here. I'm right here. Please bring her back, okay? We'll work it all out when you get home."
I hang up head. No, please don't listen to him.
Then John B. speaks again. " You killed my father, and you framed me for a murder I didn't commit."
I look back up, surprised. John B. doesn't believe him. He's not turning back. Thank god.
Ward looks to the fed, confused. He's still playing the part of the confused and concerned father. The fed isn't looking at him though, he's looking at me. His face is filled with surprise. He raises his brows at me and all I do is nod. I'm wondering if he truly believes me now?
John B. speaks again. "You took everything from me!"
I can hear the anger from through the radio. I'm almost scared for Ward. He looks actually concerned now, he's not playing a part anymore.
I look to JJ. He's being held back by the officers but when I look at him, he's pale. I know why. When John B. comes back to OBX, he will kill Ward.
John B. yells again. "You took everything from me!" I try to imagine John B. and Sarah on that boat going into the storm. My heart drops. Please let them make it. "But I'm still here. And I swear to God, Ward, I will come back one day and take back what's mine."
Ward's brows are pushed together. He's shaking and I can see sweat form on his forehead. He knows John B. is serious and now he's scared. I would be too. In one last ditch effort to calm John B., he tries to speak again but it's too late. John B. is holding down the button so Ward can't speak.
"So, you listen to me, all right? I'm comin' for you. I'm coming for you."
And then the radio is silent. John B. and Sarah are done talking.
Shoupe looks at us, his face as white as snow. I guess he's not smirking any longer. He looks at me and now I'm the one smirking. They are gone. He knows they'll never catch him.
"Told you." I say bitterly, smiling at Shoupe.
"Get them away from my sight." growls Shoupe.
The officer start dragging us away and Shoupe and the fed start whispering to each other. The officer that is holding me is talking to the officer that is holding JJ and I see this as my last opportunity to speak to Sarah. I have come to terms I might never see her again and I just want to say one last thing. So, the second I see that the officer is distracted I loosen my grip on him and run to the radio. Ward is no longer there anymore and no one is guarding it. I am running so fast my legs are burning but I move quickly and dodge the grasp of the officer that was holding me before. I grab the radio as fast as I can and press the button to speak. I see the fed, Shoupe and the officer running towards me so I know I have to speak quickly.
I say the only thing that matters. "I love you Sarah. We aren't divided."
I say this because when Sarah first started dating John B., I had been focused too much on the fact he was a Pogue and she was a Kook and it wouldn't work out. She had told me that those divisions didn't matter. Love is love. There should be no more divisions when it came to love. I hope she gets my reference.
Seconds later, the officer grabs onto me and slaps the radio out of my hand. He's dragging me away again but I don't fight. I said what I needed to say. I don't expect her to say anything else but I just wanted to say goodbye.
As I am getting dragged away, I hear a voice come from the radio. The person is crying but I can tell they are happy because they are laughing through the tears. "You're golden Callie. There's no more divisions."
I'm full on bawling now but I don't care. I will miss her so much but I know I wouldn't change anything that has happened. I found JJ and she I had the best ten years with the best friend anyone could ask for.
The officer drags me to the second tent and I get wet because it is raining outside. When I'm in the second tent, I'm surrounded by JJ and Kiara and Pope. They're all asking me what she said, what it meant and I try to tell them everything. I can see my parents in the background but I ignore them for now. I need to talk to my family.
JJ hugs me and cups my face in his hands. He's wet too and the droplets from his hair are dropping on my face. "That was so stupid. Why'd you do that?"
I shrug. "I don't know."
But I do know. Because Sarah is right. When you love someone, there should be no more divisions.
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Innocent Pt. 13
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I wake up naked and in a bed that's not my own. My body is sore and aches causing me to groan as I roll over. I grab my phone and gasp when I realize that I've missed school and about 15 of Leah's texts. I quickly send her a short message to ease her mind and slip out of the bed. Rafe is snoring softly on his stomach. It's weird seeing something so deadly in such a vulnerable state.
His phone lights up and it has my attention. I sneak over before I can back out and grab it then carefully shut myself in the bathroom. My nerves are threatening to make me throw up. I can't believe I have Rafe Cameron's phone. Another text comes in from Kelc.
I open the group message between Rafe, Kelc, and Topper. No turning back now. Most of it is trashing John B and occasionally Kelc talking about girls he's hooked up with. I go back farther until I spot my name and I jump back a little father.
"Why are you always going to that POS for beer?" Kelc asks.
"He's got the hots for the pretty little clerk." Topper chimes in.
"I do not." Rafe responds.
"There's no harm in wanting to fuck her, Rafe. She's almost legal." Kelc says and my lip curls in disgust.
"She's a Pogue." Topper adds with a puking emoji and I roll my eyes.
"Pussy is pussy. If Rafe doesn't tap it, I'm going to." Kelc says back.
"I want it. That virgin pussy is mine." Says Rafe's response. My body bristles with anger. It was all a game and he won. Now I was in deep with him. He was in my head and I was in his bed. Not for long.
I yank the door open and gasp when I find him standing there, waiting.
"Did you find the answers you were looking for?" Rafe snarls, snatching his phone from my hands. He looks at it for a second before tossing it on the bed.
"I'm leaving. Whatever this is, is done." I gesture between the two of us but Rafe smirks.
"This is done when I say it's done." Rafe lunges and I scream as he throws me over his shoulder. I dig my nails into his back but he's unfazed as he tosses me back on the bed. I slap at him but he quickly secures my hands to cuffs connected to the headboard I hadn't seen before. He moves down my body, pinning my legs as he ties them open to the footboard.
"Rafe." I growl as he moves to the nightstand. He pulls out a vibrator.
"You went through my phone. So you're getting punished." Rafe kneels between my legs and I jump.
"Rafe." I choke, my clit was throbbing.
"Let's see what your limit is. Are you a bad girl or a good girl?" Rafe licks a stripe up my pussy and I buck my hips.
"Rafe, please." I whine as he does it again, grazing my clit with his teeth.
"Bad girls get punished. Good girls get to cum." He turns the vibrator on and presses it to my clit. I cry out as I arch off the bed. His free hand quickly forces my body back down to the bed. The feeling is so intense and overwhelming that I'm already close. Just as my eyes roll back, he lifts the vibrator.
"Goddamn it, Rafe." I growl fisting the sheets, panting as I fight to catch my breath.
"Look at you clenching your sweet pussy. I bet you wish you had my cock." Rafe taunts then places the vibrator against my clit again. I cry out and his grip keeps me from arching off the bed. My body shakes as he continues to punish me and just as I'm about to cum, he pulls away again. I thrash angrily, yanking on the restraints.
"You're the one who deserves to be punished, Rafe. You only fucked me so Kelc couldn't. Maybe I'll fuck him anyway." I growl and he laughs angrily. He forces two fingers inside me, pumping them hard and fast.
"You don't want to know what I'd do to you for letting another man touch you." Rafe growls. I can't think as an orgasm quickly rushes forward but at the last possible second, Rafe stops. Tears fall down my cheeks. Rafe kisses up my body, between my breasts, then kisses away my tears.
"I hate you." I cry, turning from him as he tries to kiss my lips. His lips find my ear and I feel his cock nudging my entrance forcing me to gasp.
"You know your safe word." Rafe whispers in my ear then his cock slides in hard. The burn and stretch hurts so good. I'll never tire of feeling him buried inside me. His hand wraps around my throat as he fucks me hard. I cum almost immediately. A sob leaves my lips as his pace doesn't even falter.
"You feel so fucking good. Better than any high I've ever had." Rafe growls, tightening his hold on my throat. My eyes roll back and just as everything starts to go black, he releases his hold and I cum again.
"Rafe, Rafe." I chant his name like a prayer.
"I won't apologize for the way things started between us. I saw something I liked and I wanted it. I always get what I want. So the next time you find answers you don't like, remember this. Remember my cock inside you because that's where it belongs." Rafe snarls and a moment later I feel us both go over the ledge, crying out as we cum. Rafe's body pins me to the mattress as we both fight for air. Now I'm really sore.
He rolls off me and immediately unties me. I rub my sore wrists and he scoops me up then heads to the bathroom. He sits me down in the tub and starts filling it up with hot water. Rafe comes back with a washcloth and settles in behind me. I let him wash my body and my hair, tensing when he finds more scars. He doesn't ask and I don't explain. I'm too exhausted. So much has happened that I'm unable to find words.
"I have some errands to run but you're welcome to stay here." Rafe says softly, massaging shampoo into my hair. My eyes close as I lean into his touch.
"Okay." I whisper and he helps rinse my hair. We finish in the tub and get dressed in silence. I can't help but stare at him as he does the simplest of things. Why don't I hate him? Why am I not afraid? Or more afraid? My body ignited around his anger and when he was trying to scare me but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Not more than I wanted.
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
No More Divisions - Chapter Eight: Why Should We Help?
JJ x Original Character
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At the makeshift headquarters beside the lighthouse, there's two tents. I'm guessing Kiara, Pope and JJ are in tent one because I'm in tent two and all that's in tent two is an officer watching me and a row of computers. They're turned off but I can still tell that this tent is a precaution, just in case they need to call in for more man power. For a teenager.
I'm sitting on a chair that has been pulled out of a computer desk. It's uncomfortable and I'm becoming more irritable the more I sit and do nothing. This also probably has to do with me being separated from my friends, but I don't care. I'm taking out my anger on this poor officer, who is seriously not doing anything, other than his job.
"I want to go." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest.
The officer turns to me and rolls his eyes. "Anything else, madam?" His sarcasm is even more annoying than his voice.
"Yeah, your mom's number." I spit bad, acting very juvenile. I guess JJ has really rubbed off on me.
"Just sit still. Your parents should be here soon. Then you can go home." The officer says, one arm forward. He's trying to calm me down but it's not working. It's actually only making me even more pissed.
"I don't want to go home." I angrily mumble. "I need to see my friends."
The officer chuckles. "Not happening, sweetheart."
I roll my eyes. "Don't patronize me buddy." I had no idea where this arrogance was coming from. I was intimidated by the police but now, after all that I've been through, I could care less.
"Listen kid -" The officer is about to start on me, probably about respecting authority and your elders but he doesn't get the chance. Walking through the tent to meet me is the fed I saw from before, my parents, Ward, and Rafe.
I get up instantly. "Stay away from them!" I say, grabbing my mom and dad and standing in front of my parents.
I block them from Ward and Rafe, who are now face to face with me. For the first time since Peterkin's death, I'm looking Ward dead in the eyes. He looks back, very arrogant for someone that's guilty and surrounded by cops. But I guess it pays to be Ward Cameron; everyone believes you're good all the time.
"Callie," my mom cried, pulling me away from Ward and hugging me. "We were worried sick."
My dad hugged me and my mom. This is the first time I've seen them embrace in months. Its sad to think me going missing has brought them closer together.
"Once you get home, you're grounded." My dad says sternly, his eyes instantly softening. "But for now, we're so glad you're safe."
I'm happy to see them but I have to pull away. I have bigger things to be concerned about. I don't know if Sarah or John B. are okay, not to mention I have no idea how Kiara, Pope, and JJ are.
I look to the fed, glaring at him. "Where are my friends?"
I the fed nodded to his right. "They're in the next tent. I actually want to talk to you."
Ward's eyes widen. "Why? She's been clearly brainwashed by John B."
The fed looked at Ward. "It's just protocol.
My eyes widen now. "No!" The fed turns to look at me again. "I was there when Peterkin was shot. I know who did it."
My parents gasp. I look to them quickly and once I see their disappointed faces I have to look away. I feel a hand grab onto my arm. I look to my right and see it's Rafe. His eyes are filled with tears.
"Please Callie," he begged, "you don't know what you're doing."
I scoffed, ripping my arm away from his grasp. "I know exactly what I'm fucking doing. Get away from me." My anger is boiling over but I control myself. I have to do this for Sarah and John B. If they're not here to clear their names, then I will do it for them.
"Callie, I love you." Rafe chokes on his tears.
My hurt almost hurts for him. I swallow and the hurt is gone. "No." I say sternly.
Rafe nods quickly. "I do. I knew I loved you since you first said hello. We're so good together, we can go back to that place."
My mind goes to JJ. I feel his hand on my back and I remember his smile. "I don't love you Rafe. I don't think I ever did."
Love is supposed to make you feel giddy. Love is supposed to make you want to get out of bed. It makes you want to dance. Love is in the simple actions. Like, just talking for hours to them. Every kiss should feel like the first kiss. Every hug should feel like the first touch. I never felt that with Rafe; it was always more of an obligation. With JJ, it's natural. It's easy.
Rafe swallows, his tears sliding down his face. A year falls down his face. It's only one and he wipes it away quickly. Embarrassed, he then backs away, moving away from me.
I look to my parents. My mom is giving me a sweet smile. My dad, who always liked Rafe, seemed a little disappointed. I can't look at them any longer. Everytime I look at them, I feel very sad. I know I've let them down.
I look to the fed again. "If you let me see my friends, I'll do whatever you want."
The fed thinks for a moment and it's so silent in the tent. Then, he speaks, "Follow me." He tells Ward, Rafe and my parents to stay behind because it might cause too much drama. That's an understatement.
We both walk out of the tent, both staying silent. Finally, before we enter the first tent, he says one thing. "I believe you."
I am shocked. It feels so good for someone to say that to me. "Really?"
The fed nods. "You might not want to believe this but I am on your side."
As he says this, he pulls the curtain to the side and my eyes search for blond hair. This tent looks exactly like the other except there's just more people here. Dozens and dozens of officers walk and talk, doing god knows what.
Then I see it. Blond hair. It's JJ.
My heart bursts with joy. "JJ!"
JJ hears me over all the commotion and turns around, looking for me. Once our eyes lock, butterflies erupt in my stomach. He's there. It's been three hours without him but it feels like more. It feels like an eternity.
Once I see the smile on his face, I start to run. I'm pushing past the officers and I'm not being polite. I tell them to move. JJ, funny enough, is doing the same. Once we're close enough, my arms reach out to him and he does the same. I'm hugging him so tight I think I might suffocate. He's hugging just as tight though. I can feel his heartbeat as his chest presses against mine and I smile even wider. Hearing his heartbeat and touching him makes this whole ordeal better.
"God, I missed you." I smiled, pulling away from him for a moment.
"I would too." He jokes but I know what he truly means. He missed me too.
I can't help it. Even if we're in front of all these officers and our friends, I still kiss JJ. He's kissing me back instantly. Each kiss is amazing. It's always like the first time. I don't think my heart will ever be able to adapt to how he makes me feel. I want to deepen the kiss but decide against it since we are in public.
I pull away. "Are Kiara and Pope okay?"
JJ nods. "They're here. How about you?"
I shrug. "Better now."
JJ reaches up to my brown hair and pushes it behind my ear. His hand rests on my cheek for a moment then he pulls away. "Callie, I -"
"Callie!" Kiara yells from behind JJ.
I let go of JJ and and run past him to her and Pope. I'm sure whatever he has to tell me, he can say later. I'm just so glad to see that they're alright.
I embrace Kiara and I can feel her smile on my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're safe."
I smile back, still hugging her. We don't say anything for a few moments and then we finally let go of each other. Pope is now beside her, his arms out for me. I'm smiling so wide now. He was very apprehensive at first but now we're friends.
Once we hug, he speaks, "I'm glad too."
"Sorry to break up this reunion," the fed speaks from behind me. "But we need your help."
I let go of Pope and turn to the fed. I look at JJ. He's glaring at the fed. I walk to JJ and pat his shoulder, trying to calm him down. I know he doesn't trust this fed but I'm starting to. It might be naive but what other choice do I have?
"And why should we trust you?" JJ bitterly asks, Kiara and Pope nodding along with him.
I can see Deputy Shoupe behind the fed and I want to roll my eyes. He's listening in on our conversation and since he's such an ass, he speaks up before the fed has a chance.
"Because we want John B. and Sarah to live."
That grabs all of our attention. The fed shoots Shoupe a glare but he doesn't get a chance to say anything because JJ is already in his face.
"What the hell are you talking about?" JJ spits back.
I'm holding onto his bicep, trying to pull him away from the Deputy. JJ looks like he's ready to fight and that's the last thing I want. "JJ..."
He looks to me. His face softens and he backs up a little, standing beside me again. When he loosens his arms and lets them fall to his sides, I grab ahold of his hands.
"What Deputy Shoupe means," the fed says slowly, shooting Shoupe one last glare before looking back to us, "is that right now John B. and Sarah are on a boat, headed into a storm. They won't make it through the storm."
How did Sarah get on the boat with John B.? Did he stops to pick her up? I don't know and honestly don't care right now. My only priority right now is to make sure John B. and Sarah are safe.
"What do you need us to do?" Kiara asks, speaking up for the first time. I look to her and I can instantly read her face. She's so worried.
The fed sighed. "I need you to go on the radio and tell them to turn their boat around."
Once we all heard this, there was an uproar from all of us. That was not an option. The second John B. and Sarah's boat hit solid ground we all knew that the police would arrest them. This was their plan all along. The storm was a perfect setup. Sure we might save them from the storm, but we wouldn't be saving them from the police.
"Yeah, so you can arrest them the second they get here." Pope angrily spit back.
"Fuck off." JJ says, rolling his eyes.
"They will die if you don't do this." The fed argued, looking to me. "You really want your friends to die?"
That was it. This time, I wasn't gonna let this fed blame us. If he had done his job correctly, we wouldn't even be in this situation.
"How dare you try to blame us." I said coldly. Everyone looked to me, shocked. Even Shoupe seemed surprised that I had taken such a tone with a federal officer.
"I'm not -" The fed tried to explain. I wouldn't let him.
"No, you are." I looked to JJ. His smirk was what made me continue. "If you had done your job properly we wouldn't even be in this situation. If any of you just stopped and listened, John B. and Sarah wouldn't be on that boat headed towards that storm. But you won't listen and I don't know why. Is it because we're teenagers? It doesn't matter because we're not helping you arrest our friends."
It was silent for a moment as everyone processed my words. Even I had to process my words. I can't believe I had just said that. Maybe going through all of this gave me the confidence I needed. After a minute, JJ was the first to speak up.
"We're not gonna help the people that never helped us."
I looked to JJ, a frown on my face. I knew what he meant. It has been years and years and still, no officer ever helped him with getting out of his dad's house. I'm sure people knew what was going on. Most of the town did. They just chose to do nothing. Why should he want to help them now. JJ looked back at me, giving me a half smile. I knew he was trying his best to not show how upset he was with Shiupe and the fed and I wanted to kiss him for being so brave.
The finally responded by nodding and saying, "If you won't help us, then someone else will."
I heard Pope scoff from behind me. "Yeah? Who's gonna help you?"
That's when I saw him. Entering the tent, a face full of fake concern for his daughter, was Ward Cameron.
Shoupe smirked and pointed to Ward. "He will."
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