#if san shu ever comes back
Scenario 1: you break your fucking leg on the first day.
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-You broke your leg tripping over him... like why was he by the stairs???
-He laughed a little too much
-You: "It's not funny." Him: "It's not funny, it's hilarious-"
You looked up at Shu from the bottom of the stairs holding your injured leg. Tears were definitely flowing and you were definitely embarassed as fuck... You did not wanna look weak in front of him.. He laughed quietly almost mocking you with how slowly he descended stairs. You attempted to crawl away gritting your teeth and bearing the pain heading for the front door. Shu finally caught up to you as you were using the door to try stand up and try to get out. He stood over you and placed his hand firmly on the door with a smirk on his face. "S-shu... please don't-" Laughing, he responded, "You can't run from me now y/n..." he completely planned to monopolize you for the day. He picked you up and teleported y'all both to his bedroom. Shu laid down holding you ontop of him. He bit you over and over again until you passed out from the pain, and fell asleep with you there.
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-Fell right in front of him while serving his tea
-you wanted to impress him so bad, but ultimately you're too clumsy
-He does patch you up; which surprised you at first.. however it was followed by a lecture
"Perfect." You smiled as you finished his tea. You were hoping to suck up to Reiji because he seemed the most reasonable. (In a house full of vampires that is...) You picked out the prettiest china set and made sure to keep everything perfect. Arriving at his door; you interrupted his peace with a knock at his door. "Come in." Opening the door nervously; you fumbled in. As you walked closer, for some reason your foot got caught up on the trolley holding the tea. The whole sequence felt slow motion as you fell landing directly on your leg. "OW- Motherfu-" You held your leg as Reiji closed his book and stood up with a dissatisfaction plastered all over his face. You felt your whole body get chills seeing his face with the most menacing glare. His cold expression froze you on the floor. Looking down to hide your embarrassment you quietly said, "I'm v-very sorry, Reiji-san.." He wordlessly examined your leg; letting out a sigh when you whimpered at his forceful touch. "Your incompetence truly knows no bounds. I'll have to train you properly; this was such a pitiful display." He picked you up and carried you to the counter in his science lab to help fix your mistake.
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-"Awe little bitch did you hurt yourself?~ You'll have to rely on me now.. hehe"
-Sadistic then nice
- You were running from his advances and fell really hard on concrete...
'SHIT SHIT SHIT.' You fell hard on the concrete outside the mansion. Laito finally caught up with you and your whole body was panicked. Getting caught by Laito meant anything was on the table. Despite his "loving/pervy" attitude he was definitely mean and cruel. "Ah~ yes.. that's the face little bitch..." He kneeled down and held your injured leg in his hand. He looked you directly in the eyes as he squeezed your leg with his vampire strength. You immediately cried out and he smiled even more than before. "Can't you imagine it little bitch~? You struggling and writhing beneath me in pleasure with your poor injured leg shaking as well... Ah~ I can picture it so clearly~..." He hastily picked you up and took you to his bedroom to fix up your leg. "You'll have to rely on me, my sweet little bitch~"
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- laughing so hard
-"You're my stupidest prey ever..."
-drinks your blood until you pass out
Ayato chased you pretty regularly, so this was no different than all the other times.. except this time, there was a rock. Yep. A rock. Why was this rock here? How did you trip on it? And why was your leg pulsating in pain afterward? You tried to stand up to run again, but you fell right back down and could not get back up. If there was a God, he definitely hated you. Ayato's laughter rang out, breaking the little silence that you had. You looked up at him with a displeased face, and he laughed even harder. "H-how stupid are you?? You tripped over a ro-" He couldn't even get his sentence out because of his bellowing laughter. He keeled over and held his stomach, mocking you in every capacity. "Okay!! You can stop laughing now, I need help!!" Ayato immediately stopped laughing after your small outburst, "And why should the great Ore-sama help you, Titless/melons?" His whole demeanor changed, and you got chills. "Y-you're right... I'm completely at your mercy, Please help me, Aya- Ore-sama." Ayato smirked and picked you up, "That's more like it." He bit you hard and teleported you to his room.
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- Terrifying.
-hysterical laughter
- "This is too funny, (y/n)... now there's no way you can escape me."
Dolls??? Human dolls???? Why did you have to pick the maniac?!? You were running from the horrific scene when you tripped and fell. Hard. "K-kanato... wait, I think I broke my le-" He cut off your sentence by laughing hysterically at you. You started crying, and Kanato stopped laughing. "Awe, poor little (y/n)... did you hurt your leg?" He cooed. You tried to calm down, but your fear was swirling your brain right now. He could totally kill you right now and turn you into one of those sick dolls.. You felt Kanato's cool hand run over your leg, and he cooed softly at you again. "Like a broken little doll~ I'll fix you right up.." You immediately started crying harder. "Be quiet!" He screamed and slapped you hard. You held your cheek and looked at him in silence. He picked you up and carried you to his room to patch you up. Singing softly as he did so.
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- doesn't care at first, but then you started crying
- A big softy for your tears
-"Tch... Fine... I'll help you, I guess... but this is the only time."
You and Subaru had a weird relationship.. He had his anger problems, but he could be sweet when he wanted to. You had tripped over a stair while he was walking ahead of you. "Ow ow ow... shit..." You looked down and saw your ankle twisted. Subaru looked behind himself and saw you holding your ankle. "What the fuck did you do?" It's like he couldn't keep his eyes off you for one second without you messing something up. "I-I think I twisted my ankle.." he sighed in annoyance and walked back over to you on the floor. "Do you think you can stand?" He actually looked concerned for a second. "I-I don't know..." You tried but to no avail. "Fine.. hold out your arms." Subaru picked you up and carried you to your room where he patched you up. "Thank you, Subaru." His eyebrows furrowed in anger, and he leaned down and bit you hard. "I didn't do it for you. So don't expect me to take care of you or anything."
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enstarrievalkyrie · 2 years
Ideal version🕰️
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Yandere Valkyrie x gn reader
Note: this idea was inspired by my mental break down at 2am. This is taken place during the victorian era. Hope yall enjoy.🕰️
Warning:yandere behavior, reader turning into a doll, yandere Mika development, stalking, self-hate
Dolls.. It's something you love, something you need, something you wish you'll ever be. You walked pass those fancy shops with many dolls sitting at the shelves. They were being displayed for customers to gaze at them. You were one of them, always returning to those shops just to look at those porcelain doll. You desired for one, but in order to save money you restrained yourself. It's an everyday routine to window shop these beautiful dolls, but sometimes when things get a little harder and bad, you wouldn't visit these beautiful creatures. You didn't want them to see you like this, the imperfect version of you. During those time, you would cry and cry about how imperfect you were, how nobody will love you, about how you look soo terrible. That was until one day you received a letter. A letter from your secret admirer, you opened the letter and read the contents, there it said, "You look wonderful today darling, not just today but everyday.... You know, I could grant your wish, you only need to tell me those words. -Your soon to be beloved." Dolls that is your desire, that's your wish. However, a voice inside you reminded you of those horrible kidnapping cases you saw from the news. That made you back down and threw the letter away.
Inside a doll maker's workshop, Shu probably knew you threw the letter but he knows one day, when you can no longer stand your mentality anymore, when you finally gone insane, is the day when he would meet you in person and offer that request again. That day truly came, you've gone mad from your mental break down and the fact that you hide yourself from the thing you love most. Knock...knock. Shu was standing Infront of your doorway, when he heard no effort was made to welcomed him in, he slowly took out a key and starts to unlock the door himself. It was a sight to see, mirror shards scattered all over the floor, a bunch of papers on the ground, despite all of this his main focus is you and only you. Shu made his way towards your bedroom and there he found his precious doll. You were hiding under the blanket, shivering like a leaf , oh how precious you are. Slowly, bit by bit, he unrevealed your blanket, that's when you realized someone is here. Shu gently held your face afraid that you would freak out. There he said those very words, that you once received. " Dearest, I can grant you your wish, you only just have to tell me those words." And you did, you were desperate to be that perfect version of yourself. That day, he took you and 'fixed' you.
Mika didn't know what's so special about you, he didn't know why his master is so enamored by you. He known you for quite a while now, Shu would often requested him to look after you without your notice(obviously). He've seen you during your mental break down, seen you helping your neighbours, seen you looking at those dolls with such admiration in your eyes. With you getting all of his oshi-san's attention, it won't be long for him to get jealous of you. That jealousy grew and grew until it forms to hatred. Often times, he would ask his Oshi-san why he was spending more time with you and not him. Shu would always give him the same answer with the same chuckle. "You would soon come to find out why I'm so in love with my beloved, soon my dear kagehira." And he sure did. The day when Shu came back to his workshop, he saw you laying on an operating table and assist Shu during the whole process of transforming you into your perfect form. A doll. He's quite an expert in this field of arts and tries his best to impress his Oshi-san with his work. Painting your nails, doing your makeup, sewing you clothes, were some of the things he have done for you with the help of Shu's instructions. But now he no longer needs them to know what to do next with you. He would get attached to things, after seeing your vulnerable form, and becoming his and Shu's creation it's not a surprise he got attached to you quickly. Shu notices it too, "I've seen you finally learn, now that you've understand let's work together to keep our unmoving dearest happy forever."
Now, you are sitting on a fancy chair with Shu and Mika's presence near you. They would tend to their customers and you would just sit their, smiling as you watched those customers who came to the Valkyrie workshop with intention to get a beautiful customized doll like you. You are better this way, happier this way, you no longer have to cry about being imperfect thanks to the help of your two creators. Mika who sew your clothes and Shu who combed your hair, both of them whisper sweet nothings to you that made you happy. They promised that you would never feel unloved again and they did infact kept their promise.
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twilightmalachite · 11 months
Machina - Prologue
Author: Kino Seitaro (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Shu, Ritsu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"My winter break’s already in tatters from the combo technique of the kotatsu and mandarin oranges…"
Season: Winter
Location: Sky Garden
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Shu: Why did you make such a thing, Kagehira? Is our current state of affairs that unsatisfying?
Mika: No, that’s not it, Oshi-san…
I was just makin’ my own art. ‘M not tryna deny your art, Oshi-san.
Didn’tcha say you were lookin’ forward to my work…?
But the moment ya saw my work, you got angry. What’s wrong with what I did? I don’t understand, could ya tell me where I went wrong with my work…?
Shu: ……
Don’t disappoint me any further.
Mika: Huh…?
Shu: Kagehira. Even if I cannot convince you…
It must be destroyed. And everything else in this world.
No matter how absurd this end by Dues Ex Machina[1] may be…
I don’t want you to choose the wrong path, okay, Kagehira?
Location: Starmony Dorms Room (Ritsu, Mika's Room)
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Going back one week ago. In early January—
Starmony Dorms, in Mika and Ritsu’s dorm room…
Ritsu: … *chew chew*
Ah, mandarin oranges are so delicious. ♪ How are mandarin oranges eaten on a kotatsu in winter just so delicious…?
Do you want some, Mikarin? They’re sweet and delicious~! ♪
Mika: …Hey, Ritsu-kun, about that…
Hm, huh? My smartphone’s goin’ off, its from Oshi-san.
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Mika: Hello, Oshi-san?
Yes, I’m doin’ good. After SS I took a break, an’ now I’m devotin’ myself to my next work.
Like ya said Oshi-san, you won’t have t’worry about me gettin’ caught up in the New Years!
So, I’ll be seein’ you next week then. I’m lookin forward t’finishin by the time yer back, Oshi-san! Alright, seeya~♪
Nn~ …… Nnnnnn~……!
Nnaah, ‘s no good! I can’t even think of any ideas!
What do I do, Ritsu-kun? Oshi-san will be back from Paris soon, but I haven’t been able to make a thing!
Uu, I lied ‘cuz I didn’t want him to be disappointed in me. Otherwise, he’d be angry at this all…!
Ritsu-kun, won’t ya help me come up with an idea for my work?!
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Ritsu: Don’t rush, don’t rush. The entire world is on break for the holiday, so why don’tcha take a break too, Mikarin?
Don’t they say rushing is a waste of time? If you can’t come up with ideas, why work on nothing?
C’mere, warm up at the kotatsu~! ♪ If you join me in enjoying these seasonal delights I brought, you’ll stop caring about being productive… ♪
Mika: Th-There’s no way I could join ya in the kotatsu today! Ever since ya brought it into the room, my time to focus on my art has dropped like a rock…!
My winter break’s already in tatters from the combo technique of the kotatsu and mandarin oranges…
I gotta hold out until the end of break at this point…
Ritsu: Eh~, how gloomy…
Ah well, if I get in the way too much, then you’ll end up getting a new room. I understand Mikarin’s having a tough time, so good luck~.
Mika: R-Right! I’mma do my best and not give into temptation…!
Watch me, Oshi-san! Startin’ now, I’m a recoverin’ artist!
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Ritsu: …He headed out in high spirits.
It’s cold out, wouldn’t it be best to think of ideas somewhere warm at least… In terms of art, doesn’t “nothing beats speed” not usually apply?
Though, hopefully experiencing things outside will help Mikarin’s desire to create…
Ah, my water’s boiling.
What poor timing. I wish Mikarin could’ve at least been able to make me a cup of tea before he left.
What’s done is done… It’s a pain, but guess I’ll fetch the electric kettle myself… Oh.
I can’t get out of the kotatsu…!
Oh no. I underestimated the magical power of the kotatsu! Mikarin~, come back and take care of me~! At least for the rest of winter break…!
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Dues ex machina, lit. god from the machine; a plot device where a seemingly unsolvable point of conflict is suddenly resolved by an unexpected and often contrived occurrence.
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ibasae · 2 years
Sprout*Waning Hermitage - Friday
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Izumi: Eh? Kuma-kun isn't here? --- Ah, right, he's got a photoshoot outside today.
Hajime: Heya--- Huu....
Then I'll go back to my own dorm, I really do hope Kagehira-senpai recovers in the morning.
Izumi: Ah, Hajime-kun---then I'll go back to my room as well. Itsuki, what about you? You leaving too?
Shu: No. Since Sakuma isn't here, I'll take care of Kagehira for a while before I go back.
You can go, it's really fine. I'll take care of the rest. Really, my sincerest apologies for making you both worry about him.
Izumi: Oho~?
Shu: ...What's with that expression?
Izumi: I didn't know you knew how to say nice things like that~ That's my first time hearing it, not bad.
Shu: Your smirk is disgusting. Are you sneering at me? Alright, off you go now.
Izumi: Hah? This is what I get for praising you for once? So~annoying!
Shu: ...Does that even count as praise?
Izumi: Whatever, see ya. Come along now, Hajime-kun.
Hajime: Ah, goodbye then. Itsuki-senpai, Kagehira-senpai.
Mika: ...
Shu: Huu--- Okay, now.
(He wasn't carrying anything around, that means it has to be somewhere in this room.)
---Hm? Ah, he put it on his bedside table.
(That's good. It'd be a far more difficult search if he brought it to school.)
(Hm. But she certainly looks like an ordinary doll, nothing looks different from when I saw her in Paris.)
An unchanging beauty. You could already tell how much technique was used in the making, craftsmanship seeps from every corner and detail.
(But, no... I still can't see what's special about her. Is "that kind" of thing even possible?)
(---Either way, I can't just leave Kagehira like this. He wouldn't want to trouble the people around him more.)
(We have to try every single option.)
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Shu: ...Did you do this?
Did you choose to take Kagehira away from me out of loneliness... Or, were you perhaps attracted to his gentle kindness?
I'll never know your thoughts or your motivations behind this, still, it's about time you let him go.
He's noisy, impetuous, and recently he has developed the habit of arrogantly complaining to me. Yet, he'd almost start crying right away, how embarrassing.
However, he's growing steadily like this, step by step. I don't want him to disappear, not like this.
Kagehira is on a journey of self-discovery, learning how to be "Kagehira."
So even if you have spent time together, you're not of the same world. Even if you can stay together, a doll and a human can never go forward in the same world.
You live in a world of eternal perfection. To be frank, I am quite envious of you. You never have to lose anything, and you'll never wither. That's what an ideal world looks like in the Valkyrie philosophy. You can say that it's what every artist dreams of, too.
Yet, humans are ever-changing. As soon as we're born, we are bound by this law. That's why we walk this earth with all our different colors. You can not predict change, and we live in a permanent anticipation of what's to come. But that isn't sad at all, humans grow and learn from change.
Because I only have this one limited life, I---we can't trap our hearts in pursuit of eternity. So we put our whole hearts into the continunity of art.
That must be what your creator was thinking, too. You are a poor child as well, aren't you? Only learning what holding on meant when through being abandoned. You must be very lonely, and you must be in so much pain. I understand how you feel.
Mika: ...
Shu: Please, let your heart be at ease.
Because Kagehira has never given up on anything. No matter what may fall from his arms, he'll always pick them up again and give them unconditional love, even if his arms are broken themselves. He's that kind of person.
So, rest assured. You don't have to capture Kagehira. You don't have to cling on to him. Because Kagehira himself will always hold you tight, and he'll never let go.
I'm right, aren't I? So, Kagehira, please come home to me soon.
Mika: Nnn... Nn~...?
Shu: K-kagehira?!
Mika: ...Uwah!
Shu: Uwaaaah ?!
Mika: ---Uwaaaaaah?! Super close up of a huge Oshi-san?!
Ngah~ As pretty as Oshi-san is, ya scare me when ya get so close like this...
---Hm? Eh? Oshi-san, why d'ya come to my room? 'N why do ya have such a scary expression?
Shu: Seriously, you...! Must you be talking so much the second you wake up!
Mika: Eh?! Oshi-san, ya came to my room, why are ya mad at me?!
Shu: By the looks of things, does this mean you are fine now?
Mika: ? What d'ya mean fine? I dunno what you are talking about at all
Shu: That's why I said you were noisy, I might have to sew your mouth shut at this rate!
Mika: Eh? Oshi-san, ya asked me if I was fine first?! Ya are unreasonable...
Shu: Hmph. Just don't think too hard for the day and get some good rest. I'll slowly tell you what happened today later.
Thank heavens we still have time...
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ryansjane · 9 months
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axelle judges bl shows > Minato Shouji Coin Laundry 2
summary: Now that Minato-san and Shin are dating, all of their problems are not done since Minato-san still struggles to accept the relationship. On their own level, Asuka and Shu also meet their first problems as a couple.
where to watch: dramacool
grade: 6/10
- asakusa. I only watched this useless sequel bc of my baby asakusa, who's one of my favorite side characters ever <3 and his ship is so cute & wholesome, I loved them!
- the acting & chemistry are good, when they are not being held back by the writing lol
- BRUH. this is the most useless sequel ever, there's no progress in the ship's personality even though they're together, one is still pushy while the other runs away, and the plot is paper thin...
- THE "MEMORY LOSS" TROPE???? FELT LIKE A JOKE, BFFR. first of all it comes out of nowhere 2 eps before the end, but also its been seen so many times before it honestly feels like a parody now instead of an actual trope... I literally rolled my eyes when it happened lmao.
would I rewatch it: no
This had no purpose and I regret watching it, but oh well. Add this to the list of HUNDREDS of shows I've watched that wasted my precious time on this earth lol.
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chanoyu-to-wa · 2 months
An Update (4/7).
Dear Followers and Readers,
And so the first ever complete translation and commentary on the Nampō Roku has come to its end. There still remain the two books of secret teachings that were compiled by the Enkaku-ji scholars to translate, but the relevant portions of those collections have already been discussed in the footnotes, or included as appendices, during the translation of the Nampō Roku itself. As a result, I feel a little justified in taking a break from this work...in the interests of publishing a revised version of a text that I wrote in 2010, looking at the verses known as the Hundred Poems -- because I feel that it would be good to make this information available to the readers of this Blog (which goes far beyond the skeletal versions of the poems that were published as the first topic of this Blog, back in 2012).
I finished the indices that were published just before this update on Saturday morning, and immediately started work on creating the array of drafts for the next series of posts, which will be a comparative study of the different extant collections of the poems that are popularly (but inaccurately) known as the Rikyū hyaku-shu [利休百首]. A number of these have been commercially published -- though several are still circulating privately (as handwritten compendiums) -- with the result that, while Jōō's original collection consisted of 88 poems (Jōō's original manuscript survived, at least into the early 20th century, in the archives of the Matsuya family; and this version of the Hundred Poems was reviewed and preserved by Suzuki Keiichi in his Sen no Rikyū zen-shū [千利休全集]), an analysis of the current versions yields a total of 121 distinct verses (many of the additional verses seem to have been created by Rikyū, mostly by changing the wording of Jōō's originals; Rikyū was also the principal disseminator of the poems, since he seems to have produced copies, from memory, for many of his disciples, and this is why his name is associated with them today). Two of the blank drafts were published erroneously (and deleted immediately), for which I want to apologize in case they showed up in the RSS feed for this blog.
The next series will consist of a total of 123 posts, with one post dedicated to each poem (plus an index and conclusion). I am not able to confirm the number of posts per week until I actually begin work, but am hoping to make at least three posts every week (I am thinking of publishing each installment as it is finished, rather than adhering to a fixed publishing schedule as heretofore). It will probably take me a week or so to figure out how best to format these posts (because the original word processor files on which the work was created are on the "MyBook" hard drive that I have not yet been able to access, I will have to work from the set of .jpg scans that I made from a printed version of the document: perhaps I can crop some of the charts from these files, but the text and formatting of the posts will have to be created anew), so I ask for your patience.
Since I will be revising the contents of this series in light of the whole collection of translations that have been published in this blog, it will not be a simple case of typing practice, so, again, I hope I will be able to rely on your patience if the posts come at irregular intervals, especially at first. At the same time, I am also intending to read through all of those earlier translations -- the Three Hundred Lines (Chanoyu san-byak'ka jō [茶湯三百箇條]), Rikyū densho [利休傳書], etc. -- and make whatever changes seem appropriate to bring the translations in line with the thrust of this cycle of teachings. As will always be the case with every individual who attempts to produce a translation of works such as these, I have had to approach each translation armed only with the information available to me, primarily based on my own past experiences (since most of these documents have come into my hands either with little or no commentary -- and what there is has usually been manipulated by one of the modern schools in order to align the classical document with their preferred interpretation). As my body of experience has continued to evolve, as a direct result of delving deeply into the language of the different collections of teachings, I have come to feel that it is more and more important -- indeed, necessary, in the interests of accuracy -- that I go back and fine-tune the earlier translations in light of the rest. When I find that changes or edits are necessary (most importantly, in the Nambō-ate no densho [南坊宛の傳書], where I will have to ignore Suzuki's format and divide the document into the three separate densho from which it was made, and the Sōga-ate no roji-hairi no densho [宗瓦宗露地入りの傳書], where the drawings will all have to be redone in light of later evidence that the "inner roji" was a small, fully enclosed space that lead into the chaseki through a pair of shōji via a small veranda-bench of some sort), I will mention these things in future updates (along with the URLs of the modified posts).
Once these things are done, I will return to the books of secret teachings, and other supporting documents, that were created by the Enkaku-ji scholars in the decades after Tachibana Jitsuzan's death -- and which generally reflect contemporaneous (mid-to-late Edo period) developments in the interpretation of the Nampō Roku (mostly according to the perspective of the Sen family; these modified interpretations are what eventually precipitated the publication of Tanaka's genpon [原本] edition, which frequently deviates significantly from Jitsuzan's original, almost always in the direction that the Sen family schools were taking at that time). This is another reason why I felt it might be better to temporally separate the translation of the secret books from the Nampō Roku itself, since the deviation is in line with what we saw in the last entries in Book Seven -- meaning that many of the arguments and lines of speculation diverge farther and farther from Rikyū and his chanoyu. As I said, most of the sections that are supportive or interpretative (in a useful way) of entries in the Nampō Roku have already been translated in, or incorporated into my commentary on, the Nampō Roku itself.
As I prepared the just-published indices, it was necessary for me to scroll through the entire translation of the Nampō Roku, and I was surprised and (frankly) amazed at the amount of information contained therein. I hope you will all treasure it. But as for myself, my surprise was probably occasioned by the fact that, having protected and preserved these teachings in my heart for so many decades, now that they have been written down, I find that I am rapidly forgetting; that i am coming to realize the meaning behind Lord Kujō's poem (and the interpretation of what it means given in entry 82 of Book Seven of the Nampō Roku) --
omowaji to omou mo mono wo omou nari, omowaji to da ni omowaji ya kimi [思わじと思ふも物を思ふなり、 思わじとだに思わじや君].
There is much work that yet needs to be done. If you find this helpful and important, please consider contributing to the financial support of this Blog. Because it is only with your support that I will be able to continue.
Thank you all for your time, and for your interest in this Blog. Please have a good week....
Sincerely yours,
Daniel M. Burkus [email protected]
Donations: https://paypal.me/chanoyutowa
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canarymemories · 9 months
izuleo for the ship ask game!
i fear i might write an essay on this one dshg
What made you ship it? a true question for the ages. i really wish i could remember what story was my izuleo awakening but they've been in my head for over a year now and it's been fantastic. there's just so much that draws me to them, i think. sometimes it's just things like they were each other's first friend and saw each other as equals and were apparently attached at the hip at near all times while at yumenosaki that a few characters bring it up. even outside of a romantic context, they mean so much to each other and love each other and that is so,, good.
What are your favorite things about the ship? obviously there's what i already said above with them meaning so much to each other. they are also unironically obsessed with each other and sometimes it's so funny (and sometimes it makes me a little sad like concerto where leo brings up izumi like. four times or smth and madara is like hey leo-san maybe you should go talk to izumi and leo is like hmm no, i'll just continue to write music and have him sing it as an idol without him ever knowing it's my music (to which madara points out that izumi will definitely know it's leo's music)). they wholeheartedly believe in each other's talents and they see each other as equals and there really is something about leo wanting to help izumi achieve his dream bc he sees izumi as having helped him achieve his own dream. do you ever think about how leo was perfectly fine with starting over with izumi in requiem, to have that space between them when izumi would be moving to italy post graduation, even says that they're destined to come back to each other (makoto standing there like 🧍‍♂️ the entire time as leo's saying all of this), but that seems to go completely out the window once izumi has his whole i loved your smile but the world took it away from you and i didn't know what to do to get it back and maybe i've been the idiot this whole time speech. like they spend so much of ! slowly getting back to each other and returning to what they had presumably in their first year, or even pre checkmate, but izumi is scared of hurting leo again while leo sort of tests the waters here and there, but ultimately does keep himself at a bit of a distance (ofc there are exceptions to them being a little unsure of where they stand with each other, that "i'm home, sena" part in horoharo, diner live as a whole, the part in starfes when they go to get shu and izumi ends up vaguing leo and calls him leo-kun there again). like part of the reason why leo is so upset in requiem is that izumi has apparently been planning to just,, leave the country after graduation and told eichi of all people before him (though it's not like izumi planned for that to happen, he said that all of the class sort of shared their plans i think), so he resigns himself to backing off and allowing for izumi to leave since they'll meet again and start over. yet by the end of requiem we learn that leo has effectively moved to florence only a few weeks later and lives in some shit apartment, but spends most of his time at izumi's like leo tsukinaga i know what you are. (and don't get me started on leo backing off again once him and izumi have that argument that's mentioned in reloaded, a dark night's passing, and next door about leo getting work for izumi and it bothering izumi bc he feels like it's undermining his own abilities to get work bc that's a whole other essay) anyway. i love them so much and it shows. i have more but we'll be here all day if i go on so i'll try to condense it. there's really just something about them that really is built different, their bond really is something else, platonic or romantic. i think they deserve to have a nice happy life together being silly, hopefully they get to act like the kids they didn't have the chance to be.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? again, i really don't know what kind of opinions are out there abt them since i usually just stick to my little corner of the enstars fandom. i know i'm not the only one who thinks this so idk if it's unpopular but i really don't think they would pursue anything romantic until they're in italy. like sure there's pining and all of that in hs, but i don't think they would really do anything about it then, they're still angsting then sadghk also they're ace to me <33 if there's an opportunity to spread my ace izlo agenda, i will take it lmao
ship ask game
8 notes · View notes
shiningwonderland · 1 year
Ranmaru Kurosaki (All Star)
Translator: Raine (twitter: amagiyas) Proofreader: Shu (twitter: coldcagelord)
Editors: Lacey (twitter: fairyharp) & Aoi (twitter: AoiTsukihime)
Chapter One — Keep Out My Territory
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Inside the live house, there were a lot of people busy at work.
There were people setting up instruments and other people getting the venue ready, as well as musicians.
Following the press conference, I requested for Kurosaki-senpai to be my partner. Afterwards, when I recounted the events back to Tomo-chan, she was surprised to hear I had decided on Kurosaki-senpai as my partner.
The reason I picked him was based on a hunch… or rather, it was because I felt some sense of intuition at the time.
In any case, in order to learn more about him, I borrowed copies of Kurosaki-senpai's songs from the agency and listened to each of them intently. While listening to them, I believed I made the right choice of trusting my instincts.
A straight-forward sound, and a straight-forward voice. Songs don't lie. This person is very serious when it comes to music.
To be honest, I was a little bit scared after the press conference. But I don't think that he's a bad person.
I submitted my partnership request to the president, but it's been difficult to meet Kurosaki-senpai in person so I could only listen to his songs in the office.
When other members within the agency saw this, I followed their suggestion and am visiting the venue where he will be playing today.
Haruka Nanami: He… doesn't seem to be here either.
Just earlier, I tried to visit him in his dressing room but he wasn't there.
Staff A: Out of the way! It's dangerous to stand in the pathway like that!
Haruka Nanami: I-I'm sorry…
It feels like I'm just getting in the way ever since I arrived.
It would probably be best to wait in his dressing room.
Haruka Nanami: Huh? The dressing room… which way was it?
Staff B: Trolley coming through! Please make way!
Haruka Nanami: I'm sorry!!
In my panic, I quickly jump out of the way.
Staff B: Whoaaa there, be careful! Watch your step, watch out!
Haruka Nanami: Huh? What? Ahh, AHHHHHH!!
I managed to avoid the incoming trolley, but the momentum caused me to lose my footing on the stairs.
???: Careful!
Suddenly, someone catches me by my outstretched hand and pulls me towards them.
???: Are you okay, lady? It's dangerous here; you should be more careful.
Huh? I feel like I've heard this voice before…
???: It's dangerous during setup time, especially with how busy everyone is. I think it is best if you waited in one of the dressing rooms.
Ah… this voice too…
I quickly turned around.
Haruka Nanami: Jinguji-san! Hijirikawa-san! Good morning!
Ren Jinguji: Good morning, lady.
Masato Hijirikawa: It's been a while, Nanami. Have you been well?
Haruka Nanami: Yes! It's good to see that both of you are well too.
I heaved a deep sigh of relief upon meeting people who I knew.
Jinguji-san and Hijirikawa-san are both new idols who graduated from Saotome Academy.
They are friends of mine from our student days. Since I am shy and reserved, they were the ones who cared for me and helped me.
After graduation, they both managed to debut and became affiliated with Shining Agency.
Now, the two of them are busy with their respective projects.
Furthermore, they are members of the Jinguji family and Hijirikawa family, two leading business conglomerates who represent Japan.
Ren Jinguji: So, what brings you to a place like this?
Haruka Nanami: Um… the truth is, I asked to be partnered with Kurosaki-senpai for the Christmas Live and Song Festival. He's always so busy I haven't been able to greet him properly, so I thought I would be able to meet him if I came here.
Ren Jinguji: Ah, come to think of it, Ryuya-san mentioned something like that.
Masato Hijirikawa: If that's the case, surely it would be better if you waited for him in his dressing room? As you have seen from earlier, it can be quite dangerous here.
Haruka Nanami: Actually, I didn’t know how to get back to the dressing rooms…
As I explained my situation, the two of them looked at each other and started laughing.
Ren Jinguji: Hahahaa! So the lady has lost her way. It’s a good thing we found you.
Haruka Nanami: Getting lost at this age…
It feels kind of embarrassing.
Masato Hijirikawa: Well, I would understand. Whether it’s a live house or a theatre, the entrance that leads backstage can often be quite confusing.
Hijirikawa-san also added that there’s the matter of security.
Ren Jinguji: Then let’s escort the lady to the dressing rooms. Come on, let’s go.
Haruka Nanami: I’m sorry to trouble you.
Following closely behind them, we made our way to the dressing rooms.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Huh…? Oh, it’s just you lot…
Ren Jinguji: Yo, good morning Ran-chan.
Masato Hijirikawa: Good morning, Kurosaki-san.
When we got to the dressing rooms, it seemed Kurosaki-senpai had just arrived as well.
He starts to put down his things while scowling at Hijirikawa-san and Jinguji-san.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: What’s your deal, loiterin’ around a place like this? Are you even working properly? You better not be doin’ a careless job.
Masato Hijirikawa: We had the day off today, so we came to observe you.
Ren Jinguji: We’re putting into practice the things that you taught us. Today, we thought that we would come see you on stage and learn from you first-hand. She decided to come as well.
Jinguji-san patted me on the shoulder.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: …Hah?
He looked down at me.
Haruka Nanami: Um… I’m Haruka Nanami from the Shining Agency. Today, I….
Ranmaru Kurosaki: And why're you ‘ere as well? What’d ya come out all this way for?
He narrows his eyes and asks me directly, cutting off my words.
H-How should I answer…?
Select the phrase!
To greet you… (+20 Love)
Haruka Nanami: I thought I would come and greet you.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Greeting… when we’re this busy before a live show?
As Kurosaki-senpai said that, he glanced at me and scowled.
Haruka Nanami: I-I’m sorry. At a busy time like this… I guess I am in the way…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Looks like you get it. Outta the way.
When he says it like that, I don’t have anything to respond with…
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To help you… (+15 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Um, I wanted to greet you and… if there’s something I can do, I would like to help as well!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hah? You, help? What’s a novice amateur like you gonna do t’help?
Haruka Nanami: That is, um… I can’t think of anything straight away, but…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Don’t try an’ offer help when ya don’t even know what you can do.
He clicked his tongue at me as he said that.
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To observe you… (+0 Love)
Haruka Nanami: As Jinguji-san said, I came to observe your live show…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: If ya gonna observe then do what you like, I don’t care. But I don’t get why you gotta barge in ‘ere as well.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, but what I really wanted to do was greet you…
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Ranmaru Kurosaki: …The heck’s this greeting ‘bout?
Haruka Nanami: It’s about our partnership…
After a brief pause, he opens his mouth.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Oh, that. I did hear something ‘bout it, but I haven’t accepted anythin’ yet. Even if it’s a mistake, I told ya not to choose me, didn’t I? I don’t need a partner.
Haruka Nanami: N-No way…
The door to the dressing room opened.
Staff: Kurosaki-san, we’re almost ready to begin sound checks. Please be on standby.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Got it. Looks like it’s time. Watch and learn.
Masato Hijirikawa: Yes. Please allow us to learn from you.
Ren Jinguji: I’m looking forward to it, Ran-chan.
Kurosaki-senpai slung his bass over his shoulder and exited the dressing room.
After seeing Kurosaki-senpai off, we took our seats in the audience so that we could observe the rehearsal. As I was walking, I recalled the exchange that I just had.
Haruka Nanami: Ahh… what should I do?
Masato Hijirikawa: You haven’t done anything wrong. Kurosaki-san is just that sort of person. You could say it’s one of his characteristics… when we first started in the Master Course, I was also quite taken aback.
Hijirikawa-san smiled wryly.
It seemed that it took a long time for the two of them to have a proper conversation with Kurosaki-senpai like they do now.
I listened to a lot of his songs but… I still don’t know much about him…
I should take this opportunity to ask the two of them about him.
Select the phrase!
Ask about his music (+15 Love)
Haruka Nanami: When you mention Kurosaki-senpai, my first impression would be rock but… aside from that, is he interested in any other genres?
Ren Jinguji: Ah, of course there’s rock, but he enjoys all genres and is well-versed in all of them. He’s done a lot of study on them as well.
Masato Hijirikawa: Yes, but rather than judging based on genre, his approach is that of looking at each song individually to form his assessment. It’s not something that anyone can do. 
Ren Jinguji: I guess you’re right… if he’s with you, someone who also loves music, I think you’ll get along well.
Haruka Nanami: I see…
I think I’ve seen a small spark of hope.
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Ask about his personality (+10 Love)
Masato Hijirikawa: His personality, huh. It’s difficult to explain it in a single word, but you might say he’s ‘focused’’ or ‘stubborn’. Of course, I don’t mean it in a bad way! But he may appear hard to please at some times.
Haruka Nanami: Hard to please…
Now that I think about it, he did seem unapproachable earlier.
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Ask about his personal history (+0 Love)
From what I know about him…
Haruka Nanami: In the past, Kurosaki-senpai used to be part of an indie band, right?
I heard from someone at the agency that the president scouted him when his band disbanded…
Haruka Nanami: What about before then?
Ren Jinguji: Before that time… huh…
Huh? I wonder what’s the matter. Both of them suddenly averted their gaze.
Masato Hijirikawa: That… It’s a long story, so we should save it for when we have time to explain properly.
Haruka Nanami: Eh…? A-Ah, yes please.
I wonder what happened.
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Ren Jinguji: Well, he is a shy person after all. I don’t think he’s very good at meeting new people. He says he isn’t good with women, but I think the real reason is he’s just shy. That’s why even if he seems a little cold, don’t give up on him.
Haruka Nanami: He isn’t good with women?
Masato Hijirikawa: Yes, he’s completely different from Jinguji… It seems that his band disbanded due to trouble with women in the past.
Ah. So he is a self-disciplined person after all.
As we talked, we eventually reached our seats.
Ren Jinguji: Now that I think about it, lady. Just what made you choose Ran-chan as your partner?
Select the phrase!
It’s because I like his songs (+15 Love)
Haruka Nanami: I was starstruck when I first heard his songs. They were so honest and powerful… I felt such a strong impact, like the kind that directly moves your heart. That’s when I thought I would definitely like to work with him.
Masato Hijirikawa: It’s true that Kurosaki-san’s music moves people’s hearts and lights a fire in them. You felt that too, didn’t you?
Ren Jinguji: I get it now, so the lady was knocked out by Ran-chan.
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I wanted to challenge myself (+10 Love)
“What do you mean by that?” Jinguji-san asked me with a smile.
Haruka Nanami: I could say that something struck me while I was listening to his music, but I heard from many others that he’s also quite strict. So I thought it would be a good chance to discipline myself!
Masato Hijirikawa: I see, it will be good if you can face Kurosaki-san with that same level of resolve. He makes a worthy opponent.
Ren Jinguji: Using the word ‘resolve’ like that… this isn’t training, you know.
Jinguji-san looked at the both of us, amused.
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I had an interest in him (+0 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Well… Of course, the first reason was his music. But I also had an interest in him too.
Ren Jinguji: Interest, huh. It’s true that Ran-chan is a very interesting person, so you won’t be bored with him around.
Jinguji-san grins broadly.
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Masato Hijirikawa: Kurosaki-san may be strict, but what he’s saying isn’t irrational. He is overly disciplined especially when it comes to music. So if you approach him sincerely, I’m sure he will come to acknowledge you.
Judging from the situation earlier though, it seems receiving the recognition of Kurosaki-senpai will be far in the future.
Haruka Nanami: You’re right, I have to keep working hard until he acknowledges me!
The two of them nodded cheerfully.
The sound check has been happening on stage since it started a while ago.
Each song is played one at a time, and the balance between the instruments and the song as a whole should be checked but...
Masato Hijirikawa: Hmm…? Has something happened?
Hijirikawa-san looked towards the stage, his brows knitted together.
On stage, Kurosaki-senpai and the guitarist are engaged in an argument about something.
Ren Jinguji: Come on, let’s go see what’s happening.
I hurriedly chased after the two of them.
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Ranmaru Kurosaki: Just what’re you sayin’?! A real pro should be prepared t’play any song in their repertoire!
Guitarist: Even so, I didn’t prepare my nylon strings today. I didn’t hear about it, so how was I supposed to know? If you needed them, you should have told me beforehand.
Ren Jinguji: He doesn’t have nylon strings?
Jinguji-san murmured in a small voice, tilting his head to the side.
Haruka Nanami: Normally, rock songs are played using steel strings, so nylon strings are only used in special cases but…
Masato Hijirikawa: Hmm. That is correct, nylon strings are usually associated with classical or jazz music.
Haruka Nanami: So an extra song was added that uses nylon strings?
But it will be difficult to prepare now, what will they do?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: The interlude of this song has a classical style. The recording is also played usin’ nylon strings. Of course you should’ve brought ‘em with you.
Guitarist: The song wasn’t in the original set list, yet you expected me to bring them regardless. How can you say that when you’re the one who changed the song at the last minute?
The staff began to gather around the two to see what the fuss was about.
That’s when the conversation became heated once again.
While listening in, I learned about the live setlist and the reason for the change. The song that was put in, I had heard it in the agency’s collection so I was familiar with it.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Changes are t’be expected in a live show. You’re no amateur, so what’s your deal?
At Kurosaki-senpai’s words, the guitarist’s facial expression suddenly became stern.
Guitarist: What was that? Until now, you’ve been saying whatever you like. But if you’re going to keep this up, then I’m leaving.
One of the staff members panics and steps in, asking him not to leave.
Staff: J-Just hold on a moment! We don’t have time for this, how about changing to a different song or making use of a synthesizer?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: You gotta be kiddin’ me. A synthesizer is a synthesizer. There’s no way you can compare the sound to that of an acoustic guitar.
Staff: Come on, please. Everyone’s already waiting.
Kurosaki-senpai bit down on his lip.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Tch. I don’t wanna do this half-baked, but… we ain’t swappin’ the song, so let’s go with the synth…
Haruka Nanami: But if you do that, the image of the song will… it’ll change too much.
The words came out of my mouth before I realized, and everyone turned to look at me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hah? What’d you say?
Haruka Nanami: That is, um… it’s nothing.
As I hung my head to avoid his gaze, Jinguji-san clapped his hand on my shoulder.
Ren Jinguji: It will change… and then? It looks like the lady has a suggestion.
Haruka Nanami: That is…
I lifted my head boldly but was met with Kurosaki-senpai’s sharp gaze.
What should I do? For someone like me, giving my opinion here would be far too forward..
He might get angry at me, but…
Steeling myself, I opened my mouth to continue.
Haruka Nanami: If all you do is replace the instrument with the synthesizer, the tone color will change too much. That’s why…
With shaking hands, I pulled a notepad and pen out of my bag.
Haruka Nanami: Rather than that, the best thing would be to change this guitar part to a chord, add Kurosaki-senpai’s bass solo, and then the synthesizer will play a different melody’s arpeggio during this section…
I write some notes on a piece of paper and hand it to Kurosaki-senpai.
Haruka Nanami: With this, the arrangement will be different but I think it will still contain the same image.
Kurosaki-senpai took my notes without saying anything, looking over it in silence.
The staff up on stage looked at us nervously, awaiting a response.
Haruka Nanami: What… do you think?
Kurosaki-senpai looked up from the paper, and for a brief moment I thought that our eyes met.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: …’Kay, let’s give it a try.
That was all he said before turning on his heel and moving to his position.
The sound checks resumed. The song from earlier began to play.
Thank goodness… the sound came out just how I imagined it.
Masato Hijirikawa: That’s amazing. Just when did your skills improve this much?
Haruka Nanami: While assisting various teachers, I saw how they dealt with these kinds of situations so…
Ren Jinguji: Well, it’s not an easy thing to do. Besides, the result isn’t bad at all.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you very much. I’m honored to be praised by both of you.
But I do wonder what Kurosaki-senpai thinks about it.
My heart pounded as I looked towards the stage.
Once the song ended, he closed his eyes without saying a word.
Then, he cast a glimpse at me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: …’Kay. We’ll run with this.
He muttered that quietly and put down his bass.
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As the start of the live show drew near, once again, we returned to our seats in the audience.
From here, we had a good view of everything. Already, there were a great number of fans gathering.
There weren’t just female fans; there were a good number of male fans as well.
I could feel that this sort of concert draws in a wide range of people from all ages.
It looks like fun… everyone who came today has been looking forward to this live show.
Finally, the show began.
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Ranmaru Kurosaki: It’s good t’see all of you! We’re gonna start off strong and heat things up right from the top!! Come, follow me!
Enthusiasm and cheers filled the live house.
Fan A: Waaaaaahhh! Ranmaru!!
Male Fan: We’ve been waiting for thisssss!
I could hear the low tones of his bass as he played and the heated, beautiful voice that seemed to envelop it. Loud cheers resounded in the audience, and the drums and guitar continued to stir up that excitement.
From one song to the next, the crowd were kept on their feet as they sang along, with the excitement in the venue continuing to rise even more.
Haruka Nanami: What amazing intensity…
I knew of it from his CDs and watching footage, but it’s completely different hearing it live.
Masato Hijirikawa: Yes, as expected from him. This intensity is not something that can be readily replicated.
His song resounded all throughout my body, shaking me straight to the soul.
Deep and powerful… it was the kind of song where I wanted to remain in its sound for as long as I could…
I closed my eyes and gave myself over to that intense sound.
Ren Jinguji: Heh, feels good doesn’t it? Are you hooked on Ran-chan’s sound?
Haruka Nanami: Eh? Ah… no, it’s not that…
But it really did feel amazing. I want to stay in this sound forever.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: The next song is a first for us in a live. Listen well.
Ah, it’s the song from back then. I was able to tell right away by listening.
It’s different from the songs with vigorous melodies that had been played up until then.
In contrast, this song was a little more mellow.
Senpai’s bass solo. It resounded well with its tone color.
My heart sped up as I thought of how he took on my opinion and played with that in mind.
Even after that, Kurosaki-senpai continued to draw the audience in with high energy. The playing and vocals never wavered, and before I realised it, the live show had ended.
I wanted to listen to even more of it…
While thinking that, even after everyone had left, I gazed at the empty stage.
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Haruka Nanami: Where is this…
After the live show, Hijirikawa-san and Jinguji-san went to say goodbye to Kurosaki-senpai before returning home. I had been following them, but…
Somewhere along the way, we got separated. Have I always had such a bad sense of direction?
Haruka Nanami: This is worrying…
Suddenly, I heard part of a conversation going on in the middle of the hallway.
Guitarist: I guess it didn’t turn out too badly. You made the right call putting that song in.
If I recall… that’s the guitarist who was involved in the argument before the live show.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: That’s what I was sayin’, wasn’t it? It’s not a song you normally see bein’ played live. So ‘course it’ll get the audience excited.
Guitarist: But Kurosaki, that wasn’t the right way to phrase things. I was fully prepared to leave.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Can it.
Saying to call on him next time, the guitarist turned the corner and left. Only Kurosaki-senpai was left behind and…
Just when I was looking for a way out, our eyes met.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: ...You again. Just what’re you doin’ here?
Haruka Nanami: I-I’m sorry! I was on my way out when I got lost…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Lost? The exit’s the other way!
He pointed me in the opposite direction to which I had been going.
Haruka Nanami: Ehh!? So it was that way the whole time…
As soon as I said that, a pressing silence fills the air.
Haruka Nanami: I’m sorry! Thank you for your hard work!
Flustered, I quickly bow and prepare to leave.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Oi, hold up!
Haruka Nanami: Y-Yes!?
My shoulders shake in surprise.
Kurosaki-senpai fixed his gaze on me intently.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Before, why didn’t you say anything about the arrangement on your own?
Haruka Nanami: Eh...?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: You knew from the start, right? If Ren hadn’t said anything, were you planning on keepin’ quiet?
Haruka Nanami: That’s…
At that time, if Jinguji-san hadn’t said anything, I probably wouldn’t have had enough courage to say something myself.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: So if nothing had been said, you really were planning on lettin’ things go as they did. Guess it would've been easier if you didn't know any better.
Haruka Nanami: Um…
Ranmaru Kurosaki:  You can’t even express your own opinions without relyin’ on other people. See, that’s the reason you ‘aven’t been able to debut for a year and a half, ain’t that right?
Haruka Nanami: ……
I hung my head without saying anything in response to Kurosaki-senpai’s words.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I dunno how much musical talent you have, but if you don’t have anyone listenin’ to it, it’s pointless. I‘m not wastin’ my time with someone who’s not puttin’ in that effort. Got it? Then go home. And don’t follow me around anymore.
After he had said that, Kurosaki-senpai walked past me and left.
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When I stepped outside the live house, it was already very dark.
Haruka Nanami: What should I… do from now…?
Everyone had already gone home so I was left to walk the abandoned streets by myself, a sigh escaping from me.
It’s true, even if my luck was bad, I’m mostly to blame as well for not being able to debut up until now.
Ever since my time as a student, I’ve been watched over and taken care of by the people around me. It’s thanks to them that I’ve been able to come this far.
But to advance from here, it’s just as Kurosaki-senpai said; I have to move forward on my own now.
Haruka Nanami: Am I capable of doing something like that?
Just when today’s nerves, exhaustion, and my own helplessness were about to overwhelm me, I saw a warm yellow light.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, a restaurant.
In front of me was a small and cosy restaurant.
On a signboard in green lettering, the words “Kitchen Parsley” were written on it.
Haruka Nanami: I haven’t really been out this way before…
Now that I think about it, I haven’t had anything to eat since this morning.
As if being drawn in, I opened the door to the restaurant.
Old Woman: Welcome.
When I entered the restaurant, an old woman wearing a white apron greeted me from inside. From what I saw, there were no other customers around.
Haruka Nanami: Um, are you still open?
Old Woman: Yes, of course. Come, have a seat.
She led me to a table and sat me down, handing me a green, handwritten menu. When I opened it, there were things like hamburg steak and spaghetti, like what you would find on the menu of a Western-style restaurant.
Old Woman: Have you decided on your order yet?
After a moment, the old woman came to take my order.
Haruka Nanami: Ah um, how about… could I please have the consommé and a demi-glace omurice?
The old woman took the menu from me and went to the kitchen out back. Inside, I could see an elderly aged man. I wonder if he’s the chef?
I looked around slowly at the interior of the restaurant. It’s old and small, but it looks like it’s been properly looked after.
Inside, on a small blackboard the words “Very Popular!! Extra Large Demi-Glace Omurice (extra hamburg steak topping add 100 yen)” were written.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…
The inside of the restaurant is warm, and there’s a nice scent wafting around. I felt like I had been brought back to life, and let out a large sigh.
Old Woman: Here you are, consommé and salad. It’s hot, so please be careful.
The old woman placed down a simple white soup cup and a bowl of salad in front of me.
Haruka Nanami: Wah, thank you for the food.
I took one sip of the consommé. Hmm……!?
Haruka Nanami: Delicious… this is really delicious!!
Old Woman: Oh my, that makes me happy to hear. Honey, she said the consommé is delicious!
The old woman turned towards the kitchen and called out.
Old Woman: Even though it’s only a small shop, our consommé is properly made using bouillon. I’m glad that you like it.
Old Man: Hey, the demi-glace omurice is ready.
A voice sounded from the kitchen.
The old woman hurried away and came back with a tray.
Old Woman: Thank you for waiting. Please, take your time and eat up.
The old woman placed a plate of omurice in front of me, white puffs of steam rising from it.
A hearty amount of demi-glace sauce was coated on top of the simmering egg.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you for the food!
When I stuck my spoon in, moist chicken rice could be seen inside.
Old Woman: The chicken rice is made by combining our homemade ketchup with tomato purée. That’s why it’s so fresh, wouldn’t you say so?
The old woman explains to me happily while topping up the condiments on one of the tables.
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
The sweet and juicy chicken rice, the fluffy egg, and the thick and deep flavour of the demi-glace sauce. Before I knew it, not even a single grain of rice was left on the plate.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you for the food, that was delicious!
With a smile on her face, the old woman returned to the kitchen. After a moment, she came back carrying a small silver plate on a tray.
Old Woman: Here you are. This is on us.
Haruka Nanami: Eh, but…
The old woman placed a small pudding à la mode in front of me.
Old Woman: I’m afraid it’s our leftovers, but… you look tired, so please eat this and I hope it cheers you up.
Haruka Nanami: Wah, thank you so much.
The pudding had a strong eggy flavour, and the caramel was slightly burnt…
The exhaustion from today slowly began to seep away.
While I was eating the pudding, an old man appeared from the kitchen.
Old Man: What do you think, our cooking’s pretty good eh? It’s only a small restaurant, but we don’t cut corners.
Haruka Nanami: Yes! It’s like a first-class restaurant.
The old couple’s eyes met and they let out a laugh.
Old Man: Hahaha! That’s good. But the prices are average, so you can eat with peace of mind.
Haruka Nanami: Ah… yes.
Old Man: Say, darling. How about you serve the young lady a coffee?
Old Woman: Oh yes, right away.
Thanks to the sweetness of the pudding and the kindness of the restaurant owners, I could feel my weary heart slowly being warmed up.
I couldn’t keep being all depressed. The next chance I had was surely the creation of the unit song for the Christmas Live.
Somehow, I had in mind the melody that I wanted to create. I had to gather my courage and face the senpai with my own opinion. I had to tell them this was the song I wanted them to sing.
While drinking the coffee that was brought to me, this was what I decided on my own.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you again for everything. It was delicious.
Old Woman: You’re very welcome. Please come again.
Just when I was about to pay…
Thug A: Oi, Hariya’s men here. We’re comin’ in.
The door violently burst open, and a pair of men entered.
They seem a little scary…
One of them was wearing a striped suit, and the other was wearing sunglasses.
Old Man: L-Leave!!
Thug B: Once you’ve paid up, we’ll leave you alone. Hehehe.
Old Woman: We’ll make it up somehow by the end of the month... we have a customer at the moment, so please leave for today.
Thug A: Tch. After we came out all this way, we’re tellin’ ya to cough somethin’ up!
The man in sunglasses began to violently kick over some of the chairs near the entrance.
The old man lost his balance trying to avoid the falling chairs and landed on his backside.
Old Man: Please stop! Ack… Oww-ow-ow…
Old Woman: Ah…
The old woman panicked, wanting to rush over to the old man. However, she could only cover her head and crouch down, shaking.
Haruka Nanami: Are you okay!?
In a panic, I rushed over to the old couple.
Haruka Nanami: U-Umm... please stop!!
Thug A: Hah? Who are you?
One of the two vulgar men glanced at me and scowled.
W-What should I do…?
I may be scared, but the old couple are in trouble. In any case, I have to drive away these people.
I stood in front of the men, blocking their way.
Haruka Nanami: I-I’m a composer!
Ugh… my voice cracked.
Thug B: Well, well. So what if you are?
It seems the conversation was about money. If so, then…
Haruka Nanami: Um, I was looking to rent out this place next time and host a live show. I was here to discuss the plans for that!
I pulled out a business card from my bag.
Haruka Nanami: They told me that they were planning to use the income from that to pay off the outstanding amount.
The two men looked at the business card that I had handed them.
Thug A: Shining Agency. That’s a pretty big name…
The man in sunglasses looked at the old man.
Old Man: Ah… Ahh… T-That’s right! It’s just as the young lady said!!
Upon hearing the old man’s words, the two men looked at each other.
Thug A: There’s nuthin’ else we can do ‘bout it. Fine, we’ll leave it at that for t’day. But you know what’s gonna happen if you don’t pay up next time.
At their words, the old couple nodded in quick succession.
Clicking their tongues, the two men left the restaurant.
Old Man: I’m sorry for the trouble... thank you so much…
When I turned, the old man and old woman were both crouched down on the floor, their faces pale white.
Haruka Nanami: M-Mister!! Ma’am!!
In a panic, I quickly called an ambulance.
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On our way to the hospital, the two of them began to tell me about their situation little by little. The restaurant was opened 25 years ago, focusing on university students who attended local universities in the neighbourhood. Thanks to them, business was able to thrive.
However, since a new shopping mall opened in front of the station, almost everyone has been going there now. Right before it opened, the restaurant underwent a small reconstruction but… because of the sudden drop in revenue, it became difficult for them to pay off the loan borrowed for the reconstruction costs.
Before they knew it, the manager of the loan company was succeeded by someone else who was very rough in character. It was due to that change in management that they’ve been dealing with this harrassment for the past few months.
Haruka Nanami: It seems like they’re dealing with a lot, in more ways than one…
I sighed in front of the hospital.
Old Woman: Oh, it’s you… were you waiting for us?
When I lifted my head, the old man and old woman had their eyes fixed on me.
Haruka Nanami: Ah! Are you both okay?
Old Woman: Yes, my husband strained his back in the past and it seems that old injury had relapsed. For me, it was just my anemia acting up.
Haruka Nanami: Is that so? Thank goodness…
With a sigh of relief, my shoulders relaxed.
Old Man: It wasn’t anything serious. But it seems we made you worry, didn’t we?
Haruka Nanami: I’ll accompany you back to the restaurant. There’s some cleaning up to do as well, isn’t there?
Old Man: Oh no, we wouldn’t want to trouble you further. We’re thankful to you just for getting rid of those guys.
Old Woman: Yes, at the very least, please accept tonight’s meal on us.
Haruka Nanami: No, please! I would feel bad if I did. Um, my purse…
Hurriedly, I was about to pay for the bill when I heard a familiar voice resounding behind me.
???: Hey, are you two alright?!
Huh… this voice is…
???: Hah… what’s this…? You guys look okay...
Nervously, I turned to look behind me.
Haruka Nanami: Kurosaki… senpai…!? Why are you here…?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hah!? You… what’re you doin’ here?!!
Kurosaki-senpai and I both asked the same question at almost the exact same time.
Old Man: What’s this? Young lady, you were a friend of Ranmaru-chan’s this whole time?
Haruka Nanami: Ranmaru-chan…?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Wha—! Hey, don’t repeat what he just said! And Gramps, don’t call me that in front of other people, y’hear me?!
This time, the old man and myself drew back at almost the same time.
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Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hah? Helped you? By drivin’ off a bunch of thugs? Just how’d y’pull that off…
After Kurosaki-senpai received an explanation from the old woman, he looked at me suspiciously.
Haruka Nanami: About that, I’m not too sure how I should explain it myself…
Old Man: She talked to them. That’s all it was, talking.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: T-Talk!? This woman did that?
Startled, he pointed a finger at me.
Haruka Nanami: Eh, well… That isn’t wrong....I guess..
Old Woman: That’s why we owe this young lady a favor.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Are you f’real?
After a while, Kurosaki-senpai turned to the three of us.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: O-Okay... I don’t really get what’s happenin’, but in any case if you did help ‘em out you have my thanks. We took up your time, didn’t we.
Haruka Nanami: Oh no, not at all. I couldn’t do much else…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: But you helped ‘em, didn’t you? You don’t have to be overly modest. Just accept it.
Kurosaki-senpai narrowed his eyes at me with a glare, before going over to the old couple.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Well then, can you walk? It’s not that far to the restaurant, but I’ve called a taxi over there just in case.
“Sorry for the trouble,'' the old man said.
As the two of them walked over, Kurosaki-senpai turned around to look at me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I’ll take the two of ‘em home. You better be goin’ too.
Haruka Nanami: A-Ah… if so, I’ll also follow you to the restaurant…
As I said that, Kurosaki-senpai sighed.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Just what time d’you think it is?! If I tell ya to go home, then go home!!
Kurosaki-senpai yelled and pointed his finger at me sternly.
Haruka Nanami: Y-Yes, right away! Thanks for your hard work today!!
I quickly bowed my head and ran off.
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Leaving the hospital behind me, I walked for a short while.
Haruka Nanami: He’s right, it is quite late now.
As I walked, I looked down at my watch. What time does the last train come, I wonder?
Even then, today was… a lot has happened and I’m quite tired.
Haruka Nanami: Oh no, I didn’t end up paying them in the end!
Ahh, what should I do. I should really go back and pay. But everyone might have already left. I sighed out loud.
It’s no good. I didn’t even have the energy to go back.
Haruka Nanami: I’ll go back there another day. Right now, I have to get on the train or…
But, huh? Which way was the station?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Found ya! Hey, wait up!
Kurosaki-senpai came riding on a bicycle, passing by me quickly before slamming on the brakes.
Haruka Nanami: K-Kurosaki-senpai!? Wha!? I thought you had already left… is something the matter?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: What are you, an idiot or somethin’! The station’s the other way!
Kurosaki-senpai shouted, pointing to the other side of the road.
Haruka Nanami: Eh? I-I’m sorry. Come to think of it, I came by ambulance so I don’t really know where we are.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: If ya didn’t know, then don’t go walkin’ off carelessly like that! Got it? Come ‘ere.
With the bike rattling beside him, he began to guide me.
Haruka Nanami: O-Okay!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Go straight along this road and turn right at the end. Once you see the pharmacy, go left! Follow the windin’ road and you should get to the station! Ya got all of that?!
When I looked in the direction that Kurosaki-senpai pointed out, I could see the faint lights of the town.
Haruka Nanami: Y-Yes… I think I’ll be okay. I’ve got it!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: If y’got it, then don’t you dare mess up! Find your way on your own. ‘Cause really, I can’t deal with all of ya at the same time.
After he had said that, he turned the handle sharply and left.
But, where did that bike…?
I continued to stay there, watching the back of Kurosaki-senpai’s retreating figure as he rode off.
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That night in the bath, I recalled all of the things that had happened today.
Was it by chance that Kurosaki-senpai saw me walking off in the opposite direction and chased after me?
Haruka Nanami: His tone may be harsh, but he did tell me the way home…
...What a strange person.
After finishing up in the bath, I made my way to the piano.
The live show. The taste of the omurice. Kurosaki-senpai’s strict words to me.
With all the different thoughts running around in my head, I stayed up late into the night composing.
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A few days passed after that. In order to discuss the Christmas Live unit song, I arrived at the office’s meeting room.
Haruka Nanami: Excuse me…
There was no response. Does that mean there’s no one around?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: …...zzzzz.
Haruka Nanami: Wah!!?
When I looked down at the source of the noise, I noticed the chairs in the meeting room had been neatly pushed together, and I saw Kurosaki-senpai’s sleeping form laying across them.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hnn…? Ah… oh, you…
Haruka Nanami: G-G-Good morning!?
My greeting came out as an unintended question.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Fuaaaarrhh… what in the world. Your voice is so freakin’ loud this early in the morning. Aghhh… ouch. My head’s still poundin’.
Kurosaki-senpai began to wake slowly, yawning while scratching his head.
His hair was ruffled and messy.
Ai Mikaze: Morning.
The door opened, and in came Kotobuki-senpai and Mikaze-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: Alright, Rei-chan is here! And ohh? Ooohhhh?
Ranran, are you hungover?
Kotobuki-senpai addressed his question to the still half-asleep Kurosaki-senpai with a smile.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: ...Shut up. An’ how the heck are you still so put together after drinkin’ that much…
Reiji Kotobuki: Ahahaha, and even then I was nowhere near my limit~!
Ai Mikaze: The both of you are idols, you should be more careful.
Kotobuki-senpai laughs hollowly.
At that moment, Camus-senpai arrived as well, getting dragged into the conversation by Kotobuki-senpai.
My impression of everyone now is a little bit different from when I first met them last month.
Surprisingly, they seem to get along quite well.
Finally, Hyuga-sensei joined in on the meeting because he was worried about me.
Because this is the first meeting, we will be discussing things like the overall image of the song. Although, I got a bit carried away and already composed a demo track…
If there’s a chance for them to hear the demo, I’m going to try and ask them myself.
Ryuya Hyuga: Okay, let’s start this meeting. Well, it’s only the first one so how about we start with a rough image of the song?
Ai Mikaze: Image, huh. So you’re referring to the direction for the musical style or genre?
Ryuya Hyuga: Yeah, that’s right. With the intention of creating an idol song, it might be interesting to mix different elements. As the composer, what do you think?
Haruka Nanami: The genre....
Select the phrase!
Rock (+30 Love)
Haruka Nanami: After all, rock is quite cool isn’t it? The four of you have tough and adult-like impressions, so I think the best way to express that is through rock.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: ...Woman, d’you think that by sayin’ rock it would make me happy?
Kurosaki-senpai glanced at me and glared.
Haruka Nanami: No, of course not…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Well, I would be happy with rock in any case…
Reiji Kotobuki: Even though you say it like that, of course you’re happy with rock aren’t you? Right, right~?
Could this mean… Kurosaki-senpai approves of my suggestion?
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Jazz (+15 Love)
Haruka Nanami: What do you think about adding a jazz element in? All of you are very distinctive, and it brings to mind the image of a jazz session. Don’t you think it could be interesting?
Reiji Kotobuki: Jazz, hey? Yup, yup. Presenting a more adult-like feeling might not be so bad. What do you think, Ranran?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: We ain’t just talkin’ about the mood. ‘s not something you do half-heartedly either. It’s deep… like a form of art.
Haruka Nanami: Art… Kurosaki-senpai, other than rock, are you knowledgeable about jazz as well?
“A little,” he murmured.
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Classical (+0 Love)
Haruka Nanami: If we adopt a classical style into the song, it might be interesting.
All of the senpai are well-grounded in music, so a classical song would also bring out their magnificence.
Camus: Hmph, how silly. Classical music is only for the ears of nobles. It is not for the likes of fools like you.
Come to think of it, Camus-senpai plays the cello. Well, he is from a noble family of counts, so he might have some special attachment to the genre.
Reiji Kotobuki: It might be interesting, but for a live concert maybe something upbeat like rock or pop would be better?
He’s right, energy would also be an important factor.
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Ryuya Hyuga: Alright, for the style of the song, how about we try out different things when we get to the arrangement phase? Also, since this is a special unit, we’ll also be putting effort into publicity and advertising. Is there anything that you guys want to do?
Hyuga-sensei asked them, wanting to hear everyone’s opinions.
Reiji Kotobuki: Publicity? How about we do something like parade around the streets of town while singing?
Camus: You, how is that even idol-like? If there’s a disturbance, what will you do?
Ai Mikaze: What if we sent a copy of our song to every computer in the country? We could do it via the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ server…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Quit sayin’ such absurd things. The basis is mass communications and media. Where should we promote ourselves first?
Haruka Nanami: Hmm, the media? Maybe…
Select the phrase!
Fashion Magazine (+20 Love)
Haruka Nanami: How about publishing a special feature in a fashion magazine? I think the four of you are very stylish, and if it’s a fashion magazine then female fans are sure to take notice…
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Huh… not a bad idea.
Reiji Kotobuki: At the same time, we might be able to buy the clothes we wear for cheap.
Camus: Hmph, ever the frugal person, aren’t you.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Shaddap! Bein’ able to manage your funds well is rock!
Kurosaki-senpai snapped his fingers as he said so.
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Flyer Distribution (+10 Love)
Haruka Nanami: Um, what if everyone went around town handing out flyers? Wouldn’t that be pretty effective?
Ai Mikaze: That would make us feel new, but is it really okay for idols to be wandering the town giving out flyers?
Camus: That reminds me, when Her Majesty – the queen of my country – was crowned, we all walked around handing out notices. That was… splendid…
Camus-senpai is absent-mindedly lost in thought.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Not a bad idea, meetin’ our audience personally. Except no one does it these days.
Haruka Nanami: I-I’m sorry.
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Video Website (+0 Love)
Haruka Nanami: What if we made use of a video sharing website? Now, online video websites have a stronger influence over television.
Reiji Kotobuki: Oh, that could be interesting! We can do live broadcasts too. Presenting my very own live broadcast, “Reicast”!
Ai Mikaze: Then, the name of mine would be “Aicast”? But where’s the lure?
Haruka Nanami: I think that’s the wrong use of casting...
Camus: “Camuscast”... it’s unusually difficult to pronounce. “Camuscast”, maybe “Camcast” for short...
Ryuya Hyuga: What in the world, you guys… you realise that isn’t the point, right!
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Ryuya Hyuga: Well, let’s also take those opinions into account and think about how to develop our advertisement.
We talked about the plans leading up to the date and everyone’s schedules. After briefly going over everything required, we are finally able to take a break.
Ai Mikaze: Then, is that all for today? How about we decide on the date for the next meeting?
Mikaze-senpai, who had been taking minutes for the meeting looked up from his laptop.
This could be my chance.
Haruka Nanami: U-Um...! Excuse me, if it’s okay, could I please ask for a moment of your time?
At my words, everyone turned to look towards me.
Haruka Nanami: Aahh…
The next words won’t come out.
“Ah”, Hyuga-sensei chimed in as if he had remembered something.
Ryuya Hyuga: You made a demo track, didn’t you? Will you let us hear it?
Haruka Nanami: Y-Yes! The truth is… before this meeting, I went ahead on my own and composed a demo track.
At my sudden remark, everyone’s eyes went wide. Only Kurosaki-senpai’s eyes remained sharp.
Haruka Nanami: Um… would you please listen to it?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Hmph… let’s hear it then.
Kurosaki-senpai lightly crossed his arms.
Haruka Nanami: O-Okay!
Nervously, I began to play the demo track.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: ……
After listening to the song, Kurosaki-senpai remained perfectly still and quiet, hardly moving an inch.
Haruka Nanami: Ah… how was it?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: …’sn’t bad.
Haruka Nanami: Eh?
I couldn’t hear what he said very well and without thinking, I asked him again.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I said it wasn’t bad. Don’t make me repeat myself.
Could it be… he liked it?
Haruka Nanami: Y-Yes! Thank you very much!
Kurosaki-senpai dropped the sheet music he was looking at onto the table with a thud.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: We’re not about to do a careless job ‘ere. The bass ain’t bad, but it’s ruined by the arrangement. You need to think more about the song.
Haruka Nanami: That means…?
Ranmaru Kurosaki: I‘m sayin’ the song itself ain’t bad. Redo the demo again and come back!
Haruka Nanami: Okay!
Ranmaru Kurosaki: ...Just what is this mess? Is this all a joke t’you?
Haruka Nanami: I… I’m sorry! Now that I listen again, there isn’t a lot of coherence and it feels inconsistent...
Kurosaki-senpai flips through the sheet music on the table before glaring at me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: If you understand, then you better do somethin’ about it. You have the basics, don’t slack off when implementing the finishing touches.
It seems he approves of the composition for now.
I’m going to try again.
I wonder how everyone else felt about it. Nervously, I looked at each of them.
Ai Mikaze: I don’t think it was as bad as what I had been expecting. You’ve managed to capture each of our traits, so if you work yourself to death from here on out, I think we’ll be able to manage.
Haruka Nanami: To death…
But it seems like he approves.
Next to Mikaze-senpai, Camus-senpai smoothly adds sugar to his coffee.
Haruka Nanami: Camus-senpai, what did you think of it...?
I asked him this question and waited for him to finish adding sugar to his cup. It was an unbelievable amount.
Taking a small taste of his coffee, Camus-senpai sighed deeply.
Camus: At the very least, it seems like it will not require any extra effort. I will sing with my all during the performance, so you just need to do something about Kurosaki, child.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Don’t just go off sayin’ what you like. ‘Sides, I don’t remember acceptin’ any partnership.
Kurosaki-senpai glared at Camus-senpai.
Reiji Kotobuki: I see, Kouhai-chan it looks like you’ve got some talent in the musical aspect of things. Where the problem lies is with your ability to communicate.
Kotobuki-senpai gently pointed out my weakness, and without thinking I looked down at the floor.
Reiji Kotobuki: Well, in saying so, what I mean is that you and Ranran are kind of similar. I think you would make a good partner~.
Haruka Nanami: Me and Kurosaki-senpai?
Is that… so…?
Kurosaki-senpai suddenly kicked over a chair and stood up.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Don’t gimme that crap. Just where do ya think this woman and I are similar?!
He went and grabbed Kotobuki-senpai by the collar of his shirt.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ack! Hey there, no violence! Sorry, I’m sorry! Please forgive me! Ai-Ai, Myu-chan, c’mon help a guy out!
Ai Mikaze: Hmm? But it doesn’t involve me.
Camus: I have no interest in the disputes of fools. Do what you want…
Ryuya Hyuga: Hey Ranmaru, knock it off.
At Hyuga-sensei’s words, Kurosaki-senpai reluctantly let go of Kotobuki-senpai.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Tch, partner… it’s tiresome enough that she’s a woman. But on top o’that, I refuse to deal with someone who always looks so spaced out. You can do whatever ya like ‘bout the rest.
Upon saying that, Kurosaki-senpai grabs his jacket and heads towards the door. He closed the door roughly and left the meeting room.
Reiji Kotobuki: Ah, man. He’s just trying to act all tough.
But he listened to my song properly… or so I thought. I let out a small sigh.
Ryuya Hyuga: Geez, that guy’s a real piece of work, huh.
With the meeting over, everyone went about their separate jobs.
While cleaning up the meeting room, I spoke a little bit with Hyuga-sensei. I told him about what Kurosaki-senpai said to me the other day.
I told him about how he didn’t acknowledge me as his partner, how I couldn’t voice my own opinions and him getting angry about it, and things like that.
Ryuya Hyuga: Although, it’s not like there isn’t any truth in what Ranmaru is saying. I think you have talent for composing, but even now you still remain reserved in some areas. If you don’t do something about it, it might be difficult for you to become independent as a composer.
Haruka Nanami: ...Yes.
I knew that Kurosaki-senpai was making a fair point when he said those things. I couldn’t do anything but nod my head in agreement.
Ryuya Hyuga: Even though I say that, he’s taking things way too far. As much as he doesn’t like doing things with other people, and saying he doesn’t like women, this is work. If he’s running away just because he doesn’t like something, doesn’t that mean he’s no different than a kid?
“He’s usually not this stubborn when it comes to work though,” Hyuga-sensei said to me with a sigh.
Ryuya Hyuga: But in contrast to his extreme way of doing things, you have to admit he has a great talent for music. On top of that, just like you, he isn’t great with words but he’s got loads of talent for writing songs. Maybe there, you’ll be able to figure something out.
Haruka Nanami: Talent for writing songs…
Ryuya Hyuga: It’s not like he said your song was bad or anything before, right? Doesn’t that mean he acknowledges the song as a whole? That’s rare for Ranmaru.
Haruka Nanami: Is that so?
Ryuya Hyuga: Yeah, if he really thought it was bad, he would tell you so until the very end… if he didn’t say anything, then you did well.
I could only nod while recalling his menacing look during the live show.
Ryuya Hyuga: The rest is up to you and your persistence… if you’re going to give up here, that’s it. But if you’re not willing to give up, then how about you try keeping at it a little more? Students do everything they’re told. Newcomers get help from those around them. But if you want to be more than that, you have to think for yourself and make your own decisions. This will be good training for you.
Haruka Nanami: Training...
Ryuya Hyuga: That’s right. How are you going to win over the other person? Think of a strategy. If you don't show others your enthusiasm, you can’t expect to establish human relations.
Strategy, appeal. They’re requiring such advanced concepts from me, and it makes me feel overwhelmed. Seeing this, the corner of Sensei’s mouth twitches upwards.
Ryuya Hyuga: If he still continues to make trouble for you after that, I’ll go over there and drag him out myself. Don’t worry about it.
Haruka Nanami: I understand! I’ll do my best.
Ryuya Hyuga: That’s the spirit. I’m expecting good things from you.
As he was leaving, Sensei patted me on the back with a smack.
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After leaving the office, I visited a café in the neighborhood. Strategy, huh…
While drinking my cafe latté, I let myself lean against the back of the chair. Beyond the pillar, I could hear the conversation of the table next to me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: Sorry for bein’ late. My last appointment ran overtime.
Huh…? Kurosaki-senpai is sitting across from a man in a black suit.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: For this month.
He lays a white envelope on the table.
The suited man takes the envelope and examines the contents.
Man in Suit: Alright, I’ve received it… I must say, you’ve worked hard. At this rate, someday you might actually finish the repayments.
As he said that, the suited man put away the envelope into his briefcase.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: This ain’t a question of me working hard or not. There’s no one aside from me who can make these payments. I don’t have a choice. Tch, that old man. He was fooled in the end, then he goes and dies leaving nothing but trouble… what a thoughtless man. As the son of the Kurosaki family, I have to set things straight as one of the people left behind. Any problems within my family become my problems.
After that, Kurosaki-senpai continued to speak with the suited man for a bit.
The Kurosaki household, a large debt, family lawyer… those kinds of words started jumping out at me.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: The only thing I have that can make money is music. Now, and in the past, I won’t forgive failure ‘cause I’m always standing on the edge. I’ll still be causing trouble for you for awhile, but… I‘m counting on you.
The man nodded, bowing slightly before leaving the café.
Kurosaki-senpai finished the last of his iced coffee, setting down his glass on the table with a clink.
Ranmaru Kurosaki: That’s why… I can only survive on my own.
Kurosaki-senpai murmured those words as he stared at his empty glass.
(Chapter End)
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knightofconcordia · 1 year
Hello! I'm here to request. Can you do a Valkyrie(not separated) with reader where they are all preparing for a Live like they do be helping each other getting ready and what happens after the Live? I know it's kinda long so it's understandable why you won't take it but if you do, thank you.(btw sfw pls)
Ooo interesting concept, i'd love to do this req!
I may not be good at coming up with stuff for Valkyrie and I may not know what the hell goes on after lives but I can try!
apologies if it's too ooc!
You tugged on the edges of Mika's costume for the fifth time in the last 20 minutes. "Nnah... Producer-san, I think it's fine already," the boy said, watching you fix every little detail of the outfit. "...right, sorry Mika, I just wanted to make sure you're ready for the Live," you say, smoothing the fabric and standing up. "And you know how Shu's super particular about wrinkles and stuff, right?" Mika giggled lightly at your response.
"What's all the giggling here?" Shu asked as both he and Nazuna came over to the two of you as he'd just finished fixing the latter's outfit as well. "Nothing, nothing," you said with a wave of your hand, still smiling. Shu raised an eyebrow disbelievingly but said nothing.
"Uwaaa Nazuna-nii and Oshi-san look so elegant..." Mika said, looking at the other two in admiration. "Dunno if I can perform the new song all that well-" You were about to say something and looked over at Shu, unsure if you should be the one to say something. However he just crossed his arms expectantly, as if waiting for something. Or someone.
"Mika-chin!" Nazuna's voice broke through Mika's self-deprecating stupor. The smaller male strode forward to stand right in front of him, putting his hands on his hips. "Don't talk about yourself like that, 'kay? We practiced this song a bunch of times and you did great those times! So don't start doubting yourself as soon as we step onstage."
You looked over at Shu again. Did he know this was going to happen? He caught you while your eyes were on him and scoffed quietly. "Kagehira is more than competent enough for these Lives. He has much more potential to bloom than he realizes. If he can't find it in himself to overcome his self-consciousness and doubt, well. Let's just say I won't let that happen."
While Nazuna was encouraging Mika, you turned to Shu, considering his words. You reached over to fix his jabot. "You... see him as a lot more than just a doll, don't you? No matter what he believes, you see him as a partner. A friend. Right?" The pink-haired man smoothed out his clothes as you finished and looked you up and down as if judging you. "Of course. Kagehira is a vital part of Valkyrie, and I consider him as such. I wouldn’t dream of performing without him."
"Ah crap I totally lost track of the time!" You suddenly remembered you weren't there for fun, the four of you actually had a job to do. You checked your watch, and seeing as there was a little time left for goodbyes before they went onstage.
"Alright guys, it's almost time," you said, catching their attention. "You got this. The new song has absolutely nothing on you - you're gonna do great, I believe in you!" You cheered, hoping it would raise their spirits and morale as they were about to leave. Mika smiled, relaxing a bit. "Thanks Producer-san... Knowing that 'ya and Oshi-san and Nazuna-nii believe in me... It feels great!" Nazuna laughed, lightly hitting Mika's back. "Yeah, just trust in me, Y/N, and Itsuki, we're right behind you." "Like always," Shu added with face that seemed to say, "isn't that obvious?"
"Okay! Well there's nothing else I can say except... good luck." You send one last smile to them before escorting them out the door and toward the stage.
Like usual, their performance today was just as mesmerizing and beautiful as ever. They dominated both the stage and their audience, captivating them and holding their attention with elegant dance and rich vocals, the enthralling stage gripping you as you didn’t dare look away. As their producer you had seen them practice and perform many times but it still managed to enchant you every time.
Of course this also meant that when the Live was done you had to rush backstage to get what you had prepare for their return. Also meaning you were as out of breath as they were. “Great job, all of you!” You said, panting as you handed out water to them as they came backstage. Nazuna chuckled softly upon seeing your condition. “Couldn’t look away from the stage, huh?” He teased with a smile. Your face reddened in embarrassment and looked down. “Listen, you- gah… I’m- shut it!”
The four of you sat together in the green room talking and laughing. “So…. any plans after this?” You asked. “Im’a be repairing some of the stuffed toys I found the other day…. nothin’ else much though,” Mika said. “I might just turn in for the night when I get back to the dorms after I eat dinner or something,” Nazuna shrugged, and Shu simply huffed quickly. “I must tend to Mademoiselle… however if time allows I might relax in the ES lounge. Why do you ask?” You grinned at his words. “Good question! I was thinking… I’m taking you guys out to dinner. What do you think? It’s my treat!”
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nimue-hidden-lake · 8 months
A question for Hokuto Hidaka: 1. What's the weirdest petname s/i has ever called you? what's the weirdest petname you've ever called them? (dragonsmooch)
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No color coding. It is only Hokuto speaking.
Ask Game
“Hello. Thank you for your question. Though it is… A… Ahem… Interesting one? I would have never expected that… But alas, I will answer to the best of my abilities…”
“I admit, they are not all too common but Anja–San will sometimes throw some around in German and they are all… Weird sounding perhaps yet also equally  embarrassing, to a degree. Not as much as her nickname for me though… I will never get used to ‘Hokke–Chan’ … 
Ahem, that aside, I think the weirdest sounding  pet name ever coming out of her mouth was… Shu… Shunu… Schnucki  … It is a little embarrassing but its sound is also… Interesting, let’s put it that way.
The weirdest nickname I have ever used… Hmm… If I had to judge from her reaction back then… Probably Puffin. Why did I do it again? This is a little embarrassing…
I hope it was at least somewhat interesting. Once more, thank you for your question.” 
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apples-of-eden · 2 years
Romantic moments?
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Note: Laito and Natsu will skip this question along with Shu and Ophelia
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Suzume: “It definitely had to be our anniversary! Ayato-sama took me to this gorgeous animal sanctuary and we had a picnic in this cute little chapel on the grounds... He was so proud of himself that day!”
Ayato: “Heh, that’s because I made sure we both had a blast, Kyonyuu! I actually enjoyed the day too... Because it’s the anniversary of the day you became mine.”
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Sharon: “Oh! This happened just the other day actually! I woke up to find Subaru-kun had already gotten up, which is odd because he’s rarely gets out of the coffin first. Anyway, I could smell something sweet coming from the kitchen, so I followed my nose and...surprise! Subaru-kun was there making pancakes for me! Isn’t that sweet? They were a little burnt around the edges and the strawberries on top were cut in a rather...unique fashion but they were still the best pancakes I’ve ever tasted!”
Subaru: “O-Oi! I thought we were gonna keep that a secret between us!?”
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Tomoky: "Eh? Hmmm... Now, this is difficult."
Kanato: "Of course, she says so because she can't remember, as there are a lot, or not, Doll?"
Tomoky: "U-Uhm... Yeah. I remember that time when Kanato allowed me to repair Teddy."
Kanato: "Teddy's stitches were old already and one of his arms was torn apart... As she had been really good lately, and asked me nicely, I allowed Doll to repair him. I wouldn't let anyone do this normally, but she deserved a little bit more of privilege."
Tomoky: "I know how important Teddy is for Kanato, and the fact that I could help him preserve his most preciated plushie a little bit longer... It felt warm in my chest, just relaxing a little while sewing with special detail."
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Mana: “There are a lot of romantic moments between Reiji-san and I, which probably isn’t a big surprise considering how much of a gentleman he can be. Of course there are lots of other moments which can be less pleasant as well but let’s not focus on that right now... Well, if I had to pick one romantic moment in particular, I must admit I really liked our most recent a stroll through the garden, kissing under the moonlight, having deep conversations... Yes, memories like this are really dear to me.”
Reiji: “I must agree that the events of that particular night were plenty enjoyable. However for the next time you should wear a warmer jacket or bring a blanket, so I don’t need to nurse you all the way back to health after you catching a cold once again, my dear.”
Mana: “Once again? I’m afraid I really tend to get sick quite easily...”
Reiji: “As expected of a mortal’s body. But worry not, I will work on improving those cricumstances.”
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 9 months
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Day 254: Monday September 11, 2023 - "This was 26 months"
This post contributed from Audrie, after a month that saw her working more than ever, and balancing Motherhood with life.
William really boomed in his 26th month cycle, and if the two's weren't upon us before they certainly are now. We experienced a little bat of regression, and had a few long stretches of mama at work, paired with returning to school for his second official first day in the books. He grew this month in every way a being can grow. His shirts are a little shorter and tighter (cant really get away with many more of his 18 month clothing items he's been wearing some of since he was 6 months old), he is definitely in the 2T and growing! We went through a couple new pairs of shoes, retired the choo-choo train tevas and got new blue ones, and a slew of sneakers we've been trying out, the lighting ones seem to be the best fit for now. He also has had an incredible language boom. New words and phrases and William Original-isms, that are sometimes downright hilarious. He even seems to have grown into his wild hair, even though it is longer and more outrageous than perhaps ever before, we've been getting less and less of the "she" and "her" pronouns as the hair just seems to fit our fun filled, joyful, smiling, silly boy. We think less and less about cutting it now, and talk about how happy we are that we didn't. He chooses each day if he wants a "boy bun" or "Hair down" for school, and more often than not now he wants to wear it down. We are definitely still in the rocket-train-monster-truck-boat-airplane-phase, and I have to say I love it. He's all about it. If it flies, if it sails, if it rolls, it's easy to incorporate learning; of colors, numbers, letters, shapes, directions, prepositions, safety, and more with his hook into the vehicle obsession. And he still has an affinity for nature, animals, dogs, people, the trees, the mountains, the weather. He asks if the "rain is coming to cool it down" on the hot afternoons and the other day when I asked him where his water bottle went (when I knew we had left it at the grocery store in the cart parked in the return stall), he looked off to the side, recalling where his special thermos school water bottle was last, and he clear as day recalled and said "It's in the cart" then had a slight look of worry for he knew it had been left behind. He recalls and recounts memories of his travel and adventures, the most of which seems to be San Fran Cisco, and the boat ride under the bridge, and the choo choo train he rode at the zoo there, when he got to ride on Mama's airplane for the first time and help her do her work. This experience at this point in his development and growth has given new meaning to his memories. He is undoubtedly now more attuned to where is mama going, and thinks of course every time I am flying it is to San Fran Cisco! He also noted that when we adventure we go to visit/see the city! When we had a Tucson overnight following San Francisco, and he waltzed over to the sliding glass door in the hotel room and pulled the curtains back, and pointed outdoors while emphatically requesting to "Go and See the City." He also spins out memories of Hawaii, and beaches, and boats, and places and faces we know he now knows, and remembers and recalls. Its really special witnessing this stage and these pieces of him unfold. William is blooming and booming. And it is like they say -- going faster and faster, as the days press on, and this joy baby closes the gap on his infancy and is full steam ahead into his childhood. We wander into his room at night before we go to bed, and just marvel at his long legs stretched out in his green sleepy sack, and watch his sweet face peacefully be in his dreams. Even on his fussy days and stretches, William is at his core just as he has always been -- Sweet, loving, easygoing, joyful.
Favorite Food: Bunny Crackers & Popsicles
Favorite Song: Patty Shukla - Choo Choo Train Song
Favorite Book: Garbage Trucks (just a little flip book of different kinds of Garbage Trucks - that was the obsession this month).
Favorite Show: Car Wash on Youtube
Favorite Toy(s): The Green Toys Trucks and Train he won as potty prizes
Best Phrase: "I like trains and garbage trucks" said to pretty girl next to him on the airplane.
Favorite Favorite: Riding Trains at The Zoos
Least Favorite: Daddy trying to do bedtime, while Mama is at home and perfectly available.
Song: Patty Shukla - Choo Choo Train Song
Quote:“There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start.” ― Shel Silverstein
This was 25 months This was 24 Months This was 23 Months This was 22 Months This was 21 Months This was 20 Months This was 19 months This was 18 months This was 17 months This was 16 months This was 15 months This was 14 months This was 13 months This is 12 Months This is 11 months This was 10 months This was 9 months This was 8 months This was 7 months This was 6 months This was 5 months
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kageira · 2 years
                              return  to  your  hometown  &.    don't  come  back.
he  never  thought  that  eight  words  could  pierce  him  through.    he  never  thought  any  words  at  all  could  pierce  him  as  badly  as  this  did,    puncturing  his  insides  as  if  he  were  a  balloon,    every  spot  vital,    needed.    every  fibre  of  his  being,    at  every  point  in  time,    begs  for  him  to  be  near  shu,    to  stick  by  his  side  through  thick  &.    thin  &.    everything  terrible  that  could  ever  happen  with  him.    it  makes  mika  happy.    it  makes  him  feel  as  if  he's  useful,    as  if  he  has  some  purpose  in  this  world.    though  he'd  had  plenty  to  look  after  back  when  he  had  lived  at  the  orphanage  with  all  the  other  children,    he  feels  a  certain  obligation  toward  his  unit  partner,    a  bond  which  had  been  so  suddenly  forged  that  fateful  day  when  mika  had  run  into  him  :    this  well  dressed,    well  kept,    most  beautiful  boy  that  he  had  ever  seen  in  his  entire  life    (  if  mika  had  believed  him  a  god  before,    then  he  believes  him  a  universe  now  ;    even  now,    stoic  &.    cold,    he's  the  most  beautiful  person  mika  has  ever  seen  ).
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❝        sorry,    oshi-san  …  ?    i  don't  really  know  what  you're  askin'  …      ❞        he  hopes  he  doesn't,    anyways.    maybe  it's  just  some  misunderstanding.    maybe  mika  had  heard  him  wrong.    he  can't  imagine  returning  to  his  hometown  without  shu,    knowing  that  they  wouldn't  see  each  other  ever  again.        ❝        i  don't  see  why  returnin'  home  would  do  ya  any  good  ?    i  still  gotta  stay  here  an'  make  money  for  valkyrie.    i  can't  do  that  if  i'm  back  home  …  ?        ❞        maybe  it's  because  he's  going  to  france  that  he  thinks  valkyrie  won't  stay  afloat.    but  mika  is  bound  &.    determine  to  see  it  through,    even  if  he  won't  be  any  good  at  it.        ❝        an'  you  can't  be  a  unit  with  just  yerself.    those're  the  rules.    i'm  gonna  stay  in  valkyrie  for  as  long  a              ❞
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@itshuki​.    “you’re  no  longer  useful  to  me.  ”
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mid-word,    mika's  voice  suddenly  cuts  off,    flinching  upward  in  such  a  way  as  if  he  had  suddenly  been  gripped  by  the  throat  &.    shaken  like  a  ragdoll.    he  looks  shaken,    too,    his  expression  as  shocked  as  the  feelings  that  suddenly  spike  inside  his  chest,    his  stomach             his  throat,    which  carries  the  brunt  of  the  pain.    no  longer  useful  ?    no  longer  useful  ?        ❝        …        ❞        no  longer  useful  ?    he's  sure  by  now  that  shu  knows  him  inside  &.    out    (  he  won't  have  it  any  other  way  ).    shu  knows  his  flaws,    knows  his  strengths,    knows  his  weaknesses,    knows  what  can  make  him  smile  …  &.    knows  what  hurts  him  the  deepest.    knows  that  mika  would  be  the  perfect  doll  for  him  if  that  was  what  he  wanted,    knows  that  he  could  make  him  do  his  bidding  for  the  rest  of  his  life  &.    he  would  do  it  all,    no  questions  asked.    throw  himself  in  front  of  a  car  for  him,    take  a  bullet  for  him,    willingly  &.    eagerly  &.    without  even  breaking  a  smile,    if  that  was  what  he  wanted.
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no  longer  useful.    that  hurts.    &.    for  the  first  time,    pain  flickers  across  mika's  expression.    there's  that  fear  in  his  stomach,    twisting  in  the  way  it  had  only  twisted  once  before  with  shu.    that  time,    shu  had  been  the  one  broken  down.    but  now  ?    shu  has  never  been  the  one  who's  caused  it,    &.    it  frightens  mika.        ❝        …  what'd'ya  mean,    oshi-san  …  ?        ❞      「  please.    please  don't  tell  me  that.    please  think  of  one  way  i'm  useful.    please  don't  throw  me  away.    please  don't  throw  me  away  the  way  my  parents  did.    please  don't.    」    oh,    he's  never  cried  because  of  shu  before,    but  the  tears               ❝        ya  don't  think  …  i  …  sor        …  sorry,    osh        …        ❞        &.    the  words  can  no  longer  come,    &.    he  raises  the  back  of  his  hand  to  cover  his  eye,    turning  away.
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* . ゜ more  random  dialogue  prompts  !             𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗. 
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twilightmalachite · 8 months
Raison d’être - Epilogue 2
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Mhm. It appears my grandfather started to play little games while he was studying in Paris."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Apartment in France
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Mika: Right. And when studyin’ abroad, Grandfather was apart from his family, the source of such oppression. He no longer had t’hide “that side” of him—
Shu: Mhm. It appears my grandfather started to play little games while he was studying in Paris.
In other words, he’d dress in women’s clothing, and become “MADEMOISELLE”
Mika: That’s what the dollmaker in Raison d’être, “Ore”, did.
But truth is, it was Grandfather who’d dress in women’s clothing and become a girl.
Shu: Yes. And one day, while Grandfather was enjoying his time, relieving stress in this way, he comes upon a mysterious house surrounded by roses within the forest.
In the story, it was made into a mansion within the city, for the sake of appearances and storytelling, but in reality it was just a small cabin in the woods.
Living there was an unusual woman who had been laboriously creating dolls as a hobby, away from the public eye.
Mika: Mhm, that dollmaker also really existed!
Shu: However, it appears she and Grandfather did not develop a romantic relationship, like in the story.
Because, at that time, Grandfather had become a woman—he had become “MADEMOISELLE”.
Mika: Right. That dollmaker lady and Grandfather—“MADEMOISELLE”, became close as “friends of the same sex”.
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Mika: “I love you”.
But that “love” was nothing more than simple fondness towards another friend.
Shu: Incidentally, this dollmaker lady who was Grandfather’s close friend, is the landlady of the house I am currently boarding at.
Mika: Ah, right, ‘course she’d still be alive!
Shu: Mhm. She had made her dolls for herself, but Grandfather shamelessly put a price on them and bought them for a high sum—
And ever since, she lost all inspiration and ceased making dolls.
Mika: Grandfather told me ‘bout that in detail, while he was Raffaello-san. From the way he spoke of it, it sounds like he really regrets it…
Shu: He tarnished something important to his close friend, and he mourned that. It’s a shame and disgrace that lasts a lifetime.
Well, for the landlady herself, it was the trigger that got her to stop living an isolated life. Since got a typical job, got married, began a family, and continues to live a peaceful life—
If anything, according to her, she is grateful towards Grandfather.
But, perhaps those words were spoken out of consideration for me. The truth is, my grandfather was guilty in the respect that he closed off the future of an artist.
It appears my grandfather is very remorseful for what he’s done, and this building among others was financed and built by him. He even went out of the way to prepare an unused atelier—
Mika: Hehe, Grandfather’s still hung up on yer landlady’s work, huh?
Shu: He must have really adored it. Nevertheless, it appears that my landlady never created another work of art.
Her final work was of Grandfather dressed in women’s clothes from the time—that “MADEMOISELLE” doll.
My grandfather led a double life, studying and working as himself, while also performing as “MADEMOISELLE”, dressed in women’s clothes.
However, he didn’t want his family to know about that fact.
It was for that purpose that he had a doll made that looked exactly like himself, to function as an alibi.
One that would sit by the window of the house and be witnessed by himself.
So that the truth that he and that beautiful girl—“MADEMOISELLE”, were the same person, could avoid being found out.
Mika: Mhm. It’s a doll, so of course it wouldn’t age.
Shu: Yes. That’s the logic behind there being photographs and such from back then pasted within the diary, with “MADEMOISELLE” and my grandfather side by side.
My grandfather was “MADEMOISELLE”, but there was also a doll that looked just like him.
So it was possible for them to both be in a photograph at the same time.
All the mysteries are solved.
The reason my grandfather held this Funeral Contest farce can be deduced if you know the circumstances behind it.
At the time, Grandfather had no choice but to separate an important part of himself due to the times and his family circumstance—
I suppose he wanted to retrieve this nameless girl “MADEMOISELLE”, both himself and his imaginary close friend, back into his soul.
To achieve that, he used a diary with a hidden significance and the terminal Mr. Raffaello to guide us to the ‘truth”.
Mika: Even though he could’a just told us normally. Grandfather really is playful, huh?
Shu: He must have already gone mad then, mad. In the end, we’re just here to play along to this old man’s games.
No, rather, he knew if it were me, I would be able to arrive upon the “truth” and fulfill his wishes without becoming disillusioned upon its discovery—I suppose he trusted me with that.
Mika: Right. That’s why Grandfather chose Oshi-san’s—our proposal for the Funeral Contest, didn’t he?
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Mika: In the end, while “Boku” and “Ore” never got together in the story…
Upon the stage, a moment becomes eternity. Those two will be in love with each other for eternity within the memories of those who watched—They shall continue t’exist with those same feelings.
A nameless girl, who was forgotten t’exist, can spend eternity in the heaven that is that stage. Together with her favorite “Boku”, Grandfather.
It ended the same as the reality, as a tragedy. But at the very least, we don’t have t’pretend those happy days never happened.
We won’t let that happen.
Understandin’ our feelings, Grandfather was satisfied too.
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ibasae · 2 years
Sprout * Waning Hermitage - Sunday 2
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Mika: Ngh~...
Shu: Don't make that deflated sounding noise!
What's gotten into you? You've been "ngh"ing nonstop since a bit ago. Don't make those obnoxious sounds.
Mika: Okay, Oshi-san~...'s just that since ya rarely ever get to come visit, I made lots of plans~?
But Oshi-san went into work mode immediately, 's a shame.
Shu: Plans...? for what?
Mika: Um.. There's a limited lunch dish at the cafe that looks real good, I wanna check it out with Oshi-san.
An' a handicrafts shop ya might like opened at the mall~ so I wanna take ya there too. An'---
Shu: Ha, that's enough of that --- did you forget why I came to Japan?
Mika: 'Course I remember~ 's for our new song, right?
But 's been so long since ya last visited, so I thought it'd be fine if we toured the city a little.
Shu: Don't waste my precious time on things like that. Other than spending bouts of time doing things like that, we could be improving the quality of our new song.
Mika: I know I know~ but we can have a little bit of fun, right?
Shu: My goodness...
(Speaking of which... I have not given Kagehira his present. I meant to give it to him after the meeting, but it'll probably lift his mood if I did it now. It might be better this way.)
(Yeah, I'll go get it from my room.)
Shu: Wait here, Kagehira. I'm going to my room to get something.
Mika: Eh? Uh, 'M fine with that...?
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Shu: Um, take this, Kagehira.
Mika: Ah?! For me? What's this?
Shu: It's a gift. I saw something nice so I got it for you.
Mika: Uwah♪ 'm so happy! Thank ya, Oshi-san! Can I open it now?
Shu: It's quite alright. Use this to lift your mood and focus on the song.
Mika: Mhm, I know! Lemme see ---
Eh?! A porcelain doll?! Can I really take something this nice?
Shu: Ah, with a stroke of luck, I came across her by accident.
You've been lonely without Mademoiselle to talk to, right?
It's not Mademoiselle, but it should ease it a little.
Mika: Thank ya so much! I'll treasure her well♪
Shu: Okay, happy now? Come back here and let's talk about work.
The new song's concept is created by Kagehira, and I'm handling the stage designs... How's that coming along, Kagehira? Do you have the draft yet?
Mika: Um...I did start it, but I kinda got stuck at a bottleneck.
Shu: Humu...What has gotten you stuck?
Mika: Uh, I want this MV to have a storyline... but I can't seem to figure out what impression I want it to leave.
Hm~ I dunno... I was thinkn' something about an artist so obsessed with beauty, he trapped his lover in a piece of art? That lonely and eternal kinda beauty.
Shu: Oh, that's darker than I imagined. I thought you'd go for a lighter topic.
Mika: Uwah, is that bad... but aren't a lot of fairytales tragedies? I kinda want to create a gothic fairytale, yanno?
Shu: I'm not saying that the topics of "eternity" and "lonliness" are bad.
Every artist has the want to explore beauty in depth. Plus it fits with Valkyrie's image.
Mika: That's good. 's just that the concept is so vague--- I dunno what to do next.
Shu: I see... I understand the situation well now.
It never hurts to try. How about we expand on the concept a little...
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Shu: Humu...that should do it.
Mika: Oshi-san is so cool...! You expanded us this much over an hour of conversation, now it's all clear!
Shu: That's only because I was in charge of most events before this. This is the difference having experience makes.
As for the title --- how do you like "Acanthe"?
Mika: Acc...ount?[1] What a strange word... It kinda sounds like a word in kansai dialect.
Shu: Kagehira...you have to expand your horizons. It's Acanthus in English, the name of a flower.
Mika: But why is the song called "Acanthe"? I dont really see a connection...?
Shu: The flower language for it means "art" and "technique," doesn't that fit with our theme? [2]
Mika: Ahhh, flower language! Oshi-san is so cool.
Shu: I'd prefer you get to this level yourself, rather than just praising me.
Speaking of which, now that we've decided on most things, let's start practicing tomorrow.
Look up the pronouncation of the word "acanthe"
It also means "eternity"
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ourimpavidheroine · 1 year
Come on, give us some OC lore!
My brain is kind of empty thanks to moving but let me see what I can dredge up.
Lozan's oldest child - the next Firelord after him - is named Mako.
When Sayuri goes to explore Madame Zong's home after she inherits it she will find the portrait of Zong's little daughter in Zong's bedroom - and will immediately see that the baby has the same eyes that she does. Zong will leave her a handwritten note in the frame telling her who the baby is - her great-aunt, of course, Wu's aunt by birth - and who she (Zong) is as well. Sayuri, understanding how incredibly devastated Wu would be if he found out who Zong was after all those years, puts the painting away and never tells him. She never tells anyone until she gives her granddaughter Zetian the portrait, after Wu dies.
Jasmine - Poppy and Jai's oldest daughter - will become the president of Zaofu after Orchid retires, not one of Orchid's daughters. Jasmine takes after both of her parents. God help that city.
A sort of United Nations is formed - it's headquarters is in Republic City - and Iris will become Zaofu's representative there. Bhuti will become the Air Nation's representative there. Bhuti becomes a very fine diplomat indeed and is known posthumously for bringing about a peace accord in the southeastern part of the former Earth Kingdom, something that takes her about 20 years to accomplish.
A Hou-Ting will sit again on the throne of what is known as the nation of Ba Sing Se. There will be an elected Parliament but the Earth King/Queen (as they continue to be known) will be a part of the political landscape, not just a figurehead.
Katsura and Setsu do get married and do eventually have children. Katsura will eventually become the conductor and later the director of the Republic City Orchestra and her mother is very, very proud of her.
Lady Chun and Lady Chaiyun will marry and live out their golden years together, enjoying their grandchildren and great-grandchildren from Katsura and Wu.
After Zu's grandmother dies his father will go back to his own family in Gaoling, never to return. He will quietly and happily live out his days there, building his models and welcoming visits from his sons and grandchildren. Ning, Zu's unmarried older brother, will never marry but will instead live with his mother, who will assure anyone who will (or will not) listen that it is only because they just haven't yet found a girl who is good enough for him, not because he is a wanker.
Shu will never become a femme fatale mover star but she does okay with the ingenue roles until she ages out of them, by which time she's kind of done with movers anyhow. She ends up writing a gossip column for the most famous of the celebrity fan magazines (think Hedda Hopper) and becomes far more famous that way than she ever was as a mover star. She never marries but lives in a luxury condo with several Northern Snowball cats and travels first class and always gets the best tables at every restaurant and all and all lives the kind of life she always dreamed of. She and Naoki will never be friends but as adults they will be friendly with each other, which is probably all that anybody could ask for, really.
Ping's oldest sister is widowed when her only son is five years old. Per sandbender tradition, he is given to Ping to help raise. That's Rehzki, and Ping and Zhi help raise him to adulthood along with San and Amak's two boys, Bojing and Onartok. As an adult Rehzki will live in the desert, however. He will learn to read and write and will also learn both metalbending and earthbending along with Bojing from San. (He'll never master lavabending, nor will Bojing. There won't be another lavabender until Bojing's grandson, the next avatar, is born.)
Meelo's careful husbandry and breeding program for the air bison will bring them back from the edge of extinction and will ensure their continued health and diversity in the future. It's his legacy, and one his father would be incredibly proud of.
Hmmm. That's all that is going on in my head at the moment. If you want to ask me about a specific OC then go right ahead!
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