#kagehira mika
chawawanya · 8 months
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Le temps des fleurs
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p-adeliaee · 2 months
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liorlen · 6 months
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a redraw of a shot from le temps des fleurs that made me run in circles for an hr before I could calm down
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readysetogo · 2 months
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my immediate thought when seeing mika’s new casual wear was that it reminds me on kintsuji
it’s a japanese pottery technique that fixes ceramics by bringing the broken pieces together with gold. it’s meant to show beauty in imperfections and how broken history can be healed.
i think that kind of symbolism is sweet and really suits mika’s character!!
also i think these colors look very nice on him (very meikyuu denshi kairou) and overall this outfit really suits his sense of style…. kinda ugly but in a way that’s really endearing… i love it a lot waaah
anyways i hope you don’t mind that i use your image for my anime boy analysis, model thinkers dot com
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mdkm444 · 1 year
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shu with a side of shumika for these trying times…
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sxkuzx · 18 days
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lovesickp · 3 months
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valkyrie redesign (*^-^) /j
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eveh-koko · 1 year
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shu...your waist
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radicallyplastic · 4 months
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did somebody say 4/13 ??????
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kuraeyaa · 4 months
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piece from last inktober ,,, 🦋
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akta00earthworm00 · 6 months
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chawawanya · 5 months
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me like..acanthe..yes me love
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nazubun · 25 days
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liorlen · 5 months
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Fair Blodeuwedd, fashioned from the flowers of the oak, the broom, and the meadowsweet.
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princeclockwork · 1 month
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New casual swap 💜
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onhiku · 3 months
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i finally properly made enstars fanmerch after being a fan for 9 years LMAO
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