#if she catches u poking around in her journal her approval of you will Tank tho you would have to Kiss Ass to get back on her good side
sporefound · 5 months
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed? What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
nita's past is something she keeps super close to her chest. yvonne, who she used to be, is dead & safer for it. with yvonne dead, amanita has room to take root. if anyone were to connect her with her past ( which would be difficult for anyone who's not involved in her society - familicide isn't something out of pocket for drow ) it could paint a target on her back. they would be digging up the skeletons in her closet & said skeletons would come for her.
you have to be pretty high approval with her to share much of anything about how she grew up. she tries to hide how young she is in terms of drow ( which is part of why she dyes her hair black. as well as the rejection of the importance drow society puts in hair, it's also a way to seem wiser. older. better. ) & how she feels like a fish out of water traveling with a bunch of would-be heroes.
she's still learning how to be. how to be herself, how to be a druid, how to exist in the world she is meant to help shape & it is hard. there are a lot of habits she has to unlearn & that general paranoia surrounding being known is one of said habits.
i feel like, the higher her approval, the farther back in her past she is willing to go. first, she'll mention her home. her gardens. her wares. then she will shift to meeting her circle. then the myconoids. then the river. then her childhood home & eventually her family.
she prefers to exist as a separate entity from her past, though part of her arc has to do with unpacking & applying the things she's learned since it's only been a decade since she 'died' & that's really not a lot of time for a frow or a druid.
another secret you can stumble upon is in the underdark. she leaves the party briefly, thinking that she is content to die at home & become fertilizer for her garden. but she gro0ws restless, she starts hearing the absolute's call & maybe ( depending on approval ) misses the party.
so she tracks them back down & shows up in camp again. if you're friends with her, she will bring you to her home before she temporarily parts ways & show you what she's been trying desperately to get back to.
another secret you can stumble into is in act three. in baldur's gate, nita gets a bit antsy. she's got connections, friends from her time as a merchant. though not all of her products are... conventional. you find you that she is also a proprietor of certain drugs that spread through the city. she's got friends, enemies & she doesn't like not being able to see them coming. she might share that with someone she is close to, but it's unlikely - it would likely have to be a platonic soulmate or romanced character.
another, nother secret you can stumble into can be found in the underdark. i think it would be hilarious if you could find one of her siblings' bodys with a note on them implying that they've been searching for yvonne's body to confirm that she was no longer a threat. going back & forth between ' lolth told me so ' & just like paranoid ramblings that make them insane. nita will try to dismiss said ramblings as insanity & get rid of the note
something you could only find out if she were to die would be tht she can't just Come Back with a revivify scroll. if eel like she warded herself against basic ones & carries one on her body, but with certain requirements. there are elements needed to bring her back, your blood included. because if you aren't willing to bleed for her what right do you have to deny her a peaceful death? this can lead to dialogue abt her looking forward to death as peace, though she would like to continue living death is just a part of that. she would find new life in death whether her corpse fed animals or plants or anythign in between. she wouldn't stop affecting the world just because her body was no longer viable.
she is terrified of withers. she won't tell you this, but you can find that out via her journal. if she finds out you know, she will be beyond pissed & burn her own journal out of spite. on that note that you can find her journal & read it if you go through her stuff. she will be very mad & burn it if she finds out anyone is taking advantage of it but there are lots of little details abt how she perceives the story as it passes. u have to pass stealth/sleight of hand checks to avoid her finding out.
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